APPETIZING Healthy Food Fair Saturday in Baltic / 5 FORE A GOOD CAUSE Registration open for Windham Golf Classic May 15 / 7 HospiTell The William W. Backus Hospital VOL. 44, NO. 13 Windham Community Memorial Hospital • MARCH 27, 2015 Quilts with quotes Griswold seamstress continues to provide encouragement, comfort for cancer patients Jeanne Chabotte, left of quilt, recently presented an inspirational quilt to Lisa Bazinet, RN, OCN, Regional Nurse Manager, Oncology Services, right of quilt, along with many of the Backus Hospital staff on A-2. Chabotte has made nearly 2,000 lap quilts for patients over the years. The quilts provide warmth and comfort during treatment and contain pockets, inset, for inspirational notes. A weekly newsletter for East Region employees, volunteers, patients and friends. STORY, PAGE 5 HOSPITELL 2 Gift Shop BACKUS Items of the Week Spring fashions 3/4 sleeve tunic or top. Assorted colors! WINDHAM $38.95 Easter secret sale Now through April 2 at the Auxiliary to Windham Hospital Gift Shop, pick an egg from the basket and get anywhere from 10% to 45 % off. Some exclusions apply. BACKUS GIFT SHOP HOURS: MON. - WED. / 9:30 A.M. – 7:30 P.M., THURS. - FRI. / 9:30 A.M. – 6:30 P.M., SAT. / 9:30 A.M. – 4 P.M., SUN. / 1 – 4 P.M. WINDHAM GIFT SHOP HOURS: MON. - FRI. / 9 A.M. - 4 P.M. Backus Auxiliary scholarship applications due Friday by 5 p.m. The Backus Hospital Auxiliary has begun accepting applications for its annual Merit Scholarship for high school graduates pursuing post-secondary study in a medical field. Using a minimum pool of $10,000, the auxiliary will award at least two scholarships to qualified applicants. To be eligible, an applicant must: n Be an employee or volunteer at Backus Hospital, or the child, grandchild, stepchild or foster child of same. n Be a high school graduate by June of this current academic year, or a high school graduate, or a former scholarship winner, or a previous applicant. n Enroll in an accredited post-secondary school. n Plan to pursue study in a health-related field. n File an application between now and Friday, March 27, before 5 p.m. Applications are available online at and in the Backus Hospital Gift Shop. n Provide all required credentials (official transcript, letters of reference, essay). n Appear before the Scholarship Committee for a personal interview. n Agree to verify to the Scholarship Committee how the grant has been used. All received applications remain the property of The William W. Backus Hospital Auxiliary and cannot be returned. Windham facilities staff rises to the occasion Thank you to the Windham Hospital facilities staff for their hard work and quick thinking during a power outage in Willimantic on March 13. After noticing a potential operational issue, staff was able to quickly respond to the situation. The transition was seamless and patient safety was never comprised. Great work to all! — Andrew N. Ellis, Regional Director of Facilities and Operations, HHC East Region Upcoming Auxiliary vendor sales About HospiTell HospiTell is published each Friday by the Communications Departments of The William W. Backus Hospital and Windham Hospital. Employees, medical staff and volunteers can have HospiTell e-mailed to their homes by sending a request to To submit news: E-mail: Fax: 860-892-6964 Deadline: Wednesdays at noon March 27, 2015 Backus: Edwards Kool Kreations will be the featured dealer for the next Backus Auxiliary vendor sale Friday, March 27, from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. in the MOB/cafeteria alcove. Items include artisan, organic and goat milk soaps,unique designs and more. Windham: Bag Ali will be the featured dealer for the next Auxiliary to Windham vendor sale Wednesday, April 15, from 9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. in the atrium. All sales by each auxiliary benefits the host hospital! March 27, 2015 HOSPITELL 3 Preventive Medicine Initiative taking hold Dear Colleagues, Backus and Windham hospitals have been doing population health management for many years, well before it became a popular buzzword. But with our new