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Angelic Power Flames
A Living Guide of Divine Wisdom
Nikki Cobb
The Larry Czerwonka Company
Hilo, Hawaii
Copyright © 2012 by Nikki Cobb
All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in
any form or by any means without written permission from the author.
First Edition
Published by: The Larry Czerwonka Company
Printed in the United States of America
ISBN: 061571627X
ISBN-13: 978-0615716275
Nikki Cobb – Angelic Power Flame
Sacred Power of Prayer ................................................................................. 1
The Gift of Your Blessing ............................................................................ 9
Guardian Angels & the Tribes of Light ................................................. 13
The 5 Primary Tribes of Light ................................................................ 21
Ascended Masters and their Angelic Legions ..................................... 37
The Great Central Sun ................................................................................ 39
The Holy Spirit .............................................................................................. 43
The Archangels ............................................................................................. 47
The Elohim Angels ...................................................................................... 49
Archangel Metatron – Oneness ............................................................. 68
Archangel Michael – Destiny .................................................................. 72
Archangel Remiel – Faith ........................................................................ 79
Archangel Gabriel – Truth ...................................................................... 86
Archangel Zerechiel – Devotion ............................................................ 88
Archangel Khamuel – Justice .................................................................. 92
Archangel Haniel - Service ...................................................................... 94
Archangel Raguel – Harmony ................................................................ 96
Archangel Raphael – Healing ................................................................. 99
Archangel Zadkiel – Order ................................................................... 102
Archangel Sandalphon – Mastery ........................................................ 105
Archangel Uriel – Purity ........................................................................ 107
About the Author .............................................................................................. 111
Nikki Cobb – Angelic Power Flames
Sacred Power of Prayer
The power of prayer stirs the soul to ignite the Power Flames of Creation into
action. The Power of Prayer is an ancient art of divine alchemy that directs
the energy of the Spirit into physical for through focused intention. The
power of prayer engages the innate life force energy of all Creation and you
are the Co-creator directing the show. Innate life force energy is literally the
Electronic Light Body Substance of Divine Source. Electronic substance is
what all of Creation is made of; from human beings to angelic beings, from
trees to stars and from oceans to universes.
As a co-creator you use the electronic substance at a subatomic level
to live your life purpose. Every prayer or blessing you make is calling forth
electrons from Divine Source to fulfill your desires, visions and inspirations.
These electrons are alive with a pure consciousness just waiting to burst into
form; electrons are the living substance that connects the activity of the whole
Electronic substance exists all around us through the unified field. As
co-creators we are able to magnetize and draw from the store house of pure
energy in the forms of electrons. We then direct the electronic substance with
our feelings, thoughts, and inspirations into manifested form. The unified
field is the field of all possibilities and connects us to all of Existence. Can
you imagine the gift each of us has through the power of prayer to access the
untapped human ability for universal communication and greater cosmic
understanding that could benefit human kind in our evolution toward peace
and happiness for all?
The power of prayer can open us to the field of all possibilities and
cause us to see beyond our limitations as individuals by entering into the
consciousness of the All That Is. We are infinitely more powerful when we
connect to the support of Divine Source than we are only using the limited
resources of our human consciousness. Prayer opens us to a higher guidance
system, where we can find solutions to life challenges that offer a win/win for
everyone. The power of prayer enfolds us in the perfect balance of love,
wisdom, and will to act with compassionate action in any situation. This
allows us to be a blessing to all involved instead of reacting out of our fear
and creating more problems we will have to clean up later.
The power of prayer raises our vibration to transmute the limitations
of our human consciousness into our Divine consciousness. Our human
consciousness is based in what we call our “local” mind governing the
personality/ego and is strictly limited to the brain itself. This is the human
consciousness of duality, the “us or them” way of thinking that can’t
acknowledge anything unless it can be proven in real time and space and is
Nikki Cobb – Angelic Power Flames
basically governed through what has already happened instead of the infinite
possibilities of what could happen.
