Tribune January 2014 A Monthly Publication of Trinity Lutheran Church, Merrill, Wisconsin How to Start Anything New... Including a New Year What could a new year bring to your front door? What joys and challenges await you in 2014? Will this be a pivotal year with exciting new vistas to explore? Or will this 15th year of the new millennium require you to grind out another year in sameness and obscurity? Will you meet a new lifelong friend or lose one? Will your investments succeed beyond your wildest dreams or will your meager fortune be ravished by hard economic times? Will you discover a hidden strength that propels you into a new direction, or will you experience lessons of failure that will temper your heart? The answers to these and many more questions remain a mystery still to be unraveled in the scroll of God’s plan for your life. Jesus had some great advice for people like us who tend to worry about the future: “Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink; or about your body, what you will wear. Is not life more important than food, and the body more important than clothes? Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they? Who of you by worrying can add a single hour to his life?” Matthew 6:25-27 The worry-free life Jesus spoke of doesn’t remove our responsibility to work hard, be diligent, value ingenuity and remain patient. Neither does Jesus’ promise have any small print that says, “Void during a crisis.” But what Jesus does tell us is that we are “more important’ – “more important” - and “more valuable” to God than anything that could possibly worry us. I pray that this may bring peace to your heart as your think about your life in the future tense! Don’t let the silent thief of worry claim 2014! Take back your future by placing your faith in the God who has secured your future. It is this God who considers you more valuable and more important than anything you could ever imagine or worry about! 1 Trinity School, Preschool, Daycare Trinity Preschool Registration Trinity After School Care Night: Tuesday, January 21, Program Receives Grant: See 6:00pm, Trinity School Cafeteria Letter Below... Do you have child who will be three or four years old by September 1? Trinity Preschool is in our thirteenth year of operation, and continues to provide a quality preschool and 4K experience for our littlest learners. For the 2014-15 school year, we will offer a combination traditional preschool/prekindergarten in the morning. You will have a choice of how many days each week you would like your child to attend, 2, 3, or 5. We will also offer two sessions of the MAPS 4K program for those who will be 4 by September 1. This is a two and a half hour per day program, plus a half hour of optional Jesus Time. 4K runs five days per week. Traditional Preschool and Pre-Kindergarten: 8:00 – 10:30am, for 3, 4, 5 year olds Choose the program that will work best for you. We will accept changes during the year if space and staffing permits. • Option A: 2 days per week, Tuesday and Thursday ($90/month) • Option B: 3 days per week, Monday, Wednesday, Friday ($110/ month) • Option C: 5 days per week, Monday through Friday ($125/month) MAPS 4K Kindergarten) • 4/5 year olds (must be 4 years old by September 1, 2014 to enroll) • Mon., Tuesday, Wed., Thurs., Fri. • AM Program: 8:00 – 10:30am • PM Program: 12:00 pm to 2:30 pm Optional 4K Jesus Time for MAPS 4K Students • Mon., Tuesday, Wed., Thurs., Fri. • 10:30 – 11:00 a.m. withAM 4K; or 2:30 pm to 3:00 pm with PM 4K To enroll your children, you will need to bring the completed forms and first month’s tuition, if applicable, to Registration Night on Tuesday, January 21. We will meet in the cafeteria of Trinity School from 6:00 – 6:30. Teachers will be on hand to answer questions and take you for tours of the school (as well as our day care if you are interested.) If you are planning to enroll your child for the 14-15 school year, please call Kathy at 715-536-7501 to have forms mailed to you, or stop by Trinity School to pick them up. Complete all forms and bring them to Trinity School on January 21st. No registration materials will be accepted prior to this date. After the 21st, we will accept enrollment forms until classes are full. All classes are expected to fill up quickly, so please take advantage of this registration offered to you as a Trinity member or currently enrolled family. 