LASER-COM COVER SHEET ATTENTION: CHURCH NAME: MARY STAR OF THE SEA BULLETIN #: 513841 CONTACT PERSON: Vanessa Romo PHONE #: Office: 310-833-3541 ext 201 SPECIAL COMMENTS OR REQUESTS: If there are any issues please call the secretary at the parish office on extension 201. Thank you, Vanessa Romo Mary Star of the Sea Parish Established 1889 5th Sunday of Easter May 18, 2014 870 W. 8th Street San Pedro, CA 90731 Tel: (310) 833-3541 Fax: (310) 833-9254 Like us on Facebook! OFFICE HOURS Monday—Thursday 9:00 am to 8:00 pm Friday 9:00 am to 4 pm Saturday & Sunday 9:00 am to 3:00 pm MASS SCHEDULE Monday—Saturday 8:00 am and 5:15 pm Sunday 7:30 am (English) 9:00 am (English) 10:30 am (Spanish) 12:00 pm (English) 1:30 pm (Croatian) 5:00 pm (Life Teen) 6:30 pm (Italian) Holy Days of Obligation 5:15pm evening before 8:00 am 12:00 noon 5:15pm MORNING PRAYER Monday-Friday 7:45 am EVENING PRAYER Monday-Friday 5:00 pm ADMINISTRATOR Rev. Brian Nunes RECONCILIATION ASSOCIATE PASTORS (Confessions) Rev. Manuel Bravo Thursday and Friday: Rev. Freddie Chua after 5:15pm Mass Saturday: after 8 a.m. MARITIME MINISTRY Mass and 4—5 p.m. Rev. Freddie Chua NORBERTINE FATHERS SISTERS OF (Serving our High School) ST. JOSEPH OF CLUNY (310) 521-1930 (Parish Convent) CHAPLAIN FOR (310) 834-5431 CROATIAN COMMUNITY Rev. Goran Jovičić DEACON William Garcia STELLA MARIS BOOKSTORE (310) 519-8661 DONATE ONLINE! marystarofthesea From the Desk of Fr. Brian It is so clear to me that the Holy Spirit has already taken root in many of us, because that missionary spirit is alive and well here in San Pedro. So many of you are tireless in your dedication to serve in one ministry or another, and yet the need is always there. If you have not yet become involved in a group or ministry, please consider doing so. Allow the Holy Spirit you received at baptism to energize you and inspire you to engage the community! If you are unsure what would be a good use of your gifts and talents, please feel free to ask any one of the many parishioners you see active in ministry, or ask one of us priests for Another way we have been observing this Easter time is by guidance. celebrating the Easter sacraments. Our neophytes (a word meaning “new sprouts,” or those new Catholics who were As you know, our annual stewardship campaign is baptized at the Easter Vigil) have been coming to church titled Together In Mission. I am so proud of Mary Star dressed in white, reminding us of the power of God in our of the Sea parish for stepping up and meeting our goal midst. So many of our children who received their First for pledges. This strong and quick response tells me Communion came to church that day in white. And this that our community understands that all our gifts come Sunday evening, about 60 of our parishioners will be from God, that they are given to us for the greater dressed in white robes to receive the Holy Spirit in the Church around the Archdiocese, and that we have so sacrament of Confirmation. Not only that, but each time a much gratitude for these gifts that we are willing to deacon, priest or bishop celebrates one of these sacraments, share them. Please note that we have adjusted our underneath his other robes he wears a white alb, a garment fundraising “thermometer” below: it now shows our that recalls the white gown each of us receives at baptism. progress in fulfilling the pledges already made. As you Each time we see any of these traces of white we should can see, we have not only been generous in pledging; recall our baptism, because it was that sacrament that made we have also begun to fulfill those pledges. Thanks us members of God’s family. again to those of you who have participated! Of course, if your family has not yet participated, we would still Today in particular, we celebrate God’s goodness in giving welcome your pledge. Envelopes are available in us the Holy Spirit to inspire us, guide us and fill us with church or at the parish office. energy. We welcome Bishop Oscar Solis, who will celebrate the sacrament of Confirmation and call down the As a