5th Sunday of EasterSaint John Francis Regis Parish 8941 James A. Reed Road Kansas City, Missouri 64138 www.regischurch.org Fr. Sean McCaffery, Pastor May 3, 2015 Weekend Masses Saturday: 4:30PM Sunday: 8:30 and 10:30AM Daily Mass Tues-Fri: 8:30AM & Thu: 6:15AM Confessions Sat: 3:30PM & Wed: 6:00PM & by appointment Eucharistic Adoration Wednesday: 6:00-7:00PM Parish Office Hours: Monday-Friday 8AM-4PM Parish Office Emergencies School Office Religious Education Early Childhood Center FAX St. Regis Website (816) 761-1608 761-1608 763-5837 761-1608 763-6566 966-1350 www.regischurch.org Parish Staff Rev. Mr. Samuel Adams, Deacon Ext. 317 Rev. Mr. Ken Albers, Deacon Jennifer Scanlon-Smith, Principal Ext. 312 Jim Brandon, Maintenance Ext. 307 Susan Duerr, School of Religion Ext. 314 Colleen Melchior, Office Manager Ext. 301 Marilyn Moore, School Secretary Ext.. 311 Raquel Roman, Music Ministry Karen Storck, Business Manager Ext. 302 Lori Long, Director of Early Childhood Jenifer Valenti, Ombudsman (816) 812-2500 Bonnie Kane, Victim’s Advocate kane@diocesekcsj.org Parish Council Cathy Albers Mike Apprill Fr. Sean McCaffery Mike Murtha Mike Nash Ora Reyes May 3, 2015 (816) 761-1608 5th Sunday of Easter Liturgical Roles Lectors May 9 & 10 4:30pm Barb Schroeder & Jerry Schroeder 8:30am Paul Roder & Betty Roder 10:30am Katie Radford & Frankline Musongwe Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion 4:30pm Barb Schroeder, Jerry Schroeder, Alex Pope Dorothy Quinn, Mike Nash, Peggy Berney Francis Brenner & Bernadette Brenner 8:30am Robert Falke, Sherry Falke, Janet Helms Pat Hanson, Harold Hanson, Fred Krabbe Sr. Helen Groudis & Mary Jordahl 10:30am Ora Reyes, Tony Reyes, John Reyes, Jr. Virginia Reyes, John Reyes, Sr., Bill Massop Diane Pacheco & Regina Ozbun May 3, 2015 BULLETIN DEADLINE The deadline to put announcements in the bulletin is now on Mondays. BOOK OF REVELATIONS Have you ever wondered about the Book of Revelation? What is that book REALLY all about. We will be starting a Bible study on the Book of Revelation on May 5 at 7pm in Mary’s Room. The cost of the materials is $24 and you will need to register by calling the Parish Office – 761-1608 or contacting Susan Duerr at sduerr@regischurch.org If you REALLY want to know, this could be for YOU! Servers 4:30pm Breanna Wood & John Stribling 8:30am Raju Nichols & Abby Salanski 10:30am Bella Jimenez & Kenna Schmidt Greeters 4:30pm Larry Hayden & Betty Hernandez 8:30am Rick Kraus & Jane Marzano 10:30am Ken Glasbrenner & Mary Lou Glasbrenner YOU ARE INVITED Fr. James Hart is celebrating his 50th Anniversary of Ordination on May 3rd at St. Therese North, 7207 NW Highway 9, KCMO 64152 at the 12pm Mass. All St. Regis parishioners are invited. Mass Intentions Tuesday, May 5 †Betty Langenfeld by Jack & Carolyn Mitchell Wednesday, May 6 For the Intentions of the Surber Family Thursday, May 7 6:15am People of St. John Francis Regis Parish 8:30am †Betty Langenfeld by Jeri Langenfeld Friday, May 8 †Mary Rocha by Lois Beres Saturday, May 9 4:30pm †Judy Ford by Kaye Clark Sunday, May 10 8:30am †Jon Apprill by Joanne Whitehurse 10:30am People of St. John Francis Regis Parish Please Remember In Your Prayers: Susan Nealy, Susan Roth, Ken Arens, Jack Chapman, Jean Machetta, Dan Machetta, Wes McKellar, Aidan Jones, Seth Dujakovich, Jack Mitchell, Janet Haas, Joe Martinez, Pam Dotson, Amy Newland, Gary Monnig, Mary Hunter, Vera Gross, Patrick Sheehan, Judy Schmitz, John Hernandez, Bobby Thompson, Michael Whitehurse, Jean Kraus, Susan Martin, Rachel Weaver, Shannon Sevart, Pat Beard, Carol Beard, Carolyn Mitchell, Rose Solo, Beth Heidler, Mary Starr, George & Mary Pat Lambert, Kathy Ness, Dean Robertson, David Berg, Will Whitlock, Jack Denzer, Ralph & Dorothy Kleikamp, Harper Mowery, Kaye Clark, Bobbie Duncan, Rose Brown, Joe Underwood, Gretchen Maschger, John Biegel, Patty Mullens, Rose Mary Schmidt, Abigail Grantham, Emily Solo, John Weaver, Barbara Willkie, Frances Lucas, Norbert Veit, Nick Schanzmeyer, Tony Calderon, Ginny Noonan and the many parishioners who are experiencing situational and financial hardships. 