First Congregational Church, UCC

First Congregational Church, UCC
2201 7th Avenue, Moline, IL 61265 * 309-762-0787
* All Members, Ministers * Rev. Michael Swartz, Interim Senior Pastor
Rev. Jacqueline Perry, Associate Pastor
Saturday Worship 5:30pm, Lower Level
Sunday Worship 10:00am
Fellowship Hour 11:00am, Son Café
August 2012
August 4th and 5th
Welcome to our
Interim Sr. Pastor
Rev. Michael Swartz
And Nancy
Pastor Allen
Pastor Jackie schedule
Pastor Michael—Interim
Prayer List
Youth Group
Café Corner
Parish Nurse
Financial Report
News Items
More News
Mission Grants
August 19
Welcome back from your sabbatical
Pastor Jackie
We missed you and pray you found
the rest and rejuvenation
that you deserved!
A Note From Pastor Allen
Marla and I are deeply thankful for you loving and supportive send off on July 22.
The day reminded us why you each have been a dear part of our lives these past seven
years. We are filled with a mixture of sadness and excitement as we make this change. We
take with us your affirmations and your love. We will continue to be in prayer for you and
very hopeful about your next chapter as a church.
Saying goodbye is always difficult. Some of us are better at this than others, and we
all seem to have our own way of dealing with change. I trust that God is in these changes
and that the church will thrive with new leadership. Remain faithful to your church
through the easy times and the difficult. Keep your covenant to be in ministry together
seeking, serving, and sharing Christ.
There is one final commitment I must now keep and that is to support your interim,
Michael, and then your settled pastor. The most important way I can do this is to take seriously my departure ritual where I am released from responsibility from the church as a
pastor. This is a most difficult and necessary commitment to keep and a commitment
that is part of my pastoral ethic. This means that I will not be available for returning for
baptisms, weddings, funerals or in anyway to interfere with the business of the church.
Your new pastor will need to have time to establish his or her role as your pastor. I have
appreciated the way Pastor Bob Miller did this for me, and I will follow his lead.
Or course, my prayers will continue with you. I will want to read the church newsletter and keep up with what is happening in your and the church’s life. I also will maintain our friendships, but without being in the role as one of your pastors or in a way that
would interfere with new pastoral leadership. I appreciate your support in this as it will
be a gift to your new pastor.
May God continue to bless you and the staff with years of faithful ministry.
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Grace and Peace, Pastor Allen
Pastor Jackie
Timeline for Pastor Jackie’s sabbatical:
Aug 13
JP meets with Interim
Aug 14 Return to office & visits
Pastor Michael
We are blessed to have Reverend Michael Swartz joining us as our interim pastor. We
have asked Reverend Michael to provide this thought provoking article for this month’s
Dear First Church friends;
I look forward to working with First Church and getting to know everyone better in the
next several months as I serve as your interim senior pastor. Here are a few musings to
help you know me better.
My wife, Nancy, and I went by the Figge Art museum last evening for a lecture and
walked through a visiting exhibit NASA: Art 50 Years of Exploration. It really fascinated me. This is true in part because the early space exploration stuff was intertwined with
my youth in Southern California where just about everyone in our neighborhood was connected with the space program in one way or another. (If you use the internet look at my
blog for more on this: )
Clearly, NASA is supporting exhibitions like this because there is an intellectual 'jump
ball' taking place at this moment of our American experience about the future of the enterprise. On the one hand there are the voices of scarcity and need for practical improvements in our common life here on earth. On the other hand is human aspiration and exploration and our role in it.
I tend to the side of human aspiration. While I support meeting practical human need,
our own needs, in the long run a society requires lofty goals that go beyond the immediate crisis, whatever that is at a particular moment. And part of the beauty of NASA was
that it called for the efforts of tens of thousands of persons working together for a common cause. And nothing else in my lifetime has illustrated the capability of the United
States like putting a man on the moon.
Churches too need aspirations and efforts that go beyond the current needs and seek to
do great things for the glory of God.
See you in church.
