Instruction Manual IM/6517–6518_5 Katharometer Units and Accessories for Non-Corrosive Sample Gases 6517 and 6518 ABB The Company GI STER Cert. No. Q 05907 As a part of ABB, a world leader in process automation technology, we offer customers application expertise, service and support worldwide. EN 29001 (ISO 9001) We are committed to teamwork, high quality manufacturing, advanced technology and unrivalled service and support. The quality, accuracy and performance of the Company’s products result from over 100 years experience, combined with a continuous program of innovative design and development to incorporate the latest technology. E RE We are an established world force in the design and manufacture of instrumentation for industrial process control, flow measurement, gas and liquid analysis and environmental applications. D EN ISO 9001:2000 Lenno, Italy – Cert. No. 9/90A Stonehouse, U.K. The NAMAS Calibration Laboratory No. 0255 is just one of the ten flow calibration plants operated by the Company, and is indicative of our dedication to quality and accuracy. 0255 Electrical Safety This instrument complies with the requirements of CEI/IEC 61010-1:2001-2 "Safety requirements for electrical equipment for measurement, control, and laboratory use". If the instrument is used in a manner NOT specified by the Company, the protection provided by the instrument may be impaired. Symbols One or more of the following symbols may appear on the instrument labelling: Warning – Refer to the manual for instructions Direct current supply only Caution – Risk of electric shock Alternating current supply only Protective earth (ground) terminal Both direct and alternating current supply Earth (ground) terminal The equipment is protected through double insulation Information in this manual is intended only to assist our customers in the efficient operation of our equipment. Use of this manual for any other purpose is specifically prohibited and its contents are not to be reproduced in full or part without prior approval of the Technical Publications Department. Health and Safety To ensure that our products are safe and without risk to health, the following points must be noted: 1. The relevant sections of these instructions must be read carefully before proceeding. 2. Warning labels on containers and packages must be observed. 3. Installation, operation, maintenance and servicing must only be carried out by suitably trained personnel and in accordance with the information given. 4. Normal safety precautions must be taken to avoid the possibility of an accident occurring when operating in conditions of high pressure and/ or temperature. 5. Chemicals must be stored away from heat, protected from temperature extremes and powders kept dry. Normal safe handling procedures must be used. 6. When disposing of chemicals ensure that no two chemicals are mixed. Safety advice concerning the use of the equipment described in this manual or any relevant hazard data sheets (where applicable) may be obtained from the Company address on the back cover, together with servicing and spares information. CONTENTS Section 1 Page INTRODUCTION .............................................................. 2 1.1 General ..................................................................... 2 1.2 The Katharometer ..................................................... 2 1.2.1 Principle of Operation ..................................... 2 1.2.2 Accuracy and Response Time ........................ 3 1.2.3 Zeroing and Calibration .................................. 4 1.3 Katharometer Types .................................................. 6 1.3.1 Basic Construction ......................................... 6 1.3.2 Direct Measurement Types ............................. 6 1.3.3 Differential Measurement Types ...................... 6 1.3.4 Thermally Lagged Types ................................. 6 1.3.5 Thermostatically Controlled Types .................. 6 1.3.6 Intrinsically Safe Katharometers ...................... 7 2 ANCILLARY EQUIPMENT ............................................... 8 2.1 General ..................................................................... 8 2.2 Power Supply Unit .................................................... 8 2.3 Sample Gas Pump .................................................... 8 3 GAS ANALYSIS PANEL ASSEMBLIES ........................... 9 3.1 General ..................................................................... 9 3.2 Assembly 006540 138/TL or 006540 138/TC .......... 9 3.3 Assembly 006540 184/TL or 006540 184/TC .......... 9 3.4 Assembly Fixing Details ............................................. 9 Section Page 4 INSTALLATION .............................................................. 12 4.1 General ................................................................... 12 4.2 Mounting the Katharometer .................................... 12 4.3 Pipe Connections .................................................... 12 4.4 Electrical Connections ............................................. 13 4.4.1 Non I.S. Systems ......................................... 13 4.4.2 I.S. Systems ................................................. 13 5 MAINTENANCE AND SERVICING ................................ 17 5.1 General ................................................................... 17 5.2 Sources Of Error In Readings .................................. 17 5.2.1 Pressure ....................................................... 17 5.2.2 Flow ............................................................. 17 5.2.3 Leaks ........................................................... 17 5.2.4 Vibration ....................................................... 17 5.2.5 Impurities ..................................................... 17 5.2.6 Sampling ...................................................... 17 5.2.7 Temperature Variations ................................. 17 5.2.8 Bridge Current ............................................. 17 5.3 Zero Adjustment ...................................................... 17 5.4 Sensitivity Adjustment ............................................. 18 5.5 Damaged Or Flooded Katharometer ....................... 18 5.6 Fault Finding ............................................................ 19 6 SPARES ......................................................................... 20 6.1 The Katharometer Unit ............................................ 20 6.2 Drying Absorption Chamber .................................... 20 6.3 Gas Sample Pump .................................................. 20 1 1 INTRODUCTION 1.1 General 1.2 This manual covers the installation and servicing of katharometer units (thermal conductivity gas analysers) for use in non-corrosive sample gas applications, together with essential sampling and ancillary equipment. The manual is intended to be read in conjunction with appropriate instruction manuals for: 1) The katharometer power supply unit 2) The read-out device (e.g. potentiometric recorder or indicator) 3) Any special instructional material appropriate to the gas analysis panel/assembly as supplied (e.g. soot filter, dehumidifier, etc.) Warning. It is essential that all relevant instructions are carefully studied prior to the installation of katharometer systems in potentially hazardous areas (specifically those systems covered by certificates of intrinsic safety). If in any doubt concerning these systems, please contact the supplier before proceeding. The Katharometer This section describes features common to all katharometer types, together with the principle of operation upon which the measurement depends. 