Our Lady of the Assumption Catholic Community Pentecost Sunday – May 24, 2015 2 Commitment Weekends Next weekend marks the conclusion of Our Lady of the Assumption’s “Our Lady, Our Parish, Our Legacy” capital campaign. We’ve embarked on this campaign to bring all of us together in support of our parish and our community for today and for future generations. Funds raised through the campaign are designed to fund muchneeded renovations and enhancements to our church buildings and campus. These projects will make our campus safer and more accessible to all parishioners and provide the new and improved spaces we desperately need for our large and growing community. Specific renovations and enhancements include our church, auditorium, office consolidation, former rectory building, and former convent building. Over the past several months, Our Lady of the Assumption has raised over $4 million on our initial $4.5 million goal! We are in the process of tabulating the results of last weekend’s appeal. We want to say a special “thank you” to all those families that have already given and make a special request for 100% participation in the campaign of all of our parish families. If you haven’t already made your gift, please join us in this exciting journey. Your support will help us meet and exceed our initial $4.5 million goal and ensure our success in providing for the very important needs of our community. Detailed information is available on our website at www.olaclaremont.org where you can also make a pledge online. Should we find ourselves in the very fortunate situation to exceed our initial goal, we will be in a position to move forward with construction more quickly, cover potential cost increases that we might encounter, and provide for the ongoing maintenance of our facilities (funds that currently must come out of our operational budget). Thank you so much for your ongoing love and support of Our Lady of the Assumption. And thank you for your gift to the “Our Lady, Our Parish, Our Legacy” capital campaign. We are blessed by you. Fr. Charles Ramirez Prayer for the Capital Campaign Capital Campaign GOAL $4.5 million TOTAL PLEDGES AND GIFTS $4 million NO. OF DONORS 357 AVERAGE PLEDGE $ 11,204 Gracious God, we give thanks for the countless ways You gather and sustain our faith community every day. May we continue to recognize You as the source of our strength and the center of parish life at OLA. We ask now that You bless our capital campaign and plans to make our campus a safe and inspiring home to serve the OLA community and its mission. We pray that we will be faithful stewards of the many gifts that will be offered to accomplish this Tr us to do our part to build up Your Church wisely and courageously, so that the Gospel may be proclaimed in this time and in this place. We believe we can accomplish great things when we place our trust in You and work together for the common good. We invoke the special protection and prayers of Our Lady of the Assumption, patron of this faith community. This we pray in the name of Jesus, Your Son and our Lord. Amen. 3 Our Lady of the Assumption Church – Directory on Page 8 Liturgical events Blessing of liturgical ministers will be part of the Pentecost liturgy at all Masses this weekend. Candidates for Initiation will receive the sacraments of First Communion and Confirmation at the 9 a.m. Mass on Pentecost Sunday. The parish office is closed on Monday, May 25, in observance of Memorial Day. Emergency calls may be placed, day or night, at (909) 626-3596. Special collection for retired priests Your gift to the Priest Retirement Fund collection coming up the weekend of June 6-7 will help to provide a monthly stipend to retired priests of the Archdiocese of Los Angeles. For most priests, this assistance is their only means of support. This fund helps many senior priests stay well and active in our communities. Our retired priests have stood beside us through the joys and sorrows of life. Help us offer thanks for their many years of devotion to our faith communities. community life Highlights