Michael Swartz
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NAMI Walk 2012 Coming Soon !
Get out your walking shoes and start getting ready for the annual NAMI (National Alliance on Mental Illness)
Walk for Mississippi Valley. Their mission continues to promote education, advocacy, and support services for individuals and families in need. This year FCC will have our very own “Walking Team”.
Walk Day on October 6th will begin at Centennial Park on the Davenport Riverfront at 10 am. Walkers will go
east along our beautiful Riverfront and return for post walk food and festivities! Join the fun with 1500 other Walkers
hoping to increase awareness about mental health recovery by “Changing Minds One Step at a Time”.
Sign up to walk at the library table or contact Sara at if you would like to be a part of our
Prayer List & Other Items of Interest
Prayers for…
The Church
For our plan and desire to move forward with renewed commitment to make church
relevant to people’s lives, increase our numbers, and increase participation.
For our new graduates.
For Rev. Michael Swartz as he begins the role of Interim Pastor for our Congregation
For Pastor Jackie while she is on sabbatical this summer.
For Pastor Allen and his family as they begin their new Journey in Wheaton.
Friends and Family
Darrell Matthews,
Shane McNett (Sandy Glass Bailey’s son-inFamily of Charles Bloome who died 5/30
(father of Diann and Robert Moore)
Stacey Miller,
Ruth Brink,
Diane Miner (friend of Liz Champion)
Kris Bruni (Friend of Karla Pitzen),
Craig Morton,
Judy Byrd,
Dottie Mowen,
David Canfield (Friend of Jarrod Hulme)
Sydney Sophia Mowen,
Doris Carlson,
Maynard Neighbors,
Family of Grace Case who died 5/31 (The
Vivian Panicucci,
Marjorie Parker,
Juffure and Chandra Clements (friends of
Melanie Putnam (friend of the Brownings),
Karla Pitzen),
Fern Rathe,
Kathy Cox,
Family of Nora Rexroth who died 7/22,
Don and June Engstrom,
Marion Robson,
Bryson Paul Gimble (grandson of Linda and Amos Savage,
Family of Barbara Schaeffer who died 5/22
Laurie Glass,
(sister of Mike Bealer and Dawn Tidwell)
Catherine Goldsmith,
Glen Schwedtmann,
Lauren Haun
Billie Seesland,
Verna Higdon,
Don Shearer,
Tom Housenga,
Cliff & Mary Stewart,
Jean Janes,
Louise Stisser (Marcella Armstrong’s mothDelores Larson (Wendy’s mother),
Betty Laws,
Family of John Stoelting who died 7/23
Julie Laws,
Myrtle Logan,
Larry Madison,
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Throughout this time of Church transition, please join the Wednesday Evening Bad Girls
Bible Study as we pray for our leadership and congregation. Individually we place ourselves in the Sanctuary from 4:45 – 5:25 pm for a time of focused prayer. You are invited
to join us when you can.
Youth Group
Youth Group for August
Wednesday, August 1 (and every Wednesday through August 29th)
Youth Group Games—6:30-8pm
Bring a friend and your favorite game!
Sunday, August 5 —Youth Group—5-8pm—Movie and food night! Bring a dish to share.
Movie to be announced.
Sunday, August 12—Youth Group—5-6:30pm Out to eat at La Rancharita.
Bring money and a friend.
Sunday, August 19—Youth Group—5-6:30pm Record Breaking Night
What records can you break? Longest paper plane flight?
Tallest marshmallow tower? Most colors used to frost a cupcake?
Bring a friend!
Sunday, August 26—Youth Group—5-7:00pm— Golden Bulb Awards! See below for details.
July 22, from 5:00-7:00pm you are invited to celebrate the 2nd Annual FCC
Golden Bulb Awards, complete with red carpet and everything!
This is a “Black Tie” event-or at least very nice!
Please RSVP to Heidi ( or 309-762-0787) by August 19.
However, before we can celebrate with awards, we need to have movies made! Here are the
*You may make the movies by yourself, or with others (either members or nonmembers of the youth group!)
