BULLETIN #: 513841
Office: 310-833-3541 ext 201
If there are any issues please call the secretary at the
parish office on extension 201.
Thank you,
Vanessa Romo
Mary Star of the Sea Parish
Established 1889
6th Sunday of Easter
May 25, 2014
870 W. 8th Street
San Pedro, CA 90731
Tel: (310) 833-3541
Fax: (310) 833-9254
Like us on
9:00 am to 8:00 pm
9:00 am to 4 pm
Saturday & Sunday
9:00 am to 3:00 pm
8:00 am and 5:15 pm
7:30 am (English)
9:00 am (English)
10:30 am (Spanish)
12:00 pm (English)
1:30 pm (Croatian)
5:00 pm (Life Teen)
6:30 pm (Italian)
Holy Days of Obligation
5:15pm evening before
8:00 am
12:00 noon
Guardian Angel from Heaven so bright, Watching beside me to lead
me aright, Fold thy wings round me, and guard me with love, Softly
sing songs to me of Heaven above. Amen.
MAY 18, 2014
Monday-Friday 7:45 am
Monday-Friday 5:00 pm ADMINISTRATOR
Rev. Brian Nunes
Rev. Manuel Bravo
Thursday and Friday:
Rev. Freddie Chua
after 5:15pm Mass
Saturday: after 8 a.m.
Mass and 4—5 p.m.
Rev. Freddie Chua
(Serving our High School) ST. JOSEPH
(310) 521-1930
(Parish Convent)
(310) 834-5431
Rev. Goran Jovičić
William Garcia
(310) 519-8661
From the Desk of Fr. Brian
While our American society celebrates
Memorial Day this weekend, our
Catholic Church continues to celebrate
the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the
dead. Today is the Sixth Sunday of the
Easter season, a time is so important to
us and so rich in meaning that we
celebrate it for more than a day, more
even than a week. In fact, we celebrate
Easter for a “week of weeks” – seven
full weeks – and Easter Sunday marks
the “first day” of that great week.
With his resurrection, Jesus brought God’s work of creation (the
original seven days) to its stunning fulfillment. Nowhere is it
more apparent that we are made in the image and likeness of God
than beside the empty tomb of Jesus. Jesus the earthly man died,
but he now lives and has a glorious, transformed body! We
demonstrate our faith in this Resurrection by receiving baptism,
an act that makes us members of God’s family and thus sharers
in the same divine life that Jesus earned for himself. We still
possess our earthly bodies, but at the same time we are also signs
to the world that God is still alive and well and continuing to
perfect His creation, thousands and thousands of years after
Genesis was written.
Part of that work falls to us. We must be constantly attentive to
improving ourselves, physically, mentally and spiritually. We
also need to be attentive to our world – not only this planet but
also its inhabitants (our friends, relatives, neighbors and coworkers) – working bravely and energetically so that we all
might glorify God through our lives.
Of course, in some sense this is what our nation celebrates this
weekend with the Memorial Day holiday, but in a more limited
and strictly secular way. We honor those men and women who
have fought for us and for our way of life, that we might have a
better world. We celebrate the achievements of our first
responders and others who put themselves in harm's way so that
we might be safe. And we recognize that their great work
benefits so many of us, perhaps even the world, bringing us all a
little closer to the ideal world we hope for.
There is still much to do, but we are all called to make a
contribution. Many of us have been called (and have responded)
to needs of the parish and community. Some are called to serve
their country. Others are called to serve the Church in a particular
way. Next Saturday, for example, four men are being ordained
priests at the Cathedral in downtown Los Angeles, and the
Saturday after that, a number of permanent deacons will be
ordained. We must always be open to serving as the Lord invites
us to serve!
In observance of Memorial Day, our parish offices will
be closed on Monday, and we will have only one Mass
on that day, at 9 a.m. Likewise, each year Bishop Oscar
Solis celebrates a Memorial Day Mass at All Souls
Cemetery in Long Beach at 10 a.m. Either way, it is a
beautiful idea to give thanks to God before going off to
your barbecues.
