Seaside Currents God’s Sanctuary by the Sea Published by Seaside UMC Safety in our Sanctuary “Jesus Loves the Little Children . . . ” It’s a song many of us grew up singing when we were children in church. In February we celebrated “Children’s Sabbath” by uplifting the needs of children around the globe. How important it is that we remember as members of the Body of Christ we have a responsibility to care about others, especially minors and vulnerable adults. Here at Seaside we take steps to ensure that our ministries and ministry spaces are safe places for children, youth and vulnerable adults. A number of years ago our congregation adopted a “Safe Sanctuaries” Policy, as did most United Methodist congregations across the U.S. You may not be aware that we have policies and procedures in place for the safety of the most vulnerable in our midst. Here are some of the things we do here at Seaside: March 2015 Volume 26, Issue 3 Upcoming Events March 8 Daylight Savings Begins Not Your Mama’s Bake Sale March 29 Palm Sunday Easter Cantata “The Rose of Calvary” 4 & 7 PM April 2 Holy Thursday 7 PM April 3 Good Friday Noon & 7 PM April 5 Easter Sunday Sunrise Service 8, 9:30 & 11 AM May 2 UMM Annual Golf Tournament June 15-19 VBS “Have you herd?” 1 In our nursery we have a check-in/ check-out procedure for children. Our nursery is staffed by qualified adults, not youth. We have windows in the doors of all our classrooms and offices, for the safety of all persons. We have a “Safe Sanctuaries” training each year for those desiring to work with children and youth. This training is required prior to working with them. All who work with our children and youth go through a background check – another requirement. Permission and Medical forms are required for participation in our children and youth programs. Adults work at least in pairs, and/or we have “roving” adults available during times when children are present. At all times the church seeks to avoid any situation where one adult is left alone with minors. Parents of our pre-school program are encouraged to use the drive-through pick-up and drop-off system, for safety in our busy parking lot. These are just some of the ways we strive to make Seaside Church a safe and happy place for all who enter here. If you have additional suggestions or ideas, please share them! I look forward to seeing you here on Sunday! Mary Jane Each member when joining the church is asked “Will you support SUMC with your prayers, presence, gifts and service?” We celebrate our ministries and events in this issue of the Seaside Currents. Many of our members and friends remain on the prayer list for a longer time as they cope with health and personal issues. These names are printed monthly in our newsletter. The list of new names printed in the Sunday bulletin will be updated each week. Please provide the office with an update of both prayer lists. Please remember each in your daily prayers O radiant God, in the midst of tribulation, suffering, crippled hope and shattered dreams, stand by these Your servants until they are well once more. Members: Kay Arace & family Ann & Lafayette Bowman Frances Broome Harry & Louisa Clatterbuck Linda Clayton Barb Cunningham Tom & Jeanne Deacon Marge Duffy Marilyn & Bob Eronimous Fam of Catherine Garrington Liz & John Franz & family Betty Geesey & family Alicia Gillen Brief/Share Stephen Harris & family Paula Hernandez Tom Hernacane Gene & Lorraine Hoge David Hooks, Jr Tabatha & Christal Huggett Gil & Kathy Johnson family Nancy Jack Judy Keill & family Sandy & Gary Kershner Bruce & Sandy Kertcher & family Anne & Justin Klein Family Bernice Lewis Dell Little & family Donna Lloyd Leo Macon Susan McDonald family Bill McGee Doug McKeever Pat Nutter Pat & Dave Mowery BettyOakes PhilParker Carolyn Powell Bev Pheiffer Prayer Warriors Betty Pursey Jack & Kathy Scalise Gerald & JoAnn Scott Seaside UMC Staff Susan Seidel Dot Sellers Randy Shuford Charity & Larry Smith Jimmy Smith Lois Springstead Stephen Ministers Marge Stone Danice & Connie Stout SS Volunteers & Students Mildred Trenchard Ruby Trouw Tommy & Eleanor Tucker UMYF & Leaders Kitty & Steve White Bev, Mandee & Mike Williams Gene Williams 2 Friends Kay Amyx Herman Anderson Mary Androski George Bahm Paul Bart & Patrick Ready Zach Bernier Len Best Bob Billups & family Jim Boyce Alvin & Bonnie Brookshire Lindy & Dave Bruce Ed Bye & Becky Temple Richard & Susan Canipe Aiden Carper & family Mona Kay & Bill Carter Linda & Bill Chambers Children of the World Ralph Cigliano Jim & Darlene Cooper Lisa Crumlish Joann Curry Margret Damatto Caleb Davis Divorce Care Group Matthew Duncan Scott Dustin George & Ro Edwards T.W. Edwards & family Etta Erickson Fam of Denise Cooley Fam of Joann Curry Fam of John Dufford Fam of Esther Earp Fam of Dan Gentile Fam of Michael Kislow Fam of P.J.Lewis Fam of Carolyn Pace Fam of Daniel Peters Fam of Rick Ramsey Fam of Carianne Roe Fam of David Stroud Fam of Jennifer Wyatt Fam of Esther Earp Pat Fitzpatrick Mark Foley Jackie & Bill Gano Lori Garrett Joyce Gleason Calvin Green Wayne Haigler Mack & Pattie Hannah Peter & Charlene Hawryluk Rhonda Hester Familyf of Susan Hoover Cindy Hryniewieck Carol Jenkins Wendell Jensen Jerry Jordan Natalie July & family Kayleigh Clair & Benjamin Keiwart Mary Kinslow & family Johnny Lawnson Nathan Leckey Jack Levine Libby & family Todd Lineberry Friends Continued: Jim & Jane Love Marj Macy Brian Marsh Barb & Jim McCartney Dottie McVaugh Patty Norwood Jo O’Keefe Our Nation & Our World Preschool Teachers Veronica Ready Mae Roberson Brian Schenck Dick & Betty Schillinger Alvin & Nellie Shuford Debbie & Jim Siegler & family Donna Leigh Sotomeyer Midge Sparks Phillip & Jennifer Stavonovic Ina Steen & family Cody & Jennifer Stepp Bud Sweetman Danny Tanner Lisa Tinglestad & family Robert Trouzeau Diana van der Velden Beth VanSyckle Victims of Violence & Abuse Elsie Walsh Alice Weber Jack Whitley Jr Britni Willard Phil Wiles Doris Windham Clement & Anna May York Catharine Young All Members & Friends in Assisted Living Facilities, Nursing Homes or in Home Care All friends & family members un-churched All those experiencing Separation or Divorce All those un or under employed Serving Our Country: Alex Blust Brad Borders Matthew Bronson Chad Bryson Oliver Clayton Jeremy Courtney Dodge Dustin Charles Kelley William (Willy) Mabry Marschal Martens Aaron Pait Zachary Rushing John Vernaue Chistopher Wallace Contact: Marlen Mapes – Phone 575-6007 Candie Meier – Phone 575-3531 Freddy Tatum– Phone 579-1187 Please contact us with updates every 30 Lectionary Bible Readings Memoria & Honorariums In Memory of: Charlie Little Given by: Brad Little March 1 Genesis 17:1-7, 15-16 Psalm 22:23-31 Romans 4:13-25 Mark 8:31-38 March 8 Daylight Saving Time Begins Exodus 20:1-17 Psalm 19 1 Corinthians 1:18-25 John 2:13-22 March 15 One Great Hour of Sharing Numbers 21:4-9 Psalm 107:1-3, 17-22 Ephesians 2:1-10 John 3:14-21 March 22 Jeremiah 31:31-34 Psalm 51:1-12 Hebrews 5:5-10 John 12:20-33 March 29 Liturgy of the Psalms Mark 11:1-11 Psalm 118:1-2, 19-29 Liturgy of the Passion Food Pantry Report January Seniors— 113 Adults— 271 Children— 217 Total served—601 Total families served—158 Families served weekly—40 April 2015 Newsletter Deadline March 15th 3 In honor of: Mike Williams Given by: Bob & Ann Wiltbank I Did You Know? Upper Room Daily Devotions can be sent each day to your computer by email? Just go to and sign up. There is no cost. The booklet form of the Upper Room Daily Devotions are still available in the gathering room, for those who prefer that format. A $1 or $2 donation per copy is appreciated and will help with the cost. Remember it is through daily reading of the Bible, devotions and prayer that our relationship with God is strengthened. Interested in helping at SBIC Food Pantry? The SBIC Food Pantry is held each Saturday morning at Camp United Methodist Church on Main Street in Shallotte. There is an opportunity for volunteers from Seaside to be check-in volunteers once a quarter. The task would involve being there from 9:30 a.m. until noon, and inputting client information into the computers so that they may be served. We could form a team that would serve with another church that would be providing the food. If you are interested, please contact Debbi Wallace @ 5799395. Attendance Worship January January January January 4 11 18 25 8:00 9:30 113 132 (1 Service) 112 181 137 185 11:00 157 416 169 182 Sunday school January January January January 4 11 18 25 45 0 61 61 Warm Seaside Welcome TW and Linda Anthony who joined Seaside Sunday, February 1st at the 9:30AM service. TW has transferred his membership from Roberta Methodist Church, Concord, NC and Linda has transferred from University City UMC, Charlotte, NC. You may contact the Anthony’s at: : 514 Fairway Drive W Sunset Beach, NC 28468 Phone: 910-575-9321 TW's Email: Linda's Email: Russ Johnson and Donna Ambrose who joined Seaside Sunday, February 8th at the 8:00 AM service. Russ joined by transfer of membership from Village Point UMC, Shallotte and Donna transferred from Weddington UMC, Weddington, NC. You may contact Russ and Donna at: 108 Waterford Place SW Ocean Isle Beach, NCk 28469 Phone: 910-575-0369 Email-Russ: Email-Donna: Health and Wellness Dr. Anil-Yallapragada MD At Seaside United Methodist Church March 24, 2015 at 3PM No Charge or registration Expert speaker on Stroke See Dr Yallapragada’s web site: -Anil-Yallapragada-MD Blood Pressure Checks Stop by Rm 207 on the second Sunday of the month, between services, to have your blood pressure checked. Members of the Health and Wellness Committee provide this service at no cost. Worship Committee The Committee’s main concern and direction is toward our Easter Celebration. This month has found us ordering the necessary needs for the services on Ash Wednesday, Holy Thursday, Good Friday and Easter. Chancel Guild: The committee, with the help of Stefanie, has put together a short film explaining what Chancel Guild is and does. Through the use of this film, we hope to gain more volunteers and a leader for the group. I became astonished when learning of the importance of Chancel Guild and what the committee does to make our church welcoming to the community. The committee members take one to one and a half hours on a Saturday to get the church ready for the Sunday service. The members work in teams of two and perform the duties for one or two months in a year. Ushers: Bob Bell has volunteered to be the Usher Captain for the 11:00 a.m. service. We are in need of additional ushers for the 8:00 a.m. service. Please contact Bob Biser, Usher Captain for the 8:00 service, if you are interested in performing this important function. Acolytes and Crucifers: We are in need of a few more Acolytes and Crucifers for the 8:00 a.m. service. If you have an interest, please contact Kim or Carolyn Loucks. 