Our Lady of the Assumption Catholic Community 2 Campaign update Capital Campaign GOAL $4.5 million We are pleased to report that our capital campaign stands at $3.45 million TOTAL PLEDGES in pledges and gifts toward our goal of $4.5 million! Our Phone-a-thon is AND GIFTS humming along with an enthusiastic team of callers reaching out to the parish $3.45 million to answer questions about the capital campaign. You are invited to join this terrific team on April 28-30, May 5-7 or NO. OF DONORS May 12-14. All you need is a cell phone with charger and a positive attitude. 226 Your talking script, call list, food and prizes will be provided for an evening of AVERAGE PLEDGE fun with other OLA supporters. To offer your help, contact Campaign Director Catherine Volini at CVoli$ 15,263 ni@ccsfundraising.com or call the parish office at (630) 461-4720. Please prayerfully consider your gift to our capital campaign. Pledges payable over a five-year period allow donors to make a more substantial commitment than is possible with one-time cash gifts. Details about our plans for the improvement of our campus may be viewed at www.olaclaremont.org. Here are some comments from our enthusiastic Phone-a-thon volunteers… “This is a great way to get your feet wet helping the parish. You’ll meet good company, there’s a script to follow, and the pizza was very good.” – Bill Popko “I am excited to be able to help bring awareness to the Our Lady, Our Parish, Our Legacy Campaign. If everyone participates, then the job doesn’t fall on the shoulders of only a few.” – Katie Girardot “This is a really rewarding experience, talking to friends you know, making new acquaintances, and helping the church we love.” – Larry Pearring Architect “Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good; for his kindness endures forever,” says the Psalmist this Sunday. Campaign thanks The success of our capital campaign is due to the generosity of many parishioners. This week we acknowledge the following: Phone-a-thon Volunteers Eric Judd, Mayra Brown, Riley Brown, Bill and Linda Young, Joyce Raef, Michelle Maloney, Paul Ruggero, Penny Vienna, Sergio Gonzalez, Bill Popko, Lucy Robinson, Ana Nogales-Till, Kathleen Noon, Daniel Ambord, Teresa Arredondo, Katie Girardot, Connie Aguilar, Isabel Morales, Larry Pearring, Maria Rodriguez, Carolyn Nelipovich, Laurie and Doug Lama. Witness Speakers Eric and Susan Wong, Leigh Cornell, Dave and Marji Mayo, Jim and Marita Stoneman, John Salter, Anastacio Medina, Jim Niewarowski, Cal Stephens, Sue Hyland, Connie Aguilar, Laurie Lama, and John and Jana Spruce. Dan Young answers your questions Q: Will people still enter the church in the same way in the new layout? Will both entries be accessible to the wheel-chair bound? The North and East entries will be designed for full wheelchair accessibility, plus other railing and stair design standards in the current Building Code will be incorporated inside the church. Q: Will there be solar panels or other sustainable energy design features in the new campus? Although there are no plans for installation of solar panels on the church itself, discussion of our plans will include sustainable energy design features for the campus according to reasonable energy cost savings. LED lighting and daylight [skylights, for example] will also reduce energy use. 3 Our Lady of the Assumption Church – Directory on Page 10 Liturgical events Eucharistic Adoration begins on Friday, May 1, after the 6:30 a.m. Mass and continues until Saturday at 8 a.m. in the Reflection Room. Youth for Life Rally is Saturday, May 2, from at 5 p.m. in the auditorium. Teens and young adults are invited to this special event featuring Pro-life Activist Lia Mills. Admission is free. Meetings St. Vincent de Paul Society meets Monday, April 27, at 7 p.m. in the school library. Fiesta Committee convenes Tuesday, April 28, at 7 p.m. in the Sapienza Room. Cardinal McIntyre Fund donations will be collected next weekend at all Masses. community life Highlights Fiesta sales of discounted ride tickets and T-shirts continues this weekend after all Masses. You may also sign up to volunteer for our food and game booths at Fiesta. See Page 7 Artisan Marketplace this Sunday in the auditorium features ten vendors from Fair Trade LA. See Page 6 Marriage Encounter team is on the