187 FALL GATHERING 1823 - 2010 Come tail-gate

First Baptist Church of Owego, N.Y.
Volume 17 Issue 1
September 2010
1823 - 2010
Come tail-gate
with us—and be
a part of ―God’s
Sunday, September 12
oin us on
12 as we begin a
new year of
Bible Classes
(Sunday school)
for all ages.
Let everyone know who’s
team you are on by staying after
worship and enjoying a hot dog,
chips, soda and make some
yummy smores.
Meet your coaches: Mrs.
Kandi and Mrs. Jackie, Children’s
class; Andrew and Kelly
Donnelly, Youth class and Pastor
Terry, Adult class.
Bible classes will begin the
following Sunday,
September 19 at 9:15 AM.
Remember YOU are always
the MVP (most valuable player)
on God’s Team. See you there!!
3:30PM Afternoon Gathering
―Challenge of Being Missionaries in Upstate New York‖
Rev. Dr. Bill Thomas
4:15PM Association Choir Rehearsal
5:00PM Dinner - $8.00/person
Reservations: Contact your Church Office by September 19th
Update on June Mission Work Trip to Pathfinder Camp
6:30PM Praise and Worship
Praise & Worship Team First Baptist Church, Endicott
Message – The Rev. Dr. Bill Thomas,
We welcome Bill Thomas back for a visit to the Broome-Tioga Association.
Bill continues his world-wide Evangelistic Ministry in cooperation
with ABC-USA International Ministries and the Luis Palau
Evangelistic Association.
Nick & Desha Guydosh
On their marriage
July 31, 2010.
They are residing in
Baltimore, MD
Inside this issue
Preacher’s Page
Meet the Donnellys
Missions, Congo
ABW/Men’s breakfast
Calendar of events
the Way
Page 2
Smile....God loves you!
old onto your hats. This
Article will be a little
different for you – for
me. Relax – take two deep
breaths – and read on.
Let me tell you a ―punny‖ story –
or two – or three or . . . .
1. Here’s a quick lesson on
self-discipline – or, against
gluttony: ―The roundest
knight at King Arthur’s
round table was Sir
Cumference. He acquired
his size from too much pi.‖
2. We are told in Hebrews 12
to keep our eyes on Jesus –
He is the Author and
Finisher of our Faith.
Some have wandering
eyes: ―I thought that I saw
an eye doctor on an
Alaskan island, but it
turned out to be an optical
3. In some Church circles,
war and warfare and
weapons are major parts of
discussions. Some hold
strongly to pacifism as the
way of Jesus. Maybe we
shouldn’t allow rubber
bands in Church because .
. . ―A rubber band pistol
was confiscated from
algebra class, because it
was a weapon of math
4. Now, here’s a real lesson
on, shall we say, laziness:
―No matter how much
you push the envelope,
it’ll still be stationery.‖
5. Another important bit of
information on warfare
and history goes like this:
―A grenade thrown into a
kitchen in France would
result in Linoleum
6. We read in the Bible
about the births of many
people, including twins.
Were any of them
―against the law?‖ . . . ―A
dog gave birth to a litter
of puppies near the end
of the road and was cited
for littering.‖ [Be patient
– I’m almost finished!]
7. I know you’re familiar
with the Biblical mandate
to ―run the race‖ and to
know that we are
―Victors in Christ.‖ Are
you ready for this one? . .
. ―Two silk worms had a
race. They ended up in a
All that to say, in Reader’s
Digest lingo, ―Laughter’s The
Best Medicine.‖ [see Proverbs
Some people say I take life too
seriously. Sometimes I’m told
to smile – when I already am. In
my earlier life, I was pretty tense
in a particular situation and a
lady told me to ―lighten up!‖
Laughter will reduce our
stress, improve our health,
lengthen our lives – and make
some people think we’re a little
bit ―off our rocker.‖ BUT – even
though we don’t see any
Scriptures telling us about Jesus
laughing, I think He very likely
often did so. I don’t think women
and children flocked to Him
because He was somber and
serious all the time. Our smiles
are valuable assets for us. Smiles
and laughter go together. We
need to be serious about the call of
God on our lives to live for Him
and to bear fruit for Him and to
advance His Kingdom. Listen,
though – if we take ourselves too
seriously, others will not take us
seriously at all. Let’s get excited
about the Joy of the Lord and
allow It to be strength for us.