*Films must be a minimum of 3 minutes long, and maximum of 7 minutes.
*Films may include youth outside of the youth group, but must include one youth group
*Films must not contain footage that was made in dangerous ways. (running through
traffic, for instance)
*You may enter as many films as you would like, including short film, comedy,
music video, documentary, thrillers, etc.
*Awards include: Best Actress, Best Actor, Best Movie, Best Director, Best Music Score, Best
Music Video
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Café Corner
Isn’t life grand!?
Recently, I had the good fortune to visit my mom in Pittsburgh to celebrate her 90th birthday. At that age, life is something you do not take so much for granted as you do when
you are younger. We both agreed how fortunate we are to be blessed with good health
and a good life and to thank God each and every day as we all know or have experienced
times when this is not the case. It is incumbent upon all of us to realize and appreciate
our good fortune and to help those who are not.
My dad used to say “life is tough even when everything is going great.” Being in the hospitality business for so many years makes me realize these words ring with such truth. I
am so glad I took the time to make the trip to share that special birthday with my mom.
That is one less regret for me in my quest to try and keep regrets to a minimum.
I do not regret being a member of our church. I am thankful to be part of this congregation and am grateful to you all for enriching my life. Let us cherish our time together and
let me share with you how others refer to their lives.
Meet me at the Café.
“All the art of living lies in a fine mingling of letting go and holding on.” - Havelock Ellis
“Don't go around saying the world owes you a living. The world owes you nothing. It
was here first.” - Mark Twain
“He who has a why to live can bear almost any how.” - Friedrich Nietzsche
“I arise in the morning torn between a desire to improve the world and a desire to enjoy
the world. This makes it hard to plan the day.” - E. B. White
“I love life because what more is there.” - Anthony Hopkins
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Fellowship Hour 11:00 a.m. in the Son Café
There is news in our church family to share,
so we are sending a SHOUT OUT to everyone!
CONGRATULATIONS to David and Lynn Gimble on the birth of Bryson Paul on July 12.
He joins big brothers Andrew and Kayden.
Grandparents are Tony and Linda Gimble
The family is requesting prayers for Bryson because of complications during the birth process.
If you have something you want to share,
please email the information to Heidi Hulme at
A Message From Your Parish Nurse…...
Good Health to You from your Parish Nurse
Sara McLees RN,BSN, FCN
Ask the Experts:
Leslie Cox, certified diabetes educator from Trinity Health Systems will be speaking at
FCC on Wednesday August 8th at 7:00 PM in the large dining room.
Leslie is a great speaker and when questions arise about diabetic related issues, she is
the “go to person” for Dr.’s and nurses alike. Whether you are at risk for diabetes or have
been a diabetic for 20 years, bring your questions and be prepared for a very informative
Managing your Chronic Health Condition
First Congregational Church will be hosting a Healthy Living Program for those living
with long-term health conditions. This is a six week program offered in conjunction with
the health department to help you better manage your health condition. Healthy Living is
geared towards those with diabetes, heart disease, fibromyalgia, depression, cancer and
other chronic conditions. Classes will be held on Thursday afternoon’s from 1:30-3:30 beginning on September 13th, 2012 here at FCC. You may attend the classes with a spouse
or caregiver. There are brochures available on the library table. For more information or
to sign up for the free program, contact Sara at 762-0787 (ext 111) or email
Back to school dairy tip…
Did you know that for children 2 to 18 years old milk is the number one food source of
nine essential nutrients? An 8-ounce container of milk delivers calcium, potassium, phosphorus, protein, vitamins A, D and B12, riboflavin and niacin (niacin equivalents). And,
at about 25 cents a glass, milk is a nutritional bargain!
THANK YOU!!! Thank you and blessings to those faithful and gifted handiworkers who
continue to sew and knit for our congregation throughout these hot summer months.
Just last week I anonymously received another beautiful prayer shawl. Your skilled hands
and prayerful hearts are most appreciated by those who receive the prayer shawls.