2 “The Walmart Foundation and Facility # 1366 are pleased to inform you that your organization has been selected to receive a grant through the Local Facility Giving Program in the amount of $1,000.00. We believe that your organization is doing important work to the communities you serve, and we are proud that we are able to support you in your efforts. Your grant payment will be awarded to you by check, and it will be sent to the address listed in your grant application. Your grant check will be issued within the next few weeks and mailed to your organization as quickly as possible. Thank you for the work your organization does to create opportunities so people can live better.” Sincerely, —The Walmart Foundation Congratulations to our First Quarter Honor Roll Students... • 5th Grade – Jake Diagostine, Timmy Handlin, Joshua Hass, Abigail Rasmussen, Bethany Schultz • 6th Grade – Russell Dettmering, Jacob Leopold, Henry Grefe, Brandon Stolz, Nicholas Holz, Mariah Lemmer, Nickolas Schuelke, Bryce Dresen • 7th Grade - Caleb Gustafson, Megan Schroder, McKenna Meunier , Lily Diagostine, Xandra Bienfang, Anna Melder, Mackenah Krause • 8th Grade - Ian Springborn, Connor Schubring, Coleton Schubring January Chapel Schedule Wednesday, January 8........................ Pastor Gustafson Wednesday, January 15...................... Mrs. Schult & Grade 4 Wednesday, January 22 (12:30pm).... Camp Luther Wednesday, January 29...................... Mrs. Springborn Please join us! You are invited to join us to worship our Savior and Lord and to learn more about Him at 8:20 a.m. on Wednesdays (with the exception of January 22 at 12:30 p.m.). Our offering for the month of January is using our time, talent, and testimony to make door or tray decorations for the residents at Pine Crest or some other assisted living facilities. Please come and join us to thank and praise our Lord for all He has done! What’s Happening Financial Peace University Classes at Trinity... Patriot’s Pen Winners Announced Five students from Trinity School were recently selected among the top 18 Patriot’s Pen winners in the Merrill area. Russ Iwen of the VFW recently presented the following students with their awards: Jacob Leopold, Bryce Dresen, John Ziesmer, Lily Diagostine, and McKenna Meunier. Capital Campaign Committee Meets Trinity’s capital campaign committee has begun meeting to address long term needs of the Trinity Lutheran Church and School. The committee’s first priorities include identifying needs to meet the stated goals of the church such as professional church workers staffing music and youth leadership positions as well as the buildings and properties physical needs. Feel free to share your comments with Nate Burtman, the committee chair, and look for updates on the campaign in the weekly bulletins and monthly church newsletter. Interested in Enhancing Your Retirement Income? LCFS of WI is looking for a few retired or semi-retired people who enjoy interacting with others, who understand the mission of LCFS and who have some spare time that they could dedicate to one of the Lord’s ministries. For details regarding this donor development position, please get in touch with Dr. Meseck at DrMeseck@lcfswi. org or by calling 1-800-291-4513. A husband from one of our 2012 Financial Peace University classes shared this with us a few months ago: "Our financial situation has improved dramatically since FPU last year. I have worked out payment plans with all of my debtors and have made my scheduled payments. I am very close to wiping out one of my larger debts and then those payments can go to knocking something else out. Plus my child support ends this month and that will free up A LOT of money. God has been very extravagant in the last year and we are trying to learn to be better stewards, and FPU really helped us with that. Thank