April 2015 Vol. 1 Issue 5 A monthly newsletter of Satribari Christian Hospital Guwahati. Greetings to all the readers in the name of Jesus! In this issue I would like to share on “A Thorn in the Flesh” from 2 Corinthians 12:7-12:10 Concerning this I implored the Lord three times that it might leave me. And the Lord has said to me, “my grace is sufficient for you, for power is perfected in weakness.” Paul the Apostle, who has written many books of the New Testament immensely used by the Lord Jesus, has affliction in his life for this reason he prayed three times , no one knows for certain about the nature of Paul's thorn, and there has been extensive speculation about the nature of his misery. What we know for sure that he had suffered physically. Some people become defined by their hardships while others rise above their pain. We may suffer broken relationships, broken promises, broken expectations, but we don't have to become broken people. Pain is inevitable. Every Christian has some kind of “thorn” and 'thorns” either physical or psychological. Through this weakness, we are made humble. God cannot easily work through a person who is proud. We can see that God gave Paul amazing gifts and experiences, at the same time He also gave Paul a 'thorn' to keep him humble. Therefore let us not complain or discourage about the “thorn” whatever it might be. That thorn is given to us for our spiritual benefit, because of our weakness God's power will be more visible in our lives. Any thorn that is present in the lives of God's children is under His permission. We should learn to be humble before God. When trouble comes, it comes with a purpose and a reason. We need to realize that for our own good, God's answer is sometimes “no”, for he knows what is the best for His children. God kept Paul in touch with his limitations. Paul had been given extraordinary revelations; he had access to some top-secret stuff! It wouldn't have been surprising if Paul started thinking a bit too highly of himself, taking credit for his success. So he was given the blessing of a handicap. Paul's affliction kept him from relying on self, and kept him trusting God's power. The disappointments of life--lost love, being passed over for promotion, or physical disability--are just some of the many thorns of life. Psalm 118:8. It is better to take refuge in the LORD than to trust in man, this passage is known as the middle chapter and verse in the Bible, where the Lord wanted to convey to his people that He should be in the centre of our lives. Therefore, let us ask ourselves, what is our thorn/ thorns, in this pilgrim journey of life is? It may not be easy but we can still rejoice and keep on moving by humbling before God knowing for sure that everything is under His control. In His Service Mr. Thensem Singson, Chaplain In gratitude and appreciation for the services rendered by Mr. Manesh Mathew, CEO (2012-2015). A prayer service was held on 18th May 2015 in the Chapel Hall. The Swift wish him all the best in his future endeavour. Praise and Worship Team of the Hospital - The “Revelation Band” ACKNOWLEDGEMENT The hospital would like to acknowledge Mr Raj Thapa, 25 years, VIP Airport Road, Guwahati, whose mother died of Terminal Cancer on September 2014 for his generous contribution of some medicines for poor patient at Satribari Christian Hospital. May the good Lord bless him. Palm Sunday marching in progress within the Hospital Campus. TWO DAYS SEMINAR in the Hospital premises For private circulation only Editorial Team : T. Singson, Chaplain, K Sushila, Vice Principal , SON & Mrs. Naomi Sangma Circulation : Mr. Biren Boro Address: Satribari Christian Hospital, KC Road, Satribari, Guwahati-781008 E: thensem@yahoo.com Website: www.schcare.org Published at: Aesthetic Inkworks, Christian Basti, #9864023085 Vol. 1 Issue 5 | Page 4 The hospital conducted a two days seminar on “Saline process “with Dr Latha Mathew on 27th -28th March 2015. Bible Verse for the Month “Her children rise up and call her blessed; her husband also, and he praises her. - Proverbs 31:28. Vol. 1 Issue 5 | Page 1 MANAGEMENT OF STRESS Being aware of the sources of personal stress is an important step towards management of stress. PREVENTION OF STRESS Develop a plan of action or management of stress Elimination of the stressor Modification of the stressor Changing the perception of the stressor Critical nature of nursing work Staffing shortage Inadequate rest rotating shifts of irregular schedule Nurses have to develop lifestyle habits that helps to reduce stress, adequate sleep, a balanced diet, regular exercise, and frequent interaction with friends are excellent stress buffering habits. Deep breathing & Good posture are important during stress management. Rest and sleep: one should find out how much sleep is needed and work on arranging activities. Relaxation: taking breaks and time outs during the day for short walk or a refreshment can help de-stress during the day. Relaxation techniques are valuable tools in managing stress. Useful techniques are quiet time and meditation, music, yoga, quiet corners or favorite places, sports and hobbies etc. Proper nutrition: good nutrition helps reducing stress, eat smaller, more frequent, meals for energy, and eat foods which have higher carbohydrates, adequate proteins and low fat content. Include vitamins and minerals and drink lots of water. Exercise: may be walking, swimming, jogging, bicycling, stair- stepping or low impact aerobics. Exercise has been shown to improve people's mood and induce a state of relaxation by reducing physiological tension. Routine and habits should be maintained as much as possible. Unnecessary changes should be prevented during high stress. Temporary And Permanent Sources Of Peace It's a common notion (idea) to think of peace as being closely related to the beauty of nature - the play of waves on a beach, the blowing of wind through a forest, the soaring and swooping of gulls; in short, anything away from the rush and hurry of the city. Alternatively we associate peace with some physical