The best things in life are nearest: Breath in your nostrils, light in your eyes, flowers at your feet, duties at your hand, the path of right just before you. Then do not
grasp at the stars, but do life's plain, common work as it comes, certain that daily
duties and daily bread are the sweetest things in life. ~Robert Louis Stevenson
There will be a free prostate screening which includes a DRE exam and PSA blood
test on:
Tuesday, September 11th at Trinity Bettendorf
Thursday, September 13th in the Cancer Center at Trinity Moline.
Screening appointments are available between 6-8:30 PM both evenings.
To be eligible for an appointment the men must:
Be under the age of 75 (new guideline)
Have no history of prostate cancer
Are not currently under the care of a urologist
To make an appointment call Becky Garetson @309 -779-2993
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A Message From Your Parish Nurse Continued…...
PSA and DRE-What are those?
You may note above that there is an upcoming prostate screening which includes a blood
test for PSA- Prostate Specific Antigen. The name of the screening is the first clue-this is
a test for determining prostate health. The prostate is the small gland that surrounds the
urethra, the tube that drains urine from the kidney. A small amount of PSA is released
into the bloodstream; therefore, a blood test is part of the screening. The second part of
the screening is a DRE-digital rectal exam, probably needs no further explanation.
What does it mean?
The prostate grows during puberty, and then doesn’t change much until after age 40
when it begins to grow slowly. For about half of all men, it doesn’t stop growing. A normal PSA reading is about 4 nanograms per milliliter. A higher reading (4-10) indicates
one of three prostate conditions: prostatitis, enlarged prostate, or prostate cancer. However, a sharp rise in the PSA over a period of a few months, even though the results remain under 4, is a cause for further testing.
What is prostatitis?
Half of all men will be treated for prostatitis, an inflammation, sometime in their adulthood. There are three types: bacterial, nonbacterial and prostatodynia. Although prostatitis is painful and sometimes difficult to cure, it does not lead to cancer. 1) Symptoms
of prostatitis are sudden fever, chills and aching. Symptoms of the chronic form, a condition that develops over a period of years and often recurs, are abdominal pain and blood
in the urine. Both types of bacterial prostatitis are treated with antibiotics. 2) the cause
of nonbacterial prostatitis is unknown. Symptoms are abdominal discomfort, discharge,
blood in the urine and frequent urination. 3) The cause of prostatodynia is also unknown, but it may be a muscular spasm in the bladder or urethra. Activities that increase the risk of development are a bladder infection, sports injuries, spicy foods, and
What is BPH?
Benign prostatic hyperplasia, an enlarged prostate, is the most common prostate health
problem for men. Symptoms depend upon how enlarged the gland has become. Symptoms include frequent urination, particularly at night and difficulty in starting to urinate.
The American Urological Assoc. has prepared a BPH Symptoms Score index so men can
evaluate their condition. The index results should be shared with your doctor. Treatment may be watchful waiting, medical or surgical. BPH is a noncancerous condition
and is not linked to prostate cancer.
What is Prostate Cancer
Prostate cancer is the most common cancer for men. Risk factors are: 1) age: over 40 for
Afro-American or those with a family history of prostate cancer, over 50 for most men. 2)
family history: father, brother or other close male relatives 3)diet: low fiber, high in fat
and red meat. For men who have regular check-ups, prostate cancer is discovered with
routine test-PSA and DRE. Treatments include surgery, radiation, hormones, cryosurgery, observation, and option for a slow growing cancer.
August is National Immunization Awareness Month
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Fast-Stat: 42,000 adults and 300 children in the United States die each year from diseases that can be prevented through vaccination.
Financial Statement
$207,438 ($25,703)
$284,454 ($19,507)
Pledge Income
Offertory Receipts
Other Income
Total Income
Total Expenses
General Checking
Money Market
Deanna Warpehoski, Financial Manager……………
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Blessing of Back Packs, Book Bags, Brief Cases, and Diaper Bags
School starts soon! As we go back to school, or begin school for the first time, we remember
that Jesus is with us wherever we go. You are invited to bring your back
pack, book bags, or supplies for school, or work or day care items, as we
gather for the Early Word on Sunday, August 5. Together we will ask for
the Lord’s blessing as we look forward to the 2012-2013 school year.