There will be a special Mass of anointing the sick on
Saturday, June 14, at 5:15 p.m. We priests are happy to
visit our parishioners in the hospital or in their homes to
anoint them, but this communal celebration is a special
way of celebrating the strength that God gives us,
accompanied by family and friends. All those whose
health is seriously impaired by illness or old age are
encouraged to come and receive the sacrament of
Since Memorial Day is seen by many people as the
“unofficial first day of summer,” this is a good time to
mention our great summer celebration, also known as
our 67th annual Mary Star Parish Fiesta, scheduled for
July 18-20. Please make plans to join us again this year
for delicious food, fun games, great rides and of course
our famous Fiesta Queen contest! With the proceeds of
our Fiesta this year, we hope to improve our church
facilities along 8th Street, making the sidewalk near our
auditorium safer to walk and the ramp leading into the
auditorium easier to use. We hope you will join us!
The first Fiesta Food Booth meeting will be this
Wednesday at 7 p.m. in the Parish Center Round Room.
All groups serving dinners in the parish auditorium, or
food and beverages on the Fiesta grounds, should attend
this first meeting.
May we all experience the warmth of God’s love this summer,
Father Brian
Together in Mission
Amount Pledged:
Amount Paid:
May 25, 2014
Today’s Readings
First Reading—The people of Samaria accepted the word of
God preached by Philip; they received the Holy Spirit
(Acts 8:5-8, 14-17).
Psalm—Let all the earth cry out to God with joy (Psalm 66).
Second Reading—Act with gentleness and reverence toward
all, so that when you are maligned those who defame you will
be the ones put to shame (1 Peter 3:15-18).
Gospel—I will not leave you orphans, but will come to you
(John 14: 15-21).
Weekly Offering
Sunday, May 18, 2014:
$ 12,389.00
Thank you for your continued support!
Newly Baptized
Please welcome the newly Baptized to
our community!
Arlette Jocell Gonzalez Cortes
Christopher Alexander Lopez
Kristiano Ramon Pena
Perpetual Adoration
WE NEED SUM,MER SUBS! Now that vacation time is
arriving, we have less people to pull from to cover those who
will be gone. Maybe “temporary” assignments are just the thing
for some of you? Please give Barbara West a call and you can
speak about your availability. (310) 548-1693 “Oh! How sweet
and consoling are moments spent with the God of goodness.”
Fr. Manuel Leon Bravo is Begging!
We need volunteers to help clean the church.
We have two days scheduled. One is Saturday,
May 31st from 09:00-11:00. The next
is Saturday June 7th from 09:00- 13:00. We
will be cleaning the pews and kneelers. Thanks
in advance for your help!
May 25, 2014
Prayers for the Sick
Please pray for all of the sick of our community , that they may
find healing and comfort in Christ, especially:
Maria L. Romo
Michael Chavez
Lourdes Mendoza
Anna M. Kumor
Mico Fadich
Sharon Ernandez
Goldeen Kaloper
Maureen Vittorio
Beth D. Camacho
Dinka Amalfitano
Maria A. B.
Nikki Chavez
Nathalie Martinez
Mico Fadich
*Names stay on the sick list for 3 weeks, if you would like them
to continue please call the parish office to have the name added
again. Please notify us of any changes.
In Memoriam
In remembrance, let us pray for all who have gone before us to
rest in eternal life in heaven:
Dohjan Horeczko
Polina Klychnikova
Ray Sandoval, Sr.
Jose Vidaurri
Frances Lucido
Mary Star's bereavement support group meets Saturdays at
3:30 pm in the rectory. For more information, call
Paula Mazzarino at (310) 547-2103
Prayer Intentions of the Holy Father
Universal: That the media may be instruments in
the service of truth and peace.
For Evangelization: That Mary, Star of
Evangelization, may guide the church in
proclaiming Christ to all nations,
A Prayer for our Military Personnel
We give thanks to God for the safe return of our
servicemen and women and we thank them for their
selflessness in serving their country in times of war.
May our prayers and the prayers of millions of
others throughout the world, lead these men and
women safely home to their families and loved ones.
Save the Date: MSSE 100 Year Celebration
Class of 1982: Where are you now?!?
The elementary school’s 100 Year Celebration will kick off
with several events beginning in September and ending with the
Class of 2015’s 8th grade graduation.
All former students, faculty and staff are invited so please
mark your calendars and plan to attend!
