22nd March, 2015 Setting your Face Towards: Hope A Generous

22nd March, 2015
Setting your Face Towards: Hope
A Generous Gift John 12:112:1-11
As we approach Easter 2015 we are
drawn again (if we are alert and willing)
toward the understanding of deep
passion, deep sacrifice and the power of
Resurrection. Easter challenges
everything about our self-understanding
and motivates the rhythms of
resurrectional joy in our own breathing,
choices and orientations.
We live in a world that reminds us all too
often of the philosophies, cultures and
ways of mean-spirited living which stand
in stark contrast to the call to ‘life in
Today we are invited to sit with Jesus’
good friends in Bethany in all the wonder,
mystery, joy and awe of the power of
God. As Lazarus casually laughs, tastes
good food and enjoys the simple delight
of friends and family, everyone
remembers that only a short time before –
he was dead and rotting in the grave.
What a family meal! The full truth of ‘I Am
the resurrection and the life’ was manifest
and self-evident… not a metaphor, an
illustration or a parable, but flesh and
blood alive!
Overwhelmed with gratitude and
unspeakable joy Mary pours out the most
fragrant and expensive gift she could find.
She has seen the future in the raising of
her brother and could not hold back her
flood of generosity. It overflows and
pervades the atmosphere… everything is
enveloped by joy and praise.
That wasn’t true of some others. There
are always the critical, who are anxious to
mask greed, pride and hatred under the
guise of ‘stewardship’ and even
‘holiness’. Paul captured this in relation
to all generosity and giving.
“…Now he who supplies seed to the
sower and bread for food will also supply
and increase your store of seed and will
enlarge the harvest of your
righteousness...This service that you
perform is not only supplying the needs of
the Lord’s people but is also overflowing
in many expressions of thanks to God.
Because of the service by which you
have proved yourselves, others will
praise God for the obedience that
accompanies your confession of the
gospel of Christ, and for your generosity
in sharing with them and with everyone
else. And in their prayers for you their
hearts will go out to you, because of the
surpassing grace God has given you.
Thanks be to God for his indescribable
2 Corinthians 9:10-15
John Sharpe
Welcome to Ringwood. We are not a perfect church…. But we do love the Lord
and seek to take his life, call, ministry and hope seriously. We seek to THRIVE in
his favour through an attentiveness to the Word, joining in community, seeking to
recognize and exercise our gifts and connection with the wider neighborhood.
Worship Leading: Underground Station
Song Leading:
Penny Martin
John Sharpe
John will be speaking
Notice of a Special General Meeting – Sunday 22nd of March.
Directly following the service today, there will be a very short meeting to endorse the
election of Dave Moody as Secretary, by a show of hands. If you are Member of the
church you are eligible to vote.
Today we are being lead in worship by Underground Station. Give thanks for
their vitality of faith and for the commitment of the Underground Station Leadership
Team led by Linda Mill our Children’s and Family Minister. Why not consider being
part of the Children’s Ministry team for Underground Station, All Stars… Crèche…
holiday program…or Kids Hope at Eastwood Primary! Talk to Linda ASAP! There is
a world of discipling and encouragement waiting !
Friday 3rd April Monday 6th April, 2015
REGISTRATIONS IN NOW!!. Registrations can be downloaded from the church
website at http://ringwoodchurch.org.au/files/ringwoodchurch/Resources/Easter%
20Camp%202015%20info.pdf or please phone the church office 98708169 for a
registration form.
29th March
30th March
31st March
2nd April
3rd April
3-6th April
5th April
17 & 18th April
23rd April
Induction for Drew Nicholls
Prayer Labyrinth
Kids Activity Arvo
Maundy Thursday service
Good Friday service
Youth Group - Easter Camp at Toolangi
Resurrection Sunday
Women of Purpose—Destiny’s Child
‘Work-Life Balance’
Prayer Action:
Pray for Vanuatu in the aftermath of the cyclone. Pray for the many
churches, Pacific governments and humanitarian agencies at work there.
Give thanks for the foresight and provision of those agencies that provided
emergency supplies before the cyclone hit.
Continue to pray for the Middle-East and for the ongoing complexities of
violence that rampage through this troubled area. Pray for those who are
peacemakers and community builders. Pray for the hearts of the violent to be
changed by compassion and empathy with their victims.