you and God bless all of you!" This husband also told us he went on to being part of bringing FPU classes to his own church in Wausau this past Fall. NOTE: We have a limited number of sponsored Financial Peace University new member class kits available for the upcoming Feb 6 classes, to individuals and/or couples who in good faith are ready to attend the weekly classes and do their related weekly homework but who truly can not afford the upfront cost of class membership. If this describes you, contact us for further confidential discussion. Go to homepage and click on the Financial Peace University class link to get to our Trinity class to view: • • • • • • General course info A short pre-view video A brief description of each weekly lesson How to register for our class -make sure you're on the Trinity class site to get our reduced price New class begins Thursday Feb 6, 2014 Elaine Nass (Main Contact 715-536-9319) √ Check It Out! It’s easy to give thanks for the obvious blessings God gives us, but how often do we praise God for laundry, traffic jams, and laugh lines? We have a new book in our church library, “Give Thanks,” which will help us consider these things as blessings. Check it out! New Bible Class Ladies of the congregation are invited to the Wednesday afternoon Bible Study, which is held every week. On Wednesday, January 8, we will begin a new study on the Book of James. We meet in the church stone room. For any questions, please call Sandy at 715-536-4274. 3 From Pastor Stolarczyk / Misc. Pastoral Leadership Institute For Everything a Season... Wanting his sons to learn not to judge too quickly, a man - December 2013 Update sent each, in turn, on a quest to look at a pear tree far away -by Pastor Brian Stolarczyk With everything that has happened with our family during 2013 I have neglected to write an update on the Pastoral Leadership Institute. It is difficult to express how grateful I am for the members at Trinity and the Natzke Foundation in supporting Sarah and my participation. There were two major events in PLI this year—a conference in April and a Grace Place Retreat in October. The topic of our April conference was Leading and Managing Change in a congregation. Little did we know that conference on “change” would come 10 days before Luke’s diagnosis of leukemia. By God’s grace I was able to complete the 40 page paper and reading of 1,500 pages and even received an A for the doctoral class. But more importantly, Sarah and I were challenged to share our lives with you, the members of Trinity, in a completely new way. Through announcements in church, caringbridge updates, and spending personal time with many of you, we attempted to begin this 3-year journey of change together with you. The Grace Place Retreat in October was a God-sent blessing for Sarah and me. It allowed us to get away from daily life, ministry, and cancer treatments. We had opportunities to rest, reconnect with each other, and receive encouragement from other pastors and their wives. We both came back renewed and better able to serve as a pastor and as parents here at Trinity. The next event will be in January with a wives’ gathering followed by pastors’ congregational visit in February. Then in April we will have our third (of four) major conference in San Antonio, TX. If you have any questions or would like to learn more about PLI, Sarah or I would be more than happy to share with you about the conference. Please note: If you would like to support PLI directly as it ministers to pastors and their wives in the U.S. and abroad please visit or contact Phil Esala at 937.239.9007 (cell) or Although each pastor and spouse invests $1,200 per year (not including books and indirect travel costs) and congregations invest $4,000, the remaining 60% (approx.) of the program support comes through individuals and groups who realize this is one of the only pastor and spouse continuing education program offered in the Lutheran Church Missouri Synod. 