April 19, 2015 - Our Lady of Mount Carmel

Fr. Thomas J. Behrend……..…………….. Pastor
Fr. David McCafferty…………..Pastor Emer itus
Fr. John J. Sullivan……...Senior Par ochial Vicar
Fr. Joseph P. O’Donnell……….…Parochial Vicar
Fr. David G. Baugh………….…..….in Residence
Fr. Edward Schwet…….……...........in Residence
Rev. Mr. John Strmac…….....Per manent Deacon
Roberta DeMell…………….....Pastor al Associate
Tim Sheridan………….…..….Pastor al Associate
Vincent M. Taraska…… CPA, Business Manager
Bob Crosby…………….….….Maintenance Dept.
Lynne Hoopingarner……...……..Music Ministr y
Teresa Szary……………..…..Youth Coor dinator
Sharon Taraska…………....Office Administr ator
Mary Keiper.….Bulletin Editor /Par ish Secr etar y
Barbara Barsic………....…..…………...Secr etar y
Charlotte Gulden…...……....Religious Education
PSR: 440-585-0800 x206; 29840 Euclid Ave.
Loretta Pilla.………………………….....Pr incipal
School: 29840 Euclid Ave., Wickliffe, Ohio 44092
Phone# 440-585-0800
School Fax: 440-585-9391
Monday: 7:00 a.m. (Chapel) 7:00 p.m. (Chur ch)
Tuesday: 7:00 & 8:30 a.m. (Chapel)
Wednesday: 7:00 a.m., 7:00 p.m. (Chapel)
Thursday: 7:00 & 8:30 a.m. (Chapel)
Friday: 7:00 & 8:30 a.m. (Chapel) (8:30 a.m.
Friday Mass in Church during the school year)
First Friday of each month: 7:45 p.m. (Chapel)
Saturday: 8:30 a.m., 4:00 & 6:00 p.m. (Chur ch)
Sunday: 7:30, 9:30, 11:30 a.m. &
7p.m. Lifeteen Mass only during the school year
Holy Days: See bulletin.
Saturdays 3-3:45 p.m. - 5-5:45 p.m. (Church)
First Fridays 3-4:00 & 6:30-7:30 p.m. (Chapel )
Located in the Rectory, open 24/7.
Singles, families, newlyweds or single young
adults, please register under your own name
even if you were previously registered under
your parents’ name. Call the Parish Office to make
an appointment with Mrs. Roberta DeMell.
Couples intending to marry are required to call the
rectory at least six (6) months prior to marriage.
Baptisms are the 2nd and 4th Sundays of the
month after the 11:30 a.m. Mass. Arrangements for
a baptism date must be made at least one week in
advance. The next Pre-Baptism Class is
Wednesday, July 8, 2015-6:30pm.
Call Parish Office to register.
FUNERALS: Arrangements are made with a
Funeral Director and approved by the Rectory.
Contact Mrs. Roberta DeMell at 585-0700 x 310
PARISH GROUPS: If interested in joining a Parish
group call the Parish Office for contact info.
NEED A RIDE to Mass? Call 440-944-3073.
April 19, 2015
Our Lady of Mt. Carmel Church
29850 Euclid Ave.,
Wickliffe, Ohio 44092
Parish Office:
1730 Mt. Carmel Drive,
Wickliffe, Ohio 44092
Mon.-Fri. 8am-9pm; Sat. 9am-3pm
Parish Office Fax #: 440-585-0870
Parish Website:
Our Lady of Mt. Carmel Church
Greetings to the family of Our Lady of Mt. Carmel
We live in a time in which mercy, like so many other things, has become a detached
concept in people’s minds, separated from things that help us understand it. Mercy
makes sense and is necessary because we are sinners. Yet many today think it unkind
and unmerciful to speak of sinful actions, words, etc. as sins. Many think that mercy
is a declaration that God doesn’t care about sin, or that sin is not a relevant concept.
