May Visitor - New Hope Lutheran Church

APRIL 2014
MAY 2015
Blanchardville &Hollandale Lutheran Churches of the ELCA
Our Mission:
“We are and we continue to become, the people of God in this place and at this time.”
Sunday, May 10, 2015, immediately following 10am worship
The Blanchardville congregational council calls a special
congregational meeting for the purpose of:
Voting on a name for our newly merged congregation
No other business will be conducted or discussed at this meeting.
SUNDAY, MAY 10, 10 A.M.
Please join us
for the Celebration of our Merged Congregation
as we all meet together for worship and refreshments.
Rev. Steve Kottke of the synod office will preach at this celebration worship.
We will also
* Recognize our graduating seniors
* Honor the work of our Sunday School staff at this worship.
* Installation of the Call Committee
The Visitor
Page 1
Notes from Pastor Margo . . . . .
Sisters and Brothers in Christ:
As you prepare to call your new pastor, one of the
Christ is risen ! He is risen indeed ! Alleluia ! Algreatest gifts that you will offer to him/her is the gift of
leluia ! Alleluia!
a Lay Distribution of Communion team.
With these words, we begin every Sunday worship
What is a Lay Distribution of Communion team?
during the 7-week Easter season. As we do so, we
Simply put, it is what it says it is: members of a concarry on this important centuries-old tradition of the
gregation who are trained to take the bread and wine
Christian Church. Seven weeks! Three times a Sunto our shut-ins.
day! That’s twenty-one times! That’s a lot! Sometimes,
Do you want to know more about this ministry opwith celebrations that happen year after year…and
tion? Are you willing to commit your time
especially, now that is has been more than 2000 years
and your heart to this ministry?
since that amazing resurrection happened…we, in the
If you answer ‘yes’ to either question, please call me
21st century, tend to lose the wonder of what God did
(608 843 3245) so we can talk about setting a training
for us, in raising Jesus from death. So we do well to
session. Your people who are not able to worship with
remind each other with these specific words of joyful
you will be so delighted that you are willing to visit
with them, bring them a recent worship bulletin and
celebrate communion with them. I am waiting to hear
Thanks for joining us for worship !
from you.
This issue of The Visitor contains many invitations to
worship together. Please read each announcement In the solitude of their rooms and their homes, our
carefully, so that you can plan to be with us as our shut-ins cherish the news you bring to them:
confirmands lead our worship (May 3), for our CeleChrist is risen ! He is risen, indeed ! Alleluia !
bration of the Merger (May 10), for Affirmation of Alleluia ! Alleluia !
Baptism (May 17) and for the Celebration of PenteIn Christ’s ministry with you,
cost (May 24). There are many details specified for
Pastor Margo
each worship event. Come ! Worship with us !
Sometimes we take the gift of worship ‘for granted’.
Until…until…we are no longer physically able to worship with our beloved congregational members. Then,
we yearn to be surrounded by the singing, the praying,
the smiles of our friends in the pew.
Each week since I have begun my interim ministry
with you, I have spent much time taking communion to
our shut-ins. Our congregation has members at the
New Glarus Home, at Mineral Point Care Center, at
Crest Ridge and Sienna Crest and Bloomfield Manor
in Dodgeville and also at Inglehaven in Mt. Horeb.
Add to this, a significant number of people who live in
their homes, but are unable to worship with us.
We, as a congregation, take seriously our responsibility, not only to maintain current contacts with these
folk, but also to be sure that Holy Communion is
available to them.
The Visitor
Page 2
Worship Highlights for May
Holy Communion is celebrated at Blanchardville every Sunday. Hollandale has the Lord’s Supper on the 1st and
3rd Sundays of the month.
SUNDAY, MAY 3—Fifth Sunday of Easter—
This Sunday’s image of how the risen
Christ shares his life with us is the image
of the vine. Christ, the vine, and we, the
branches, are alive in each other, in the
mystery of mutual abiding that we read
of in the gospel and the first letter of
John. Baptism makes us a part of Christ’s
living and life-giving self and makes us
alive with Christ’s life. As the vine brings
food to the branches, Christ feeds us at his table. We are
sent out to bear fruit for the life of the world.
Readings: Acts 8:26-40, Psalm 22:25-31, 1 John 4:7-21,
John 15:1-8
oneness is the work of the Spirit whom we have received but also await. Come, Holy Spirit!