4 and report what he saw. The first son went in winter, the second in spring, the third in summer and the fourth in fall. Finally, the father gathered the young men together. “What did you see?” he asked. The first son reported seeing an ugly tree, bent and lifeless. The second disagreed, saying it was budding with fresh new life. The third son reported finding a tree laden with sweetsmelling, beautiful blossoms, while the fourth insisted it drooped with ripe fruit. The father said his sons were all correct, for they’d seen the same tree, though at different seasons of its life. “Don’t judge a tree — or a person — based on just one season of life,” he counseled his children. “Who they are can only be known at the end, when all life’s seasons have been lived. “Furthermore,” he added, “don’t give up on your own life if you experience a hard season, such as winter, or you’ll miss out on the renewal of spring, the joy of summer, the fulfillment of autumn.” Fill a Jar... Need a new tradition to begin the new year? One way to reflect on your blessings as the days and months pass is to fill a Blessing Jar. Simply find a container (ideally with a lid) and place it in a prominent place in your home. Next to it, set slips of paper and writing utensils. Encourage every family member to jot down one thing they’re grateful for every day. If you have a large family, you may need one jar for each person. You can also use different-colored paper slips for each family member. Every week, sit down together and review the many ways that God is present in your lives. Church Mouse / Statistics The Church Mouse... Hello Everyone, Miriam Mouse here ... The January chill is here, but the warmth of Christmas memories remain. I hope all of you had a very blessed Christmas, and that the new year will be filled with God's richest blessings. Soon the last of the Christmas decorations will be taken down and packed away for another year. The Guatemala tree remains, with the paper chilis to be taken by those whose hearts are open to donating items and monies for the Trinity mission trip. Your donations will help others with many needs, especially the need of the Word. Church members will continue to be updated concerning the February trip to Guatemala for our team from Trinity, Merrill and the team from Trinity, Wausau. Though December is past, it will still be somewhat busy around here. However, there will be more quiet moments than during the Christmas season. With the chilly January temperatures in the air, there will be time for many to curl up with a good book on those long winter days. Trinity members will find that the church library affords everyone many opportunities to choose a great book to take home. It will be noted that the church librarian has done a fantastic job in organizing the library to make it easy for one and all to select a book. There are books worth reading for all ages, also some for parents to read to their children on a lazy afternoon or at bedtime. There are even videos for the whole family to watch ~ bring on the popcorn! For those who haven't checked out the library, they will find books a on a variety of topics, including reference books. All one need do is to sign out the book of their choice on the provided listing (for tracking purposes). There are no due dates for the book returns. That means you need not be a "speed reader", just take your time and enjoy your reading. As I write I think I hear some activity down in the library. Someone may be planning for a quiet day of reading. I'm going to close this message to take a peek and check it out. So until next month, I hope you will all stay warm. Perhaps with a great book to warm your heart. God's blessings ... Love, — Mirriam God's Blessings... these (80+) Seniors with Birthdays in Januray Shirley Menebroeker....................................................... January 3 Edward Pophal................................................................January 4 Gene Cotter.....................................................................January 8 Ida Bootz.......................................................................January 12 Gertrude Schulz............................................................January 12 Elaine