News Items
Bible Study Group
This summer, come have lunch with a fun
group of people. During the rest of the year,
we're a Bible Study group, but now we're
just open for lunch. We want you to come
eat with us. Please join us at 11:30 at the
following dates and locations:
August 2
TPC/Deere Run
3100 Heather Knoll Silvis
Warm Fuzzies
Will be starting again for the fall Wednesday
September 5th from 3-5pm in the large dining room. Anyone interested in knitting,
crocheting or sewing for those in need
please join us. If you need to learn any of
those skills we can teach you. Questions?
Call Kathy Harris, 797-5939.
Book Discussion Group
The group meets at 12:30 pm on WednesAugust 16
days in the parlor. All are welcome! Bring a
Rock Island Arsenal Golf Club
lunch if you like. The current reading selec1838 Gillespie Street Rock Island
tion is Things Fall Apart: A Novel (African
Trilogy) by Chinua Achebe. A few copies of
Opp to Serve!
the book are still available for purchase in
Have you ever wondered what it takes for
the church office for $10. Following is the
you or your family to become ushers? How schedule of readings for discussion:
about organizing mission or youth activiAug 1: chapters 19-25
ties? Do you have an interest in supporting On August 8 the group will begin reading a
other congregational members who might
new book: Gilead by Marilynne Robinson.
not make it worship each week?
The church will not be buying this selection.
Please join us between worship services on Copies can be purchased from,
New Beginnings Sunday, September 9th in
a local bookstore or checked out from a lithe Son Café to learn more about the great brary.
opportunities available to our members that
help make FCC a great place to belong for
Church School Teacher Training
people of all ages and interests! Volunteers We will hold a Church school teacher trainwill be spread out among tables during fel- ing on Thursday, August 23, from 6:30lowship with information on how you can
8pm. We will do some team building activiget more involved in just about every aspect ties, and put together the classrooms. New
of the church. There are no strings atBeginnings Sunday and Church School
tached…simply show up, enjoy a great
Open House will be September 9. This will
brunch and learn more about how you can be the weekend we move back to 2 worship
deepen your faith by opportunities to serve! services.
Bad Girls Bible Study
Please join our Bad Girls Bible Study as we
dig into the Gospel of Mark. We will kick off
on Wednesday, 8 AUGUST in the church
parlor from 5:30 to 7:00 pm. To prepare,
please read Mark 1:1-8 and ask yourself
what is this passage about? What do I learn
from it? How can I apply it to my
life? Questions??? Contact: Beth Bealer or
Jana Peterson.
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Dinner Club Coming This Fall
Dinner Club is back by popular demand. All
adults in the church are welcome. Groups of 8 or
so meet in a host’s home. The host provides the
main dish. Each guest is assigned a side dish to
bring to this fellowship event which will meet several times throughout the year. An introductory
dinner will be held this fall to “Kick-Off” the series
of dinners. There is a sign-up sheet in the library
and you will be contacted later this summer. What
a great way to get to know each other better.
Local Mission Grants Distributed
The Mission Board has given a portion of the 2012 mission budget to local groups for the use in meeting unfinanced program needs. Agencies were asked to apply and board members researched each request. Due to
the great need, several grants were denied and most others were reduced. Thank you to the congregation for
supporting local mission projects!
Bethany for Children and Families
Boys and Girls Club of Miss. Valley
Child Abuse Council
Children’s Therapy Center of QC
Christian Care
Christian Friendliness
Churches United of the QCA
Good Samaritan Free Clinic
Habitat for Humanity
Hand in Hand
New Kingdom Trail Riders
Pregnancy Resources
Rebuilding Together
Red Wagon
Rick’s House of Hope
Salvation Army
School Health LINK, Inc
Replace exit lights
Youth clients in transitional housing
Youth membership fees
Healthy Family activities
Billing systems conversion
Software for client use
Heating and air repairs
Bus tokens for hunger ministry
Client care
Office and warehouse
Music therapy and field trips
Client rider fees
Housing projects
Sound machine, divider screen
Activities for shelter children
Client needs
$ 525
News Items Continued
Food Donations Needed
The church accepts food donations for the Christian Friends Food Pantry the first Sunday of every
month. Please help us fill the baskets of collection
in the Narthex and the Library.
