Document 228819

Diocesan Web siteFri, July 15, 2011
ESTD. 1905 YR 106 NR 22
Pope appoints new bishops in T&T, Barbados
“I think they are very good choices and
very good additions to the Caribbean
Conference of Bishops”. This was the
reaction of Bishop of Georgetown
Francis Alleyne in an invited comment
on the news that Pope Benedict has
appointed Father Joseph Harris and
Monsignor Jason Gordon both of
Trinidad and Tobago to be the new
heads of the church of Trinidad and
Tobago, Barbados and St Vincent and
the Grenadines.
Fr Harris will be ordained Bishop
coadjutor (co-assister) of Port of Spain
on September 14. He will become the
new Archbishop of Port of Spain when
the present Archbishop Edward
Gilbert retires in December.
Father Jason Gordon will be ordained
on September 21 in the Cathedral of
St. Patrick in Barbados. Soon after his
ordination the new Bishop of
Bridgetown will also be installed in the
Diocese of Kingstown, SVG, in the
Cathedral of the Assumption on
September 23.
Pope Benedict officially announced the
appointments last Friday July 8.
Father Harris, a member of the Holy
Ghost congregation is also the Judicial
Vicar and Vicar for Clergy in Trinidad
and Tobago. Sixty nine years old Fr.
Harris was a former Rector and lecturer
at the Regional Seminary in Trinidad.
He also worked and studied in the
United States, Canada, Ireland, and in
the Missions in Paraguay in his earlier
years as a priest. Among his academic
qualifications he holds a Masters
Degree in Theology and a Doctor of
Ministry. He was ordained to the
priesthood on July 14, 1968.
Fr Harris will become the country’s
tenth archbishop but only the second
Trinidadian to be head of there. The
late Tony Pantin became the first
Please turn to back page
Bishop’s Engagements
Sun 17th July: 08:30 hrs Mass at
14:00 hrs Mass at Camp Kayuca
Wed 20th July: 17:00 hrs Mass of
Thanksgiving at Fatima for Fr. Linus
Thurs 21st July: 16:30hrs meet
confirmation candidates in New
Sun 24th July: 09:00 hrs Mass at
Mahaica to begin Pastoral Visit
+ Francis Alleyne, OSB
Archbishop elect Joseph Harris and Bishop elect Jason Gordon at a press conference
last Friday in Port of Spain after the Vatican announcement of their appointments
Fr Linus Wall dies at 92 in Canada
Scarboro priest Father Linus Wall
who worked in Guyana for more than
52 years, 40 of them as parish priest
of Our Lady of Fatima church in
Bourda died at 2.00pm on
Wednesday July 13, in Scarborugh
General Hospital in Canada.
Fr Wall returned to Canada in 2006.
In a 2009 article about Scarboro
priests, Fr Jack Lynch wrote of Fr
Wall, “Those of us who live with this
hearty Newfoundlander have come
to appreciate more and more each
day his wonderful approach to life,
his youthful vigour and enthusiasm
- remarkable in a man who, without
complaint, now goes for dialysis
three times weekly.”
Shortly after Fr. Wall returned to
Canada he was diagnosed with renal
problems and was put on regular
dialysis treatment. Last week
however during dialysis his blood
pressure went down too low and
dialysis had to be discontinued. His
condition seemed to be deteriorating
and after consulting with the doctors
it was decided to discontinue dialysis.
Father Jack Lynch also wrote about
a visit he paid to Guyana. He said
one lay leader in the Pastoral Area
told him, “Father, when we get
together with the laity from the other
parishes, we realize just how well Fr.
Linus and the Scarboro priests
prepared us to assume our rightful
responsibility in our church.”
Tentatively, the wake for Fr Wall is
on Friday 7:00 pm and the funeral
Sat. 10:30 am in Canada.
The Catholic Standard extends
deepest sympathy to the entire
Scarboro community on the death
of Fr Wall.
How to Choose a Bishop
By Mike James
The announcement last Friday in
Port of Spain of the appointments
of two new bishops for the Antilles
Episcopal Conference (AEC), Fr.
Joseph Harris as Coadjutor
Archbishop of Port of Spain, and
Msgr. Jason Gordon as bishop of the
two dioceses of Bridgetown,
Barbados and Kingstown, St. Vincent
has been the cause of great joy.
Barbados had been without a
resident bishop since May 2005
when the Vatican accepted the
resignation (that all bishops are
required to submit when they reach
the age of 75) of Bishop Galt.
Kingstown, St. Vincent had been
without a resident bishop since July
2007 when its first and only Bishop
Robert Rivas was appointed
Archbishop of Castries in St. Lucia.
Archbishop Edward Gilbert had
announced that he had submitted his
required resignation, to take effect
from 26 December, 2011 when he
celebrates his 75th birthday. The joy
Please turn to page 9
Holidays here again
Catholic Standard, Fri., July 15th, 2011
still live in or close to areas where they constantly
interact with nature. During the holidays however
when we are not trying to control what goes on
around us perhaps we can even better appreciate
nature not as objects for our use but for what they
are in themselves to be appreciated, protected and
Given part of the reality of Guyana today a large
number of our children and young adults will spend
their holidays doing little or nothing at home with
little or no parental supervision.