4 Music Ministry "Tell me the stories of Jesus…” During the month of March, our children's choir will be learning many of the stories of Jesus as they prepare to share these stories through song and action with you on Sunday mornings and at a very special musical in May! They are even learning all of the books of the New Testament. We are so proud of these wonderful kids. Thank you for your support! March is a busy month as we prepare for Easter! I hope you have your tickets for the Easter cantata, "The Rose of Calvary" on March 29th at 4:00 & 7:00. I promise you it will be spectacular! Our choir is working hard and there will be dancers and a wonderful orchestra to join us! All we need is YOU to come and enjoy the beautiful music and moving narration. On Wednesday, March 25th, our Soaring Angels will sing for Arbor Landing and on Friday, March 27th our Seaside Belles will play for Arbor Landing, Universal Nursing Home, and the Lower Cape Fear Hospice center. We enjoy sharing our music with the community! With a voice of singing, Kathryn ATTENTION MEN! The 5th Sunday Men's Choir will NOT sing in March since the 5th Sunday falls on Palm Sunday. We will resume singing on the 5th Sunday of May. Please mark your calendars and join us for the 11:00 service on May 31, 2015. This is open to ALL men Easter Cantata Seaside's Choir and Orchestra present "The Rose of Calvary" Sunday, March 29th 4:00PM and 7:00 PM Tickets are available in the church office. RELAY FOR LIFE Seaside UMC Team The American Cancer Society Relay for life is the world’s largest and most impactful fundraising event to end cancer. It unites communities across the globe to celebrate people who have battled cancer, remember loved ones lost, and take action to finish the fight once and for all. Today, with the support of thousands of volunteers like you, the American Cancer Society is helping save more than 400 lives a day. And we won’t stop until we finish the fight against cancer! Please help us Fight the Fight. Beginning February 7th thru April 26th we will be in the Fellowship Hall during coffee hour. Stop by and give your support by sponsoring our team in one or more of these ways: Join the team and help raise money Sponsor a walker Purchase one of our items for sale: Dishrags, doll clothes, hats, scarf’s etc. Tee Shirts (with special logo) sizes Small to XXL at $12 - $15 each *Luminaries – Relay for Life, to go on the track May 1st at Brunswick High School or to line the church walk during the Easter Cantata – $10 Each *Luminaries (bags containing votive candles) are transformed and illuminated after dark at every local Relay for Life event. Each luminary is personalized with a name, photo, message or drawing in memory or honor of a friend or loved one who has been affected by cancer. Luminaries can also be dedicated in support of a Relay participant. Each luminary candle represents a person. They are our mothers, fathers, sisters, brothers, aunts, uncles, nieces, nephews, friends, coworkers, and so many others. March 8th (set clocks 1 hour ahead) 5 IF NOT US, WHO? SERRV Seaside has been blessed once again with an opportunity to reach out to the world with a helping hand. By making small purchases of beautiful handmade articles, we are able to aid and support artisans and farmers around the world. SERRV is a nonprofit organization with a mission to eradicate poverty wherever it resides. What began as a small organization post World War II to aid refugees, SERRV now prioritizes improved quality of life for people worldwide. The stories of the artisans are endless, and Sophia’s is quite typical. Sophia works with one of SERRV’s partners in India, Tara Projects. After starting as a packer in the warehouse, she wanted to move up and so trained as an artisan. She now has joined a jewelry making team and one day wants to design. Her father, who had been a rag picker passed away and now, because of her work, she is able to support her blind mother and can pay for her two nieces to attend school. Every basket, every scarf, every necklace we purchase has a face behind it—an artisan who works in a safe environment who can send her or his children to school, and can save for the future with the reliable income he or she earns through fair trade. Look for our tables filled with the beautiful and colorful items of the world ready for your own enjoyment or as a gift for one you love. We will be located in the Fellowship Hall between services on March 15th and March 22th. Blessings abound for all! SUMC Art Show Attention all artists –our Annual Art Show is in the planning stages with a tentative date of April 22nd. The children will be showing off their art and any artists in the church may enter their art. More details will follow. For questions: Contact Geri Piazza at Lenten Lunch Schedule March 3rd PRAYING ON THE MOUNTAINTOP Scripture: Mark 9:2-10. Location: Seaside United Methodist Church Speaker: Joe Neeham March 11th PRAYING WHEN THIRSTY Scripture: John 4:5-42 Location: Camp United Methodist, Shallotte Speaker: Dave Davis March 18th PRAYING FOR SIGHT Scripture: John 9:1-41. Location: St. Luke Lutheran Church Speaker: Stefanie Riley March 25 PRAYING TO BE AWAKENED TO GOD Scripture: John 11:1-45. Location: Calvary Baptist Church Speaker: John Causey District News Lay Servant Ministries Lay Servant Ministries is the United Methodist Church’s primary leadership development program for laity. The program trains and equips church members to serve God through serving others in their local church and local community. The courses are open to all who wish to attend (including clergy). There are no prerequisites for any of the courses. A course of study (includes 6 specific courses) is available for those who wish to pursue certification as a Lay Speaker. Dates for three of the classes that will take place in our district