Readings: Acts 1:15-17, 21-26; psalm 1; 1 John 5:9-13;
John 17:6-19
SATURDAY, MAY 23—Vigil of Pentecost—At this liturgy
we gather in vigilant prayer as the disciples did in the
days preceding Pentecost. Our world waits for an end
to war and violence. The whole creation waits for an
end to suffering. With undying hope we pray for the
crowning gift of Easter—the Spirit of the risen Christ
among us.
Readings: Exodus 19:1-9, Psalm 33:12-22, Romans 8:1417, 22-27, John 7:37-39
SUNDAY, MAY 10—Sixth Sunday of Easter—This Sunday’s image of the life the risen Christ shares with us is SUNDAY, MAY 24—Day of Pentecost—On the fiftieth
the image of friendship. We are called to serve others
day of Easter we celebrate the
as Jesus came to serve; but for John’s gospel, the imSpirit, through whom and in whom
age of servanthood is too hierarchical, too distant, to
the people of God are created
capture the essence of life with Christ. Friendship capand re-created. Pentecost is sometures the love, the joy, the deep mutuality of the relatimes called the church’s birthday,
tionship into which Christ invites us. The Greeks bebut might more appropriately be
lieved that true friends are willing to die for each
called its baptism day, since the gift
other. This is the mutual love of Christian community
of the Spirit is the fullness of bapcommanded by Christ and enabled by the Spirit.
tism. Ezekiel’s vision shows the Spirit
Readings: Acts 10:44-48, Psalm 98, 1 John 5:1-6, John
resurrecting and re-creating not just
individuals but a whole people. Romans makes it clear that God is in
THURSDAY, MAY 14—Ascension of Our Lord—In tothe process of re-creating the entire cosmos; yet the
day’s gospel the risen Christ ascends into heaven and Spirit is also a work in the most intimate and personal
his followers are assured that the Spirit will empower
way, praying in us “with sighs too deep for words”
them to be witnesses throughout the earth. The disciwhen we do not know how to pray.
ples were told to not gaze up into heaven to look for
Readings: Acts 2:1-21; Psalm 104:24-34, 35b; Romans
Jesus; we find his presence among us as we proclaim 8:22-27; John 15:26-27; 16:4B-15
the word and share the Easter feast. We too long for
the Spirit to enliven our faith and invigorate our misSUNDAY, MAY 31—The Holy Trinity, First Sunday after
Pentecost—When we say God is the triune God, we
Readings: Acts 1:1-11, Psalm 47, Ephesians 1:15-23,
are saying something about who God is beyond, beLuke 24:44-53
fore, and after the universe; that there is community
within God. Our experience of this is reflected in Paul’s
SUNDAY, MAY 17—Seventh Sunday of Easter—The gos- words today. When we pray to God as Jesus prayed
pel for Easter’s seventh Sunday is always taken from
to his Abba (an everyday, intimate parental address),
the long prayer Jesus prays for his followers in John’s
the Spirit prays within us, creating between us and
gospel on the night before his death, and always inGod the same relationship Jesus has with the one who
cludes Jesus’ desire that his followers will be one as he sent him.
and the Father are one. This oneness is not mere doc- Readings: Isaiah 6:1-8, Psalm 29, Romans 8;12-17, John
trinal agreement or institutional unity, but mutual abid- 3:1-17
ing, interpenetrating life, mutual love and joy. This
The Visitor
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God’s Blessings to our 8th Grade Confirmands:
Kiersten Cassidy
Carter Ruegsegger
Ryan Kleppe
Jeff Saether
Lexi Krause
Justin Swearingen
Hunter Vogel
These young people will confirm their faith on Sunday,
May 17, at our Affirmation of Baptism worship services
at 8:30 am, Blanchardville, and 10:30 am, Hollandale.
At the April 8 council meeting, two new members
were appointed to council positions: Vicki Chrostowski
to the Board of Education and Robin Gilbertson as a
Trustee. We have two open positions on the board,
one on the board of education and the other as a
The Current list of council members who will serve until
the Annual Meeting in 2016, at which time elections
will be held: President, Paul Saether; Vice President,
Chuck Meyer; Secretary, Beth Kundert; Financial Secretaries, Tina Steiner and Judy Hendrickson; and Becky
Johnson continues as the treasurer (which is not a
council position); and members: Kathleen Hermanson,
Sarah Saether, Roger Kittleson, Eric Straehl, and Chelsea Burkeland.
