THE OPEQUON SPIRIT “Prayerfully Equipping Disciples of All Generations to be Christ’s Hands, Heart and Feet in the World” APRIL 2015 HOLY WEEK SERVICES MAUNDY THURSDAY COMMUNION SERVICE Thursday, April 2nd 7:00 p.m. Memorial Sanctuary Exodus 12:1-14, John 13:1-17, 31b-35 "A Night of Remembrance" Choral Music GOOD FRIDAY TENEBRAE SERVICE Friday, April 3rd 7:00 p.m. Sanctuary John 18:1-19:42 “A Service of Gathering Darkness” Choral Music Recessional with the Cross “THE EASTER RESURRECTION EVENT” FOR FAMILIES Saturday, April 4th Breakfast and Easter Story—9:00 a.m.-10:30 a.m. EASTER SUNDAY—April 5th EASTER SUNRISE WORSHIP—6:15 a.m. Pitcock Memorial Shelter Acts 10:34-43, John 20:1-18 Reflections: "Early in the Morning" Special Music by PS 150 Breakfast Follows in Fellowship Hall RESURRECTION DAY WORSHIP—8:30 & 11:00 a.m. Psalm 118:1-2, 14-24, Mark 16:1-8 Sermon: "Beyond the Empty Tomb" Communion, One Great Hour of Sharing REMINDER: DON’T FORGET TO PICK UP YOUR “GUIDE TO FIFTY DAYS OF PRAYER” IN THE GATHERING AREA OR CHURCH OFFICE BEGINNING EASTER SUNDAY, APRIL 5TH. 1 Spring Market and Auction Saturday, April 11th 10am - 3pm Opequon Presbyterian Church All Proceeds Benefit Local and Global Mission Spring Market // 10am - 3pm Home Baked Goodies, Hand-Made Crafts, Plants & Flowers, etc… Silent Auction // 10am - 1pm Gift Cards and Merchandise from Local Businesses, Collectibles, Estate Items, Antiques, etc… Live Auction // begins at 1pm Collectibles, Estate Items, Antiques, etc… Address/Directions: 217 Opequon Church Lane Winchester, VA 22602 Located off Route 11/Valley Avenue in Kernstown 2 COLLECTING FOR CCAP MINISTRY TEAM NIGHT Tuesday, April 7 Dinner is at 6:00 p.m. Baked Ham, Macaroni & Cheese, Vegetables, Salad, and Texas Sheet Cake will be prepared by the Faith and Families Sunday School Class. Come enjoy a scrumptious dinner and fellowship with others before going off to do the work of your team. Peanut Butter WORSHIP IN APRIL Devotions 6:45 p.m. Ministry Team Meetings 7:00 p.m. Sunday, April 5th – Easter, the Day of Resurrection Easter Sunrise Service – 6:15 a.m. Pitcock Memorial Shelter Special Music by PS 150 Acts 10:34-43, John 20:1-18 Reflections: “Early in the Morning” NOTES FROM THE PASTOR: “Learning How to Become Sailors” Dear Friends in Christ, It is a warm summer day at the lake. The water looks cool and inviting. You push your boat off the shore, pick up the oars, and begin to row over to the other side. After a while, what seemed like a warm day begins to feel hot. Pulling at the oars, your arms begin to tire, and the other shore looks farther away than when you started. You stop for a moment to rest, and as you wipe the sweat off your face, you see a sailboat on the lake, not too far off. It is skimming across the water, almost dancing with the wind. The sailboat is coming in your direction. You admire its graceful movement. As you pick up the oars again, you wonder what it would be like to sail. Resurrection Day Worship – 8:30 & 11:00 Psalm 118:1-2, 14-24, Mark 16:1-8 Sermon: “Beyond the Empty Tomb” Communion, One Great Hour of Sharing Sunday, April 12th – 2nd Sunday of Easter Psalm 133, Acts 4:32-35 Sermon: “One in Heart and Mind” Dedication of Memorial Garden – 12:15 p.m. Open Door Worship – 6:30 p.m. Music led by PS 150 Teaching by Pastor Kevin Sharing & Prayer Communion Sunday, April 19th – 3rd Sunday of Easter Psalm 4, Acts 3:12-19 This is how the Rev. Joan Gray introduces her book, Sailboat Church, a book that Opequon’s ruling elders, deacons, and staff have recently read in helping our church rethink its mission and practice. The book was the subject that spurred our conversation at our recent officers’ retreat and will direct our thoughts at an upcoming staff retreat. Gray goes on, “Early Christian symbols include a boat as a symbol Sunday, April 26th – 4th Sunday of Easter Psalm 23, Acts 4:5-12 Sermon: “Power of the Name” Four Cents a Meal, Fair Trade Coffee 3 as we all learn how to become sailors as part of a sailboat church. for the church. In Jesus’ time, there were two ways