5 May 5th - Coombabah State High School

State High School
A Community – Building Productive Partnerships & Pathways
PO Box 146
Runaway Bay QLD 4216
Phone: 07 5552 3888
07 5552 3800
5st May,
May, 2015 Volume 15, No. 5
The term has certainly begun with great contrasts in the weather requiring the postponement of our cross country event to this Friday the 8th May. I was in
Sydney for the BEACON conference and was lucky to be one of only a few flights that landed at the Gold Coast airport on Friday. BEACON is an
organisation that assists schools to connect with local businesses to enhance career preparation and therefore likely employment after students finish
school. We are an alumni BEACON School meaning that we have moved beyond the supported phase and into an autonomous structure engaging where
needed with the BEACON organisation. There were some exciting new initiatives including eBEACON that is an online resource to guide students
through career preparation and planning. Given the increasing statistic of the number of different jobs an individual will have, the concept of a job for life is
quickly disappearing. Employability skills of initiative, resilience, self-starting, communication and organisation are critical for future employment. If you
would like to be involved in our school and career development by sharing your knowledge, please contact the office on 55523888 to register your interest.
Our High Performance Sport program in Touch Football
had its first International “Friendly” against a Scottish
touring team in Australia for the World Cup.
Congratulations to program coordinator Drina Brady as
the students not only showed great skills and attitude,
also triumphed on the scoreboard.
High Performance Sport also includes programs in
Netball, Cheerleading, AFL and Rugby League. The AFL
program recently were victorious in a statewide
championship. Our program runs in close partnership
with Runaway Bay Sports Supercentre with our school
being the only school to have a dual campus partnership
arrangement for use of the facilities.
QParents: All Year 7 – 9 parents have received information regarding this program and access to your student’s data held by the school. If you have not
already registered can I urge you to complete this by the end of May. It is a simple registration procedure, all explained in the email invite we sent.
Should you not have received this invite please contact the office to arrange to have it printed out and mailed out to you..
If you have children at primary school we have begun our school visits with an engaging afternoon at Biggera Waters SS on Monday. We will attend
Arundel and Coombabah later this week. Every Year 6 student will receive a pack which includes an enrolment form. Could I ask you to complete this as
soon as possible and return to our office. It helps enormously to get this information early.
NAPLAN is next week: Please assist by making sure your child is well rested, well fed, on time and has all the necessary equipment on each day (as
explained to them by their teachers). Tuesday and Wednesday are Literacy tests and Thursday is Numeracy.
Premiers Reading Challenge
On page 7 of the newsletter you will find details of an invitation for all students to join in the 2015 Premier’s Reading Challenge which begins on Tuesday
19 May. Last year, more than 108,000 students and 700 schools registered in the program with more than 77,500 students successfully completing the
challenge reading 1.65 million books.
Chris Kern,
The best effect of any book is that it excites the reader to self activity.
Thomas Carlyle (1875- 1881)
Scottish historian, essayist and critic
QCS Mighty Minds 1.45-3.00pm
NAPLAN Catch-up
Parenting Enrichment Evening
6.00-7.00pm Library
The Adolescent Brain
Junior Secondary
We have had a busy start to Term 2, with lots going on both in and beyond the classroom. The Year 7 SOSE classes had an excursion to Hinze Dam last
week, which provided students with some valuable hands-on learning experiences in the field.
Welcome Mr Oberholzer
This term we welcomed our new Deputy Principal, Mr Oberholzer, or “Mr O”, as he is sometimes called. Mr Oberholzer
has relocated from Marsden State High School, after having spent 9 years there as Deputy Principal. Mr O will be
working quite closely with me in the Junior Secondary area, particularly with respect to management of student
behaviour, and we are currently focussing on a number of processes which will help to clarify expectations, and the
consequences for misbehaviour.
ANZAC Service
On the morning of Friday 24 April, we held our school Anzac Commemorative Service, during which our student leaders
all performed their duties admirably, and students in the audience were exceptionally attentive and well-mannered.