Our sincere thanks to out-going council members:
Sandy Anderson, Jean Christen, Wayne Garthwaite,
Cynthia Gilbertson, Lynette Stansfield, Kandi Lock-ard,
Joanne Eveland, Nancy Meyer, Marvel Nelson, Ron
Syse, Steve Pilling and Julia Meyer.
We dug a well in Africa!
Offerings during the Lenten season toward the cost of digging a well to provide clean drinking water for Africans exceeded the $2,500 needed! Good Work ! Thanks ! Our
final total of money collected: $3,000.
for all YOU do:
♦ for
worshipping together
♦ for faithfully praying for our work together
♦ for faithful financial support
♦ for all the lovely Easter flowers
♦ for serving Helen Gilbertson’s funeral
♦ for joining our Bible Study Table Talks
♦ to Sandy Anderson and Judy Hendrickson for final
packing and taping of Bathroom Boxes
♦ to Renny Anderson and Mary Baal for delivering Bathroom Boxes
♦ to Dawn Doran and confirmands for Easter Sunrise
♦ to Marlys Hittesdorf for the March 22 Joint Worship
♦ to Bob Watrud for the landscaping work at Trinity
♦ to Beth Kundert for packing the Global Health Ministry
kits to take to the synod assembly
♦ to Becky Kesler for attending the synod assembly
♦ to the following people who provided Sunday School
leadership during the past year: Elaine Becker, Lauren
Becker, Sarah Saether, Chelsea Burkeland, Marlys Hittesdorf, Tina Steiner, Becky Johnson, Vicki
Chrostowski, Brittany Krebs, Lisa Toay, Lean Stansfield, Christian Stansfield, and Stephen Stansfield
♦ for everyone who volunteered to drive for “Wayne’s
Bathroom Box Needs
for Refugees Continue:
Now ! what shall we do with the excess? You can trust Wow ! Amazing that we filled 12 boxes for refugees comthat we will use it faithfully.
ing into Madison! Thank you! These needs continue, now
in a more precise form: they need:
♦new pillows,
Proposed names for a new church
♦single sheets,
name have been submitted through
♦mattress pads and
Sunday, April 26. A list of all proposed
♦towels…always towels!
names will be available at worship on
In the narthex of each church is a large plastic garbage
Sunday, May 3rd, when worshippers will
can. As you bring any of the above items, place them in
circle their one choice from this list. The
the garbage can and Pastor Margo will deliver the items to
three (3) names with the most votes will
Trinity Lutheran as the garbage cans fill.
be on the ballot on Sunday, May10, at the special
Thanks again!
congregational meeting following worship.
The Visitor
Page 4
families of Helen Gilbertson,
Norma McKeon and Betty
Schmidt; JoAnne Kainz, Lolly
Johnson, Wayne Garthwaite, Cliff Lien,
Chase Norton, David Winden, Dick &
Lois Gifford, Gordy & Grace Larson,
Orville Ayen, Richard Gilbertson, Margaret Hanson, Stacey Olson Strempke,
and Ruth Hanson; Jeremy Knutowski
and all military personnel, those in nursing homes or homebound, and all others with special needs.
“Visitor” information by:
Friday, May 22, 2015
Newsletter assembly:
Thursday, 28, by Hollandale
1st & 3rd Saturdays of the month
10:00-11:00 a.m.
Blanchardville Lutheran Church
Wish List
laundry soap
dish soap
Cooking oil
paper towels
cake/brownie mix
spaghetti sauce
(like Ragu or
pancake mix
pancake syrup
Please feel free to contact one of the
Food Pantry Committee members if
you have any questions or are in
need of food.
The Pecatonica Area Food Pantry
Marcia Bredeson -- 574-5224
Jean Christen -- 967-2349
Bev Lien -- 832-6344
Alice Yaeger -- 523-4960
The Visitor
May Worship Committees
Beth Kundert, Loretta Gerber
Roger and Michele Kittleson
Sarah Saether and Kyle
Kleppe on becoming the
2015 Pecatonica High
School Homecoming Queen
and King!
Thank you to all who volunteer for
the altar committee, ushering, greeting and reading. Please call Kathleen Hermanson at 523-4364 or
Sarah Saether at 523-4066 if you are
willing to volunteer for these duties.
Perry Lutheran Church is going
to the Brewers. On Saturday,
June 27, 2015, a bus will leave
the Hwy 18/151 park & ride at 9;30 a.m.