reminder, because of the length of the Holy Spirit on our confirmandi. These parishioners – confirmation liturgy, there will be no 6:30 p.m. Italian teenagers and adults alike – have put in many hours of Mass this weekend. prayer, study and service to help prepare themselves for this sacrament, and our prayers go with them. God bless us all, Father Brian As Catholics we believe that we receive the Holy Spirit at our baptism because it is the Spirit that gives life (John Together in Mission 6:63), but when we are confirmed we receive the fullness of the Spirit. Just as the Holy Spirit came at Pentecost upon disciples who were unsure and afraid, transforming them into proud and courageous proclaimers of the Gospel, so Amount Pledged: too does the Spirit come to rest upon us when we are $87,152.00 confirmed so that we can go boldly into the world as missionary disciples. Amount Paid: $55,282.00 For the last four weeks we have been celebrating the season of Easter, and the refreshing new life of Jesus Christ given to us as pure gift by God. We have been celebrating that new life in many ways. For one thing, we decorate our church in white, the color of purity, a reminder that the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ washes away our sins. 2 May 18, 2014 Today’s Readings First Reading—To meet their growing needs, the community chooses seven reputable men to serve the new Greek believers (Acts 6: 1-7)). Psalm—Lord, let your mercy be on us, as we place our trust in you (Psalm 33). Second Reading—We, like living stones, let ourselves be built into a spiritual house (1 Peter 2:4-9). Gospel—”Show us the Father,” Philip asks Jesus. To which Jesus replies: “Whoever sees me, sees the Father” (John 14: 1-12). Quote of the Week MARY OUR MOTHER: What a joy to remember that Mary is our Mother! Since she loves us and knows our weakness, what have we to fear? -St. Therese of Lisieux MUCH-NEEDED LOVE: No one needs love more than someone who doesn't deserve it. -Anonymous Weekly Offering Sunday, May 11, 2014: Loose: $ 3,932.50 Envelopes: $ 13,214.00 E-Giving: $ 50.00 Sacraments: $ 310.00 Total: $ 17,506.50 Thank you for your continued support! Mother’s Day Novena Enroll the mother’s in your life in our Mother’s Day Novena! The novena of 9 days begins on Mother’s Day, May 11th, and concludes on Monday, May 19th. Envelopes are in the pews. You may drop them in the collection baskets or turn them into the parish office. Newly Baptized Please welcome the newly Baptized to our community! Luka Shaoluen Lin Sophia Guadalupe Lopez Giana Lynn Cigliano Cara Lee Diniana Sanders Deegan Daniel Talamantes-Enriquez May 18, 2014 Prayers for the Sick Please pray for all of the sick of our community , that they may find healing and comfort in Christ, especially: Maria L. Romo Michael Chavez Lourdes Mendoza Anna M. Kumor Mico Fadich Sharon Ernandez Goldeen Kaloper Maureen Vittorio Beth D. Camacho Dinka Amalfitano Maria A. B. Nikki Chavez Nathalie Martinez *Names stay on the sick list for 3 weeks, if you would like them to continue please call the parish office to have the name added again. Please notify us of any changes. In Memoriam In remembrance, let us pray for all who have gone before us to rest in eternal life in heaven: Dohjan Horeczko Polina Klychnikova Ray Sandoval, Sr. Jose Vidaurri Frances Lucido Mary Star's bereavement support group meets Saturdays at 3:30 pm in the rectory. For more information, call Paula Mazzarino at (310) 547-2103 Prayer Intentions of the Holy Father Universal: That the media may be instruments in the service of truth and peace. For Evangelization: That Mary, Star of Evangelization, may guide the church in proclaiming Christ to all nations, A Prayer for our Military Personnel We give thanks to God for the safe return of our servicemen and women and we thank them for their selflessness in serving their country in times of war. May our prayers and the prayers of millions of others throughout the world, lead these men and women safely home to their families and loved ones. 3 NEWS & EVENTS Save the Date: MSSE 