Index Invited presentations DNA and Developmental Psychology Plomin, R How to move beyond classical null hypothesis testing: A black bear story Van de Schoot, R. & Meeus, W. Attachment relationships Bonding and attachment in parents with premature infants: a follow-up study 2 years postpartum Hall, R., Hoffenkamp, H., Tooten, A., Ellens, M., Vingerhoets, A., Winkel, F, & van Bakel, H 17 The relationship between mother-child interaction, maternal attachment and positive/ negative affect Costea-Barlutiu C, PhD 21 Maternal Prenatal Attachment and Mother-Infant Interaction at 6 Months of Age De Cock, E.S.A., Maas, A.J.B.M., Vreeswijk, C.M.J.M., & Van Bakel, H.J.A 27 The effect of education and children going to nursery schools on mother's mental security Hosseinloo Atefeh, Namvar Hooman 31 Sensory Sensitivity and Parental Bonding Predict Infant Attachment Kalpidou, M. and DiGiammarino, R. 37 Maternal orientations during pregnancy and child developmental outcomes Maas, A.J.B.M., Vreeswijk, C.M.J.M., & Van Bakel, H.J.A 43 Development and attachment in institutionalized children in Spain Roman, M., Palacios, J. & Moreno, C 47 Attachment and mentalisation in primary school children Rosso A.M., Scopesi A 53 Attachment in adult twins: Genetic influence on twins' close relationships Torgersen, A. M., Grova, B. & Sommerstad, R 59 Cognitive science and development Lexicon and complex syntax in preschoolers and schoolers traditional narratives. The contribution of cognitive skills Albano S., Marano A., D'Amico S., Devescovi A 65 Academic and emotional predictors of peer acceptance Alves D. and Cruz 0 71 Early executive function and achievement: a longitudinal study. De Franchis V., Traverso L, Viterbori P. & Usai M. Carmen 77 Cognitive disorder and professional development by training: comparison of simulator sessions for anesthetists and for nuclear reactor pilots Fauquet-Alekhine Ph., Geeraerst Th., Rouillac L 83 Social Referencing Behavior Varies Upon Infants' Indirect Emotional Signal Understanding Kim Y. S., & Kwak K. J Can the image of a person on TV "see" what is happening in front of the TV? -Young children's understanding of the representational nature of TV imagesKimura M., Kato Y., and Seno Y. 89 93 Virtual reality: an ecological method to assess multifaceted episodic memory development Picard L, Piolino P. 99 Preschoolers' Individual Suggestibility and ToM: Effects on Memory and Suggestion Perez- Mata N., Moreno&Diges M 103 Developmental Change of Strategies in a Matching-Sample Task NodaM 109 Theory of mind and emotional understanding in preschool children Boza M., Potop M. S 115 Comprehension of tactile graphics by school-aged children with severe visual impairment: The role of tactile perception and spatial imagery Szubielska M., Marek B 121 Cultural psychology and social practice Time perspective in relation with social axioms for a Romanian young cohort Gavreliuc A., Mitu E., Gavreliuc D 131 The role of conflict in the process of development in adolescence GorlovaN 137 Developmental psychopathology Prevalence and correlates of Cognitive Impairment i n adults Juncos-Rabadan 0, Pereiro A, David Facal D, Rodriguez N, Lojo C, Caamano JA, Sueiro J, Boveda J & Eiroa P 143 Associations between maternal postnatal depression and infant problem behavior Jusiene R., Cekuoliene D., Sirvinskiene G., Zamalijeva 0., Breidokiene R., Zemaitiene N 149 Response patterns of children with developmental disorders in interpersonal conflict situations Tamura Ayana, Ogawa Shino, Ito Hiroyasu, Yoshikawa Sakiko & Masataka Nobuo 155 Eating, food, and weight Maternal anxiety, sensi tivity and quality of mother-toddler interactions during feeding Bordet Julie, Pierrehumbert Blaise, Sanchez Sylvie, Benony-Viode Christelle, Benony Herve 159 Maternal and child parameters associations with maternal feeding practices Kornilaki E., Chlouverakis G., & Lakka P. 165 Family relations "Dear Diary" - Capturing family dynamics in the sexual development ofyouth Dalenberg, W.G., Van Geert, P.LC 171 Parental ideas and involvement in mathematics and children's mathematical performance Abreu-Limal. & Gomes V. 175 The Association between Sibling Relationships and Adjustment among Japanese Twin Children Compared with Singletons Nozaki M., Fujisawa K. K.,Ando J.,&HasegawaT. 