3rd EEPSA-IPSCEE 2014: How to submit extended abstract 1. Follow the clip to create account : http://www.car.chula.ac.th/gotoweb/StudentRegister1024.exe 2. After you select “student”, login by using : Class id: 7461157 Password: ipscee2014 3. Follow the clip to submit extended abstract : http://www.car.chula.ac.th/gotoweb/StudentSubmitPaper1024.exe 4. Create your extended abstract with the title : (SRA)_(Student ID)_TURNITIN ex. TIN_5470374921_TURNITIN 5. Wait approximately 5 minutes for the completion of the process. This submission process here is to check the plagiarism of your own paper. 6. Check the result by yourself. It should be less than 5% (<5%). In case of greater than 5% (>5%), you will be recommended to recheck your submitted paper again for avoiding the plagiarism. 7. Save the output of TURNITIN checking report by click on the lower left button. 8. Send the email to ipscee2014@gmail.com with 2 files ; 1) The original file by using name: (SRA)_(Student ID).pdf 2) The result file from TURNITIN checking report by using name: (SRA)_(Student ID)_TURNITIN.pdf For the submission issues, email me at p.parichat404@gmail.com IMPORTANT NOTICE: A student is allowed by TURNUTIN for a file resubmission before the submission due date at 11.59pm on 31st January 2014. However, a resubmitted file is usually processed by TURNITIN much slower than the firstly submitted file and might be unreliable. So although a student may submit the work as many times as wanted, we recommend the student to try NOT to use that option but rather try to avoid any plagiarism deeds in the first place and submit to TURNITIN only once.
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