(Nehemiah 8:10)
Be sure you’re smiling the
next time I see you!
God Bless!
Pastor Terry
Lighting the Way
First Baptist Church
228 Main St.
Owego, NY 13827
e-mail: fbcowego@verizon.net
Church Staff
Rev. G. Terry Steenburg
David Berry
Choir Director
Rebecca Hernandez
Administrative Asst
Church Office opens: Mon.-Thurs. 10:15 a.m.
Daisyanna Fritz
Newsletter Editor
Deadline for letters and articles is the
third Sunday of the month.
Rodger Fritz
Lighting the Way
Page 3
Meet the Donnelly family
ave you met our new
staff person, Andrew
Andrew is in his third year at
Davis College. He is a full time
student as well as working at
Binghamton General Hospital as a
Dialysis technician. He is
pursuing a Christian Ministry
degree and would like to be
ordained in about five years and
be an Interim Pastor. His long
term goal is to run a Christian
camp similar to El Rancho DePaz.
During this academic year, he will
work about 10 hours a week in
various role at FBC-O.
Andrew and his family—
wife, Kelly, daughters Abigail
and Lauren reside in Nichols,
NY. They have a small ―farm‖
of sorts where they raise about
50 chickens for eggs. Kelly is
busy as farmer, mom and teacher
as she home schools the girls.
Kelly and Andrew are both
Owego Free Academy
graduates. Kelly is an only child
and Andrew has 3 younger
brothers who live locally. When
asked about any hobbies,
Andrew said he likes to play
games, video or board and Kelly
enjoys cooking. They both
enjoy watching NFL football
especially the Jets.
D.O.G. – It’s A Kid’s & Youth Club!
D.O.G. stands for Disciples Of
God. This is a new local outreach
effort of First Baptist and First
Presbyterian Churches here in
Owego. Both Churches are still
―getting on board‖ with the
Pastors and a local man by the
name of Rusty Towner. Rusty
grew up in the community and has
suffered many of the effects of a
dysfunctional environment of
drugs, alcohol, crime, poverty, etc.
Someone reached out and cared
for him and put some confidence
in him and his life was turned
around. He is getting more and
more grounded in the Lord and is
in the process of joining the
Presbyterian Church that’s 2-3
blocks from us. His heart is
burdened for the local kids – his
neighbors. Under
his guidance – and
some dialogue with
Pastors Bridges and
Steenburg – D.O.G.
was birthed.
Weekly Monday
evening meetings are
held in the lower
level of First Baptist.
Devotions, committee
planning, projects,
refreshments, etc. make for a
well-rounded meeting. Other
events are in the making for
these kids.
The Presbyterian Church
covered the bill for buying
illustrated New Testaments for
all the D.O.G. members. Bible
Sunday, Sept. 26 11 AM—5 PM
...help the victims of the recent
Bill’s Diner fire.
Spaghetti Dinner & Chinese
Auction... VFW Post 1371, (Main
St.) Owego
Live Band/Bake sale/Raffles
Life-Line Screening is returning
to Owego
Wednesday, November 10
First Baptist Church
Call (800) 772-8260 to make an
Pastor Terry has two FREE
Carotid Artery screening
certificates. LET HIM KNOW
lessons and contests are
being developed and prizes
and awards will be given
for various levels of
accomplishments. Every
Club meeting has seen
over 20 kids in attendance!
Here’s an idea: the
D.O.G. kids want to walk
together in this year’s CROP Walk.