to power a boat on open water. One was to use muscles, most commonly by rowing. The other way was to harness the power of the wind. When the early Christians used a boat as a symbol for the church, it was never a rowboat; it was always a sailboat. That is because on the day of Pentecost, with ‘a sound like the rush of a violent wind’ (Acts 2:1), Jesus’ promise of power became a reality and drew those who believed in him into a different way of living. For these early Christians, church was a God-powered, God-led, Godresurrected adventure. They found they were caught up in something much bigger than themselves. Day by day, hour by hour, they moved as the Holy Spirit led them. They depended on the Spirit to provide what was needed to do God’s work. They knew that God was really in charge of what was happening. On Pentecost, they received the gift of spiritual resources to participate with Jesus in his transformation of the world. As they felt the wind of the Spirit begin to blow around them that day, they raised their sails and began the process of learning how to become sailors.” May resurrection blessings of new life abound for you and yours. Together in Christ’s Service, David CHURCH OFFICE IS CLOSED The Church Office will be closed on Monday, April 6 in observance of Easter. STAFF SCHEDULE THIS MONTH David and Carole Witt ---------------- April 14-19 Vacation Kevin Hay -------------------------------- April 24-27 Vacation STAFF RETREAT Within the church and through our lives of discipleship in the world, we do both rowing and sailing; but, wouldn’t it be more effective for us, as servants of Christ, if what we shared was a genuinely God-powered, God-led, and God-resurrected adventure? On the Sundays between Easter and Pentecost (May 24th), Pastor Kevin and I are going to preach from the book of Acts to explore how the Spirit helped the early church to sail and soar. In the fifty days between Easter and Pentecost, we are inviting you to join in a “Guide to Fifty Days of Prayer,” which includes a daily scripture reading, focus verse, and thoughts for listening to God speak to your heart as you pray. And in the coming months, our ruling elders, deacons, and staff are going to be asking the question, “What is God calling us, as disciples and as the church, to be and do?” We are making a commitment to pray, to discern, to share, to explore, to connect, to build relationships, and to sail into the future. We hope you will join us The church staff will take part in a Staff Retreat on Wednesday, April 22 from 9:00 a.m.-3:00 p.m. Denise Weidele will be covering the office that day. In case of a pastoral concern, please call Denise and leave a message. Pastor David or Pastor Kevin will respond in a timely manner. SESSION HIGHLIGHTS March 17, 2015 Stated Meeting • • • 4 The Christian Education Ministry reported that WORM is going well. The Sunday School project for March is the collection of socks and shoes for Orchard View Elementary School. Mission Ministry is preparing for the Spring Market and Auction on April 11. Session approved a special offering for the One Great Hour of Sharing to be collected on April 5. • • • • • • • • • • • CHURCH WORK DAY Evangelism Ministry reported that a redesign of the church’s website is expected to be ready this spring. Fellowship Ministry reported that both the Talent Show and the Potato Bake went well. On the recommendation of Building & Grounds, Session approved the replacement of two exterior doors at the manse. The Memorial Garden will be dedicated after the 11 o’clock service on April 12. Stewardship & Finance reported that it is looking for a new counting team. The Personnel Team sponsored a staff appreciation lunch on March 4. We have purchased new offering plates for the church. On recommendation of Worship Ministry, our old hymnals will be offered to the original owners, any remaining will be available for sale at a minimal price at the Spring Market. At the Spring Market, the Community Garden Team will sell OPC Community Garden T shirts. There will be a church picnic