Growing in Our Faith A Church With A Future In The Making Lighting the Way Page 1 The First Baptist Church of Owego, N.Y. Volume 19 Issue 10 June 2013 Saturday, June 15th—”Adam’s Rib” We are still displaced from space, however; the tradition continues…. CONGRATULATIONS Patrick Brown— our pianist graduated from SUNY Binghamton Karen Crandall , daughter of Scott Crandall, graduates from Owego Free Academy This year the menu is: Hotdog [Plain, Chili, Sauerkraut] Chips Soda Bottled Water Helping hands are needed to help set-up the food tent on the front corner of the lawn, serve during the fest on Saturday and then tear down again at the close of the festival Saturday afternoon. Your presence will help to re-build this church and make this fundraiser a success!! Please let us know if we have overlooked anyone who may be graduating this year. See page 7 for more that is “happening” at the First Baptist Church Owego during the Strawberry Fest. Inside this issue Vacation Bible School at First Baptist! July 29th - July 1st See Page 7 From the Pastor’s Desk 2 Serving God Together 3 Missions 4 Missions 5 American Baptist Women 6 Strawberry Festival 7 This n That 8 Lighting the Way Let’s see – where were we? Oh, yes. I was ‘talking’ about a couple of paths the Lord put me on when, years ago, I knew things had to change. I knew I was not born and saved and called for the rut that I was in. I cried out to God and He took me down these paths in the ensuing months. The First Path: I shared about this in May’s Newsletter. It was the path that taught me to get serious about giving as seed that I was sowing. I’m still doing it and God is still Blessing!!! Praise His Name! The Second Path: This path was all about my learning to Pray ‘The Prayer Of Jabez.’ Here is the Text – 9 Jabez was more respected than his brothers. His mother had named him Jabez. She had said, “I was in a lot of pain when he was born.” 10 Jabez cried out to the God of Israel. He said, “I wish you would bless me. I wish you would give me more territory. Let your powerful hand be with me. Keep me from harm. Then I won’t have any pain.” God gave him what he asked for. ~ I Chronicles 4:9-10 (NIRV) Jabez asked God for BIG TIME BLESSINGS – of God’s Own choosing! In the Hebrew, the thought is A LOT OF BLESSINGS! We don’t know the details that followed, but God said, ‘Yes’ to this petition. Jabez asked God for MORE TERRITORY – a bigger farm or ranch, a bigger business. Again, we don’t know the details that followed, but God said, ‘Yes’ to this petition. . Growing in Our Faith A Church With A Future In The Making Jabez asked God for HIS HANDS OF ANOINTING to be all over him. Guess what! Again, we don’t know the details that followed, but God said, ‘Yes’ to this petition. Lastly, Jabez asked God to KEEP HIM FROM HARM AND PAIN – evil, sin, wickedness; I believe from doing such and from experiencing such. You got it! Again, we don’t know the details that followed, but God said, ‘Yes’ to this petition. I ‘double-dog-dare you’ to ask God for BIG THINGS! Big Blessings of all the kinds that He has at His disposal. Ask God for a bigger business, a bigger Ministry, a greater influence, for your life to make a bigger impact for His Glory than anything you have ever before experienced or imagined. Ask God to put His hands all over your life – AND THEN WATCH OUT! Ask God for His BIG TIME PROTECTION! There is a lot of evil, harm, and pain on all fronts. God can keep you such. Don’t be timid or fearful of approaching our VERY BIG GOD with VERY BIG RERQUESTS. God gave Jabez what he asked for. I continue to believe He will give me what I’m asking for. I follow the Jabez pattern often when I Pray. I’m asking God to give me Owego for His Glory. I’m asking God to usher in Revival in Owego and in The Historic First Baptist Church Of Owego. I’m asking God to give me Tanzania for His Glory. I’m asking God for more and more houses and lands and assets. I’m asking God to give me the desires of His Heart. I’m asking God the Holy Ghost to possess me. I’m asking God for Kingdom health and Blessings through-out my body – my person. I’m asking God to touch the world through me Page 2 I’m asking God to help the likes of me (sinful man that I am) so that He will be Glorified all over the earth – so that ‘He’ll come out looking good’ wherever my feet shall go and wherever my word (His Word through me) shall be heard. What are YOU asking God for? If your Prayers – and mine – are not asking God for something BIG I believe our Prayers are an insult to Him. If your Prayers – and mine – are not asking God for something BIG I believe our concept of God is way too small! What just might happen in your life and in our Church if we all seriously Prayed ‘The Prayer Of Jabez’ daily for thirty days. The challenge is for all of us to do just that for the entire month of June! Are you up to it? God is. Watch out, Owego, this Church is ‘coming alive!’ God Bless! - P. T. Lighting the Way First Baptist Church 228 Main St. Owego, NY 13827 607-687-4394 e-mail: Facebook: Rev. G. Terry Steenburg Rodger Fritz Daisyanna Fritz David Berry Patrick Brown Marilyn Murray Pastor Moderator Church Clerk Choir Director Pianist Office Manager Church Office Hours: Tues-Thurs 10am-3pm Marilyn Murray Newsletter Editor Deadline for letters and articles is the third Sunday of the month. Growing in Our Faith A Church With A Future In The Making Lighting the Way Page 3 Prayer & Fellowship The importance of prayer Prayer is the Christian’s life. Though every other ordinance be attended to, yet if this one be neglected, all is in vain. It is as impossible for the soul to be spiritually alive and active without a punctual course of fervent and believing prayer, as for the body to be alive and active without breath. Prayer has more influence on the sanctification of the soul than all other ordinances. It is going directly to God to receive the life-giving Spirit according to an absolute and often repeated promise: “Ask, and it shall be given to you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you.” —Edward Griffin Owego Community Prayer for Revival. Always the last Tuesday of the month @ 7:00pm June 25: ? July 30: St. Paul’s Episcopal August 27: Sword & The Spirit September 24: Owego Nazarene Church October 29: Tree of Life November 26: ? December 30 [Monday]: FBO “Simple Supper and Prayer” Wednesday Night Weekly at 5:45 to 7:00pm We very much need to be in the spirit of prayer. Come and spend just one hour, you don't have to pray out loud and we have great fellowship too. We usually have pizza & soda but always open for suggestions. Come on along as we seek our saviors face. Board & Committee Meetings Sunday, June 9th Deacons Following Sunday Worship Service. Saturday, June 22nd @ 9:00am Board of Managers Breakfast meeting [Admiral Clark Room, Owego Treadway] Sunday, June 16th Executive Council Following Sunday Worship Service. Christian Education TBA Music Committee TBA Thank you to all who are faithful in serving on these Committees and Boards. Lighting the Way Growing in Our Faith A Church With A Future In The Making Page 4 One Great Hour of Sharing Sharing Brings Joy: To Us, To Others, To God “God is able to provide you with every blessing in abundance, so that by always having enough of everything, you may share abundantly in every good work.” (2 Corinthians 9:8) The One Great Hour of Sharing Offering (OGHS) will be received as the Deacon’s Offering on June 2. This American Baptist offering is used to provide for the human needs of the world, such as emergency relief, development projects and refugee ministries. Have you ever wished for an extra hand? – Like when you have something in one hand and you need the other hand to turn a door knob or hold the door open, and you need a third hand to turn on the light, scratch your nose, or help someone else? Magicians have such a thing! They have a “device” which can be used to create that third hand. Then the magician can do something which requires two hands and still have another hand to do the trick, which of course then amazes the audience. The OGHS is like a third hand. The offering can extend my hands to places they can never go and it even stretches my hands to many different places at once. Through my sharing, I can extend my hands for tornado damage relief in Alabama, flood relief in Thailand, hunger relief in the Sudan or Somalia, civil war relief in the Middle East, and countless other places and purposes. But the offering is not magic; it’s a miracle! It is truly miraculous that someone feeling “pain” at the gas pump in the United States will give hard-earned money to pay for a water pump in Africa. It’s a miracle that someone with an electric blanket will generously give five dollars or five thousand dollars for one or one thousand blankets for people they don’t even know. It’s a miracle that the face of a hungry child can move a mountain of money when generous hearts are touched. OGHS gives us the extra hand we need. It’s a miracle of God’s generous love poured on us and through us to all God’s children. As we take part in the OGHS Offering, we join Christians around the nation in multiplying our