Learn the Art of - Sangat - SOS

Science of Spirituality invites you to
Learn the Art of
You are invited to an introductory seminar.
Speaker: Dr.Tauqir Ahmad MD
Expand your awareness and discover the secret to living a life
filled with peace,contentment, and deep fulfillment.
Meditation is a private retreat from the problems of the world.
— Sant Rajinder Singh Ji Maharaj
You will see a DVD of Sant Rajinder Singh Ji Maharaj about the spiritual path.
Included also are meditation instructions and time to meditate.
Sunday March 15, April 5& 19, 10am to 12noon
and then 1st and 3rd Sunday of every month
Philip Lodge Motel, 156 Parramatta Road,Ashfield, Sydney
For more information call: (02)96345805 mob, 0431718888
Also: www.sos.org; www.sos.org/aus/australia
Science of Spirituality is a worldwide, spiritual organization
dedicated to transforming lives through meditation,
under the guidance of Sant Rajinder Singh Ji Maharaj.
Everyone welcome. No charge.