Rutell..................................................................January 13 Phyllis Rice...................................................................January 14 LeElda Giese.................................................................January 21 LuEllen Benzinger........................................................January 23 Clifford Maluegge.........................................................January 23 Cleone Turner...............................................................January 25 Ceora Sabatke...............................................................January 26 and these Couples with Anniversaries (50+) in January Paul and Doris Arseneau............................. 57 years on Jaunary 5 LeRoy and Carol Schmidt......................... 59 years on January 15 Pastoral Acts... Transferred Out November 27: Joseph and Sandra Manago and children, Christopher and Megan, to Christ Lutheran, Wausau, WI. Funerals November 29: Stanley Smith, (d. 11-14-13) Open Hearts Food Bank Wednesdays & Fridays: 2:00-4:00pm, located in the Choir Room in the Church Basement Items of the Month: Any Non-perishable items. Please Open Your Hearts and Fill Our Carts! Thank you for Caring & Sharing! 5 6 Gifts & Memorials Home / General Fund Gifts were Given... honor of the 25th wedding anniversary of Dan and Gail Schneider, by Mike and Kate Schneider. Memorials were Given... ...for Elaine Gruling, by David Madden, Theresa Graap, Jeremy and Linda Nass and Mary Ann Zastrow. ...for Betty Tesch, by Mary Ann Zastrow. ...for Emma Plautz, by Rick and Karen Leopold, Rod and Donna Thompson, Audrey Jones and Jerry and Mary Schroeder. ...for Ed Simon, by Irma Stine, and other family and friends. ...for Elmer Frick, whose birthday was January 22nd, by Bernadine Frick, Jayne Frick, and Eldon and Julie Kloth. ...for Betty Tesch, by John and Debbie Matuszak, Bruce and Judy Schield, Irma Stine, Dorothy Wanless, Richard and Shirley Kuehn, Jim and Jean Wiseman, the Renkens, Herman and Phyllils Meyer, Herb and Mardell Simon, Al and Cleone Turner, Jamie and Barb Koch, Lloyd Hackbart, David and Bonnie Radtke, Dick and Sue Hass, Jon and Betsy Cluppert, Scott Hass, Dorothy Wanless, Cliff and Ruth Maluegge, Randy and Sharon Welch, Don and Karen Radloff, Oscar and Jean Wangen, Richard and Marion Simon, Harlan and Jeannie Storm, Jack and Sherry Kleinschmidt, Dennis and Sharon Kareow, John and Eileen Hass, Joel and Polly Schneider, Hildegarde Seeger, Clara Kaiser, Ken and Faye Meier, Shirley Menebroeker, and numerous other family and friends. ...a complete turkey dinner was donated by Pam Mohrland. ...three complete turkey dinners were donated by an anonymous family from Trinity School. Miles Zimmerman. Larry and Patricia Schwartz. several anonymous donors. Radio Ministry Gifts were given... Roger and Rebecca Hinner, in thanksgiving for blessings received. Memorials were given... ...for Fred Merkel, who was called to his eternal home on November 26, 2001), by his wife Phyllis and family. ...for Edward Hass, whose birthday was December 7th, by his wife Grace. ...for his wife, Virginia, and in celebration of his birthday, by Elroy Kohnke. ...for Betty Tesch, by Jane Carstensen, Dorothy Bahlow, Grace Hass. ...for Betty Tesch and David Neumann, by Esther Biggs. Debt Fund Memorials were Given... ...for Wayne Klammer and Elsie Jaeger, by Marie Merkel. Decorating Committee Gifts were Given... Irma Stine. Trinity School, Preschool & Daycare Gifts were Given... ...for the After School Care program by WalMart Corporation. honor of the 25th wedding anniversary of Dan and Gail Schneider, by Dan and Grace Frick. LuEllen Natzke, for tuition assistance. Memorials were Given... ...for Elaine Gruling, by Doris Natnzke and Steve and Anita Barlau. ...for Vernon Hodgson, Stan Smith, Martin Natzke, Al Schenk and Elaine Kollath, by Don and Karen Radloff. ...for Betty Tesch, by Lorene Hass, LuEllen Natzke, Marion Fox, Doris Natzke, and Esther Natzke, (all for school music program). Important Reminder: Please remember to always include your envelope number with any memorials or gifts to Trinity, if you wish to receive credit for them