
 Syllabus–Spring 2015
CH 204 Intro to Chemical Practice-FRI &
CH 108 Conference Course-FRI
Unique Numbers: 50280 and 50650
Lecture: Wednesday 1-2 PM in CLA 1.106
I. General Information
Laboratory Personnel
Visit: for photos and biographical information for all SBRS staff
Research Educator (Primary Instructor):
Dr. Elizabeth Ilardi |
Office: WEL 5.418 | Office Phone 512.471.6706
Principal Investigator
Dr. Stephen F Martin | | WEL 5.334
Teaching Assistant:
Christopher Farley | (OH: Fridays 1–2 PM, WEL 4.132B)
Lead Mentor in Chemistry: Layla Nejad
Lead in Biochemistry: Ayesha Mahmood
Devin Bradburn
Cynthia Coots
Liem Do
Christian Kaculini
Jamie Lee
Eileen Sullivan
Samuel Younan
Webmaster: Irnela Bajrovic
Course Websites
Canvas: Announcements and weekly requirements
SBRS Group page: (lab manual, experiment resources)
Laboratory Materials
•The National Brand Computation Notebook ($15): Our student American Chemical
Society chapter will be selling this notebook in the main hall of Welch from 10 AM–2 PM
during the first two weeks of classes.
• Scientific Calculator: Some are available in lab. It may be more convenient to have
your own. Due to risk of contamination by lab chemicals, you should not use your phone
as your calculator.
1 Safety Information
If you are pregnant or become pregnant during the semester, you must consult with the
instructor immediately about your eligibility to continue the course.
You are required to read and adhere to the safety guidelines outlined in the laboratory manual
introduction (, and must have OH 101, OH 102, and OH 202
credit prior to working in the lab. OH 102 is also required, and will be provided in the first week
of lab.
Disabilities: Students with disabilities may request appropriate academic accommodations from
the Division of Diversity and Community Engagement, Services for Students with Disabilities,
Quantitative Reasoning Flag: This course carries the Quantitative Reasoning flag.
Quantitative Reasoning courses are designed to equip you with skills that are necessary for
understanding the types of quantitative arguments you will regularly encounter in your adult and
professional life. You should therefore expect a substantial portion of your grade to come from
your use of quantitative skills to analyze real-world problems.
II. Participation
A. Weekly conference course (Wednesdays 1-2 PM, CLA 1.106): You are required to attend a
weekly one-hour lecture. In this lecture, you will be given important information regarding that
week’s experiment as well as information that will help you understand the larger impact and
goals of your research project. Transfer students taking upper division credit will have a weekly
research meeting in lieu of lecture.
B. Lab Attendance (WEL 5.102): You are required to spend 6 hours minimum in lab weekly.
Plan to work in 3-4 hour blocks; we will update you weekly about good stopping points for each
We use Google calendar to sign up for lab time; there is a video to watch at Please sign up for the week after noon on Sunday.
Please do not sign up early or as a repeating event; it isn’t fair to others. I reserve the right to
delete your time if you do. If you need to change your time, do so 12 h before the scheduled
time. Failure to show up for scheduled time will result in a lowering of your attendance grade.
**Attendance as described above is mandatory, and you may only miss one lecture without an
excuse. Any missed lab hours must be made up. Any further unexcused absences will lower
your final grade in the conference course.**
Sign In Policy and Missed Labs
Contact your RE, to make up missed weeks. Only those with a valid (preferably written) excuse
will be given a make-up. A sign-in sheet is located in the lab. It is your responsibility to find your
RE, TA, or a mentor to sign you out of lab. Please allow them time to check your space for
cleanliness. Failure to sign in and out with signature will result in loss of credit for lab attendance.
2 III. Assignments and Grading
Assignment Descriptions
A. Pre-Laboratory Assignments (20 points each): The objective of the pre-lab is to verify
that you understand the objective of the experiment you are about to perform, to work safely in
the lab, and to prepare to organize collected data. Please see the requirements for individual
pre-labs on Canvas.
B. Prelab Questions (20-40 points): Prelab questions are required for most experiments,
and will be due by 8 PM on the Monday of the week that the lab is performed. The prelab
questions will be posted on Canvas.
C. Literature Assignments (20–40 points): These assignments are to familiarize you with
journal articles and to introduce you to computer programs that we use to search the scientific
literature. These assignments are distributed throughout the semester; see the syllabus or
Canvas for due dates.
D. Discussion Board (200 points): 2 weekly posts, due by 5 PM each Saturday. We will
create a discussion forum for each experiment, and will post some common topics as threads.
Review the threads and post in the one most closely related to your topic. Please only create
new threads if an appropriate one is not already available.
The weekly discussion on the main discussion board is mandatory. You may post any ideas you
wish to discuss related to that week’s lecture, experiment, or science-related topics in the news.
You can also post information regarding laboratory techniques you have performed and give
tips to your fellow classmates. An original post and a reply to another person’s post are required.