Chancel Choir
We are not practicing all summer. The
Chancel choir will be performing the last
Sunday August. Our first Wednesday back
at rehearsal will be August 29th. Thanks!
All children (and adults) who
received a carabiner on May 6
are being invited to bring
them back to Early Word on
the following Sundays, when
Miss Nicole Smith will talk
about them and have something to add to
August 15, September 9
Supplies Needed for Church School Classrooms and Church Office
Would you like a ride to worship?
We need some simple supplies for the
If you would like the church van to bring you to
Church School classrooms and church of10:00 am worship, please call the church office by fice. We could really use the follow items:
pencils, ball point pens,
noon on Thursday at 309.762.0787.
Driver for August is Pat Oberg.
glue sticks, folders You may
drop them off at the office, or
put them on Heidi’s desk.
Thank you so much for your
August 2012
12:30pm Book Disc (P)
5:30pm Bad Girls (P)
6:30pm Youth Group
Games (YR)
9:15am Card Ministry (L)
10:00am Prayer Group (SR)
10:00am Habitat for Humanity (P)
5:30pm Worship - Michael
Swartz (LDR)
Heidi out-of-town
Heidi out-of-town
10:00am Worship
6:00pm Personnel (SR)
11:00am Fellowship (Cafe)
11:00am Life and Growth
Committee (P)
5:00pm Youth Movie Night
Heidi out-of-town
1:00pm MV Quilters (DRS)
1:00pm Bridge (P)
1:30pm Worship Plan (JP)
4:00pm Prenatal (P)
5:30pm Exec Board (SR)
7:00pm Diaconate (JP)
7:00pm Banjoleers (CR)
7:00pm Music Board (P)
7:00pm CD Board (CE)
12:30pm Book Disc (P)
5:30pm Bad Girls (P)
6:30pm Youth Group
Games (YR)
6:30pm Metro Mini (BR)
9:30am Healthy Families
10:00am Prayer Group (SR)
5:30pm Worship (LDR)
10:00am Worship
Jackie's Back!!!
11:00am Fellowship (Cafe)
5:00pm Youth eat out
9:00am Retired Folks - Village
1:30pm Worship Plan (JP)
4:00pm Prenatal (P)
6:00pm Youth Choir (CR)
7:00pm Banjoleers (CR)
7:00pm Church Council (BR)
12:30pm Book Disc (P)
5:30pm Bad Girls (P)
6:30pm Youth Group
Games (YR)
7:00pm Bells (Bells)
Heidi - Minnesota
9:00am Foot Clinic (Cafe)
10:00am Prayer Group (SR)
Heidi - Minnesota
Heidi - Minnesota
5:30pm Worship (LDR)
Heidi - Minnesota
10:00am Worship
11:00am Fellowship (Cafe)
5:00pm Youth Record
Breaking (YR)
1:30pm Worship Plan (JP)
Newsletter Articles Due
4:00pm Prenatal (P)
12:30pm Book Disc (P)
5:30pm Visiting Friends 6:00pm 5:30pm Bad Girls (P)
Youth Choir (CR)
6:30pm Youth Group
7:00pm Banjoleers (CR) 7:00pm Games (YR)
Mission Board (P)
10:30am Rock Island Hist
Soc. (Kit, LDR)
4:30pm Trustee Board
10:00am Worship
11:00am Fellowship (Cafe)
5-6:30pm Youth Group
Golden Bulb Awards (YR)
Return to Contents
9:00am Retired Folks - Village
1:30pm Worship Plan (JP)
4:00pm Prenatal (P)
6:00pm Youth Choir (CR)
7:00pm Banjoleers (CR)
9:30-12:30pm Healthy Families
10:00am Prayer
Group (SR)
9:00am Newsletter Assem- 10:00am Prayer Group (SR)