1.2.1 Principle of Operation The katharometer is a nonspecific device which measures gas concentrations in binary (and some complex) mixtures by making use of the difference in the thermal conductivity between the sample and a reference gas. The measurement, being continuous and automatic, is ideally suited for process monitoring and control purposes. The universal nature of the katharometer permits many hundreds of different gas ranges and mixtures to be measured in a wide variety of applications. All gases and vapours have a characteristic thermal conductivity which is largely independent of pressure, and which varies considerably from one gas to another. CHLORINE SULPHUR DIOXIDE ETHYLENE HYDROGEN SULPHIDE CARBON DIOXIDE NITROUS OXIDE WATER VAPOUR ARGON ETHANE AMMONIA CARBON MONOXIDE NITRIC OXIDE AIR NITROGEN OXYGEN METHANE NEON HELIUM HYDROGEN 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 200 300 400 500 600 400 800 900 1000 (LOGARITHMIC SCALE) Fig 1.1 The Relative Thermal Conductivity of Some Common Gases, Shown on a Logarithmic Scale, Using Air (=100) as a Base. 2 1 INTRODUCTION… In a katharometer, this physical property is utilized by passing a carefully controlled direct current through a fine electrical conductor surrounded by the sample gas. The temperature of the conductor rises, due to the current, until a state of thermal equilibrium is reached with the surrounding gas. When this condition exists the electrical energy supplied to the conductor is equal to the thermal energy lost from it by heat transfer through conduction, convection and radiation. Provided that the last two of these losses can be reduced to a negligible minimum, the temperature of the conductor will depend only upon the heat transfer due to conduction through the gas. The electrical resistance of a conductor is dependent upon temperature and, by making a measurement of this resistance, a measurement is also made of the thermal conduction of the gas. 1+ Stabilised Power 4- Supply 10 R6 Local Set Zero R4 IKΩ E1 R7 (s) R1 IKΩ R3 560 9 560 Span S2* Note. A 510Ω resistor is fitted across terminals 9 and 10 when remote zero is not fitted. Rx S1 * E2 Optional Remote Zero 1kΩ R5 IK 3 Output 1 2 (Single Range) R8 (y) 5 Output 2 * = Replaced by a resistor on two-filament katharometers. 6 Direct measurement (Dual Range) Differential measurement S1 S2 S1 S2 E1 E2 E1 E2 = Remote zero operation only. = Dual range versions only. Reaction Values for R7, R8 and Rx depend upon application. Fig. 1.2 Katharometer Internal Wiring The katharometer consists of four (or two) very fine glass coated platinum wire filaments set in a metal block having a high thermal capacity. The filaments are connected in a Wheatstone bridge arrangement (see Fig. 1.2) with one pair of opposite arms sealed in a reference gas and the remaining pair exposed to the sample gas. The gas can be pumped through the block or drawn through by an aspirator (unless supplied under positive pressure conditions); both methods ensuring a steady sample flow rate. The Wheatstone bridge is fed from a constant current supply, and differences in temperature between filament pairs cause an electrical imbalance in the bridge which is a function of the difference in thermal conductivity between the gases. The electrical imbalance of the bridge produces an output signal which can be indicated directly and calibrated in terms of the composition of the gas sample. For accurate readings, the current supply to the Wheatstone bridge must be kept constant; a change of only 1% in current can cause approximately 3% change in bridge sensitivity. 1.2.2 Accuracy and Response Time The accuracy of measurements made using a katharometer depends largely on the conditions under which it is used. During initial calibration it is set to better than 1% f.s.d. Factors which affect the overall accuracy of the measurement when in operation, are as follows: 1) The accuracy with which reference gases can be made or analysed for calibration purposes. 2) The accuracy with which the sample gas can be analysed on site, to provide information for calibration during manufacture of the katharometer. 3) The presence of impurities in the sample gas, e.g. water vapour. 4) The introduction into the sample of an additional gas component not foreseen in the original calibration. 5) Contamination of the sample to be analysed before reaching the katharometer, e.g. by air leaks in the sampling pipework. 6) Incorrect katharometer supply current. 7) Large deviations of ambient temperature whilst using a katharometer without temperature compensation. 3 …1 INTRODUCTION 100 % 10% H2 IN AIR 90 80 70 DEAD TIME % CHANGE 60 50 10%H2 IN AIR 20%CO2 IN AIR 1 Sec 2.5 Sec 90% STEP CHANGE 20 Sec 51 Sec 100% STEP CHANGE 50 Sec 110 Sec 40 30 20 20% CO2 IN AIR 10 0 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 TIME (Secs) (Both measurements made at 100 ml min–1 flow rate) Fig. 1.3 Katharometer Unit – Typical Response Curves Fig. 1.3 shows speed of response curves for two gas mixtures which may be taken as typical. The curves are seen to be approximately exponential with an initial delay (the dead time). Response time depends upon: a) The geometry of the katharometer cell. b) The diffusion rate of the gas. c) The sample flow rate and the length of piping between the sampling point and the katharometer. d) The thermal inertia of the katharometer filament. 1.2.3 Zeroing and Calibration The measurement zero of a katharometer analyser is determined by the composition of the gas in its reference cells. This is chosen to have both a thermal conductivity and a temperature coefficient of thermal conductivity, as close as possible to those at one extreme concentration of the sample gas, thus ensuring a symmetrical bridge and reducing zero errors. The gas chosen must be stable and must maintain these characteristics during the working life of the katharometer. An analyser zero is usually one which can be readily checked by reference to a gas which is easily obtainable in a high state of purity. The electrical zero of the bridge is set during manufacture, and an additional trimming adjustment is provided on the unit in the form of a potentiometer (the ‘zero adjustment’ control) – Figs 1.4 and 1.5. This control may, if required, be remotely installed as shown in Fig. 1.2. The potentiometer value is chosen to ensure that serious maladjustment of zero cannot occur. 4 The design of the katharometer is such that its sensitivity remains constant. Slight contamination of a filament can cause a change in zero, but the sensitivity will remain constant and the katharometer may continue to be operated, until it is no longer possible to compensate for the zero change within the range of the zero adjustment available. More severe contamination will require the katharometer to be cleaned. 