Preventive Medicine Initiative, we are taking our community health outreach to another level. I have been using this column to update you on the implementation of our strategic plan — a new model of care on the labor and delivery unit at Windham; the opening of our new Backus Family Health Center in Ledyard; new surgical robots; state-of-theart radiation therapy treatment technology; and now the Preventive Medicine Initiative. While this project doesn’t include attention-grabbing robotics or cute babies, it is no less important. In fact, it has the potential to become a state and national health care model. Tonight, March 27, at our annual Backus Bennies donor recognition event, we will be honoring the Edward and Mary Lord Foundation for their donation to help launch this project that we hope will reduce hospitalizations, readmissions and unnecessary emergency visits. The goal is to keep people healthy, or at least better manage existing conditions. And a lot of this can be done outside the walls of our hospitals. The Preventive Medicine Initiative brings structure and science to our population health management and community outreach activities. It includes several components, some of which are already underway. In collaboration with the Hartford HealthCare Behavioral Health Network, we have launched a pilot initiative that integrates behavioral health services into the primary care setting. We’ve done this by embedding a licensed clinical social worker in our health centers in Colchester and Norwichtown. This is important because a high number of patients who utilize health care services on a regular basis also have mental health issues. But in our traditional system, patients who are referred by their primary care providers to a behavioral health professional rarely follow up on their appointments. In our new model, if a primary care provider believes a patient can benefit from behavioral health services he or she can introduce the patient to the social worker on the spot. This social worker may do an assessment right there and then, and help the patient manage his or her follow up care. She is a true member of the care team, and if early results are any indication, we will be expanding this pilot to other health centers throughout Hartford HealthCare. The Preventive Medicine Initiative also includes a partnership with Hartford HealthCare’s Integrated Care Partners in which they embed nurse care managers into Backus health centers. These specially trained nurses work with the care team to identify patients who are high utilizers of health care services on a repeated basis, and then actually coordinate their care in partnership with patients and their providers. In many cases, what we are finding is that these patients have manageable conditions, and with the appropriate care coordination they can become healthy, productive members of society. Another exciting part of the Preventive Medicine Initiative is a plan to add an advanced practice nurse and licensed clinical social worker to work alongside the Hospitalist and Care Management teams to focus on inpatient and emergency department strategies. Data shows a small number of patients use a large amount of health care services, and in many cases they are seeking care for conditions that are manageable. In concert with the hospitalists, the APRN and LCSW would work with these patients in the hospital and in the community to ensure that they have primary care providers, appropriate specialists and care plans that are more likely to be followed through on. The Preventive Medicine Initiative — which also includes medication management, community education and screenings, focused efforts on widespread conditions like diabetes and more — is an innovative approach that will put us at the forefront of population health management. But more importantly, it will improve the health of our communities that we are so privileged to serve. That’s all for now, Dave’s Desk Dave Backus is on Facebook at HOSPITELL 4 The Backus Birthing Center decided to celebrate Spring in a unique way by taking a few of the hundreds of photos sent to