Please be respectful and considerate of others’ questions and comments. You may post more
than twice, but be sure to post twice weekly. Mentor Samuel Younan will be the primary
moderator of the discussion board, and you may direct questions to him.
E. Reports (100-300 points): The report will include all of the data collected in lab, and a typed
report including analysis of the data. More information will be provided for each specific report.
PLAGIARISM: Do not plagiarize or cheat; anyone caught doing so will, at the very least, lose
credit for the assignment, and may receive an F in the course.
3 Experiments by Week
1 (Week of Jan 19)
2 (Week of Jan 26)
3 (Week of Feb 2)
4 (Week of Feb 9)
5 (Week of Feb 16)
6 (Week of Feb 23)
7 (Week of Mar 2)
8 (Week of Mar 9)
9 (Week of Mar 23)
10 (Week of Mar 30)
11 (Week of Apr 6)
12 (Week of Apr 13)
13 (Week of Apr 20)
14 (Week of Apr 27)
15 (Week of May 4)
Drop in lab for OH 102 & Lab Scavenger Hunt – Sign up on Doodle
Calendar (check your email for the link). Please attend the first lecture
on Wednesday 1–2 PM.
Assignment: Complete safety training if you have not already received
credit (OH 101, 201, 202). You do not need to redo training.
Experiment 1: Separation of an organic compound from a mixture
Experiment 2: Solution preparation for Experiment 3
Prelab Questions E2: Solutions and stoichiometry
Literature Exercise 1: The UT Library
Experiment 3: Amino acid titration
Prelab Questions E3: Standardization and Titration
Experiment 4: Separation of a mixture of organic compounds by twobase extraction
Prelab Questions E4: Two-Base Extraction
Literature Exercise 2: Locating an article by citation
Experiment 5: Properties and reactions of amino acids
Prelab Questions E5: Protein structure
Literature Exercise 3: Exploring chemistry websites
Experiment 6: Modeling programs–NO PRELAB
Experiment 7: Chromatography
Prelab Questions E7: Chromatography and polarity
Experiment 8: Kinetic vs. thermodynamic control (in pairs)
Literature Exercise 4: Introduction to Reaxys
Experiment 9 (Part 1): Synthesis of N-pivaloyl-O-toluidine
Prelab Questions E8: Airfree Technique
Experiment 9 (Part 2): Titration of an organolithium reagent
Literature Exercise 5: SciFinder
Experiment 10, Part 1: Ligand synthesis
Literature Exercise 6: Reaxys: Planning a synthesis
Experiment 10, Part 2: Ligand synthesis
Prelab Questions E9, part 1: Synthesis
Lab Clean Up and Lab Move (6 hours of assistance is required
from each student this week)
Final Postlab Due
4 Assignment Due Dates and Grading Policy
Late assignments will be graded and will receive half credit of the final grade. Any assignment
that is more than one week late will receive a zero. Plus and minus grades will be given for
assignments and final grades. **Due dates are subject to change!**
Reminder: Pre laboratory assignments (A, Section VII) are due for the entire experiment the
week you begin that experiment. Some weeks, groups will be performing different experiments.
It is your responsibility to know which lab to complete the prelab for. Prelab questions (B,
Section VII), literature assignments, and reports are due as indicated below:
Pre Laboratory Assignments (cumulative): 20 pts
each, 11 assignments
Scavenger Hunt Sheet
Prelab Questions E2: Acid–base chemistry & solutions
Literature Exercise 1: The UT Library
Prelab Questions E3: Titration
POSTLAB 1: Solubility & Solutions
Prelab Questions E4: Two-Base Extraction
POSTLAB 2: Titration & Acid-Base Chemistry
Literature Exercise 2: Locating an article by citation
Prelab Questions E5: Protein structure
Prelab Questions E7: Chromatography and polarity
POSTLAB 3: Amino Acids
Literature Exercise 3: Exploring chemistry websites
POSTLAB 4: Chromatography
Prelab Questions E8: Airfree Technique
Literature Exercise 4: Introduction to Reaxys
Literature Exercise 5: SciFinder
Literature Exercise 6: Reaxys: Planning a synthesis
POSTLAB 5: Thermodynamics & Organic Synthesis
Prelab Questions E10: Synthesis & Spectroscopy
POSTLAB 6: Research Report
Due Date
Mondays by
11 AM
1/26/15 (8 PM)
2/2/15 (8 PM)
2/9/15 (8 PM)
2/9/15 (8 PM)
2/12 (12 PM)
2/16/15 (8 PM)
2/26 (12 PM)
2/23/15 (8 PM)
2/23/15 (8 PM)
3/9/15 (8 PM)
3/12/14 (12 PM)
3/2/15 (8 PM)
3/19/15 (12 PM)
3/30/15 (8 PM)
3/30/15 (8 PM)
4/13/15 (8 PM)
4/16/15 (12 PM)
5/8/15 (10 AM)