NEW DIRECTIONS Progress Often Means

Progress Often Means
New Directions
It’s no secret that our regional community
urgently needs meaningful transportation
solutions. Anyone who has been stuck
In December 2006, the Cities of Elk Grove, Folsom and Rancho
idling in Highway 50’s daily stop-and-go
Cordova, as well as El Dorado and Sacramento Counties, collaborated
traffic, or taken a shortcut along a winding
to form a Joint Powers Authority (JPA) to proceed with planning,
and narrow rural road to avoid gridlock,
environmental review, engineering design and development of the
or driven extra miles because the indirect
route is the only route, is well aware: there
Tom Zlotkowski, Executive Director
Capital Southeast Connector JPA
What is the JPA?
has to be a better way.
The proposed Capital SouthEast Connector
is being planned to provide one important dimension of that better way.
Project Overview
Capital SouthEast Connector (formally known as the Elk Grove-Rancho
Cordova-El Dorado Connector Project). The JPA assumed responsibility
for the project from the Sacramento Area Council of Governments
(SACOG), which oversaw the project through its early stages.
The Sacramento region is moving forward to become a major metropolitan
area. Exciting changes, including new cities and communities emerging and
The JPA is administered by a Board of Directors consisting of five
new companies and industries being established here, have taken place over
As the Connector progresses through a detailed and inclusive environ-
directors, one appointed by each member agency from its governing
the past few years. More changes are on the horizon. Yet Sacramento is one
mental process, those of us on the project team are working with two key
body. The JPA is staffed by an Executive Director and small support
of the very few capital cities in the United States that does not have a major
premises in mind. First, that the Connector must be designed to provide
team who oversee the daily operation of the JPA and the development
traffic corridor bypassing its downtown area.
our region with an enhanced level of mobility by relieving congestion on
of the project itself.
The Capital SouthEast Connector, a proposed 35-mile roadway spanning
major area roadways, and by providing a more direct and efficient route
The JPA also benefits from the knowledge and experience of its Agency
from Interstate 5, south of Elk Grove, to Highway 50 in El Dorado County, just
Staff Advisory Committee (ASAC) which is composed of technical
east of El Dorado Hills, will provide that bypass. The Connector will link
Second, the Connector must be planned to support our region’s total vision
managers from member jurisdictions. ASAC members work with JPA
communities in El Dorado and Sacramento Counties and the cities of Folsom,
for its future: a transportation facility designed with a clear understanding
staff to coordinate the operations of the JPA and address technical
between key destinations.
of environmental, community planning and economic priorities. Improved
ease of travel, both for commuters and goods distribution, can lead to
Rancho Cordova and Elk Grove, alleviating traffic congestion on Highway 50,
Interstate 5 and State Route 99. It is being planned to reduce the distance
issues concerning the Connector project.
traveled and save time during rush hour, enabling drivers to use a more
sustainable economic development for the entire region.
direct route for faster, safer travel.
Because of the role it will play in shaping the evolution of our community,
The Connector will link residential areas and employment centers in the corridor,
the Connector may well be one of the most important infrastructure projects
serving both local and regional travel needs. It will significantly reduce the
ever built in Sacramento and El Dorado Counties. To ensure that the project
Capital SouthEast Connector
fulfills this expectation in the best way possible, we are making every effort
10640 Mather Boulevard, Suite 120
to both maximize community involvement, and to make the best possible use
of the energy and ideas we know will come forth.
This brochure provides you with an introduction to the Capital SouthEast
Connector. Please follow our most current progress on our website:
Mather, CA 95655
excessive volumes of traffic that currently overburden existing two-lane
roadways that were never intended to serve as significant commuter routes.
The Capital SouthEast Connector will enhance
regional mobility, improve local commuting and help
Phone: 916-876-9094
the Sacramento region realize its vision for the future
When completed, the Connector is expected to have four traffic lanes with
limited access points that will easily accommodate a variety of regional
transportation needs. In some locations, this configuration will need to
be modified to reflect local community interest for limited segments. The
Connector will provide options for a variety of modes throughout the corridor,
supporting principles of the Blueprint Project. The Connector will be a local
We look forward to working with you to create a project that will help people
facility, funded with local dollars. Different funding scenarios, including tolling
throughout Sacramento connect in ways that will benefit us all.
options, are under review.
The Connector has the potential to bring our region many benefits. Chief among
those benefits will be a vast improvement in the ease of transporting goods
around the region. An additional roadway with more direct connections between
suburban areas outside of Sacramento’s core means faster, less expensive
transportation for the movement of both goods and people.