form of relaxation like headphones plugged into soothing music, a hot bath after a hard day, a brisk walk in the park, etc. In meditation we realize peace to be our very essence (nature); we realize very quickly, trying to extract peace from the world around us or even from some physical sensations in our own bodies gives us only a temporary experience of it. Once we start meditating, we start to see physical relaxation as an escape from tension and not a solution for it; and the beautiful scenes of nature now no longer as sources radiating permanent peace. But in fact it is their mere absence of conflict, their harmony of colours, forms and sounds which appeal to us. There is something in each of us which cries out to be free from conflict. We discover that "small voice" or need is only our true nature demanding to be recognized. We realize that neither the body nor nature can give the peace that the soul was longing for, but it has to be tapped from within. Having found it, it remains constant, whether in the city or countryside, in comfort or discomfort. In the midst of noise and confusion, peace is really our own. Life has become full of stress. If we do not have “peace of life”, life will become miserable! So spend some time alone in our stressful life. Vol. 1 Issue 5 | Page 2 I, Ms. Ngoru Dentin Moyon from Manipur, was trained here in SCH and at present I am working as a staff nurse. I led a normal healthy life all throughout my student period, but in 2014, I experienced a tough moment in my life, when I came to know that I was suffering from cancer. This was the great turning point in my life: right from pain treatment to healing process. As I diagnosed of having cancer, I decided to go for healing prayer at Tongsen in Manipur rather than hospitalization; there I was taken care by many in prayers. Then I came back to Satribari Christian Hospital, the staff and students received me with care, constant prayer, physical service and financial support. My family supported me a lot but above all Lord Jesus Christ was the greatest strength. He heard my prayers, my cries and gave me a new life to live more carefully and to serve Him. Stress should be powerful driving a force not an obstacle. - Bill Phillips Palm Sunday & Passion Week in the Campus The Hospital organised a rally with a slogan “Hosanna” on the occasion of Palm Sunday on 29th March 2015 early in the morning at the hospital premises. The marching were participated by the campus staff and Nursing students with beautiful palm leaves in their hands. Special prayer was offered for the campus families. This was followed by Passion week organised every evening from 30th March to 5th April 2015 by the Spiritual life Dept. with Nurses Youth Fellowship & White Memorial Hostel, the speakers were Mr. T. Singson, Chaplain SCH, Mr. Angambou, Mr. Hudson George, Pastor Hejang Kipgen (Ebenezer Ministries), Mrs. Neisewheno Siria, Chaplain WMH. They spoke on different subjects. The services were cheered with different melodious voices by the staff and students. Easter Sunday began with sunrise service, the white memorial hostellers' distributed Easter eggs to the patients with the help of nursing students and the programme ended successfully. MAY BIRTHDAYS The swift would like to wish the following staff and students on their birthdays. NAME OF STUDENT DATE NAME OF STAFF DATE Myingthunglo Lotha 13 Dr Dolly Talukdar 1 Anupama Pradhan 29 Nakul Kalita 1 Mary Kathar 20 Dr Deepom Sharma 4 Amal Borah 13 HOSPITAL ACTIVITIES Sunday Campus Fellowship Every Second Sunday Fellowship Every Wednesday Every Third Sunday Fellowship Daily Roster Devotion Nurses Youth Fellowship Hospital Prayer Meeting : 6:00 to 8:00pm : Holy Communion : Cottage Prayer Meeting : Bible & General Quiz : 7:30-8:00 am (Monday to Saturday) : 7:00-8:00 pm (Only on Friday) : 7:00-9:00 pm (Every 1st Saturday) NAME OF STAFF Dr Tribeni Goswami Dr Animesh Basak Pramod Sharma Anil Gogoi DATE 13 19 25 31 2015 SOURCES OF STRESS Changing job, changes in working hours, problems with boss are stressful. Poor physical working condition- physical dangers, work over load, time pressure, conflict with superiors, peers and subordinates. Nurses face stress- heavy workload, consequences of equipment failure, reporting to numerous bosses, communication problems. Nurses working in high stress and dangerous environment. Stressful working conditions are associated with increased absenteeism, tardiness, and workers intension to quit their job Stressful nature of the profession can lead to burnout, disability. for th e M on th 1 0, Stress is the natural way of responding to the demands of ever changing world. Th oug h t Testimony Ma y Stress K.Sushila, Vice Principal I am Lilly Touthang, batch of 2011 and singing is my hobby. I am a person who sticks to the resolution that I make. As a child I was brought up in a Convent under the sweet and loving care of Catholic nuns till the completion of std X. Coming into this place and profession became a stepping stone to anything that I am going to do. I chose this platform because “SERVICE TO GOD IS SERVICE TO HUMANITY” and as I began my career I experienced so much of pressure and hardships, but I believe that in every aspect of life there are pros and cons to fulfil our expectations. But I genuinely love this place and profession because it gives me RECOGNITION, NAME, FAME and a kind of respect and memories that I will cherish in the days to come. I can truly say that Satribari Christian Hospital is a place where “LOVE IS ESSENCE OF LIFE” because in spite of different tribes, language, caste and creed we live in peace and harmony. For all these, I give glory and honour to God for what I am today and also for the people who blessed me and took initiative for my spiritual growth and for those who helped me to be competent in my profession. As a part of being in the healing ministry, I embrace more religiousness and adopt love, compassion, mutual respect and commitment to my responsibilities. Vol. 1 Issue 5 | Page 3
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