5th Sunday of Easter Congratulations Congratulations to the St. Regis Research Medical Center Eucharistic Ministers who were awarded service awards: Jack Denzer for volunteering 400 hours; Joan Sack and Jerry Schroeder volunteered 300 hours; Larry Hayden and Bill Massop volunteered 200 hours and Maxine Rodriguez volunteered 100 hours. Way to go St. Regis volunteers!!! DEBT REDUCTION UPDATE The total we have received from February 1st through April 20th for the debt reduction campaign is $11,311.34. Keep up the good work!! Thank you! Marian Celebration Tuesday, May 5, 7pm Join us as we honor the Blessed Virgin Mary during the month of May We will have a May Crowning of the Blessed Virgin Mary and pray the Rosary as we ask for the intercession of our Blessed Mother. We need your presence and we definitely need Mary’s love and help to keep us close to her Son, Jesus. Refreshments will be served. You are welcome to bring flowers to honor our Heavenly Mother. All are welcome to join us for this time together in prayer and celebration of God’s goodness to us. Invite your friends, relatives and neighbors. May 3, 2015 THE CATHOLIC STEWARD In today’s Gospel reading, Jesus reminds us how important each and every one of us is when He says, “I am the vine; you are the branches.” One of the central ideas in the spirituality of stewardship is how crucial each person is to the success and effectiveness of the community. Of course, together we can do so much more than each of us can individually. Are you using your gifts? Are you using your gifts to build the community and to serve others? Jesus speaks of His Father “pruning” the branches that do not bear fruit. As is often the case in ancient Greek, a word can have two meanings. The word for “prune” is also the word for “cleanse.” That is the point the Lord is most likely making. Until we are “cleansed,” until we have sought conversion and change with the help of God, we are not able to fully fulfill our covenants with God. Stewardship, of course, is a call to each of us to respond to our many gifts with thanksgiving and service. Fruits bear seeds within them. Our response to God’s call is to allow our seeds to produce more fruit. The author Robert Louis Stevenson said, “Don’t judge each day by the harvest you reap, but by the seeds you plant.” As our Easter season continues, we need to make sure we are attached to the vine of the Lord, and that we are planting seeds. MOTHER’S DAY CARNATIONS Honor your Mother on Mother’s Day with a fresh Carnation. You may select your carnation after each service on Mother’s Day weekend for a minimum donation of $1.00 per stem. Remember other “mothers” among your family and friends. Proceeds will support educational and legislative efforts of Missouri Right to Life on behalf of unborn babies and their mothers. 5th Sunday of Easter May 3, 2015 SCHOOL NEWS Please join us for our Spring Concert, Wednesday, May 6th, at 6:30PM in the Parish Hall. The Spring Concert will be an 8th grade variety show, featuring 4th grade recorder players. They will be performing original arrangements of student selected songs. We are excited about this program and look forward to seeing everyone! Our 8th graders will be traveling by train to Jefferson City on May 7th for their class trip. They will visit the Governor’s Mansion, the State Capitol and the Landing. They will also visit with Bonnaye Mims, our Missouri State Representative. Eating at Arris Pizza and going to the Central Dairy for ice cream is also on their agenda. They will return by train later that evening. Keep our 7th graders in your prayers as they go on retreat on May 8th. They will take part in a team building experience, called Tucker Leadership, that will help to strengthen their bonds as a class for their 8th grade year at St. Regis. SAVE THE DATE It’s official – we are doing Totus Tuus for our Vacation Bible School this year, July 19-24. Students in grades 1-6 will meet daily from 9am-3pm. Students in grades 712 will meet in the evenings (Sun. – Thurs). More information to come. If you would like to volunteer please contact Susan Duerr at 761-1608. High school students, please join St. Regis High School Youth Group for faith, fellowship, and fun. We will meet This Sunday, May 3rd at 6:30pm to play sports and talk about how we can grow in leadership and faith. ADULT CONFIRMATION The Bishop will celebrate the Sacrament of confirmation for adults over the age of 21 who have not yet been confirmed on Wednesday, June 3, at 7pm at the Cathedral. A formation class in the parish is required for those wishing to participate in the sacrament. Please contact Susan Duerr in the parish office, 761-1608, if you are interested. Please call by May 10 and feel free to share this information with other adults you may know needing to be confirmed. Sunday, May 3rd, 11:30am St. Regis Parking Lot There will be food, including BBQ and hamburgers, as well as games for kids and soccer for youth. Join us for fun and fellowship. 