begin at 10:00 with a puppet show and then head to find eggs. Committed To Growing In Our Love for God, Each Other and Our Neighbors March 22, 2015 Welcome to worship at Milwood! If you came as a guest today, we hope you will leave as a friend. We invite our guests to check the table near the office for more information about Milwood Church. There are also resources available for those with questions about the Christian faith. This morning we welcome Ben Schaefer to lead our morning service. He currently serves as a chaplain at Borgess Hospital. His message to us, “Gratefulness in the Face of Suffering,” is based on Luke 24:13-35. This evening we welcome Rev Ken Kruithoff. Tonight’s message, based on Romans 8:31-39, is entitled, “Zip. Zero. Zilch.” Next Sunday morning (Palm Sunday), Maundy Thursday and Easter Sunday our guest pastor will be Rev. Dale Slings. Rev. Ken Kruithoff will lead our service next Sunday evening. YEAR-TO-DATE OFFERINGS (JULY - FEBRUARY): Gen. Fund Received $184,986 Gen. Fund Budgeted $229,983 (under budget) ($44,997) FEBRUARY OFFERINGS: Gen. Fund Received $20,229 Gen. Fund Budgeted $27,057 (under budget) ($6,828) Missionary Support $1,175 Building Fund $242 Christian Education Fund $737 Benevolence Fund $185 Alternatives of Kalamazoo $47 Open Door Ministries $46 Ministry with Community $62 NAME CHANGE: The Upper Room Church is now House of Prayer Church (Spanish name: Iglesia Casa de Oracion). If you see the abbreviation HP or HoP, it refers to House of Prayer. Large print bulletins & hymnals & audio receivers can be picked up from an usher. Children’s bulletins are also available. A CHILDREN’S AND TEEN’S MINISTRIES nursery is available downstairs for infants & toddlers during worship services. \ ANNOUNCEMENTS COOKIES NEEDED: Last names starting with E - K bring cookies next week. “WE”: Everyone is invited to join in a time of food, fellowship, and learning about God’s love and His law after the morning service TODAY! Even if you did not sign up in advance, you are welcome to join us. If you can’t join us today, please put these future “WE” events on your calendar so that you can join us next time: Apr. 19, May 17 & June 7. KIDS WANTED! – All children ages 2-12 are invited to help open our Palm Sunday worship next week by entering the sanctuary waving palm branches during the first song. Please meet in the narthex at the back of the sanctuary between 9:55 and 10 am to get your palm branch. Children can be seated with their caregivers after bringing their palm branch to the front. MILWOOD MIRROR: The deadline to submit items for the April edition is today.. EASTER EGG HUNT: Mark your calendar for Saturday April 4 and join us for the Easter Egg Hunt. We will CHILDREN’S WORSHIP: All children ages 3 – pre-K are welcome! Children are dismissed before the morning message to meet in back of the sanctuary. Children should be picked up from classrooms 6 & 7 at 11:15. Today: Teacher: Jill M Helper: Kelli V Story: Jesus the King 4:45 - 7:00 pm. All students in grades 712 are welcome! A light supper will be served. ADULT MINISTRIES ADULT SUNDAY SCHOOL: Adult Sunday School will not meet today because of the “WE” event. THE 4TH WEDNESDAY SMALL GROUP will meet this week Wednesday at 6:30. We will be on week 5, pages 125-145. MEN’S MINISTRIES MEN IN THEIR 20S & 30S meet for breakfast on Thursdays, 7:15-8 AM at Uncle Ernie’s, 4005 Portage St. Questions? Ask Mark G. WOMEN’S MINISTRIES SHARING OUR STITCHES: Stitchers of all kinds are welcome to come to our meeting tomorrow at 6:30 pm. Our focus is on stitching to donate ... hats, mittens, scarves, shawls and lap blankets, baby receiving blankets and burp cloths, and more. Come to find out what we’re all about - come for fellowship and purpose, prayer and giving. SUNDAY SCHOOL AND CATECHISM CLASSES will not meet today because of the “WE” event. COFFEE BREAK: Ladies, you are invited to join Coffee Break. We are studying “Paul: To Live is Christ.” This is a great time to start CB and get into the warmth