patio this weekend. Bible education for adults offers three classes that cover all the basics with Dr. Carol Younger. See Page 5 This is Nomination Sunday! It’s time to nominate new parish leaders to represent the many voices of OLA on our Coordinating Councils. Please consider nominating someone you know who is active in parish life or ministry and possesses good leadership skills. This year self-nominations are also acceptable. Nomination forms are available at the church, parish office, and Welcome Cart. Deadline for submitting nominations is Monday, May 11. Our current parish leadership structure connects pastor, staff, and lay leaders in a collaborative model of partnership and shared decision-making. Seven Coordinating Councils and the Pastoral Council meet on the third Thursday each month. All nominees are invited to the Leadership Open House Thursday, May 21, at 7 p.m., also open to all parishioners. Women’s council Fiesta pre-sales on the patio All women of the parish are invited to join the OLA Women’s Council Tuesday, May 5, in the convent at 10 a.m. for “dumb bunny” bridge, an easy card game. Members are asked to bring note cards for messages of encouragement for patients at Loma Linda Veterans Hospital. For more information, contact Marie Assman at (909) 626-0902. Save $9 on the purchase of Fiesta ride tickets on the patio this weekend and next after all Masses… price is $16 per sheet. The Fiesta T-shirt is especially nice this year and sports a design by one of our students. Cost is $10 for short-sleeve youth sizes. Adult short sleeve shirts are $10 for sizes S-XL and $12 for XXL. Adult long-sleeve shirts are $15 for sizes S-XL and $17 for XXL. See Page 7. Mass Intentions/Readings 4th Sunday of Easter Week of April 26, 2015/ Year B MONDAY, April 27 Acts 11:1-18; Ps 42:2-3; 43:3, 4; Jn 10:1-10 6:30am Theresa Diem Thu Do 8:15am Mary Platte 5:30pm Daniel Carlson TUESDAY, April 28 St. Peter Chanel Acts 11:19-26; Ps 87:1b-7; Jn 10:22306:30am Douglas W. Young 8:15am Nedra Nesbit 5:30pm Maria Tong Nguyen WEDNESDAY, April 29 St. Catherine of Siena Acts 12:24-13:5a; Ps 67:2-3, 5, 6, 8; Jn 12:44-50 6:30am Marco Diaz 8:15am Joan Blozis 5:30pm Collective Intentions THURSDAY, April 30 St.Pius V Acts 13:13-25: Ps 89:2-3, 21-22, 25, 27; Jn 13:16-20 6:30am Maggie Torres 8:15am Salvatore Giambusso 5:30pm Laura Pasqua FRIDAY, May 1 St. Joseph the Worker, First Friday Acts 13:26-33; Ps 2:6-11ab; Jn 14:1-6 or (for the memorial) Gn 1:26-2:3 or Col 3:14-15, 17, 23-24; Ps 90:2-4, 12-16; Mt 13:54-58 6:30am Lupe Paredes 8:15am Sophie Musket 5:30pm Anacleto (Jay) Gaona SATURDAY, May 2 St. Anthanatius, First Saturday Acts 13:44-52; Ps 98:1-4; Jn 14:7-14 8:15am Dorena Wright 4:00pm Robert Boyens 5:30pm Gilbert Hernandez SUNDAY, May 3 5th Sunday of Easter Acts 9:26-31; Ps 22:26-28, 30-32; 1 Jn 3:18-24; Jn 15:1-8 7:00am People of the Parish 9:00am Italian Catholic Fed. 11:00am Bernice Uhlyarik 1:00pm Guillermina Bautista 3:00pm People of the Parish 5:00pm Timothy Patrick O’Connor 7:00pm Collective Intentions = Deceased 4 worship & We are thrilled to welcome Lia Mills on Saturday, May 2, for our Youth for Life Rally. All teens and young adults are invited to the auditorium from 5 to 7 p.m. for an awesome experience – to be informed, be inspired, and be involved! Admission is free and dinner will be provided. Our own Falconers Band will build excitement for a powerful witness by a young woman who puts her faith into action. Don’t miss it! (See Back Page.) For more information: Teresa Arredondo, Uturn Coordinator Youth@olaclaremont.org Office: 626-3596, ext. 215 Sunday, April 26 Teen Mass at 5 p.m. Dinner and Uturn Teen Ministry in The Junction at 6:30 p.m. Social Justice Series, Part Two Theme: Let’s Make a Difference Saturday, May 2 Youth for Life Rally featuring Lia Mills, prolife activist, and the Teen Ministry Falconers band from 5 to 7 p.m. All teens and young adults are welcome. Admission is free. Young Adult Ministry “Dear young people, dream of great things.” – Pope Francis Are you between the ages of 18 and 35? You are welcome to this and regular meetings usually held Thursday from 7 to 9 p.m. in the convent. Invite your friends to come meet new people and share new ideas. You can e-mail youngadultsola@gmail.com. for details or join our Young Adults of OLA Facebook