DALLINGTON PARISH ASSEMBLY 2015 Minutes of the Annual Parish Assembly held on 21st April 2015, at 7.30pm in Dallington Village Hall Present Councillors W. Miers (Chairman) part, N. Holyoake (Vice-Chairman), S. Bellem, P. Ridley, P. Wilson Mrs. I. Marchant (Parish Clerk/RFO) County Councillor J. Barnes (part) District Councillor El. Kirby-Green Representatives of Clubs and Organisations Members of the Public 1. WELCOME As the Chairman could only attend part of the Assembly, Councillor Holyoake welcomed the public and representatives of county and district authorities to the meeting. 2. MINUTES OF THE PREVIOUS ASSEMBLY 2014 The Minutes of the Dallington Parish Assembly 2014 were signed by Councillor Holyoake as being a correct record of the proceedings. 3. POLICE REPORT There was no Police attendance and a report was not received. 4. CHAIRMAN’S REPORT – Councillor W. Miers The Chairman attended the last half of the Assembly (a PCC meeting was being held at the same time) and was able to give the following report Dallington is a rural village with around 130 households on mostly high land, we have a Village School and Recreation Ground. Thank you to all Members and the clerk for your hard work over the past year. I have attended RALC meetings and Standards and Planning meetings at RDC. We are pleased that our County and District Councillors attend nearly all of our meetings. A Police presence at our meetings has been non-existent over the past 18 months or so. There is the continuing issue of Telegraph Point, the appeal is tomorrow (22.04.15) at 10am. The triangle at the top of Carricks Hill is still being used as a parking lay-by. Our street signs are still a problem, much of the lettering needs replacing. Regarding drainage works by ESCC, the soil is still being piled up and left on top of the drain, apparently this cannot be removed by the ESCC contractors as it is regarded as being contaminated. The potholes are gradually being repaired. There have been several instances of fly-tipping in the Parish, RDC have acted very quickly to remove these. There have been a few complaints about shrubs and trees overhanging in The Street. Would everyone just have a look and chop back if necessary. We are going ahead with the purchase of a defibrillator. Dallington Recreation Ground The car park is now completed and is a great success. The area in front of the pavilion and around the tree has also been paved. Very many thanks to David Wilson for his overall care of the field and also many thanks to Chris and Doug Sewell for their immaculate mowing. A container has been purchased and placed in the field for equipment. All our field events have been very well supported, the Winter Solstice celebration, Cricket and Croquet – these surely epitomise “English Village Life”. Our joint event last summer with the Radio Club was also most successful. We are very grateful to Doug Sewell for organising the cricket and croquet days. The PCC have asked to light the beacon on 24.05.15 to celebrate the launch of the New Strategy. Dallington Parish Council Minutes of Annual Assembly held on 21.04.15 Page 1 of 2 DALLINGTON PARISH ASSEMBLY 2015 5. EAST SUSSEX COUNTY COUNCIL REPORT – Councillor J. Barnes Many thanks to all the Members and the Clerk for keeping me in touch with local issues. ESCC is in the front line of the Government’s fight against the deficit, we have taken £100M out of our budget over the last few years and will be facing cuts of around £70/90M during the next Government term. A considerable amount has been saved by digitising our services and working better/smarter. We are working with other authorities, particularly Surrey, but real cuts will have to be made. A success has been the personal aid budgets for Adult Social Care, this give a much more flexible service. We have also been successful and savings have been made in Children’s Services, by identifying problem families much earlier and we have fewer looked after children. ESCC have outstanding Children’s Services, one of the best in the country. Now to roads, capital monies are being put into roads and they are being treated as an asset. £10M from our contingency fund is going towards repair of minor roads. Household incomes in East Sussex have gone up nine times faster than nationally. Unemployment is also down. We are developing skills partnerships with universities, colleges and schools. Unfortunately our mobile rural library service is now three weekly instead of two. Questions from the Public Mrs. Marsh asked when will Prinkle Hill be repaired. The Clerk understood that ESCC had this scheduled and will check again with the Highways Steward. CLERK 6. ROTHER DISTRICT COUNTY REPORT – Councillor E. Kirby-Green (report attached) Questions from the Public Mrs. Marsh thought that the replacement bins were not as strong as those previously. Councillor Kirby-Green is to investigate. 7. 7.1 7.2 7.3 7.4 7.5 7.6 7.7 7.8 7.9 7.10 7.11 REPORTS FROM REPRESENTATIVES OF THE COMMUNITY St. Giles Church (report attached). Dallington Bellringers (report attached). Dallington Village Hall Committee – Mrs. J. Jeremy (report attached). The Daisy Chain Nursery – report not available. Dallington Primary School (report attached). Dallington W.I. – Mrs. M. Marsh (report attached). Dallington Tree Warden – no problems, nothing of interest to report. Dallington History Group (report attached). Dallington Amateur Dramatic Society (DADs) – report not available. Dallington Poetry Group – report not available. Dallington Book Club – report not available. 8. ANY QUESTIONS There were no further questions from the public. 9. CLOSING REMARKS The Chairman thanked everyone for coming and wished all a safe journey home. Dallington Parish Council Minutes of Annual Assembly held on 21.04.15 Page 2 of 2
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