on your yearend statement. Open Hearts Gifts were Given... WalMart Corporation, Henry and Joann Hass, Pick ‘N Save Corporation, Immanuel Lutheran Church - Corning, St. Paul’s - Hamburg, and Faith Lutheran Church - Maine. several local churches from a collection taken at their Ecumenical Thanksgiving service. ...20 turkeys were donated for the holidays by Layne and Judy Jensen and Don and Jilayne Radtke. Note: Please make all donation checks out to “Trinity Lutheran Church” only, and write the fund you wish to give to on the Memo line at the bottom of your offering envelope. (We do not have separate accounts at the bank for each fund.) Checks made out to things like “Choir,” “VBS,” “Decorating Committee,” etc. only serve to confuse things at the bank. So please, always just make your check out to “Trinity Lutheran Church”, and put the FUND you are donating to on the memo line at the bottom of your offering envelope. Choir / Music Fund Memorials were Given... ...for Betty Tesch, by Carol Holz, Lance Nienow, Jim and Sandy Mahn, Mike and Jean Ravn, Wilbert Mack and Lynn Zuehlsdorf-Mack, Herb and Mardell Simon, Dan and Grace Frick, 7 January 2014 sunday 29 Monday 30 tuesday Wednesday thursday 2 friday saturday 31 1 3 4 8:00 AM Worship 5:00 PM Bulletin 9:15 AM Coffee Deadline Fellowship 9:15 AM Sunday School & Bible Studies 10:30 AM Worship 6:00 PM Worship 6:30 PM New Year's Eve Worship (IC) Food Pantry 6:30 PM Closed Guatamala New Year's Day Planning Meeting No Worship Service at Trinity Today 2:00 PM Food Bank Open 7:00 PM Worship (IC) 5 6 7 8 10 11 8:00 AM Worship 9:15 AM Coffee Fellowship 9:15 AM Sunday School & Bible Studies 10:30 AM Worship 6:00 PM Worship Epiphany 6:30 PM Board of Trustees 6:30 PM School Board 9:30 AM Park Place Worship 12:30 PM Jenny Tower Bible Study 1:15 PM Jenny Tower Worship 2:30 PM Woodland Ct. Worship 4:00 PM Fellowship Ministries 5:00 PM Bulletin Deadline 5:00 PM Public Relations Team 6:30 PM Board of Evangelism 7:00 PM Board of Elders 2:00 PM Food Bank Open 6:30 PM 8:30 PM Confirmation Classes 2:00 PM Food Bank Open 7:00 PM Worship (IC) 12 13 9 14 15 16 17 18 8:00 AM Worship 6:30 PM (IC) 8:00 PM Adult 9:15 AM Coffee Choir Rehearsal Fellowship 9:15 AM Sunday School & Bible Studies 10:30 AM Worship (IC) 6:00 PM Worship (IC) 5:00 PM Bulletin Deadline 6:30 PM Youth Board 2:00 PM Food Bank Open 6:30 PM 8:30 PM Confirmation Classes 7:00 PM Dorcas 2:00 PM Food Bank Open 3:00 PM Bell Tower Worship 7:00 PM Worship (IC) 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 8:00 AM Worship 9:15 AM Coffee Fellowship 9:15 AM Sunday School & Bible Studies 10:30 AM Worship 6:00 PM Worship Martin L. King, Jr. 5:00 PM Bulletin Day Deadline 6:00 PM P.T.O. 6:00 PM Baptism meeting (School Class Cafeteria - child 6:00 PM Mens' care provided) Club 7:00 PM Church Council 2:00 PM Food Bank Open 6:30 PM 8:30 PM Confirmation Classes 6:30 PM Voters' Meeting 2:00 PM Food Bank Open 2:00 PM Pine Crest Worship 7:00 PM Worship (IC) 26 27 28 29 30 31 1 5:00 PM Bulletin Deadline 2:00 PM Food Bank Open 6:30 PM 8:30 PM Confirmation Classes 2:00 PM Food Bank Open 7:00 PM Worship (IC) 8:00 AM Worship 6:30 PM (IC/CC) 8:00 PM Adult 9:15 AM Coffee Choir Rehearsal Fellowship 9:15 AM Sunday School & Bible Studies 10:30 AM Worship (IC/CC) 6:00 PM Worship 8 Worship Schedule DATE TIME ELDERS ACOLYTES SCRIP SELLERS Greeters New Year’s Eve & Day Dec 31 6:30pm (IC) Jack Kleinschmidt Philip Moyer Jan 1 No Worship Service Open Jan Jan Jan Jan 4 5 5 5 7:00pm (IC) 8:00am 10:30am 6:00pm Jan 11 7:00pm (IC) Jan 12 8:00am (IC) Jan 12 10:30am (IC) Jan 12 6:00pm (IC) Jan 18 7:00pm (IC) Jan 19 8:00am Jan 19 10:30am Jan 19 6:00pm Mark Knorr Wilie Schult Don Radtke John Rainvile Liliana Diagostine Alex Schmidt Tatiana Hoernke - Lily Cordova MacKenah Krause Carol Holz & Laurie Swope Jim & Mary Downing Greg & Dawn Leavitt Jim & Jean Wiseman Mary Ann Zastrow Russ & Joan Whiting Rob & Tiffany Lee Glenn & Sandy Frank John Geiss Mark Skic Dennis Krenzke Ken Kreager Anna Melder - Liliana Diagostine Mitchell Dittmar Ian Springborn Taylor Krueger Dennis & Jocelynn Weber John & Barb Wais Mary Ann Zastrow & Penny Callahan Russ Utech Marie Merkel Sue Smith John Geiss Irvin & Denise Rice Dennis Berndt Don Heyel Nate Burtman Jeff Holt Xandra Bienfang - Kyah Eggebrecht Joshua Palazzo Tatiana Hoernke - Jasmine Norman Megan Schroeder Carol Fiebke & Marie Merkel Joe & Marlene Thomaschefsky Jean Ravn & Cheryl Proulx Mike & Angie Zocher Oscar & Jeanne Wangen Randy Ament & family Dan & Grace Frick Open Dorothy Hagedorn Phyllis Meyer Dawn Ives Open Jan Jan Jan Jan 25 26 26 26 7:00pm (IC) Mark Knorr 8:00am (IC/CC) Jack Kleinschmidt 10:30 am(IC/CC) Tim Dupke 6:00pm (IC) Ken Kreager Kyah Eggebrecht Mitchell Dittmar Anna Melder - McKenna Meunier Tori Folz Larry & Laura Marnholtz Lyle & Fern Whiting Ben & Trina Knospe Phyllis Bauman & Marie Merkel Feb Feb Feb Feb 1 2 2 2 7:00pm (IC) 8:00am 10:30am 6:00pm Dan Schneider Wilie Schult Don Radtke John Rainvile Noah Parrett Philip Moyer Corey Graap Jared Myers Jerry & Deb Grawien Russ & Joan Whiting Bob & Janet Grunenwald Jeff & Cindy Artus Feb Feb Feb Feb 8 9 9 9 7:00pm ( IC) 8:00am (IC) 10:30am (IC) 6:00pm (IC) John Geiss Mark Skic Eric Page Dennis Krenzke Jasmine Norman Ken Kreager Jared Myers Esther & Leah Johnson Sharon Welch & Carol Leavitt Bob & Jennifer Christiansen Bob & Chris Reichelt Feb Feb Feb Feb 15 16 16 16 7:00pm (IC) 8:00am 10:30am 6:00pm Dennis Berndt Don Heyel Nate Burtman Lily Cordova - Megan Schneider Jeff Holt Devon Waldburger Barb & Jarred Smith Donna Thompson & Dawn Ives Al & Joy Hulke Lyle & Mary Banser Feb Feb Feb Feb 22 23 23 23 7:00pm (IC) Dan Schneider 8:00am (IC/CC) Jack Kleinschmidt 10:30am (IC/CC) Tim Dupke Patience & Payton Pyan 6:00pm (IC) Ken Kreager Taylor Krueger Glen & Sandy Frank John & Barb Wais Carlone & Darlene Pepke Jim & Jean Wiseman Fellowship Hosts Jim & Jean Rajek Dan & Gail Schneider Ed & Sue Pernsteiner Dick & Michelle Moyer Carlon & Darlene Pepke Ninette Candler Ivan & Terry Pick Joe & Marlene Thomaschefsky We are in need of YOUR friendly, smiling face to greet people as t hey come to our chu r ch. Just be there 1/2 hour before the service and welcome people as they enter the sanctuary. Please call Darlen (715-536-1220) if you’d like to help your church in this way, or have any questions. 9 Potpourri Pick a Chili For Everything A Season... Look for the Chili Tree located in the narthex area. Pick a Chili and purchase the item, then return it to the box under the tree. No need to wrap the item. These gifts of supplies and vitamins (please NO GUMMIES) will be delivered to Groundwork Guatemala in February 2014 when our mission team travels to Guatemala City. The Chili Tree will be available during the month of December and through New Years. Your financial support to offset expenses for the mission team would also be appreciated. Wanting his sons to learn not to judge too quickly, a man sent each, in turn, on a quest to look at a pear tree far away and report what he saw. The first son went in winter, the second in spring, the third in summer and the fourth in fall. Finally, the father gathered the young men together. “What did you see?” he asked. The first son reported seeing an ugly tree, bent and lifeless. The second disagreed, saying it was budding with fresh new life. The third son reported finding a tree laden with sweet-smelling, beautiful blossoms, while the fourth insisted it drooped with ripe fruit. The father said his sons were all correct, for they’d seen the same tree, though at different seasons of its life. “Don’t judge a tree — or a person — based on just one season of life,” he counseled his children. “Who they are can only be known at the end, when all life’s seasons have been lived. “Furthermore,” he added, “don’t give up on your own life if you experience a hard season, such as winter, or you’ll miss out on the renewal of spring, the joy of summer, the fulfillment of autumn.” trinity lutheran church 11:45 AM 12/05/13 cash basis Profit & loss november 2013 01-church nov 13 02-school Jul - nov 13 nov 13 03-Preschool Jul - nov 13 nov 13 04-Day care Jul - nov 13 nov 13 totAl Jul - nov 13 nov 13 Jul - nov 13 income offering home 43,673.20 218,455.09 2,206.49 10,762.46 235.16 1,184.15 0.00 0.00 46,114.85 230,401.70 school reimburs. 