SERVE Open Meetings 4th Monday of each month Patti Fife & Swaroop Salvi| RUMC Severe Weather Shelter With the weather warming up day by day and summer time on the horizon, thoughts of cold weather are far behind most of us. It wasn’t that long ago that we experienced many days with temperatures below 20 degrees and RUMC housed our homeless friends in an attempt to shelter them from the freezing weather. In an effort to get a jump on the winter weather this coming year, please join us at RUMC on Saturday, June 13, 2015 at 11:00 am to reflect on the winter of 2014/2015 and to brainstorm for the winter of 2015/2016. We will plan on meeting until 1:00 pm at the latest and will provide lunch. Please RSVP to Patti Fife ( by June 10th if you are available to attend. Also, please forward this email on to anyone else you think might be interested in this ministry. Interfaith Hospitality Network June 7-14 During the week of June 7, RUMC will host three families as a part of IHN, a ministry offering housing and support to homeless families in Durham. Throughout the week our guests will spend each evening and overnight at the church, and there are many opportunities to provide meals or be a Resurrection host. Check out the sign-up board in the narthex. Contact your IHN coordinators at or contact Jane Millen at 919-599-5385 if you have questions or would like to get involved. Cows for Armenia On July 27 a team from the NC Conference will be leaving for a mission trip to Armenia to work with Project AGAPE in the area of Nagorno-Karabakh. Though the population of this area is almost entirely ethnic Armenian and Christian, control of the area is in dispute between Armenia and Azerbaijan, the largely Muslim country to its east. Several members of the group, including Jane Millen from RUMC, are from the Corridor District. In conjunction with this trip we are trying to raise money to provide cows for families in the area. A sum of $1000 will provide a cow and provide food and veterinary services for one year. The provision of cows operates in a similar fashion to Heifer Project International. However because of the territory dispute for Karabakh no large mission organization is willing to operate within its borders for fear of offending the disputing governments. Project AGAPE, a joint mission effort of the NC and Western NC Conferences of the UMC is the ONLY group working to help the people of Nagorno-Karabakh. We invite you to consider making a donation to support this ministry. Dalal ak Jaama! That means welcome in Wolof, a language spoken in the Gambia, Senegal and Mauritania in Western Africa. We need new faces to welcome others to Resurrection on Sunday mornings! The requirements are simple. All you need is a smile on your face and a willingness to be at the church by 9:55 am and after worship to engage newcomers in conversation if they desire. Ideally we need 2-3 people each Sunday morning. Please consider offering about thirty minutes of your time for this important ministry of the church. A monthly commitment would be ideal but is not essential. If you are interested in helping, please contact Jane Millen at or Patti Fife at (Thank you to Mariama Ashcroft for the translation!) The Week of June 7, 2015 Looking For a Church Home? Our church family welcomes you and hopes to help you get connected in a way that you may serve God here at Resurrection UMC. If you are currently looking for a church home and would like to explore how you might become involved as a faithful member of Resurrection UMC, please contact the pastor. Ministry Areas Resurrection UMC is organized into four ministry areas to address the spiritual and practical needs of our church and community. • GATHER brings us together through fellowship events and provides congregational care. Second Sunday After Pentecost Lectionary Readings in Preparation for June 14 I Samuel 15:34-16:13 Psalm 20 or Psalm 72 II Corinthians 5:6-17 Mark 4:26-34 Online Giving Option You can scan the QR code below to access online giving for RUMC. More details are on page 3 of SEEDS! • PROCLAIM coordinates worship experiences and communicates the ministry of the church. • GROW nurtures our congregation’s spiritual growth through prayer, classes, and small group opportunities for all stages of life. • SERVE focuses on meeting the needs of the local and global community and sharing the message of God’s love and grace. See inside for contacts, meeting information, current activities, and how to become involved. RUMC 2015 Stewardship May Budget Needed May Funds Received $ 20,921.92 $ 16,583.57 RESURRECTION UNITED METHODIST CHURCH 4705 Old Chapel Hill Rd., Durham, NC 27707 ♦ 919.489.6552 ♦ PROCLAIM WEEKLY CALENDAR Sun 6/07 Mon 6/08 Tues 6/09 Wed 6/10 Thurs 6/11 Fri 6/12 IHN Sunday School 9:00 am Worship 10:15 am Acolyte Training 11:30 am IHN IHN IHN IHN IHN GATHER Sat 6/13 IHN Severe Weather Shelter