Pray for families that are in turmoil and under pressure. We have connection
with a significant number of families experiencing significant stress.
Pray for those in the wider community that we work with each week to bring
practical support and encouragement.
Uphold the many people from Ringwood who are ‘nerve endings of the
Kingdom of God’ in their places of work, schools, sports clubs and
neighbourhoods. Pray for fruitfulness in our prayers, words and deeds…
Pray for Marg Kittelty Chaplain at Eastwood Primary and Karen Kepert,
Chaplain at Croydon Primary. Pray also for the many other chaplains in the
Pray for Janet Woodlock as she continues to facilitate prayer and the
encouragement of leaders and various agencies through her role as National
Coordinator of Churches of Christ.
Uphold Craig Brown in the work he does with GMP (Global Mission Partners)
and as he uses his gift of research and writing to bring God’s stories to light.
Also pray for him as he works on a Mission Exposure trip later in the year.
Pray for the upcoming Elders meeting this Tuesday night. Give thanks for
their faithfulness and dedication to see God honoured. Pray for their wisdom
and for fruitfulness and joy to accompany their leadership.
Pray for those seeking work at present. Give thanks for work found.
Pray for those expecting babies later in the year. Pray especially for Sonja
and Tim Nuttman.
Give thanks for the community connection and fun of the recent Family ‘ART
ATTACK’ evening. Give thanks for the quality and imagination of leadership
involved. Such a wonderful team effort!
Uphold the wider Body of Christ in our region… why not develop the discipline
of quickly praying for each church you walk or drive past… for God’s
protection, blessing, strength and witness.
Pray for Andrew Menzies (Principal at Stirling Theological College and
worshiping here with Kim and his family) as he spends time lecturing and
encourage Christian leaders and students in Bandung Indonesia over the next
week. We have such good friends in Indonesia.
New rosters … started on 22nd March. Please check the pigeon holes for your
hard copies. They can also be found on our website under
http://ringwoodchurch.org.au under Ministries, Worship, Worship teams.
WEDNESDAY BIBLE STUDY - 12.30-2pm (parents room)
The Gospel of John ‘Found Fruitful’ study . Open to anyone.
Led by John Sharpe
Ringwood Men's Shed update
Some great news!! We have the keys to the door. The Maroondah City Council
have secured our workshop space providing new locks and escape signage. This
will enable our group to have greater flexibility of access.
Work is progressing on the lounge and kitchen spaces and very soon we should able
to start installing cabinets and then the painting of the space can begin.
Thanks to the generosity of the Church community we made $360.00 at the
Barbecue last week.
Women of Purpose
Upcoming Event
Human trafficking and sexual exploitation of young
women has been hidden for many years. But there
are several groups helping to overcome this
devastating trade, and to provide freedom and
hope to many of the girls who have been trapped
in this lifestyle.
Helen and Ian Yarrow from our church have
become involved with one of these groups, Destiny Rescue, by visiting Thailand and
sponsoring some of the girls who have been freed from slavery.
We would like to support what they are doing, by raising our level of awareness, by
being prayerful, and by raising funds to contribute to this mission. To do this, we
plan to show the DVD Street Dreams, a documentary which “tears down the facade
of some of the world’s most exotic tourist locations, revealing an industry that thrives
on manipulation and destruction.”
If we were to show it to a large number of people, the licensing cost would be
prohibitive. We have therefore decided to have at least two showings in homes –
one on Friday evening 17 April at Heathmont, the other on Saturday afternoon 18
April in Warranwood. Depending on the level of interest, we have a third home
available, also on the Saturday.
Helen will be available at each screening, to share her experiences with us, and to
let us know more about Destiny Rescue. There will be no charge, but if you feel
you would like to make a donation it would be gratefully received. Supper/afternoon
tea will be provided.
Space is limited, so ladies, if you are interested in coming, please ring Merilyn Sprott
on 0429 145 270 to reserve a seat.
Accommodation is needed for a young Austrian lady in her mid 20’s who will be
working with Operation Mobilisation for 12 months as a graphic designer.
If anyone is able to provide board for her please contact Trish Sonsie 0421 011 871
for more information.