We are wanting to get them all
matching shirts. How about
adopting a D.O.G.? $10 would
cover a shirt. Whatever is in excess
of the $10 would be sponsorship
money for them as they seek to
raise CROP money to fight hunger
around the world. Let Pastor Terry
know how many D.O.G.s you
would like to adopt. 
the Way
Page 4
Boko in the Dark
The Democratic Republic of Congo
by Sally Guydosh, ABW Missions
here are eleven Baptist
hospitals or medical
centers in the Democratic
Republic of Congo supported by
American Baptists. American
Baptist Missionaries, Katherine
and Wayne Niles, are involved in
full-time service with Interchurch
Medical Assistance (IMA). They
both serve as liaison officers for
IMA in matters related to HIV/
AIDS and Maternal Health
projects throughout the Africa
continent. Boko is one of these
rural hospitals. Katherine writes
of their struggles.
“Imagine delivering a baby
in the dark! Lightening struck
the solar lighting system at the
Baptist hospital in Boko several
months ago. Since then the staff
works by candle light to assist
night time deliveries, tend
newborn babies and do
emergencies. Serving a
population that earns less than a
dollar a day the hospital saw no
option but to go on as best as
possible in the dark. The Boko
Baptist hospital has been without
a doctor for two years.
In November Dr. Kapenze
who worked with us at the
Kintambo Baptist Health Center
in Kinshasa agreed to become the
medical director there. A few
weeks ago he came back to
Kinshasa to purchase medicines,
supplies and find light for the
hospital. Missionary Bill
Clemmer agreed to fund
replacement parts for the solar
lighting system, purchase a
modest stock of medicines, and
to fund a road trip to Boko with
Dr. Kapenze, as a way to
encourage those laboring
there. My son, Jonathan, and I
went along. We also took a
Kinshasa technician, who would
repair the solar light system.
It’s a 250 mile trek to
Boko, with the last 90 over dirt
roads. Boko is a mission station
where Wayne’s parents lived for
four years and where my father,
Dr. Dan Fountain, regularly
visited to build up the health
As dark fell, we ended up at
the hospital with the circle of
spectators watching the
technician poke amongst wires
and connections in the maternity
ward. When the fluorescent tube
he manipulated finally flickered
to light, a cheer went up from
all. Mrs. Bernadette, the nurse
midwife, did not leave the
technician’s side, constantly
pleading the case for the light to
be hung directly over the
delivery table. A priority
spot! We lingered to see another
light installed. As we glanced
back on our way through the
darkness to Dr. Kapenze’s
house, those two solitary lights
illuminated the whole
landscape. When light shines
into darkness, darkness cannot
overcome it. People are
attracted to light, and light
makes a difference.
This year, the
ABW will send
their white cross
supplies to the
Congo for use at
medical centers..
The next morning, with the
staff in their work places, Dr.
Kapenze gave us an exhaustive
walk through the hospital, certain
to point out every need and
deficiency. The poverty of the
population exaggerates even
mundane daily tasks and the
quality of services at the hospital
have sunk to a minimum level. In
each department, we tarried long
enough to hear about and
appreciate the work done, to
encourage each one to do the best
job possible, and to reflect God’s
light with a word of
admonishment or
encouragement. The darkness and
weight of the poverty experienced
by our colleagues from Boko
burden their work completely.
I invite you to help keep the
lights shining at the Boko
hospital, or at any of the eleven
Baptist Mission hospitals in
Congo. A solar lighting system
costs $3000 by the time it’s
installed in a remote
destination. When light shines in
the darkness, darkness cannot
overcome it, but this is a very dark
world. Thank you for your part in
keeping the Lights shining in
May we be faithful. God bless
you, Katherine
Pray for Katherine and Wayne
as they serve Christ in so
many ways in D.R. Congo.
