IVE(Kwai Chung) – PTE Staff Webmail Activation

IVE(Kwai Chung) – PTE Staff Webmail Activation
How to activate your email account?
1. Access the VTC webmail page: http://webmail.vtc.edu.hk
Click Email Utilities
2. Enter the VTC email activation page
Click Staff Account Activation
3. Access CNA Activation page, scroll to the end of the page and press “Accept”
Click Accept
4. Input the necessary data to activate the email account
Username : abc
(if your email is abc@vtc.edu.hk)
Password : It is a password to verify that
you are the applicant of the account. The
password should be your HKID no.
for example:
if your HKID no. is : A123456 ( 7 )
your password is : “A123456 ( 7 ) ”
please input all the characters within “”
New Password : To reset a new password
for your account
Confirm New Password : To confirm your
newly reset password
Password Reset Key 1 & 2:
A note if you forget your password