GUEST SPEAKER IN AUGUST Nathan Stoddard will be here on August 22nd to share the impact Young Life has on Buffalo area teens. There will be a reception following the service at Bob & Cheryl Stoddard’s house. Please RSVP to the reception on the back wall. PLEASE sign-up or email Bob Stoddard by THIS SUNDAY, August 15th! Dear Ridgeland Family, Thank you so much for the intense and rich history/legacy of changing lives you've shared with Kate and me. We found the reunion not merely refreshing but life-giving as we rambled down memory lane and renewed our vows in front of the church house fireplace where we were first married. Pictures of our children on the cork board in the foyer and memories of how you came along side me in my times of distress and walked out the love of Christ in my life. I am....we are forever in debt with you to an infinitely loving savior... Thank you for the opportunity to remember, where we've been, how far we've come, and where we are going. Most Sincerely, Doug & Kate Egling “He guides the humble in what is right and teaches them his way.” Psalm 25:9 Needs: Backpacks Notebooks Crayons Colored pencils Rulers Glue sticks Erasers It’s that time of year again-we’re collecting backpacks and school supplies for the Rochester Family Mission, who distributes them to inner city kids who can't afford them. The drop box is in the foyer at church. We encourage parents to use this opportunity to show their kids how to reach out to their peers with God’s love. Please have all backpacks and supplies in by August 29th. WOMEN’S AGLOW RETREAT September 24th-26th Watson Homestead, Painted Post NY Featured Speaker: Dee Dee Bernardoni Enjoy: swimming, hayride, hiking and more! See flier on the back wall for complete details. Contact Marcia Zinger with questions, 425-0115 or Deposit is due August 30th. Ridgeland Community Church August 12, 2010 Page 1 Prayer Items If you would like a prayer request included, please email Bob Stoddard at Prayers Ministry Diane McAllister-Let's continue to pray for Diane's sister Donna as her day for open heart surgery approaches. She has a pre-op appointment today at which time they will do ultrasound of her neck to make sure the blood/oxygen levels are OK for the surgery. The surgery is scheduled for Noon on Aug 17th--next Tuesday. Bob Stoddard-Join us in prayer for Libby Little. We got to know her when we lived in Albany for a couple of years. The church we attended helped support them (her husband Tom was an optometrist). They have been medical missionaries in Afghanistan for over 30 years. Tom was one of 10 shot to death over in Afghanistan. Libby is here in the Albany area (Delmar) so she was not with him at the time. Prayer as well begin to prepare for the fall. Prayer as Heather Baier transitions into the administrator position. Guidance and acceptance of transitioning happening in RCC as well as in the community. Spiritual wisdom & strength for our elders & trustees. God’s leading of our Children’s Ministry teachers and for kids eager to learn God’s Word. Continued impact of our Cross-Cultural Ministry. Effectively reaching out with the Gospel message. SPECIAL BUSINESS MEETING The Elders are pleased to recommend to the Membership that Bob Stoddard be made Ridgeland Community Church’s (RCC) Senior Pastor. Bob has done a wonderful job as RCC's interim pastor, and the Elders believe that God has called Bob to be RCC's Senior Pastor. To this end, the Elders have called for a Special Business Meeting to be held at the Church on Sunday, September 12th, immediately following the worship service. ARD BOB STODD The purposes of the Special Business Meeting will be for the Members to discuss and vote on: a) the Elders' motion that Bob Stoddard be made RCC's Senior Pastor; b) an adjustment to Bob's compensation; and c) other related items that might be raised at the meeting. All Members of RCC are encouraged to attend the meeting. Please note that, although all who regularly attend RCC are allowed to attend the meeting, only those who are official Members of RCC may vote. We are in need of donations of supplies to make vegetarian chili…. □ 12 (15 oz) cans kidney beans □ 12 (15 oz) cans garbanzo beans □ 12 (15 oz) cans black beans PLEASE SIGN-UP TO HELP WITH THE GIVE-AWAY, DONATE FOOD OR HELP PREPARE THE FOOD! Ridgeland Community Church □ 12 7 (15 oz) cans whole kernel corn □ 2 heads of celery □ 10 (28 oz) cans whole peeled tomatoes. SAVE THIS DATE! AUGUST 28, 2010! FURNITURE GIVE-AWAY This year it will be held at the Victory Baptist Church campus. See Joe & Maree Klingensmith, or email them at August 12, 2010 Page 2 GRASPING HEAVEN: TAMI L. FISK-A YOUNG DOCTOR'S JOURNEY TO CHINA AND BEYOND by Annelies and Einar Wilder-Smith Tami's biography is a powerful testimony to the existence of God and the wonder of His sustaining presence through all the joys and sorrows of this earthly life. From 1990 to 1994, Dr. Tami Fisk attended Ridgeland Community Church while doing her Residency in Internal Medicine and Pediatrics in University of Rochester hospitals. The book, released at the end of July, is readily available at Our next family night is…. Weds, August 18th !There are small intimate classes for ages 0-5th grade. Parents! Don’t worry: there is something for you as well! Bob Stoddard will lead a discussion on how you can help your child develop his/her full potential. Questions? Contact the office, at 334-6722 or Join the children’s ministry team! Did you teach last year and want to do so again? Never taught and want to? Not interested in teaching but want to get involved in other ways? Check out the insert in this Sunday’s bulletin for many ways to be a part of this great ministry! Contact Alicia! She can answer your questions! 334-6722 or NURSERY VOLUNTEERS NEEDED Like to play with babies? Join the nursery team! We need 2 people to serve once a month in the nursery! Mike and Michele Webb are in need of a break. Want to serve or have questions? Contact Alicia Hartlaub, or 334-6722 Ridgeland Community Church August 12, 2010 Page 3
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