them by appreciative parents and turning them into spring flowers and displaying them on the walls of the nursery. LET’S TALK ABOUT YOUR HEALTH. Free Community Education Program A 2-part series on Alzheimer’s Disease Presenter: Kristine Johnson Alzheimer’s Association Wednesday, April 8, 6:30 - 8 pm 1 Know the 10 Signs of Alzheimer’s Disease Wednesday, April 22, 6:30 - 8 pm 2 Keeping Connected in the Unconnected World of Alzheimer’s Disease: A Workshop for Caregivers Free and open to the community. .................................................... Backus Hospital Main Lobby Conference Rooms 326 Washington Street, Norwich, CT Pre-registration required; please call 860.892.6900. March 27, 2015 Windham Paramedic Program celebrates 20 years This year, the Windham Hospital Paramedic Program celebrates 20 years of service. On St. Patrick’s Day, March 17, 1995, the Windham Hospital Paramedic Program received its first call. Two years earlier, community leaders and hospital personnel recognized the need for an advanced life support emergency medical service in the area, and with the assistance of Dr. David Cowger, and RN/Paramedic Diane Badstuebner, Windham Hospital established its Paramedic Program. From those humble roots, the program has expanded and grown to become a role model and leader of emergency medical services in Connecticut. — Bill Muskett, NREMT-P, RRT, EMS Program Manager Celebrating GI Nurses and Associates Week March 23-27 is GI Nurses and Associates Week. Thank you to the Backus team for all you do: Sandy Carignan Carol Cote Julie Freyer Heather Gerl Robin Goulart Donna Grabarek Tim McComiskey Debra Savage Mary Schoon Deanna Vescovi Roxanne Wasilko A special thanks also goes to the nurses in the Windham Surgical Services Department who provide this care to our patients as well. Windham cancer support group meets weekly Windham hosts a weekly cancer support group on Wednesdays from 5:30 - 7 p.m. in the Johnson Room. For more information or to pre-register, call 860-456-6770 or 855-494-INFO. March 27, 2015 HOSPITELL 5 Cancer quilts offer words of encouragement A Griswold woman is stitching a little hope and comfort into the lives of Backus cancer patients. Over the past 10 years, Jeanne Chabotte has made nearly 2,000 lap quilts for patients to use for warmth and comfort during treatment. Now her work is on display for all to see in Radiation Oncology and the A-2 unit at Backus. Each quilt has several pockets for inserting notes with inspirational quotes to help patients get through their day. Chabotte says she began quilting for cancer patients because a number of family members and friends who’ve battled the disease said they were often cold during treatment. She says she hopes the inspirational sayings will show patients that they’re not alone in their fight against cancer. “If patients are having good day or a bad day, I hope they can share their experiences, maybe take some of the pain away for other patients,” Chabotte says. Lisa Bazinet, RN, OCN, Regional Nurse Manager, Oncology Services, says the quotes were originally put in the quilts by the unit coordinator, but patients have taken it upon themselves to add inspirational sayings on their own. It’s their way of paying it forward, she says. “It’s like a family here for patients, especially for those you come back for treatment over and over. It’s just a little something to brighten-up their day,” Bazinet says. “And, sometimes it’s the little things that matter most.” Bazinet says if patients are not physically able to get their inspirational quote, one can be provided to them by the staff. Chabotte, who is retired, has received donations for the quilts but does incur some of the costs herself. COVER STORY Quilt quotes n “With the new day comes new strength and new thoughts.” n “Cancer is a word, not a sentence.” n “Time is shortening. But every day that I challenge this cancer and survive is a victory for me” It’s a labor of love though, she says. “Making the quilts is my way of giving care and love to patients,” Chabotte says. For more information or to make a donation of materials or money, please email The Backus Healthy Community Initiative JOQBSUOFSTIJQXJUI The Sprague Community Center presents Family Healthy Food Fair ............................... Saturday, March 28, 2015 11 am - 2 pm Sprague Community Center 22 West Main Street, Baltic ............................... Chefs from Local “Just Ask” 3FTUBVSBOUTr'FBUVSJOH)FBMUIZ 'PPE4BNQMFTGSPNIrene’s Restaurant, Yantic River Inn, Illiano’s, & Olde Tymes Restaurants $PPLJOH%FNPOTUSBUJPOTr)FBMUIZ'PPE4OBDLT r%PPS1SJ[FTr#BMMPPOBOJNBMTGPSDIJMESFOPGBMMBHFT FREE and open to the Community. Come and join the fun and learn about healthy foods! 