group! NEXT: Thursday, April 30 – Decision-making and God faith formation Adult series Basic Bible Ed continues Is there an easy way to read the Bible? Can I find the full Bible story in the practice of the Catholic Faith? Will this study make a prayerful difference in how I understand Jesus? Dr. Carol Younger, veteran Bible educator, will return to OLA for a series on Bible basics Wednesdays April 29 and May 6 at 7 p.m. in Room 16 of the Berkeley Building. “The answer to all these questions is a resounding YES!” says Dr. Younger who believes that “understanding the Scriptures is the key to making sense of everything Catholic.” She taught applied biblical studies at the University of Sacramento (a Catholic institution). and has spoken at the National Catholic Bible Conference. Contact the Faith Formation Center at 624-1360 to sign up for the class. Scripture reflection for this Sunday As our Easter season continues, we are prompted over and over to keep in mind what the Lord sacrificed for us. Our readings are meant to keep His redemption at the forefront of our thoughts. St. Peter’s words, as he preached in the first reading from the Acts of the Apostles, echo this central theme. “He (Jesus) is the stone rejected by you, the builders, which has become the corner stone. There is no salvation through anyone else.” Peter’s message to us is absolutely unambiguous: there is only one way to deliverance and that is by means of the Lord. St. Peter made this speech in a court; he is filled with courage through the Holy Spirit, and what he says is consistent It’s a spring break with all his preaching as reported: Peter preaches Jesus, the crucified Jesus. This for your marriage! speech is as much for us as it was for This spring, Worldwide those witnessing it. Marriage Encounter gives you This Sunday is traditionally called the tools you need to help your Good Shepherd Sunday. Each year, regardless the cycle for the readings, we marriage grow and blossom. hear about Jesus, the Good Shepherd. It Take that next step and register for the weekend of May 15-17 at is interesting to note that the Greek word for “shepherd” was the same the Hilton Garden Inn, Arcadia. word for “pastor.” Jesus is the Good You may contact ParishionShepherd, but our lives may well be ers Cameron & Barbara Troxell filled with many “shepherds,” many at cbt4wwme@gmail.com, and who will truly sacrifice all for us. That (909) 938-2182. Or visit our is why in many parts of the world this Marriage Encounter team on the Sunday also contains a heavy element patio this weekend. relating to vocations. 5 Our Lady of the Assumption School News Academic Year 2015-2016 Applications for new students are now being accepted at OLA School for 2015-2016. Testing for all grades is now in progress. Call any time for more information or to arrange a personal tour at 626-7135. Inquire about our junior kindergarten class for four-year-olds, or learn why OLA graduates are top performers on high school entrance exams. Summer School Experienced educators staff OLA Summer School in two sessions: June 22 to July 3 and July 6 to July 17. Offered are Reading and Writing (K-7), Math (K-5) and Study Skills (K-7), in addition to Algebra Review (6-7). Students may register for up to three onehour classes per session at $100 per class plus $50 registration fee. Summer Camp Summer Camp is open June 22 to July 24 for kids from kindergarten to 8th grade, weekdays from 6:30 a.m. to 6 p.m. Weekly, daily or minimum day rates are available. The fun comes to OLA for art, drama, dance, gardening, cooking, sports, water fun, science and raffles. A 40-year tradition. For more information, call the school office at 626-7135, ext. 227. All programs comply with Archdiocesan guidelines for child safety. 