The place of Prayer in Work/Life Balance
Prayer Evenings with Bronwyn Checkley
Come and share two evenings, in which we will explore
these questions and discuss ways in which we can learn
"to march to the beat of a different drum", to walk at a
different pace, even in the context of this fast paced,
noisy, competitive and complex 21st Century in which we
Can we really live our lives from a place of peace and rest and joy even in the midst
of the demanding and challenging events of our daily lives - or is this just an
impossible dream?
Learning to practice the presence of God in our Daily Life ~
Centuries ago an elderly monk, Brother Lawrence spoke these words to a younger
monk, who came seeking his wisdom upon these same questions:
“For me the time of activity does not differ from the time of prayer, and in the noise
and clatter of my kitchen, while several persons are together calling for as many
different things, I possess God in as great a tranquility as when upon my knees at the
blessed sacrament.”
“O Lord thou knowest that it is not Thy gifts I seek, but Thee Thyself, and my heart
will know no rest, till it has found Thee.”
Working hard for God versus living in God
Learning to Live from the Centre - our Source ~
Two nights
Thursday April 23rd - 7.30 - 9.30pm
and/or Thursday April 30th - 7.30– 9.30pm
Cost $15.00 per night - Supper provided
RSVP - April 17th
Please ring the office on 9870 8169 or email
office@ringwoodchurch.org.au to register
INDUCTION to Ministry for Drew Nicholls: March 29th
Life Groups 2015
Fruitful connection with God and with others
Interested in an ‘interest group’?
I have a number of people who are keen to connect around mutual interests.
To date, areas include:
Bike riding
If you are interested in joining with like-minded enthusiasts, or have expertise in these
areas that you’d like to share, please contact me on
robson.natalie.b@edumail.vic.gov.au, or through the Church Office
Life Group Leaders
I am currently updating our information about existing Life Groups. If you lead a
group and have not received an email from Natalie or Anne about your group
information, please contact me on 8288-1988 or
Natalie Robson
Mission and Evangelism
The Mission & Evangelism committee would like to remind all members of the church,
of the families that are financially supported on a monthly basis from the
M & E budget and that ask that you remember them in prayer.
YWAM Newcastle (Stephensons)
$250 per month
YWAM Thailand (Stephen & Ruth Devenish)
$125 per month
Global Interaction Indonesia (Matt & Tash Sharpe)
$125 per month
Operation Mobilisation (Sonsies)
$125 per month
CAP (Christians Against Poverty)
$50 per month
One off distribution of funds has also been made for the following:
Blessed Feet for DVD distribution
Op Shop to purchase suitable Tracts
Brian & Araceli Steain to assist with cost of clothing Philippines $200
Matt & Tash Sharpe to assist with airfares & initial costs
Stephen & Ruth Devenish to assist with airfares & initial costs
Global Mission Partners for where most needed.
These are all part of our family here at Ringwood so please keep them all in prayer
that God would keep them safe & bless their every endeavour for His Kingdom.
Ian Hughes
To order copies of the sermon on CD, please find an order form in the attendance
register. Leave in the register and these will be processed and available, usually
within one week. If you would like to offer a donation to this ministry, please place
this in the offering bowl.
Financial Snapshot of Tithes and Offerings
$ 44,461
$ 43,098 $ (1,363)
Year to Date
$ 421,807 $396,995 ($24,812)
This is the first monthly Tithes and Offerings summary to be reported in the
Breaking News. As previously reported we continue to be significantly behind
our year to date figures.
If you would like to know more information, please contact one of the
members of the FGA Committee.
Ken Morton, Dave Moody, Sandra Punithan, Russell Cheal, Mark Travill,
Michael Campbell or Anne Morley
Worshipful, faithful and regular giving to God’s work … consider
I authorise Ringwood Church of Christ, 13 Bedford Road,
Ringwood 3134. to charge my credit card for $_____________
being my offering for today.
My regular offering amount of $____________ to be debited
from my credit card each week/month. (Please circle the appropriate
Direct Debit
or Internet
Church of
Christ Inc.