Congratulations to all our Junior Secondary students for their excellent display of respect on this important occasion.
Once again we were joined by members of the Runaway Bay RSL Sub Branch for the ceremony and morning tea afterwards. One special guest on the
day was ex-student Fletcher Britten who was on leave from the navy base at Sterling in WA.
Parent-Teacher Interviews
Thanks to those parents who were able to make the time to come in last week and meet with teachers to discuss your child’s progress to date. As
previously mentioned, the partnership between school and home is a vital one in maximising a child’s chances of success in their education. Now is the
time for all students to reflect on their academic performance to date, by thinking carefully about the results they have achieved, and what they can do to
improve. Particularly with respect to Effort and Behaviour, there is absolutely no reason why all students should not be able to achieve a grade of
Satisfactory or above.
Dealing with Conflict
Throughout last term, and as recently as early last week, there have been a number of incidents in which conflict between students has resulted in some
verbal and/or physical misconduct. We have spoken to various groups of students previously about this issue, and have reinforced our expectations over
the past week. It is important they understand that either verbal or physical abuse towards other members of the school community is completely
unacceptable, and will result in serious consequences for those involved. Students have been advised on many occasions, that if they are experiencing
problems with other students who are treating them in a negative manner, then they are to report this to a staff member to allow us to address this
behaviour. Just as importantly, students must not go looking for trouble by taunting or harassing others. Your assistance in reinforcing this expectation at
home is greatly appreciated.
Care of BYO Devices
Unfortunately over the past week, we have had two separate incidents resulting in damage to students’ tablet devices. Whilst there was some
irresponsible behaviour involved which caused the devices to be damaged, this has served as a timely reminder for all students to take better care of their
devices, particularly when moving between classes. Students have lockers to store their devices in when they are not required in class, and during lunch
breaks, but when moving to another class outside of L Block, it is extremely important that devices are enclosed in their cases, and carried in the students’
bags. Please remind your child of this necessity, so as to minimise the potential for loss or damage to their device.
Parent Enrichment Evening 6.00 -7.00pm Library
Topic; The Adolescent Brain
(Understanding how your child’s brain is developing and what you may see on the outside)
Mal Attree
Director of Junior Secondary
Parents are required to notify the school by SMS message to advise us of student absences.
SMS Messages can be sent to 0428 431 926 either by replying to the Attendance Alert or direct to the
Messages should be sent by 8.15 am on the day of the absence.
In your message please include the date, student name, form class and reason for absence.
SMS Attendance Alerts go out daily after attendance has been marked in the morning roll class and entries
entered into the system. Please continue to query the message if you believe there may be an error, or
advise us if you believe your student should be at school.
Coombabah State High
Student Absentee SMS
If you have not received any SMS messages (and your student has had absences), please contact the
office so that we can check your mobile phone details to ensure we have a correct number for you in our
0428 431 926
by 8.15 daily
The 24 hour absence hotline will no longer be used.
If you do not have a mobile phone, please call the school office after 8.00 am.
If you need to speak to us regarding a lengthy absence from school, please call the school office.
Your ongoing assistance with notifying us of your child’s absence is appreciated.
Jim Kenny,
Business Services Manager.
Include Student Name, Year,
Form class and reason for
E.g. Sam Jones Yr 8A
sick today
Please remember to use only your student name and reason for payment. PLEASE DO NOT USE PARENT NAME or STUDENT ID NUMBER
It is extremely important that payments match the correct student.
If paying for an excursion, please state which excursion or the Department responsible ie. Art, Humanities, Science etc.
Bank details are as follows:
BSB: 064 430
A/C No: 0009 1203
The Cashier Office remains open for all EFTPOS, cash & cheque transactions as usual. Hours are; Mon-Thurs 8.00am-12.00noon
Please note:
The Cashiers office is closed for collections on Fridays.
Payments can be made at anytime through internet banking
Jim Kenny,
Business Services Manager.
Have you moved house or changed jobs over the holidays?
Do you have a new phone number as a result?