September 7, 2014
Noon Mass at Mary Star with his
Excellency, Archbishop Gomez*
October 25, 2014
Gala Celebration Dinner*
*More details and events will be announced as the plans are
If you attended or worked at Mary Star Elementary School, don’t
assume that we know who or where you are. Please send us
your contact information as soon as possible to
Alumni Outreach c/o Mary Star of the Sea Elementary School
717 S. Cabrillo Avenue
San Pedro, CA 90731
1964 Class Reunion
Seeking alumni from the class of
1964 from Mary Star of the Sea
High School as well as Fermin
Lasuen High School! The reunion
will take place at the Redondo
Beach Elks Lodge (315
Esplanade, Redondo Beach, CA 90277) on September 13th from
4 pm - 9pm. Classmates, parents of classmates, and relatives are
welcomed. To RSVP, or for further information, please contact
Bill Hallet ’64 at (310) 874-3308.
Summer Contemplative Retreat Program
St. Andrew Russian Greek Catholic Church (538 Concord St., El
Segundo, CA 90245) would like to invite all to their
contemplative spirituality program offered in monthly prayer
group meetings and retreats. Time: 10 am—3:30 pm; Price: $20
(included light lunch) RSVP: (310) 322-1892. Programs offered
are Sat. June 21st: “The Kingdom Within” inviting one to
discover spirituality in silence and stillness; Sat. July 19th: “The
Joy of the Gospel;” and Sat. August 16th: “The Desert
Tradition” inviting meditators to experience the spirituality of the
desert offering opportunities to explore the prayer of the heart.
Celebration of Ecclesial Lay Movements
For the first time in the Archdiocese of Los Angeles, a
celebration will be held for the various ecclesial lay movements
on Pentecost Sunday, June 8th at 3:30 p.m. Archbishop Gomez
will be the preside and this will be a bilingual mass. If lay
movements members want to attend please have them call their
regional representative and then the representative can contact
Alicia Hernandez at the Office of New Evangelization at: or (213) 637-7542. Some
Apostolic Movements in our Parish community include Divine
Mercy, Guadalupanos, Knights
of Columbus, and Life Teen.
Memorial Day Mass
Join together for a Memorial Day Mass on
Monday, May 26th at 10:00 am at All Souls
Catholic Cemetery (4400 Cherry Ave. Long
Beach, CA) - (562) 424-8601. The principal
celebrant will be Bishop Oscar Solis.
San Pedro Pastoral Region
Southwestern District Meeting—Tuesday, May 27, 2014
9:30 am Registration
10:00 am Call to Order: Speaker: Rev. Francis Benedict, OSB
11:30 am Mass
12:15 pm Luncheon—$10 per person—PREPAID
1:30 pm Adjournment
RESERVATIONS: Deadline: Thursday, May 22nd. Make check
payable to Mary Star of the Sea Church and mail to 870 W. 8th
St., San Pedro, CA 90731. For more information call Josephine
Frka at (310) 833-3541.
Those Feisty Women of the Gospel
You are invited to, Those Feisty Women of the Gospel with Kathy
Coffey, Sunday, June 1, 2014 at 11:30 am in The Atrium in
University Hall, Loyola Marymount University; Co-sponsored by
the LMU Center for Ignatian Spirituality. $45/person includes a
catered luncheon. Women were there at every juncture of Jesus’
life: from his conception to his resurrection. Over time, they may
have been edited out of the gospels, or their roles were diminished,
so let’s resurrect their stories. We can re-imagine their lives, using
an ancient Midrash technique. Then we’ll make the link to our
lives: what do they teach us today? Come for reflection, surprise
and a new approach to reading the gospels. For information on how
to register, contact Mary Haggerty at
Italian Classes
Fondazione Italia’s 6-Wk Summer Session is Open for
Enrollment! Italian language courses for children and adults are
being offered at the Learning Centers in Hermosa Beach.
Session starts 6/6 & 6/7. Six 90-minute classes for $126 and six
60-minute classes for children for $84. For more information
and to enroll online visit
May 25, 2014
Parish Fiesta 2014, Finding the Pot of Gold!
Stella Maris
Catholic Books & Gift Store
(310) 519-8661
Store Hours:
Wed 2:30 p.m. - 5:30 p.m.
Sat. 4:30 p.m. - 6:30 p.m.
Sun. 8:30 a.m. - 6:30 p.m.