100 Year Celebration Thank you! Many thanks to the St. Joseph Tables for their generous gift of $2,000.00 in support of Mary Star of the Sea Church. May God Bless you as we keep you within our prayers. Memorial Day Mass Class of 1934: Where are you now?!? The elementary school’s 100 Year Celebration will kick off with several events beginning in September and ending with the Class of 2015’s 8th grade graduation. All former students, faculty and staff are invited so please mark your calendars and plan to attend! September 7, 2014 Noon Mass at Mary Star with his excellency, Archbishop Gomez* October 25, 2014 Gala Celebration Dinner* *More details and events will be announced as the plans are finalized. If you attended or worked at Mary Star Elementary School, don’t assume that we know who or where you are. Please send us your contact information as soon as possible to Or Alumni Outreach c/o Mary Star of the Sea Elementary School 717 S. Cabrillo Avenue San Pedro, CA 90731 Bundle Sunday The St. Vincent de Paul Bundle Sunday truck is here today in the parish parking lot from 8 am— 1:30 pm. Remember to bring any useable items that will help the needy. For large items including furniture and appliances, please phone (323) 2246280 for home pickups. The Joy of the Gospel Series The Joy of the Gospel presented by Sr. Carmel Noone, RSC and Father Brian Nunes. Join us for the 3nd session to take place on Mon., May 19, 2014, "The Spirit of God Alive in our Lives" in the Parish Auditorium (820 W. 8th St., San Pedro, CA 90731) from 7 PM - 8:30 PM. Italian Classes Fondazione Italia’s 6-Wk Summer Session is Open for Enrollment! Italian language courses for children and adults are being offered at the Learning Centers in Hermosa Beach. Session starts 6/6 & 6/7. Six 90-minute classes for $126 and six 60minute classes for children for $84. For more information and to enroll online visit 4 Join together for a Memorial Day Mass on Monday, May 26th at 10:00 am at All Souls Catholic Cemetery (4400 Cherry Ave. Long Beach, CA) - (562) 424-8601. The principal celebrant will be Bishop Oscar Solis. San Pedro Pastoral Region Southwestern District Meeting—Tuesday, May 27, 2014 9:30 am Registration 10:00 am Call to Order: Speaker: Rev. Francis Benedict, OSB 11:30 am Mass 12:15 pm Luncheon—$10 per person—PREPAID 1:30 pm Adjournment RESERVATIONS: Deadline: Thursday, May 22nd. Make check payable to Mary Star of the Sea Church and mail to 870 W. 8th St., San Pedro, CA 90731. For more information call Josephine Frka at (310) 833-3541. Lay Mission-Helpers The Lay Mission-Helpers Association is looking for men and women who have a useful skill or profession and are willing to dedicate 3 years of their lives to the work of the Church in overseas Mission sites. For more information, please call (213) 368-1873, email at or visit online at 2014: Fiesta Queen Contest Looking for a summer job opportunity while making lasting friendships? The why not run for Mary Star of the Sea Fiesta Queen 2014!?!! We invite high school age ladies who are parishioners of Mary Star of the Sea and attend one of our local harbor area high schools to participate in our 2014 Mary Star of the Sea Fiesta Queen Contest. If you are interested, please call the parish office, (310)833-3541 ext. 200 and leave a message with your contact information to Michelle Downes. Healing Mass (out of Parish) St. Angela Merici Charismatic Prayer Group invites you to “Jesus Heals Today” healing Eucharist Mass with Fr. George Reynolds Monday, May 19th at 7:15 pm. 585 S. Walnut Ave., Brea, CA 92821. For more information, (714) 525-8539. May 18, 2014 Did You Know? / ¿Sabia Usted? Victims of abuse can seek help/information by dialing toll free number: The Office of Victims Assistance Ministry of the Archdiocese of Los Angeles was created in April of 2002 to deal with allegations of past or current sexual abuse by clergy, religious, or any lay person working or volunteering for the Archdiocese. Call the office toll free number, (800) 355-2545, to report misconduct by a priest, deacon or other person