Meeting 11:00 am Sun 6/14 IHN Sunday School 9:00 am Worship 10:15 am Prayer Shawl 11:30 am GROW 11:30 am SPRC 4:00 pm Open Meetings 1st Monday of each month Loretta Moose| Welcome New Members Today we will be welcoming new members to our congregation - Junho and Nari Yoon with daughter, Jisoo and Milton Richards. Care Works The Care Works coordinator for June is Nicolle Mynhier, who can be reached at 734-657-3384. Care Works provides meals and assistance for those who are ill, hospitalized, or have other needs. June Potluck Senior Adults Lunch for June RUMC senior adults will meet for lunch on Tuesday, June 23 at 11:30 am at Red Lobster. The birthday honorees for June are Rev. Dr. June Hewitt, Gloria Lee, Rev. Susan Harsh-Cafferty, Tom Canning, Marianna Jaeger, and Sue Ross. If you are 50+, you are encouraged to join this fun group for lunch! Prayer Shawl Meets Next Sunday Join us following worship on Sunday, June 14 as we knit/crochet prayer shawls which are given to those facing difficult circumstances or to those who are celebrating a special time. The shawls are reminders that the recipient has been prayed for and is covered with the love of Christ. Beginners are welcome! Bring a bag lunch and we will enjoy lunch and knitting time together. Our next potluck will be Sunday, June 28 following worship. Look for the signup sheet in the narthex to indicate how many people from your group will attend and what you plan to bring. Please invite a friend to join you—potlucks are a great way to introduce others to RUMC! Lucille Palmer Scholarships Offered In July scholarships honoring the late Lucille Palmer will be awarded to women in our congregation to help them reach their educational goals. To qualify, a woman must be a member of RUMC and must have participated in some way in the life of the church. Applications are available at the table at the back of the sanctuary and also electronically from Sandra Shepherd ( The deadline for application is July 5, 2015. Open Meetings As Scheduled Mariama Ashcroft & Esther Smith| “All the Kings of the earth shall give you thanks, O Lord, for they have heard the words of your mouth, and they shall sing of the ways of the Lord, for great is the glory of the Lord" Psalm 138: 4-5 (ESV). Acolyte Training Today Andrew Phillips has offered to provide a brief acolyte training on the significance of being an acolyte. The session will take place immediately following worship service today. Present and future acolytes are invited and encouraged to attend. GROW A Sincere Thank You Thanks to our volunteers for all acts of kindness including donation of food items, set-up, clean up, and serving of food for the graduates/educators reception on Sunday, May 31. Please know that we appreciated your generosity and service. Open Meetings 3rd Monday of each month Laura Fanizza & Joan Felton| Sunday Morning Study Group and Class Information Continuing Sunday Morning Classes For Children/Youth Wee Learners (ages birth-3), Meets in Room 103 Primary Class (ages 4-7), Meets in Room 105 Junior Class (grades 3-6), Meets in Annex A Senior Class (grades 7-12), Meets in Room 102 For Adults Damascus Road Class—Meets in back room of the Sanctuary. Study based on readings from Upper Room devotional guide. All are welcome. Galatians 3 Sunday School Class—On hiatus until September. Email Address for Prayer Requests If you have a prayer request, please email it to You can also contact Sandra Shepherd or the church office or fill out the cards found in the attendance binders. Special Announcement The church office will be closed on Mondays through mid-August. Office hours will be Tuesday through Thursday from 9-1. NEW BIBLE STUDY STARTING! As If The Heart Mattered: A Wesleyan Spirituality will begin on Sunday, June 28 at 9 am. This five-week study will help participants grow spiritually through the study of God's Word and by exploring John Wesley's image of religion as a "house." Sessions will focus on the "porch" of repentance, the "door" of faith, and the "house" of holiness. The study is written by Dr. Gregory Clapper and taught by Pastor Felton. A sign-up sheet is on the GROW bulletin board. If there is enough interest, a Wednesday night session may be offered. Online Giving Now Available! We now have the capability to support the ministry of RUMC using online giving. Donations may be made via electronic check or credit/debit card. You can set up recurring donations on a weekly or monthly basis and may modify those donations whenever you wish. Online giving may be accessed from the church website or QR image with an Apple or Android device. You may contribute to the Mission and Ministry budget or for some other purpose. Just use the text box as you would use the memo line on a check. If you have questions about online giving please contact Susan Cafferty at 919-401-9492 or
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