St. Luke the Evangelist Catholic Community 910 Cross Gates Boulevard • Slidell, Louisiana 70461 Parish Office: (985) 641-6429 • Fax: (985) 847-0742 Website: April 26, 2015 Fourth Sunday of Easter Pastor: In Residence: Deacons: Reverend Patrick B. Wattigny Rev. Msgr. Arthur Calkins Deacon Paul Augustin Deacon Harold Burke Deacon Ronald LeBlanc Deacon Robert Binney (Retired) Deacon Robert Trainor (Retired) WEEKEND MASS SCHEDULE: Saturday Vigil – 4:00 p.m. Sunday – 7:30 a.m., 9:00 a.m., 11:00 a.m. & 6:00 p.m. WEEKDAY MASS SCHEDULE: Monday through Friday & First Saturday of the Month – 8:45 a.m. First Friday -12:00 Noon, Latin Mass (1962) CHURCH STAFF: Pat Carriere, Judy Coniglio, Receptionists Deacon Harold Burke, Liturgy Jodi Connor, Music Director Scott Samford, Youth Minister Sandra Killeen, Contribution Records, Bulletin Editor Jerry Broussard, Computer Maintenance Cathy Oddo, Bookkeeper Bob Hammell, Maintenance & Housekeeping Tim Hammell, Sheila Dew, Maintenance & Housekeeping Cathy Digby, Rectory Cook & Housekeeper Maria Finnan, Sacramental Records RELIGIOUS EDUCATION: Phone: 641-2570 Kdg. through Twelve: Leah Burke RECONCILIATION (CONFESSIONS): Religious Education Secretary: Jennifer Bramley Saturday – 3:00 - 3:45 p.m. RCIA & Adult Rel. Ed.: Deacon Harold Burke 641-6429 Sunday – 5:00 - 5:45 p.m., Special as announced in bulletin and by appointAnnulment Questions: Deacon Harold Burke 641-6429 ment. BAPTISMS: Are celebrated after the 9:00 a.m. Mass, except during Lent. Parents must be registered, practicing the Catholic faith and attend a Baptismal Seminar (available the 2nd Wednesday of the month). Parents must meet with a priest or deacon to begin the process. Godparents must be Catholic, at least 16 years of age, confirmed and practicing the faith. WEDDINGS: Call the office at least six (6) months in advance. PERPETUAL ADORATION: 24 hours a day in the chapel. Morning Prayer: 6:00 a.m. & 7:00 a.m. Monday thru Friday in the chapel. Evening Prayer: Monday thru Friday at 7:00 p.m. in the chapel. Night Prayer: Monday thru Friday at 10:00 p.m. in the chapel. DAILY ROSARY & NOVENA: Monday through Friday - 8:10 a.m. MINISTRY TO THE SICK: When a family member is hospitalized, please call the office to advise which hospital or where person is located and request prayers. CHRISTIAN BURIAL: Call the office before making funeral arrangements. If you are not able to contact a priest, especially on the weekends, you may contact: Deacon Harold Burke at (985) 863-2617. HOSPITAL: You may arrange for the Sacrament of the Sick before entering the hospital. Do not depend on the hospital to let us know you are there. If possible, call the office to notify us when you are admitted. St. Luke the Evangelist Church April 26, 2015 Fourth Sunday of Easter Dear Parishioners: There are two upcoming events to inform and remind you about that will be happening here at St. Luke’s. The first is the initial week of hosting the Family Promise program. Our parish will be welcoming families from St. Tammany Parish, who are homeless who have enrolled in this program. Our job, as a faith community, is to welcome, feed, and house them for a week. Suzanne Pergola and Jennifer Bramley have headed up the team of parishioners who will welcome these families, who will be using the Youth Building as a home away from home for that week of May 3-10. Please welcome them, if you see the families around on campus, and if you are interested in volunteering for that program, do feel