of God’s word. Call Terri if you have questions. Coffee Break meets on Thursday mornings from 9:30-11. Child care provided for kids younger than school age. SUNDAY SCHOOL helpers for March: Storyteller - CJ G. Small Group Leaders - Dawn A and Lori R. Learn more about events and ministries of our church at YOUTH GROUP meets today from OPPORTUNITIES FOR SERVICE EASTER EGG HUNT VOLUNTEER OPPORTUNITIES: Milwood Church will host an Easter Egg hunt on Saturday April 4 and we need YOUR help! We need help with the following: candy donations (single wrapped items), puppet show helpers, egg stuffers (this will take place on Sunday March 29), egg hiders, and crowd control/greeters. Please sign up in the Fellowship Hall! CHILDREN’S WORSHIP: Would you consider assisting in Children’s Worship? Our delightful class is so excited each week to be together and share time singing, hearing a story from the Bible and praying. Come join us! A sign-up board is in the fellowship hall. COMMUNITY REQUESTED ANNOUNCEMENTS SECOND IMPRESSIONS is now accepting Spring and Summer clothing! Your donations will have a direct impact on a child's education. Donate your gently used clothing and household items Monday-Saturdays 10-4. We pick up good quality furniture. Call 345-7757 to schedule a pick-up on Tuesday & Thursday mornings. BEYOND THE MASK: The new Christian action-adventure movie, Beyond the Mask, is showing at the Crossroads Celebration! Cinema in Portage on Monday, April 6th @ 7:30pm. Luke DeBoer worked on this film in 2012 & 2013. This is a one-time event and tickets can only be purchased online and in advance. Watch the trailer and get tickets for this revolutionary film at FREE WEBINAR: Join us on April 1 for “From Pew to Neighbourhood” presented by Karen Wilk, author of Don’t Invite Them to Church. This free, one-hour webinar will explore how every Christian and follower of Jesus can be on God’s mission right where they live. For event details and registration visit CHURCH FAMILY CRC BOARD OF TRUSTEE HIGHLIGHTS are available on the table near the mailboxes. (For midweek updates, call the Milwood Prayer Line recording 342-1007. Contact Dawn Asma at 327-4268 or email to place an item on the prayer line. To sign up for prayer line emails, email GEMS OPEN: Attention golfers: It’s not too late! Register today for the 2015 GEMS Open on Thursday, May 14 at Quail Ridge Golf Club in Ada, Michigan. Can’t make it to the Michigan outing? Golf at a Distance for a discounted rate! You still have time to sign up as a foursome, an individual, or to become a corporate or individual sponsor. Contact the GEMS Service Center at (616) 241-5616 ext. 3035 for information or visit our website ( and click on the Events link. Give thanks that Ray DV is doing much better. It was tentatively planned that he would be able to go home this past Friday. Give thanks that Tillie K was able to return home last week. Remember our members who are not able to worship with us regularly due to physical challenges. Please especially remember Ann I at Park Village Pines this week. Remember those who are serving our country in the military: Aaron H (Ray & Crys DV’s grandson), Michael DV (Ray & Crys DV’s son), and Josh H (Mary Jane DB’s son). Remember our missionaries. This week, please pray for Josh and Maria Mishler, working with Wycliffe in Kandern, Germany. Today (March 22) 11:30 AM “WE” event 1:30 PM House of Prayer worship service 4:45 PM Youth Group 5:00 PM Evening worship service Monday (March 23) 6:30 PM Sharing Our Stitches Tuesday (March 24) 6:30 PM Education Committee Wednesday (March 25) 6:30 PM 4th Wednesday group 7:00 PM HoP Bible study Thursday (March 26) 7:15 AM Men’s Breakfast at Uncle Ernie’s 9:30 AM Coffee Break (Paul lesson 7) EXTENDED CHURCH FAMILY Pray for Doug & Charlotte C (Don & Dena’s son & daughter-in-law) and their family. Recent genetic testing showed that Charlotte and their daughter Emily have a gene mutation that would likely cause stomach cancer. The recommendation is to remove the