1 Thermistor (Model 006518 Only) INTRODUCTION… Insulation Sheet (Thermal lagging) Stainless Steel Tubing Zero Adjustment 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Katharometer Block Sample Inlet Terminal Connection Block Cable Gland Protection Diodes (intrinsically Safe Versions Only) Sample Outlet NOTE Ignition arrestors may be fitted to sample inlet and outlet unions on some intrinsically safe versions. Power Transistor (Model 006518 Only) Fig. 1.4 Direct Measurement Katharometers: Models 006517 & 006518 (non I.S.) – Models 006539960 & 006548001 (I.S.) Insulation Sheet (Thermal lagging) Thermistor (Model 006520 Only) Stainless Steel Tubing Zero Adjustment Katharometer Block Sample Inlet Power Transistor (Model 006520 Only) 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Terminal Connection Block Cable Gland Protection Diodes (intrinsically Safe Versions Only) Sample Outlet NOTE Ignition Arrestors may be fitted to sample inlet and outlet unions on some intrinsically safe versions. Fig. 1.5 Differential Measurement Katharometer: Models 006520 & 006521 (non I.S.) – Model 006539970 (I.S.) 5 …1 INTRODUCTION 1.3.2 1.3 Katharometer Types 1.3.1 Basic Construction Figs 1.4 and 1.5 show the internal layouts of the seven basic types of ABB katharometer unit, whilst Fig. 4.1 shows dimensions and fixing details. The katharometer unit is mounted within a steel case fitted with fixing straps for wall mounting. Cable glands are provided for electrical connections, together with sample gas inlet and outlet connectors appropriate to the type of measurement. The four platinum filaments comprising the bridge network are mounted in a plated solid brass block, and stainless steel tubing with plated brass connectors carry the sample gas to and from this assembly. The katharometer block is mounted on four thermally insulating pillars, and the inside faces of the case are lined with expanded polystyrene to provide thermal lagging. The lid of the case is similarly insulated, except for the hole protected by a sliding cover to enable adjustment of the ‘SET ZERO’ potentiometer. Fitted to the katharometer block is a circuit board on which is mounted a potentiometer having a slotted spindle aligned with the hole in the case lid. This is the zero adjustment control. Clockwise rotation of this control shifts the analyser reading upscale, anticlockwise down scale. The basic features described above are common to the four basic types of katharometer Unit, viz. – direct measurement Thermally lagged – differential measurement – direct measurement a) the gas sealed in the reference filaments contains sufficient water vapour to ensure 100% saturation and the sample gas is similarly fully saturated, or b) the sample gas is passed through a desiccating agent such as calcium chloride before entering the katharometer, or c) the effect of water vapour is very small compared with the output from the katharometer bridge, e.g. 0-100% H2 in air – see Fig. 1.1. 1.3.3 Differential Measurement Types In a differential measurement katharometer all four filaments in the katharometer block are exposed to the sample gas, but the flow of gas is so arranged that, after passing through the first pair of filaments, it undergoes a chemical reaction before entering the remaining pair of filaments – see Fig. 1.2. The two sides of the katharometer bridge thus pass the gas in different concentrations of the reacting constituent, and the resulting katharometer reading is a measure of the concentration of this constituent in the sample gas. Thermally Lagged Types Both direct and differential measurement katharometer types are normally supplied thermally lagged, i.e. the case is lined with expanded polystyrene to provide thermal insulation and hence temperature stabilisation for the katharometer block. differential measurement In the following sections the features specific to each type are described in greater detail. Choice of katharometer type is largely influenced by the application, i.e. the nature of the gas to be measured, its range, the ambient conditions, and the sampling arrangements. Although the katharometer principle is strictly applicable to measurements on binary gas mixtures only (the ideal being two gases of widely differing thermal conductivity), its use can be extended by: a) Exploiting a known relationship between two or more constituents of a multi-component mixture (e.g. the N2/02 ratio in air) to form a pseudo binary mixture. b) Sample pretreatment, e.g. drying or saturating with water vapour. c) Comparing the sample gas before and after a reaction (a differential measurement). 6 Direct measurement methods are suitable for dry sample gases or for wet gases when: 1.3.4 Thermostatically controlled – Direct Measurement Types The direct measurement katharometer is the simplest and most common type. The sample gas to be measured is delivered to the exposed filaments, and is compared with a standard gas sealed in the reference filaments of the katharometer bridge – see Fig. 1.2. The katharometer is designed to have a high thermal inertia so that, during normal operation, no significant temperature gradient occurs across the block. When exceptional stability is required, variations in zero due to ambient temperature fluctuations can become significant. Temperature variations can also cause errors in sensitivity and hence accuracy. The effect varies considerably from one gas to another and to offset this the reference gas is chosen to have a conductivity and temperature coefficient of conductivity, as close as possible to that of the sample gas at the zero point. If it is likely that ambient temperature variations will cause unacceptable errors, then a thermostatically controlled katharometer must be used. 1.3.5 Thermostatically Controlled Types The thermostatically controlled katharometer, in addition to being thermally insulated, also contains a controlled heating facility to maintain a stable block temperature of approximately 45°C (or 55°C) ± 0.5°C over an ambient temperature range of 0°C to 40°C (or 0°C to 50°C). 1 1.3.6 INTRODUCTION Intrinsically Safe Katharometers When monitoring flammable or potentially flammable gas mixtures, precautions are necessary to ensure that the monitoring equipment will not cause an explosion. For this purpose, an intrinsically safe katharometer and associated equipment is supplied which limits the amount of electrical power appearing in the hazardous area to a level insufficient to ignite the flammable gas, even under a double fault condition. Intrinsically safe katharometers require a power supply which is regulated to supply the constant current required, yet with insufficient energy to cause ignition if a fault condition should occur. The power supply unit, which must only be of the type 4234 500/501 must be mounted in a safe area and special limitations are imposed on the parameters of the interconnecting cables. The installation of intrinsically safe instrumentation is controlled by strict regulations and standards. Full details are qiven in the Operating Instructions for the Intrinsically Safe Power Supply Unit (Model 4234 500/501). ABB katharometer units for use in hazardous areas are designed to meet the requirements of ATEX DIRECTIVE 94/9/EC to code EEx ia IIC T4. These are