free to contact them so you can get involved in it. Archbishop Aymond was present on Friday, April 17 at Christ Episcopal Church for the ecumenical kickoff and blessing of the Day Center that is a mainstay of the Family Promise program. He has thrown his full weight of office behind this initiative, and I am pleased that we have stepped up to respond so well and generously. The second event is the Holy Spirit Novena, which will be celebrated in nine different churches throughout the Archdiocese from May 15-23. Each night will be an evening of praise and worship, Eucharistic adoration and benediction, as well as a Eucharistic procession in church, with testimonies of the Holy Spirit at work in the life of people and in the Church. Our night to host this event is Wednesday, May 20. There actually will NOT be a Mass with the novena this time, previous years did have the Masses as a daily feature of the novena. But it should be a good time of prayer for the Holy Spirit as the Church prepares for the feast of Pentecost on May 24. On May 20, the praise and worship will begin at 6:30, and the evening will conclude by 8:30. We will have confessions available at the end of the service. You may want to mark this on your calendars to attend! God bless you all, Father Pat Living God’s Word: The divine instinct to lay down and to take up is how the Lord Jesus shepherds us, modeling so well what it means to be divine that we find ourselves imitating him and growing in his likeness. That divine instinct is how the Spirit shepherds through us. Altar flowers donated in memory of Elwood Alberts, Sr. Responsible stewardship is the obligation of all Catholics. Thank you for your continued support of St. Luke Parish, Good Sams and various other collections. Weekend Collection for April 19, 2015… $20,335.98 Sanctuary Light is burning in memory of Dian Moffett Sunday Mass Schedule May 2 & 3, 2015 Saturday Vigil Mass ~ 4:00 p.m. Fr. Patrick Wattigny Sunday 7:30 a.m. ~ Msgr. Arthur Calkins 9:00 a.m. ~ Fr. Warren Cooper 11:00 a.m. ~ Fr. Patrick Wattigny 6:00 p.m. ~ Fr. Patrick Wattigny St. Luke the Evangelist Church April 26, 2015 Meetings & Activities April 25th Saturday No Activities April 26th Blood Drive - 7:30 a.m. till 1:00 p.m., FLC Conf. Rm. Sunday CCD - 8:30 a.m., Full Campus Dinner @ Carreta’s Youth Ministry Life Night - 7:00 p.m. Bible Study - 7:15 p.m., Rm. 1 Tutoring - 4:00 p.m., Rms. 4, 5, 6 CCD - 5:00 p.m., Full Campus Phase III Confirmation Parents & Students Mtg. 7:00 p.m., FLC PSMC - 9:00 a.m., Rms. 2 - 6 Ranger Rosary - 9:00 a.m., Youth Center CCD - 5:00 p.m., Full Campus Phase III Confirmation Parents & Students Mtg. 7:00 p.m., FLC RCIA - 7:00 p.m., FLC Conf. Rm. Tutoring - 4:00 p.m., Rms. 4, 5, 6 King’s Men - 7:00 p.m., FLC D, E Edge Night - Middle School Youth Ministry 7:00 p.m., Youth Center PSMC - 9:00 a.m., Rms. 2 - 6, Legion of Mary Mtg. - 4:00 p.m., Rm. 6 Youth Ministry Pizza & Prayer - 6:00 p.m., Youth Center PSMC - 9:00 a.m., Rms. 1, 2, 4, 6 April 27th Monday April 28th Tuesday April 29th Wednesday April 30th Thursday May 1st Friday May 2nd Saturday May 3rd Sunday No Activities First Holy Communion - 10:00 a.m., Church Host “Family Promise Families” - All day, Youth Center CCD - 8:30 a.m., Full Campus May Crowning - 11:00 a.m., Church, Please bring flowers Graduation Mass - 6:00 p.m., Reception to follow, Rms. 4, 5, 6 Bible Study - 7:15 p.m., Rm. 1 Jesus loves you! Family Promise of St. Tammany will begin to help homeless and low-income