Vacation Bible School for June 29-July 3 is now accepting registrations at the Faith Formation Center for a special price through May 31. See Page 5 Pastoral Care Ministers will host an information meeting Sunday, June 14. Is this essential service to the sick and homebound right for you? See Page 6 Summer youth conference is on the horizon for Uturn Teen Ministry. See Page 4 Pope Francis has a personal message for the people of our Lady of the Assumption, carried by an OLA couple. See Back Page K of C steak fry is Saturday, June 6 A spring menu of steak grilled to order, corn-on-the-cob, potato salad, baked beans and drinks can be yours for only $15 per person Saturday, June 6. This time around, the Knights of Columbus are donating their proceeds to earthquake victims in Nepal. Dinner will be served from 5 to 8 p.m. in the auditorium. Come enjoy good food and good company for a good cause! WOW! to meet monthly WOW! OLA’s widows or widowers and other singles group will meet for dinner Wednesday, May 27, from 6:15 to 8:30 p.m. in the auditorium. A delicious catered dinner will be served for only $12 per person. Members provide the desserts and beverages. Dice and card games will follow for those who would like to play. (Please bring $3 in quarters for game play.) Come join in an evening of good food and good company. Newcomers are always welcome! RSVP for the dinner by Monday, May 25 by contacting Jo Pearring 909-626-0489 or Roseann Hiildum 909-455-4638. No breakfast Yes collection There will be no First Saturday Breakfast with the Clergy in June. However, the regular collection of non-perishable food for the poor will be taken up at the 8:15 a.m. Mass on Saturday, June 6. Thank you for your generosity! Mass Intentions/Readings Pentecost Sunday Week of May 24, 2015/ Year B MONDAY, May 25 Ordinary Time begins, Memorial Day St. Bede the Venerable, St. Gregory VII Sir 17:20-24; Ps 32:1-2, 5-7; Mk 10:17-27 6:30am No Mass 8:15am Rodriguez Dimas Family 5:30pm No Mass TUESDAY, May 26 St. Philips Neri Sir 35:1-12; Ps 50:5-8, 14, 23; Mk 10:28-31 6:30am Ryan Hawkins 8:15am The Souls in Purgatory 5:30pm Andrew S. Mack, Sr. WEDNESDAY, May 27 St. Augustine of Cantebury Sir 36:1, 4-5a, 10-17; Ps 79:8, 9, 11, 13;Mk 10:32-45 6:30am Phillip Schepis 8:15am Rose Cullen 5:30pm Collective Intentions THURSDAY, May 28 Sir 42:15-25; Ps 33:2-9; Mk 10:46-52 6:30am Fr. Dominic Tran 8:15am Steve Yoss, Sr. 5:30pm Loubet Family FRIDAY, May 29 Sir 44:1, 9-13; Ps 149:1b-6a, 9b; Mk 11:11-26 6:30am Antonio Sanchez 8:15am Victor Rubilus 5:30pm Joseph Gaudioso SATURDAY, May 30 Sir 51:12cd-20; Ps 19:8-11; Mk 11:27-33 8:15am Rodriguez Family 4:00pm Robert Boyens, Jr. 5:30pm Irma Vanlangenberg SUNDAY, May 31 The Most Holy Trinity Sunday Dt 4:32-34, 39-40; Ps 33:4-6, 9, 18-20, 22; Rom 8:14-17; Mt 28:16-20 7:00am Eugene & Geraldine Boyk 9:00am Heath McGarry 11:00am Joseph Heller 1:00pm People of the Church 3:00pm Lin H. Hon Ong Noi 5:00pm Bob Moraga 7:00pm Collective Intentions = Deceased 4 worship Young Adult Ministry “Dear young people, dream of great things.” – Pope Francis Fiesta 2015 Are you between the ages of 18 and 35? You are welcome to this and regular meetings usually held Thursday from 7 to 9 p.m. in the convent. Invite your friends to come meet new people and share new ideas. You can e-mail youngadultsola@gmail.com. for details or join our Young Adults of OLA Facebook group! Here’s the May calendar: Thursday, May 28 No Young Adult meeting Friday May 29 Moonlight Hike at Mt. Baldy Carpool at 5:30 p.m. from OLA parking lot City of Saints Summer Youth Conference will be Aug. 7-9 at UCLA! This conference will feature dynamic speakers, liturgical experience, music and more; set in an atmosphere where teens can learn about and experience the Eucharist and the beauty of the Catholic faith with its rich symbols and traditions. Space is limited so please contact Teresa if your teen is interested! For more information: Teresa Arredondo, Uturn Coordinator Youth@olaclaremont.org Office: 626-3596, ext. 215 Teen Ministry Sunday, May 24 Teen Mass at 5 