this year are shown below. Feb 28—Lay Servant Basic Course Mar 21—Preaching (Advanced Course) May 2—Evangelism (Advanced Course) Fall 2015—An additional advanced course on United Methodist History & Heritage will be offered. That date will be determined later in the year. For more info please go to: http:// Vacation Bible School Have You HERD the Good News? The sixth cycle of GriefShare began on Friday, February 13th with thirteen participants attending. Some have lost a spouse, some an adult child and others have lost their parents. Some members’ bereavement is very new, just a few months ago, and for others, it’s been a year or more. Anyone who has experienced the loss of a loved one is welcome to begin attending GriefShare at any time during the thirteen-week cycle. There is no right or wrong time to begin. Each session is “self-contained,” so it is not necessary to attend in sequence. For more information on GriefShare, check the church website or call Milly Houger 910-579-2603 or Jim McNeill 910 579-2405. 6 Mark your calendars for this year's Vacation Bible School, June 15-19! The theme this year is "Have You Herd?," a week that will be full of learning how to hear and respond to the voice of our Good Shepherd. Through Bible stories, crafts, worship, missions, games and snacks our kids will learn about how Jesus is our caring Shepherd who calls us to follow him. We will need plenty of loving hearts and helping hands so that our VBS can make a great impact in our community. Be in prayer for how God may be calling you to serve this year, with more details soon to come! Garden of the Disciples Take a moment following Sunday’s church service and go down to the Fellowship Hall for coffee and conversation. Stroll over to the windows at the back of the Fellowship Hall. As you look out you can see that the brickwork in the Garden of the Disciples has been laid in the shape of a cross. When the Garden of Disciples was established, it was for the purpose of providing a final resting place for members near their church home, to add beauty to the church grounds, to provide a place to reflect upon the life and love of the departed, and to be good stewards of the earth. Behind the top of the cross is a columbarium (a place for the respectful and public storage of cinerary urns) with 108 wall niches. Scattered throughout the grounds are 82 in-ground sites. Each site will accommodate the cremains of one or two persons. Paths meander through the Garden with benches scattered throughout. It is the perfect place to meditate or reflect. It is quiet and butterflies and birds abound. It truly is a beautiful place where is God is present. Who is eligible for interment of their cremains in the Garden? Members of Seaside United Methodist Church, spouses of members, children or stepchildren of members, parents of stepparents of members and employees of the church are all eligible. If you fit into any of these categories you may reserve a site by completing an application and paying the current fee approved by the Trustees. You can obtain an application form to reserve a site in the Garden at the church office. This is an important decision that should be considered carefully. Thinking ahead can help you make informed and thoughtful decisions and it allows you to spare your survivors the stress of making these decisions under the pressure of time and strong emotions. If you are interested please call Gerry Strickland at 910.209.1089 to set aside some time to talk and explore the possibilities. Visit the church website at http:// for more information. Romans 6:4,5 :Therefore we are buried with him by baptism into death: that like as Christ was raised up from the dead by the glory of the Father, even so we also should walk in newness of life. For if we have been planted together in the likeness of his death, we shall be also in the likeness of his resurrection. 7 Spring Disciple Garden Volunteers It is time to get a head start on preparing the Garden of Disciples for spring growth. If you are interested in being a part of the clean up—weeding, small pruning of dead growth, taking away small debris that has gathered over the winter, please contact Gerry Strickland at 910.209.1089 and he will get you on the calendar. There is no special date or time needed. It is all according to your schedule. All hands are needed. Spring is just around the corner! SUMC Youth News On behalf of the Seaside Youth Fellowship we would like to thank our church family for all of your support in attending the Shrove Tuesday Pancake Breakfast. The weather outside was chilly and damp, but inside Fellowship Hall the feeling was one of warmth and coziness as we shared a meal in community with one another! All together we raised $728. with half of those proceeds going to the David Hooks family as he continues his recovery from Gillian Barre Syndrome. We are still looking for folks who would be interested in helping out our Youth Fellowship by serving as a Sunday night helper, day trip chaperone, bus driver, or weekly/ weekend retreat leaders. All commitment levels are welcome, and even if you are only able to help a few times a year that is still greatly needed and much appreciated. We have a great time together and you will be amazed at how much these students will make you laugh with their carefree ways and their youthful insight. For more information, contact Stefanie at Not Your Mama’s Bake Sale Sunday March 8th Following all Services Bring donations March 7th between 9 & 11 The much anticipated "Not Your Mama's Bake Sale" returns to Seaside