On the contrary, mercy means that sin does exist. Thanks be to God for the glory, the
beauty, and the gift of His mercy! Without it, we don’t stand a chance. I don’t know about
you, but I’m certainly going to need boatloads of grace and mercy to make it. Only through
grace and mercy are we freed from sin and healed from its effects, or ever hope to enter the
presence of God’s glory in Heaven. Scripture says, But nothing unclean will ever enter it, nor
anyone who does what is detestable or false (Rev 21:27).
Mercy does not mean there isn’t judgment; mercy exists because there is a day of judgment. Mercy does not mean there isn’t Hell; mercy exists because Hell does exist. Without
mercy we are lost--With it we stand a chance; but only if we accept our need for it.
The Gospel says, “As the Father has sent me, so I send you.” And when he had said
this, he breathed on them and said to them, “Receive the Holy Spirit. Whose sins you forgive
are forgiven them, and whose sins you retain are retained.” (John 20:21-23)
There isn’t time here to develop a full explanation of the Sacrament of Confession,
which has been entrusted to the Church. But to those who say, “I don’t have to tell my sins to a
priest, I can go straight to God.” The Lord Jesus gave the power to forgive sins to the Apostles
and their successors. That is clear in this passage. He tells these imperfect men, “Whose sins
you forgive are forgiven them, and whose sins you retain are retained.”
There is something deeply personal, even if imperfect (on account of the imperfection of
priests), in the way the Lord wants us to experience His mercy. But the emphasis is on the
There is a beautiful story of St. John Paul and a fallen priest. The priest had fallen from
grace and left the Priesthood because he was overwhelmed with his duties. He became
homeless in Italy. Pope John Paul heard the story and sought out this priest. When the Saintly
Pope found the homeless priest he helped the priest up and asked him to hear the Pope’s
Confession. The Priest was so humbled that he asked the Pope to hear his Confession. He
returned to the Priesthood and spent the rest of his life ministering to the homeless in Italy.
There is nothing that surpasses the way the Lord conveys his mercy in the deeply
personal setting of the confessional. There is nothing more precious than those words that
conclude every confession: “I absolve you of your sins, in the name of the Father and of the
Son and of the Holy Spirit. Go in peace. Thanks be to God!”
The Lord wants us, for whom faith comes by hearing, to hear those precious words: “I
absolve you from your sins … Go in peace.” There is nothing more wonderful and certain than
those words spoken by the Lord through His priests.
Blessings of mercy and hope and remember that I love you and there is absolutely nothing you can do about it. ~ Fr. Behrend
Together in this time and place, we give glory to God.
Sunday, April 12 $ 10,120.69
8:30 am-C
4:00 pm-C
6:00 pm-C
April 18
Dominic McCraith
Tim Bopp
Dave & Vickey Rowell
Victor & Cheryl Conatti
Wife & Mom
7:30 am-C
9:30 am-C
Joseph & Antonia Alic
Ron Alic Family
Joyce Chicone
Dick Chicone & Family
Tom & Sylvia Lehotsky
Special Intentions
April Automated Giving $ 3,515.00
April 19
7:00 am-R
7:00 pm-C
April 20
Peg Shero
Dora Scipione
Dennyse Cahill
Anne Polivachak
7:00 am-R
8:30 am-R
Anna & Louise Kozel
Gloria Luccio
7:00 am-R
Joshua Bernot
7:00 pm-R
April 21
Mr. & Mrs. Antoviak
April 22
Mr. & Mrs. John Bernot
7:00 am-R
Mike Kinzeski
Margaret & Joseph Stusek
April 23
wife, Donna
Roberta DeMell
7:00 am-R
8:30 am-R
For Parishioners
Pauline Sheridan
April 24
8:30 am-C
4:00 pm-C
6:00 pm-C
Iacubucci Family
Anthony Siciliano
Children & Family
Joseph, Olga & son Joe Sauric
Ed & Barb Bopp
April 25
Alan & Andy
Thank you for your generosity!
