Camp Men-Olan is looking for help at their 22nd Annual Summerfest on May 18. Proceeds from this event benefit camper scholarships. Prayerfully consider how you can help on that day… by donating baked goods for a bake sale, auction items and/or monetary contributions would be appreciated. Sign up outside Fellowship Hall for a time slot that would be able to help. See Scott Benner or Tim Groff for more details. Serving Us Today Worship Leader - Beth Rauschenberger Fellowship Time - Grp 1 Praise Team - Isaac & Laura Martin, Trish & Kacie Watkins Greeters - Jim & Barb Musselman, Bill & Deb Ruth Ushers - Rudy Rauschenberger (Head Usher) Aaron Heckler, Scott Heckler, Andy Picon, Tim Koehler Infants & Toddlers Childcare 9:00 a.m. Worship Service - Tina Rhoads & Jean Shelly 10:00 a.m. Sunday School - Judy & Chris Francis Children’s Church – Erin Constanzer & Janel Stucky No Bible Mania Today. The Flowers are sponsored today by Doug & Mary Lynne Moyer, grandchildren and great grandchildren in celebration of Clarence & Annetta Moyer’s 75th wedding anniversary on April 23. The Bulletins are sponsored today by Glenn & Kathy Moyer. April Project of the Month Strawberry Bash – Saturday, June 8th Your financial support will help cover Strawberry Bash expenses and any additional funds will benefit the Capital Campaign. Please help to make this event a real community outreach. It’s an opportunity to introduce others to our new addition and various church activities. Watch for more news to follow! Sunday School Opportunities Sunday School begins at 10:15 a.m. All classes end at 11:15 a.m. Infant Toddlers Preschool (3 & 4 yr old) Kindergarten - 2nd Gr 3rd - 5th Grade Jr. High (Gr. 6-8) Sr. High (Gr. 9-12) Rm 139 Rm 141 Rm 137 Rm 140 Rm 138 Rm 120 Rm 121 Friendship Seekers (Adult) Sojourners (Adult) Footprints (Adult) Believers (Adult) Reception (Sr. Adult) Library Rm 151 Rm 131 Rm 132 Rm 136 Rm 150 Audio Visual Team – Sean Hagan, Audio; Bill Ryer, Video; Andy Duerksen, Projector Records for Sunday, April 14, 2013 Attendance: 330 Offering: $10,701.25 March. POM: Mennonite Women USA~ $1,192.68 YTD Actual Receipts: $188,501 YTD Budgeted Receipts: $190,000 YTD Difference: ($1,499) Sunday, April 21, 2013 9:00 a.m. Worship 10:00 a.m. Fellowship Time 10:15 a.m. Sunday School “How to Pray?” Zion Staff and Leaders Hunter Hess, Lead Pastor Scott Benner, Pastor Beth Rauschenberger, Pastor Kara Tann, Minister of Worship Nancy Constanzer, Organist Jim Detweiler, Maintenance Supervisor Brian Shoemaker, Maintenance Assistant Donna Halteman, Financial Treasurer Janice Godshall, Financial Secretary Diane Bleam, Counselor (484-225-3144) Bob Musselman, Church Board Chairperson Jennifer Moyer, Administrative Assistant Hearing Assistance Available This facility is equipped with a hearing assistance system. Please ask usher for a receiver. Vision Statement for Zion Believing that all people are important to God, we at Zion Mennonite Church desire to grow by welcoming each person, valuing community and nurturing our relationship with Jesus Christ and one another. 9:00 a.m. Worship Service Prelude Aria I Waited for the Lord Haydn Mendelssohn Welcome & Call to Worship *Opening Hymn I Owe the Lord a Morning Song HWB 651 *Opening Prayer *Songs of Praise Forever Give Us Clean Hands Prayer of the People O Lord, Hear My Prayer Offertory Prayer Offertory Insert Insert HWB 348 This is My Father’s World Thompson Please sign and pass the attendance pad. Prayer at the Cross Children age 3 to grade 6 are invited to gather at the cross for prayer and then be dismissed for Children's Church. No Bible Mania Today. *Preparing Gracious Spirit, Dwell with Me Scripture Message *Responding HWB 507 Ephesians 1:15-23 “How to Pray?” Hunter Hess As I Went Down to the River vs.1-4 STJ 79 *Sending As I Went Down to the River vs. 5-6 STJ 79 Postlude Fugue in C Major Handel *Benediction *All who are able, please stand HWB - Hymnal Worship Book (Blue) STJ - Sing the Journey (Green) The peace candle is being lit today for Bob Green who passed away on Wednesday. ANNOUNCEMENTS COMMUNITY EVENTS We hope to see you following Sunday School today for the Congregational Auction being held in the Fellowship Hall. The Franconia – Lancaster Choral Singers and Orchestra is proud to present Requiem by Gabriel Faure´ and Messe Solennelle by Charles Gounod. Saturday, April 27, 7:30 p.m. at