Parents and guardians and all who have direction in
public affairs should take steps to safeguard our
youth of the many dangers and harmful influences
that can befall them particularly at this time. There
We are told that holidays are an absolute necessity in
order to maintain good mental, physical and spiritual
health. Holiday simply means longer than usual time away
from normal employment or education.
Hundreds of thousands of children and adults from
nursery to university began several weeks of holidays
on Monday. Many parents also try to get their annual
leave at this time so that they can reconnect as a
family or deepen these relationships.
Speaking in Rome earlier this week Pope Benedict issued
an invitation to parents to use the holidays to teach
their children to value nature. To those gathered at his
summer residence he said, "I would like to recommend
that during this time of vacation,
you revivify your spirits by
contemplating the splendors of
"Parents," he said, "teach your
children to see nature, respect and
222 South Rd & Wellington St.,
protect it as a magnificent gift that
presents to us the grandeur of the
are adults who make huge profits
by inducing them to buy drugs or
employing them as agents for their
Youths are permitted to visit
rumshops where they are sold beer
and liquor.
Movies advocating highly immoral
values and practices are now easily available.
During the holidays it would be reasonable to
speculate that more of them would be tempted to
indulge in unwholesome practices.
The challenge at this time is also for adults to help
remove some of the obstacles and pitfalls that young
people are likely to face during these holidays and
to help, guide and encourage them in good
Colin Smith
Alluding to parable of the Sower and the Seed, the Holy
Father added that with parables, "Jesus used the
language of nature to explain to his disciples the
mysteries of the Kingdom."
"May the images he uses become familiar to us," he
said. "Let us remember that the divine reality is hidden
in our daily lives like the seed in the soil. May it bear
fruit in us!
Guyana is a highly agricultural country and many people
“Our Principles are the springs
of our actions;
Our actions, the springs of our
happiness or misery;
Too much care, therefore cannot
be taken,
In forming our Principles.” Philip Skelton
We live in a complex world in which certain behavioural patterns
may typify the ‘Law of the Jungle.’ Selfishness, lack of integrity
and the focus on material gains lead some persons to conclude
that adherence to principles is not a common practice.
Parental guidance, home training, schooling and religious teachings
would have instilled in us, certain values. In that process there
would have been a clear demarcation between what is right and
what is wrong. Being unprincipled would certainly be deemed
We would have been taught to show consideration for others
and to recognise the qualities of a good citizen. We would have
been asked to embrace those values in our personal lives on the
premise that our conduct reflects our principles.
The seed our Principles has good crop potential. It will germinate
and grow vigorously in an environment of truth blended with
integrity. Its growth will be retarded and the yields jeopardized,
when we allow the weeds of trickery, dishonesty and greed to
The relationship of our actions to happiness or misery thus seems
Yet, short term gains to satisfy our acquisitive nature may propel
many persons into deviating from the straight and narrow path
of truth and principles. Attempts may be even made to justify
unprincipled behaviour based on specific needs or circumstances.
The British Statesman Sir Winston Churchill observed:
“Some men change their party for the sake of Principles;
Others their principles for the sake of the party.”
Several questions arise!
Why the declining standards and abandonment of
Why such clear cases of disintegrating values?
What can be done to have persons adhere to principles?
Vibert Parvatan
Many answers may be forthcoming. The views likely to
surface are:
Lack of self worth;
The strangulation of trust-worthiness;
Attempts to out-smart and out-manoeuvre others;
Attitudes of acquisitiveness; and
Lack of consideration for others
I was told an interesting story of a gentleman committing
himself informally to a certain price for the sale of property.
Within hours a new offer surfaced. It was significantly
higher than the off to which he had agreed in principle but
had not formalized. What did he do?
He declined the persuasion of the second bidder thus
forfeiting the incremental profit it offered. He took the
position that he had given his word and that he could not
renege on that. He contended that his word was his bond.
That true story will be unusual in today’s scenario where
even the written agreement may be torpedoed to make the
extra dollar.
Personal financial gain may seem more attractive to some
persons than personal integrity and any principle.
Developing a culture of caring not only for overselves but
for others, is a principle on which traditional values are based.
No person is an island. Our individual well being requires
harmonizing with others. We can build a humane society
on the firm foundation of good values. It is necessary to
have our principles embrace love, dignity, mutual respect
and consideration.
Bringing good values in our lives demands a mental attitude
which recognises the goodness and the spirituality of human
beings. It demands trustworthiness; understanding and selfcontrol.
Our principles must thrive on honesty and humility and
exemplify our spiritual and moral teachings. It must cast
away attitudes of selfishness, greed and jealousy which lead
to hate and conflict.
Catholic Standard Fri., July 15th, 2011
15th Sunday in Ordinary time
Year A
well what he means, and that the pleas of the
saints expressed by the Spirit are according to
There is no god, other than you, who cares for the mind of God.
The Word of the Lord.
everything, to whom you might have to prove that
Matthew 13: 24-43
you never judged unjustly.Your justice has its source
in strength, your sovereignty over all makes you
Let them both grow till the harvest.
lenient to all.