panel mounted katharometers and are designated type 006539960/K or /J for direct and type 006539970/K or /J for differential measurements. They are covered by EECS certificate No. BAS01 ATEX 1042. A further certificate of intrinsic safety BAS No. EX 01E2044, covers the use of katharometer systems incorporating these units under approved conditions. Particular care must be taken when installing the equipment and all conditions specified in the certification schedule must be strictly complied with. If in any doubt, it is essential to contact the suppliers before proceeding. The principle modification to the katharometer unit for intrinsically safe operation is the addition of a pair of zener diodes, mounted on a heat sink within the katharometer housing and connected in parallel across the supply input to the Wheatstone bridge. The function of these diodes is to limit the maximum voltage capable of being developed across the bridge under fault conditions, to a level which provides insufficient power to cause ignition of a flammable gas sample in contact with the heated filaments. Sintered metal flame arrestors may be incorporated into the inlet and outlet unions of the katharometer as an additional safeguard although these are not required under the I.S. certification. Temperature controlled katharometer types cannot be used in hazardous areas (whether differential or direct measuring), since the operating currents used to supply temperature control circuits are potentially hazardous in a flammable environment. Similarly, and for this reason, furnace elements and most electric pumps must be excluded from operating in the hazardous area. 7 2 ANCILLARY EQUIPMENT 2.1 General 2.3 Sample Gas Pump For the katharometer unit to function correctly, the sample gas must often be suitably conditioned before passing through it. This section describes various ancillary items which provide sample conditioning. Each application will include some of these items connected in the sample line, either mounted together on a panel with the katharometer, or as separate items piped together with stainless steel tubing. In some applications, the sample gas is pumped through the katharometer unit by a small electric pump, fitted with a filter and silencer. A diaphragm pump is normally supplied for this purpose with a motor suitable for a standard single phase a.c. supply. This pump will aspirate approximately 1 l min–1 of sample gas. 2.2 The pump may be mounted in any position in which the motor shaft axis is horizontal. Fixing is by four feet having slotted holes suitable for M4 screws on fixing centres 73 mm x 48 mm. The pump weighs approximately 2 kg and must be protected by a 1 A fuse in its supply leads. Power Supply Unit The katharometer unit is powered from a separately mounted power supply unit, which is essentially a highly stable constant current source for the katharometer bridge. The working current is normally 350 mA. In some applications, however, it is necessary to operate with the katharometer filaments at a lower temperature than normal to prevent thermal dissociation of the sample constituents: a lower working current, usually 250 mA, is then used. Where sensitivity of certain applications (non I.S.) is low, the katharometer output can be increased by operating at a bridge current of 500 mA. The pump and its filter and silencer are fitted with stems suitable for connection by means of 6 mm i.d. push-on tubing. The type of power supply units are as follows: Model Function 4234 500/501 Intrinsically safe supply for a katharometer unit only (230/115 V) single 4234 600/601 Low energy bridge supply unit for a single katharometer unit only. Bridge supply and unstabilised heater supply for one thermostatically controlled katharometer unit. ø8 143 19 Ta A.C. Supply (Single Phase) Leads 230 long 25 4 Mounting Slots in Feet 6 wide by 10 long 48 73 92 140 All dimensions in mm Fig. 2.1 Sample Gas Pump (Model 2370 003 – 230 V version or 2370 004 – 115 V version) 8 3 GAS ANALYSIS PANEL ASSEMBLIES 3.1 3.3 General Most applications for gas analysis will include at least some items of ancillary equipment, and these items may be conveniently grouped together on a panel assembly mounted on a wall adjacent to the sampling point. It is then only necessary to make the appropriate electrical and piping connections to the panel. Assembly 006540 184/TL or 006540 184/TC Samples which may be measured by this assembly must be clean, wet or dry, and at a pressure between –l0 in. and +5 in. water gauge; a direct measurement katharometer is used. This assembly must not be used for intrinsically safe applications. Assemblies comprise: Many different combinations and configurations are possible, but experience has shown that the majority of applications can be met from a limited number of basic assemblies, all involving use of a katharometer unit. A full list of these standard assemblies, together with dimensional details, may be obtained from ABB. Katharometer The two most commonly occurring assemblies for noncorrosive sample gas measurements are described here. Assembly 006540 184/TL 006540 184/TC 006517 006518 Flow Gauge 006525 440 006525 440 Needle Valve 006525 480 006525 480 Drying Chamber 006525 600 006525 600 2370 003/004 2370 003/004 Electric Pump 3.2 Assembly 006540 138/TL or 006540 138/TC The assembly is intended for a clean, wet gas at a pressure above 5 in. water gauge, and uses a direct measurement katharometer. 3.4 Assembly Fixing Details See Table 3.1. Panel assembly drawings for low and high pressure versions are shown ing Figs 3.1 and 3.2 respectively. Assemblies comprise: Assembly 006540 138/TL 006540 138/TC 006517 006518 Flow Gauge 006525 440 006525 440 Needle Valve 006525 480 006525 480 Drying Chamber 006525 600 006525 600 Katharometer Assembly Number 006540 138/TL & TC 006540 184/TL & TC 006540 203/J & /K 006548 000 All dimensions in mm Panel dimensions (horizontal dimensions first) 610 x 305 305 x 610 610 x 305 610 x 305 Fixing centres (horizontal dimensions first) 572 x 267 267 x 572 572 x 267 572 x 267 Fixing hole diameter (4 holes) 9.5 10.5 10.5 10.5 Projection from wall 152 203 203 203 Inlet pipe fitting for o.d. pipe diameter 8 8 8 6 Outlet pipe fitting for o.d. pipe diameter 8 8 8 6 Note: 006540 137/TL as 006540 138/TL but WITHOUT drying chamber. 006540 137/TC as 006540 138/TC but WITHOUT drying chamber. Table 3.1 Assembly Dimensions 9 …3 GAS ANALYSIS PANEL ASSEMBLIES Katharometer unit case Local zero adjustment Gas sample outlet Electrical interconnections Metering valve Flow gauge Gas sample inlet Drying chamber Fig. 3.1 006540 203/J & /K and 006540 138 & 137 TL and TC Options Low Pressure Katharometer System Katharometer unit case Local zero adjustment Gas sample outlet Electrical interconnections Metering valve Flow gauge Gas sample inlet Drying chamber Fig. 3.2 006548 000 High Pressure Katharometer System 10 3 Local zero adjustment GAS ANALYSIS PANEL ASSEMBLIES Katharometer unit case Metering valve Flow gauge Drying chamber L N E MAINS Terminal Block Gas sample inlet Tee Blocks Gas sample outlet Silencer Filter Pump Fig. 3.3 006540 184 TL and TC Versions 11 4 INSTALLATION 4.1 General This section relates principally to the katharometer unit, installation details for the ancillary items being given where necessary under their appropriate heading in Section 2. Where a katharometer unit is mounted as part of a standard panel assembly, the following relates to the panel as a whole. The katharometer unit pipe connections are as shown in Fig. 4.1. The pipe couplings (two for direct measurement and four for differential measurement) are suitable for 4 mm o.d. tubing. Care must be taken in assembling the couplings on to the tubing to ensure freedom from leaks. 