Sunday, March 8th after all services. For those new to Seaside, unlike bake sales that feature only cakes and pastries, "Not Your Mama's" offerings include Pastor Scott's famous meatloaf, varieties of homemade soups, chili's and stews, chicken dishes, and you may just find a stray pastry! More information will be available in the next few weeks. Start thinking about that special family recipe you'd like to cook and share or how many meals you want to purchase on March 8th. Signup sheet is located in the Gallery. Proceeds will benefit the Food Pantry and Music Ministry. United Methodist Men’s News Meeting February 2nd Report The United Methodists Men approved their 2015 Outreach Budget at the February 2nd monthly meeting. $15,350 in charitable contributions has been committed to 13 agencies with $3,800 held as undesignated and available for needs that arise during the year. The $19,150 total is $5,150 over the 2014 budget. The increase in funds is the result of last year’s best ever golf tournament and our outstanding Christmas tree sales. Our best ever 2014 golf tournament is being challenged by the 2015 tournament committee. Our first meeting was on February 4th and the objectives are “simply” to max out with 36 foursomes, increase sponsorship, and improve our efficiency. Speaking at the February UMM meeting was Fred Stephens, Executive Director of Brunswick Family Assistance. Fred gave us a welldelivered look inside BFA and quantified the needs that are being addressed in Brunswick County. Our March speaker is Bill DeGroot. Bill spent 18 years of his career as a hostage negotiator and taught negotiation classes at the FBI Academy and at other regional academies. His work on a violent crimes task force coupled with a strong background in crisis management gives him some interesting insights into human behavior. 2015 Seaside United Methodist Annual Golf Tournament Hosted by Seaside's United Methodist Men Saturday, May 2, 2015 Panther's Run Golf Links Shotgun Start 8:30 AM Registration Begins 7:00 AM $75.00 Entry Fee Entry fee includes golf, carts, range balls prior to play (register early to allow time on the driving range), lunch at Tamer's Restaurant immediately following the event, prizes, games, door prizes, great Silent Auction opportunities, fun and fellowship. Registration forms are available in the Gallery, or you can register on line at Click on the Golf Banner at the top of the page. You can register your foursome on line and pay with a credit card. 8 Sponsor/door prize forms are also available in the Gallery. Local sponsors are needed to help meet the challenge to make 2015 a success. All proceeds go to benefit the charitable organizations listed on the registration form. United Methodist Women’s News UMW Attended Training Session On January 31, the following UMW members attended the Southwest Harbor District Officer's Training Session, at Whiteville United Methodist Church: Sandra Shuford (President), JoCarol Allen (Vice President), Marilyn Schenck (Treasurer), Naomi Harder (Secretary), June Donley (M&M), Barb Bernauer and Sandy Kertcher (FIGS). The leaders enjoyed the small group discussions regarding many examples of the purpose and mission of United Methodist Women. Information from these sessions will be shared with the Seaside’s UMW at our next meeting. Representatives from the Bladen and Columbus Counties Domestic Violence Center shared a very informative and meaningful program. UMW are called to observe and address social issues which affect women, youth, and children, then use that information to direct our prayers and actions. World Day of Prayer Shallotte, Presbyterian Church March 6th at 11 a.m. Women, men, and children in more than 170 countries and regions will celebrate World Day of Prayer, Friday, March 6th. This movement of Christian women was founded on the idea that prayer and action are inseparable. Services begin at sunrise in the Pacific and follow the sun across the globe on the day of celebration. This year the World Day of Prayer Committee of the Bahamas, a country of islands bearing images of tropical paradise, yet also bearing chains of oppression, call us to consider Jesus' words to the disciples after washing their feet: "Do you understand what I have done for you?" Please join this local ecumenical celebration of informed prayer and prayerful action at Shallotte Presbyterian Church, 5070 Main Street, Shallotte. PRAYER SHAWL MINISTRY The next meeting will be on Monday, March 9th at 10:00 a.m. in the Parlor. All women who knit or crochet are invited to attend. Yarn and patterns will be available. Carol Matthews - 575-4267 Bernita Magee - 575-5958 UMW Unit Meeting March 16th United Methodist Women will hold their next unit meeting on Monday, March 16th, in the Fellowship Hall. It will be a dinner meeting beginning at 5 p.m. The M&M Circle will host the meeting and you do not have to bring a dish – just come and enjoy soup, salad, & dessert. At 6 p.m. our guest speaker will be the Reverend Donna Phelps, co-director of Brunswick County Streetreach (BCSR), an interfaith homeless outreach and sheltering program. There are many circumstances that can cause people in our area to sometimes require temporary shelter, food, clothing or other types of help. BCSR is partnering with local churches, organizations and businesses to provide a home between homes and to be that hand-up during a time of crises. We will be collecting Blessing Bags to pass on to BCSR. These are gallon Ziploc bags containing the following items: toothbrush/ toothpaste; hotel size toiletries (shampoo, lotion, soap); chap stick; band-aids; socks; crackers; trail mix; granola bars; small tissues; gum; plastic ponchos. For further information about these Blessing Bags please contact your circle leader or Sandy Kertcher at 287-5896. In lieu of bringing a Blessing Bag, you will also have an opportunity to make a cash donation towards BCSR. All women of the church are invited! Bring your neighbor, too! So that we might prepare adequately for dinner, there is a signup sheet in the gallery for all who plan to attend. For more information, please contact June Donley at 575-5467, or Marilyn Schenck at 579-0332. 