RTW How To Document Compiled by N3306TX at Flightsim.com Multiplayer Adventures. 1. Start FS. Select World|Date and Time and make sure the simulator UTC time is set to current UTC time. Current UTC time can be found at http://www.worldtimeserver.com/current_time_in_UTC.aspx 2. Login to FlightSim.com Multiplayer Adventures Forum and review the RTW current threads and prepare to make a post to the forum. http://forums.flightsim.com/vbfs/forumdisplay.php?s=436b0e8d29ec1d9cb7033e5cdd31195d&f=10. 3. Scout a departure from the departure airport and arrival into the destination airport. Check terrain, landmarks, runway lights (if dark), ILS frequencies, and current winds. Generally orient yourself with the entire flight. 4. Open notepad or (another text editor) and prepare a “I Have The Baton” message post ahead of time so all is needed is to copy and paste from notepad into the post. When you pick up the baton, the body and title of the post should read (after inserting the required data): (Pilot Call Sign) has the Baton at (Airport ICAO) headed towards (Airport ICAO) in a (Type of Aircraft) at (Time) UTC. Tip: The initial post (and landing post) can also be made right in the browser. Actually there is no need to open another program (and use up valuable memory) or copy/paste. Just enter the appropriate message in the forum message box, then hit "Post Message" when it's the appropriate time. 5. Boot up the RTW-Duenna program. Ensure all on-ground check flags are green. 6. Pre-flight the airplane. Set Autopilot Heading Set Autopilot Altitude and Climb Rate Set GPS destination. Check Winds aloft to help determine best cruising altitude. (Use weatherset.exe in FS9/Modules folder.) Check/Set Trim and Flaps 7. Once the pilot flying the baton on the previous leg has landed, “position and hold” your plane on the active runway. 8. Wait for confirmation that the “Baton is free” post is received on the server. Once confirmed, paste the “I Have The Baton” text from notepad into a new forum message and post the message. Have someone confirm the message has posted to the forum. 9. Once the message posted is confirmed, press the “I have the baton” button on the Duenna. Start rolling and verbally confirm on Teamspeak that Duenna is active. 10. While flying the race leg, keep everyone posted as to how the flight is progressing. During the flight and before or during descent, prepare the “Baton is free” post in notepad. Body of post should read: The Baton is free at (Airport ICAO) at (Time) UTC. 11. Once safely landed and stopped, press 'Baton is Free. END button' on the Duenna. Duenna will then generate and display a graphic file and a text file. You must now post a message to the forum that the baton is free. Post the “Baton is Free” message immediately and have someone confirm the message has posted on the server. 12. Next, go back (within 30 minutes) and edit the “Baton is free” message you just posted and post the Duenna validation graphic and flight log text file link. Under the “Validation-Graphic:” section of the Duenna Flight Log text file, highlight and copy (CTRL-C) the link to the clipboard. 13. Select the Flightsim.com forum message you posted and click on EDIT button. 14. Click on “Manage Attachments” button under the additional options section. This screen appears: 15. Insert the Duenna graphic link. Paste(CTRL-V) the link from the clipboard into the input box. Click “Upload file” button. 16. Insert the Duenna Flight Log Text File. Paste (CTRL-V) the link again from the clipboard into the input box. Change the extension “JPG” to “TXT”. Click Upload File button. Tip: Press Backspace three times and type “TXT” 17. Click “Close this window” link. 18. Click “Save Changes” Button
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