Document 211708

Foundations and Funders: How to Get Involved
In the coming years, our nation’s health care system will need to serve 32 million newly insured
Americans as well as rapidly increasing numbers of older Americans and people with chronic
conditions. That is why the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation (RWJF) invites you to join its
long-standing commitment to improving health and health care for all Americans by focusing on
the role of nurses in improving quality of care.
The Foundation has invested nearly $300 million over the past 10 years supporting innovative
nursing programs that address many of the challenges of the current environment. We
supported the Institute of Medicine (IOM) in the development of its landmark study and report
released in October 2010, The Future of Nursing: Leading Change, Advancing Health, which
provides a blueprint to transform nursing and the delivery of health care in America.
Campaign Overview
The Future of Nursing: Campaign for Action promotes implementation of the recommendations
in the IOM report. Its aim is to help ensure that all Americans have access to high-quality,
patient-centered health care, with nurses contributing to the full extent of their capabilities. The
campaign is coordinated through the Center to Champion Nursing in America (CCNA), an
initiative of AARP, the AARP Foundation and RWJF, and includes 50 state Action Coalitions
and the District of Columbia as well as a wide range of health care providers; consumer
advocates; policy-makers and business, academic and philanthropic leaders.
The campaign is moving forward to address these priorities identified in the IOM report:
Strengthen nurse education and training;
Enable nurses to practice to the full extent of their education and training;
Advance interprofessional collaboration among health care professionals to ensure
coordinated and improved patient care;
Expand leadership ranks to ensure nurses have a voice on management teams, in
boardrooms and during policy debates; and
Improve health care workforce data collection to better assess and project workforce
The goal of the Future of Nursing: Campaign for Action is to bring together many partners to
achieve lasting results that truly transform how health care is delivered. Such an important
endeavor requires the support of groups at the local, state and national levels; across
professions; and spanning government, academia and the business sector. No single funder
can do it alone.
Many Funders’ Missions Align with the Campaign’s Goals
The campaign’s goals correspond closely with the missions of many foundations and other
funders, including those with commitments to improving the health and health care of our
citizens, ensuring that we have a well-prepared health care workforce and increasing
opportunities in higher education and leadership.
How Foundations and Other Funders Can Help
 Fund and Invest. Consider making a programmatic, financial or significant in-kind
contribution or participating in a specific large-scale collaborative activity to implement the
IOM report recommendations.
Investments in research to improve patient health and health care, such as:
- Nursing models of care that create innovative, cost-effective solutions
- Nurse residency programs in a range of practice settings, including public health
and community care
Investments that improve educational and training opportunities for new and
experienced nurses:
- Scholarships and loan forgiveness programs to encourage nurses to pursue
Bachelor of Science and higher degrees
- Accelerated graduate degree programs in nursing to develop a diverse nextgeneration nursing faculty
Increased health care leadership opportunities for nurses:
- Programs to build leadership skills through continuing education
- Expanded opportunities for nurses to lead and manage collaborative improvement
 Provide Access to Key Audiences. Leverage your reputation as a neutral convener to
bring together key actors at the national or state level and engage them in achieving the
campaign’s goals.
Funders can also provide the campaign with opportunities to reach key audiences
through speaking engagements.
 Communicate and Advocate. Share campaign updates and other information with your
grantees and networks via outreach, media and advocacy activities.
 Support Coalition Capacity Development. Provide funding for staffing and program and
infrastructure development to build the capacity of the state Action Coalitions.
To Get Involved, Contact:
Susan B. Hassmiller, PhD, RN, FAAN, Senior Adviser for Nursing at RWJF and Director, Future of
Nursing: Campaign for Action,
Susan Reinhard, PhD, RN, FAAN, Senior Vice President, AARP Public Policy Institute and
CCNA Chief Strategist,