working or volunteering for the Archdiocese of Los Angeles; to get information about the Archdiocese’s ongoing commitment, programs resources that focus on outreach to victims/survivors of sexual abuse; and to report abuse suffered in another diocese and to receive assistance in connecting with the appropriate persons in that diocese. Those Feisty Women of the Gospel You are invited to, Those Feisty Women of the Gospel with Kathy Coffey, Sunday, June 1, 2014 at 11:30 am in The Atrium in University Hall, Loyola Marymount University; Co-sponsored by the LMU Center for Ignatian Spirituality. $45/person includes a catered luncheon. Women were there at every juncture of Jesus’ life: from his conception to his resurrection. Over time, they may have been edited out of the gospels, or their roles were diminished, so let’s resurrect their stories. We can re-imagine their lives, using an ancient Midrash technique. Then we’ll make the link to our lives: what do they teach us today? Come for reflection, surprise and a new approach to reading the gospels. For information on how to register, contact Mary Haggerty at Rosary Service You are invited to a rosary-centered service at the Shrine to the Unborn in Holy Cross Cemetery today, May 18th at 2 pm sponsored by the Knights of Columbus. Holy Cross Cemetery is located at 5838 W. Slauson Ave., Culver City, CA 90230. The service will begin at the Main Mausoleum, with a procession to the Shrine. Please bring your family and friends. For Further information, contact Tom Ullman at (310) 670-0605 Food, Beverage, and Auditorium Meeting Our First Fiesta Planning Meeting for all food and beverage booths, and dinners in the Auditorium will be: Wednesday, May 28, 2014 in the MGPC Round Room **All Parish Groups who will be preparing food and serving beverages on the Fiesta grounds or in the Auditorium must have at least ONE representative present at this important meeting May 18, 2014 Stella Maris Catholic Books & Gift Store (310) 519-8661 Store Hours: Wed 2:30 p.m. - 5:30 p.m. Sat. 4:30 p.m. - 6:30 p.m. Sun. 8:30 a.m. - 6:30 p.m. New Book Store Additions: First Holy Communion, Confirmation, and Father’s Day items available; 20% discount on First Communion items. We honor Mary Star of the Sea Elementary & High School Scrip! Free Senior Planning Seminar Don’t Miss this free seminar from top professionals on how to protect the ones you love. Don’t wait to find out the truth about end of life planning. Hosted by McNerney’s Mortuary (570 W. 5th St., San Pedro, CA 90731) on Wednesday, June 4, 2014 from 6 pm—7pm. Who should attend? Children who may have to care for a parent in the future and people who don’t want to leave their loved ones wondering what to do. Seminar topics include– Living Trust; Reverse Mortgages; In Home Senior Care; Advance Funeral Planning Advantages. Call to RSVP for the best free one-hour seminar at (310) 832-8351. Coffee, Tea and Dessert Bar included. Ca. State Insurance Lic. 0737077 Save the Date: 2014 Parish Fiesta Save the date: Mary Star of the Sea Parish Fiesta—2014 Friday, July 18th: 5 p.m. to Midnight Saturday, July 19th: 12 noon to Midnight Sunday, July 20th: 12 noon to Midnight Crowning of the 2014 Fiesta Queen Sunday, July 20th at 7:30 p.m. Family fun, carnival rides, home-made food, beverages, $20,000 cash raffle, vacation trips, games of chance. Free parking, free admission. Watch upcoming bulletins for planning meetings, or call the Parish office at Ext. 203 for more information. 1964 Class Reunion Seeking alumni from the class of 1964 from Mary Star of the Sea High School as well as Fermin Lasuen High School! The reunion will take place at the Redondo Beach Elks Lodge (315 Esplanade, Redondo Beach, CA 90277) on September 13th from 4 pm - 9pm. Classmates, parents of classmates, and relatives are welcomed. To RSVP, or for further information, please contact Bill Hallet ’64 at (310) 874-3308. 