How to..... Export PDFs from Quark Pdfs should be submitted to WWO with bleed and marks. Please don’t submit pdfs in reader or printer spreads. You can submit a multipage pdf as long as: each page of the pdf represents one page in your document and you are not submitting a job with versions. Versions should be submitted as single page pdfs. The following instructions will guide you through exporting a pdf with marks and bleeds. It was created with Quark 7 on a Mac. Your windows may be slightly different. Go to File - Export - Layout as PDF For additional technical or questions contact your customer service rep or 21045 Enterprise • Brookfield, WI 53045 • 262-395-2000 1 How to..... Export PDFs from Quark Name your pdf in the “Save As” area and navigate to your desired location. Here I saved mine to the desktop. Next, in the “PDF Style” pulldown menu, select “Press - High Quality/High Resolution”. Click the “Options” button (not pictured), located directly below the “PDF Style” pulldown. For additional technical or questions contact your customer service rep or 21045 Enterprise • Brookfield, WI 53045 • 262-395-2000 2 How to..... Export PDFs from Quark The menu below will appear next. Make sure the PDF Style pulldown says “Press - High Quality/High Resolution”. If you selected the wrong option, you can change it here rather than starting over. Click here to go to the “Bleed” tab. Click here to go to the “Marks” tab. For additional technical or questions contact your customer service rep or 21045 Enterprise • Brookfield, WI 53045 • 262-395-2000 3 How to..... Export PDFs from Quark In the Bleed tab: Make sure there is .125”(or more) entered and that the bleed type is symmetric as shown below. In the Marks tab: Enter .125” in the “Offset” box. The rest of the areas will appear as shown below Click the “OK” button then the “Save” button to export your pdf. Before you export, see the next page if you want to make exporting pdfs REALLY easy! For additional technical or questions contact your customer service rep or 21045 Enterprise • Brookfield, WI 53045 • 262-395-2000 4 How to..... Export PDFs from Quark Make life easier, make an Output Style! Making an output style will save all the settings you just changed in a custom setup. All you will have to do in the future is just select your output style when you export a pdf. In the “PDF Style” pulldown menu, select “New PDF output style” Enter a name you will remember in the popup that appears. Here I entered “WWO output style”. Click “OK”. For additional technical or questions contact your customer service rep or 21045 Enterprise • Brookfield, WI 53045 • 262-395-2000 5 How to..... Export PDFs from Quark Now......the next time you want to make a pdf just do this: Go to File - Export - Layout as PDF. Your new output style will be in the “PDF style” pulldown menu. Here you can see the one I saved earlier. After you select your preset, all you will have to do is save out your file to your desired location. All the custom settings will be applied for you. For additional technical or questions contact your customer service rep or 21045 Enterprise • Brookfield, WI 53045 • 262-395-2000 6
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