at Hedgebrook Farm on June 28. Session endorsed a grant request to the Presbytery to help provide funds for incountry expenses of the ESL team going to Ethiopia. On the recommendation of the Youth Council, Session approved a “wall of envelopes” during the month of May as a fundraiser. "But for me, and I think for most of the men and women who have been my companions in this work, it has not been drudgery. None of us would say that we take pleasure in all of it all of the time, but we do take pleasure in it, and sometimes the pleasure can be intense and clear. Many of my dearest memories come from these times of hardest work." —Wendell Berry The Buildings and Grounds Team invites you to join us on Saturday, April 18 for the Spring Church Work Day. We'll have tasks for all interests and skill levels. Work begins at 8:00 a.m., but feel free to join us at anytime for however long you can spare. We hope to see you on this day of fellowship and renewal at Opequon. Contact Mike Birchenough at, 540-539-5329, or Bill Hopeck at or 703-629-7157, with questions. OLDER ADULT HAPPENINGS Throughout this month, find lots of reasons to smile! We will be smiling at the Older Adult Ministry Team meeting on Monday, April 13, at 9:30 a.m. in the Bageant Room. This team makes plans for Happy Days programs as well as trips throughout the year. The meetings are complete with hearty laughter, fresh goodies, coffee, and wonderful planning. The meetings are open to any older adult. Our Happy Days gathering this month is on Wednesday, April 8 at noon. Bring your favorite springtime menu items for a delicious covered-dish lunch. Following lunch, the program is sure to be inspiring, enlightening, and entertaining. We will be sharing items on “Our Bucket Lists.” This is the month to nominate an older adult for “Opequon’s 2015 Older Adult”. Opequon’s Older Adult of the Year will be announced at the Older Adult Luncheon on Wednesday, May 20. Invitations to this event will come to your mailbox this month. If you would like to join the trip to Becky Proctor’s Fairy Garden on May 28, sign up on the list in the kiosk or let Carole Witt know. NEWCOMERS’ GATHERING Sunday, April 26th – 12:30 p.m. Bageant Room Come and learn about Opequon Church and our Reformed & Presbyterian heritage, government and mission! Questions? Contact Pastor David Witt at or 540-662-1843 5 CONFIRMATION CONNECTION There is one open seat on the trip to see the musical “Josiah for President” on October 21 up in Lancaster. This sign-up sheet is available in the kiosk as well. Worship and sacraments have been recent topics focused on in the confirmation class. Conversation about our own baptisms with family members and watching a clip from "The Lion King" also enhanced our discussion of the sacraments. How do you spell “PRESBYERIAN” was a fun lesson too! These young people are involved in practical and relevant lessons as they prepare to express their own faith. Thank you for continued prayers for our confirmation students: Ashton Clark, Andrew Crites, Zane Hawkins, Allison Morgan, Melanie Morgan, Brooke Moses, and Cole Owens. NOMINATE AN OLDER ADULT FOR “Opequon’s 2015 Older Adult” As part of our Older Adult Month celebration during the month of May, we will honor “Opequon’s Older Adult of the Year”. The session will make the selection based upon nominations that are shared with them. Nomination forms are available in the Gathering Area. Please share WHO you would like to nominate and WHY they are deserving of this honor. Nominations are due by May 10. Nominations may come from anyone in the congregation. Fill out a nomination form today and leave it in the box provided, or return it to Carole Witt. WORM NEWS THE LATEST IN LOGOS WORM stands for our WORKSHOP ROTATION MODEL that takes place each Sunday morning at 9:45 a.m., for all children, preschool-5th grade. Recently, children have studied "Kingdom Parables" through drama, mural painting, cooking and exercise and dance. Currently, the focus in the rotations is "The Great Commission" with games, video, and creative