p.m. Dinner and Sunday Funday at 6:30 p.m. Join us for a trip to the movies. Permission slips available after Mass. Cost is $7 with student ID. Sunday, May 31 Teen Mass at 5 p.m. diner and Uturn meeting at 6:30 p.m. in The Junction & faith formation June 29 – July 3 from 5 to 8 p.m. Registration is now open for Children age 4 years through sixth grade learn, pray and play at our 2015 Vacation Bible School. This week-long adventure includes lessons, crafts, song, dance and a simple supper. Take advantage of the “earlybird” special rate of $30 per child until May 31. Call or visit Faith Formation Center for details. See Page 8 for office hours and phone A Pentecost story This story comes to us from Ann Longanecker of the 5:30 p.m. Saturday music ensemble: As we were approaching Pentecost in 2012, we started to investigate new musical settings that we could use for our Mass. I searched online for something fresh and found a beautiful setting that had been posted on YouTube. I decided to contact the author of the post to see if we could get the music. To my surprise, it turned out that the young lady who posted the video had recorded and arranged the song herself. I connected to her via Twitter and we started a virtual conversation. My new contact turned out to be a super-talented musician who was a 19-year-old law student in the United Kingdom. I explained how much I loved her song and wanted the music to sing it. She responded to me on Twitter and said that she would write it out for me. She then proceeded to write the song from memory – in pen – all five pages of the score! As we “talked” I learned that she had stayed behind in the college law library – all alone – in the freezing cold at 11 p.m. We stayed together on Twitter until she finished the score and I virtually “walked her home” through the cold and fog until she arrived safely. I have always been touched by her generosity to strangers halfway across the globe to enhance our worship and build up the Body of Christ. We are still friends. 5 Our Lady of the Assumption School News Academic Year 2015-2016 Applications for new students are now being accepted at OLA School for 2015-2016. Testing for all grades is now in progress. Call any time for more information or to arrange a personal tour at 6267135. Inquire about our junior kindergarten class for four-year-olds, or learn why OLA graduates are top performers on high school entrance exams. Summer School Experienced educators staff OLA Summer School in two sessions: June 22 to July 3 and July 6 to July 17. Offered are Reading and Writing (K-7), Math (K-5) and Study Skills (K-7), in addition to Algebra Review (6-7). Students may register for up to three one-hour classes per session at $100 per class plus $50 registration fee. Summer Camp Summer Camp is open June 22 to July 24 for kids from kindergarten to 8th grade, weekdays from 6:30 a.m. to 6 p.m. Weekly, daily or minimum day rates are available. The fun comes to OLA for art, drama, dance, gardening, cooking, sports, water fun, science and raffles. A 40-year tradiAll programs comply with Archdiocesan guidelines for child safety. 6 Outreach Pastoral Care Ministry blesses both the givers and the receivers The mission of the Pastoral Care Ministry is to bring the spiritual community of Our Lady of the Assumption to those who are unable to physically join us. “I was bereft when I realized that I would no longer be strong enough to attend Mass,” says Jean Neault of Mt. San Antonio Gardens in Claremont. “However, I have been fortunate to receive the gift of Holy Communion from the Pastoral Care Ministers. For several years now, they have been an important connection to OLA for me. My fellow residents and I look forward to our time together on Sunday mornings. We are able to hear the Scriptures of the day and be blest by the kindness of these ministers. We can’t thank them enough.” Pastoral Care Ministers bring the Word, the Eucharist and the community’s embrace to the sick and homebound They also bring the needs and concerns of the sick or elderly back to the larger community. If