5th Sunday of Easter SPIRITUAL ADOPTION BABY SHOWER ALL Parishioners are invited to contribute to our annual Baby Shower on the weekends of May 2-3 and May 9-10 to culminate the Spiritual Adoption Program sponsored by the K of C #13671 Ladies Auxiliary. Items collected will benefit Mothers choosing to keep their babies served by Birthright and The Women's Clinic. Suggested items could include but are not limited to, diapers (all sizes, including preemie), formula, baby wipes, baby clothes and things for mom to use once the baby is born. We will have a pack-n-play in the Gather space to collect these donations. One of the main reasons women with an unplanned pregnancy consider abortion is because they have no support. Your contributions and prayers do make a difference. Thank you. May 3, 2015 MOTHER’S DAY Mother’s Day is Sunday, May 10th. We will offer a special blessing to mothers at all the Masses that weekend. We will also have a special Mother’s Day display with the names of both living and deceased mothers. If you would like to have the name of a mother included, please be sure to place their name on the Mother’s Day envelope included in your May packet and make a contribution in their honor. You may place your envelope in the regular collection this weekend or bring it to the office no later than Wednesday, May 6. this is a wonderful way to recognize the special gift of our mothers. SPIRITUAL ADOPTION It’s my BIRTHDAY! Thank you so much for all your prayers. Because you prayed for me, I get the best of all gifts….LIFE! During your earthly life this spiritually adopted child of yours will be known only to God, but in the world to come it is hoped that you will meet the child whose life was spared by your prayers and spend eternal happiness with them. The St Regis Knights of Columbus Ladies Auxiliary would like to thank you from the bottom of our hearts for your participation in this year’s spiritual adoption program. With your help more babies will be saved from abortion. Look for our next Spiritual Adoption program sign up later this year. Jesus, Mary and Joseph, I love you very much. I beg you to spare the life of the unborn baby that I have spiritually adopted who is in danger of abortion. LADIES AUXILIARY MEETING The Knights of Columbus Ladies Auxiliary will meet on Sunday, May 3rd from 9:30-10:30am in the Mary’s room. GOLDEN WEDDING CELEBRATION A Mass honoring all couples in the diocese celebrating 50 years of marriage in the year 2015 will be celebrated at 2:00 p.m. on Sunday, May 31, 2015 at the Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception. The liturgy will be followed with a dessert reception. This celebration will include all couples who have celebrated or will be celebrating their Golden Wedding Anniversary between January 1, 2015 and December 31, 2015. If you were married in 1965, please call the parish office this week so that you can be acknowledged. You will be acknowledged even if you cannot attend the event. HIGH SCHOOL OUTREACH PROGRAM Newman Connection’s High School Outreach Program keeps high school and college students connected to Catholic campus ministry. To find out more, please go to newmanconnection.com or contact the Serra Club of Southeast Kansas City, MO at 816-560-2992 or contact Cassie Campton at (866) 815.2034 ext. 708, ccampton@newmanconnection.com 5th Sunday of Easter May 3, 2015 RAYTOWN DAY AT THE ROYALS Outpace Poverty 5K Event on Saturday, June 20, at Liberty Memorial. Walk, jog or stroll—pick your own pace! Enjoy activities for the whole family, music, refreshments and visits from Kansas City’s most beloved sports mascots.. Your support provides hope-filled care and services to nearly 85,000 people who come to catholic charities every year. Register at www.outpoverty.org For the last year the Parish and School have been active as a member of the Raytown Area Chamber of Commerce and as such have decided to participate in their annual Raytown community day at the Royals. The game is on Sunday June 7, at 1:10 p.m against the Texas Rangers. If you are interested in going, tickets will be available after all the weekend Masses through May 15th. We have the front two rows of tickets together in the Hy-Vee View Section behind home plate for a discounted price of $11 each. More tickets are available if needed. The Raytown community has been hosting this event for over 20years and has continuously been one of the largest community events. Come out to support the Royals and show the community our St Regis Sprit. Celebrate St. Regis St. John Francis Regis is a blessed and welcoming parish, and our parish family members accomplish