writing workshops. Many thanks to over 40 adults who have helped facilitate all our workshops since beginning last September. Every Sunday morning is exciting and offers something new for the children. Children have been overheard saying “I don’t want to miss my workshop on Sunday morning!” Parents have the greatest impact on their children’s faith development, which we hope includes bringing them to experience the great WORKSHOPS on Sunday mornings! th Our 17 LOGOS year wrapped up on March 22 with our annual LOGOS Sunday. What a privilege it was for our LOGOS young people to lead worship at 11:00 that morning. As the service came to a close, the LOGOS children, youth, and staff formed a circle around the congregation and dedicated the song “Let There Be Peace on Earth” to our beloved Tom Gruenther, who served as a Table Parent and Kitchen Crew member in our LOGOS Ministry. We love Tom and miss him greatly! On Wednesday, March 25, our final LOGOS night, we closed with a great celebration during a potluck dinner with LOGOS young people, their families and LOGOS staff. The theme for our final night was “See You Later, Alligator” as we hope to see everyone back in September as we begin our 18th year. Remember OPC in Your Will 6 ESOPHAGEAL CANCER AWARENESS MONTH Registration opens April 5 for… VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL 2015! G-FORCE: God’s Love in Action through a series of nightly themes! *Veggie Tales Night (Includes a visit to our Community Garden, Veggie Tale movie, and planting our own seeds) *Rotation Night (Fun with Science, Music, Art, and Games Workshops) *Pool Party Night (Includes sharing activities in and out of the water) *Amazing Adventure Night (Finding clues to a master puzzle through an amazing race) *Everything Wheels Night (Navigate from one station to another on wheels) It is all happening June 14-18, 4:30-7:30pm 4 year olds-8th grade See the display table in the Gathering Area. Many volunteers needed too; discover how you can help out with all the fun. April is Esophageal Cancer Awareness Month The esophagus is the muscular tube that moves food and liquids from the mouth to the stomach. Did you know? Esophageal cancer is among the fastest rising and most deadly cancers. It frequently goes undetected, because… often there are no symptoms until the disease has spread Symptoms may include: Difficult/painful swallowing, especially with bulky foods such as breads and meats Hoarseness Weight loss • • • • OUR WALK TO JERUSALEM We began the journey (an imaginary trip) from Winchester to Jerusalem, a distance of 5,951 miles, on Wednesday, February 18. It is imaginary because we don’t actually physically end up in Jerusalem, but our efforts are anything but imaginary! Close to 80 people contributed miles each week by logging their exercise time and distances. Along with time for exercise, the Walk to Jerusalem invites us to spend some intentional time in prayer throughout the weeks of Lent. The combination of exercise and prayer tends to make a healthier, happier YOU. The goal is to reach Jerusalem by Easter Sunday, April 5. The # of miles walked increased each week and after week 5 (out of 6 weeks) of the journey, we had traveled 5,905 miles! Incredible! We have been on the move! If you do the math, that leaves only 45 miles for our final week of walking to Jerusalem. Congratulations to all the “travelers”! Rest up now! Possible causes: Alcohol consumption Tobacco use in any form GERD (Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease), occurs when the contents of the stomach back into the lower part of the esophagus, causing irritation and possible changes to its lining Barrett Esophagus, a condition that changes the lining of the lower esophagus and can increase the risk of cancer Concerned? Talk to your doctor and arrange for an endoscopy. It’s a fairly simple procedure which can help with early diagnosis. "Happy is the man who finds wisdom, and the man who gains understanding." Proverbs 3:13 YOU ARE INVITED TO JOIN US FOR THE DEDICATION OF THE MEMORIAL