families achieve sustainable independence starting on May 3rd. St. Luke Church, one of eighteen local churches, will be the first to provide fellowship and accommodations for up to four of these families for one week. May they see Christ in each and everyone of us during their stay. May God bless them especially during their time of need. We would like to thank all those who generously donated in preparation for our guests. Contact Suzanne Pergola or Jennifer Bramley if you would like to get involved. Fourth Sunday of Easter Fourth Sunday of Easter See what love the Father has bestowed on us that we may be called the children of God. — 1 John 3:1 April 25th Mass 4:00 p.m. Saturday Dian Moffett, Geraldine Houte, Elwood Alberts Sr., Jessie Aucoin, Carol Casebonne, Rusty Rockwell, Dominic Hoc Tran, George Hastings, Sandy Barrios, Darla D’Amico (Int.), Norma Fiegenschue, Earl Riecke, Ray Brauner, James Ferguson, Robbie Aucoin (Int.), William Lattis, James Mollere, Kevin O’Brien, Halo Taylor April 26th Fourth Sunday of Easter 7:30 a.m. Gary Dragon, Pat Milazo, Jim Ferguson 9:00 a.m. Parishioners 11:00 a.m. Stephen & Adele Henkhaus, Harry Charbonnet Jr., Earl Riecke, James Ferguson, Anthony Livaccari Sr., Michael Vallette, Dominic Hoc Tran, Larry Troxclair, Nita Mitchell, Dorothy Hebert, Robbie Aucoin (Int.), Dave Lagasse (Int.), Clint Lagasse (Int.), Kevin O’Brien, Edwin Willis, Charles & Ruth Stelly 6:00 p.m. Dennis Schafer Monday April 27th 6 & 7 a.m. Morning Prayer, Chapel Mass 8:45 a.m. Charles La.Greca 7:00 & 10 p.m. Evening & Night Prayer, Chapel Tuesday April 28th Sts. Peter Chanel & Louis Grignion de Montfort 6 & 7 a.m. Morning Prayer, Chapel Mass 8:45 a.m. Kenneth Messa, Lyle Story 7:00 & 10 p.m. Evening & Night Prayer, Chapel April 29th Wednesday -St. Catherine of Siena 6 & 7 a.m. Morning Prayer, Chapel Mass 8:45 a.m. Tom Daley 7:00 & 10 p.m. Evening & Night Prayer, Chapel April 30th Thursday - St. Pius V 6 & 7 a.m. Morning Prayer, Chapel Mass 8:45 a.m. Christopher Hanlon, Marian Maher 7:00 & 10 p.m. Evening & Night Prayer, Chapel Friday - St. Joseph the Worker May 1st 6 & 7 a.m. Morning Prayer, Chapel Mass 8:45 a.m. James Ferguson Latin Mass 12:00 p.m.Veronica Huratt, Michael & Elizabeth Bobal 7:00 & 10 p.m. Evening & Night Prayer, Chapel Saturday - St. Athanasius May 2nd Mass 4:00 p.m. Dian Moffett, Dominic Hoc Tran, Sandy Barrios, Jessie Aucoin, Carol Casebonne, Rusty Rockwell, Ray Brauner, James Ferguson, Robbie Aucoin (Int.), Kevin O’Brien, Darla D’Amico (Int.), Alton Chauvet, Richard Clewis, Clemy Gonzales May 3rd Fifth Sunday of Easter 7:30 a.m. Gary Dragon 9:00 a.m. Parishioners 11:00 a.m. Stephen & Adele Henkhaus, Karen Peterson, Earl Riecke, James Ferguson, Anthony Livaccari Sr., Dominic Hoc Tran, Larry Troxclair, Mitchell Zimmer, Nita Mitchell, Robbie Aucoin (Int.), Kevin O’Brien, Edwin Willis, Charles & Ruth Stelly 6:00 p.m. Dennis Schafer, Jim Ferguson St. Luke the Evangelist Church April 26, 2015 ST. LUKE’S JUNIOR HIGH YOUTH MINISTRY April May 22 - EDGE Night 29 - EDGE Night 6 - EDGE Night 13 - End of Semester Party All Junior High gatherings will meet on Wednesdays from 7-8:30 PM in the Youth Center. Friends of all denominations and faiths are ALWAYS welcome! EMAIL - Work - 985-641-6572 Fourth Sunday of Easter ST. LUKE’S HIGH SCHOOL YOUTH MINISTRY May April 26 - Dinner @ Carreta’s 7 - Pizza and Prayer 14 - Pizza and Prayer Grill 17 - Movie Night 30 - Pizza & Prayer All teens 9th-12th grades are welcome to come. Life