Zion Mennonite Church. Tickets are $10.00 in advance / $12.00 at the door. Visit The planners for the EDC Spring Assembly are looking for volunteers to help supply baked goods, fresh fruit and/or vegetable trays for the gathering on May 4. If you can volunteer to provide food, please contact Amy Bergstresser @ 215-723-3932 (h) or 215500-1978 (c) or or sign up outside Fellowship Hall. Zion’s Men's Softball Season is quickly approaching. Don't forget to turn in your Softball Sponsorship forms for the Capital Campaign. Our first game is April 29. Please have them in before then to help us keep the correct stats. There are pies in the freezer that must go! There is still plenty to go around. They make a quick meal for a busy night. This will be the last batch until Fall. So get yours now Time for a spring fling for the Secret Sisters. Join us on May 5 for a luncheon following Sunday school. RSVP to Marie Delp at 215-7239604 by May 1. YOUTH NEWS The Property Committee and Amanda Hoff are looking for volunteers to help with the swing-set project. Sign up outside the youth room if you can help. If you have any questions, see Amanda Hoff. Attention Sr. High Youth, Parents and Youth Leaders – Creating Safe & Healing Spaces, a free seminar about mental illness, will be held TOMORROW, 7:00 p.m. at Souderton Mennonite Church. Are you or a close family member dealing with depression, anxiety or other mental illness? Through drama, stories and conversation, Dr. Susan Ellis from Penn Foundation and Ted Swartz from Ted & Company will help us explore how we seek hope and healing in response to walking with those facing mental illness in our faith communities. This event is sponsored by: Blooming Glen Mennonite Church, Deep Run East Mennonite Church, Franconia Mennonite Church, Rockhill Mennonite Church, Salford Mennonite Church, Souderton Mennonite Church, Zion Mennonite Church and Franconia Mennonite Conference. Learn how God is at work in local congregations and the broader Mennonite Church USA at the Eastern District Spring Assembly. Saturday, May 4 this fun day of sharing, learning and connecting with other Mennonite Church members and leaders is open to all Zion friends. Spend the day meeting other church members, discuss ideas, listen to stories and participate in exciting, important workshops focused on relevant church issues. There is something for anyone with a desire to be part of God’s work. You may register by calling the conference secretary at 267-932-6050 or online at Everyone is invited to Franconia Community Festival on Saturday, April 27, 2:00 – 6:00 p.m., on the grounds of Franconia Mennonite Church. This is a free family event, with activities for all ages. A traditional Hymn Sing will be held at 7:00 p.m. Enjoy a concert at 6:00 p.m. on Sunday, April 28, featuring Sharon Hunsberger & the Harmonaires and the Brunner’s. For more information, check 9:00 a.m. Worship Service Prelude Aria I Waited for the Lord Haydn Mendelssohn Welcome & Call to Worship *Opening Hymn I Owe the Lord a Morning Song HWB 651 *Opening Prayer *Songs of Praise Forever Give Us Clean Hands Prayer of the People O Lord, Hear My Prayer Offertory Prayer Offertory Insert Insert HWB 348 This is My Father’s World Thompson Please sign and pass the attendance pad. Prayer at the Cross Children age 3 to grade 6 are invited to gather at the cross for prayer and then be dismissed for Children's Church. No Bible Mania Today. *Preparing Gracious Spirit, Dwell with Me Scripture Message *Responding HWB 507 Ephesians 1:15-23 “How to Pray?” Hunter Hess As I Went Down to the River vs.1-4 STJ 79 *Sending As I Went Down to the River vs. 5-6 STJ 79 Postlude Fugue in C Major Handel *Benediction *All who are able, please stand HWB - Hymnal Worship Book (Blue) STJ - Sing the Journey (Green) The peace candle is being lit today for Bob Green who passed away on Wednesday. ANNOUNCEMENTS COMMUNITY EVENTS We hope to see you following Sunday School today for the Congregational Auction being held in the Fellowship Hall. The Franconia – Lancaster Choral Singers and Orchestra is proud to present Requiem by Gabriel Faure´ and Messe Solennelle by Charles Gounod. Saturday, April 27, 7:30 p.m. at Zion Mennonite Church. Tickets are $10.00 in advance / $12.00 at the door. Visit The planners for the EDC Spring Assembly are looking for volunteers to help supply baked