The Sacramento Area Council of Governments (SACOG) initiated the Capital
SouthEast Connector, formally known as the Elk Grove-Rancho Cordova-El Dorado
Connector Project, during the preparation of the Metropolitan Transportation Plan
2025 in 2002. The Connector program is currently managed by a Joint Powers
Authority (JPA) consisting of the Cities of Elk Grove, Folsom and Rancho Cordova,
as well as El Dorado and Sacramento Counties.
The Connector was a highlighted major project in the voter-approved Measure
A renewal expenditure plan in 2004. Measure A and the projects involved were
overwhelmingly approved by voters, and that approval set the stage for initial
funding. The JPA was formed in December 2006, and JPA staff was hired to begin
initial work on the project in 2007.
At least four alignments, identified through SACOG’s planning process, will be
studied as part of the environmental review process. Each alignment follows
the same general path with variations that take different factors into account,
including population, natural resources and future plans. The proposed Connector
will be multi-modal, with mobility options anticipated for bicycle, pedestrian,
equestrian, transit, truck and automobile travel.
Proposed alignments for the Capital SouthEast Connector run through both
populated and unpopulated areas. All of the proposed routes are largely within
Sacramento County’s Urban Services Boundary (USB) and El Dorado County’s
General Plan area – the areas slated for future development – and are consistent
with Blueprint planning principles.
The Connector project is in the planning and preliminary design phase. It
is envisioned as a parkway-type facility serving the southeast urban area of
Sacramento and western El Dorado County. Since travel speed and safety are vital
design elements, access will need to be limited. Among the items being studied in
this phase of design are the frequency, location and configuration of potential access
points; the feasibility of frontage roads; and other overall access considerations.
Alternative I
Alternative II & III
Alternative IV
Project Facts
The Capital SouthEast Connector will
enhance regional mobility, improve local
commuting and help the Sacramento
region realize its vision for the future.
The proposed Connector may run through some sensitive native areas within the
South Sacramento Habitat Conservation Plan (SSHCP). The JPA is working closely
with the SSHCP in support of Blueprint Principles regarding habitat conservation,
mitigation and other environmental concerns. The proposed Connector will be both
functional and sensitive to the preservation of the beauty of the natural environment.
Habitat Preservation
Project Background
The Connector also represents another regional benefit – a sign that Sacramento
is beginning to realize its full potential. This project requires an unprecedented
level of regional cooperation. That cooperation, yet another sign that our
community has come to view itself in a holistic perspective, is certain to bring
its own unique set of rewards.
There are many opportunities to get involved and provide input throughout the
environmental process. Presentations are regularly made at public meetings
and community workshops. Contact us at if your group
would like a presentation. Input is also welcome via the Connector web site at
Another important benefit is improved safety. While there are roadways that
currently connect Elk Grove with Rancho Cordova with El Dorado Hills, the roads
are rapidly degrading under excessive levels of traffic. The Connector will be
built to vigorous safety standards and to accommodate both current volumes of
traffic and anticipated future usage thus reducing the burden on aging facilities.
The proposed project schedule anticipates completion of the final EIR/EIS by
the end of 2010, with both programmatic and selected project level approvals.
Once the EIR and EIS are approved by the Joint Powers Authority (JPA) Board of
Directors, the recommended Project must be approved by the individual member
jurisdictions prior to moving into the Final Design Phase.
Regional Benefits
The Connector project is currently in the environmental review process. Both an
Environmental Impact Report (EIR) and an Environmental Impact Statement
(EIS) are being developed for the project. Four potential alternatives are currently
under study. The recommendation for a final project alignment will be included
in those reports.
n Riv
Photo courtesy of the Northwest Parkway LLC
From Interstate 5 south of Elk Grove through
Rancho Cordova to Highway 50 in El Dorado
County, just east of El Dorado Hills
Jurisdictions Involved
Cities of Elk Grove, Folsom and Rancho
Cordova and El Dorado and Sacramento
Approximately 35 miles
Current Funding Sources
Regional Surface Transportation Program
(RSTP) funds, Authority member contributions
and Sacramento County Measure A funds
Number of Lanes
Four to six traffic lanes
Modes Served (planned)
Auto, Truck, Transit, Bike, Pedestrian,
Construction to Begin
Approximately 2012 (depending on
environmental process and funding)
Project Completion
Approximately 2025