Nights will run from 7:15-8:45 PM on Sundays in the Youth Center. Pizza and Prayer will run from 6-9PM in the Youth Center. Religious Ed News: CCD Registration is for returning students as well as first time students. We will also be verifying parish registration in order to update the Parish Census records. Call or stop by the Religious Ed Office for more information. The last CCD class will be Sunday, May 3, Monday, May 4 and Tuesday, May 5. The annual May Crowning of the Blessed Virgin Mary will be held at the 11:00 AM Mass on Sunday, May 3. All young people are invited to participate in the procession and bring flowers to Mary. Good News from Good Sams Week of 4/13/15-4/17/15 Utilities — 4 Families • Rent/Housing — 7 Families • Food — 27 Adults & 8 Children • Gas — 3 Clients • Motel — 3 Families • Medical — 1 Client • SNAP — 6 Families • Baby Formula/Diapers — 1 Family • Dental — 1 Client Referred 13 clients to other agencies for assistance. • The Lord hears the cry of the poor. Blessed be the name of the Lord. Thank you for your continued support. Food Pantry: Jelly, Cookies, Canned Peas, Rice, Spaghetti, Crackers The glory of God is humanity fully alive. —St. Irenaeus La gloria de Dios es el hombre viviente. —San Irineo The St Luke Men’s Club Golf Tournament will be held on May 8, 2015 at Pinewood Country Club in Slidell. Lunch will be served at noon and the tournament will start at 1:00pm. Dinner will be served following the tournament. If you are interested in attending the golf tournament or would like to sponsor one of the holes, please contact Jamie Lee at (985) 503-0995. CONGRATULATIONS to the Senior Class of 2015! We will be honoring them on May 3 at the 6pm Mass. All families and teens are welcome! There will be a reception in the courtyard following Mass. St. Luke the Evangelist Church April 26, 2015 St. Luke Summer Day Camp 910 Cross Gates Blvd. Slidell, LA 70461 (985) 641-6429 (985) 641-6570 For Campers Ages 5 - 13 6 Weeks for 2015 Camp Dates: May 25 - July 3 Monday thru Friday 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. Before Camp and After Camp Care Available $40 per family Non-Refundable registration fee must accompany each registration form. Free T-Shirt with registration by April 1st Open House, Pick-up T-shirts, Registration May 16 ~ 9:00 till 12:00 St Luke the Evangelist New Church Directory Information St. Luke will soon be publishing a directory listing the names, addresses, and telephone numbers of parishioners of St. Luke Parish. If you DO NOT want your information listed in the Directory, please complete the form below and mail it to the Church office, or place it in the box that will be in the Community Room in Church. ********************************* I DO NOT WANT MY INFORMATION LISTED IN THE PROPOSED ST. LUKE DIRECTORY. Name: ---------------------------Address: -------------------------Phone Number: --------------------- Fourth Sunday of Easter Loving Father, Source of all healing, we lift up to you all who have asked for our prayers. Today, may we be the voices through which they cry out to you for: Margaret Alaine, Susan Albritton, Lucas Algeciras, Lenny Alvarez. Harold Arceneaux, Darwin Armand, Robbie Aucoin, Dcn. Paul Augustin, Herman Bennette IV, Peggy Bertel, Corinne Bessamier, Michael Biaz, Sara Bible, Gus Bickmann, Brad Binder, Dcn. Bob Binney, Fay Binney, Grant Black Jr., Dominick Blanda, Julie Bonnette, Bill Booth, June Booth, Carolyn Boudreaux, Mary Breaux, Buddy Brewer, Samuel