6 Outreach Fair Trade this Sunday Quality products, improving lives An Artisan Marketplace on Sunday, April 26, will bring Fair Trade products from around the world to OLA for a fourth year. The event from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. is co-sponsored by Fair Trade Los Angeles and the OLA Fair Trade Ministry. Offered are scarves, jewelry and silver from Thailand, metalwork and home décor from Haiti, soap and personal care products from Africa, jewelry and accessories from Ecuador, and many varieties of coffee and chocolate. All products come with the Fair Trade guarantee that artisans are fairly paid and working under safe conditions with sustainable, environmentally responsible practices. In addition, Fair Trade cooperatives use no abusive child labor and invest in local communities. The OLA Fair Trade Ministry has succeeded in gathering support to qualify Claremont as a Fair Trade Town, and OLA parish as a Fair Trade Congregation, both nationally-recognized honors. Prayer Requests For our sick and suffering… Recent: Cas and Emily Bonk, George Cards, Cecilia Daniels, Matthew Ryan, Emerenciana Orozco, Sally Scira, and Calvin Scott Previously Announced: Elva Allyassi, Arline Bustamante, Bernardino Carrasco, Gildardo Correa, Nayelli Curley-Lopez, Leonard Dourley, Juanita Duffy, Ema Frederick, Fr. Tom Mullen, Leopoldo Rivera, Anna Gonzalez, Manuel Gonzalez, Sabina Guadarrama, Bob and Jim Hawbaker, Judy James, Joy Jenal, Joseph Lowery, Joseph O’Toole, Maria Rivera, Jesus Salcedo, Olga Torres, and Inez Vasquez For our beloved deceased… Juanita Ackerson, aunt of Martha Carrillo; Candelario Castaneda, father of Adriana Benitez; and for the family and friends who mourn their loss. Pax Christi plans fundraiser for terrorist victims The OLA chapter of Pax Christi will join La Verne’s Church of the Brethren and other local social justice groups hosting a musicale and ice cream social Saturday, May 16, at OLA from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. Beneficiaries of the event are the Christian and Muslim victims of Boko Haram in Nigeria. The pastor of the La Verne congregation is Nigerian-born Susan Boyer. The national Church of the Brethren aims to raise $1 million for victims with help from supporters of all faiths. Donations may be mailed to Church of the Brethren 1451 Dundee Ave. Elgin, IL 60120 Bundle Sunday is May 3 The next Bundle Sunday for St. Vincent de Paul Society will be Sunday, May 3, from 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. in the OLA parking lot. Bring useable household items, clothing, small appliances, books, linens, etc. For pick-up of larger items, call (800) 974-3571. Help support the efforts of StVdP in the Los Angeles metropolitan area, including transitional housing for the homeless and a summer camp for under-privileged kids. Pilgrim Place sings 100 years Gather Up the Years is the theme for a 100th anniversary concert Sunday, April 26, at 3:30 p.m. honoring Pilgrim Place. The host is United Church of Christ Congregational at 233 W. Harrison Ave. in Claremont. The event features a brass ensemble and a 45-member choir from eight local Christian congregations. Admission is free. Pilgrim Place is a senior community of retired clergy, missionaries and charitable nonprofit professionals across the street from OLA. Visit www.olaclaremont.org Become a Fiesta sponsor today! Fiesta: May 8, 9 & 10 7 A hot tip about your favorite Fiesta food Our Second Early Bird Winner of $100 is Sally Irwin. Fiesta Committee will be on the patio this weekend and next to accept your paid raffle tickets. Or bring them to the parish office during the week. Thank you! Young and old agree that Fiesta food is fabulous! Your mouth waters just thinking about the tacos, burritos, hamburgers, teriyaki bowls, popcorn, cotton candy, egg rolls, cookies and ice cream. Heads up! This year our food booths will be taking coupons that you purchase when you arrive. This change will enhance the safety of our patrons and the safety of our workers who will no longer be handling cash at the booths. Introducing anything new at such a tradition-bound event may cause a little trembling, but never fear! The food will be better than ever, and our Fiesta team guarantees efficient transactions for coupons. How many volunteers does it take to make a taco? The Fiesta Committee is getting ready for the best-ever Fiesta! Are YOU ready for fun? A hot tip for entertainment Saturday afternoon – Our talented Padres return for an encore performance (Fr. Charles, Fr. Chris, Fr. Dominic in concert with The Falconers Band) Join our Fiesta crew Fr. Chris 2014 Our annual Fiesta has been a community effort for 68 years. You can become a part of this OLA tradition by volunteering to help. You’ll have fun while making a difference and making new friends! Help is needed for shifts in game or food