stomach. Doug, Charlotte, Emily and her husband Mike plan to travel to Houston in about 5 weeks to consult with doctors there. Pray for safe travels, good insurance coverage, patience and peace, and that when Doug & Charlotte’s daughter Eden and son Jordan are tested that they will test negative for this mutation. Give thanks their daughter Erica has already tested negative. Today THIS WEEK AT MILWOOD We extend our sincere sympathy to Bob & Sue V, Tim, Kelli and Lorelei V and other family members with the passing of Bob’s mother, Gerry V, early Monday morning. May God give them comfort and peace as they grieve. Jack and Maryann L want to thank all of you who have offered prayers for our son Mark and his family during this time of trials with his job layoff, illness resulting from side effects of medication he was on and major financial stressors. We appreciate so much the warm welcome to this church family they have received and the way many of you have reached out to them. We have witnessed Christ working within this church family in many ways and are so grateful. Please pray for continued healing. Friday (March 27) 7:00 PM House of Prayer worship service -------------------------------------------Education Classes: A brochure is available at the table near the office with class descriptions/locations. Ages 3-5 Meet at the back of the sanctuary mid-service. Children are picked up from classroom 6 at 11:15. Classes for K - adult will not meet today. Please join us for the “WE” intergenerational Bible study Greeters: March 29, 2015 Brad & Dawn P ................................ Brad & Dawn P Bob & Char DB ................................ Bob & Char DB Hall Monitor: Ruth D .............................................. Brad P Nursery: Janelle G ........................................... Brenda K Mike W ............................................. Cheryl K AM Librarian Sharon S ........................................... Ellen D AM Coffee: No coffee time .................................. Jack & Mary VM ......................................................... Betty D Cookies: Families starting with E - K, please bring cookies next Sunday. After Service Greeters: South Door: Kevin K .......................................... Duke P North Door: Paul T ............................................. Ellie P Organ Door: Pete V ............................................. Terri S Piano Door: Mark M ........................................... Pat S North Balcony: Bob M ............................................. Dan/Jan DB South Balcony: Jill M............................................... Tom K AM Offering: Milwood Ministries & .................... Milwood Ministries Christian Education Fund This Evening Offering: March 29, 2015 (PM) Loaves & Fishes ............................. Alternatives of Kalamazoo Loaves & Fishes is a Kalamazoo area food bank. Alternatives of Kalamazoo Women's Care Center is a non-profit, faith-based, Christian pro-life ministry, whose primary purpose is to minister to the physical, emotional, and spiritual needs of all who are involved in pregnancy situations. Worship Director: Wes Gunst Education Director: Jayne Mastenbrook Directors of Youth & Young Families: Tim & Kelli Visser Milwood Christian Reformed Church 3306 Lovers Lane, Kalamazoo 49001 269-342-8544 FAX: 269-342-7181 E-mail: -Office Hours: M - W - F, 8:30 – 1:30 -Bulletin announcements are due in the office no later than 8:30 a.m. Thursday. Elder/Deacon/Care Groups Tom Kloosterman (’17) / Brian Hoogenboom (’17) Tom Scheffers (’15) / Brad Poff (’17) Robert Jager (’16) / Mike Vander Ploeg (’15) Greg Marvin (’16) / Phil Kloosterman (’16) Paul Triemstra (’15) – Council President Pete Vroegop – Pastoral Care Elder (’15) Ken Post – Pastoral Care Elder (’16) Dan & Jan De Boer – Pastoral Care Elder (’17) Anderson - Dwyer Dykstra - Long MacInnis - Swanson Thomas – Zylstra Anderson – Heslinga Hoekstra – Sander Scheffers – Zylstra
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