9 Adult Study Classes Sharing God's Word Len Bernauer. Facilitator 1st & 3rd Tuesdays, 6:30 -8:00 PM, in the Library. This Bible study group is open to anyone and sign up is not required. Confronting the Controversies Kim and Carolyn Loucks, Facilitators Begins Wednesday, April 8, 6:30 PM-8:00 PM (7 weeks), Room 210. Introduction to the Labyrinth, a Spiritual Practice and Meditation Tool Sue Amyx, Facilitator ONLY on Wednesday, April 1, 6:30 PM-8:30 PM in room 210. Walking the labyrinth is a meditation opportunity that helps you focus on spiritual, healing and life issues. A prayer labyrinth allows you to slow down, be grateful and pray. The labyrinth will be open to walk at your convenience, Tuesday, March 31 through Friday, April 3, Holy Week. 11:00 Adult Sunday School Class Lenten Study begins on March 1st. 24 Hours That Changed the World is the topic for the 11AM Sunday school class. On this journey through Lent, you are guided through the last twenty-four hours of Jesus’ life. Each session is designed to help the class experience and understand the significance of Jesus' suffering and death in a new way. Whether you are a long-time Christian, or a new seeker, there will be something for you. The format is DVD presentation and class discussion. Ralph Eckley will be facilitating this study. The class meets in room 210 and is open to anyone interested in this discussion. Nurture Committee Nurture at Seaside The United Methodist Church defines "Nurture" as follows: "The community provides the potential for nurturing human beings into the fullness of their humanity. We believe we have a responsibility to innovate, sponsor, and evaluate new forms of community that will encourage development of the fullest potential in individuals." Here at Seaside, the Nurture Committee serves the community through minstries such as Divorce Care, Stephen Ministry, Good Timers, Seaside Singles, Children's special programs, etc. Thank you to those that serve on the Nurture Committee - it is a vital part of our Seaside and local community. In the quote above, Nurture is described as having the responsibility to "innovate...and evaluate new forms of community." As members of Seaside, we are asked to do the same...we are a creative congregation...give some thought to how we can grow in community, get to know each other more through activities such as field trips on the bus, or new and creative ways. Donna Groenke chairs the Nurture Committee for 2015 and asks for your support. Contact Donna for more information, with creative ideas, or if your Spiritual Gifts are in hospitality and you'd like to be a part of Nurture Seaside UMC Annual Art Show April 22 - April 26th As we keep looking for spring, we are also planning for our Annual Seaside Art Show. This is always wonderful as we realize how much talent we have here. As always, we will feature the work of our preschool children, but all Seaside members are invited to show their work. This show is not just painting, but any form of art—fabric arts, pottery, photography, jewelry, needlework, etc. If you are interested in showing your work, simply bring your art to the Fellowship Hall no later than the morning of April 22nd (set-up date). It should be picked up on Sunday, April 26th after church services. If you have questions, contact Geri Piazza at or call 575-0200. 10 Goodtimers Keep your eyes open, the Goodtimers are planning a trip to the Billy Graham Library in Charlotte and traveling by bus. The plan is for late April or May. If you have an interest in this trip, please contact Ann Wiltbank at Many who have visited say it is very worthwhile and interesting. Christian Formation (CFC) "...I do not consider that I have made it my own; but this one thing I do: forgetting what lies behind and straining forward to what lies ahead, I press on toward the goal for the prize of the heavenly call of God in Christ Jesus." Philippians 3:13 - 14 (NRSV) Christian formation is the process of being conformed to the image of Christ by the gracious working of God's spirit, for the transformation of the world. In short, it is our journey toward becoming more Christlike. Seaside's Christian Formation Committee is comprised of the following ministries: Sunday School - both children and adult Adult Education - all adult classes offered at Seaside Library Nursery Vacation Bible School (VBS) Youth Coordinator Three at-large members serving where needed CFC offers many opportunities to answer the call to develop our own spiritual growth and also to assist others in their growth through VBS and our Youth Ministries. Sara Moore chairs the committee for 2015 and welcomes the opportunity to serve with you in Christian Formation. Country Fair 2015 September 18th & 19th The Country Fair Steering Committee is already at work planning, organizing and recruiting volunteers for this year's edition of our annual country fair. There are many ways that every member of our congregation can be involved! For