booths. School parents can still earn service hours for this year by volunteering to assist with ride ticket pre-sales after weekend Masses next weekend. Here’s how to sign-up... 1. Visit the Fiesta table on the patio after all Masses 2. Call the Fiesta hotline at (909) 626-3596, ext. 319 3. Try our new online volunteer sign-up program at http://www.rotundasoftware.com/ministry/olaclaremont Click “Sign up now” to set up your Username and Password 8 Our Lady of the Assumption Catholic Church 435 Berkeley Avenue – Claremont, CA 91711 Interested in the Catholic Church? We invite you to one of our Inquiry sessions. Call KathySteighner at 626-3596, ext. 221, for more information. See “Adult Formation” on Page 7 for the weekly schedule. Baptisms Brochures about the Sacrament of Baptism are available at the Welcome Cart on the patio after weekend Masses, as well as the parish and Faith Formation offices. Please call 4-6 weeks before the date of Baptism. For English Baptisms, please contact the parish office at 626-3596, ext. 0. For Spanish Baptisms, contact Elena Cardeña at 626-3596, ext. 213. Weddings Congratulations! Please call Fr. Chris Troxell, associate pastor (ext. 272), at least six months ahead for preparation and scheduling. Weddings are scheduled Saturdays at 10 a.m., noon, and 2 p.m. Visit the Welcome Cart on the patio for more information. Anointing of the Sick Please call the parish office day or night. Hospital/Home Visits For distribution of Holy Communion, please contact the parish office. Funeral Arrangements Please contact the parish office for help with services and special needs. Stephen Ministry This one-on-one care-giving ministry at OLA is available upon request to those seeking emotional and spiritual support through a life challenge such as loss of a job, personal illness, separation or divorce, illness or the death of a loved one. Please call 626-3596, ext. 332 to leave a confidential message. St. Vincent de Paul Society Hotline One-time emergency assistance for individuals and families. Call (909) 626-3596, ext. 333, to leave a message. Your call will be returned by a volunteer case manager. How to Reach Us Parish Office (909) 626-3596 Fax (909) 624-3680 Website: www.olaclaremont.org email Address: reception@olaclaremont.org Parish Office Hours Open 8:30 a.m. to 7:30 p.m. Monday – Thursday, Open 8:30 a.m. to 6 p.m. Friday Open Saturday and Sunday 8:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. (Lunch break from 12:30 to 1 p.m.) Faith Formation and Religious Education Faith Formation Center (909) 624-1360 Elena Cardeña, Director of Faith Formation (x213) Office open Mon-Thurs 10:00 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. OLA Catholic School 611 W. Bonita Ave., Claremont, CA 91711 Tel. (909) 626-7135 Fax (909) 398-1395 Principal Bernadette Boyle Office hours: Mon-Fri 7:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Website: www.ola-ca.org Sunday Mass Schedule 7:00 a.m. Cantor-led Song 9:00 a.m. Contemporary 11:00 a.m. Contemporary 1:00 p.m. Spanish Mass 3:00 p.m. Vietnamese Mass 5:00 p.m. Teen/Contemporary 7:00 p.m. Cantor-led Song Saturday Vigil Masses 4:00 p.m. Cantor-led Song 5:30 p.m. Cantor-led Song Weekday Mass Schedule 6:30 a.m. Monday through Friday 8:15 a.m. Monday through Friday 5:30 p.m. Monday through Friday 8:15 a.m. Saturday Saturday Confessions 3:00 – 3:45 p.m. English/Spanish 6:30 p.m. English Parish Staff Rev. Charles J. Ramirez, Pastor Rev. Chris Troxell, Associate Pastor Rev. Dominic Bao Quoc Tran, Associate Pastor Rev. Msgr. Peter O’Reilly, Retired Priest Deacon John and Joyce Tullius Deacon Art and Nadine Escovedo Deacon Bob Steighner, Liturgy Coordinator (x234) Kathy Steighner, Christian Initiation Coordinator (x221) Neomi Torres, Dir. of Administration (x203) Mary Jean Neault, Dir. of Pastoral Ministries (x216) Teresa Arredondo, Youth Ministry Coordinator (x215) Sandra Rojas Leonor, Office Manager (x231) Bing Macavinta, Bookkeeper (x232) Jean McKenna, Bulletin/Communications (x217) Trevor Thomson, Contemporary Ensemble Roberto Roman, Spanish Choir Tien Dinh, Vietnamese Choir Jeff Brown, Contemporary/Youth Ensemble Bulletin deadline is Sunday for the following weekend. Bring copy to the parish office or email bulletin@olaclaremont.org .
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