Game time is 2:00 p.m. The cost for the
bus and the game is $50. For more information, please contact Jeff Volden at 4376846 or
Young people willing to acolyte! 5th graders through senior
high. As a requirement of Confirmation, those youth are already serving as candle lighters.
You are desperately needed
and wanted. You are capable.
You are appreciated!
If we missed your birthday, please call
the church office to let us know!!
May 01
Ardell Lien
May 04
May 05
May 13
Cliff Lien
Margaret Barnes
Bob Helmeid
May 14
May 15
May 18
Jane Rupnow
Bill Whitford
Grace Larson
May 19
Richard Hermanson
May 23
Shirley Larson
May 30
Judy Watrud
At the April 27th church council meeting
a parsonage committee was chosen and
the needs of the parsonage were discussed.
Volunteer help and funding will be needed
to prepare our parsonage for the eventual
new pastor and family. It is time to take
care of some maintenance issues and
spruce up our parsonage in Hollandale so
that when we eventually interview new
clergy we will have a lovely home to welcome and attract them to our communities.
Many of the jobs are fairly simple, like
cleaning up flower beds and planting, and
many jobs are more involved, like trimming trees, replacing the roof, removal of
moldy drywall and insulation in the basement & replacing it, and hopefully installing a new kitchen and maybe some small
wall removal to open up the kitchen and
living room into a welcoming family
A few work days will be announced so
that we can all work together to help make
these improvements. Funds are also
needed to pay for the renovations and materials. Please consider a donation to the
parsonage renovations to help fund the
building supplies that will need to be purchased.
Page 5
“Call Committee” News
WE ARE NOT ALONE. God's presence in our lives will help us
to grow in faith, hope, and love. We will learn, at each
stage of the way, we cannot make it on our own. Companions, friends, pastor's are a gift from God. Our call committee is a gift. We appreciate the joy of knowing that our
communities can support us, teach us, guide us, and provide correction as necessary. It is a true blessing to have
Dawn, Ron, Jean, Kaye, Merlin "Butch", Lauren, and Chelsea
on this faith journey to call a pastor. God's Spirit,
Sandy Neuman-Anderson, Spiritual Guide for Call Committee
The Call Committee’s first meeting was on Monday, April
13th. Steve Kottke from the Synod office outlined the process
we would follow to call a new pastor to serve our newly
merged congregation. The process is officially underway!
We will meet again on Wednesday April 22nd to organize
and begin filling out the Ministry Site Profile (MSP).
What is the Ministry Site Profile?
Each church that is seeking a new pastor completes a Ministry Site Profile. This profile describes what makes OUR SITE
unique, what specific needs we have, our vision for mission,
and specific traits we are looking for in a new pastor. Please
give these categories some thought, as we will be asking for
your input during the month ahead.
At the same time, pastors who are looking for a new congregation/site are also filling out a profile: the Roster Leader
Profile. The Synod office helps match up potential congregations and pastors, based on these two profiles, so that the
Call Committee will then be given a ‘short list’ of interested
and compatible candidates to examine and interview.
Here’s where we need your help!
First Question:
What things make our congregation unique and unlike any
others? Please be thinking about this~~we will need your
help and ideas throughout this process. Stay tuned for further updates and questions!
The Call Committee members are:
Butch Norton 967-2442
Ron Syse 523-4090
Dawn Doran 558-4448
Lauren Becker 523-1820
Sandy Anderson 574-7815
Jean Christen 967-2349
Kaye Gilbertson 574-8557
Chelsea Burkeland 225-4451 (Council Liaison)
This committee was appointed at the April 8 council meeting and will be installed on Sunday, May 10th.
June 7
Worship Times Change:
8:15 a.m. at Hollandale
9:45 a.m. at Blanchardville
The Visitor
Feel free to contact any of us with ideas and suggestions
throughout the Call process. Please pray for these committee members, and for the person who will become our next
pastor. God’s hand is leading us, all the way.
Call Committee Meeting Minutes
Wednesday, April 22, 2015
1.Election of Committee Leaders:
Chair: Dawn Doran
Secretary: Kaye Gilbertson
Co-Communicators: Jean Christen, Ron Syse
Spiritual Leader: Sandy Anderson
2. Discussion: How to get the Questions out to the Congregation to answer? In the Visitor? Bulletins? Should we use the
5 questions in the handbook, the Characteristics Checklist,
or both? Also, discussion of how to state on the final summary what we are like NOW as a congregation vs. what we
HOPE to be, moving into the future.