Are you new to the school or need to update your details?
If you answered ‘Yes’ to any of the above questions we would appreciate either a phone call, email to coom@coombabashs.eq.edu.au or a note dropped
into the office with your current details.
It is really important that we have up-to-date information in case of emergency situations, sick children or the staff need to contact you.
Mrs. Campbell, Mrs Bowen & Mrs. Schmidt,
Please feel free to come along to our next meeting on Monday the 11th of May 2014 in the Administration Common Room at 4.00pm.
If you are interested in finding out what happens at Coombabah High please feel free to attend our monthly meetings. One of the interesting items at our
meetings is when Mr Kern, the Principal, updates us on what’s happening at our school through his Principal’s Report. This includes events, news
items/updates, facilities & what’s coming up within the school as well as a ‘to do list in the next 4 weeks’.
For any questions regarding P & C activities please email pandc@coombabashs.eq.edu.au or call myself, Monday – Friday, on 5552 3888, 8.30am 3.00pm.
Patricia Campbell,
P & C Vice President.
Guidance Counsellor:
Glenda Musgrave – Mon-Fri Ph:55523858 Email: gmusg1@eq.edu.au
Industry Liaison Officer:
Louise Peters – Mon-Thurs Ph: 55523815 Email: lpete69@eq.edu.au
Indigenous Support Officer:
Vicki Campbell – Wed-Thurs & every 2nd Fri Ph: 55523818 Email:
School Based Youth Health Nurse:
Suzie Koenig – Mon-Tues Ph: 55523818 Email: skeon8@eq.edu.au
School Chaplin:
John Catterall – Wed-Fri Ph: 55523853 Email: johnc@chappy.org.au
Youth Support Co-ordinator
Mandy Pickett – Wed-Frid Ph:5552 3853 Email: apick79@eq.edu.au
Immunisation Week 2015
This year’s campaign focuses on closing the immunisation gap and reaching equity in immunization levels as outlined in the World Health Organisations’
(WHO) Global Vaccine Action Plan, which is a framework to prevent millions of deaths by 2020 through universal access to vaccines for people in all
Key facts:
Immunization prevents illness, disability and death from vaccine-preventable diseases including cervical cancer, diphtheria, hepatitis B, measles,
mumps, pertussis, pneumonia, polio, rotavirus diarrhoea, rubella and tetanus.
Global vaccination coverage is holding steady.
Immunization currently averts an estimated 2 to 3 million deaths every year.
But an estimated 21.8 million infants worldwide are still missing out on basic vaccines.
According to the most recent WHO estimate, 1.5 million children die every year of diseases that could be prevented by existing vaccines. In 2013,
nearly 22 million infants missed out on the essential diphtheria,-tetanus,-pertussis (whooping cough)vaccine (DTP), many of them living in the
world’s poorest and most vulnerable communities.
Do your part to close the immunisation gap and ensure you and your family members are up to date with their immunisation needs. Remember
vaccinations are required throughout life not just in childhood. Immunisation against communicable diseases helps protect the more vulnerable members
of our community who for various reasons cannot be vaccinated, such as new born babies.
You can check your vaccination HALO by going online to the Better Health Channel Website (Link below). You can use this
quick checklist to find out what immunisations you may need depending on your Health, Age, Lifestyle and Occupation
(HALO) http://www.betterhealth.vic.gov.au/bhcv2/bhcarticles.nsf/pages/immunisationquiz?open
When you complete this checklist you will see the list of immunisations you may need to consider to protect your health.
Print it off and take it with you when you next visit your doctor or immunisation provider. Alternatively just make an
appointment and discuss your family’s vaccination requirements with you doctor.
Nurse Suzie ☺
to students
involved in
Collegiate who
Coombabah for
the annual badge
ceremony at the
end of last term.
Schools involved in the Northern Collegiate program are Coombabah, Helensvale, Pacific Pines, Upper Coomera and Ormeau Woods.