Lighting the Way
Page 5
Summer greetings from Baja
California, México
News from Missionaries, Tim & Patti Long
Dear friends in Christ at First
By Sally Guydosh, ABW Missions
t's time again for an update on
our life and ministry. Always
in appreciation of your
partnership with us, here are some
thanksgiving and prayer notes:
We want to say thank you for
all your support to make the
Angel Action Work Camp Dinner
a success!
Special thanks goes to your
youth for helping with
fundraising! Who could forget the
fun filled Phil’s Chicken Dinner?
-- What a blessing it has been to
have all of our family within a
three hour drive! We're all doing
well and are most thankful for
such a great family.
-- Our missionary colleague, Iris
Morales, who has served as an IM
missionary in Bolivia for the last
decade passed away last week
after a three year struggle with
cancer. Please remember her
husband, Mario and their two
sons, Seth and Mario, in your
-- Jacob, Israel, José Carlos and
David, 2010 graduates of the
Mexicali Seminary, are all now
actively involved in pastoral/
teaching ministries in local Baja
-- We look forward to the
dedication of a new dorm and
apartment building come
September at the Mexicali
Seminary. Most all of the labor
was done by Mexican workers,
with monetary assistance and
some labor provided through
partner churches and mission
groups from the States.
blooms into
-- As a new school year begins
this month at the Monte Horeb
School in Tijuana, we are
reminded of how important
the STEP scholarships are for
dozens of children and Seminary
students. These scholarships not
only make an education possible
for the students, but in these
times of economic trial, they are
the life line that enables the
school to continue its ministry to
the most needy children of
the community.
-- Please continue to pray for the
victims of the Easter Sunday
earthquake in the Mexicali
Valley and for our continued
relief efforts. With funds and
donations from World Relief and
local Mexican Baptist
Churches, over 200 families who
lost homes and work due to the
earthquake will continue to
receive basic foods, at least
through the summer months.
We also want to thank Rodger
for being our treasurer and Dianna
for all her leadership and
It was a blessing to have
servers here today to help serve
those who came to serve our
Many thanks to all those who
helped in any way to make the
Chicken BBQ and Motorcycle
Ride a success on Aug. 14.
It was a beautiful day, the
chicken was delicious, and
everyone enjoyed the singing of
Julian & Bonnie’s Southern
Gospel Music.
We were able to raise
$579.50 towards the mission trips
scheduled for Haiti and Africa in
Again,. our THANKS to all
those who gave of their time and
energy in this event.
the Way
Page 6
You are invited to participate in American Baptist
Women’s Ministries. Each woman is encouraged to
participate according to her own needs, interests, and
gifts as led by the Spirit of God.
In-as-much Circle September 8—10 AM in the back
room of the Office Building (use door off of driveway).
Sunbeam Circle September 8 —12:00 PM at the home of Verna
Tomassetti. Bring a dish to pass for an outside picnic. Meet in the
church parking lot to pool rides as there is limited parking space at
trailer park. .. Hostess: Verna Tomassetti & Joyce Pass
Devotions: Winnie Allen
Program: Health Kits
Health Kits go around the world
hurch World Service is
still in dire need of Health
The AB women’s Sunbeam
Circle will be preparing these
―Gifts of the Heart‖ kits at their
September 8th meeting
You can help by bringing to
church any of the following items:
One hand towel, no bigger
than 16‖ x 28‖
One washcloth
One wide tooth comb
One metal nail file or nail
One bar of bath size soap
One toothbrush in package
Six band-aids
The women will include all
of these items into one gallon
plastic bags with zip-locks and
send them on to aid those in
need whether home or around
the world.
You may put your items in
the box at the back of the
sanctuary that is marked for
Health Kits.
Assembling Kits or
purchasing items—it won’t take
a lot of money—or time—just a
―lotta‖ heart!