We use this way of thinking when we feel separate from our Divine
Source and have gone into separation and survival. The human consciousness
way of thinking doesn’t allow for who we are as co-creative spiritual beings,
capable of infinite possibilities. In the local mind many of our magical third
options in life, including our creativity, intuition, communication with Angels,
Ascended Masters, and tribes of Light, aren’t seen as real options.
The non-local mind is a consciousness that is not confined just to the
brain and the body, but is rather a kind of extended mind that can spread
over enormous distance known as the unified field and is governed by our
higher consciousness. The non-local mind allows us to perceive and connect
to life outside of our immediate surroundings like remote viewing. Examples
of being connected to our higher consciousness are when we feel in touch
with the elements of nature or perceive what is going on around us from a
detached state of being, like in meditation.
The magical third option in life is often found in this more expanded
state of consciousness when we are in flow with the universe and have
accessed the unified field or field of all possibilities. In this state of
consciousness you realize that all things are created from the same Source,
whether it is a table, a planet or your self. The unified field is made of the
electronic light substance, which is the same electronic substance you are
manifesting with in every breath you take.
Electrons are the building blocks of all creation. Electrons can be
either in the form of a wave or a ray. When the electrons are organized into a
feeling, they form a wave. The wave magnetizes other electrons of the same
frequency to it to gather momentum. When electrons are organized into a
focused intention or thought, they form a ray. The ray is filled with light
particles that hold within it the perfected vision of the focused intention or
Destiny Gift Blueprint that is to be brought forth into creation. When we
pray it is most powerful to be in touch with the original intention of the true
feelings from our heart to be able to sustain the perfected vision of our
In the unified field, the electronic substance is pure energy qualified
in Divine love, light and perfection. When we magnetize the electronic
substance to us we qualify it with our thoughts, feelings, actions, and
intentions. Our qualification of the electrons allow us to communicate in the
morphogenetic fields, to send prayers, to do healing work, to generate disease, to destroy, to build, or to fulfill the Destiny Gift Blueprint for your life
purpose, you have the energy to co-create anything whether that be negatively
or positively charged. Electrons are a living substance sort of like little light
beings that love to love. They are completely innocent and exist only to be in
complete service to your every whim and desire. They have no awareness to
Nikki Cobb – Angelic Power Flames
judge your command as good and bad. You are the co-creator directing them
at all times and therefore you are the one responsible for any karma you
create along the way.
You can enter this unified field of pure cosmic light substance
through expanding your consciousness into a meditative state and sending
your love to Divine Source. It is like swimming in an ocean of nothingness
where everything is possible. There is infinite peace in the quietude that
surrounds you, and a deep knowingness of how loved you are from the heart
of the All That Is. There is an innate awareness of the divine love that exists
within every atom of your existence, and you are completely present to the
gratitude for simply being. This state of being is the ultimate stress buster.
Within the unified field all things are connected as one. Within the
Unified field are morphogenetic fields of like energy resonance. In Rupert
Sheldrake’s theory of morphic fields there are causal energy fields with an
inherent memory provided by morphic resonance. Beyond biological fields
there are other kinds of morphic fields such as mental fields, behavior fields,
emotional fields, social fields, etc… There are fields acting through fields at
all levels of reality. They interface with one another through out all of
Creation. Therefore there is no mind/body duality- everything and everyone
is connected infinitely in a holographic reality.
The morphogenetic fields hold memory patterns that overlay each
other, which can be dimensions of different realities happening
simultaneously from the past, present and future, even other dimensions and
parallel worlds. There are also memory patterns of inherent memory patterns
in the collective consciousness and the planet itself allowing you to be able to
access information or to send information. It’s like a super highway of light
that can be engaged for different reasons. You can access the morphogenetic
fields from your physical body, emotional body, mental body, light body, or
causal body, depending on your intention. This is how the power of prayer
works; it travels in the morphogenetic fields to deliver the energetic blessing
of your prayer through the direction of your conscious intention.