'PSNPSFJOGPSNBUJPODBMM HOSPITELL 6 News and notes from the Discount movie tickets n Discount Lisbon Landing Digiplex movie tickets are available through Cathy Saunders in Diagnostic Imaging or Donna McLaughlin in Food and Nutrition. The theater has recently changed hands and is now CarMike Cinemas, and we are pleased to offer the tickets for $7.50. March 27, 2015 EAG weekly prize winner for March 27 n Lisa Weber — CONNCare CONGRATULATIONS! Call Cathy Saunders at ext. 2105 to collect your prize. About the EAG n The EAG is a small team of employees who plan and coordinate fun and discounted activities for all employees. Contact the group by emailing Donna McLaughlin at Next ‘Thin’s In’ program begins April 6 Backus Café Menu Whatever your weight loss goals are, “Thin’s In” weight reduction program will give you the tools you need to lose weight and maintain healthy eating habits. Learn the importance of combining proper portions for nu- tritious and healthy eating. “Thin's In” instructor Dianne Rubin combines balanced eating and behavior modification, which will leave you feeling mentally and physically satisfied and healthier. Classes run for 10 weeks and begin Monday, April 6, at the HHC East System Support Office, 11 Stott Ave. in Norwich. The program costs $130. Registration is required by calling 860-442-2280. SATURDAY, March 28 fish n' chips / bratwurst hoagie w/onions & peppers / beef vegetable soup / sicilian blend vegetables / french fries SUNDAY, March 29 pork chops / potato skins / soup du jour / green beans / mashed potatoes ./ garlic bread MONDAY, March 30 ENTREES: chicken cordon bleu / tortellini and broccoli alfredo / shepherd's pie / SOUPS: senate bean / tomato bisque / SIDES: herbed cauliflower / bermuda blend vegetables / mashed potatoes / garlic bread TUESDAY, March 31 ENTREES: poppy chicken salad / tortilla crusted tilapia / eggplant parmesan / SOUPS: white bean stew / chicken and wild rice / SIDES: fiesta corn / broccoli florets / rice pilaf / garlic bread WEDNESDAY, April 1 ENTREES: pepperoni and sausage stromboli / oven fried cod / roast turkey dinner with stuffing and gravy / SOUPS: loaded potato / cream of broccoli / SIDES: normandy blend vegetables / steamed corn / basmati rice / mashed potatoes THURSDAY, April 2 ENTREES: roasted butternut salad / buffalo chicken tenders / baked manicotti / SOUPS: chicken white chili / vegetable / SIDES: malibu blend vegetables / harvard beets / french fries FRIDAY, April 3 ENTREES: build your own burger / grilled tuna melt / macaroni and cheese / SOUPS: seafood chowder / soup du jour / SIDES: sicilian blend vegetables / creamy spinach / jasmine rice / french fries DAILY FARE: A variety of hot paninis, cold wraps and pizza specials are available on a rotating basis The Backus cafeteria is open daily from 6:30 a.m. - 6:30 p.m. Hot food is served from 6:30 - 10:30 a.m.; 11 a.m. - 2 p.m.; and 5 - 6:30 p.m. HOSPITELL March 27, 2015 7 Windham Golf Classic May 15 The 20th annual Windham Hospital Golf Classic will be held on Friday, May 15, at the Golf Club at Windham at 184 Club Road, in North Windham. Registration for an individual golfer is $175; twosome is $350; threesome $525; and a foursome $700. Sponsorship opportunities are also available. The morning shotgun start is at 8 a.m. Afternoon start is 1 p.m. To see a complete listing of sponsors, and Golf Classic information, visit golf or call 860-456-6911, email or fax 860-456-6192. Local legislators took a tour of the school-based health center at Windham High