this ministry of “presence” touches your heart, please come to the information meeting planned at 10:15 a.m. Sunday, June 14, in the Sapienza Room. Nightly program for homeless An emergency request for volunteers to serve as overnight hosts between the hours of 10 p.m. and 6 a.m. has been issued by the Claremont Homeless Advocacy Program (CHAP). To respond to this request, call Hugh Menton at (909) 714-1472 or Mary Cooper at (909) 542.9081. The overnight program for the homeless will be closed on nights when a lead host is not available, an unfortunate situation. CHAP is asking that this need be brought to the attention of local faith communities. An overnight host needs only to volunteer for one or two nights a month, or if possible once a week. Appropriate training is provided, and there is always someone available nightly to answer a phone call. Get On The Bus for Father’s Day An annual program in California enables children to visit parents in prison on Mother’s Day and Father’s Day. Donations fund submission of required paperwork, chaperone for children who have not adult to accompany them, transportation on chartered buses and all meals during travel. The visit provides a positive family interaction and allows children and parents to reconnect after a long separation. For details, email info@getonthebus.us, call (818) 9807714, or visit the website www.getonthebus.us. Your help is needed! Learn more about our Pastoral Care Ministry to the Sick & Homebound Sunday, June 14 10:15 a.m. Sapienza Room Share your surplus fruit with the poor OLA Eighth Grader Anthony Vinci is promoting a project of Uncommon Good to harvest surplus backyard fruit to feed the hungry poor. His efforts are part of an Imago Dei service project supported by OLA School. If you or others you know are interested in donating unused home-grown fruit or vegetables you can arrange to have it harvested at a time convenient to you. Harvesting crews are carefully screened and carry comprehensive liability insurance. Donors will receive a receipt for their “in-kind” donation for tax purposes. For information or to arrange a pickup, contact Eddie Casarez of Uncommon Good at (909) 625-2248. Here and There Prayer Groups Prayer Warriors gather Tuesday, May 26, in church at 7 p.m. 12-Step Groups Youth Classes The Faith Formation Center is open Monday through Thursday from 10 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. The Center may be reached at (909) 624-1360. Al-Anon will meet Wednesday, May 27, at 7:30 p.m. in the Upper Room (above kindergarten). Alcoholics Anonymous will meet Saturday, May 30, at 3 p.m. in the Sapienza Room. Co-Dependents Anonymous meet Mondays at 9 a.m. or 6 p.m. at Claremont Presbyterian Church. Overeaters Anonymous will not meet this week due to the Memorial Day holiday. Service/Support Sew N Sews gather Tuesday, May 26, at 9:30 a.m. in the convent. Yarn donations welcome. Parish Offertory Collections in May May 3-4 Collection Online TOTAL Over budget $26,842 $ 2,207 $29,049 $ 2,799 May 10-11 Collection Online TOTAL Under budget $23,066 $ 1,667 $24,733 $ (978) May 16-17 Collection Online TOTAL Under budget $19,878 $ 917 $20,795 $ (4,166) Adult Formation Interested in Catholicism? Contact Kathy Steighner at (909) 626-3596, ext. 221. Adult Bible Study assembles Wednesday, May 27, at 7 p.m. in the Sapienza Room. Fellowship of Catholic Christian Women has adjourned for the program year. Fall registration begins the weekends of Aug. 8-9, 15-16 and 22-23 on the patio after Mass. Thursday Morning Bible Study convenes in the Sapienza Room from 9 to 10:30 a.m. on May 28. All are welcome. 7 Child Safe Zone by the OLA Safeguard the Children Committee Teaching kids to protect themselves at home We consider our homes to be safe places for our children. But being home alone can pose risks for children. Here are a few tips to teach kids that will help keep them safe when you are not with them at home: 1. Never answer the door if alone. 2. Do not invite anyone in the house without the permission of a parent or babysitter. 