You show your strength when your sovereign power Jesus put a parable before the crowd, “The
is questioned and you expose the insolence of those kingdom of heaven may be compared to a man
who know it; but, disposing of such strength, you who sowed good seed in his field. While
are mild in judgement, you govern us with great everybody was asleep his enemy came, sowed
lenience, for you have only to will, and your power darnel all among the wheat, and made off. When
is there.
the new wheat sprouted and ripened, the darnel
By acting thus you have taught a lesson to your appeared as well. The owner’s servant went to
people, how the virtuous man must be kindly to him and said, ‘Sir, was it not good seed that
his fellow men, and you have given your children you sowed in your field? If so, where does the
the good hope that after sin you will grant darnel come from?’ ‘Some enemy has done
this,’ he answered. And the servant said, ‘Do
you want us to go and weed it out?’ But he
The Word of the Lord.
said, ‘No, because when you weed out the
darnel you might pull up the wheat with it. Let
O Lord, you are good and forgiving.
them both grow till the harvest; and at harvest
1. O Lord, you are good and forgiving, full of love time I shall say to the reapers: First collect the
to all who call.
darnel and tie it in bundles to be burnt, then
Give heed, O Lord, to my prayer and attend to the gather the wheat into my barn.’ ”
sound of my voice.
The Gospel of the Lord.
2. All the nations shall come to adore you and glorify
your name, O Lord: for you are great and do
marvellous deeds, you who alone are God.
3. But you, God of mercy and compassion, slow
to anger, O Lord, abounding in love and truth,
turn and take pity on me.
FIRST READING: Wisdom 12:13, 16-19
After sin you will grant repentance.
Romans 8:26-27
The Spirit expresses our plea in a way that could never
be put into words.
The Spirit comes to help us in our weakness.
For when we cannot choose words in order to pray
properly, the Spirit himself expresses our plea in a
way that could never be put into words, and God
who knows everything in our hearts knows perfectly
“First collect the darnel and tie it in
bundles to be burnt ….”
○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○
Generally there are two views of the Church. One view
holds that the Church is for good people who are fully
committed to Christ. The other position sees the Church
as being open to all, whether hot, cold or warm, whether
saint or sinner. For many of us, the presence of bad
people, the sinners, in the Church is a great scandal.
Only good people, the saints, should be admitted. What
are we to think? As Christians, we have to turn to the
example of Jesus to guide us in our thinking. We note
that instead of excluding sinners from his company, he
actively welcomed them. He stated clearly that he did
not come to call good people, but sinners to repentance.
His parable about the wheat and the weeds growing
together until the harvest is his response to this very
The parable we read in today’s Gospel addresses the
problem of sinners in the Kingdom of God. In Jesus’ time
the Pharisees believed that the Kingdom was for saints
only and that sinners would be weeded out. But the
parable shows that Christ didn’t agree with this point
of view. His position is clear - up to the last
judgement, the Kingdom will be a mixture of good
and evil. We can apply this parable to the Church.
We are aware that, like the Kingdom, the Church is
also a combination of good and bad. The separation
of the two must be left to the last judgement. In
the meantime the Church must be patient, we must
reach out and preach and practise repentance and
tolerance. The Church must imitate its Founder. It
has to be big enough and loving enough to hold sinners
in its arms. If we who make up the Church do not do
this, we will not be the Church of Christ.
Human beings are complex creatures and so
cannot be divided into two clearly separate groups
of those who are good and those who are bad. If
we try to draw a line between the good and the
bad, that line would pass through each one of us.
This is because there is good and evil in all of us.
Letters to the Editor
Slavery in the modern era
Dear Editor,
Historically the Industrial Revolution began in Britain in
the 18th Century, then spread to Europe. This probably
was the advent of modern slavery. This was the age
of remarkable inventions in science and technology
leading to the establishment of factories resulting in
mass production.
In this 21st century science and technology have
reached astronomical heights. Meanwhile the world’s
population has increased geometrically causing severe
food shortages and unemployment. Despite the power
of trade unionism many workers worldwide are subjected
to wide ranging injustices.
Guyana one of the smallest societies, is no exception
to these abuses.There is unemployment and
underemployment, both in the government and private
sectors, blatant violation of labour laws, sexual
harassment and the list goes on. Apart from low wages
and salaries, the sorest point is the non-payment to
the National Insurance Scheme by many employers.
Taxation both for employers and employees need to
be reviewed. A living wage is fundamental as an
incentive for workers to produce. The pensioner who
is lucky or unfortunate to be alive should be able to
live on his pension.
Butterflies and the gift of friendship
Dear Editor,
My friend told me he wants to be a butterfly—a yellow
and blue one. I don’t know what you call those. He
also said he would get me a job. Butterflies need no
song like friendship need no words. The gift of friendship
is a rare and beautiful thing. To know that someone
knows your heart and mends your heart and reveals
her heart—that is something like the Trinity. My friend
amazes me with a kindness that goes beyond words
and hugs—it is embedded in the inmost nature of our
beings. To love and be loved- that is the answer. My
friend is the reason I am here, only for a while, as I fly
with her to a dream untold. Keep me true to my true
Catholic Standard, Fri., July 15th, 2011
The women in the N.A window?
Dear Editor,
I refer to the article in the Catholic Standard of July 1,
2011, "Historic New Amsterdam Catholic Church marks
175 years". As a child I attended this Church regularly
and always admired the beautiful stained glass window
depicting the Ascension.