all of you that are new to Seaside, there are opportunities to help with a live auction, silent auction, bake sale, books, clothing, crafts, food & drinks, garden center, jewelry, yard sale and more. Please watch for announcements to see what you would like to do. Plan to experience the fellowship of the corps of volunteers that make the Country Fair so incredibly successful year after year! Pick up for large items for the live auction/yard sale will begin on March 3rd. Wayne Matthews will once again head up this effort. You can schedule a pick up by contacting the church office. Most pick-ups will be on Tuesdays. Beginning in March, you will be able to drop off items to the shed on Monday thru Friday, from 9am-5pm, and on Sunday, 7am-1pm. This year you should be aware that the country fair will NOT ACCEPT the following items: NO computer monitors or printers and NO non-flat-screen TVs. Almost everything else is welcome if it is in sellable condition. Start your spring cleaning soon...your unwanted items could become someone's prized possessions! The Garden Center chair persons have asked for any interested volunteers who would like to work with plants, to please contact them—Sue Bowling at or Donna Russell at Spring is coming and things will start to grow! The Yard Sale will need many volunteers to help them shortly as they begin sorting donated items. You can contact Mark Christy to offer your help. NEEDED: If you are a golfer and know the value of the equipment, please contact Mark to offer your expertise in pricing the donations! Country Fair needs You! 11 Church Directory How do I Download? Seaside's new Directory can now be downloaded to your home computer and printed in your home. How do I Update? We hope you are enjoying the new Seaside Church Directory, either the printed version or, as many of you are, the online phone version. If you find that your information is incorrect or needs updated, you can do either of the following: Contact the church office (579-5753) and provide the correct information. Make sure to specify that you would like the picture directory updated. Complete one of the update forms that you will find in the Gallery or at the Receptionist Desk in the Fellowship Hall Lobby. Copies of the directory are being printed as requested to insure that the copy you receive has the most updated information available. If you would like a printed copy, call the church offce at 579-5753 to request one. It will be printed for you so that you can pick it up at your convenience. If you don't want to make a special trip, we'll make sure you can pick it up on Sunday morning. Cost of printed directories is $5.00. Seaside United Methodist Church Maundy Thursday– April 2—7:00 PM Good Friday - April 3rd Traditional Service—Noon Tennebrae Service—7:00 PM Easter Sunday—April 5th Sunrise Service—6:45 AM—Pavilion at Sunset Beach Traditional Service—8:00 AM Blended Worship—9:30 AM Community Easter Egg Hunt—Following 9:30 Service Traditional Service—11:00 AM the ROSE OF CALVARY Presented by Seaside United Methodist Church Choir & Orchestra Sunday, March 29th 4:00 PM and 7:00 PM Tickets are available in the church office. 12 2015 S.T.A.R.S. Summer Literacy and Enrichment Program June 29th-August 7th Monday—Friday 8:30 AM—4:00 PM S.T.A.R.S. Committee Members will be on hand to share opportunities for you to serve in this years summer program. We learned so much from our 2014 S.T.A.R.S. and from your feedback at the end of last year’s program. Stop by and see what’s new for this summer and how you can be a part of this Seaside ministry. The Duke Endowment has approved the S.T.A.R.S. grant application for 2015, community organizations will once again provide enrichment opportunities for our students, and Jessie Mae Monroe is an active partner in planning the 2015 program. Stop by for coffee and a special treat at the Volunteer Fair. You are the “S” in S.T.A.R.S. (Seaside Teaching and Reaching Students) Volunteer Fair Sunday, March 22nd Fellowship Hall After All Three Services 2015 VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL “Have U Herd?” June 15th-June 19th 9:00 AM-Noon You’re invited to play a part in this year’s Vacation Bible School. There are many opportunities to serve, no matter what your gifts and passions for ministry may be. Looking for “Shepherds” to help with games, crafts, worship, bible and mission stories. All you need is a willing heart and a warm smile. All are invited to visit the VBS display at the Volunteer Fair. Don’t be “baaashful”! 13 March Birthdays and Anniversaries March 1 Birthdays: Marjorie Hedman Rumel Bradt Sid Silvers Memory Drew Daniel Forrest Andrew Dolbow March 2 Birthdays: Richard Ward March 4 Birthdays: Marjorie Duffy Jack Yorkey March 5 Birthdays: Judy Andricak Linda Stigile Anniversaries: Buddy & Martha Boyd March 6 Birthdays: Wayne Smith Arthur Hahl March 7 Birthdays: Joan Powell Laura Kincaid Don Collier March 8 Birthdays: Carol Fancher Tom Major Katlyn Bowman March 9 Birthdays: Marguerite Marsh Jeanie Godfrey Johnsie Floyd Grayson Thomas March 10 Birthdays: Josh Baker Allen Walters Linda Bohman Anniversaries: Lin & Fran Watson Roger & Linda McPherson 14 March 11 Birthdays: Bill Poe Judy Martin Steven Dolbow Pieter Oschmann March 12 Birthdays: Ella Mae Brooks Abigail Blackwell Donald James Kelly Brennan Wright Anniversaries: Jim & Melody McNeill March 13 Birthdays: Vincent Krasniewicz Lois Russell Celeste Ford Brandon Madison Allie Madison Cheryl Mahoney Ken Wensel March 14 Birthdays: Jeff Smith Jo Ann Scott Jim Hilgenberg Karen Gaddy Debra Brown