3. Discussion about our Mission Statement: Are we using the
same one Pec Parish has used? Something new/fresh/
rephrased? Chelsea will ask the Council to take up this
topic. This would be an important piece of our Ministry Site
4. Looked at the 5 Congregational Survey questions and
decided we would like to use them as the basis for our survey. We revised some of the questions to personalize them
to our congregation. We will ask Judy to insert these surveys
into the Visitor, so that people could pull them out, complete them, and turn them in at each church. Drop boxes
will be made by Sandy, and put in the back of both
churches. More copies of the blank survey will also be available by the boxes. People can also mail or email completed surveys to the church office. We will see if the information that comes in is sufficient or if we will want to use the
Characteristic Checklist, in addition. Kaye will email revisions
to Call Committee members for editing, and will email final
draft to Judy in the church office.
5. The Co-Communicators will briefly talk about the surveys
and read through the questions at each of the following
Sunday services: May 3, May 10, May 17, and May 24. Surveys need to be returned by May 24. We will ask Judy to
please compile/key-in the survey results as they come in,
and email them to the Call Committee members each
week, so that we can begin to go through and process the
results. We asked Chelsea to talk with the Council next week
about getting Judy W. a few more hours during the month
of May, for keying-in all of the survey results. This will be a
time-consuming, yet important, process, and we don’t want
it to take away from her usual weekly duties.
6. Next Call Committee Meeting: Thursday, May 28, 2015 at
the church in Hollandale.
Page 6
Congregational Survey
Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,
We are seeking to identify what God is calling us to do and who might be the best pastor in our future. Would
you please help in this task? Our Call Committee will be filling out a “Ministry Site Profile” soon, which will
provide prospective pastor candidates with information about us as your congregation. Please help by answering the following questions by Sunday, May 24. There will be drop boxes located at the back of both
churches for your completed surveys, and extra copies of these surveys, too. If you wish, you may also mail
your survey to the church office at: P.O. Box 138, Blanchardville, WI 53516, or send as an email to: .
Thank you for your input and your prayers as we prepare to call our new pastor.
---Your Call Committee
1. Pastor candidates like to learn about the history of congregations at which they will be interviewing. List
three important events or developments from the history of your congregation. Please indicate approximate
dates when possible (i.e. ‘ten years ago’ or ‘in the 70’s’, etc…)
2. Conflict is inevitable in any organization, including the church. Often it can lead to renewed growth and
vigor if it is handled well. Please describe the most significant conflict in your congregation in the last 20
years, and what the congregation has learned from that conflict.
3. To help your congregational leaders and your next pastor plan for future outreach, what trends in the community should be addressed by the congregation in the next five years? (For example: impact of population
shifts, domestic violence, day care, youth services or recreation, homelessness, poverty, new construction, inflated housing prices, decline of housing stock, other..)
4. As a newly merged congregation, where is God leading us in the future? During the next 1-3 years, what are
the top three mission priorities for the congregation, which, if accomplished, hold the most promise for the development of your ministry? (For example: outreach to increase membership; service to our communities;
working together; building program; adding staff or pastors; restructuring of committees or boards; stewardship, evangelism or youth programs.)
5. Imagine that you are describing your congregation to a visitor, or to your next pastor. Who WERE you as an
individual congregation, and who ARE you now as a newly merged congregation? What things are important
to you? What are you and the other people in your congregation excited about?
April 8, 2015
Beth Kundert
Paul Saether called to order a special meeting of the council and led the group in prayer. Present were Pastor Margo,
Paul Saether, Becky Johnson, Kathleen Hermanson, Sarah
Saether, Roger Kittleson, Chuck Meyer, Chelsea Burkeland,
Eric Straehl, Steve Pilling, and Beth Kundert.
cil but is not appointed as a member of committee.
• Pastor Steve Kottke will meet with call committee
on April 13, 2015 at the Hollandale Church.
• Chelsea moved and Sarah seconded to conduct a
special congregational meeting on May 10, 2015. Motion passed. At the meeting the only business discussed or conducted will be to vote on a name for our
new congregation. The meeting will be held immediately following the 10 am worship service.
• Process for the name submission and vote:
Proposed names may be submitted through Sunday,
April 26. A list of all proposed names will be available
at worship on Sunday, May 3rd. Worshipers will circle
their one choice from this list.