4.3 4.2 Mounting the Katharometer Fig. 4.1 shows the dimensions and fixing details for the eight basic types of katharometer unit. The case has overall dimensions of 233 mm x 157 mm x 109 mm and four fixing holes are located in straps welded to the back of the case. These fixing holes are suitable for bolts up to 7 mm diameter, and are located on centres 178 mm x 178 mm. Install the katharometer unit with its lid in the vertical plane in a position which allows adequate access to terminal connections and controls. The unit can tolerate up to approximately 20° of inclination from the upright position without adverse effect. The site must be clean and dry, reasonably well illuminated and free from extreme levels of vibration. The installation should not be subject to draughts, heat radiation or strong direct sunlight. Large fluctuations of ambient temperature must be avoided unless a thermostatically controlled katharometer is used. Although the katharometer is robust, care must be taken to avoid accidental damage during installation (and, in the case of a panel assembly, to any glass components on the panel). Keep the distance between the sampling point and the katharometer as short as possible to minimise time lag due to long pipe runs. The time lag incurred in such runs can be significant if, for instance, the katharometer is supplying a signal to a process control system. 109mm Pipe Connections The standard pipe connectors fitted to a panel assembly are suitable for 8 mm o.d. tubing, (or 6 mm o.d. tubing for 006548 000). Choice of material for the sample line, and its method of installation, are important. The following points are given for guidance. 1) The sample line material must not a) react chemically with the sample gas. b) be permeable to the sample constituents or the surrounding atmosphere. Most plastics and rubber tubing therefore are unsuitable. Short lengths of neoprene or nylon tubing may, however, be used to butt-joint two pipes of material. 2) For dry sample gases the sample line must neither be permeable to, nor absorb, water vapour. 3) If the sample gas has a dew point above ambient temperature, the sample line must be installed with a downward gradient to a water trap fitted at the input to the katharometer unit. The gradient should be not less than 30 mm per metre. If this is not possible, water traps must be fitted at each trough. 238mm 21mm Cable Gland Suitable For Cables 6.5-10.5mm Dia. 80mm 178mm Fixing Centres 53mm A 24mm 103mm 178mm Fixing Centres 162mm B 152mm A 22mm 25mm * 25mm 25mm B 57mm Four Fixing Holes 7mm Dia Katharometer Types Thermally Lagged Thermostatically Controlled Intrinsically Safe (Thermally Lagged Only) Intrinsically Safe (High Pressure 10 bar) Direct 006517 006518 006539 960 J or K Differential 006521 006520 006539 970 J or K * This Dimension Increased to 45mm if flame arrestors fitted. All Couplings For 4mm o.d. Pipes Coupling'A' For Direct Measurements Types Couplings 'A' & 'B' For Differential Measurements Types 006548 001 Fig. 4.1 Katharometer Unit Dimensions and installation Details 12 4 4) When sampling products of combustion, copper tubing must not be used as it will corrode – the sample gas is often cooled in passing from a soot filter/sampling point and considerable condensation can be produced. This condensation is acidic and must not be allowed to drain into the katharometer. INSTALLATION… 2) Where several katharometer with temperature control circuits are to be installed, a separate Type 4234 600/601 power supply unit must be provided for each katharometer and connections made in accordance with the handbook for that unit. 5) The most widely used material is 316 type stainless steel. Pipes should have an external diameter of 6 mm or 8 mm, as appropriate, and a wall thickness sufficient to withstand the maximum pressure encountered at the sampling point. 3) Screened cables should be used to connect the katharometer to a remote potentiometric indicating device: these cables should not be installed in the same cable run as any a.c. supply cables in order to minimise the risk of interference. 6) If the gas contains solid particles it must be filtered before entering the sample lines. If there is only a minimal dust content, a filter can be fitted at the input to the katharometer unit. Such a filter is often advisable as an extra precaution for pre-filtered dusty gases. 4) On dual range katharometers, the second signal output is from terminals 5 and 6; terminals 2 and 5 being common to both outputs. The range of measurement giving the greater change in thermal conductivity will always be connected to terminals 5 and 6. See Figs 1.1 and 1.2 for clarification. 4.4 Electrical Connections – Figs 4.2 to 4.6 4.4.1 Non I.S. Systems 5) When the katharometer is used with an external zero control instead of the zero adjustment fitted within the unit, connect the remote zero control (1k0 variable resistor) as shown in Fig. 1.2, so that clockwise rotation of the spindle produces an upscale adjustment of the katharometer zero. If the katharometer has been supplied for remote zero adjustment, remove the 510 Ω resistor from terminals 9 and 10 and replace by the remote 1k0 variable resistor before zeroing the katharometer. All electrical cables to the katharometer unit must enter via the 20 mm cable glands on the right hand side of the unit casing – see Fig. 4.1. These glands are suitable for cables 6.5 to 10.5 mm diameter. Connections must be made to the numbered 12-way screw terminal block mounted to the right hand side of the circuit board inside the case. Remove the case lid after releasing its four fixing screws and make the connections shown in Fig. 4.2. When installing cables observe the following: 1) The (loop) lead resistance of the cable from the power supply unit to the katharometer bridge (i.e. the 350 mA current supply) must be limited to 4 Ω total per katharometer unless otherwise stated in the power supply unit instruction manual. Additional katharometers must be connected in series (Pins 1 and 4) across the power supply unit output terminals. Further details may be found in the instruction manual for the power supply unit. 4.4.2 I.S. Systems For katharometer units which are located in hazardous environments, special attention must be given to the electrical connections between the safe and hazardous areas of the installation. The choice of cable connecting the power supply unit to the katharometer is strictly limited by the requirement for a low inductance/resistance ratio. The katharometer bridge output signal must be connected to indicating devices in the safe area only via approved zener safety barriers. Full details of these requirements, together with installation details, are given in Figs 4.3, 4.4 & 4.5. and the instruction manuals for the particular system or its associated equipment (Purge Gas Monitor type 6553 and/or power supply unit type 4234 500/501 for example). Warning. It is essential that these manuals are consulted before commencing installation. 