GARDEN 7 SUNDAY, APRIL 12TH 12:15 p.m. “MOO” denomination allocates its gifts differently, all use their funds for ministries of disaster relief, refugee assistance, and development aid, and each denomination does a significant portion of those ministries through Church World Service. Receipts to the offering have been declining in recent years, causing the programs it supports to scale back support for their humanitarian programs. This year, we need to stop that decline, and step up our support. When it comes to Easter Sunday, when most churches collect the one Great Hour of Sharing, let there be no mistake about our commitment to feed the poor and help the afflicted. We encourage everyone to give to OGHS. Last year, we made and surpassed our $2,500 goal. This year's goal for Opequon: $3,000. MEN OF OPEQUON Monday, April 13 Dinner – 6:00 p.m. – Chick-fil-A Gathering – 7:00 p.m. Guest speaker will be Eddie Cassidy. He serves as the director of The Lord Fairfax House in Winchester and CALFC, Council on Alcoholism, Lord Fairfax Community. The Lord Fairfax House is a halfway house for recovering Addicts and Alcoholics. Eddie will also talk about the community wide effort to deal with the current Heroin epidemic. A NEW SEASON SPRINGS FORTH FOR OPEQUON’S COMMUNITY GARDEN at Hedgebrook Farm. Keep your eyes open for Information on how you can be involved! Contact Joelle Cafaro, or Robin Owens for information. MISSION TRIP TO POCAHONTAS COUNTY, WEST VIRGINIA We are revisiting what for years had been an annual mission trip to Pocahontas County, a beautiful county in southwestern West Virginia, which, by the way, was once home to several of our church members. The dates of the trip are June 28 through July 3, but if you cannot spend all that time with us, a shorter time period would still be appreciated. A local church contact arranges for the projects which will be determined later. Our only requirements are that a person has a brain (half would be OK), a smile and a willingness to have fun while working. Accommodations are acceptable (very rustic with a tinge of iron in the water) and because none of us ever got sick in the past, we will repeat foraging at La Costco and dine at Marlinton’s fine home town eateries. For further details, please call George Schember at 540-667-2559. ONE GREAT HOUR OF SHARING Received and Dedicated Easter Sunday, April 5th The One Great Hour of Sharing offering is one of the four church-wide special offerings sponsored by the Presbyterian Church (USA). It is usually taken during Lent, especially on Easter. This year marks the 66th anniversary of the first OGHS, begun as American Christians recognized the need to respond to the worldwide devastation caused by World War II. In March 1949, a national broadcast on a Saturday evening asked Americans to give generously the next morning in their churches; a remarkable assembly of national leaders and celebrities gave their efforts to the broadcast, and more than 75,000 churches responded the next day. By 1954, the OGHS goal was already $8 million. Over the years, the offering has been an ecumenical effort, with as many as twenty-nine denominations participating. Today, the OGHS Committee is composed of nine Christian denominations. While each THE PRESBYTERIAN HYMNAL Now that we are using the new “Glory to God” hymnals, the Worship Ministry Team is looking for good homes for the blue Presbyterian hymnals. Many of you have donated hymnals to Opequon Church in memory or in honor of a 8 We express our Christian love and sympathy to… loved one. If you would like to have a hymnal that you donated, please let Robin Eddy, Jennie Wright or Paula McNichols know that you want one. On April 11th, everyone will be able to obtain one at the Market Craft Sale and Auction for a small donation to the CSI project. Karen Mackie upon the death of her father on February 23 Peggy, Kristin & Max Gruenther upon the death of her husband and their father, Tom, on February 25 Nancy Rodgers upon the death of her sister, Lorraine Mock on March 15 Peggy & John Hess