New Book Store Additions:
870 W. 8th Street, San Pedro • (310) 833-3541 ext. 203
Friday, Saturday, Sunday
July 18, 19, 20, 2014
Grand Prize:
$20,000 cash, or a NEW 2014 Chevy Cruze or Sonic
2nd Prize: 4 Night Baja Cruise for Two
3rd Prize: 3 Day, 2 Night Lake Tahoe Trip for Two
4th Prize: 3 Day, 2 Night Las Vegas Trip for Two
Carnival Rides, Games of Chance, and Homemade Foods will
line the Midway. Crowning of the Fiesta Queen will take place
on Sunday, July 20th. Bring the whole family for a weekend of
Fun, Food, and Prizes. Free admission!
Visit our website or call (310) 833-3541 ext. 203 for more
information and the latest news regarding the fiesta:
Food, Beverage, and Auditorium Meeting
Our First Fiesta Planning Meeting for all food and beverage
booths, and dinners in the Auditorium will be:
Wednesday, May 28, 2014 at 7:00 PM
in the MGPC Round Room
**All Parish Groups who will be preparing food and serving
beverages on the Fiesta grounds or in the Auditorium must have
at least ONE representative present at this important meeting
2014 Fiesta Queen Candidate
Please vote for your Fiesta Queen Candidate on ALL of your
ticket stubs: Look out for their upcoming Bake Sales!
June 14-15: Taylor Garcia
June 21-22: Margo Kaliterna
June 28-29: Kaylee Rucker
July 5-6: Maria Delgado
(From Left to right Maria, Margo, Kaylee, and Taylor)
May 25, 2014
First Holy Communion,
Confirmation, and Father’s
Day items available; 20%
discount on First Communion
We honor Mary Star of the Sea Elementary
& High School Scrip!
Free Senior Planning Seminar
Don’t Miss this free seminar from top professionals on how to
protect the ones you love. Don’t wait to find out the truth about
end of life planning. Hosted by McNerney’s Mortuary (570 W.
5th St., San Pedro, CA 90731) on Wednesday, June 4, 2014
from 6 pm—7pm. Who should attend? Children who may have
to care for a parent in the future and people who don’t want to
leave their loved ones wondering what to do. Seminar topics
include– Living Trust; Reverse Mortgages; In Home Senior
Care; Advance Funeral Planning Advantages. Call to RSVP for
the best free one-hour seminar at (310) 832-8351. Coffee, Tea
and Dessert Bar included.
Ca. State Insurance Lic. 0737077
Did You Know?
A healthy scrutiny of programs for kids helps create a
healthy environment It is not a best practice for a parent,
guardian, employer, or manager to blindly trust everyone who
works with children. Yet, paranoia of those who work with
children is also not a best practice. There is a healthy balance.
By regularly and frequently questioning the actions and motives
of those who work with children, parents and other adults can
audit the programs their children participate in and help keep
caregivers accountable for their work. In this process, parents
and other adults can create a constant fear of being caught in the
mind of a perpetrator. By channeling this kind of healthy
scrutiny and suspicion into accountability, adults can create an
environment where children are protected, quality care is
emulated, and abuse is not tolerated. For a copy of the
VIRTUS® article, “An ounce of healthy suspicion is worth a
pound of prevention,” email:
Attention Future Fiesta Underwriters
Our annual Fiesta is quickly approaching & in addition to being
wonderful fun for the family, the Fiesta is also our parish’s
greatest fundraiser of the year. Proceeds provide much-needed
financial support & allows us to continue serving our schools &
community. If you would like to participate as a Fiesta
Underwriter or would like more information, please contact Fr.
Brian at (310) 833-3541 ext. 203 or email at
Alleluia! Jesus is Risen!
We continue to rejoice with
Easter Joy! Congratulations
to all our children who have
received Jesus, the Risen
Lord for the first time. May
they continue to grow in
their love for Jesus in the
Special thanks to all our
catechists who freely gave of their time to
prepare the children and did so with great love.
Vacation Bible School - Mark Your Calendars - June 23 27, 2014
May 25th—Life Night Extravaganza
Please check out our website for registration
forms, calendars, or for more
Please check out the Youth Ministry Calendar on our
website under YOUTH for updates
and changes.
Day of Confirmation has been set for Sun. May 18th at
the 5:00pm during the LIFE TEEN Mass for all Year 2
Confirmation Candidates. Please mark your calendars
and join us for this awesome Sacrament!