12 Allocated for special purposes as required 11 10 Provision for external zero control (1k0 variable resistor) – see also Fig. 1.2 Power supply to temperature control circuit (Models 006518 & 006520 only) Bridge output (Range 2) 9 -ve -ve 6 4 -ve Power supply (+ve) 350 mA Note Terminals 2 and 5 are common. +ve 5 Power supply (-ve) 350 mA Bridge output (Range 1) 8 +ve 7 3 +ve 2 1 Fig. 4.2 Katharometer Terminal Block Electrical Connections 13 14 Indicator e.g. 4689 I2 + – + – RS2 1 2 3 RS1 1 2 3 3 2 1 3 2 1 3 2 1 RV1 Gas Monitor Type 6553 7.5 99 999 0.02 0.06 0.16 20 60 160 B3 B2 B1 RV2 6 5 4 6 5 4 6 5 4 IIC IIB IIA 38 999 999 0.20 0.60 1.60 40 120 320 Note 6 Note 7 Note 8 Note 9 17 18 POWER SUPPLY TYPE 4234 500/501 + CERTIFIED [EEx ia] IIC (–20°C≤Ta ≤+55°C) CERTIFICATE No BAS 01 ATEX 7041 POWER SUPPLY TYPE 4234 500/501 CERTIFIED [EEx ia] IIC (–20°C≤Ta ≤+55°C) CERTIFICATE No BAS 01 ATEX 7041 + Hazardous Area CERTIFICATE No BAS 01 ATEX 1042 Junction boxes (if required) see note 6. Location: Hazardous or Safe Area 4– 1+ 2+ KATHAROMETER TYPE 0065XXX CERTIFIED EEx ia IIC T4 10 Tamb=–20°C to +55°C 9 CERTIFICATE No BAS 01 ATEX 1042 6– 3– See Notes 2 & 3 Circuit B (see Note 8) Circuit A See Notes 2 & 3 2+ 3– 4– KATHAROMETER 1+ TYPE 0065XXX 9 CERTIFIED EEx ia IIC T4 10 Tamb=–20°C to +55°C Junction boxes (if required) see note 6. Location: Hazardous or Safe Area The installation must comply with national requirements (e.g. in the UK EN60079-14:1997). The system must be marked with a durable label. The label should appear on or adjacent to the principal item of electrical apparatus in the system or at the interface between the intrinsically safe and nonintrinsically safe circuits. This marking shall include the word SYST or SYSTEM, e.g. ‘BAS SYSTEM No Ex 01E2044’ or ‘BAS No Ex 01E2044 SYST’ A junction box, if used, must satisfy the requirements of Clauses 6.1 and 6.3.1 of EN50020:1994. Circuit A or Circuit B may be omitted. Circuit B may be identical to Circuit A. This item may or may not be fitted. The cable may be separate cables or may be installed as separate circuits within a type ‘A’ or a type ‘B’ multicore cable as defined in EN50039(1980) subject to the following: a. Each circuit shall be individually screened within a type ‘A’ multicore cable. b. The peak voltage of any other circuit within a type ‘B’ multicore cable must not exceed 60 volts. See Note 1 20 19 TB6 TB5 See Note 1 Fig. 4.3 System Diagram Note 2c The capacitance and either the inductance or the inductance to resistance (L/R) ratio of the cables connected between 4 & 5 of barrier B2 plus terminal 4 of barrier B3 of gas monitor Type 6653 and terminals 2, 3 & 6 of a katharometer Type 0065XX, must not exceed the following values: Group Capacitance Inductance or L/R ratio in µH/Ohm in mH in µF Note 2b The capacitance and either the inductance or the inductance to resistance (L/R) ratio of the cables Note 3 connected between (a) terminals 17 & 18 of the gas monitor Type 6653 and terminals 9 & 10 of a katharometer Type 0065XX, (b) terminals 19 & 20 of the gas monitor and terminals 9 & 10 of a katharometer Type 0065XX, (c) terminal 4 & 5 of barrier B1 of gas monitor Type 6653 and terminals 2 & 3 of a katharometer Type 0065XX, must not exceed the following values: Note 4 Group Capacitance Inductance or L/R ratio in µH/Ohm in mH in µF Note 5 0.40 75 38 IIC 1.20 225 999 IIB 3.20 600 999 IIA IIC IIB IIA Apparatus which is unspecified except that it must not be supplied from nor contain in normal or abnormal conditions a source of potential with respect to earth in excess of 250 volts r.m.s or 250 volts d.c. Note 2a The capacitance and either the inductance or the inductance to resistance (L/R) ratio of the cable connected between the + and – terminals of the power supply Type 4234500/501 and terminals 1 and 4 of a katharometer Type 0065XX must not exceed the following values: Group Capacitance Inductance or L/R ratio in µH/Ohm in mH in µF Note 1 GAS MONITOR TYPE 6553 CERTIFIED [EEx ia] IIC Tamb=–20°C to +40°C CERT No BAS 01 ATEX 7043 Indicator e.g. 4689 I1 See Note 9 Safe Area …4 INSTALLATION 6 5 4 Apparatus which is unspecified except that it must not be supplied from nor contain in normal or abnormal conditions a source of potential with respect to earth in excess of 250 volts r.m.s or 250 volts d.c. Zener Diode Safety Barrier MTL 7055ac CERTIFICATE No BAS 99 ATEX 7285 3 2 1 See Note 1 7.5 99 999 0.02 0.06 0.16 20 60 160 IIC IIB IIA 0.40 1.20 3.20 75 225 600 The system must be marked with a durable label. The label should appear on or adjacent to the principal item of electrical apparatus in the system or at the interface between the intrinsically safe and non-intrinsically safe circuits. This marking shall include the word SYST or SYSTEM, e.g. ‘BAS SYSTEM No Ex 01E2044’ or ‘BAS No Ex 01E2044 SYST’ Note 5 A junction box, if used, must satisfy the requirements of Clauses 6.1 and 6.3.1 of EN50020:1994. The installation must comply with national requirements (e.g. in the UK EN60079-14:1997). Note 4 Note 6 The cable may be separate cables or may be installed as separate circuits within a type ‘A’ or a type ‘B’ multicore cable as defined in EN50039(1980) subject to the following: a. Each circuit shall be individually screened within a type ‘A’ multicore cable. b. The peak voltage of any other circuit within a type ‘B’ multicore cable must not exceed 60 volts. Junction boxes (if required) see note 6. Location: Hazardous or Safe Area Fig. 4.4 PSU in Association with a Katharometer and Other Safe Area Apparatus with One Zener Diode Barrier 38 999 999 Note 2b The capacitance and either the inductance or the inductance to resistance (L/R) ratio of the cable connected between 4 & 5 of an MTL 7055ac zener diode safety barrier and terminals 2 & 3 of a katharometer Type 0065XX, must not exceed the following values: Group Capacitance Inductance or L/R ratio in µH/Ohm in mH in µF IIC IIB IIA CERTIFICATE No BAS 01 ATEX 1042 See Notes 2 & 3 2+ 3– 4– KATHAROMETER 1+ TYPE 0065XX 9 CERTIFIED EEx ia IIC T4 10 Tamb=–20°C to +55°C Hazardous Area Note 3 POWER SUPPLY TYPE 4234500/501 CERTIFIED [EEx ia] IIC (–20°C≤Ta≤+55°C) CERTIFICATE No BAS 01 ATEX 7041 + Note 2a The capacitance and either the inductance or the inductance to resistance (L/R) ratio of the cable connected between the + and – terminals of the power supply Type 4234500/501 and terminals 1 and 4 of a katharometer Type 0065XX must not exceed the following values: Group Capacitance Inductance or L/R ratio in µH/Ohm in mH in µF Note 1 Safe Area Apparatus (see Note 1) Safe Area 4 INSTALLATION… 15 16 B2 3 2 1 6 5 4 6 5 4 Zener Diode Safety Barriers MTL 7055ac CERTIFICATE No BAS 99 ATEX 7285 B1 3 2 1 See Note 1 7.5 99 999 0.02 0.06 0.16 20 60 160 IIC IIB IIA 38 999 999 40 120 320 The system must be marked with a durable label. The label should appear on or adjacent to the principal item of electrical apparatus in the system or at the interface between the intrinsically safe and nonintrinsically safe circuits. This marking shall