upon the death of their newborn grandson, Seth Coen Snawder on March 20 NEW PARAMENTS AND BANNERS We hope you have taken note of the new paraments (cloths on the pulpit and communion table) and banners that have graced our Sanctuary in recent weeks. They add so much color, texture, and symbolism to our worship services in this special season. The paraments that were present for LOGOS Sunday on March 22 were created by our LOGOS youth in their worship block, under the direction of Ms. Hanna Garrity, a local artist who specializes in liturgical art. Each youth created a plan based on imagery inspired by listening to John Newton’s age old hymn, Amazing Grace. The new banner for Palm Sunday and pulpit cloth for Easter were designed and created by Amy Gray, Nancy Newman, and Paula McNichols. They focus on the parade of the palms and the glory of the resurrection. We appreciate these wonderful additions to our worship space. We also want to celebrate the paraments that we have been using and continue to use in the Sanctuary since its construction in 2005; prior to that time, Opequon did not have paraments. Our current paraments of blue and purple (Advent and Lent), white (Christmas, Easter, baptisms, communion), red (Pentecost, ordination/installation, confirmation, church history/anniversary), and green (growth, ordinary time) were designed and hand-made by Helen Schieve, with the assistance of Amy Gray. We are so blessed by the talents and gifs within our congregation. “I am the resurrection and the life,” says the Lord. “Those who believe in me shall live, even though they die; and those who live and believe in me shall never die.” John 11:24-25 1 Ben & Kirsta Weber 2 Dick & Gail Crane, Edgar & Ann Tufts 3 Rick & Marj Praml 18 Fred & Vonnie Johnston, Alex & Esther Odei 21 Jeff & Ann Nordeen 24 Mike & Carrie Butler, Dave & Dana Kelly 25 Duke & Betty Lee Foulk 3 Christine Clark, Dave Daggett, Nancy Kerns, Bill Robinson 4 Robin Owens, Dorothy Walker 5 Barbara Reese 6 Al Copenhaver, Luke Shiley 7 William Bayliss, Sandy Vess, Denise Weidele 8 Norma Horsburgh 9 Anthony Lunsford 10 Jeff Nordeen 12 Meagan Leonard 13 Kim Hoxton, Karen Winters 14 Bobbie Joyner, Kate Kochel 15 Travis Carr, Rick Praml 16 Ray Jones 17 Anna Fox, Paula McNichols 18 Brenna Hathaway 20 Bob Gaines, Heidi McMurdo 21 Ben Hawkins 22 Judy McKay, Diana Treece 23 Ashton Clark 9 24 Madison Clark 25 Mike Shade 26 Kaye Daggett, Cindy Vaughn 27 Abe Meyer, Joel Witt 28 Pam Bayliss 29 Edwina Johansen, Drew Painter 30 Jordan Weir 26 Debi Hodgson, Annemarie Matthews Liturgists 8:30 Dave Yost 11:00 Shirley Tomblin Nametags Week 1 Pat deButts Week 2 Dulcie Reed Week 3 Nancy Rodgers Week 4 Kail Barbe Week 5 Nancy Rodgers Acolytes 8:30 5 Ty Martin 12 volunteer needed 19 volunteer needed 26 volunteer needed 11:00 5 Lauren Reed 12 Nicholas Hott 19 Noah Cutrona 26 Chase Pierce Ushers (Head usher in bold) 8:30 5 Vicki Crites, Ella Gray, Ty Martin, Dulcie Reed, Malachi Reed, Graham Taylor 12 Pat Heavner, Dick Widell, Jim Youngblood 19 Terry Hartman, Heide Mohler, Carroll Youngblood 26 Keith McMurdo, Travis Morgan, John Winn Beadles 8:30 Bill Burslem 5,12,19, 11:00 Alan McKay 5,12,19 Bill Robinson 26 11:00 5 Jim Butler, Madison Clark, Liza Homan, Annemarie Matthews, Lauren Reed, Diana Weir 12 Kyle Homan, Nicholas Hott, Eli Keaton, Abe Meyer, Bill Robinson, Gene Walker 19 Jason Brown, Noah Cutrona Andy Homan, Alex & Sydney Sardelis, Joel Witt 26 Mike Birchenough, Brady & Caleb Cooper, Bill Hopeck, Chase Pierce, Bob Weidele Bell Ringers 8:30 Mo Mohler 11:00 Kristen Blake, Bailey Cooper, AnnMarie & James Kelly Children's Worship 12 Emily Brown, Liza Homan 19 Cassy Roark, Lauren Armstrong 26 Vicky Astorino, Megan Triplett Greeters 8:30 Hazel Spriggs, Pat deButts 11:00 Les and Sabra Veach Hospitality 8:30 5 Dom Cafaro, Brenda Hawkins 12 Judy Copenhaver, Heide Mohler 19 Debbie & Bill Bender 26 Betty Chicklo, June Malone AN AMERICAN CHORAL CROSS-SECTION The Blue Ridge Singers present "An American Choral Cross-Section" on Friday, April 17, at 7:30 p.m. at the Front Royal Presbyterian Church; on Sunday, April 19, 4:00 p.m. at Opequon Presbyterian Church, Winchester, and on Tuesday, April 21, at 7:30 pm at All Saints Catholic Church in Manassas. Admission is free; donations are welcome. 