Many years later I visited the church with a group from
the Heritage Society. Members were told that there
are two extra people (women) standing on the right
side of the scene. They are not Saints, they don't
have haloes. They are behind Mary Magdalen who is
kneeling. Everyone else is looking up at Christ but they
are not. Do you know the names of these women? I
have a coloured photograph of the stained glass window.
O'Donna Allsopp
Happy memories of New Amsterdam
Dear Editor,
Many thanks for the photographs of First Communion
Day at New Amsterdam. The faces of the children and
adults brought back happy memories of my own 3-year
stay in Guyana. The article explained the significance
of the Day and all the requirements very well.
It would have been good to mention that for Roman
Catholics, Holy Communion means the Real Body and
Blood of the Lord Jesus, present under the species of
bread and wine, in accordance with His own words at
the Last Supper: "This is My Body. This is My Blood. Do
this in memory of Me." We believe that Jesus Himself,
present in a real but mysterious manner, comes to
nourish us in Holy Communion.
Therefore, we need to prepare our hearts to receive
Him worthily, as St. Paul teaches in his first letter to
the Corinthians. At Holy Mass and in Holy Communion,
we are carrying out a very special command of the
Lord given at his parting meal with his twelve Apostles.
Thus, we commit ourselves to practice His great
Commandment of Love (given at the same meal) for
which the Eucharist gives us special grace and strength.
Blessed Teresa of Calcutta was a great believer in the
Eucharist and insisted that her sisters practice devotion
to the Eucharist with Holy Mass and a Holy Hour spent
before the Blessed Sacrament every day of their lives.
Executive Presidency not O.K: AFC
Dear Editor,
The Alliance For Change is seriously concerned with
the statements attributed to President Jagdeo as
reported by the Stabroek News in a news story entitled
“Executive presidency OK the way it is – Jagdeo” in
the July 11 edition.
No self-respecting leader, who has had the opportunity
to observe and experience Guyana’s woes over the
past two decades, since the Executive Presidency was
foisted on our nation, should say that this aberration
is “OK” as is.
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It is not surprising that Jagdeo, coming from a political
entity with dubious democratic traditions, and believing
in the politburo styled “Democratic Centralism, would
become fully inebriated with the enormous powers and
unlimited immunities he has enjoyed, and we daresay,
abused, over his term of presidency.
The AFC expects no different attitude and behaviour
from PPP Candidate Donald Ramotar and calls on
Guyanese everywhere to choose carefully and rationally
at the upcoming elections whether they want to stay
mired in a dictatorship, or they want liberation, freedom
and an inclusive democracy. A vote for the PPP and
Ramotar will give us more of Jagdeo.
The AFC believes that the post of the Executive
President is outdated and counter-productive towards
fostering harmonious ethnic relations and development.
Representatives of our two main political parties have
held this office for 12 years, and 18 years respectively,
and things have gone from bad to worse over time. At
various times during their periods in opposition, both
parties have denounced this most un-West Indian and
harmful model of managing our affairs.
Everyone knows that placing virtual unlimited and
unaccountable power in the hands of one person cannot
Please turn to page 7-
Catholic Standard, Fri., July 15th, 2011
We Are All Different
Our little grandson told us: "I like all the children in outlook, and in abilities. One of them like photography
my class, but why are we all different from each other." and computer graphics, but he is not too keen on
We tried to explain that we are all different because helping with the housework. The other one is happy
we are all descended from different nationalities, and and quite at home in helping his wife to keep the
home clean. One of the girls is very good with the
so on.
But his innocent question gave us food for thought. guitar and has a beautiful singing voice, whereas, if
On reflection, we thought that he was probably trying we start to sing others will jokingly tell us "don’t call
to tell us, in his own little way, that the other children the rain." How different can we get? The others are
do not like to do the things that he would like to do. all quite different in their own likes and abilities.
Whether we are parents, grand-parents or children, it Over the years we have come to recognise the
is good to realise that we are all quite different, not strengths and weaknesses, likes and dislikes, and the
only in looks, colour or race, but in our outlook on life, different abilities of each other, and to realise that,
and our thoughts and abilities. No one else in the as a family, we each have something to contribute for
entire world is exactly like us. Someone may resemble the benefit of the others.
us, or look exactly like us, but on a closer examination So, as we all enjoy each day as grand-parents, parents
or children, we suggest that we
will be seen. Even in
should realise that we are all "wired"
twin this
is the
differently.We do
case also.
Each and
not mean that
one of1234567890123456789012345678901212345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345678901234
we should ever
unique in our own special way. We
accept or condone wrong or immoral
By Chris & Noelma Lam
started to come to this realisation when we saw a
young man on television. His shocking body piercing
covered his eyebrows, nose, lips, tongue, ears and
other parts of his body.
At first, when we saw his body, we thought that he
had been in a serious accident, before realising that
he had deliberately chosen to look like that because
his hair was cut in Mohawk style and dyed green.
Sometime ago we met a little boy at the Pegasus
who told us that the fourth floor button on the
elevator was broken so we will have to press the
second floor button twice. Of course, we realised
that he was joking.
How does all this fit together? Well, we do believe
that these examples show that we are all quite
different. Every one of us have different thoughts,
actions, dreams, tastes and abilities.
In our families, if we focus only on our differences,
we may well end up fighting, disagreeing and worrying.