Dead Theologians Society
“Dead to the World, alive in Christ”
Chapter Meetings:
Mondays at 7:00 p.m. in the Youth Ministry
Our theme this year is Wilderness Escape - where we
will join Moses as he and the Israelites escape Egypt and
travel to parts unknown - trusting God all the while.
The experience will allow God's Word to come to life
like never before ... touching lives, changing hearts, and
drawing the children and adults closer to Christ. The
fun time with music, crafts, games, stories will help all
of us to grow in our trust in God. Register now.
Recycling: We continue to do our little bit to save the
earth by recycling and teaching the children the
importance of doing so.
Sister Mary or Carmen Garske
(310) 833-3541 exts 221 or 222
We welcome infants and young children to the
Sacrament of Baptism. Visit the parish office for a
Baptism Information package and to schedule an
We ask parents, when coming to register for infant
Baptism, to please bring the baby’s birth certificate.
Please check our website for necessary information to be
brought to the interview for scheduling a Baptism.
May 25, 2014
Mary Star Elementary School News
Dear Mary Star Parishioners,
On Monday 5/19, the students in grades Kindergarten – 8th
grade boarded 5 buses and made the journey to Mary Star
High School. This is the 2nd annual Marion Celebration and
Field Day where all of our students from the littlest Stars in
Kindergarten to our seniors in High School spend a day
together. The day began with Mass and the crowning of Our
Blessed Mother. After Mass, the students enjoyed barbecued
hot dogs, chips, and popsicles. The students played croquet,
fished for prizes, had a water balloon toss, made giant
bubbles, played chess, and a variety of games on the upper
field. Thank you to Ms. Dever, Father Nicholas, Mrs.
Andrie, Student Council, and all of the MSHS faculty and
students who brought us together!
This week we highlight our Schoolwide Learning
Strive for Personal Success
° On Thursday evening, May 15th, all of the 2013-2014
MSSE athletes were honored and recognized at our
annual banquet.
° MSSE Junior High Students are learning the game of
field hockey during PE time.
° Kelsey Kavanaugh and Isabelle Rivas were recognized
for their poetry writing by the San Pedro Youth
° 4th graders Rosana Poliseri and Luke Stefanou were
awarded a $1000 scholarship each for their essay on
Father Junipero Serra by the Hannon Foundation.
2014 – 2015 SCHOOL YEAR!
God Bless You,
Noreen Maricich
Registration is now open for the 2014-2015 school year for 3-5 year
olds who are fully potty trained. Our preschool program is year
round, part time and full time. Come on over and take a tour.
No appointments are necessary!
We have a safe environment with qualified, caring teachers who
instruct faith development and age appropriate hands-on activities in
Creative Art, Kindergarten Readiness, Math Concepts, Science
Exploration, Multicultural Exposure, Music/Movement Activities,
Dramatic Play, Outdoor Activities, and Character Development.
Give us a call for more information about our preschool program at
(310) 833-3541 ext. 228 and ask for Beth Castagnola, Director.
Mary Star High School News
MSHS News:
Mary Star is offering Summer School
for remediation and enrichment for
grades 9 -12. Summer school is open to
public and private high school students.
Summer school information has already been mailed
home to Mary Star students however public school
students may contact the Main Office (310-547-1138) or
visit for Summer School
registration forms. or. The deadline to enroll students for
remediation and/or enrichment is Friday, June 13.
The school and office will be closed on Monday, May 26
in honor of Memorial Day.
Friday, May 30th has an early dismissal at 10:30 a.m. for
underclassmen in anticipation of the graduation activities
for seniors.
Please pray for our seniors this week as they approach the
“Final” final exams of their high school career! We also
honor the Class of 2014 with their Baccalaureate Mass,
Luncheon and Graduation Ceremony at the Parish this
Friday, May 30th. Admission to the Luncheon and evening
ceremony is by ticket reservation only.
2014-2015 School Uniform: Next school year, MSHS is
adding a "required uniform" to the Dress Code policy.