7:30 am-C
9:30 am-C
William Demas
Wife-Phyllis & Family
Marie Stine
Ernest Stine & Family
Mr. & Mrs. Bill & Mae Kelly
April 26
Special Intentions
William & Bernadette Kelly
Saturday, April 25
4:00pm- Mary Sill, Joe Ivancic,
Ricky Summers, Thomas Ridler
6:00pm- Alex Clemente, Lily Clemente,
Sammy Clemente, Sarah Garner
April 26
Kyra Filighera, Christina Tran,
Alexandra Nikoli, Sophie Kastl
11:30am– Bridgette Karr, Megan Latkovich,
Brieann Jackam
Thank you for your Time and Commitment!
Next week:
Catholic Home Missions
D.M.=Deceased Members C=Church R=Rectory
Knights of Columbus
Next wk:
Mt. Carmel Players
MONDAY, April 20
Hot Meal 5:30-6:00pm - CH
Legion of Mary 8:00pm - MA
Track Practice 4:45-6pm - CC
Volleyball 6-7:30pm & 7:30-9:00pm - CC
TUESDAY, April 21
PSR classes 6:30-8:00pm
Confirmation Practice 6:30-8:30pm-Church
Altar & Rosary 7:00pm - PC
Finance Council 7-9:00pm - R#2
Girl Softball 5:15-6:45pm - CC
Volleyball 7-8:45pm - CC
THURSDAY, April 23
Knights of Columbus 7:30-9:00pm - PC
Adult Education 6:30-8:30pm - MA
FRIDAY, April 24
8:30am Mass in Church
Sunday Reading Group 9:00am - R#2
MDA Art Show 6:30-8:30pm - CC
SATURDAY, April 25
Men’s Prayer Group 7-8:30am - PC
Jesus Day 8:00am-1:30pm - CC/C/MR
Girl Scouts Noon-4:00pm SUNDAY, April 26
World Day of Prayer for Vocations
Sunday School 9:30am
Last Day Children’s Liturgy 9:30am
Lifeteen 4:00pm - PC
Lifteen Mass 7:00pm
Mt. Carmel Players Auditions-
PC-Pete Christopher CC-Community Ctr. CH-Chapel Hall C-Church MA-Mini-Aud.
FL-Faculty Lournge. AC-After Care MR-Music Rm. R#1 or R#2-Rectory
Lord, let your face shine on us (Psalm 4)
Student Accomplishments:
Congratulations to Melina Gabele! Melina was just named chosen as
the Middle School Division winner for the Lake County Clean and
Green logo contest. Her entry was also judged the overall winner for all
county entries from all three divisions (Elementary, Middle, and High
School)! Her entry will be enlarged, framed, and will hang in the Commissioner’s Chambers for 2015 and will be featured on any promotional material. An
enlarged copy will also be given to Melina at the award ceremony for display at
Mater Dei Academy.
Congratulations to the following students who were chosen as winners from Mater Dei Academy in the City of Wickliffe Arbor Day Poster Contest.
Caitlin McCrone 1st place
Madeline Terhart 2nd place
Isabella Cuturic 3rd place
Are you looking for a school that is Christ-centered and educationally challenging? Then you want to explore the possibility of attending Mater Dei Academy.
Join us for a Prospective Families Open House on Sunday, April 19th from
10am to 12noon.
Learn about all the opportunities that await your children at Mater Dei Academy!
Please call the school office at 440-585-0800 to RSVP.
Additional information about Mater Dei Academy can be found at
Membership & Poppy Drive after
all masses this weekend, April 18
& 19. You don’t need to be a veteran to join. The only requirement is a Birth and Baptismal
Certificate, be a practicing Catholic to become an Associate Member. To be a regular member, you
need to have served in the Armed
Forces of the United States, have
a DD214, with a Honorable Discharge, currently Serving in all
branches of the Armed Forces,
National Guard & Reserves. Call
Ken Kirchner at 257-2156 or Bill
Varga at 352-2315.
Welcome New Parishioners. . .
Greg & Ann Miller, Ms. Nicole Heaton, Miguel & Sharon Duran,
Mr. & Mrs. Graziano
As a Parish Family we invite you to
become active in the numerous
Parish groups and ministries at
OLMC Church. Welcome!
The Mt. Carmel Society’s next
meeting is Tuesday, May 5th at
7:00pm in the Peter Chr istopher Room. Election of Officers
is this night. It is very important
that all members attend this meeting. We need to elect new officers and our members need to be
present to vote.