The 3 names with the most votes will be on the ballot
Sun., May 10th
• Becky Kesler has agreed to attend the Synod Assembly on May 30-31, 2015. A male delegate is
• Council changes were approved with motions
• Roger moved and Steve seconded to appoint Robin
Gilbertson as a trustee and Vicki Chro-stowski to the
board of education. The motion carried. These appointments and the current officers, Paul, Chuck, and Beth
will continue to serve until the annual meeting at which
time elections will be held.
• Council members that are willing to stay on the
council until the annual meeting 2016 are as follows:
Paul Saether, Chuck Meyer, Beth Kundert, Becky Johnson (Johnson Accounting), Kathleen Hermanson, Roger
Kittleson, Eric Straehl, Chelsea Burkeland, Tina Steiner, Informational Dates:
and Sarah Saether.
• Call Committee meeting April 13
• At this time 1 person is need as a deacon and 2
• Council Meeting April 27
people are needed for the board of education.
• Celebration of the merger May 10, 10 am worship
• On a motion by Chuck and a second from Roger
with Joint Worship and Special Congregational meetthe appointments to the call committee were approved
ing, and recognition of Sunday Staff and high school
by the council. The call committee appointments are as
follows: Dawn Doran, Jean Christen, Ron Syse, Merlin
Norton, Sandy Anderson, Kaye Gilbertson, and Lauren By consensus the meeting adjourned.
Becker. Chelsea Burkeland is the liaison from the coun- The group closed with the Lord’s prayer.
Women of the ELCA Bible Study Seminar
May 20-21, 2015
Wartburg Theological Seminary
Wartburg Theological Seminary Invites Women to the 2015
Women of the ELCA Bible Study Seminar
May 02 Jeremy & Kim Knutowski
May 05 Dennis & Shelly Olson
31 Years
May 11
May 15
May 19
May 20
May 21
Jim & Jayne Gordon
Scott & Coleen Kittleson
John & Dawn Doran
David & Cindy Whitford
Mike & Tara Wahl
May 22 Steve & Kelly Hermanson
33 Years
May 22 John & Pam Lauper
33 Years
May 25 Scott & Marla Lind
24 Years
May 28 John & Jubie Simonson
21 Years
May 30 Bryan & Jeanne Lisser
48 Years
The Visitor
The speakers will be Phyllis N. Kersten and E. Louise Williams, who will be speaking on Christian citizenship and
Christian Citizenship 101-A Study of Philippians—
Philippians is a wonderful book. Paul had founded the
Christian church in Philippi a number of years before and
now writes to encourage them. This study, from the Winter 2015-16 issue of Gather magazine, will explore what
Christian citizenship is like.
Go In Peace, Serve the Lord—We will examine five
images of service from the early church: Washing Feet,
Waiting Tables, Telling the Story, Tending the Door and
Bearing the Light.
Early bird registration ends May 1st. The registration
deadline is May 13th.
Page 9
Summer Mission 2015
Nine youths are heading to the Quad Cities this summer from
July 12th to July 17th. The youth are Christian Stansfield,
Dakota Hoffman, Sarah Swenson, Clara Moen, Ashley Shilling,
Clare Keast, Lauren Becker, Sarah Saether and Kailee Schraepfer.
Every morning Monday through Friday we'll start our day with a morning devotional,
go to work either at a soup kitchen, childcare center, or nursing home and end our
day with an activity and worship in the evening.
It will be a time to reconnect with God, connect His plan to our lives, and connect
with each other in mission. Although we think we are going to help others, the reality is - the people we meet bless and help us!!
Please pray for all of us that we are once again blessed by this experience and help
us to be a blessing to others.
Thank you for the extreme and generous support you always show!
In God's Grace
Elaine Becker, Mission Youth Director
How could we not "LIKE" what efforts
were done to make this hapen! "WOW"
everyone involved be proud of your
compassion. "THANKS" to ALL for great
mission work. It is sure to be a HAPPY
DAY" for those Refugees receiving our
2015 Baccalaureate Worship
Baccalaureate worship honoring the graduating seniors of Pecatonica High School will be
held on Wednesday, May 27 at 8 pm at Immaculate Conception Catholic Church of
Blanchardville. Paige Boyer,
who serves as pastor to the
Methodist congregation will
preach. Refreshments will be
served by the congregation of Immaculate
We say ‘congratulations’ to the following
young people from our congregation who
graduate this year:
Carly Gilbertson, Tiffani Green, Miranda Griffith and Sydney Love.
