ABA News - Austin Baptist Association

ABA News
3811 Harmon Ave. Austin, TX 78751
512/454-2558 & (FAX) 512/454-2410
E-m ai l: ab a@au stinbap tis t. org
ABA News (USPS 991-260)
Periodicals Postage Paid at Austin, TX 78710
Published Bi-Monthly by the Austin Baptist Association
3811 Harmon Ave, Austin, TX 78751 454-2558
POSTMASTER: Send address changes to:
ABA News 3811 Harmon Ave, Austin, TX 78751
Volume 45, Issue 2
April 2015
As a result of our March Semi-Annual Meeting's
presentation about hunger in Texas, the ABA has decided
to become an access point to connect individuals in need to
the resources available through the Texas Hunger
Initiative. At this meeting we learned that 18% of
households in Texas experience food insecurity, and that
there are almost $6 billion of federal funds designated for
hunger relief that go unused annually! So, we're doing our
part to insure that that money is used to lessen food
insecurity in the Greater Austin area.
Save the Date
Here is a glimpse of ABA’s
upcoming events! More
information to follow on our
website: austinbaptist.org
April Monthly Meeting
April 21, 11:30-1:30
May Monthly Meeting
May 19th, 11:30-1:30
No Monthly Meetings for
June or July!!
To publicize an event in our
newsletter, email
an Openness to the Gospel in our City ~ the Art of Neighboring Initiative
Rosedale Baptist Church
Part time pianist, two traditional worship services on Sunday. Email
resumes to rosedalebaptistaustin.com.
PT Minister of Music to lead worship in two weekly services. If
interested, please contact the church office at (512) 453-1325, or email
FBC Trimmier (Killeen)
Bi-vocational minister of music who is able to lead corporate worship– creatively us at info@rosedalebaptistaustin.com
using the choir, singers/groups/worshipers, soloists, musicians in leading the
Shenandoah Baptist Church - Cedar Park
service. Send resume to musicsearch@fbctrimmier.com
PT Church Secretary - Send resume to:
pastor@shenandoahbaptist.com. (512) 258-6909
Lost Pines Cowboy Church
PT music & worship leader. Position requires ability to play guitar and/or
Westoak Woods Baptist Church
keyboard. www.lostpinescowboychurch.com
FT Worship Pastor, send resumes to worshippastorsearch@westoak.org
Pleasant Hill Baptist Church
PT Childhood Director 10-12 hours a week. Primarily Sunday mornings and Wyldwood Baptist Church
PT Youth Minister. Contact wbc@austin.rr.com or call
Wednesday evenings. Coordinate activities for 6-12 year olds.
Stipend is available. For more information and a copy of the job description, (512) 303-3443.
contact George Ward at (512) 442-3717 or pastorgeorgeward@gmail.com
Church Pianist (paid) Sunday mornings only, 10-12. Contact Gene Clark at
(512) 576-5317.
Bethel Baptist Church
Volunteer guitar player to help with worship; for more information, please call
the church at (512) 346-4770.
As an access point for the Community Partner Program, we will simply have a
computer set up in our offices- with a volunteer "Navigator" nearby- that people can
use to sign up for food assistance and other benefits. This is a great way to connect
with and serve our communities. If you're interested in becoming a volunteer
Navigator, or learning more about taking this to your church, please contact
Caitlyn@austinbaptist.org. We are projecting to have a lunch training scheduled in
April at the ABA office, Date TBD.
For Christ and His Kingdom,
Dear Churches,
Please let us know when you are going to
have your Vacation Bible Schools this summer so
that (most importantly) we can be praying for you,
and also because some of our smaller or newer
churches are in need of materials for their VBS
ministries this summer. If you would be willing to
donate materials after your VBS, it would be a
real blessing to these churches and their
Please email caitlyn@austinbaptist.org or call
(512) 454-2558 with the dates of your Vacation
Bible School and specify if you are willing to
share any extra materials. We will coordinate with
the recipient churches after we hear from you.
Thank you!
Happy 15th Anniversary!!
David Smith is celebrating his 15th
year as Executive Director of the
Austin Baptist Association! David, we
are so thankful for all you do to
support the churches of Austin and
reach the lost. Also, thank you to Julie,
Thompson, and Bethany for sharing
him with us. Happy 15th!
- the ABA Staff.
Purpose Statement
The Austin Baptist Association is an alliance of participating churches fulfilling the Great Commission.
Vision Statement
The Austin Baptist Association will be a catalyst alongside Great Commission churches to reach all people groups
with the Gospel transforming our community and world through the power of God.
Preaching 2 Timothy
Volunteer Teachers Needed!
A Workshop on Biblical Exposition
April 29– May 1, 2015
This spring, Simeon Trust is having their
first workshop in Austin. This workshop will
aim to cover the centrality of God’s Word,
preached expositionally. This two and a half
day workshop will cover the Principles of
Exposition (instructional talks on how to
better handle biblical texts), Preaching
(engaging expository sermons), and Small
Group Practice (times to share and receive
feedback on two passages you prepare in
DATE: April 29– May 1, 2015
LOCATION: High Pointe Baptist Church
12030 Dessau Road
Austin, Tx 78754
COST: $149 ($124 before April 24)
Register online at www.simeontrust.org
The latest at Highland
lakes :
April 11– Annual Golf Tournament
April 17-18 Father & Son Retreat
Highland Lakes has released
their event schedule for spring of
2015, so be sure to get these dates on your
calendar! There are great opportunities for the
whole family, from grandparents to middle
school students and everyone in between.