The “required uniform,” which may be worn every
day, is required to be worn on Mass days, fieldtrips,
and other days designated by the administration. The
"Required Uniform" includes:
Boys: Khaki uniform pants, belt, white uniform
polo, uniform pullover or cardigan sweater
Girls: Khaki uniform pants or plaid skirt, white
uniform polo, uniform pullover or cardigan
There will also be an “Optional Uniform” which may be
worn on all non-"required uniform" days:
Boys: powder blue, navy blue and gray uniform
polo; navy blue or gray uniform pants; navy blue,
gray or khaki uniform shorts; uniform crewneck
sweatshirts and/or uniform outerwear
Girls: powder blue, navy blue and gray uniform
polo; navy blue or gray uniform pants; navy blue,
gray or khaki uniform shorts; uniform crewneck
sweatshirts and/or uniform outerwear
You can check us out on our web page:
May 25, 2014
May 24, 2014 Saturday,
May 24, 2014
9:00 a.m.—Families of Nazareth—MGPC Round Room
9:00 p.m.—Religious Education Pre-k –6th—MSB 112-218
6:00 p.m.—Grupo de Oracion—MSB 111-218
May 25, 2014
7:30 a.m.— Zvonko Mihovilovich by wife, Bonnie & Family †
May 25, 2014
9:00 a.m.— Giorgio & Cristina Pesce by daughter,
8:00 a.m.—Concierto de Alabanza—AUD
Maria Baccari & Family †
9:00 a.m.—English Baptisms—Church
10:30 a.m.— Francisco Javier Castaneda by Familia †
11:45 a.m.—Hispanic Grp. Holy Rosary
12:00 p.m.— Lee Dollar & Family by Paulita Sorkin
5:00 p.m.—English Baptisms—Church
1:30 p.m.— Mate & Tereza Kaleb by children, Ksenisa, Neda &
5:30 p.m.—Guadalupanos Rosary & Prayers—MSB 111
8:00 a.m.— Simeon Franco by Franco Family
5:15 p.m.— Zorka & Slavko by Dragan Spanjol †
Dragan & Family †
5:00 p.m.— For All Parishioners of Mary Star
6:30 p.m.— Vito Terzoli by Antonia & Family †
5:15 p.m.—
May 26, 2014
Memorial Day
Flora & Erminia Caruso by Joe & Tina †
May 27, 2014
9:00 a.m.—Rosary Making—MSB 210
7:00 p.m.—Prayer Group—MGPC Chapel
6:00 p.m.—Holy Hour—Church
6:00 p.m.—Scouts Mtg.—K of C
May 28, 2014 7:00 p.m.—Al Anon—MGPC Round Room
7:00 p.m.—Ensayo de Albanza—MSB 218
8:00 a.m.— Jack Donato by Wife & Family †
John & Mary Caterinichia by daughter †
7:00 p.m.—Grupo de Oracion—MSB 111
8:00 a.m.— Mario & Carmen Lauro by son, Joe & Janet Lauro †
5:15 p.m.— Ante Kaloper by wife, Goldeen & Family †
Virginia Sazco by Daughters of Isabella †
Ray Sandoval by Maria T. Ibarra †
Frank Colonna by family †
5:15 p.m.— St. Jude by Patricia & Peter O’Brien Canon
Filomena Vitalich by Georgia & Andrew Katnic †
George & Susan Djokic by
Georgia & Andrew Katinc†
Dave Walsh by Virginia Manzella †
Draga Pedisic by Stefa Tomasevich †
May 26, 2014
Memorial Day: Office Closed
6:30 p.m.—Croatian Choir—Church
May 27, 2014
May 28, 2014
May 29, 2014
9:00 a.m.—Bible Study—MGPC Round Room
7:00 p.m.—Bible Study—MSB 111
7:00 p.m.—Crecimiento—MSB 215
May 30, 2014
10:30 p.m.—MSHS Baccalaureate Mass—Church
7:00 p.m.—Divorced Catholic Group—MGPC Round Room
7:00 p.m.—MSHS Graduation—Church
May 29, 2014 7:00 p.m.—Rosary in Croatian—Chapel
8:00 a.m.—
Carolina DiMeglio by
Filomena Boccanfuso & Family †
5:15 p.m.— Vinko Caric by Katija †
May 31, 2014
9:00 a.m.—Families of Nazareth—MGPC Round Room
6:00 p.m.—Grupo de Oracion/MSB 111-218
May 30, 2014 Sunday,
June 01, 2014