Prayer acts primarily through the mental and emotional fields where
the electromagnetic patterns of the brain and heart interface with the
electronic grid of the morphogenetic fields. As you expand your capacity for
prayer, you will find yourself communing with the universal mind of the
unified field as well as other beings of light such as angels that dwell in these
higher realms of consciousness.
When you place an intention in this field it becomes a prayer field. A
prayer field is where your energy is overflowing with light acting as a blessing
to all of life even though it might be being directed to one particular source.
A great way to ignite your prayer field is to begin by focusing on your breath,
observing it as it flows rhythmically in and out through your heart center.
Now find a loving thought or memory that fills your soul with infinite love,
Nikki Cobb – Angelic Power Flames
adoration, and gratitude. Notice how this loving thought or memory is raising
your vibration. Your feelings are the presence of Spirit communicating to you
through the language of light. Being present to your True Self through your
intention of love creates a state of grace in your personal life and the entire
universe in which you are always affecting everything in existence.
Command your outer self back to rest in the Sacred Heart of your
True Presence and listen deeply for what to focus your prayer on. Through
your feelings you can sense where your True Presence naturally has a desire to
focus its awareness. Then ask to see the highest truth about the feeling that is
connected to this desire and the perfected vision your True Presence wants to
focus on.
Continue to breathe into the feeling tone of the vision as it gathers
momentum in your energy field, drawing into you the pure white electronic
light substance through your breath. When you feel like you have expanded
this energy to its fullest potential you can call forth the Angelic Host to assist
you in sustaining, directing, and adding their quality essence into your prayer
field to bless your hearts desire to be made manifest with maximum
efficiency, minimum effort.
We are designed to direct this electronic substance into manifested
form whether it is in the ray (thought) or wave (emotion) form through the
twelve primary chakras of our body. Each chakra represents a Universal
Principle that is ignited within us as a Power Flame of Creation. All the Tribes
of Light are in service to the Twelve Power Flames of Creation. Each Power
Flame teaches us the right use of energy through soul attributes and quality
essences. The Tribes of Light can assist you with directing and adding their
resonance to the electronic substance of your prayer through these soul
attributes and quality essences, such as love, joy, peace, purity, strength. For
every prayer or blessing we send forth, there is an angel that is governing it.
Angels act as living instruments of light in service to every prayer,
blessing, meditation, or decree that is created through our intentions,
thoughts, actions and feelings. You are affecting the energetic space around
you at all times with your actions, words, thoughts, feelings, unconscious, and
nervous system. You are manifesting at all times whether you are taking
responsibility for your reality or not. Manifesting is not our problem; it’s the
quality of our manifesting that is what we are usually complaining about.
To fully understand the power of prayer, you would need to
understand the first Universal Principle of creation which is, “We are all
energy before we are matter.” Most of us have not been taught to what extent
we are co-creating our lives. Angelic Power Prayers give you a graceful
understanding of the power of your own mastery and how to expand that
mastery with the assistance of the Angelic Kingdom. The first place to start is
by learning (or relearning) to use the power of prayer to “qualify” your
energy. When you qualify your energy you are literally transmuting and raising
Nikki Cobb – Angelic Power Flames
the vibration of your emotions, feelings, actions and thoughts through
conscious awareness, which in turn will change how you experience your
When you know that you are spirit before you are matter, begin your
prayer by energetically sending forth infinite love, adoration, and gratitude to
your True Presence. Your True Presence is a dimensional aspect of your own
higher consciousness and is not governed by your human consciousness.
Your True Presence acts as the invincible power of divine will and authority
from your own Divine Source governing the Power Flames of Creation.
When you first begin to actively use your free will it is best place to return
your outer self back to the Sacred Heart of your True Presence so you’re not
qualifying your free will through your ego and personality.
Your love opens the flood gates of Cosmic Life Substance to begin
flowing through you. Love is the golden key that opens any door in the
Universe. Once you send forth your love to your True Presence, you will
notice the Cosmic Light Substance of Divine Love, Light and Perfection
flowing back to you with even greater magnitude to supply, sustain, protect
and illumine you.
