ABA News

ABA News
3811 Harmon Ave. Austin, TX 78751
512/454-2558 & (FAX) 512/454-2410
E-m ai l: ab a@au stinbap tis t. org
Volume 43, Issue 11
Merry Christmas!
ABA News (USPS 991-260)
Periodicals Postage Paid at Austin, TX 78710
Published Monthly by the Austin Baptist Association
3811 Harmon Ave, Austin, TX 78751 454-2558
POSTMASTER: Send address changes to:
ABA News 3811 Harmon Ave, Austin, TX 78751
Save the
Here is a glimpse of ABA’s
upcoming events! More
information to follow on our
website: austinbaptist.org
December 17, 2013
Monthly Meeting
January 21, 2014
Monthly Meeting
,victims of the Philippine typhoon < ,the peace of Israel < ,churches in need of pastors <
Church positions available
Bethel Baptist Church
Volunteer guitar player to help with worship; for more information,
please call the church at (512) 346-4770.
FBC Dripping Springs
FBCDS is looking for a pianist to play their mixed services every
Sunday morning and Wednesday night. Please call their church
office at (512) 858-4270 or send resumes to fbcds@fbcds.org.
FBC Angleton
Minister of Worship/Music and Education with experience in
leading a blended service. Email resumes to rb@fbcangleton.com.
Lost Pines Cowboy Church
PT music & worship leader. Position requires ability to play guitar
and/or keyboard. www.lostpinescowboychurch.com
New Life Baptist Church
FT Youth/Children’s Minister. Email resume to Pastor Marc at
marc.newlifebaptist_1@juno.com or call (512) 803-7158.
December 2013
Oak Meadow Baptist Church
PT Youth Minister. Send resumes to office@ombchurch.org
Onion Creek Baptist Church
Paid Nursery Worker. For more information, please email:
River Road Baptist
River Road Baptist Church is looking for a paid nursery worker.
Email: riverroad@att.net
Shenandoah Baptist Church - Cedar Park
PT Church Secretary - Send resume to:
pastor@shenandoahbaptist.com. (512) 258-6909
Timber Crest Baptist Church
Full- Time Pastor . Send resumes to:
Pastor Search Committee/ 1625 Crow Drive/ Waco, Tx 76705.
Contact: (254) 799-5551
Wyldwood Baptist Church
PT Youth Minister. Contact wbc@austin.rr.com or call
(512) 303-3443.
February 18, 2014
Monthly Meeting
ABA Closed for the Holidays
(Dec. 20 to Jan. 2)
If you have an event, a need for
prayer, or wish to publicize a
cause in our ABA newsletter,
please email a short blurb to
Caitlyn at
Caitlyn@austinbaptist.org .
Our ABA staff is praying blessings over you all during this
holiday season. Thank you for your patience with us as we go
through the lengthy but much-needed process of updating our
database. We’re still working out a few kinks, but we hope to
have all of our mailing information updated by our February
newsletter. Thank you for sending your revisions in to us!
In the spirit of Advent, we encourage you to keep in mind
those who are waiting on the Lord during this season. Pray for
those who are waiting for healing, for a job, for a baby, for the
return of a prodigal family member. Know that we are praying for
those of you who are waiting on the Lord . Merry Christmas.
For Christ and His Kingdom,
2014 ABA Hispanic Activities
Christmas Fellowship (Celebramos Navidad Unidos)
Friday, December 13th at 6pm
Primera Iglesia Bautista
112 Medina St. Austin,Tx 78702
Call (512) 478-2802 for more information!!
Sunday School Workshops from Lifeway
Saturday, February 22nd from 8:30am-12:30pm
Principe de Paz
Spring Festival
Sunday, April 27th from 1:00-4:00pm
Primera Iglesia Bautista de Austin
112 Medina St. Austin,Tx 78702
Purpose Statement
The Austin Baptist Association is an alliance of participating churches fulfilling the Great Commission.
Vision Statement
The Austin Baptist Association will be a catalyst alongside Great Commission churches to reach all people groups
with the Gospel transforming our community and world through the power of God.
M3 Camp
Highland Lakes)
Theme: Beyond
Psalm 145:3
Youth ministers– consider this for your
youth camps this summer!