goods, fresh fruit and/or vegetable trays for the gathering on May 4. If you can volunteer to provide food, please contact Amy Bergstresser @ 215-723-3932 (h) or 215500-1978 (c) or or sign up outside Fellowship Hall. Zion’s Men's Softball Season is quickly approaching. Don't forget to turn in your Softball Sponsorship forms for the Capital Campaign. Our first game is April 29. Please have them in before then to help us keep the correct stats. There are pies in the freezer that must go! There is still plenty to go around. They make a quick meal for a busy night. This will be the last batch until Fall. So get yours now Time for a spring fling for the Secret Sisters. Join us on May 5 for a luncheon following Sunday school. RSVP to Marie Delp at 215-7239604 by May 1. YOUTH NEWS The Property Committee and Amanda Hoff are looking for volunteers to help with the swing-set project. Sign up outside the youth room if you can help. If you have any questions, see Amanda Hoff. Attention Sr. High Youth, Parents and Youth Leaders – Creating Safe & Healing Spaces, a free seminar about mental illness, will be held TOMORROW, 7:00 p.m. at Souderton Mennonite Church. Are you or a close family member dealing with depression, anxiety or other mental illness? Through drama, stories and conversation, Dr. Susan Ellis from Penn Foundation and Ted Swartz from Ted & Company will help us explore how we seek hope and healing in response to walking with those facing mental illness in our faith communities. This event is sponsored by: Blooming Glen Mennonite Church, Deep Run East Mennonite Church, Franconia Mennonite Church, Rockhill Mennonite Church, Salford Mennonite Church, Souderton Mennonite Church, Zion Mennonite Church and Franconia Mennonite Conference. Learn how God is at work in local congregations and the broader Mennonite Church USA at the Eastern District Spring Assembly. Saturday, May 4 this fun day of sharing, learning and connecting with other Mennonite Church members and leaders is open to all Zion friends. Spend the day meeting other church members, discuss ideas, listen to stories and participate in exciting, important workshops focused on relevant church issues. There is something for anyone with a desire to be part of God’s work. You may register by calling the conference secretary at 267-932-6050 or online at Everyone is invited to Franconia Community Festival on Saturday, April 27, 2:00 – 6:00 p.m., on the grounds of Franconia Mennonite Church. This is a free family event, with activities for all ages. A traditional Hymn Sing will be held at 7:00 p.m. Enjoy a concert at 6:00 p.m. on Sunday, April 28, featuring Sharon Hunsberger & the Harmonaires and the Brunner’s. For more information, check 9:00 a.m. Worship Service Prelude Aria I Waited for the Lord Haydn Mendelssohn Welcome & Call to Worship *Opening Hymn I Owe the Lord a Morning Song HWB 651 *Opening Prayer *Songs of Praise Forever Give Us Clean Hands Prayer of the People O Lord, Hear My Prayer Offertory Prayer Offertory Insert Insert HWB 348 This is My Father’s World Thompson Please sign and pass the attendance pad. Prayer at the Cross Children age 3 to grade 6 are invited to gather at the cross for prayer and then be dismissed for Children's Church. No Bible Mania Today. *Preparing Gracious Spirit, Dwell with Me Scripture Message *Responding HWB 507 Ephesians 1:15-23 “How to Pray?” Hunter Hess As I Went Down to the River vs.1-4 STJ 79 *Sending As I Went Down to the River vs. 5-6 STJ 79 Postlude Fugue in C Major Handel *Benediction *All who are able, please stand HWB - Hymnal Worship Book (Blue) STJ - Sing the Journey (Green) The peace candle is being lit today for Bob Green who passed away on Wednesday. ANNOUNCEMENTS COMMUNITY EVENTS We hope to see you following Sunday School today for the Congregational Auction being held in the Fellowship Hall. The Franconia – Lancaster Choral Singers and Orchestra is proud to present Requiem by Gabriel Faure´ and Messe Solennelle by Charles Gounod. Saturday, April 27, 7:30 p.m. at Zion Mennonite Church. Tickets are $10.00 in advance / $12.00 at the door. Visit The planners for the EDC Spring Assembly are looking for volunteers to help supply baked goods, fresh fruit and/or vegetable trays for the gathering on May 4. If you can volunteer to provide food, please contact Amy Bergstresser @ 215-723-3932 (h) or 215500-1978 (c) or or sign up outside Fellowship Hall. Zion’s Men's Softball Season is quickly approaching. Don't forget to turn in your Softball Sponsorship forms for the Capital Campaign. Our first game is April 29. Please have them in before then to help us keep the correct stats. There are pies in the freezer that must go! There is still plenty to go around. They make a quick meal for a busy night. This will be the last batch until Fall. So get yours now Time for a spring fling for the Secret Sisters. Join us on May 5 for a luncheon following Sunday school. RSVP to Marie Delp at 215-7239604 by May 1. YOUTH NEWS The Property Committee and Amanda Hoff are looking for volunteers to help with the swing-set project. Sign up outside the youth room if you can help. If you have any questions, see Amanda Hoff. Attention Sr. High Youth, Parents and Youth Leaders – Creating Safe & Healing Spaces, a free seminar about mental illness, will be held TOMORROW, 7:00 p.m. at Souderton Mennonite Church. Are you or a close family member dealing with depression, anxiety or other mental illness? Through drama, stories and conversation, Dr. Susan Ellis from Penn Foundation and Ted Swartz from Ted & Company will help us explore how we seek hope and healing in response to walking with those facing mental illness in our faith communities. This event is sponsored by: Blooming Glen Mennonite Church, Deep Run East Mennonite Church, Franconia Mennonite Church, Rockhill Mennonite Church, Salford Mennonite Church, Souderton Mennonite Church, Zion Mennonite Church and Franconia Mennonite Conference. Learn how God is at work in local congregations and the broader Mennonite Church USA at the Eastern District Spring Assembly. Saturday, May 4 this fun day of sharing, learning and connecting with other Mennonite Church members and leaders is open to all Zion friends. Spend the day meeting other church members, discuss ideas, listen to stories and participate in exciting, important workshops focused on relevant church issues. There is something for anyone with a desire to be part of God’s work. You may register by calling the conference secretary at 267-932-6050 or online at Everyone is invited to Franconia Community Festival on Saturday, April 27, 2:00 – 6:00 p.m., on the grounds of Franconia Mennonite Church. This is a free family event, with activities for all ages. A traditional Hymn Sing will be held at 7:00 p.m. Enjoy a concert at 6:00 p.m. on Sunday, April 28, featuring Sharon Hunsberger & the Harmonaires and the Brunner’s. For more information, check Camp Men-Olan is looking for help at their 22nd Annual Summerfest on May 18. Proceeds from this event benefit camper scholarships. Prayerfully consider how you can help on that day… by donating baked goods for a bake sale, auction items and/or monetary contributions would be appreciated. Sign up outside Fellowship Hall for a time slot that would be able to help. See Scott Benner or Tim Groff for more details. Serving Us Today Worship Leader - Beth Rauschenberger Fellowship Time - Grp 1 Praise Team - Isaac & Laura Martin, Trish & Kacie Watkins Greeters - Jim & Barb Musselman, Bill & Deb Ruth Ushers - Rudy Rauschenberger (Head Usher) Aaron Heckler, Scott Heckler, Andy Picon, Tim Koehler Infants & Toddlers Childcare 9:00 a.m. Worship Service - Tina Rhoads & Jean Shelly 10:00 a.m. Sunday School - Judy & Chris Francis Children’s Church – Erin Constanzer & Janel Stucky No Bible Mania Today. The Flowers are sponsored today by Doug & Mary Lynne Moyer, grandchildren and great grandchildren in celebration of Clarence & Annetta Moyer’s 75th wedding anniversary on April 23. The Bulletins are sponsored today by Glenn & Kathy Moyer. April Project of the Month Strawberry Bash – Saturday, June 8th Your financial support will help cover Strawberry Bash expenses and any additional funds will benefit the Capital Campaign. Please help to make this event a real community outreach. It’s an opportunity to introduce others to our new addition and various church activities. Watch for more news to follow! Sunday School Opportunities Sunday School begins at 10:15 a.m. All classes end at 11:15 a.m. Infant Toddlers Preschool (3 & 4 yr old) Kindergarten - 2nd Gr 3rd - 5th Grade Jr. High (Gr. 6-8) Sr. High (Gr. 9-12) Rm 139 Rm 141 Rm 137 Rm 140 Rm 138 Rm 120 Rm 121 Friendship Seekers (Adult) Sojourners (Adult) Footprints (Adult) Believers (Adult) Reception (Sr. Adult) Library Rm 151 Rm 131 Rm 132 Rm 136 Rm 150 Audio Visual Team – Sean Hagan, Audio; Bill Ryer, Video; Andy Duerksen, Projector Records for Sunday, April 14, 2013 Attendance: 330 Offering: $10,701.25 March. POM: Mennonite Women USA~ $1,192.68 YTD Actual Receipts: $188,501 YTD Budgeted Receipts: $190,000 YTD Difference: ($1,499) Sunday, April 21, 2013 9:00 a.m. Worship 10:00 a.m. Fellowship Time 10:15 a.m. Sunday School “How to Pray?” Zion Staff and Leaders Hunter Hess, Lead Pastor Scott Benner, Pastor Beth Rauschenberger, Pastor Kara Tann, Minister of Worship Nancy Constanzer, Organist Jim Detweiler, Maintenance Supervisor Brian Shoemaker, Maintenance Assistant Donna Halteman, Financial Treasurer Janice Godshall, Financial Secretary Diane Bleam, Counselor (484-225-3144) Bob Musselman, Church Board Chairperson Jennifer Moyer, Administrative Assistant Hearing Assistance Available This facility is equipped with a hearing assistance system. Please ask usher for a receiver. Vision Statement for Zion Believing that all people are important to God, we at Zion Mennonite Church desire to grow by welcoming each person, valuing community and nurturing our relationship with Jesus Christ and one another. Camp Men-Olan is looking for help at their 22nd Annual Summerfest on May 18. Proceeds from this event benefit camper scholarships. Prayerfully consider how you can help on that day… by donating baked goods for a bake sale, auction items and/or monetary contributions would be appreciated. Sign up outside Fellowship Hall for a time slot that would be able to help. See Scott Benner or Tim Groff for more details. Serving Us Today Worship Leader - Beth Rauschenberger Fellowship Time - Grp 1 Praise Team - Isaac & Laura Martin, Trish & Kacie Watkins Greeters - Jim & Barb Musselman, Bill & Deb Ruth Ushers - Rudy Rauschenberger (Head Usher) Aaron Heckler, Scott Heckler, Andy Picon, Tim Koehler Infants & Toddlers Childcare 9:00 a.m. Worship Service - Tina Rhoads & Jean Shelly 10:00 a.m. Sunday School - Judy & Chris Francis Children’s Church – Erin Constanzer & Janel Stucky No Bible Mania Today. The Flowers are sponsored today by Doug & Mary Lynne Moyer, grandchildren and great grandchildren in celebration of Clarence & Annetta Moyer’s 75th wedding anniversary on April 23. The Bulletins are sponsored today by Glenn & Kathy Moyer. April Project of the Month Strawberry Bash – Saturday, June 8th Your financial support will help cover Strawberry Bash expenses and any additional funds will benefit the Capital Campaign. Please help to make this event a real community outreach. It’s an opportunity to introduce others to our new addition and various church activities. Watch for more news to follow! Sunday School Opportunities Sunday School begins at 10:15 a.m. All classes end at 11:15 a.m. Infant Toddlers Preschool (3 & 4 yr old) Kindergarten - 2nd Gr 3rd - 5th Grade Jr. High (Gr. 6-8) Sr. High (Gr. 9-12) Rm 139 Rm 141 Rm 137 Rm 140 Rm 138 Rm 120 Rm 121 Friendship Seekers (Adult) Sojourners (Adult) Footprints (Adult) Believers (Adult) Reception (Sr. Adult) Library Rm 151 Rm 131 Rm 132 Rm 136 Rm 150 Audio Visual Team – Sean Hagan, Audio; Bill Ryer, Video; Andy Duerksen, Projector Records for Sunday, April 14, 2013 Attendance: 330 Offering: $10,701.25 March. POM: Mennonite Women USA~ $1,192.68 YTD Actual Receipts: $188,501 YTD Budgeted Receipts: $190,000 YTD Difference: ($1,499) Sunday, April 21, 2013 9:00 a.m. Worship 10:00 a.m. Fellowship Time 10:15 a.m. Sunday School “How to Pray?” Zion Staff and Leaders Hunter Hess, Lead Pastor Scott Benner, Pastor Beth Rauschenberger, Pastor Kara Tann, Minister of Worship Nancy Constanzer, Organist Jim Detweiler, Maintenance Supervisor Brian Shoemaker, Maintenance Assistant Donna Halteman, Financial Treasurer Janice Godshall, Financial Secretary Diane Bleam, Counselor (484-225-3144) Bob Musselman, Church Board Chairperson Jennifer Moyer, Administrative Assistant Hearing Assistance Available This facility is equipped with a hearing assistance system. Please ask usher for a receiver. Vision Statement for Zion Believing that all people are important to God, we at Zion Mennonite Church desire to grow by welcoming each person, valuing community and nurturing our relationship with Jesus Christ and one another.
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