5 FAITH FORMATION Alleluia! Jesus is Risen! We continue to rejoice with Easter Joy! Today the Gospel invites us to reflect on Jesus who is the Good Shepherd, who seeks us out and lovingly embraces us. Congratulations to our eighty-six children who received their First Holy Communion this weekend and who experienced in a special way the loving embrace of the Good Shepherd. May they continue to grow in their love for Jesus in the Eucharist. Last Call for CRS Rice Bowl: Reminder to all to return the Rice Bowls so that all contributions may be forwarded to help those less fortunate. Your contributions make a big difference in the lives of others. JOIN US FOR OUR LIFE NIGHTS! (Sun. 6:30PM Youth Rm.) May 18th—No Life Night (Confirmation) May 25th—Life Night Extravaganza NEWS: Please check out our website for registration forms, calendars, or for more information. Please check out the Youth Ministry Calendar on our website under YOUTH for updates and changes. Day of Confirmation has been set for Sun. May 18th at the 5:00pm during the LIFE TEEN Mass for all Year 2 Confirmation Candidates. Please mark your calendars and join us for this awesome Sacrament! Dead Theologians Society “Dead to the World, alive in Christ” Chapter Meetings: Mondays at 7:00 p.m. in the Youth Ministry Room. 6 Vacation Bible School - Mark Your Calendars - June 23 27, 2014 Our theme this year is Wilderness Escape - the story of Moses and the Israelites crossing the Red Sea and spending time in the desert. It will be an exciting and fun time with crafts, games, music etc. Recycling: We continue to do our little bit to save the earth by recycling and teaching the children the importance of doing so. Sister Mary or Carmen Garske (310) 833-3541 exts 221 or 222 BAPTISMS We welcome infants and young children to the Sacrament of Baptism. Visit the parish office for a Baptism Information package and to schedule an appointment. We ask parents, when coming to register for infant Baptism, to please bring the baby’s birth certificate. Please check our website for necessary information to be brought to the interview for scheduling a Baptism. May 18, 2014 OUR SCHOOLS Mary Star Elementary School News Dear Mary Star Parishioners, Mary Star Elementary School had a very successful Jog-A-Thon this year! Thank you to the many sponsors who contribute to Catholic Education. Mary Star Elementary School wishes to extend a special thank you to: Mrs. Kathleen Di June and Mrs. Paula Mazzarino: School Board Members Mrs. Carrie Stefanou: Parent Board member Mr. Dominic Freeman: MSSE Physical Education Teacher This week we highlight our Schoolwide Learning Expectation: Achieve our Academic Goals 8th Grade Students participated in a mock debate as they wrapped up their study of “We the People” a United States Constitution curriculum. 1st Grade is deep in a Writing unit; they are practicing the many genres of writing they have worked on this year. Interviews, Journals, and Poems are some examples of the writing they will produce. 3rd Grade is studying Pollution and how it causes harm to our planet. 7th Grade is learning how the Protestant Reformation occurred and the historical figures who spearheaded it in Social Studies Class. Mary Star High School News MSHS News: Happy Mother’s Day - thank you Moms for all you do for us! WE DID IT! We received a few more donations up to the April 30th deadline which raised the final amount to nearly $109,000. THANK YOU TO EVERYONE WHO CONTRIBUTED! We have already received the matching grant funds from the Carrie Estelle Doheny Foundation to be used toward debt reduction. We appreciate your dedication and support of our high school! THANK YOU ALSO TO EVERYONE who donated their time, talent and treasure to our 25th Annual A Night of a Thousand Stars Silver Jubilee. It was a great success with a good time had by all! Catholic schools survive and thrive only because of generous benefactors! Thank you. All parents are encouraged to join us for the Spring Athletic Assembly on Thursday, May 15th at 1:30 p.m. in the Gym! We will honor our student athletes who participated in Softball, Baseball, Golf, Track, Swim and Boys’ Volleyball! The high school’s Marian Celebration takes place on Monday, May 19th with Mass at 10:30 a.m. The Elementary School arrives on our campus for Mass, the Crowning of Mary, and all our special afternoon festivities. After the crowning, the school will provide lunch for all students and fun activities to celebrate this annual tradition. Come join us as we honor Mary, our patroness! 