But, if we can focus our thoughts on what unites us,
rather than what divides us, our families can be much
more happier.
Yes, we need perspective. And we need to realise
that although we are all different and have different
abilities, we can compliment each other if we really
We have seven children, and they are all different in
behaviour. Rather, we are saying
that differences are to be respected, and we can still
love members of our family who think, and act, in
opposite ways.
So, let us all pray that differences will not annoy us,
or upset us. Let us all ask Our Lord to give us larger,
more tolerant insight into the lives of others. Let us
ask God to give us the wisdom to realise that others
see life differently from us. And they always will.
Mind Puzzler Corner
Our last Brain Teaser was:
I may run rings around you, or escape your clutching
grip. Or leave a treacherous trail that gives a sudden
slip. (If you're not careful!) You always end up
winning, while I shrink with each new meet:
Our bouts will be my ruin, but you'll come out smelling
sweet. What am I?
The answer is: A bar of soap
Now here’s this week’s Brain Teaser:
I am loud or quiet.
I am sudden or expected.
I am a strong medication.
I am a relief in certain situations.
I am caused by embarrassment and/or happiness.
I am found in many good friendships.
What am I?
Look for the answer in our next issue.
Spiritual Titbits
- - This Week’s Reflection:
Reflecting on this Sunday’s Gospel,
we realise that if each of us looks
at our own field we are sure to see
some weeds there mixed with the
good plants. It is our duty and
responsibility to ourselves, and to
others, to try our best to root out
the weeds - the bad habits, the
weak emotions, the evil thoughts we find there. When we try to do
so, we find that it is a painful
God Bless You! Have a Great Week!
- - This Week’s Bible Question:
Q. What city fell at the sound of a
shout and trumpets?
(Answer below.)
- - This Week’s Teaser:
Q: Why did the jelly roll?
(Answer below.)
- - Today’s Bible Verse:
The Lord is good, a stronghold in the
day of trouble; and He knows those
who trust in Him. Nahum 1: 7
- - Today’s Bits of Wisdom /
* Some people use language to
express thought, some to conceal
thought, and others instead of
* Nothing has more lives than an
error you refuse to correct.
- - Humour:
One Sunday morning as the Priest
was giving the homily at the children’s
Mass, he reached into a bag of props
and pulled out an egg. He pointed
at the object and asked the children:
"What's in here?"
"I know, I know!" Little Johnny
boy exclaimed. "Pantyhose"
- - A Card Hallmark Would Never
I don’t think about dying, it’s the
last thing I want to do.
- - Answer to Bible Question:
Jericho - See Joshua 6:20
So the people shouted when the
priests blew the trumpets. And
it happened when the people
heard the sound of the trumpet,
and the people shouted with a
great shout, that the wall fell
down flat. Then the people went
up into the city, every man
straight before him, and they
took the city.
- - Answer to Teaser:
Because he saw the apple turn
NY State Senator Gets Heat For
'taking The Catholic Out' Of His
Marriage Vote
(CNA) New York state Senator Mark Grisanti ran as a
Catholic Republican opponent of same-sex "marriage" in
2010. In June 2011, he became a key vote ensuring its
passage, telling a local newspaper: "If I take the Catholic
out of me, which is hard to do, then absolutely they should
have these rights." Richard E. Barnes, Executive Director
of the New York Catholic Conference, said Grisanti showed
a lack of integrity as a Catholic by "ignoring" the "teachings
he knows full well" on the subject of family life.
Maggie Gallagher, chairman of the National Organization
for Marriage, said the supposed protection trumpeted by
Grisanti is seriously flawed as it “protects some religious
organizations; it doesn't protect religious people. If you're a
marriage counselor, it's not going to help you stay in business
against a claim that you're discriminating if you are not
willing to help gay people keep their relationships together."
Catholic Standard, Fri., July 15th, 2011
& Peace
bishop also pointed to threats of drought, which will be
compounded by displaced southerns now returning. "The challenge
is immense," he wrote in a pastoral letter released Saturday.
"Sometimes, it will come down to a decision: What must I give
us that this person might eat, be clothed, be sheltered, etcetera?"
Illinois Catholic Charities Will C h u r c h C o n d e m n s L a t e s t
by Mexico Car tels
Fight Exclusion From Foster Care Killing
(Zenit) After last Friday's shooting spree in a Monterrey bar
(CNA/EWTN News) Catholic Charities of Illinois plans to
challenge the Department of Children and Family Services'
unexpected decision to end its foster care partnership with
three local dioceses.
"We are going into court tomorrow in an attempt to stop
this, because we believe it's an illegal action for several
reasons," said Peter Breen, Executive Director and Legal
Counsel at the Illinois-based Thomas More Society.
The three dioceses claim that their Catholic Charities offices
remain free, under that law, to place foster children only
with married couples and single individuals without live-in
partners. In June 2011, Catholic Charities sued the state of
Illinois, seeking to confirm their status as a foster care agency
under the new law. "The legislature made clear that it was
protecting religious entities as it passed the civil unions law,"
Breen stated.
that killed 21 people, the archbishop of the city, Cardinal Francisco
Robles Ortega expressed the grief of the Church, saying that
despite the fact Mexican authorities are waging war on drug
trafficking, it continues to rear its ugly head. In a press conference
after Mass on Sunday, Cardinal Robles Ortega referred to what
is now called "the massacre of Sabino Gordo," the name of the
bar located in central Monterrey, in the northern state of Nuevo
Leon. No one, said Cardinal Robles Ortega, can so dispose of
the lives of others.