3. Write important phone numbers on a list in case of an emergency. For more tips visit: www.la-archdiocese.org (Tab: Protecting Children) Prayer Requests For our sick and suffering… Recent: Lourdes Aldana, Shawn Calkins, Rita Domond, Sy Eng Eng, Myrna Medina, Christine Stockwell, Matthew Ryan, Rosemarie White, and Diane L. Wilson Previously Announced: Betty Sue Asbury, Joe Bower, Mike Brunasso, Margaret Caldwell, Gildardo Correa, Nayelli Curley-Lopez, Juanita Duffy, Avery Dunn, Jr., Albert Gass, Anna Gonzalez, Manuel Gonzalez, Marie Gracie, Sabina Guadarrama, Bob and Jim Hawbaker, John Hogle, the Hoy Family, Daisy Intile, Judy James, Joy Jenal, Labarrere Family, Dawn Lopez, Stanley “Stan” McCloskey, Joseph Lowery, Juanita Munoz, Antonio and Consuelo Nogales, Dora O’Brien, Mark Olson, Joseph O’Toole, Antonio Palafox, Francisca Perez, Maria Perez, Margarita Ramirez, Maria Rivera, Victoria Robles, Jesus Salcedo, Mary Simko, John Speidel, Olga Torres, and Inez Vasquez For our beloved deceased… Betty Battierra, friend of Alberto Rodriguez; Harley (Rusty) V. Hoeck, father of Margaret Protteau; Andrew Lao, nephew of Benigna Lao; Mirna Blanca Medina, wife of Trib Medina; William O’Brien, father of Lindsey O’Brien; Evangeline Sauceda, mother of Vickki Daly; and for the family and friends who mourn their loss 8 Our Lady of the Assumption Catholic Church 435 Berkeley Avenue – Claremont, CA 91711 Interested in the Catholic Church? We invite you to one of our Inquiry sessions. Call KathySteighner at 626-3596, ext. 221, for more information. See “Adult Formation” on Page 7 for the weekly schedule. Baptisms Brochures about the Sacrament of Baptism are available at the Welcome Cart on the patio after weekend Masses, as well as the parish and Faith Formation offices. Please call 4-6 weeks before the date of Baptism. For English Baptisms, please contact the parish office at 626-3596, ext. 0. For Spanish Baptisms, contact Elena Cardeña at 626-3596, ext. 213. Weddings Congratulations! Please call Fr. Chris Troxell, associate pastor (ext. 272), at least six months ahead for preparation and scheduling. Weddings are scheduled Saturdays at 10 a.m., noon, and 2 p.m. Visit the Welcome Cart on the patio for more information. Anointing of the Sick Please call the parish office day or night. Hospital/Home Visits For distribution of Holy Communion, please contact the parish office. Funeral Arrangements Please contact the parish office for help with services and special needs. Stephen Ministry This one-on-one care-giving ministry at OLA is available upon request to those seeking emotional and spiritual support through a life challenge such as loss of a job, personal illness, separation or divorce, illness or the death of a loved one. Please call 626-3596, ext. 332 to leave a confidential message. St. Vincent de Paul Society Hotline One-time emergency assistance for individuals and families. Call (909) 626-3596, ext. 333, to leave a message. Your call will be returned by a volunteer case manager. How to Reach Us Parish Office (909) 626-3596 Fax (909) 624-3680 Website: www.olaclaremont.org email Address: reception@olaclaremont.org Parish Office Hours Open 8:30 a.m. to 7:30 p.m. Monday – Thursday, Open 8:30 a.m. to 6 p.m. Friday Open Saturday and Sunday 8:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. (Lunch break from 12:30 to 1 p.m.) Faith Formation and Religious Education Faith Formation Center (909) 624-1360 Elena Cardeña, Director of Faith Formation (x213) Office open Mon-Thurs 10:00 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. OLA Catholic School 611 W. Bonita Ave., Claremont, CA 91711 Tel. (909) 626-7135 Fax (909) 398-1395 Principal Bernadette Boyle Office hours: Mon-Fri 7:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Website: www.ola-ca.org Sunday Mass Schedule 7:00 a.m. Cantor-led Song 9:00 a.m. Contemporary 11:00 a.m. Contemporary 1:00 p.m. Spanish Mass 3:00 p.m. Vietnamese Mass 5:00 p.m. Teen/Contemporary 7:00 p.m. Cantor-led Song Saturday Vigil Masses 4:00 p.m. Cantor-led Song 5:30 p.m. Cantor-led Song Weekday Mass Schedule 6:30 