BSB: 083 343
Account No:
89 395 1419
Name on card: ______________________________________
Signature: _____________________________________________
Card Expiry Date:
Contact No: _________________________
Birthday Greetings - March
Virginia Broadbent, Barb Steen, Drew Nicholls,
Kate Easdown,
Mitchell Crozier, Meaghan Crozier, Sharon Evans
Mark Lewis, Russell Ludgater, Simon Trease, Phil Wright
Hayley Sinnatt, Elijah Graham Nellor
Peter Alsop
Next Week - 29th March
MARK 11:1
John Sharpe
Max Moody
G Hawkins
Joel Smith
Joel Smith, John Newnham, Brian and Belinda Tanfield, Fran and
Graeme Collings, Kate Easdown, Sue Rosel
Darren Evans, Ben G Nellor, Felicity G Prowse, Sue Green,
Lachlan Salmon, Sandra Punithan
Rebecca Murray, Amelie Fraser, Neal Glover
Mark Nettelbeck
Allan Swan
Morning Tea:
Norma James & Barb Harrison
Communion Preparation: Marg Nettelbeck
Welcome :
Dorothy Birch & Jenny Waack, Anne & Noel Morley
Offering Counters:
Colin Pritchard, Russ Cheal
Easter Palm Sunday
Speaker: Drew Nicholls Leader: Luke Broadbent & Holly Tregenza
Song Leader:
Bible Reading:
Communion Helpers:
Op Shop:
(10.00am - 3.00pm)
Oasis Meals: - Thursday
Free – Billy Graham Crusade Songs Music and Words See noticeboard.
House/Dog sitter required.
Easter Biscuit Bake: Can you help Prison Fellowship provide homemade
biscuits for Easter
8.30am Communion/Study
10.00am Worship
6.00pm Evening
After much prayer and conversation it’s great to be able to
announce a third playgroup will be operating from Term 2 on
Wednesday afternoons from 1.45pm – 3.15pm. Sue
Tregenza, ably assisted by Liz Grayden will be facilitating this
new group. Registrations are now open, so if you have friends
or family who might be interested, let them know. You can
register by contacting Linda Mill on ph 9870 8169 or email:
Kids Activity Arvo –
Awesome Mission Opportunity
This coming school holidays we will be running Kids Activity Arvo on
Tuesday 31st March from 2pm – 4.30pm.
Linda is seeking to build a team for this day as
children participate in activities and watch the
movie “Horton Hears a Who” based on the
popular children’s book by Dr Suess.
Kids Activity Arvo has been a great way to
reconnect with children in the local area who have
been to our holiday programs as well as take our
contact with children who come to our mid week
and Sunday programs to another level.
Team members are needed to:
supervise the children and the activities
help in the kitchen with afternoon tea
talk with parents in the Gold Lounge
do some baking for the Gold Lounge
Please seriously think and pray about your availability and interest and
contact Linda in the next week or so.
SUNDAY ROAST - 29th March - after morning church.
Stay after church and share with others over a roast lunch and dessert.
Cost - $10.00. RSVP on the sign-up sheet in church foyer or phone the church office
on 9870-8169.
After much prayer and conversation it’s great to be able to
announce a third playgroup will be operating from Term 2 on
Wednesday afternoons from 1.45pm – 3.15pm. Sue
Tregenza, ably assisted by Liz Grayden will be facilitating this
new group. Registrations are now open, so if you have friends
or family who might be interested, let them know. You can
register by contacting Linda Mill on ph 9870 8169 or email:
Kids Activity Arvo –
Awesome Mission Opportunity
This coming school holidays we will be running Kids Activity Arvo on
Tuesday 31st March from 2pm – 4.30pm.
Linda is seeking to build a team for this day as
children participate in activities and watch the
movie “Horton Hears a Who” based on the
popular children’s book by Dr Suess.
Kids Activity Arvo has been a great way to
reconnect with children in the local area who have
been to our holiday programs as well as take our
contact with children who come to our mid week
and Sunday programs to another level.
Team members are needed to:
supervise the children and the activities
help in the kitchen with afternoon tea
talk with parents in the Gold Lounge
do some baking for the Gold Lounge
Please seriously think and pray about your availability and interest and
contact Linda in the next week or so.
SUNDAY ROAST - 29th March - after morning church.
Stay after church and share with others over a roast lunch and dessert.
Cost - $10.00. RSVP on the sign-up sheet in church foyer or phone the church office
on 9870-8169.