"If the criminals had experienced in their life that God is the
source of Life, they would think twice" before committing these
atrocities, the cardinal asserted.
"It is very easy to imply that measures are being taken against
crime," he concluded, "yet not go to the root of things."
(CNA) Organizers are billing the August 17 "Night of Joy"
as one of the biggest evening events of World Youth Day. It
will feature a procession, Eucharistic adoration and
opportunities for confession along with music, speakers and
guest bishops, including Archbishop Charles J. Chaput of
Denver. Guests who will provide "impressive testimonies"
include world champion soccer player Jesús Navas,
magician Andrés O'Hagan, and Chiara Amirante, the founder
of the Italy-based youth social advocacy group Nuovi
Orizzonti. Other bishops attending the event are Bishop Juan
Antonio Reig Pla of Alcalá, Spain, Bishop Joaquin Maria
Lopez de Andújar of Getafe, and Bishop Yves Le Saux of
Le Mans, France.
The event will take place at 7 p.m. in the air-conditioned
Madrid Arena, a 30-minute walk or a 15-minute metro ride
from the Plaza Mayor. Dinner will be served to all registered
World Youth Day pilgrims between 6 and 7:30 p.m.
center in Spain. Bishop Josep Ángel Sáiz Meneses of Terrassa
presided over a Mass on July 2 at the parish of Fogars de Monclus,
where the center is located in the rectory. The Cenacle
Community is an international association founded in Italy by
Sister Elvira Petrozzi in 1983. It has more than 50 communities
around the world, including in the United States, Mexico, Brazil,
Peru, Argentina, Italy, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Slovenia,
Poland, Austria, France, England, Ireland, Russia and Slovakia.
The community's motherhouse is in Saluzzo, in northwestern
Cenacle Community Opens
WYD 'Night Of Joy' To Feature 1st House in Spain
Comunità Cenacolo (the Cenacle Community), which
Speakers, Bishops And Music (Zenit)
works for the rehabilitation of drug addicts, is opening its first
Pressing Issues Cut Short
South Sudan Celebrations
(Zenit) There is little time for celebration in South Sudan.
Though it officially became Africa's 54th nation last Saturday,
thus culminating a peace process that concluded the 19832005 civil war, many and serious issues need to be addressed
quickly. Bishop Eduardo Hiiboro Kussala of TamburaYambio, South Sudan, called July 9 a "wonderful day in the
history of our people," reported Aid to the Church in Need.
"The celebrations here went wonderfully well. It was really
a blessing of God that we had no violence." However, the
Byzantine Faithful Welcome
Apostolic Visitor to Spain
(Zenit) Auxiliary Bishop Dionisio Lachovicz of Kiev has
concluded an apostolic visit to Ukrainian faithful in the Spanish
diocese of Orihuela-Alicante. The numerous Greek-Catholic
faithful of the area have welcomed the bishop again; it is estimated
that some 10,000 people from Ukraine form the 10 Greek-Catholic
communities that live in the Diocese of Orihuela-Alicante.
The bishop was appointed in 2009 as visitor for Ukrainian faithful
of the Byzantine rite who reside in Italy and Spain.
Last Wednesday, Bishop Lachovicz visited the local ordinary,
Bishop Rafael Palmero, celebrating the 10th anniversary of the
creation of the Ukrainian community of Torrevieja. That
community now has more than 3,000 faithful.
Byzantine Catholics returned to full communion with Rome in
1595, retaining their Byzantine liturgy and their own canonical
structure and hierarchy.
32 years on
Catholic Standard, Fri. July 15th, 2011
Principles ............
From page 2
A person of principle will help to formulate rules for the advancement of society and
in a disciplined way will comply with such rules.
Too often, self discipline is lacking and some persons may suffer a rude awakening
that there may be a perception that they lack principles.
We must discover ourselves and bring values in out lives to make it worthy.
There is need to safe guard our principles and let it take root. For as Longfellow
“Many men do not allow their
Principles to take root,
But pull them up every now and then,
As children do the flowers they have planted,
To see if they are growing.”
Executive Presidency not O.K : AFC
Thursday marked the 32nd
anniversary of the martyrdom of
Jesuit priest Father Bernard Darke
in Brickdam, Georgetown.
On July 14, 1979 four members of
the Working People’s Alliance were
to appear in court having been
charged with arson in connection a
fire which destroyed the Ministry of
National Development and the Office
of the General Secretary of the PNC
along with the GUYSUCO building
next to. They were Bonita Harris,
Kwame Apata, Maurice Odle,
Omawale, Rupert Roopnaraine, Karen
de Souza, Walter Rodney and Davo
Although they were granted bail they
were taken from the court in a police
van. WPA demonstrators followed
the police van along Brickdam. As
they passed St Stanislaus College,
Fr Darke, who worked as a parttime photographer for the Catholic
Standard, came out onto the street
to take some photos of the
Suddenly the demonstrators were
attacked by a group of thugs in front
of Brickdam police station. Fr Darke
continued to take photos of what
was happening. Some of the thugs
demonstrators turned on Fr Darke
and beat him with staves. He fell as
he tried to run and one of the thugs
stabbed him in the back as he lay
on the ground. He died six hours
later in hospital.