Our Lady of Mt.
Carmel Church, Wickliffe, is
hosting a bus tour to Philadelphia from Friday, September
25 to Sunday night, September
27 to attend the Festival of
Families Saturday, and Mass
with the Pope on Sunday. The
Trip includes luxury bus departure from Mt. Carmel Church,
staying at 4 or 5 Star Hotel in
downtown area. ALL breakfasts and dinners included. All
driver, hotel, and tour guide
tips included, along with luggage handling. You are responsible only for your lunch.
All inclusive Adult Price as of
4/13/15 is $699…. Children 12
and under travel free (Special
Pricing limited to 2 children
per family and must room with
their parents.) Additional children 12 and under and all teens
13-18 travel for ½ price…$299.
Contact Roberta DeMell for
questions about trip at 440-585
-0700. Space will book quickly: Contact Proximo Travel to
register at 1-855-842-8001 or
You alone, O LORD, bring
security to my dwelling.
—Psalm 4:9
We have an Advocate with the Father, Jesus Christ the righteous one (1 John 2:1-5a)
Our deepest Sympathy to
The families of the deceased:
Michael J. Cicora,
Dorothy M. Kapel, Kathryn Pirnat
Please keep them in your prayers.
May is National Stroke Awareness
Month. A stroke occurs every 40
seconds and yet up to 80% of
strokes can be prevented. This is
why Our Lady of Mount Carmel
Church is hosting Life Line Screening, the nation’s leading provider
of preventive health screenings on
Saturday, May 9, 2015.
Screenings are fast, painless and
affordable. Three key tests check
for blocked carotid arteries, an
irregular heart rhythm called atrial
fibrillation, and high blood pressure, which are the three leading
risk factors for stroke. Nearly
800,000 strokes will occur this
year, taking a life approximately
every four minutes.
Other tests check for abdominal
aortic aneurysms and hardening of
the arteries in the legs. A bone density screening to assess osteoporosis risk is also offered and is appropriate for both men and women.
Many events also offer blood tests,
including cholesterol, glucose and
creative protein screenings, as well
as take-home colon cancer early
detection tests.
Screening packages start at $139.
Single tests cost around $70. For
more information regarding the
screenings or to schedule an appointment, call 1-888-6536441. Pre-registration is required.
Auditions for the Mt.
Carmel Players 2015
production of
Peter Pan ar e
Sunday, April 26
6:30–9:00 pm and
Tuesday, April 28
7:00–9:00 pm in OLMC MiniAuditorium. Callbacks if needed are
Wednesday, April 29 7:00–9:00 pm.
Please come prepared with a song
and be ready to dance. Accompanist
will be provided, no a cappella please!
Auditions are open to anyone age
six and older! Parts for all ages available! Any questions please contact
Katy Doman at 440-478-6234 or
Our Lady of Mt. Carmel Vacation
Bible School 2015 ...J oin your
friends at G-Force. God’s Love in
Action! Mark Your Calendar. July
20-July 24, 2015, 9am-Noon. Grab
your roller blades, skateboard, or
bike! Our Navigators will join the
“Coach” each day to Discover that a
life with God is one of movement
both physically and spiritually” —Morning Assembly starts at the Adventure Park; stop at the Scripture
Zone for inter-active bible stories;
discover the Science Zone for memorable science experiments; visit the
Craft Zone fro inspirational and fun
crafts; explore our Games Zone for
fun and wacky game; and meet at
the Song Studio for songs and music. Together we’ll realize “In God,
We live, move, and exist.”
No Pre-School Program this year.
The regular program will be for
Children 5 years old by July 1, 2015
through children going into 5th
grade. Daily Action Words
(Themes) are: MOVE! ACT!
REGISTRATION continue until
July 10th. Obtain a Registration
form from our Web Site
“olmcwickiffe.org” or the Rectory
Office. COST : 1 Child-$25, 2 Children-$45, 3 or more $60.