8:00 a.m.—Fiesta Queen Bake Sale—Church Patio
1:00 p.m.—2nd & 3rd Grade Reception Luncheon—AUD
2:30 p.m.—CCF Guild Mtg.—MGPC Long Room
May 31, 2014 2:30 p.m.—English Baptisms—Church
5:30 p.m.—Guadalupanos Rosary & Prayers—MSB 111
8:00 a.m.— Brian Knez by Juan & Carmen Andreanelli †
8:00 a.m.—
George & Mary Bosnich by
son, George & Josephine Bosnich †
5:15 p.m.— Maria Domenico Accetta by daughter & Family †
5:15 p.m.— Joseph Domicoli by Mattera Family †
For a detailed map of our campus go to our website
June 01, 2014 and click on “About Our Church” All Parish
7:30 a.m.— Sam Bepo & Marica Lisica by
events must be approved by Maria C. Palacios, the Parish
daughter, Bonnie & Family †
Secretary, before they appear in the bulletin. To add or change an
9:00 a.m.— Anka Vidovich by Ante Pitesa & Family †
event please call Maria at (310) 833-3541 ext 201 or email her at
10:30 a.m.— Sofia Vela by Familia †
12:00 p.m.— Vinko Caric by Olga Stame †
1:30 p.m.— Marijan Mador by daughter, Marijana & Family †
5:00 p.m.— Mate Fadich by The Fadich Family †
K of C….(Old Weight Room)
6:30 p.m.— For All Parishioners of Mary Star
MGPC….Msgr. Gallagher Parish Center
MSB……Msgr. Scott Building (old H.S.)
YM……..Youth Ministry Room (old Library)
May 25, 2014
Parish Office: (310) 833-3541
Fax: (310) 833-9254
Business Administrator: Josephine Frka Ext: 205
Parish Secretary: Maria C. Palacios Ext. 201
Bulletin Editor: Vanessa A. Romo Ext: 203
Bulletin Deadline: Monday by 4pm to
Mary Star of the Sea High School
2500 N. Taper Ave
San Pedro, CA 90731
(310) 547-1138
Principal: Rita Dever
Adult Initiation
Sister Mary (310) 833-3541
Mary Star of the Sea High School Development Office
(310) 833-3861
Christian Care
Richard and Pat Hildebrandt
(310) 548-1645
853 W. 7th St., San Pedro
Music Ministry
Jelil Romano Ext: 224
Maritime Ministry
Fr. Freddie Chua
Ext. 208
Mary Star of the Sea Elementary
717 S. Cabrillo Ave.
San Pedro, CA 90731
(310) 831-0875
Principal: Noreen Maricich
Youth Ministry & Confirmation
George Vasquez Ext: 220
Bereavement Support Group
Paula Mazzarino
Bible Study
Deacon Garcia
Croatian Catholic Family Guild
Nikola Galesic
Croatian Choir
Margarida Bracco
Divine Mercy Group
Madelyn Walker
Virginia Pagan
Lu Barbieri
Families of Nazareth
Holly Oldenburg
Fiesta Committee
Neal DiBernardo
310-833-3541 ext. 203
Filipino Community
Danny Vinluan Eslava
May 25, 2014
Religious Education
Sr. Mary Glynn , Carmen Garske Ext: 222
Sacristan & Altar Servers
Nick Vilicich Ext: 225
St. Vincent de Paul
Celia Bremer Ext: 223
Vocation Discernment
Fr. Brian Nunes (310) 833-3541
Maricela Delgado
Grupo de Oracion
Amadeo Escobar
Hispanic Group
Jorge Malca
Hospitality/Mary & Martha
Josephine Frka
Homebound Eucharistic Ministries
Sister Ena Maguire, SJC
Italian Catholic Federation
Neal DiLeva
Jr. Altar Society
Michelle Downes
Vanessa Romo
Knights of Columbus
Nick Vilicich
Lectors—Ministry of the Word
Bob Costales
Perpetual Adoration
Barbara West
Prayer Group/Bible Study
Edna Gonzalez
Respect Life
Katie Clark
St. Anne Altar Society
Delight Hernandez
St. Joseph Table
Josephine Accetta
San Pietro Society
Grace Ciolino
Club Trappetto
Sal Cracchiolo
Velike Gospe Society
Natalie Sutlovich
Dorothy Bonacich
Nick Vilicich
310-833-3541 ext. 225