Pope’s Prayer Intention for July
General Intention: Those Suffering
with AIDS
That Christ may ease the physical and
spiritual sufferings of those who are
sick with AIDS, especially in the poorest countries.
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Tel # 226 -1082
For modern desiged frames,
glasses plastic and photochromatic
..From Page 4
be good for the practice of our democracy. It has been proven here that
“absolute power corrupts absolutely”. We advocate for separating the
functions of our Head of State (President) who will be “Guardian of the
Constitution” from those of our Head of Government (Prime Minister)
answerable to the people’s representatives in the National Assembly.
Our Head of State should be a non-executive President and a person of
integrity who holds the confidence of the vast majority of our citizens. A
non-executive President can play the much-needed role of helping to
bring together the divided racial, ethnic, religious strands of our society,
and ensure that the rule of law and constitutional offices are protected
from political influence.
In this respect, given our position that the Head of State of our divided
country should be one who holds the respect of the majority of our
citizens, we will advocate for an acceptable way of presenting prospective
candidates for the holder of this office to be a person of integrity who
would be respected by the vast majority of our citizens.
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How to choose a Bishop
From front page
therefore is added to relief that long awaited
appointments have been made for Barbados and St.
At last week’s press conference, the Trinidad press
focused their questions on the fact that both Fr.
Harris and Msgr. Gordon were supportive of an initiative
earlier this year by a group of Catholics to launch a
Genesis I Carnival Band and how this would have
impacted the decision of the Vatican to appoint them
as Bishops.
Archbishop Gilbert patiently explained that Carnival
was “not part of the process for nominating people.
It is a non-issue for the Vatican. In fact I don’t think
they have ever heard of Carnival.” Pressed further on
whether the Pope would be in support of a Catholic
Carnival band if he knew about it, Archbishop Gilbert
was quoted by the local press as saying “He is a very
intelligent man and he is very interested in reevangelising the Catholic culture throughout the world,
so I would guess and that’s all I can do... my guess
would be that once you explain it to him, he would be
in favour of it.”
What the local press did not cover at all was
Archbishop Gilbert explanation in his opening statement
of the actual process and criteria for the choice of
Bishops. He explained the process as follows:
“The process is initiated by the Nuncio in the country.
The Episcopal Conference recommends names to the
Nuncio. The Nuncio contacts people in the dioceses,
clergy, religious, laymen and women. That is all put
into proposals. Then there is a form sent out from
the Nunciature evaluating every single one of them
with a very long series of questions. When that is
compiled the Nuncio makes a judgement and then
sends three names to the Vatican called a terna for
each position and then the Vatican makes its decision.
The Cardinal who is in charge of that goes over on a
Saturday morning and presents a recommendation.
In almost all cases the Holy Father accepts the
recommendation because there is so much work that
has been put into it.”
And he added “I want you to be aware that this
process is very thorough, extraordinarily thorough. It
involves people in all states of life in the Catholic
Community. It involves the bishops of the AEC, it
involves the files of the Vatican because people are
writing the Vatican all the time, about issues, and
recommendations, criticisms. There is a tremendous
amount of information compiled and sifted through
and the people who make these decisions are
experienced people who have the love of the Church
at heart and they do their best to present good
candidates to the Holy Father.” See the attached link
for Archbishop Gilbert’s full video statement in the
Two New Bishops report at:
Asked for the qualifications for being considered for
an Episcopal post in our region the outgoing Papal
Nuncio Archbishop Thomas Gullickson, (who leaves
the Antilles shortly for his new assignment at Papal
Nuncio to the Ukraine) summarized them as follows,
“The fundamental is that for higher office in the Church
one should be a priest in good standing. For the office
of bishop in mission territories like ours one must be
40 years of age and at least 10 years a priest. Because
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Tel # 226 -1082
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Catholic Standard Fri., July 15, 2011
this is more restrictive than the Code of Canon Law, the
Congregation for Evangelization of Peoples (which makes
Episcopal recommendations for Mission territories to the
Pope) can always dispense from its particular rules and
follow universal law.”
It is also said that one of the main qualifications for
being considered for Episcopal appointment is that you
do not want it. The Jesuits for example, are under specific
rules of their Order not to accept Episcopal appointment
unless the Order’s policy is specifically overruled by the
Pope. Ambition is a major obstacle to the episcopate.
After all Jesus taught and lived out explicitly, “I have
come not to be served but to serve”.
Vacancies currently to be filled in the AEC include the
Dioceses of Basseterre-Pointe a Pitre in Guadeloupe
(Catholic population 405,000 largest in the AEC followed
by Port of Spain 395,000) which has had no bishop since
Bishop Cabo retired in 2008, and St. John’s Antigua and
Basseterre St. Kitts, also vacant since 2008 when Bishop
Donald Reece became Archbishop of Kingston in Jamaica.
Suitable candidates should NOT apply personally.
Rupert Murdoch's Papal Knighthood questioned
London, England, July 13 (CNA/EWTN News) .- There are
calls from all sides in British politics for Rupert Murdoch to hand
back ? or be stripped of ? his papal knighthood if he is found
culpable in any way for the recent phone hacking scandal involving
his British tabloid newspaper, The News of the World.