some truly awesome things! Is someone in your family or our parish family graduating from 8th grade, high school, or college this spring? What about graduate or professional school? Have you achieved a special certification or recognition that you would like to share with our parish family? Perhaps a wedding anniversary milestone that gives faithful witness to marriage as a symbol of Christ’s love for His Bride, the Church? If so, let our parish office know so that we can announce the occasion to all, and celebrate it together! Our celebration efforts are ongoing, but please send graduation news to celebrate.st.regis@gmail.com by Sunday, May 10, 2015, or simply drop the bottom half of this form into the collection basket or a basket in our Gathering Space. Please include the name of the graduate, the name of his or her school or educational institution, and the type of diploma he or she will receive. Don't be too shy to announce someone's awesome accomplishment to the rest of the parish! Please call Geri Haile at (816) 966-0557 or Cathy Albers at (816) 313-9953, with any questions. Let's celebrate! Please describe the event or accomplishment you would like us to help recognize: ___________________________________________________________________________________ When would you like this event or accomplishment recognized? __________________________________________________________________________________ If we have any questions, who should we contact? Name and phone number / e-mail __________________________________________________________________________________ 5th Sunday of Easter May 3, 2015 Schedule of Events A good vocation is simply a firm and constant will in which the person who is called must serve God in the way and in the places to which almighty God has called him. —ST. FRANCIS DE SALES (1567-1622) LITURGICAL MINISTER SCHEDULE The Liturgical Minister Schedule for May and June has been emailed out to Lectors, Eucharistic Ministers, Servers and Greeters. A hard copy of the schedule is available on the table in the Gathering Space. The schedule can also be accessed from our website, www.regischurch.org. If you have any questions about the schedule, please call Colleen in the Parish Office. If you have a conflict with a particular weekend you are scheduled for a ministry, we ask that you please find a substitute. Thank you for serving our parish through theses ministries. DIOCESAN NEWS The Diocese of Kansas City-St. Joseph is committed to combating sexual abuse in the Church. If you are a victim of sexual abuse, or if you observe or suspect sexual abuse: Call the Missouri Child Abuse Hotline at 1-800392-3738 (if the victim is currently under the age of 18); Contact your local law enforcement agency or call 911, and after reporting to these civil and law enforcement authorities, report suspected sexual abuse of a minor or vulnerable adult to the Diocesan Ombudsman, Jenifer Valenti, at 816-812-2500 or JeniferValenti@att.net, if the abuse involves a priest, deacon, employee or volunteer of the Diocese of Kansas City-St. Joseph. The Diocese has a sincere commitment to providing care and healing resources to victims of sexual abuse and their families Please contact Victim Advocate Bonnie Kane at 816-3920011 or kane@diocesekcsj.org for more information. Sunday, May 3 8:30am Mass 9:30am Knights of Columbus Ladies Auxiliary 10:30am Mass 11:30am Block Party 5:00pm Confirmation Meeting Monday, May 4 7:00pm SSMC Tuesday, May 5 8:30am Mass 7:00pm Marian Celebration 7:00pm Revelations 7:00pm Cursillo Wednesday, May 6 8:30am Mass 1:00pm O’Hara Mass 6:00pm Eucharistic Adoration w/Confessions 6:30pm 4 & 8 Grade Concert Thursday, May 7 6:15am Mass 8:30am Mass 9:00am Scripture Sharing 7:00pm Boy Scouts 7:00pm Choir Practice Friday, May 8 8:30am Mass Saturday, May 9 3:30pm Confessions 4:30pm Mass Sunday, May 10 Mother’s Day 8:30am Mass 10:30am Mass/Childcare/Children Liturgy SUNDAY CHILDCARE Sunday Childcare will be available for 2-6 year old children May 10 and 17 from 9:30am to noon in room 104. 5th Sunday of Easter CHURCH NAME AND ADDRESS St. John Francis Regis Church #396950 8941 James A Reed Road Kansas City, MO 64138 TELEPHONE 816 761-1608 CONTACT PERSON Colleen Melchior SOFTWARE MSPublisher 2010 Adobe Acrobat X Windows XP PRINTER Canon iR2220 TRANSMISSION TIME Wednesday 2:00 SUNDAY DATE OF PUBLICATION April 26, 2015 NUMBER OF PAGES SENT 1 THROUGH 8 SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS Please reduce our number of bulletins to 350. Thank you. May 3, 2015
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