a.m. Monday through Friday 8:15 a.m. Monday through Friday 5:30 p.m. Monday through Friday 8:15 a.m. Saturday Saturday Confessions 3:00 – 3:45 p.m. English/Spanish 6:30 p.m. English Parish Staff Rev. Charles J. Ramirez, Pastor Rev. Chris Troxell, Associate Pastor Rev. Dominic Bao Quoc Tran, Associate Pastor Rev. Msgr. Peter O’Reilly, Retired Priest Deacon John and Joyce Tullius Deacon Art and Nadine Escovedo Deacon Bob Steighner, Liturgy Coordinator (x234) Kathy Steighner, Christian Initiation Coordinator (x221) Neomi Torres, Dir. of Administration (x203) Mary Jean Neault, Dir. of Pastoral Ministries (x216) Teresa Arredondo, Youth Ministry Coordinator (x215) Sandra Rojas Leonor, Office Manager (x231) Bing Macavinta, Bookkeeper (x232) Jean McKenna, Bulletin/Communications (x217) Trevor Thomson, Contemporary Ensemble Roberto Roman, Spanish Choir Tien Dinh, Vietnamese Choir Jeff Brown, Contemporary/Youth Ensemble Bulletin deadline is Sunday for the following weekend. Bring copy to the parish office or email bulletin@olaclaremont.org . OLA couple honored to meet Pope Francis… twice! 12 OLA Parishioners Cynthia and Robert Asinas had remarkable encounters with Pope Francis this spring which they related to our parish leadership at its monthly meeting. The story begins with the couple’s friendship with Fr. Anthony Lee, former assoServizio Fotografico ciate pastor at OLA and professor at St. John L’Osservatore Romano Seminary. He had invited them to return to the Holy Land to visit other places following his completion of sabbatical studies at the Tantur Ecumenical Institute just outside of Bethlehem. Together they trod the road to Emmaus and visited many biblical sites associated with Jesus’ passion in Jerusalem. The highlight was a private Mass celebrated by Fr. Anthony at the tomb of Jesus at the Church of the Holy Sepulcher. The couple also renewed their wedding vows at Cana. The trio’s return trip brought them to Rome. Cynthia had taken the initiative of requesting in advance a ticket to attend morning Mass at Casa Santa Marta. The daily Mass at the chapel is limited to 25-20 guests who must submit to a careful selection process before receiving a personal invitation. The homily preached by Pope Francis at this location is disseminated around the world. “We rose very early the morning of March 24 and had to pass three security checkpoints,” Cynthia recounted. “We carried our letter of invitation from the Vatican and showed it to the Swiss Guard.” Finally they made their way into the chapel and were seated in the front row! “Pope Francis is able to make an instant connection to his audience,” the couple explained. “He is always smiling, and his demeanor is peaceful, not rushed.” The Pope presided at Mass, gave his homily and then prepared to personally address and bless each guest in the room. The top photo taken by the official Vatican photographer depicts the couple’s first encounter with Pope Francis. They spoke of their personal concerns, including Cynthia’s struggle with cancer. The pope listened attentively blessed them both, then held Cynthia’s hand, saying, “I will pray for you. You pray for me, too.” The next day, Cynthia and Robert were back at the Vatican for a public audience with Pope Francis. He stood on an elevated stage and spoke his message to thousands gathered in St. Peter’s Square. Once again, the couple had secured special tickets that allowed them a seat just to the right of the Pope. All persons seated in this section would receive a personal greeting and gift from the Pope following his address to the crowd. As pope Francis approached Fr. Anthony, Cynthia and Robert, he exclaimed, “I remember you from our meeting yesterday!” The bottom photo shows clearly how the Pope grasped Cynthia’s arm, looked deeply into her eyes and said, “Please pray for me.” This is the message that has come directly from Pope Francis to us. Story told to Jean McKenna. Official photos by Servizio Fotografico L’Osservatore Romano Servizio Fotografico L’Osservatore Romano.
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