11:00 5 Jack Drumheller, Betty Ganoe 12 Vicky & Lance Astorino 19 Heather & Steve Burton 10 we can still get people into Massanetta or Montreat! Talk to Kevin if interested! Massanetta Middle School Conference (for grades 6, 7, 8) Tuesday, June 23rd - Friday, June 26th Montreat Youth Conference (for High School Youth, rising 9th graders Graduating Seniors) Sunday, July 19th - Saturday, July 25th No Youth - Easter Sunday Sunday, April 5th PYC Community Dinner Sunday, April 12th 5:00 p.m. - 6:30 p.m. Service Sunday // Motel Ministry Sunday, April 19th 4:30 p.m. – 7:00 p.m. Motel Ministry with Teens Opposing Poverty (from Lenten Prayer Breakfast) Come help prepare food and deliver to people in need at the motels nearby our Church. Please bring canned goods, toilet paper, and paper towels. For all Young Adults in their 20’s and 30’s in all stages of life (young professionals, newlyweds, married with kids, college students, graduate students) Annual Progressive Dinner Sunday, April 26th 4:30 p.m.-7:00 p.m. 20’s & 30’s Young Adult Dinner & Social Thursday, April 16th 7:30 p.m. – 9:00 p.m. Location: TBD Closing PYC Picnic & Volleyball Sunday, May 17th OPEQUON KICKBALLERS Come out and cheer on our Kickball team and share in fellowship! Wednesdays March, 25th - May 27th, games anytime from 6:00 p.m. – 10:00 p.m. Check Young Adult Email for Game Schedule SUMMER PYC TRIPS We have a great group of 14 youth and adults signed up for our Appalachian Service Project! Registration for the Mission Trip is closed, but 11 Opequon Presbyterian Church 217 Opequon Church Lane Winchester, VA 22602-2421 NONPROFIT ORG US POSTAGE PAID WINCHESTER VA PERMIT 85 RETURN SERVICE REQUESTED THE OPEQUON SPIRIT “Prayerfully equipping disciples of all generations to be Christ’s hands, heart and feet in the world.” APRIL 2015 “The Opequon Spirit” is the monthly newsletter of: Opequon Presbyterian Church 217 Opequon Church Lane Winchester, VA 22602-2421 Phone: 540-662-1843 Email: Newsletter deadline is the Wednesday after the Stated Session Meeting. Sunday Worship at 8:30 and 11:00 a.m. Sunday School for all ages at 9:45 a.m. David Witt -------------------------------------------------------------- Pastor Kevin Hay ------------------------------------------------- Associate Pastor Carole Witt ------------------------------Director of Christian Education Catherine Richard ----------------------------------- Office Administrator Susan Homan -------------------------------------------- Director of Music William Heavner ---------------------------------------------------- Organist Robert Sydnor --------------------------------------------------------- Sexton Laurie Carver ----------------------------------------- Nursery Supervisor Inside This Issue 20s & 30s ....................................... p. 11 Anniversaries ................................... p. 9 Birthdays .......................................... p. 9 Buildings & Grounds ........................ p. 5 Calendar ........................................ p. 13 Christian Education ..................... pp. 5-7 Congregational Care ........................ p. 7 Fellowship ........................................ p. 8 Mission Ministry ......................... pp. 2, 8 Pastor’s Notes.................................. p. 3 PYC ............................................... p. 11 Servants in Ministry ........................ p. 10 Session Highlights............................ p. 4 Stewardship/Finance ..................... p. 11 Worship ................................... pp. 1,3,9 COMING IN MAY – SAVE THE DATES! May 3rd – “Older Adult Sunday” May 11th – “Mother’s Day/Christian Family Sunday” May 17th – “Confirmation Sunday” & "Honoring H.S. Graduates May 20th – “Annual Older Adult Luncheon” May 24th – "Pentecost Sunday" 12 13
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