0.00 653.70 13,283.42 63,830.03 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 13,283.42 64,483.73 Preschool tuition 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 26,150.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 26,150.00 Day care 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 11,490.10 66,229.87 11,490.10 66,229.87 Dedicated Accounts 2,853.00 14,389.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2,853.00 14,389.00 Misc. income 2,405.85 16,894.91 1,500.00 7,500.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 3,905.85 24,394.91 48,932.05 250,392.70 16,989.91 82,092.49 235.16 27,334.15 11,490.10 66,229.87 77,647.22 426,049.21 13,993.15 99,275.03 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 13,993.15 99,275.03 1,389.91 9,451.18 31,848.09 190,456.37 5,703.45 34,161.18 12,410.88 69,996.19 51,352.33 304,064.92 total income expense board of elders board of education council expense board of trustees 100.00 3,518.42 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 100.00 3,518.42 2,848.24 26,902.64 8,901.31 28,474.46 141.52 1,143.04 0.00 0.00 11,891.07 56,520.14 total expense 18,331.30 139,147.27 40,749.40 218,930.83 5,844.97 35,304.22 12,410.88 69,996.19 77,336.55 463,378.51 net Profit/net subsidy 30,600.75 111,245.43 -23,759.49 -136,838.34 -5,609.81 -7,970.07 -920.78 -3,766.32 310.67 -37,329.30 External Loans: LCEF $224,985.71; LCB: $163,182.86 Internal Loans: $ 91,774.82 Actual Day Care profit is $ 9,233.68 from July through November factoring in the $13,000. from a memorial gift. 10 11 Sharing Jesus Epiphany's Significance ... The church season of Epiphany begins on January 6 each year. The name comes from the Greek word epiphaneia, meaning “to appear, to show or to manifest.” The ending date of the Epiphany season is determined by Ash Wednesday, which is determined by the date of Easter. Traditionally, Epiphany Day marks the arrival of the Magi, or wise men, to worship the infant Jesus. The significance of Epiphany for Christians is that it symbolizes the first recognition of Christ by Gentiles, or non-Jews. The season of Epiphany emphasizes the divine nature of Jesus, the light of the world. Symbols for the season include light, a star and the color green, which represents life, growth, hope and eternity. The true story is told of two men sitting together on a train. When one shared with the other, a committed Christian, that he was heading home to donate a kidney to his father, the Christian listened intently. Sensing his seatmate’s genuine interest, the speaker confided that he didn’t know his life’s purpose. Sensing an openness in his new friend, the Christian told him about Jesus and the purpose Jesus had given to his life. The Christian man said later that he’d never met someone so appreciative of hearing the Good News. A key Epiphany theme is sharing the news of Jesus. “Ordinary” Christians can do that best by listening for an opening when visiting with someone and sharing part of their faith story in relation to something the other has said. There’s no need to accost strangers on street corners. Just be yourself, let the Holy Spirit guide you and invite your listener to follow Jesus, too. Please Join Us for Worship, with Communion, on New Year’s Eve At 6:30Pm School website: “Share, Strengthen and Serve”... This is the mission of Trinity Lutheran Church. To Share the Gospel of Jesus Christ with those who have not received Him as Savior and Lord; To Strengthen the believers in Jesus Christ; Church website: School Principal: Kathy Yahr Lay Minister: Bob Schneider Associate Pastor: The Rev. R. Brian Stolarczyk Administrative Pastor: The Rev. Scott A. Gustafson Editor: Susan J. Hass The Trinity Tribune is a Monthly publication of Trinity Lutheran Church 107 N. State St., Merrill, WI Phone: 715-536-5482 Fax: 715-539-2911 Email: Address SERVICE Requested Trinity Lutheran Church 107 North State Street Merrill, Wisconsin 54452 Permit #16 Merrill, WI 54452 PAID Non Profit Organization U.S. Postage
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