Evangelistic and discipleship focused. Each
camp will continue to have top quality
speakers, worship, small groups, breakouts,
and recreation.
If you help people who are hurting, or if you are hurting,
You are personally invited to:
The First Annual
Pregnancy Loss Seminar
Hosted by APRC
Monday, January 20th
6:30pm– 8:30pm
Austin Baptist Church
7016 Ribelin Ranch Dr.
Austin,TX 78759
New this year: Mission track
Students will do three days of missions in
surrounding communities. They will depart
after morning worship and return at 3pm.
Offered only at Week 2– June 23-27.
Cost: $220
Cost after March 21.: $245
Check out the website for more info:
Children’s Music Leadership
August 9th, 2014
First Baptist Church Pflugerville
Learn teaching strategies, musical activities,
and share resources with others who work with
children in music. Includes high-energy
presentations and innovative methods for music
education, use of instruments by children,
interactive activities and learning techniques
children love, along with introduction to new
music and resources.
Register at: sbtexas.com/music
With our special guest speakerfor our kick-off:
Julie Ziglar Norman
Are you or a loved one still suffering as a result of a
pregnancy that was not carried to term? The loss of an unborn
baby, whether by miscarriage or by choice, is emotionally
devastating and few heal fully without a directed effort
towards that end. Come join Julie Ziglar Norman and step
into a new day. Julie’s unique experience of being raised by
the motivator’s motivator has given her a perspective on life
and work that keeps her audiences laughing, crying, and
taking notes. Continuing her father’s legacy of
encouragement is an honor and a privilege that Julie never
expected or sought, but her willingness to accept the
challenge is inspiring audiences in America and abroad. Her
vibrant style of delivery, her honest and transparent
assessment of life, and her willingness to share intimate
details of personal failures, as well as personal triumphs, has
made her a popular crowd favorite. Her life experience as a
poster child for bad choices enables her to minster to women
seeking to trade a life peppered with guilt and shame,
addiction, failure, fear, regret and anger for a life filled with
love, joy, and peace! Her latest book, Growing Up Ziglar: A
Daughter’s Broken Journey from Heartache to Hope was
released in May of 2012. Julie has shared the platform with
greats like Colin Powell, Rudy Giuliani, President George W.
Bush, Joe Montana, Lou Holtz, Steve Forbes, Sarah Palin,
and many others.
The cost is $7, which includes a meal and materials. Please
reserve your seat by calling the APRC at 512-476-7774 or
emailing lori@austinprc.org
Instead of making a New Years’ Resolution,
Christian Foster Care Orientation & Training
December 13th ~ 6pm-9pm
December 14th ~ 9am– 2pm
at “The Bair Foundation”
8840 Business Park Drive
Austin, TX 78759
The Bair Foundation is a Christian foster care ministry. For more than 45 years, their mission field has been
the sea of lost and lonely children and teens who are currently in the foster care system.
Their goal is simple; to provide these children and teens with a place to call home, a family that cares and the
opportunity to meet a Savior who loves them.
Jesus calls all of us to orphan care in different capacities. Some of us are called to intercede for the orphan,
some to adopt, others to foster. Whichever is your calling, don’t remain inactive.
“Religion that is pure and undefiled before God, the Father, is this: to visit orphans and widows in their
affliction and to keep oneself unstained from the world.” - James 1:26-27
Visit their website at: www.bair.org or call 512-346-3555 to receive a no obligation information packet.
Texas MEGA
(April 8-10)
Ministers of Education
Growth Alliance
Anderson Mill Baptist Church
Hosted by: Ben Pritchett,
Carter Shotwell, Bruce Raley
Cost: $79
Register at sbtexas.com/mega
SENT Regional
February 15– Hays Hills Baptist Church
Living SENT is a mission conference for everyone
in your church. Over the last few years, SENT has
connected hundreds of people to missionaries around
Texas, North America, and the world, helping them
and their churches live SENT in Texas and beyond.
In 2014, look for regional SENT one-day conferences
in Central (Austin), East (Longview), and West
(Lubbock) Texas.
Register at: sbtexas.com/sent