Youth Birthdays
May 03 Kenadi Kundert
May 06 Tucker Bethke
May 10 Ivan Rear
May 11 Cory Linder
May 11 Asher Wollin
May 13 Jacob Anderson
May 14 Paige Toay
May 20 Brayden McNeill
May 23 Korbyn Hughes
May 23 Carter Ruegsegger
May 23 Landon Wahl
May 24 Crosby Hendrickson
May 24 Connor Mayhew
May 30 Jesse Puckett
The Visitor
Page 10
Blanchardvile 8:30
Hollandale 10:30
Parish Total
Easter Sunday
News & Notes
OUR SYMPATHY to the family and friends of Helen Gilbertson who died on Saturday, March 28, 2015
at the Monroe Clinic Hospital. Funeral services were held Monday, April 6, at Blanchardville Lutheran
Church with Pastor Margo Martens officiating. Inurnment was in Woodlawn Cemetery, Argyle.
CONGRATULATIONS to Amy Emberson and Todd Goninen who were married by Pastor Margo Martens
on Saturday, April 4, at Blanchardville Lutheran Church.
Bible Study Opportunity: Wednesdays @ noon @ Hollandale—Our Bible Study Table Talks continue for the month of May, meeting on May 6, 13 and 20. The focus of this month will be the book of
Job. “Why do bad things happen to good people” could easily be the sub-title of this Biblical story. We
all either live this question in our own life, or know someone close to us who lives it. What Bible Study
option should we consider for June? We can change time and place, depending on YOUR preference.
Please talk with Pastor Margo if you have a preference for a time, a place and/or a topic. Studying the Bible is essential
for those who want to follow Christ and his ways in our world. We look forward to hearing from…and seeing…YOU !
Thanks !
Sanctuary Ministers
May 3, 2015
Confirmation Youth
Confirmation Youth
Confirmation Youth
Confirmation Youth
Ryan Kleppe
Hunter Vogel
May 10, 2015
Paul & Julie Saether Family
Julie Saether
Carter Ruegsegger
May 17, 2015
Dan & Marlys Hittesdorf
Gloria Hershberger
Marlys Hittesdorf
David Whitford
Jeff Saether
Griffin Gordon
May 24, 2015
Tina Steiner
Lisa Hogan
Tina Steiner
Sandy Anderson
Alex Bredeson
Skylar Garthwaite
May 31, 2015
Melissa Jenson
Dorothy Jungbluth & Chris Gilbertson
Jeff Saether
Donna Arneson
Bronwyn Mayhew
Grace Keast
June 7, 2015
Melissa Jenson
Travis Keast
Tiffany Bethke
Jean Christen
Nicholas Puckett
Evan Stansfield
The Visitor
Page 11
17 Confirmation
8:30 B Worship/Com
10:30 H Worship/Com
8:30 B Worship/Com
10:30 H Worship
Synod Assembly in
8:30 B Worship/Com
10:30 H Worship
10 Merger Celebration
9:00 B/H Sunday
10:00 Celebration Sunday@B/Comm
8:30 B Worship/Com
9:30 H Sunday School
9:45 B Sunday School
10:30 H Worship/Com
11:00 Chicken BBQ@H
6:30 Boy Scouts@B
7:00 Worship Mtg@B
8:00 Baccalaureate@IC
12:00 Table Talk@H
12:00 Table Talk@H
6:30 8th Gr Confirmation@B
12:00 Table Talk@H
6:30 8th Gr Confirmation@B
12:30 Visitor Assembly
by H
6:00 Call Comm
6:30 Girl Scouts@B
Visitor Articles Due
Synod Assembly in
6:30 AA Mtg@B
10-11 Food Pantry@B
9:00 B Bake Sale @
Woodford State Bank
6:30 AA Mtg@B
10-11 Food Pantry@B
Pastor Margo’s Office Hours: Pastor Margo will meet with you at a time other than her posted office hours, at your request. She usually spends one night a week
at the parsonage and welcomes you to stop by. Judy (in the office) keeps Margo’s schedule. Questions? Call Judy at 523-4239 or Margo at 843-3245
Church Office: Ph. 608-523-4239, e-mail: Interim Pastor, Margo Martens Ph. 608-843-3245
Blanchardville & Hollandale Lutheran Churches of the ELCA
May 2015