For more information, visit
If you’re wondering where our society is going, wondering how
it’s all going to work out, wondering about the meaning of life
or pondering what Truth is, the Explore Truth Summit might be
for you!
Os Guinness– author, social critic, and renowned conference
leader– will be speaking in Austin. The Explore Truth Summit
is open to the public, but some events to require tickets, which
can be purchased at hillcountryinstitute.org We hope you can
attend one of these events!
Time for Truth– Living Free in a World of Lies,
Hype, and Spin.
Wednesday, April 15, 4-6pm
The University of Texas, Santa Rita Room– The Texas Union
Renaissance– The Power of the Gospel, However
Dark the Times
Wednesday, April 15, 7-9pm
Hope in the City, 4407 M onterrey Oaks Blvd (Free!)
Is your church in
need of a Sunday youth
program? InterHigh is a
ministry that serves
churches without their
own youth pastors or
teachers, for free! A
team of 2 or 3 InterHigh
youth teachers drive to a church every Sunday and
run a youth service, complete with a message,
small groups, and fellowship, and are also available to offer guidance for the students.
Southeast Baptist Church is hosting the Young
Adult Movement this May. This outreach event aims
to minister to lost people of all ages by providing
something for the whole family. There are talented
speakers, musicians, fun giveaways, and some
exciting activities planned for the children. One of the
biggest needs is for volunteers to teach in the
children’s ministry for the following age groups:
2 teachers for Babies, 1 for K-2nd, 1 for 3rd-5th,
1 for 6-8th and 1 to help with High school students.
The times you would be needed are as follows:
4:00-7:30pm Saturday, May 2nd
4:00– 7:30pm Saturday, May 9th
4:00– 7:30 pm Saturday, May 16th
If you’re interested in volunteering please contact
Bonnie at bonniesikes@hotmail.com. This is going to
be a great outreach to the community, we hope you’ll
get involved as well!
InterHigh is a ministry of Gracepoint Austin
Church, a congregation comprised of UT college
students and post-graduates, many of whom want
to serve as ministers of the Gospel in these
capacities. InterHigh has been serving churches in
the greater Austin area for the past 4 years and
looks forward to serving more churches this year.
For more information, please visit
www.interhigh.org or contact Daryl Wong at
(512) 850-8553, or daryl.wong@gpmail.org
The Journey– A Thinking Person’s Quest for Meaning
Thursday, April 16, 11:30am– 1:00pm
Sullivan’s Restaurant– Sully’s Side bar, 300 Colorado St.
Thursday April 16, 6:30– 8:30pm
County Line on the Lake, 5204 RR 2222
The Global Public Square– Religious Freedom and the
Making of a World Safe for Diversity
Friday, April 17
11:30am– 1:00pm
St. David’s Episcopal Church– Bethel Hall, 301 E. 8th St.
April Monthly Meeting
For the April Monthly Meeting, we will be having an
early showing of “War Room” from the creators of
Fireproof and Facing the Giants! We hope that you’ll
join us for this fun event.
Watch the trailer here:
We will have to expand our time for the meeting to
11:30-1:30 in order to watch the whole movie.
To RSVP email Caitlyn@austinbaptist.org or call
(512) 454-2558.
Director of
Preschool Ministry
Hyde Park is seeking an
applicant to fill the full time
position of Director of
Preschool Ministry. The
Director will be responsible
to plan & direct a
comprehensive Christcentered and age appropriate
preschool ministry.
For more info, visit
www.hpbc.org for
employment application and
job description, or contact
(no phone calls, please.)
Events at Anderson Mill
Marriage and Parent Conference:
The Singing Waiters
April 24 & 25, 2015 at 6pm,
Bannockburn Baptist Church
This event will feature speakers
Scott Turansky, Joanne Miller, and
Steve & Debbie Wilson.
Tickets : $15 single, $25 couple
Contact (817) 552-2500 for more
information or to RSVP
Women & Girls Luncheon
May 9, 2015 at 11am
Anderson Mill Baptist Church
Renee Swope of Proverbs 31
Ministries will be speaking at the
catered luncheon (with a meet and
greet afterwards!)
Tickets $20/ person
The Singing Waiters are a group of gospel
singers that specialize in lifting spirits. In
a stressed out world, the good old
fashioned southern gospel music of the
80’s and 90’s provides a welcome escape.
Why wait to have your spirits lifted when
you can Hang Out with the Singing
Waiters any Friday night through Sunday
afternoon for the most uplifting hour of
your week, guaranteed.
To Hang Out with the Singing Waiters,
just call Head Waiter Bill Eckhardt at
(512) 800-1121 to arrange a
“Spirits Lifted” date.