gifts for the common good. Our sharing embodies the compassion to which Jesus calls us. Together our gifts nurture stronger futures and self sufficiency through health care, education, job training, and tools for livelihoods. Together, our gifts bring safety, shelter, and food to refugees after circumstances have made their hometowns uninhabitable. Together, our gifts build homes, schools, medical clinics, and clean water and sewage facilities in villages devastated by earthquakes, floods, and poverty. We may give to this ministry for one week, one day, or one hour, but the good work done by our gifts lasts much longer. Thank you for your joy-filled sharing! Continued on Page 8 Lighting the Way Growing in Our Faith A Church With A Future In The Making Page 5 It Took Nine Months Excerpts from the Missionary Journal of Dr. Bill Clemmer American Baptist Missionary in South Sudan, Africa Dr. Bill and Ann Clemmer currently serve in South Sudan, Africa. Dr. Bill serves as country representative for Interchurch Medical Assistance (IMA), working with a team to help establish and reinforce primary health care services for an estimated 4 million persons in two of South Sudan's states, many who are returning refugees. Ann supports communication, logistics, and the needs of Sudanese health care workers in various settings. “We are told that “on earth we will have many trials and sorrows”. Indeed during 20 years of service in places such as Haiti, Congo, and now South Sudan, Ann and I have seen our share of sorrows, sadly more often visited on the innocent: the children in Haiti orphaned from AIDS, the babies who succumb to malaria in the Congo, and in South Sudan the hundreds of women who die during childbirth, pregnancy being the number one cause of death for a woman between the ages of 13 and 40. Why does God allow the innocent to be afflicted? We have heard the reasons: “God does not create evil but allows it”, that “we live in an imperfect world”. Such reasoning may explain the injustice but does not diminish the responsibility to act. In fact to be aware yet indifferent makes us equally accountable. While God may allow for injustice in the world, He enables and equips His people to address the inequities and respond to the needs. We look at our situation in South Sudan, a nation which was born just over a year ago. We came because there was a need, because we had skills to offer, because we were available…. but principally, because we were called. A short while after arriving, our ABC partner, IMA, was approached by authorities in this new country. Women were dying during childbirth at unacceptable rates because of lack of skilled care. We were asked to build and equip five maternities and birthing centers in isolated areas of the state where maternal mortality was staggering. In addition to building the facilities, there were no doctors so we would have to train nurses to do deliveries, no roads so we would have to fly everything in including cement, no electricity so we would have to supply power. In short, a near impossible task, but not for God, as “His are the cattle on a thousand hills”! We found the funding and built five centers, we recruited 13 young nurses from the villages and sent them to Kenya for advanced training, we imported containers, flew in equipment, established a supply chain of medicine, and provided solar lighting and electricity. Nine months to the day the nurses are back, the buildings erected, the facilities equipped……and pregnant women come for help, over a hundred in the first month of operation, to each of the five facilities. God is aware of the suffering in places such as Congo, Haiti, and South Sudan. He allows the anguish for a time but compels and enables ordinary people like you and me to respond. The difference in these five birthing centers may not be measurable on a global scale but is manifest on an individual one. The lives of these women and their babies in South Sudan are loved and cherished by God. Pain and suffering exist wherever we serve, but He has overcome such sorrow… and more!” Lighting the Way All women are invited to participate in American Baptist Women’s Ministries. Each woman is encouraged to participate according to her own needs, interests, and gifts as led by the Spirit of God. In-as-much Circle We will meet again in September Sunbeam Circle June 12th @noon A picnic / planning meeting will be at the home of Paula Slavy, 13 Halstead Avenue, Owego. Central Area Conference Retreat June 14 & 15 ABW Ministries NYS Delta Lake Conference Center, Rome, NY Board of Managers Planning