"I think we need to see the extent of what happened and who
knew what and when before we rush to judgment. But if it
transpires that Rupert Murdoch was aware of these goings on
then, yes, he ought to hand the papal knighthood back," said former
Conservative government minister and Catholic convert Ann
Widdecombe on July 13.
Rupert Murdoch was made a Knight Commander of St. Gregory
in 1998. Although not a Catholic, he had apparently been
recommended for the honor by Cardinal Roger Mahony of Los
Angeles after giving money to a Church education fund. A year
later he also donated $10 million to help build Los Angeles' new
Catholic cathedral.
Support the priesthood
and religious life!
Catholics are being offered a great opportunity to
support our sisters and brothers called to the priesthood
and religious life. In addition to giving generously to
the St. Peter Apostle second collection on Sunday July
31, 2011 in your parish community, you are also
encouraged to offer prayers for our seminarians and
religious in formation, and for more vocations to the
priesthood and religious life.
The proceeds of the St. Peter Apostle second collection
support the formation of seminarians and candidates
for religious life throughout the world especially in
mission territories. It also assists with funds to build
and carry out maintenance to seminaries.
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development of the worldwide church! Please see
bulletin/ notice board for more information.
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Marian Academy among top NGSA performers
With more than 35 per cent of the 53 candidates from Marian
Academy gaining in excess of 90 percent of the total possible
marks at this year’s National Grade Six Assessment examination
headmistress of the school, Ursuline Sister Marie Harper says
she is very happy with this year’s results.
Ms Maya Persram was the school’s top student and placed
15th overall in the country.
Five Marian students qualified for Queens College considered
the top secondary school in the country.
Another thirty per cent of the school’s candidates scored
between 85 and 90 per cent in the exams.
Sister Marie also pointed out that although some pupils qualified
for what are considered top government schools, a number of
them will not be taking up those places and have opted to
remain at Marian Academy for their secondary education. She
said more than 80 per cent of the students now in the Primary
stream at Marian have chosen to continue their secondary
education at the school.
Asked why she felt so many students had decided to remain
at Marian Sister Marie said many parents had acknowledged
that the school had facilities that are not found anywhere else
in the school system in the country.
The first Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception – the
foundation stone was laid on the 21st of April 1868 and opened
on the 30th August 1874. The building - situated in the same
block where the present Cathedral now stands - was 160 feet
long, 76 feet wide and 80 feet high, and made of greenheart
and crabwood. The eastern wall was fitted with three huge
stained glass windows. In 1878 the Tower was added, it was
160 feet high and housed a large bell and a set of chimes. The
top of the tower tapered off to house a shrine of Our Lady
(this statue is now sited above the west door of the present
Cathedral). The tower was designed by Fr. Ignatius Scales so
who was also the architect responsible for the City Hall. The
Cathedral was destroyed by fire on the 7th March 1913, caused
by a Tinsmith who knocked over his Coal Pot while doing repairs
in the tower.
She added that the school has always been
known to have a warm, caring environment. It
offers 22 subjects, has a very well stocked
library, fully equipped laboratories and
information technology centres all of which
gives students a wide choice. In addition the
learning institution also has a counseling service
and a full-time, registered nurse on its staff to
render immediate attention in cases of injuries
to students. 28 co-curricular activities on offer
also enhance social interaction, leadership,
healthy recreation, self-discipline and selfconfidence.
Pope appoints new bishops
From front page
Trinidadian to hold this position when he was
ordained Archbishop of the twin-island republic
in 1968. Two years after his sudden death in 2000
the current Archbishop who is an American was
appointed. According to a report in “Newsday” of
Trinidad and Tobago, “the Vatican’s appointment
of Gilbert, an American, as Archbishop triggered
an outcry among the Catholic community and
priesthood who felt a Trinidadian should have been
chosen after Pantin’s death”.
Msgr. Charles Jason Gordon, a priest of the
Archdiocese of Port of Spain and member of the
Living Water Community there, also lectured at the
Regional Seminary. He is the Episcopal Vicar for
Administration in the Port of Spain Archdiocese.
He has studied and worked mainly in Europe and
the Caribbean. He holds among his qualifications,
a Masters Degree in Moral and Religious Education
and a Doctorate in Pastoral Theology.
Fifty-two years old Msgr. Gordon was ordained to
the priesthood on March 19, 1991.
Barbados has been without a resident Bishop since
In the 1970’s the dioceses of Bridgetown, Barbados
and Kingstown were merged. Today however they
are two separate Dioceses over which Msgr Gordon
will serve as Bishop.
Before his appointment as Archbishop of Castries,
St Lucia, in 2008, Trinidadian Archbishop Robert
Rivas was appointed Apostolic Administrator for
Bridgetown diocese in May 2005, and Apostolic
Administrator for Kingstown diocese in July 2007.
The Catholic Standard Limited wishes to express
heartiest congratulations and best wishes to
If readers have photos of historical Catholic interest and would Bishop elect Jason Gordon and Archbishop elect
Joe Harris on their nominations.
like to share them, please contact Colin Smith on 226 2195.
Printed & Published by the Catholic Standard Ltd., 222 South & Wellington Sts., G/Town. Tel: 226-2195; Fax: 226-2192; e-mail