2014-2015 School Uniform: Next school year, MSHS is adding a "required uniform" to the Dress Code policy. The “required uniform,” which may be worn every day, is required to be worn on Mass days, fieldtrips, and other days designated by the administration. The "Required Uniform" includes: ° Boys: Khaki uniform pants, belt, white uniform polo, uniform pullover or cardigan sweater ° REGISTRATION IS OPEN FOR THE 2014 – 2015 SCHOOL YEAR! CALL, TOUR, JOIN THE FAMILY God Bless You, Noreen Maricich Principal May 18, 2014 Girls: Khaki uniform pants or plaid skirt, white uniform polo, uniform pullover or cardigan sweater There will also be an “Optional Uniform” which may be worn on all non-"required uniform" days: ° Boys: powder blue, navy blue and gray uniform polo; navy blue or gray uniform pants; navy blue, gray or khaki uniform shorts; uniform crewneck sweatshirts and/or uniform outerwear ° Girls: powder blue, navy blue and gray uniform polo; navy blue or gray uniform pants; navy blue, gray or khaki uniform shorts; uniform crewneck sweatshirts and/or uniform outerwear 7 Saturday, 8:00 a.m.— 5:15 p.m.— May 17, 2014 Mother’s Day Novena In loving memory of Michelle M. Mandic by Nana & Didi Ikic, Nana & Didi Mandic & Family † Sunday, 7:30 a.m.— 9:00 a.m.— 10:30 a.m.— 12:00 p.m.— 1:30 p.m.— 5:00 p.m.— 6:30 p.m.— May 18, 2014 For All Parishioners of Mary Star Josephine Noriega by sister & Noriega Family † Francisco Meza & Maria de Jesus by Leticia Meza † Vinka Baskovich by daughter, Winifred Baskovich † Amy Radovcic by Katia Bjazevic † Mother’s Day Novena No Italian Mass Monday, May 19, 2014 8:00 a.m.— Mother’s Day Novena 5:15 p.m.— Bozo & Marija Pesich by daughter, Darlene Sindicich and Family † Tuesday, May 20, 2014 8:00 a.m.— Ryan Marcus Franco by Franco Family 5:15 p.m.— John and Millie Iacono † Wednesday, May 21, 2014 8:00 a.m.— Giovanna DiBernardo by Carolyn Weeks † Mrs. Victoria Swanson by her loving family † Ann Pitone † Nick & Perina Burich by John Burich & Family † Tony Tocco by Mriella - Leonardo Delfine † 5:15 p.m.— Ida Sahabu by Elfie Ylowacki † Giuseppe, Abrose, Anthony & John Russo by niece, Grace Russo † Zvonimir Kvartuc by Family † Maria Pasual by Doris Pazmino † Robert J. Frias by Patricia & Peter O’Brien Canon Thursday, May 22, 2014 8:00 a.m.— Joe Amalfitano by parents, Frank & Lina Amalfitano † 5:15 p.m.— Rita & Gaetano Scotti by Family † Friday, May 23, 2014 8:00 a.m.— Mike Rivera by Josephine & Family † 5:15 p.m.— Pietro Russo by Pietro Russo † Saturday, May 24, 2014 8:00 a.m.— Simeon Franco by Franco Family 5:15 p.m.— Zorka & Slavko by Dragan Spanjol † Sunday, May 25, 2014 Saturday, May 17, 2014 9:00 a.m.—Fam. of Nazareth—MGPC Round Room 9:00 p.m.—Rel. Ed. Pre-k –6th—MSB 112-218 6:00 p.m.—Grupo de Oracion/MSB 111-218 Sunday, May 18, 2014 Confirmation Day 10:00 a.m.—Spanish Baptisms—Church 11:45 a.m.—Hispanic Grp. Holy Rosary 12:00 p.m.—2nd & 3rd gr. Mass—Church 3:00 p.m.—English Baptisms—Church 5:00 p.m.—Confirmation 2014—Church 5:30 p.m.—Guadalupanos Rosary & Prayers—MSB 111 Monday, May 19, 2014 8:30 a.m.—MSSE Living Rosary—AUD 6:30 p.m.—Croatian Choir—Church 7:00 p.m.—D of I Officers Mtg.—K of C 7:00 p.m.—Joy of the Gospel Series—AUD Tuesday, May 20, 2014 9:00 a.m.—Rosary Making—MSB 210 5:00 p.m.—Bible Institute Class—MSB 111 5:00 p.m.—K of C Officer Mtg.—K of C 7:00 p.m.—Prayer Group—MGPC Chapel 7:00 p.m.—St. Vincent de Paul Mtg.—REC Wednesday, May 21, 2014 4:15 p.m.—Religious Ed. Pre-k -8th—MSB 112-218 5:00 p.m.—K of C Mtg.—K of C 5:15 p.m.—Religious Ed. 7th & 8th—MSB 112-218 6:00 p.m.—Holy Hour—Church 6:00 p.m.—Scouts Mtg.—K of C 7:00 p.m.—Al Anon—MGPC Round Room 7:00 p.m.—Advisory Board Mtg—REC 7:00 p.m.—Ensayo de Albanza—MSB 218 7:00 p.m.—Grupo de Oracion—MSB 111 Thursday, May 22, 2014 9:00 a.m.