Meeting Thursday, June 20th @ 7pm Cornerstone Community Church ABW Summer Event Tuesday August 13th @ 6PM at Community Baptist Church, Chenango Street, Port Dickinson Growing in Our Faith A Church With A Future In The Making Our heartfelt sympathy surrounds Joe Langevin and Sharon Campbell whose loving wife and big sister, Norma Brown, went home to dance with Jesus on Sunday, April 28, 2013. She was born in West Virginia on February 3, 1942 the daughter of the late Thomas and Mary (Byers) Brown. She was predeceased by her stepfather, Oscar Luther; one brother, John Brown; brother-inlaw, Jay Campbell and special cousins, Jack Cornett, Jean Ackerman and Margaret Kishpaugh. She is survived by her husband, Joseph Langevin; one sister, Sharon Campbell. Norma worked as a supervisor for the Tioga County Dept. of Social Services and also for the Giant Supermarkets. She worked as a volunteer receptionist at Tioga Opportunities in Owego. Norma was a lifelong member of the First Baptist Church in Owego and former member of the Board of Managers. A Memorial Service was held at Richards Funeral Home, 3670 Waverly Road, Owego, on Thursday, May 2, 2013 at 11:00AM with Rev. G. Terry Steenburg, her pastor, officiating. Burial is in Tioga Cemetery, Owego. In lieu of flowers, please consider a memorial donation in Norma's memory to the First Baptist Church, Flood Recovery Fund, 228 Main St., Owego, NY 13827. Page 6 What a Blessing! Reverend Ken Simpson, who was the Pastor at First Baptist Church Owego for 25 years, returned to the church to spend three Sundays, May 12th, 19th & 26th here with us while Pastor Terry and Pastor Marlene were on a much needed and well deserved vacation. They were able to see Ben Ciranowicz [Marlene’s son] graduate from Law School in Tulsa, Oklahoma, then on to visit Pastor Terry’s mom in Texas, spend quality time with Angela, Phil, Randy & Madelyn [P.T’s daughter, son-in-law & grandchildren in Jonesboro LA], visit with P.T’s son Ryan, Kristen and grandchildren in Louisville KY and finally a visit with P.T’s son, Matthew & Amanda in PA. A Musical Trio “What The World Needs Is Love” This was sung during the worship service on Sunday May 19th; by Reverend Simpson’s Granddaughter's Katelyn Simpson, Alex Pallassino; They were accompanied on guitar by Rachel Pallassino Growing in Our Faith A Church With A Future In The Making Lighting the Way Page 7 See The JESUS Film See The JESUS Film Professionally produced Set in 1st Century Palestine Professionally produced Set in 1st Century Palestine What: “The Story of Jesus for Children,” a captivating true story of Jesus from a child’s perspective, but equally interesting and challenging for adults. When: 3:30 PM, Saturday, June 15 @ the Strawberry Festival Where: The Spot @ Owego First Baptist 228 Main Street. 687-4394 Free Popcorn & Cheap Sodas! Vacation Bible School @ First Baptist July 29-July1 “Colossal Coaster World” Through every twist, turn, and dive, Colossal Coaster World will challenge kids to face their fears and trust God. There's excitement around every curve as kids learn that God has given them a spirit of power, love, and sound judgment. This VBS is the ultimate ride!! What: “Magdalena”, Mary Magdalene, narrator & participant, traces the story of powerfully changed lives through belief in Jesus. Equally interesting and challenging for all genders and ages. When: 6:30 PM, Friday, June 14, just prior to the Strawberry Festival Where: The Spot @ Owego First Baptist 228 Main Street. 687-4394 Free Popcorn & Cheap Sodas! We welcome once again the team from Ox Hill Baptist Church, Chantilly VA. They will be having this same VBS at their church the week before they come and spend the next week with us. They are coming to help with this VBS outreach and help re-build the church too. We need your help to make this VBS a success! Please let Gladys Sirvent know if you can volunteer a couple of hours every day that week. We need teachers, workers—this would be a great area for the teens to participate. Lighting the Way Growing in Our Faith A Church With A Future In The Making Page 8 Continued From Page 4 Statistics and Facts HUNGER Hunger is the world’s No. 1 health risk. It kills more people every year than AIDS, malaria and tuberculosis combined. There are more hungry people in the world than the combined population of the USA, Canada and the European Union. WATER Almost 1 billion people lack access to an improved supply of safe drinking-water. Poor water quality can increase the risk of such diarrheal diseases as cholera, typhoid fever and dysentery, and other