Ms Branton
Northern Collegiate Coordinator
ANZAC Ceremonies and Celebrations
Coombabah recently had the honour of participating in two community events celebrating the 100th Anniversary of ANZAC. The first event was the “Spirit
of ANZAC Concert – Commemorating the Great War and all other wars that have been fought in the name of freedom for our wonderful country” held at
the Gateway Lifestyle Residential Community Village at Coombabah and the second was a ceremony on ANZAC Day at the same venue.
For the concert we were fortunate to have four of our senior students give up their time during the
holidays to perform. Ashka Satrya and Kali Clemens sang the Australian National Anthem and
Brenna Cropley & Juan Smith accompanied Mr Kevin Gooch for the New Zealand National Anthem
and then Brenna and Juan sang Pokarakara Ana with Brenna performing a beautiful rendition of
“Imagine” later in the concert. The audience were thoroughly impressed with the students
performances, and several were moved to tears after singing along to Imagine.
The Gateway ceremony on ANZAC day unfortunately clashed with our school commitment to the
Runaway Bay RSL Citizens march but we were able to supply a copy of the wonderful speech given
by Jayde Milner that was shown to students at our school ceremony on the Friday. Jayde was chosen as one of the 70 Premiers ANZAC Prize Award
recipients and actually travelled to ANZAC Cove with the group. The coordinator for this event commented that the presentation was indeed well received
by all in attendance.
Congratulations to all the students and staff who were able to participate in both the dawn service and the citizens march at Runaway Bay on ANZAC Day.
This years dawn service far exceeded all expectations in terms of attendance and the later service growing bigger and bigger every year. This year our
school captain, Alda Pelmelay read a beautiful poem entitled “One Hundred Years Ago” written by junior student Lisa Kirry that was also read at our
school service and the dawn service.
One Hundred Years Ago
Lisa Kirry
When I look around,
I see – modern technology, wealth and prosperity
I see – a growing nation filled with courageous and brave citizens
I – see – a nation bubbling with prosperity
But above all else I see – FREEDOM!
So with all my heart
I give thanks to the Anzacs
The brave soldiers who helped
Make our nation possible
Who helped fill our nation with
Courage and laughter,
Bravery and friendship
I give thanks to the Anzacs
Who gave us our freedom
And for the bravery, courage, comradeship and resilience
That they showed
One hundred years ago…..
You will be remembered.
Premier’s Reading Challenge 2015
Dear parents and guardians
I am delighted to invite all Coombabah State High School students to join in the 2015
Premier’s Reading Challenge.
As well as being fun, the challenge aims to boost children’s literacy skills by
encouraging students to read widely for pleasure and learning, to develop their
imagination, and to cultivate a passion for literature.
Last year, more than 108,000 students and 700 schools registered in the program. More
than 77,500 students successfully completed the challenge reading 1.65 million books.
The reading period for the 2015 Premier's Reading Challenge commences on Tuesday
19 May and closes Friday 28 August.
This year, the Premier has challenged all state and non-state school students in Years 5
to 9 to read 15 books.
Students wishing to take part in this year’s challenge can register by talking to their
English teacher or to Cathy Shearer, our school’s Premier’s Reading Challenge
Every student who completes the challenge will receive a Certificate of Achievement
signed by the Premier and all students receive a Certificate of Participation. It will be
my great pleasure to present these certificates during the Premier’s Reading Challenge
Celebration Weeks to be held 9 – 20 November 2015.
For more information about the Premier’s Reading Challenge, please visit:
You can play a big part in your children’s future by encouraging them to be part of this
positive initiative.
I look forward to seeing as many of our students as possible embrace the 2015
Premier’s Reading Challenge.
Yours sincerely,
Chris Kern
On Tuesday 28th of April, 12 female Coombabah students aged 14-15 took part in the Titans Cup Challenge for Rugby League. The girls all played
exceptionally well, playing a number of games against Keebra, Beenleigh and Merrimac.
The day was a fantastic day out, having the opportunity to meet the Jillaroos (the Australian Women’s Rugby League team).
Congratulations to all the girls who participated.