First Baptist Church of Endicott is offering a 13 week video-based
curriculum course by Financial Peace University on achieving your
financial goals by eliminating debt starting Sept. 7 at 7:00 PM. For
more information or registration call the church 785-6052 or e-mail
office@firstbaptistendicott.com. ALSO
Saturday, Sept. 11 1-4 PM
Free Block Party—FBC of Endicott, Corner of Grant & Monroe Sts.
Music Groups— The Drum Zone, Josh Zepeda, FBC Praise Team,
Billy Starring; Games—bounce house, face painting, slip n slide, 4
square; Prizes; Refreshments and check out a real Fire Truck!
breakfast in
Waverly, NY
International men’s breakfast day
ancelling the September’s
Men’s Luncheon (last
Friday of the month) to be
a part of the power of thousands
of men worldwide simultaneously
raising their voices in praise and
prayer on SATURDAY,
SEPT. 25, 2010
Baptist men across the United
States and Canada will be joining
Baptist men in Europe and Africa
for a ―somewhat ‖ simultaneous
men’s breakfast.
Begun in the United Kingdom
in 2008, Baptist men from across
England gathered in churches,
homes, and restaurants at 9 AM for
breakfast and more.
Gather in the FBC-O church
parking lot (see Pastor Terry for
time) and car pool to the
Bigger Breakfast
Saturday, September 25, 2010
9:00 A.M.
First Baptist Church,
23 Tioga St.,
Waverly, NY.
September 2010 First Baptist Church of Owego
Rev. G. Terry Steenburg, Pastor
Church Office: (607)·687·4394
Social Time
5 none
12 tail-gate party
19 finger foods
26 Fritz
Cell phone: (607)·232-0244
e-mail: fbcowego@verizon.net
FRC 9-1
& Briggs
FRC 3-7
e-mail: gterrysteenburg@juno.com
Internet: www.fbcowego.org
7-8 AM
time in The Spot
every Friday
5:45 Bible study, FH
with light supper
FRC 9-1
FRC 9-1
10 ABW,Inasmuch
12:00 Sunbeam at
Tomassetti’s home
9:15 Adult Bible class
10:00 Worship
11:45 Deacons.
5:30-7 AA (FHall)
8 AM—4 PM
Rotary Youth
Exchange, FH
6 ACT free dinner,
5:45 Bible study
7:00 Choir practice
Labor Day
FRC 3-7
9:15 Adult Bible class
10:00 Worship
11:30 Tail-gate party
11:55 Managers
6:00 Singspiration
FRC 9-1
Youth– Kingdom
Fest, Abide in the
5:45 Bible study
7:00 Choir practice
5:30-7 AA (FHall)
FRC 3-7
FRC 9-1
FRC 9-1
9:15 Bible classes
10:00 Worship
11:30 Congregational
Business mtg./finger fds
3:00 LM service
5:45 Bible study
7:00 Choir practice
5:30-7 AA (FHall)
FRC 3-7
9:15 Bible classes
10:00 Worship
11:20 Social time
3:30 BT Assn. Fall
Gathering, Spencer
FRC 9-1
NO men’s lunch
9 AM Men’s
First day of fall
FRC 9-1
FRC 9-1
9:00 Newsletter
5:30-7 AA (FHall)
7:00 Prayer mtg. for
Revival, FBC-O
Our 179th birthday
7:00 ABW/BTA
Board meeting, FH
FRC 10-3
5:45 Bible study
7:00 Choir practice
FRC - Family
Resource Center
in Spot
LM - Long
Meadow Apts.
Broome Tioga
United Methodist
1 Jim Conrad
8 Ron Tomassetti
9 Frieda Baker
13 Daisy Fritz
Dick Waltman
14 Winnie Davis
15 Jason Fritz
18 Don Cron
22 Barb Cron
25 Lillian Ford
29 Kaija Fritz
7 Jeanne & Sam Pulford
10 Cynthia & Bob
15 Coleen & Bill Foster
20 JoEllen & Scott
25 Marlene & Terry
29 Delores & Ralph