Brookter, Flo Broussard, William Brown, Judy Bruzeau, Baby Budenick, Taylor Bufkin, Adam Buttner Jr., Cynthia Buuck, Suzanne Caboni, Judy Calander, Camille Calais, Ella Calcoates, Theresa Cambre, Christy Campbell, Brittny Cavalero, Chris Carson, Therese Casey, John Cashio, Charles Cefalu Sr., John Chabreck, Kerri Champagne, MaryAnn Cheramie, Eileen Clarke, Judy Coniglio, Lou Coniglio, Mark Coniglio, Natalie Coniglio, Geno Conry, Walter Cook, III, Bradley Crawford, Margie Crenshaw, Sue Crisman, Rhiannon Couture, Joe Culotta, Darla Damico, Robert Davis, James deValcourt, Michael Diaz, Helen DiCharry, Lucy Digby, Leslie Doiron, Colette Duffour, Christine Domingue, Marius Domingue, Nancy Dupont, Andy Durr, Chanda Edwards, June Erickson, Betty Faciane, Mary Theresa & Irvin Faciane, Jackie Ferguson, Carol Fields, Ray Fontaine Jr., Anita Frey, Joseph Froeba, Paul Froeba, Jennifer Ganus, Cheryl Gardner, Bill Gayle, Lorraine Geier, John Gill, Ed Gilmore, Patricia Gisclair, Juanita Good, Patricia Goodwin, Judy Gros, Michael Gros, Sherri Greed, Courtney Guidry, Jane Gutterrez, Bobbie Hall, Carson Hancock, Rita Hannon, Lois Hanrahan, Dot Hartmann, Karen Herrmann, Clem Huerstel, Taryn Holman, Debra Hoskins, Joyce Houdek, Richard & Marie Hover, Ty Inman, Brenda Jacob, Helmut & Christa Jatho, Charlie Johnson, Terry Johnson, Jasmine Jowles, Ron Kaba, Lynn Kaufman, Dee Keeler, Claire Keith, Angelea Kronlage, Taylor Ladner, Caitlyn Lancaster, Jason Langston, Nina Lavigne, Norma LeDuff, Rita Lee, Sherri Lefors, Dr. Jose LeFran, Doug Lemoine, Donald Leo, Grace Leonce, Msgr. Frank Lipps, Pat Lopinto, Chris Lorusso, Kerry Luminais, III, Louise Mace, Eric Markey, Nicole Marquette, Leslie May, Dori Mayard, Tony Mayfield, Patrick McAndrew, Gloria McCormick, Fran McElmoyle, Nita Meyer, Madi Mikesell, Grace Millaudon, Ginger Miller, Jim Mobilia, Millie Montalbano, Loretta Moore, Genny Muntz, Patrick Neal, Jackie Newman, Johnny Newman, Nita Newman, Patty Newman, Zoe Norman, Laura Norvell, Tom Norvel, Leighton Nunez, Bobby Oddo, Ralph Paganetti, Deann Parrett, Karyn Parson, Barney Paternostro, Bennie Payne, James Petty, Suzanne Pichon, Gary Picou, Carol Piwko, Gavin Plummer, Wayne Pontiff, Natalie Powers, Denny Price, Billy Provensano, Andrew Rabalais, Louis Reeg, Daryl Ricard, Joan Richards, Gary Richardson, Jerome Riehl, Rodney Ripol, Joel Rivera, Lucille Roberts, Suzanne Robinson, Jimmy Rodriguez, Camilla Rogers, Gloria Rogers, Margaret Roussel, Ann Roussel-Lobello, Matthew Rowley, Roxanne, Bonnie Runnels, Jackson Ryan, Lena Saladino, Jerry Sammartino, Carol Sanchez, Jerry Schiro, Darlene Schutz, Amber Scott, Judy Seatin, Hyacinth Serpas, Genny Shartle, David & Iris Slagle, Henry & Patricia Smith, Rhoda Smith, Cynthia Sneed, Larry Spieher, Joan Statem, Danielle Stiller, Herb Stoltz, Eileen Swords, Gordan Thomas, Richard Tonry, Pat Trainor, Phillip Trainor, Debra Troyani, Thomas Tulter, Jerry Tyler, Johnnie Verrette, Kent Wasmuth, Jerry Wheat, Elliott Wheeland, J. W. Wilkerson, Gene Williams, Ann Wingerter, Jerry Woodard, B.J. Wooten, Jack Wooten, Faith Yawn, Joseph Yeager, Roman Zagorski. For those in our Cancer Support Group, for those in need of our prayers, our priests, deacons, and staff, for those who have no one to pray for them, all victims of violence, all those who have gone before us….we pray to the Lord. When your loved one has either recovered or died, please contact Sandy in the office so their name may be removed from the list. St. Luke the