—Bible Study—MGPC Round Room 6:00 p.m.—Hispanic Grp. Mtg.—MSB 215 7:00 p.m.—Bible Study—MSB 111 7:00 p.m.—Crecimiento—MSB 215 7:00 p.m.—RCIA—K of C Friday, May 23, 2014 3:00 p.m.—Club Trappeto General Mtg.—K of C 5:00 p.m.—Bible Inst. Class—MSB 111 7:00 p.m.—Divorced Catholic Group—MGPC Round Room 7:00 p.m.—Rosary in Croatian—Chapel Saturday, May 24, 2014 9:00 a.m.—Families of Nazareth—MGPC Round Room 9:00 p.m.—Rel. Ed. Pre-k –6th—MSB 112-218 6:00 p.m.—Grupo de Oracion/MSB 111-218 Sunday, May 25, 2014 8:00 a.m.—Concierto de Alabanza—AUD 9:00 a.m.—English Baptisms—Church 11:45 a.m.—Hispanic Grp. Holy Rosary 5:00 p.m.—English Baptisms—Church 5:30 p.m.—Guadalupanos Rosary & Prayers—MSB 111 7:30 a.m.— Zvonko Mihovilovich by wife, Bonnie & Family † 9:00 a.m.— Giorgio & Cristina Pesce by daughter, Maria Baccari & Family † 10:30 a.m.— Francisco Javier Castaneda by Familia † 12:00 p.m.— Lee Dollar & Family by Paulita Sorkin 1:30 p.m.— Mate & Tereza Kaleb by children, Ksenisa, Neda & Dragan & Family † 5:00 p.m.— For All Parishioners of Mary Star 6:30 p.m.— Vito Terzoli by Antonia & Family † For a detailed map of our campus go to our website and click on “About Our Church” All Parish events must be approved by Maria C. Palacios, the Parish Secretary, before they appear in the bulletin. To add or change an event please call Maria at (310) 833-3541 ext 201 or email her at AUD…...Auditorium REC…….Rectory K of C….(Old Weight Room) MGPC….Msgr. Gallagher Parish Center MSB……Msgr. Scott Building (old H.S. Building) †=deceased YM……..Youth Ministry Room (old H.S. Library) 8 May 18, 2014 Parish Office: (310) 833-3541 Fax: (310) 833-9254 Business Administrator: Josephine Frka Ext: 205 Parish Secretary: Maria C. Palacios Ext. 201 Bulletin Editor: Vanessa A. Romo Ext: 203 Bulletin Deadline: Monday by 4pm to Mary Star of the Sea High School 2500 N. Taper Ave San Pedro, CA 90732 (310) 547-1138 Website: Principal: Rita Dever Adult Initiation Sister Mary (310) 833-3541 Email: Mary Star of the Sea High School Development Office (310) 833-3861 Email: Email: Christian Care Richard and Pat Hildebrandt (310) 548-1645 853 W. 7th St., San Pedro Music Ministry Jelil Romano Ext: 224 Maritime Ministry Fr. Freddie Chua Ext. 208 Mary Star of the Sea Elementary 717 S. Cabrillo Ave. San Pedro, CA 90731 (310) 831-0875 Website: Principal: Noreen Maricich Youth Ministry & Confirmation George Vasquez Ext: 220 Email: Bereavement Support Group Paula Mazzarino 310-547-2103 Bible Study Deacon Garcia 310-831-9839 Croatian Catholic Family Guild Nikola Galesic 310-548-0229 Croatian Choir Margarida Bracco 310-833-6633 Divine Mercy Group Madelyn Walker Virginia Pagan 310-872-8129 Environment Lu Barbieri 310-833-3541 Families of Nazareth Holly Oldenburg 310-547-3507 Fiesta Committee Neal DiBernardo 310-833-3541 ext. 203 Filipino Community Danny Vinluan Eslava 310-833-1159 May 18, 2014 Religious Education Sr. Mary Glynn , Carmen Garske Ext: 222 Email: Sacristan & Altar Servers Nick Vilicich Ext: 225 St. Vincent de Paul Celia Bremer Ext: 223 Vocation Discernment Website: Fr. Brian Nunes (310) 833-3541 Email: Guadalupanos Maricela Delgado 424-263-1358 Grupo de Oracion Amadeo Escobar 323-841-4497 Hispanic Group Jorge Malca 424-224-0071 Hospitality/Mary & Martha Josephine Frka 310-833-3541 Homebound Eucharistic Ministries Sister Ena Maguire, SJC 310-834-5431 Italian Catholic Federation Neal DiLeva 310-833-9444 Jr. Altar Society Michelle Downes Vanessa Romo 310-833-3541 Knights of Columbus Nick Vilicich 310-833-4537 Lectors—Ministry of the Word Bob Costales 310-570-5743 Perpetual Adoration Barbara West 310-548-1693 Prayer Group/Bible Study Edna Gonzalez 310-548-5053 Respect Life Katie Clark 310-514-1493 St. Anne Altar Society Delight Hernandez 310-831-6214 St. Joseph Table Josephine Accetta 310-519-0289 San Pietro Society Grace Ciolino 310-548-8447 Club Trappetto Sal Cracchiolo 310-548-1228 Velike Gospe Society Natalie Sutlovich 310-547-5391 Dorothy Bonacich 310-521-8606 Virtus Nick Vilicich 310-833-3541 ext. 225 9
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