include the word SYST or SYSTEM, e.g. ‘BAS SYSTEM No Ex 01E2044’ or ‘BAS No Ex 01E2044 SYST’ Note 5 A junction box, if used, must satisfy the requirements of Clauses 6.1 and 6.3.1 of EN50020:1994. The installation must comply with national requirements (e.g. in the UK EN60079-14:1997). Note 4 Note 6 The cable may be separate cables or may be installed as separate circuits within a type ‘A’ or a type ‘B’ multicore cable as defined in EN50039(1980) subject to the following: a. Each circuit shall be individually screened within a type ‘A’ multicore cable. b. The peak voltage of any other circuit within a type ‘B’ multicore cable must not exceed 60 volts. Junction boxes (if required) see note 6. Location: Hazardous or Safe Area Fig. 4.5 PSU in Association with a Katharometer and Other Safe Area Apparatus withTwo Zener Diode Barriers 0.20 0.60 1.60 Group Capacitance Inductance or L/R ratio in µH/Ohm in mH in µF BAS 01 ATEX 1042 See Notes 2 & 3 2+ 4– KATHAROMETER 1+ TYPE 0065XX CERTIFIED EEx ia IIC T4 6– Tamb=–20°C to +55°C 3 – CERTIFICATE No Hazardous Area Note 3 POWER SUPPLY TYPE 4234500/501 CERTIFIED [EEx ia] IIC (–20°C≤Ta≤+55°C) CERTIFICATE No BAS 01 ATEX 7041 + Note 2b The capacitance and either the inductance or the inductance to resistance (L/R) ratio of the cable connected between 4 & 5 of an MTL 7055ac zener diode safety barrier plus terminals 4 of a second MTL 7055ac zener diode safety barrier and terminals 2, 3 & 6 of a katharometer Type 0065XX, must not exceed the following values: IIC IIB IIA Apparatus which is unspecified except that it must not be supplied from nor contain in normal or abnormal conditions a source of potential with respect to earth in excess of 250 volts r.m.s or 250 volts d.c. Note 2a The capacitance and either the inductance or the inductance to resistance (L/R) ratio of the cable connected between the + and – terminals of the power supply Type 4234500/501 and terminals 1 and 4 of a katharometer Type 0065XX must not exceed the following values: Group Capacitance Inductance or L/R ratio in µH/Ohm in mH in µF Note 1 Safe Area Apparatus (see Note 1) Safe Area …4 INSTALLATION 5 MAINTENANCE AND SERVICING 5.1 General The katharometer unit and its associated equipment are designed for stable and accurate operation over long periods. It is not normally necessary to check the accuracy of the system more than once a month, and in most cases experience will show that this period may be extended. Apparently false or unstable readings may occur due to faults in the installation of the measuring system. These possible sources of error are summarised below. 5.2 Sources Of Error In Readings 5.2.1 Pressure Thermal conductivity does not vary significantly over a very wide range of pressure but large deviations from atmospheric pressure can be significant. Gases containing large molecules (such as carbon dioxide) are the most sensitive to pressure changes. High pressure samples should be passed through a reducing valve and analysed at atmospheric pressure. 5.2.2 Flow The katharometer zero balance and sensitivity are independent of the sample flow rate, since gas enters the katharometer cells by molecular diffusion. Speed of response of the analyser is, however, affected by the flow rate. It is advisable to limit the rate to below 500 mI min–1, the usual setting being about 150 mI min–1. In installations where an absorption or drying chamber is fitted, a compromise has to be made to avoid too rapid consumption of the absorbing or drying material without excessive loss of response speed. For most applications, it is recommended that the flow be greater than 50 mI min–1. Care is necessary in the design of sample pipes for very low flow rates: if the flow is less than 50 mI min–1, precautions must be taken to avoid gases absorbing and/or desorbing from the surface of the pipeline, or pipeline permeability effects. 5.2.3 Leaks Leaks in the pipework installation must be avoided especially when the gas sample is below atmospheric pressure. On a katharometer with reference air zero, a leak will have little effect at zero, but will become more noticeable on upscale readings. The total effect will be an apparent loss in instrument sensitivity. A leak can often cause spurious instability which is not due to a fault in the katharometer. 5.2.4 Vibration Vibration does not normally affect a katharometer, but if pulsation of the sample flow produces a resonance in the katharometer cells, errors can arise due to cooling of the filament. 5.2.5 Impurities The most likely source of error in an otherwise correctly operating system is the presence of an impurity in the sample, i.e. the katharometer has been calibrated without knowledge of this impurity. The impurity could arise from the use of rubber or plastic sample tubes, for example, which can cause contamination from the surface of the tube. For this reason, stainless steel tubing is recommended. A further possibility is the unexpected presence of water vapour in a supposedly dry sample gas or, conversely, lack of saturation in a wet gas. Errors may also be introduced due to deposition on the filaments, indicating that the sample has not been adequately filtered before entering the katharometer. Such contamination can be compensated for by adjustment of the zero control, and will not produce serious errors until the range of zero adjustment has been exhausted. 5.2.6 Sampling Errors due to faulty sampling can result in false indications of the true conditions. This is particularly important where the katharometer forms part of a process control loop. When wet gases are being sampled, it is important to ensure that there are no points in the system where condensate can become trapped causing blockage. It is recommended that stainless steel sample tubing is used wherever possible, and that the katharometer be installed as close to the sampling point as is practicable. 5.2.7 Temperature Variations The katharometer zero balance is not substantially affected by typical variations in ambient temperature, since the katharometer is both electrically and thermally symmetrical when the same gas surrounds the four filaments. Variations in Sensitivity due to temperature changes can, however, occur. These can reduce accuracy particularly on sensitive ranges. The greater the difference in conductivity temperature coefficients of the sample constituents, the greater will be any sensitivity error caused by a temperature change. To overcome such problems a thermostatically controlled katharometer is recommended (Models 6518 or 6520). The temperature of a gas at the sampling point has ‘little effect on the measurement unless it is unduly high and the sampling tube is very short; in any case the errors are small. If necessary, the sample pipe should be extended to 1 or 2 metres to allow the gas to cool. 5.2.8 Bridge Current The katharometer bridge working current is normally 350 mA and is supplied by a stabilised power supply unit. It is essential that the working current remains stable during operation, since the output of the katharometer is approximately proportional to the cube of the bridge current. 