This is a Universal Truth that governs all life: all that you send forth
into your world must return to you. It’s the Law of Cause and Effect
otherwise known as the Law of Karma. Not only does the energy return to
you, but it gathers momentum on its return path to be even greater than
when you sent it out; energy attracts like energy.
When you feel like Divine Love is beginning to over flow from you
and radiate out naturally, is when you want to qualify your life experience with
your blessings and prayers. To do this, focus on an activity of your life and
ask how you feel in the moment about your life situation. Then ask to see the
perfected vision of this activity from the perspective of your Higher Self.
Once you lock into the perfected vision, go to the end result of the perfected
vision and notice the feeling you have. This is the perfected feeling to hold
within your True Presence.
This is activating the Sacred Fire of Creation to begin magnetizing to
you all similar energy whether that be in people, opportunities, weather
patterns, abundance, resources, etc… to line up for you to have that
experience in harmonious perfection with your focused thought, feeling and
will. It will literally open doorways of golden opportunities before you and
close any doorways that would be a distraction to your highest good.
Now you will want to hold the expectation of a synchronicity of
miracles to manifest in your world in perfect timing and in a perfect way
without your attachments of what you think has to happen. It requires you
using your Free Will to choose the higher path of your love and the
detachment to have faith and know “Thy Will Be Done in the Miracle Way”.
Nikki Cobb – Angelic Power Flames
As a co-creator it is through the gift of your love for the True
Presence within you that opens the flood gates of the Cosmic Light Substance
of the Universe to support you. Returning home through your rhythmic
breath with your True Presence assists you with finding inside your self the
perfected feeling, the perfected vision, and the will of your Divine Authority
to fund you in your life experience. Your Destiny Gift will engage the Angelic
Host to be in service to your call with greater clarity and purpose.
It’s best to remain curious and detached in your life journey as to
how the universe is going to supply the outcome of the perfected vision. You
must remain detached to your desires. Hold the higher vision and sustain it
with your love and knowingness that all is well and in perfect timing no
matter what it looks like along the journey. The Universe works in mysterious
ways, even in this day in age. So let it do its job.
Your Angels come in to support you on this journey, acting as your
guide through your intuition and feelings, comforting you to sustain your
peace, and will empower anything you put your energy behind that you have
called them to assist you with. They expand the light of any prayer field to
manifest with infinite grace.
When you do this you are programming into your subconscious
thoughts, emotions, and the world around you the perfected vision of your
higher self, the desire of your heart’s wisdom, and the will of your True
Presence to ordain your day. It sends out a clear message to the Universe
what you are willing to experience. You’re telling the angels and the electronic
substance of life to respond to you in this intended way. You’ll find that
doing this will interrupt negative tapes from your past, replacing them with
new magical experiences filled with a synchronicity of miracles, harmonious
perfection, and doorways of golden opportunity, where you a supernatural
being living a supernatural life.
It is usually best to direct a prayer or blessing to the True Presence
within a person not to the personality. Their personality will accept the prayer
most often, but usually not know what to do with the energy and squander it
on personality issues.
For instance if you pray for some one to have financial resources,
your prayer may be very helpful in producing that result in their life, but when
the personality gets the money it will squander it and end right back up in the
same situation of needing money again next week. However, if you pray for
financial abundance and focus the prayer to the True Presence it will direct
the flow of money or opportunity to them in a way that serves a higher
purpose. For instance they may get a job offer that continues to support them
or they may receive the money that was needed but have the wisdom to use it
wisely to solve the core problem instead of being a quick fix until the next
crisis arises.
Nikki Cobb – Angelic Power Flames
When you begin returning home to the heart of your True Presence and
governing your life from this sacred place, you will find your life is already
blessed and that you are already a living blessing to all of life. You will begin
to have experiences in your life that are always in service to your higher path
in a way that is in service to the higher path of others simultaneously, without
having to effort or over care. When you learn the power of prayer through
your True Presence you will see every activity you engage in becomes an
honorable path that opens the doorways of golden opportunities before you
and everyone will be blessed in the presence of your love.
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