For info or a registration form contact Robert DeMell at 440-585-0700
x 310, rdemell@wickliffe.org or
Lisa Greger at 440-585-0800 x201
During the month of March our pantry
distributed 373 bags of food to 94
families. This provided 2394 meals to
those families. We also provided nine
nights of shelter to 6 adults and 3 children.
The ages of the individuals served
in our pantry are: 45 seniors over the
age of 60, 141 adults age 18 to 59
80 children age birth to 17
Our Hot-Meal program served
meals to 324 people.
Our pantry is open Wednesday and
Thursday evenings from 5:00 to 6:45
to Wickliffe residents or parishioners
who reside in another city. Everyone
must provide a current utility bill as
proof of their residence.
Our pantry is in need of the following items: laundry soap, cereal, boxed
potatoes, boxed dinners such as hamburger helper, and canned fruit.
Please check the expiration date
on the items you donate as we can
not distribute items that are more
than a year past the "best by use
Thank You again for your continued generosity!! May God Bless
Weekday and some weekend
Mass Intentions are available
for 2015. Please submit your
written requests with a $10
stipend for each Mass to Parish
Office or collection basket.
Envelopes are available at the
Church entrances and Parish
Office. Any questions, please
call the Parish Office.
This week at Lake Life Teen
We were so blessed last weekend to retreat with teens from around Lake/Geauga
County. Thank you to
all who prayerfully
supported us on this
journey. It was an amazing experience that truly
led both our teens and
adults closer to each
other and to Christ. We
also had the opportunity
to worship in Adoration
at the diocesan XLT on
Tuesday night. As we discussed being born into new life this Easter season, we
pray that we continue to find the hope, peace, and joy of the resurrected Christ.
This weekend, we resume Life Nights and 7:00 pm Mass as we begin to wind
down the spring semester. All are welcome to join us as we look at what virtues
are and how we are called to live them out every day. We always start with dinner
at 5:00 pm, the Life Night at 5:30 pm and end with the celebration of Mass at 7:00
Keep an eye out on www.lakelifeteen.com, follow us on Twitter or Instagram and
friend us on Facebook (www.facebook.com/lakelifeteen) for information on the
many upcoming events this semester! In His Peace ~ Teresa
Mother’s Day Laser Tag
All high school students, Confirmed 8th graders and moms are invited to join us
following the 5:00 pm Mass at OLMC on Sunday, May 11. Come on out to the
gym after Mass for food, music, and LASER TAG! There is no pre-registration
Spring Flower Sale
We only hold two fundraisers a year, and need your help to make them awesome!
We will once again be selling flowers at all the Masses during Mother’s Day
weekend (May 9 – 10). We are looking for teens to help out at the sale on both
Saturday and Sunday following all Masses. Signup sheets will be available soon at
Life Nights and online. Please help out Lake Life Teen by selling flowers to your
family and friends!! EVERY flower you sell will help fund the amazing programs
and events that our parishes are able to provide for you.
Catholic Youth Summer Camp (CYSC)
We are excited to invite you to explore the awesome world of Catholic Youth
Summer Camp in Columbus! This crazy fun and awesome week is available to all
current and incoming high school students and we encourage you to check it out.
Including fantastic camp events (high adventure activities with daily extreme
sports available), this camp also offers a unique opportunity for you to explore
your Catholic faith with teens from around Ohio through daily Mass, Adoration,
Reconciliation, and catechesis. This year, the “Cleveland week” will be offered
June 14 – 19 (other weeks throughout the summer are also open). The entire cost
of the week is $495, and scholarships are available. Details and registration are
available on www.cysc.com.
Lord let your face shine on us (Psalm 4)
One of the wonderful things
about vacations is the time we
spend two or three weeks afterward savoring the experience,
sharing vacation photos and memories with our family and friends.
This kind of reflection puts us
back in touch with the original
experience and reminds us of the
relaxation and wonder the vacation
afforded us. Today, on the Third
Sunday of Easter, the Church
blesses us with reminders of what
we celebrated two Sundays ago.
