Coombabah State High School A Community – Building Productive Partnerships & Pathways 22 May 2015 PO Box 146 Runaway Bay QLD 4216 Phone: 07 5552 3888 Fax: 07 5552 3800 Email: Web: Volume 15 No 6 PRINCIPAL’S MESSAGE On full school assemblies I make a point of challenging students to strive to be better students and people. This term there seems to be an increased number of students willing to undertake fundraising for a variety of charities and school activities. My challenge to the students was to reflect on the last time they donated that very valuable commodity, their own time. When did they do something for others and not themselves? You may be asking yourself, when did you last see that at home? When I reflect on past students who displayed this character on a regular basis, I note that these students have been highly successful beyond their schooling years. School Expo Monday May 25 (3pm – 6pm). This event is for parents of students starting at Coombabah SHS in 2016. Please encourage friends in this category to attend this event that will provide invaluable information for new parents or current parents keen to find out about our new programs and Yr 7 offerings QParents Yr 7 – 9 parents are asked to sign up for this extremely useful access to your child’s information. All parents have now been sent multiple email invites Uniform reminders Socks are to be plain white with three fingers of sock showing out of the shoe Shoes are plain black leather shoes (no boots) Jumpers are school issue only Scarves if worn are black or Navy blue and worn only with a jumper Chris Kern Principal WHAT’S ON WHAT’S ON Monday 25/05/15 School Expo 3.30pm – 6pm – Students enrolling 2016 Tuesday 26/05/15 School Sport Catch up Wednesday 27/05/15 Music Camp Thursday 28/05/15 Music Camp Friday 29/05/15 Music Camp FROM THE P & C Please feel free to come along to our next meeting on Monday the 15 of May 2015 in the Administration Common Room at 4.00pm. If you are interested in finding out what happens at Coombabah High please feel free to attend our monthly meetings. One of the interesting items at our meetings is when Mr Kern, the Principal, updates us on what’s happening at our school through his Principal’s Report. This includes events, news items/updates, facilities & what’s coming up within the school as well as a ‘to do list in the next 4 weeks’. For any questions regarding P & C activities please email or call myself, Monday – Friday, on 5552 3888, 8.30am 3.00pm. Cheers Patricia Campbell P & C Vice President 1 ADMINISTRATION ABSENCES – SMS MESSAGING Parents are required to notify the school by SMS message to advise us of student absences. SMS Messages can be sent to 0428 431 926 either by replying to the Attendance Alert or direct to the number. Messages should be sent by 8.15 am on the day of the absence. In your message please include the date, student name, form class and reason for absence. SMS Attendance Alerts go out daily after attendance has been marked in the morning roll class and entries entered into the system. Please continue to query the message if you believe there may be an error, or advise us if you believe your student should be at school. Coombabah State High School Student Absentee SMS If you have not received any SMS messages (and your student has had absences), please contact the office so that we can check your mobile phone details to ensure we have a correct number for you in our records. 0428 431 926 by 8.15 daily The 24 hour absence hotline will no longer be used. Include Student Name, Year, Form class and reason for absence. If you do not have a mobile phone, please call the school office after 8.00 am. If you need to speak to us regarding a lengthy absence from school, please call the school office. Your ongoing assistance with notifying us of your child’s absence is appreciated. E.g. Sam Jones Yr 8A sick today Jim Kenny Business Services Manager USING INTERNET BANKING TO PAY SCHOOL FEES Please remember to use only your student name and reason for payment. PLEASE DO NOT USE PARENT NAME or STUDENT ID NUMBER It is extremely important that payments match the correct student. If paying for an excursion, please state which excursion or the Department responsible ie. Art, Humanities, Science etc. Bank details are as follows: COMMONWEALTH BANK BSB: 064 430 A/C No: 0009 1203 The Cashier Office remains open for all EFTPOS, cash & cheque transactions as usual. Hours are; Mon-Thurs 8.00am-12.00noon Please note: The Cashiers office is closed for collections on Fridays. Payments can be made at anytime through internet banking Jim Kenny Business Services Manager CHANGE OF ADDRESS / PHONE NUMBER. Have you moved house or changed