The Ministry of Education, Culture and Sport of the Kingdom

The Ministry of Education, Culture and Sport of the Kingdom of Spain is offering seven
scholarships for a professional development course at the International University Menéndez
Pelayo in Santander, Spain.
The scholarship covers tuition, lodging and full board.
- Being a teacher of Spanish in an Elementary, Middle or High School.
- Being a US citizen.
- Especialización para profesores extranjeros de español. July 20-24, 2015 (1 scholarship)
- Entornos virtuales en la enseñanza del español como lengua extranjera. July 27-August 7, 2015
(5 scholarships)
- Estrategias y recursos en la expresión oral para profesores extranjeros de español. August 1014, 2015 (1 scholarship)
How to apply:
- Send a letter indicating the course you are applying for, and your reasons for applying. Please
include your personal and professional contact information (name, title, school name and
address, work and personal phone numbers and email)
- You may indicate the three courses by order of preference.
- Please send the letter as a PDF attachment to with the subject
“UIMP scholarship”. (personalizar el correo de envío)
Deadline: May 13, 2015