All three readings are reflections
on the meaning of the death and
resurrection of Christ. One of the
threads running through these reflections is that the purpose of the
Lord’s suffering, death, and resurrection was to save us, to forgive
our sins. We are given fifty days to
ponder this reality—fifty days to
savor the experience of Christ’s
dying and rising for us.
Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co.
Monday: Acts 6:8-15; Ps
119:23-24, 26-27, 29-30; Jn
Tuesday: Acts 7:51 —
8:1a; Ps 31:3cd-4, 6, 7b, 8a,
17, 21ab; Jn 6:30-35
Wednesday: Acts 8:1b-8;
Ps 66:1-3a, 4-7a; Jn 6:35-40
Thursday: Acts 8:26-40; Ps
66:8-9, 16-17, 20; Jn 6:44-51
Friday: Acts 9:1-20; Ps
117:1bc, 2; Jn 6:52-59
Saturday: 1 Pt 5:5b-14; Ps
89:2-3, 6-7, 16-17; Mk 16:15
Sunday: Acts 4:8-12; Ps
118:1, 8-9, 21-23, 26, 28, 29;
1 Jn 3:1-2; Jn 10:11-18
Third Sunday of Easter
Christ Child Society of the
Western Reserve invites you to
attend The RED WAGON
APRIL 29, 2015 at La Malfa
Centre 5783 Heisley Rd.
Mentor, Ohio 44060; 10:30 a.m.
Chinese Auction, 12:00 p.m.
Buffet Luncheon; $40.
Complimentary valet parking
For more information: Call
Marion at 440 975-8208
you to everyone who participated
in the 2015 spring campaign of
40 Days for Life mission and 507
babies, mothers and families
were spared from abortion where
40 Days for Life campaigns were
conducted this spring, including
2 in Cleveland/Painesville. We
look forward to praying with you
in the 2015 fall campaign, September 23-November 1. God
bless you and thank you.
John Noall, campaign director
40 DFL/Cleveland/Painesville.
COMPASSION is a wonder ful musical depicting the ministry of Jesus
Christ. This live play will take place at
St. Justin Martyr Catholic Church,
35781 Stevens Blvd., Eastlake in Lambur Hall of the school. Performances
will take place at 7:30 PM on Friday &
Saturday, April 24 & April 25.
FREE; Free Will donations accepted.
FESTA! 25th annual. Fabulous
full Dinner, Dancing, and Music.
Saturday, April 25, 2015, 6:3011:00PM. Tickets $40. All proceeds go to the Piunno-ScaravelliDicioccio Scholarship Fund of Benedictine High School.
Call 421-2080 ext. 505 for tickets.
Come visit the "Home of Champions"
at the XTREME Benedictine Open
House. J oin us for a night of Xtr eme
activities, giveaways, games and an interactive tour of the school! Tuesday,
April 28, 2015, 6:00 pm ~ 7:30 pm,
Benedictine High School, 2900 Martin
Luther King Jr. Drive, Cleveland, Ohio
44104. For more information, please
call Admissions Director, Joe Laffey at
216-421-2080 ext. 356 or email
WEDNESDAY, May 13, 2015
12:00 - 2 PM, ST. NOEL’S PARISH
HALL. Sr. Mary McCormick, General Superior of the Ursuline Sisters,
will be the speaker at this month’s
Breadth of Life Luncheon. Her topic
is “Mary : Our Mother and Model.”
Cost for luncheon and program is
$18. For reservations, call Connie
944-5529 or Betty 585-0392 before
GIFT SHOP., First Communion,
Confirmation, etc, gifts at affordable
prices. Open seven days a week from
10am to 4:30pm. 21281 Chardon Rd.
BEREAVEMENT SERIES, Monday, May 4th and June 15th - 6:308pm at DeJohn funeral Home, 28890
Chardon Rd., Willoughby Hills. More
info or to register call 440-516-5555.
PRE-CANA Pr e-Cana sessions that
are held at parishes and retreat centers
can be found at:
RELAY FOR LIFE of Wester n Lake
County will be Saturday, July 11th from
12pm to Midnight at Eastlake North High
School. Molly 1-888-227-6446 ext. 1206
Remember goodsearch.com (a yahoo search engine) and support Mater Dei Academy