Coombabah SHS has started an AFL High Performance Sport this year and already we are progressing at an amazing rate. The group of open players have
improved incredibly fast over the last term. On Tuesday they achieved a spectacular result taking out the Division 2 Brisbane Lions cup. In the qualifying pool
games last term the team won 2 and lost 2, allowing them to just qualify for Division 2. On Tuesday the boys comfortably beat local rivals Keebra Park and
Centenary SHS from Brisbane. They then went on to beat Yeronga SHS, hot favourites to win the competition, in a thriller. The boys held on to an early lead
to win by a point, taking home the cup undefeated on the day.
Big thanks to support crew, Olivia, Alex and Tyler, assistant coaches Mr Ewens and Mr Mackey. Thanks too, to the Rugby League program boys who helped
out and did a great job. Special mention to best players Tom, Quinn and Cameron, Goal of the day to Harry “Dad”, with a running 65m special. Finally,
Jayden with an awesome individual achievement taking out player of the division.
Most importantly, the boys played fairly, showed great sportsmanship and their behaviour was exemplary. Looking forward to more students in the school
being given an opportunity to represent the school in AFL.
Mick Halsall
Head of Department – HPE
Congratulations to Year 10 student Caitlin Lee who recently represented Queensland in
The team was successful in winning the tournament going through undefeated .
Griffith University Dental Clinic
STUDENTS – receive FREE Dental Check-Up (including x-rays) and treatment*
*Conditions apply. Children 4 years and older but who have not yet completed Year 10 at school are eligible for free
treatment under the QLD Health agreement.
ADULTS – FREE Dental Check-Up (including x-rays) also available with follow-up treatments
at special fees*
*Conditions apply.
Phone 1800 188 295 or visit griffith.edu.au/healthclinics to book an appointment.
Griffith Dental Clinic is located at:
Griffith Health Centre, Level 3
Cnr Olsen Ave and Parklands Drive
Southport (Griffith University Gold Coast campus)
Lifeline Bookfest returns to the Gold Coast from 15 -17 May 2015.
The Gold Coast Lifeline Bookfest is a must visit event with more than 100,000 second hand books waiting
to be read. Booklovers, students and book collectors can lose themselves in the vast array of fiction,
reference, history, health and wellbeing, cooking, children’s and science fiction with books at prices as
low as $1 when Bookfest returns to the Gold Coast Convention and Exhibition Centre on 15 -17 May 2015.
Doors are open 8am to 5pm daily.
“We were overwhelmed by the response we received last year from the Gold Coast community with more
than 6000 people visiting the Bookfest and helping to support the Lifeline 24 hour 13 11 14 Crisis Support
Line, and other UnitingCare Community services” said Jim Dale, Lifeline Business Manager Gold Coast.
“Opening day is always our busiest day so we recommend that people arrive early, first timers to the
event should be aware that we are continuously restocking the tables with help from over 200 volunteers
so its worthwhile popping in several times throughout the weekend”.
Customers who spent more than $50 at the Gold Coast Bookfest get a chance to enter into a raffle draw.
There will be 5 raffle draws every day where the lucky winners will win $30 vouchers to shop at the Lifeline
Join the Lifeline Bookfest volunteer team
Lifeline encourages everyone to have the Lifeline Bookfest
, email susanne.clark@uccommunity or
experience, and if you haven’t been before, you should
call 07 55104555
come along and get lost in the world of books. Can you help
Lifeline at the Bookfest event? Volunteers are needed to
Follow us on Facebook @LifelineBookfest
help in the lead up to the event and throughout. To Join the
or Twitter @Bookfest and visit
volunteer team call 07 55104555
www.lifelinebookfest.com for more details.
Lifeline Gold Coast Bookfest 15 – 17 May 2015. Gold Coast
Convention & Exhibition Centre. Doors open 8:00am –
5:00pm on week days and weekends.
Media Contact: To arrange an interview or
photo opportunity, contact Trudi
Maxwell@uccommunity.org.au or call