Document 203196

The Hotel
Geistliches Zentrum Schwanberg e.V.
Schwanberg 3
97438 Rödelsee
Telefon: 0 93 23 / 32-0
Fax: 0 93 23 / 32-2 09
1. International AlAl-Anon Round up in Germany
with AA Participation, held in German and English
How to get there:
by Public Transportation
The closest Trainstation is Iphofen. That is on the line Würzburg – Nürnberg.
For more information please check:
If you get in contact with the hotel it is possible to order a cap to special prices.
It is big enough for 8 persons and costs 12€ per ride.
By Car:
If you come by car leave the Autobahn A3 by the exit Wiesentheid. You travel
over Rüdenhausen and Wiesenbronn and you get to the exit zum Schwanberg.
You also can come over the Autobahn A7. Take the Rottendorf exi then you
follow the B8 towards Kitzingen, Nürnberg. At the end of Kitzingen you leave
the traffic circle at he second exit toward Rödelsee. By Rödelsee straight through
the traffic circle and then you find the exit to Schwanberg.
21st to 23rd of August 2009
Schwanberg 3,
97348 Rödelsee Germany
Schedule of Events
Hotel Prices must be payed in advance
Special Package Price
in single-room 115€
in single-room with shower : 130€
in Double room: 110€
in Double room with shower: 120€
Kids till 2 Years 16€
Kids from 2 to 6 Years 50%
Kids from 7 to 12 Years 75%
The prices include Friday dinner. Saturday breakfast a snack, lunch, coffee and
cake and supper. On Sunday breakfast and dinner
After booking if you are unable to attend or find a substitute there is a deficiency
compensation to take place.
till 11th of August: 50% of regular Price
till 21st of August: 75% of regular Price
No registration fee instead: 7th Tradition
for visitors 12.50 € each dinner Friday and Saturday
for visitors 7 € supper.
For Day Visitors please order your Meal ahead of time.
How to book/register:
The deadline is 15.06. 2009.
Please Contact Brigitte. The registration is completed with the receipt of the
money. For later booking contact the Hotel directly.
Register : Brigitte 0 93 53-98 12 73
Chair: Monique 09 31 - 41 21 54
Brigitte Stapf
Monique Graham
Kontonummer 190495077
Sedanstraße 8
79 05 00 00 Sparkasse Mainfranken
97082 Würzburg
15:00 registration, 17:00 welcome meeting, dinner, spiritual meetings
time to hang out with background music. There is the chance to sing
Gospel together.
Saturday From 9:30 till 21:00 meetings with little breaks.
From 16:00 there is the opportunity to be part of a guided meditation
meetings, 11:30 closing meeting, lunch, 14:00 business and wash up
meeting open for everyone who is interested
During the whole weekend we will have meetings scheduled in:
Al-Anon in German,
Al-Anon in English,
AA in bilinguale.
There is the opportunity for spontaneous meetings z.B Al-Ateen,
Womenmeeting, Menmeeting and so on.
Friday evening:
After the spiritual meetings there is one room with background music to enjoy
fellowship. In another room we will sing Gospels togther.
Saturday evening:
There is the opportunity like on Friday to enjoy fellowship. Additional there is the
chance to take Participation in a guided prayer and meditation. If you are interested
please notify Monique.
The booking for the Round up must be completed by 15.06.2009.
Later Registrations can only be made through the Hotel on space
available base.
If you are willing to be a helper, please let us know. We would like to offer
baby sitting on Saturday – volunteers needed!