water-borne infections. Flea Market Now who would want to sell Fleas?!?!?! It seems there is a Flea Market on Saturday, June 8th from 9:00am to 2:00pm that is happening at Conklin Avenue First Baptist Church 269 Conklin Avenue, Binghamton NY in the Church Parking lot. This church is a member of the Broome-Tioga Association CHILD HEALTH Over three million children die every year within a month of their birth. Every minute a child dies from malaria in Africa. It is one of the leading causes of death in the region among children under five. Insecticide-treated nets prevent transmission and increase child survival. Early treatment with antimalarial medication also saves lives. SANITATION Sunday June 16th is Father's Day in the United States It celebrates the contribution that fathers and father figures make for their children's lives. Its origins may lie in a memorial service held for a large group of men, many of them fathers, who were killed in a mining accident in Monongah, West Virginia in 1907. Father's Day is an occasion to mark and celebrate the contribution that your own father has made to your life. Each year more than 200 million people are affected by droughts, floods, tropical storms, earthquakes, forest fires, and other hazards. Sanitation is an essential component in emergency response and rehabilitation efforts to stem the spread of diseases, rebuild basic services in communities and help people return to normal daily activities. June 2013 BD=Birthday Anniv=Anniversary SS=Sunday School TOL=Tree of Life OUMC=Owego United Methodist Church Sunday Monday 27 2 3 June 2013 S 2 9 16 23 30 Tuesday Wednesday 28 29 4 5 M 3 10 17 24 T 4 11 18 25 W 5 12 19 26 July 2013 T 6 13 20 27 F S 7 14 21 28 1 8 15 22 29 Thursday S M T W T F S 7 14 21 28 1 8 15 22 29 2 9 16 23 30 3 10 17 24 31 4 11 18 25 5 12 19 26 6 13 20 27 Friday Saturday 30 31 Jun 1 6 7 8 May 26 - Jun 1 May 26 SP=SPOT OFA=Owego Free Academy Jun 2 - 8 9:15am Adult/Youth SS Jun 9 - 15 6:00pm A.C.T. Dinner; OUMC 10:00am Quilting Group; SPOT 2nd flr Back Meeting room 11:30am Fellowship 5:45pm Prayer Gathering the SPOT Deacons Mtg 10 11 12 7:00pm He's Alive Board mtg; SPOT 7:00am Prayer mtg TOL; Day Hollow road 1:00pm Bible Study; SPOT 13 14 15 Flag Day 5:45pm Prayer Gathering the SPOT 1:00pm Bible Study; SPOT 11:30am Fellowship 6:30pm Jesus Film; @SPOT 17 18 19 Anniv; Rodger & Daisy Fritz Exec Council mtg BD; Chris Ford 20 BD; Gloria Jakat 9:15am Adult/Youth SS Strawberry Fest 7:00am Prayer mtg TOL; Day Hollow road 3:30pm 10:00am Worship Service BD ; Winnie Allen 21 6:00pm A.C.T. Dinner; OUMC Jesus Film @ SPOT Open House @Camp Vick, Freedom NY 10-3 22 7:00am Prayer mtg TOL; Day Hollow road Anniv; Doug&Marilyn Murray 10:00am Quilting Group; SPOT [upstairs back meeting room] 9:00am Men's Breakfast with Men of MPBC; 9:00am Bd of Managers mtg; Owego Treadw 5:45pm Prayer Gathering the SPOT 1:00pm Bible Study; SPOT OFA Graduation @10am 10:00am Worship Service 23 24 9:15am Adult/Youth SS 25 Anniv; Jason & Kaija Fritz 26 7:00pm Owego Community Prayer; 27 5:45pm Prayer Gathering the SPOT 28 6:00pm A.C.T. Dinner; OUMC 12:00pm Mens Lunch; KamFung 11:30am Fellowship 30 29 7:00am Prayer mtg TOL; Day Hollow road Anniv; Ron & Verna Tomassetti @ First Baptist Owego 10:00am Worship Service BD; Kathy Paro 9:00am Flea Mkt; Conklin Ave Baptist Open House @ Pathfinder lodge, Cooperstown NY 10-3 1:00pm Sunbeam Circle; picnic P. Slavy's 6:00pm home A.C.T. Dinner; OUMC 9:15am Adult/Youth SS 16 FATHERS DAY Jun 23 - 29 Anniv ; Rich & Kandi Saxton 10:00am Worship Service 9 CHILDRENS DAY Jun 16 - 22 BD; Jericho Sirvent BD; Rebecca Peterson 1:00pm Bible Study; SPOT Jul 1 2 3 4 5 6 Jun 30 - Jul 6 Anniv; Roger & Pat Hansen 9:15am Adult/Youth SS 10:00am Worship Service 11:30am Fellowship First Baptist Owego 1 5/25/2013 4:15 PM Lighting the Way First Baptist Church of Owego Rev. G. Terry Steenburg, Pastor 228 Main Street Owego, NY 13827 th June 9 Sunday Bible Classes [all ages] Worship Wednesday prayer gathering 9:15am 10:00am 5:45pm Return Service Requested 2013 ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ June 2—”Growing In Our Faith—God’s Word At Work”/Jeremiah 1:1-19 [*Vs. 12] June 9— CHILDREN/YOUTH SUNDAY June 16—”Growing In Our Faith—God’s Blessings Via His Word”/II Timothy 3:10-17 [*Vs. 16] June 23—”Growing In Our Faith—God’s Faithful Word”/I Kings 8:54-58 [*Vs. 56] June 30—”Growing In Our Faith—God’s Gift Of Faith!”/Romans 12:1-8 [*Vs. 3] July 7—”Growing In Our Faith—God’s Pleased with Faith That Believes” Hebrews 11:1-6 [*Vs. 3&6]
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