bly (L)
12:30pm Book Disc (P)
5:30pm Bad Girls (P)
6:30pm Youth Group
Games (YR)
7:00pm Bells (Bells)
7:15pm Chancel Choir (CR)
5:30pm Worship (LDR)
(BR) Board Room
(CR) Choir Room
(L) Library
(LDR) Large Dining Room
(SR) Senior Pastor Office
(YR) Youth Room
August Birthdays
Happy Birthday to…
01-Aug Richard Pobanz
John Ulrich
02-Aug Sandra Glass
Laurence Madison
Tim Bell
Jan Parsons
Travis Franck
Katie Klingborg
Austin Owen
Driston Owen
03-Aug Juliann Hillyer
04-Aug Barbara Johnson
05-Aug Meredith Keller
Larry Reakes
Jon Greko
Kurtis Melin
Courtney Miller
06-Aug Mary Stewart
Don Engstrom
Sarah Case
Kevin Duckett
Jeffrey Georlett
Chris Sivertsen
Rachel Sommers
07-Aug Karen Nolan
Pamela Robson
Molly Newell
Jon Keith
Jonathan McGehee
Macey Minor
08-Aug Cindy Meers
09-Aug Carol Dyer
John Eastland
10-Aug David Lundahl
Boo Wendt
Natasha Krueger
Scott Williams
Kevin Stickell
Rich Porter
11-Aug Shavaun Kidd
12-Aug Drew Wiemers
13-Aug Karla Larson
Derrick Fish
Ben Churchill
Kira Mothershed
14-Aug Brink Brinkmeyer
Joyce Peets
Deborah Drobushevich
Lauren Fulscher
Jackson McCoy
15-Aug William Marthens
Oliver Owen
16-Aug Melissa Maranda
Jennifer Pfaff
Alissandra Fonger
Claire Eaton
17-Aug Kathryn Anderson
18-Aug Helen Nordquist
Kathleen Rynott
Anne Lundahl
Stephen DePooter
Scott Patton
Katherine Evans
19-Aug Jeff Adamson
Scott McWilliam
Ava Sorgenfrey
20-Aug Theresa Dondanville
Paula Evans
21-Aug Katie Jo Allee
Katherine Allee
22-Aug Dianne Thornton
Paul Hemmingson
23-Aug Scott Hildebrand
Louise Stoelting
Scott Illingsworth
Doug Schehl
Ashley Hoff
Abraham Driscal
24-Aug Bobbie Ray
Harold Duckett
Adriane Jacoby
Lukas Ylinen
25-Aug Mary Hull
Matthew Lackey
Jeffrey Choudhry
Ashley Lewis
Kyle Wagonner
26-Aug Pat Shannon
Sharon Sterbenz
Eileen Hoegner
Rob Marchant
27-Aug Clarice Johnson
Susan Coopman
28-Aug Gail Franck
Charles Parsons
Tyler Spellious
Trevor Seyller
Madilyn Fish
29-Aug Richard Engstrom
Erin Willhite
Allison Nordstrom
30-Aug Mike Newell
Gary Thornton
Bill Keller
Scott Klingbiel
Dustin Peterson
Sean Ulrich
31-Aug Jim Winship
Jeanne McGuire
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Please let the church know if we have missed
your special day!
First Congregational Church
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We want to be good stewards of the church’s financial resources. If you no longer wish to receive this
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August 2012
Mission Statement of First Congregational Church
Seeking, Serving, and Sharing Christ
*All Members, Ministers *
Rev. Michael Swartz, Interim Senior Pastor * Rev. Jacqueline Perry, Associate Pastor
Saturday Worship 5:30p.m., Lower Level
Sunday Worship 10:00a.m.
Fellowship Hour 11:00a.m., Son Café
First Congregational Church, United Church of Christ
2201 7th Avenue, Moline, IL 61265