School on March 23. Windham Hospital partners on three health centers located at Windham High School, Windham Middle School and the Barrows STEM. Pictured from left are: Hartford HealthCare East Region Vice President of Operations Cary Trantalis, State Rep. Susan Johnson (D49th District), State Sen. Mae Flexer (D-29th District), Kathy Nelson, APRN, and school-based health center coordinator Lynne Weeks. ENTREE: homestyle or buffalo chicken mac and cheese / eggplant rollatini / SOUPS pasta fagioli / soup du jour / SIDES: chef’s choice / brussel sprouts / SANDWICH: spinach and pesto panini TUESDAY, March 31 ENTREE: herb crusted top round of beef / cherry cobbler / SOUPS: butternut bisque / soup du jour / SIDES: roasted sweet potato wedges / roasted acorn squash / SANDWICH: beer battered cod grinder with lettuce, tomato and tartar sauce WEDNESDAY, April 1 ENTREE: grilled salmon with pineapple salsa / swedish meatballs over egg noodles / SOUPS: chicken tortellini / soup du jour / SIDES: egg noodles / sautéed asparagus / SANDWICH: reuben melt with corned beef, sauerkraut and thousand island on rye THURSDAY, April 2 ENTREE: sweet and sour pork over rice / shepherd’s pie / SOUPS: white bean, bacon and kale / soup du jour / SIDES: white rice / sweet and spicy green beans / SANDWICH: buffalo chicken sliders with crumbled blue cheese, lettuce, tomato and ranch FRIDAY, April 3 ENTREE: fish tacos / american chop suey / SOUPS: seafood chowder / soup du jour / SIDES: chef’s choice / SANDWICH: hot sausage and pepper jack grilled panini SATURDAY, April 4 ENTREE: general tso’s chicken over rice / SOUP: chicken and rice / SIDES: brown rice / caribbean blend vegetables / SANDWICH: eggplant marinara grilled panini SUNDAY, April 5 ENTREE: meat or vegetable calzone / SOUP: beef barley vegetable / SIDES: buttered pasta / sliced carrots / SANDWICH: grilled chicken cordon bleu panini BREAKFAST: Served weekdays only and includes a variety of hot items including oatmeal, cream of wheat, yogurt bar, scrambled eggs, bacon, sausage, homefries and a breakfast sandwich (Selection varies by day) Sumner Cafeteria Menu MONDAY, March 30 The Sumner Cafeteria open from 6:30 - 10:30 a.m.; 11:15 a.m. - 1:30 p.m.; 2 - 2:30 p.m. and 3 - 6:30 p.m. Hot food is served from 6:30 - 9:30 a.m.; 11:15 a.m. - 1:30 p.m.; and 5 - 6:30 p.m. HOSPITELL 8 March 27, 2015 GENERAL STORE General Store is a free classified ad section for the benefit of East Region employees, retirees, medical staff and volunteers. We welcome your submissions by the hospital Intranet, fax (860-892-6964), mail or by e-mailing The deadline for submissions to be included in each Friday’s HospiTell is Wednesday at noon. HospiTell will include community events for not-for-profit organizations based in eastern Connecticut that are open to the public and free of charge. We do not accept ads for real estate, firearms or personal ads. Please do not list hospital phone numbers or hospital e-mail addresses for responses. You must submit your item weekly if you want it to appear more than one week. To have HospiTell e-mailed to you, or for questions about the General Store, please call Ginny James, Backus Corporate Communications, at 860-889-8331, ext. 4211, or e-mail her at FOR SALE WHITE SAMSUNG GALAXY S4 — For AT&T network, excellent condition, $130, pictures available. Call 860-367-5268. WANTED ARTISTS — FACES at FAHS (Fine Art and Craft Exhibit and Sale at the Finnish American Heritage Society) is seeking artists and crafters for a Saturday, Oct. 3 event at the Finnish Hall, 76 North Canterbury Rd., Canterbury. Indoor/outdoor spaces, $30 (postmarked on or before Friday, July 31), free admission, handicapped accessible. Call 860-974-2760 or email EVENTS ANNUAL LENTEN FISH AND CHIPS DINNER — Friday, March 27 from 3:30-7 p.m. at St. James Church, Preston. Fresh cod fish, baked or fried, coleslaw, French fries, D’Elias fresh bread, homemade desserts. Call ahead for take-out at 860-889-0150. LENTEN FISH AND CHIPS — Fridays through April 3 from 4:30-7 p.m. at Saint Joseph Church, 120 Cliff St., Norwich. $9, full meal, $7, one piece meal and chowder is $4. GRISWOLD EXERCISE PROGRAM — The exercise program will be held every Tuesday and Thursday, 67 p.m. at Griswold Elementary School Cafeteria. The class features low impact aerobics, weights, Pilates. Bring your own mats and weights. Backus cardiac support group meets April 8 The Backus Cardiac Disease support group will host its next session on Wednesday, April 8, from 6-7 p.m. in the hospital’s library. The support group is open to anyone who needs support in managing cardiac disease. If you have questions, please call 860889-8331, ext. 2128. The group meets on the second Wednesday of every month. FUNDRAISER AT THE GARDE ARTS THEATRE — Friday, March 27, 6:30-8:30 p.m. Free admission, all ages, food, DJ, prizes, basket raffle, more. Proceeds to support the New London STEM Magnet and New London High School Drug and Alcohol Free After Graduation party for the Class of 2015. FAMILY HEALTHY FOOD FAIR — Saturday, March 28, 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. at Sprague Community Center, 22 West Main St., Baltic. Backus Healthy Community Initiative in partnership with Sprague Community Center presents chefs from local “Just Ask” restaurants. Food samples, cooking demonstrations, healthy snacks, door prizes, balloon animals, free admission. Call 860-882-6595 for more information. SPAGHETTI DINNER & BASKET RAFFLE — Saturday, March 28 from 4-8 p.m. at Central Village Fire House. All proceeds benefit Sandra Bryant Foular’s medical expenses in the fight with Pancreatic Cancer. Raffles, spaghetti, salad, bread, drinks, dine in or take out, adults $10, children $5. For tickets call Kerri at 860823-7160. NFA WINE TASTING — Saturday, March 28, 6-8 p.m. in the atrium at NFA, Norwich Free Academy. Advance tickets, $20, at the door, $25, light refreshments, free gift to the first 100 paid tickets. Call Lori at 860-886-1463 or email LAKE OF ISLES FAIRWAY 5K AND KIDS 1 MILE DASH — Sunday, March 29, 9:30 a.m. All proceeds benefit Preston Parks and Recreation. A post-race awards ceremony will follow with a cash prize to top finisher. For information call 860-889-2482, extension 113. Register at NorthStonington/LakeofIsleFairway5K. ADVENTURES IN LIFELONG LEARNING — Monday, March 30 at Three Rivers Community College, Norwich. Please register for the Spring semester of enrichment classes for those over 50 years of age. The Spring reception and registration is Friday, March 27, 1:30 p.m. at Three Rivers Community College in room F-117, free refreshments. For information visit or email POWER OF PURPLE LUNCHEON — Wednesday, April 1, noon to 2 p.m. at Langley’s Restaurant, Waterford. The Power of Purple is an ongoing campaign against domestic violence created by a partnership of The Rose Conrad Memorial Fund of Safe Futures and Hadassah of Eastern CT. For more information contact Sheila Horvitz at 860-884-8945. DREAM CHASERS — Friday, April 3, 6-9 p.m. at The Art Space Gallery, 35 Chestnut St., Norwich. Grand opening, Saturday, April 11, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Art show sponsored by Bully Busters and Norwich Youth Action Council, food, guest speakers, open mic. Call 860-373-8630. BENEFIT BINGO — Friday, April 10, doors open at 4 p.m., game starts at 6:30 p.m. at Foxwoods. Proceeds benefit Boy Scout Troop 73 in Lisbon. $15 admission package, tickets must be purchased in advance. Call 860-367-3892, 860-204-0478, 860-710-5919 or email TB testing schedule n Monday, March 30 7 a.m. - noon main lobby conference room 3 Backus TB testing concludes Monday Backus is once again testing employees for TB exposure. We are continuing to use the T-Spot method. Backus employees whose birthdays fall between the months of January and April must complete this requirement during one of the sessions being held in the month of March. Employ- ees will have their blood drawn by a phlebotomist at one of the scheduled sessions. The Employee Health Nurse will be provided the results within a few days, and any positive results will be communicated to the employees and options discussed. The final session in Monday, March 30.
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