Evangelist Church April 26, 2015 Ministry Schedule - May 2nd/3rd Time Extraordinary Ministers 4:00 p.m. Vigil Donald Hulin*, Moe Healy, Jerry Broussard, Denis Indest, James Gerace, Charlotte Owen, Effie Schmersahl, Jane Gutierrez, Marie Hover, Pat Armand 7:30 a.m. Fletcher Cochran, Terry Kennedy, Lorraine Pecot, Sally Kennedy, Susan Jacob, Dave Lemaire, Nita Meyer, Jack Pecot, Becky Mitton, Donald Meyer 9:00 a.m. Theresa Cambre*, Susan Delahoussaye, Robert Theriot,, Wendy Hilker, Dave Delahoussaye, Susie Andres, Ann Nichols, Judy Theriot, Paul Andres, Pam Newton 11:00 a.m. Carolyn Wilbourn, Nancy Henderson, Michael Callaway, Carroll Knowles, Virginia Callaway, Margaret Joffe, Francis Adeola, Sue Rotolo, Evelyn Bartels, Lynell Braun 6:00 p.m. Gerald Lewis*, Melanie Lewis*, Elster Verzwyvelt, Craig Taffaro, June Taffaro, Bob Creighton, Linda Polo, Ann Creighton Time Lectors Commentators 4:00 p.m. Vigil Glenn Roper Terri Roper 7:30 a.m. Margaret Ann Woodard Dick Graham 9:00 a.m. Jamie Lee Tim Helbling 11:00 a.m. Victoria Burk Sylvia Riera 6:00 p.m. Kathleen Modenbach Gisela Collazo Fourth Sunday of Easter Ministry Leaders Stewardship of Time & Talent Adoration Chapel Altar Servers Altar Society/Sacristy Team Annulment Info/Support Bereavement Ministry Bible Study (evenings) Bible Study (day time) Cancer Support Cursillo Engaged Encounter Eucharistic Min/Lectors Family Promise Good Samaritan Ministry Homebound Hospital Ministry Intercessory Prayer King’s Men Knights of Columbus KC 4th Degree Assembly Ladies Club Legion of Mary Liturgy Marriage Encounter Martha Ministry (meals) Men’s Club Music Director Parish Council Pre-School Moms Ranger Rosary RCIA Religious Education … (Kdg. thru 12) Retrouvaille Sanctity of Life Senior Citizens Stewardship/Development Tutoring Ushers Vocation Committee Youth Minister Marilyn Milazo John Mitton Rhonda Bergeron Liz & Darryl Stoltz Becky Dicharry Ray Duthu Lisa Lessing Deacon Trainor Flo & Jerry Broussard Chris & Stacy Hebert Deacon Harold Burke Suzanne Pergola Jennifer Bramley Mimi Fritchie June & Craig Tafaro Mimi Fritchie Michael Pergola Al Thonn Chris Wilder Gloria Morris Eunice Lymuel Deacon Harold Burke Marcia & Gary Daigle Jackie Ferguson Jamie Lee Jodi Connor Chris Hebert Stephanie Waguespack Lisa Merkle Betty Guillot Deacon Harold Burke Leah Burke Judi & Mike Diedling Cindy Lagasse Donald Hulin Donny Dicharry Jean Koch Gene Bellisario Joe Charbonnet Scott Samford 788-3924 985-502-4202 707-8128 661-8516 641-7206 641-9026 649-1208 641-6429 641-2706 643-7046 641-6429 768-2951 640-6224 641-6421 643-1855 781-0891 504-615-1457 643-1855 768-2953 649-3057 290-9582 643-2621 646-2649 641-6429 649-0999 290-4241 503-0995 641-6429 643-7046 649-0557 504-648-7140 641-7377 641-6429 641-2570 641-3802 641-5541 847-2558 641-7206 641-6429 641-2268 643-0138 641-6572 If you are interested in being a part of any of these ministries, please contact the above chairpersons. Praise begins at 6:30 p.m., Healing service begins at 7 p.m. Advertisers of the Week CHURCH NAME AND ADDRESS St. Luke the Evangelist Church #004444 910 Cross Gates Blvd. Slidell, LA 70461 TELEPHONE 985 641-6429 CONTACT PERSON Sandra Killeen SOFTWARE MSPublisher 2007 Adobe Acrobat 8.0 Windows XP Professional PRINTER HP Laserjet 4 Plus TRANSMISSION TIME April 22, 2015 SUNDAY DATE OF PUBLICATION April 26, 2015 NUMBER OF PAGES SENT 1 through 7 SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS COMMENTS
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