jobs over the holidays? Do you have a new phone number as a result? Are you new to the school or need to update your details? If you answered ‘Yes’ to any of the above questions we would appreciate either a phone call, email to or a note dropped into the office with your current details. It is really important that we have up-to-date information in case of emergency situations, sick children or the staff need to contact you. Mrs Campbell, Mrs Bowen & Mrs Schmidt Administration STUDENT SUPPORT HUB STUDENT SUPPORT TEAM Guidance Counsellor: Glenda Musgrave – Mon-Fri Ph:55523858 Email: Industry Liaison Officer: Louise Peters – Mon-Thurs Ph: 55523815 Email: Indigenous Support Officer: Vicki Campbell – Wed-Thurs & every 2nd Fri Ph: 55523818 Email: School Based Youth Health Nurse: Suzie Koenig – Mon-Tues Ph: 55523818 Email: School Chaplin: John Catterall – Wed-Fri Ph: 55523853 Email: Youth Support Co-ordinator Mandy Pickett – Wed-Frid Ph:5552 3853 Email: 2 SPECIAL EVENTS Premier’s Reading Challenge 2015 Coombabah State High School students are invited to join in the 2015 Premier’s Reading Challenge. As well as being fun, the challenge aims to boost children’s literacy skills by encouraging students to read widely for pleasure and learning, to develop their imagination, and to cultivate a passion for literature. Last year, more than 108,000 students and 700 schools registered in the program. More than 77,500 students successfully completed the challenge reading 1.65 million books. The reading period for the 2015 Premier's Reading Challenge commences on Tuesday 19 May and closes Friday 28 August. This year, the Premier has challenged all state and non-state school students in Years 5 to 9 to read 15 books. All year 7, 8 and 9 students have been registered and reading record forms are kept with their English teachers. In addition, Miss Shearer challenged all students in the school to read up to 15 books before the end of August. Incentives along the way will be provided, the first going to Tianna Gilbert who volunteered to write a book review for the novel by Louis Lowry, The Giver. She received a free copy of the book for getting involved. Every student who completes the challenge will receive a Certificate of Achievement signed by the Premier and all students receive a Certificate of Participation. For more information about the Premier’s Reading Challenge, please visit: You can play a big part in your children’s future by encouraging them to be part of this positive initiative. Cathy Shearer Director of Literacy FROM THE DEPARTMENTS ENGLISH Year 11 English Communication: Mock Interviews 4 June As part of the school’s ongoing commitment to preparing students for the world of work, the Year 11 English Communication students will be undertaking a practice job interview as their end- of- semester assessment task. They are to prepare and present a selection of documents to their interviewers, who will be drawn from the employment sector, thereby gaining valuable experience in dressing for work, speaking to adults in a work context and coping with pressure. Any parental enquiries should be directed to Mr Andrew Morgan (55523838) or Dr Sue Bittner (55523866). Students should see their English Communication teachers should they require any advice. Dr Sue Bittner Head of Department - English 3 ARTS Arts focus coming up at Runaway Bay Library For the entire month of June, Runaway Bay Library will be hosting an exhibition of Coombabah State High School art works. Work from all year levels will be on display, including the fabulous work the year 7’s have been doing. Paintings, Drawings and Sculptures come alive in a sea of colour and design. Don’t miss the opportunity to see our students shine! Cath Tonks Acting Head of Department – Arts Coombabah State High School Little Munchkins Playgroup Wednesdays 8.45am – 10.45am Every 2nd Wednesday, except school Holidays Contact: Mrs Bailey (HOD Enterprise Department) PH: (07) 55523835 Email: (Please call the day before if you wish for your child to attend) 4 HOST FAMILIES REQUIRED for JAPANESE STUDENTS Natsuyasumi Acosta Tour Arrival Date: 2ndAug (Sun) 2015 Departure Date: 20th Aug (Thu) 2015 Attending School: Coombabah SHS Host Family Requirements: No other Japanese person staying with the family Provide 3 meals per day Own bed, but can share a room Over 18’s hold a Blue Card or willing to apply through us Safe travel to & from school Families with children in ANY GRADES are welcome to host *1 student per family, 18 Nights *Remuneration ($685) paid to Host Families AUSTRALIA JAPAN STUDY PROGRAMME (AJSP) Email: Ph: 0417 902 035 (Miki) Website: 5
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