Anniversaries: Chris & Barbara Johnson Ernie & Carol King March 15 Birthdays: Ron Klein Len Bernauer Anniversaries: Bob & Debbie Kogler March 16 Birthdays: Kathy Booher Anniversaries: Jim & Pat Linnell March 17 Birthdays: Dick Tatum Lee Booher Drew Frink March 18 Birthdays: J David Colson Anniversaries: Lonnie & Jean Howard March 19 Birthdays: Joey Ochs Jane Grimm March 20 Birthdays: Carolyn Silvers Ron Cybyske Adele Stephens Tom Deacon Jay Middleton Jennifer Ochs Ashley Norfleet Mike Marti March 22 Birthdays: Edward Leis Reid Kerr March 23 Birthdays: Norma Mohn Beverly Britt London Cooke March 24 Birthdays: Melody McNeill Brenda Hess Michael Brinsfield Randy Mose Christopher York Anniversaries: O’Dell & Lorraine Norman Brian & Karen Robbins Ross & Lexy Bardolf March 25 Birthdays: Mildred Harris Kelly Clemmons River Granton Anthony Napolitano Larry Tedesco March 26 Birthdays: Julie Steelman Bobby Rains Mary Benes Emily Lewis March 27 Birthdays: Jack Burke Myrt Crowe March 28 Birthdays: Claire Winship Joan Brinsfield Jim Allen Jim Frank Henderson Trey Carroll March 29 Birthdays: Tina Lepsig Debbie Kogler Sarah Sitton Anniversaries: Tom & Nancy Ward March 30 Birthdays: Marian Tippett Blanca Alverez Dennis Earp, Jr Victoria James Savanna Grace Atha March 31 Birthdays: Fran Scheff Janet Dancy Alan Thompson Brenda White Crystal Matthis March 2014 Sun Mon 1 Worship Serv 8, 9:30, 11 9:30 SS Classes 2 10 Yoga 11 SBL Gp 12 Al Anon 1:15 Disc. I 3:30 Straighten up 6 Financial Peace 6:30 Boy Scouts & UMM 3 4 9 & 5 GED 10 Fd Pantry & Staff Mtg. & Crafts 1:30 Worship Mtg 5 Comm. Mtg 6 Stephen Ministers 6:30 Divorce Care & Sharing God’s Word 8:30 Steering Com 9 Disciple II 10 Christ. Art & Gparent Sup. & God of Possible 12 Lenten Lunch 1 UMW Mission Tm 3 Tutoring 4:30 Joyful Noise 5:30 Jubilee Bells 6:30 Deuteronomy & Praise Team 9 10 9 & 5 GED 10 Fd Pantry, Crafts & Staff Mtg. 1:30 Worship Mtg 4 Witness 5 Classical Ens. 6:30 Divorce Care 16 17 10 Yoga 11aSBL Gp 12 Al Anon 1 Shell Seekers Bk 1:15 Disciple I 3:30 Straighten up 4:30 Girl Scouts 6:30 Boy Scouts 7 Finance 9 & 5 GED 10 Fd Pantry & Staff Mtg, Crafts 1:30 Worship Plan 6:30 Divorce Care & Sharing God’s Word 23 24 9 & 5 GED 10 Fd Pantry & Staff Mtg, & crafts 1:30p Worship Plan. 3 H&W Event 6 Classical Ens 6:30p Divorce Care . 5 Instrumental Ens. 5:30 UMYF Tue Wed 5 Instrumental Ens. 5:30 UMYF 10 Yoga & Prayer Shawl 11 SBL Gp 12 Al Anon 1:15 Disc. I 3:30 Straighten up 4:30 Girls Scouts 6 Financial Peace 6:30 Boy Scouts 7 Outreach & Trustees 7 AA 15 Worship Serv 8, 9:30, 11 9:30 SS Classes 5 Instrumental Ens. 5:30 UMYF 7 AA 22 Worship Serv 8, 9:30 & 11 9:30 SS Classes 5 Instrumental Ens 5:30 UMYF 10 Yoga 11 SBL Gp 12 Al Anon 1:15 Disciple I 3:30p Straighten up 4:30 Girl Scouts 6:30 Boy Scouts 7 Church Council 7 AA 29 Worship Serv 8, 9:30 & 11 9:30 SS Classes Easter Cantata 4 & 7 pm 15 30 10 Yoga 11 SBL Gp 12 Al Anon 1:15 Disciple I 3:30p Straighten up 6:30 Boy Scouts 31 9 & 5 GED 10 Fd Pantry & Staff Mtg, & Crafts 1:30p Worship Plan. 6:30p Divorce Care . Fri Sat 5 9 & 5 GED 10 Staff Mtg 2 Info Mtg for Comm. 4 SPRC 5:30 Al Anon 6 Sanctuary Choirs 6:30 CA 8 Seasode Emmaus Women’s Walk 13 6 10 Yoga 1:30 Grief/ Share 7 11 9 Disciple II 10 Christ. Art & G-parent Sup. & G-parents Supp. 12 Lenten Lunch 3 Tutoring 4:30 Joyful Noise 5:30 Jubilee Bells 6:30 Praise Team 12 9 & 5 GED 10 Staff Mtg 1:30 Stroke Survivors 4 Perm End. 5:30 Al Anon 6 Sanctuary Choirs 6:30 CA 13 10 Yoga 1:30 Grief/ Share 14 18 9 Disciple II & Yoga 10 Christ. Art & G-parent Supp 12 Lenten Lunch 3 Tutoring 4 Exec Comm. 4:30 Joyful Noise 5:30 Jubilee Bells 6:30 Praise Team 19 9 & 5 GED 10 Staff Mtg & Timeless Treas. 4 Worship 5:30 Al Anon 6 Sanctuary Choir 6:30 CA 20 10 Yoga 1:30 Grief/ Share 21 25 26 9 & 5 GED 10 Staff Mtg 5:30 Al Anon 6 Sanctuary Choirs 6:30 CA 27 10 Yoga 1:30 Grief/ Share 28 9 Disciple II & Yoga 10 Christ. Art & G-parent Support 12 Lenten Lunch 1 Stephen Leaders 3 Tutoring, H&W Event 4:30 Joyful Noise 5:30 Jubilee Bells 6:30 Praise Team 7 AA 8 Worship Serv 8, 9:30, 11 9:30 SS Classes Thu 9 Prayer Warriors & SERRV Set Up 16 ADDRESS SERVICE REQUESTED Non-Profit Org. Revs. Scott & Mary Jane Wilson-Parsons, Pastors Web: (910) 579 5753 Fax: (910)575-6535 Sunset Beach, NC 28468 1300 Seaside Road, SW Permit No. 102 Shallotte, NC PAID U.S. Postage Paid Seaside United Methodist Church Seaside United Methodist Church 1300 Seaside Road Sunset Beach, North Carolina 28468 910-579-5753 Church Staff Co-pastors: ............................................................................... Mary Jane Wilson-Parsons (Ext 222) Scott Wilson-Parsons (Ext 221) Minister of Music/Director of Music Ministries:: ..................................... Kathryn Parker (Ext 226) Director of Formation & Program: ...............................................................Stefanie Riley (Ext 231) Office Manager: ............................................................................................. Darcie Kleino (Ext 223) Director of Communications: ................................................................... Mary Ellen Good (Ext 224) Assistant Director of Music Ministries: ........................................................................... Lynn Enzor Nursery Coordinator: ........................................................................................................ Sandie Bell Custodians: ........................................................................................................................ Don Dustin
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