181 Reaching the developmental milestones in the first year of life: the importance of paternal involvement Jusiene R., Zamalijeva 0., Breidokiene R., Cekuoliene D., Sirvinskiene G 187 The Study of Mother's Child-rearing and Parental Role in Japan TodaS The role of loss in the construction of Adoptive Identity Barbosa-Ducharne M. & Bereny S 191 197 "How do they feel when a baby cries?" Relationships between maternal characteristics and their perception of infant crying Masopustova Z., Bousa 0 201 Pregnancy: Risk and protective factors in mother-child relationship. Preliminary data for a longitudinal study. Borgi S., Zaccagnino M., Vianzone S., Carassa A 207 Mother's self-reports as predictors of h e r child's depressive symptomatology in early adolescence Bousa 0., Masopustova Z., Jezek S 211 Communication openness in the adoptive family and the psychological adjustment of adoptees Barbosa-Ducharne M., Ferreira J. & Soares J 215 Predictors of adoption disruption and permanency Marinho S., Barbosa-Ducharne M. & McRoy R 225 Identity and self development Emerging Commitments and Identity-Processing Style in Middle Adolescence Sokoliova M., Bousa 0., Macek P. 235 The model of embodiment and refraining (MER) in the attitude change towards abortion BozaM 239 Emotional autonomy and the separation process during adolescence Corsano P., Majorano M., Musetti A Adolescent identity development, problematic internet use, video game playing, dissociation, anxiety and sexual concerns Miltuze A., Bite I., Sebre S 245 251 Psychological well-being in Hellene emerging adults: Do living and work conditions matter? VleiorasG., MantziouA., SToulaA 257 The Role of Parental Attachment on Identity Development of Adolescents Coban Esen Aysel, Karaman Guney Neslihan, Dogan Tiirkan, Qok Figen 261 The relation between self-esteem, mental security and identification in adolescents (12 to 18 years old); a case study in Iran. Namvar Hooman, Hosseinloo Atefeh 267 Intervention and counselling Changing Mother- Child Interaction Patterns and Preventing Preschool Children Externalizing Behavior Problems through the Marte Meo Therapy: a Preliminary Study Birzina E., Martinsone B 275 Changes in Reading and Writing Abilities of Japanese Students with Learning Difficulties through Individual Learning Support Fukushima-Murata M., Ogawa S., Asai I , Taniai Y., Kubo-Kawai N. & MasatakaN 281 Outcome evaluation of the "More Family - More Child" program Almeida A., Gaspar M., Marinho S., & Machado J 289 Language and communication Idiom understanding in children with Specific Language Impairment: does pragmatic competence make a difference? Andres-Roqueta C, Clemente R.A 295 Communicative functions of Why-questions in parent-child interaction at home BovaA 301 Word recognition in Italian infants: preliminary results Majorano M., Corsano P. 307 The Use of Multiple Labels in Japanese Mothers' Speech to Toddlers: Baby Talk and Adult Speech Murase I , & Kobayashi T. 313 Effects of mother-infant-interaction styles during picture book sharing activity at nine months of age on subsequent development. Namba K., Kawai M Linguistic competence i n internationally adopted children Palacios J., Roman M., Moreno C, Sanchez-Sandoval Y, Leon E. & Lopez A. ... 317 323 LI orthographic syllables as functional units in EL2 visual word recognition YamadaMegumi 329 Early Development of Representational Activity and Notational Knowledge: Methodological Analysis Kyoko Yamagata 333 Lifestyles Predictors of Adolescents' Excessive Internet Use: A Comparison across European Countries Blinka L & Smahel D. 337 The role of self-esteem, psycho-economic well-being, and attitudes toward money in adults' satisfaction with life Wasowicz-Kiryto G 343 Methodological approaches Recording of a normative sample and verification of the quality of the anxiety screening for kids (ASK) KrugerN 349 Migration, minorities, and child development | The comparison of the parental attitudes with the attachment styles, life satisfaction, hopelessness level of Turkish mothers living in London, Berlin, Abu Dhabi and Istanbul. Karadeniz Gulgin, Bayraktar Ozden 357 Acculturation of International Marriage Immigrant Mothers in South Korea Kwak K. J., Park Y. B., & Kim M. H 365 New contexts of vulnerability and protection in school bullying: the individual, technology and intervention Cyberbullying among Spanish secondary school students: a national survey Del Barrio C, de Dios MJ, Montero I, Martin E, Ochaita E, Espinosa MA, Gutierrez H, & Barrios A 369 Peer relations A transnational analysis of published guidelines for cyberbullying prevention: strengths and weaknesses Almeida Ana, Cross Donna, Valimaki Maritta, Berne Sofia, Deboutte Gie, Fulop Marta, Heiman Tali, Olenik-Shemesh Dorit, O'Moore Mona, Staid Gitte, Sygkollitou Efi 377 Habit of playing computer and video games, aggression, dissociation and attachment in Latvian adolescents Bite I., Miltuze A., Sebre S 385 Predictors of traditional and cyberbullying: same or different causal pathways? Brighi A., Guarini A., Genta M. L 391 To be refused by peers in childhood: anxiety and depression symtoms Caprin C, Tagini A., Tobia V., Ciaccia D., Mattavelli S 397 Using a Group Process to Empower Adolescents Girls to Deal with Relational Aggression ChessorD 401 The attachment representations and social skills of a sample of scholar children. Cussino M., Zaccagnino M., Borgi S., Civilotti C, Veglia F. Beliefs and attitudes of typically developing preschoolers towards Children with Special Educational Needs: Acceptance or Rejection? Markodimitraki M., Kypriotaki M., & Linardakis M 409 413 Meeting Online Strangers among European Children Smahel D., Helsper E.J., Barbovschi M., & Dedkova L 419 Personality traits and social skills in a group of Spanish bistrategic adolescents Lozano Nomdedeu F. A. & Hernandez Blasi C 423 Perceived citizenship among young people: how do the perceptio relate to individuals own constructions of and expectations about citizenship? Who should solve problems of our society? Perceived responsibility for social and political issues among adolescents and emerging adults Petrovicova Z., Serek J., & Macek P. 429 The effects of experiences ofin participation among turkish youth SenerT. 435 Psychobiological development The change of interests of Japanese schoolgirls around puberty Hinobayashil, Kato M., Yamada K., KanazawaT., Akai S., Minami T. and Itoigawa N 441 Basic aspects of imitation in mother-infant, 7 year old brotherinfant and 9 year old sister-infant interactions in a naturalistic context: a case study Markodimitraki M 445 School context and child development Exploratory study on Bullying in Romanian high-schools Cristea M., Curelaru M., Abalasei B 451 Quality of early child care and education: analyses at the ITERS-R indicator level Barros S., & Peixoto C 457 Gender Bias in Georgian School Teachers' Behavior and Attitudes Berekashvili N The relationship between theory of mind and social competence evaluated by peers TobiaV.,Varin D. & Caprin C 465 475 Centre-based care experience, social development and the comprehension of emotions Varin D., Caprin C.JobiaV. & Morbe M 481 An approach to participation of children with disabilities in inclusive preschool settings Ferreira T, Coelho V. & Pinto A.1 485 Self regulation and motivation Implicit Theories of Intelligence, Achievement Goals and Grades: The Moderating Effect of Gender Gherasim L.R., Butnaru S., lacob, LM The influence of the motivational team climate and of personal goals on the specific game goals adopted by volleyball athletes Lemos M. S. & Magalhaes C 491 497 Effects of Practical Lessons on Promoting Agency Beliefs for Strategy in Middle School Students Umemoto T., Nakanishi Y. 503 Social competence and community Development of coping strategies and social problem solving at the ages of 8 and 12 Zsolnai A. and Kasik L 509 Temperament and personality Personality Stability between Adolescence and Mid-Adulthood: Personality traits and self-concept SobotkovaVeronika, Blatny Marek, Jelinek Martin 515 Mother's Sense of Competence in Relation to Infant Temperament Following Home Birth Versus Hospital Birth Zande D., Sebre S 521 The many facets of student-teacher relationships: new insights from international studies og school entry and beyond Observing quality of student-teacher relationships in elementary school classrooms: The Student-Teacher Relationship Observation Measurement (STROM) Gliier, M. & Hannover B 527 Values and moral development Do p a r e n t s , school, community, and o r g a n i z a t i o n s affect adolescents' civic engagement by shaping their value orientations? A mediation analysis Serek J., & Macek P. 533 Working memory and executive functioning: exploring individual differences and learning outcomes i Assessment of the validity of a Computerised Assessment Technique compared with equivalent Paper and Pencil tests on executive functions in 7-9 yr old children Ertubey C, Roberts P., Teoh K., Cavendish P., Robertson 1 539 Miscellaneous The influence of family relations on mental development of children BolotovaAlla 545 The association of Callous-unemotional traits with Oppositional Defiant disorder and Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder: Taking resilience into account Fanti K. A 551 The development of volitional regulation through the process of university students' education Shlyapnikov Vladimir 557 Impact of locational parameters on spatial cognition Van Duuren M., Cole K., Dolins F. 561 Quality of the interpersonal relationship in a high risk sample of children living in foster home: a preliminary study using the child attachment interview Zaccagnino M., Cussino M., Preziosa A., Carassa A Author Index 569 573
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