5.3 Zero Adjustment The zero balance of the katharometer is set during manufacture. At periodic intervals this zero balance should be checked. A change in zero has the effect of displacing all parts of the scale by an equal amount, and can thus be corrected by setting the indicated reading to any known concentration being sampled. Whenever necessary the katharometer must be calibrated against a pure gas or a readily available reference gas. Alternatively, the reading may be set against an accurate chemical analysis of the gas. To adjust the zero, first set the zero of the indicating device and then, with the zero (reference) gas passing through the katharometer, adjust the zero control on the katharometer unit (it is not necessary to remove the cover to do this) until the desired value is indicated; a clockwise rotation produces an upscale change in reading. 17 …5 MAINTENANCE AND SERVICING 5.4 Sensitivity Adjustment The sensitivity of a katharometer unit is stable and no attempt must be made to adjust this. The multiturn potentiometer, R7, (typically 500 ohms or 200 ohms – see Fig. 1.2) is sealed following adjustment at the factory. On two range versions, an additional potentiometer for the second range is also preset and sealed as appropriate. No responsibility will be accepted by ABB for the performance of any katharometer on which the potentiometer seals have been broken. 5.5 Damaged Or Flooded Katharometer If the indicated reading from a katharometer moves suddenly hard up or down scale when the unit is sampling a gas known to be within its measurement range, the cause may be a broken katharometer filament or the katharometer cells becoming flooded with water – see Section 5. A rapid way to determine this is to measure the voltage across the katharometer bridge. If the voltage across terminals 1 and 4 on the katharometer unit is more than 4 V with 350 mA passing, one filament could be broken: two filaments broken cause a reading permanently at one end of the scale with no response to the zero adjustment. A filament which is damaged but not broken will give erroneous readings which vary when the instrument is tapped lightly. Caution. Do not insert any type of probe into the gas sample pipes on the katharometer units, and especially not the filament cells. In cases of difficulty contact the manufacturers, quoting the instrument number and giving full particulars of the problem. If the katharometer unit is accidentally flooded with water, or condensed water vapour accumulates inside the katharometer block due to inadequate filtering, the indicated reading will move hard up or down scale and the voltage measured across terminals 1 and 4 will be less than 2.8 V with 350 mA bridge current passing. Water is difficult to remove from a katharometer, but may be attempted as follows: 1) Disconnect the katharometer unit completely from its housing. 2) Turn the unit upside down and raise the inlet so that the block is at an angle of 45° – drain of any excess liquid. 3) Pour a little rectified spirit, ethyl alcohol or methylated spirits through the katharometer. Allow as much liquid as possible to drain out – gentle shaking will assist. 4) Repeat step 3) several times. 5) Replace the katharometer unit and if this is a thermostatically controlled type (Model 6518) connect the heater supply (terminals 7 and 8) and the bridge supply (terminals 1 and 4). If the katharometer is a thermally lagged type, connect the bridge supply (terminals 1 and 4) only. 6) Pass dry air or other readily available dry gas through the katharometer. It is possible for the instrument to take a day or more to dry out completely: the zero may also drift for several days. 18 Caution. If the fault is traced to a broken or damaged filament, the complete unit must be returned to the factory for repair or replacement. Do not attempt to repair or replace a katharometer cell. 5 5.6 MAINTENANCE AND SERVICING… Fault Finding The following is a list of faults which may occur on a katharometer installation, together with their possible causes and remedies: Fault Possible Cause Low reading Incorrect zero All pipe connections. Low output from power supply unit See power supply unit instruction manual. Desiccant exhausted Replace desiccant. Gas absorbent exhausted Replace absorbent. Presence of unexpected interfering gas or incorrect sample conditions notified to factory at time of calibration Remove interfering gas or consult ABB. Check data sent with order and consult ABB. Temperature control not working (Models 006518 or 006520 only) Too hot. Check power transistor or for open circuit thermistor. Mechanical zero of indicator/ recorder. Zero of katharometer. High output from power supply unit See power supply unit instruction manual. Desiccant exhausted Replace desiccant. Presence of unexpected interfering gas or incorrect sample conditions notified to factory at time of calibration Remove interfering gas or consult ABB. Check data sent with order and consult ABB. Temperature control not working (Models 006518 and 006520 only) Too cold. Check power supply wiring or for short circuit transistor or thermistor. Reading at Faulty indicator/recorder or near zero No output from power supply unit Reading hard downscale Mechanical zero of indicator/recorder. Zero of katharometer. Air leak in pipeline High reading Incorrect zero Reading hard upscale Check or Test Is the indicator/recorder power supply on? See power supply unit instruction manual. Open circuit in wiring connections. Drawing in atmospheric air Check piping for leaks. Sample concentration outside measurement range of katharometer Check by independent analysis. Broken filament(s) If voltage across terminals 2 and 4 is more than 4 volts, return katharometer for repair. Sample concentration outside measurement range of katharometer Check by independent analysis. Connections to indicator/recorder/power supply unit reversed Check wiring to indicator/recorder/power supply unit. Broken filament(s) If voltage across terminals 1 and 4 is more than 4 volts, return katharometer for repair. Katharometer flooded with water If voltage across terminals 1 and 4 is less than 2.8 volts, dry out or return katharometer for repair. External zero control not connected when required. Check if katharometer has been supplied for remote zero adjustment (see also Fig. 1.2). 19 …5 MAINTENANCE AND SERVICING Fault Possible Cause Check or Test Erratic readings Unsteady output from power supply unit Wiring connections between katharometer and indicator/recorder/power supply unit. See power supply unit instruction manual. Check wiring connections. Damaged (but not broken) filament Tap the block lightly to check if reading changes; if so, return katharometer for repair. Interference pickup in wiring Disconnect indicator leads to establish whether interference originates from the katharometer or from pickup in wiring leads. If the latter, use screened cables. Air leaks Check piping for leaks. Temperature control circuit not functioning correctly (Models 006518 and 006520 only) Connections to power supply unit. Fault in temperature control circuit - check especially thermistor and power transistor. Observe flow gauge reading (if fitted) Erratic sample flow Irregular water flow in aspirator (if fitted) Check water supply to aspirator. Slow Pipeline partially blocked, e.g. at a condensate trap response to changes in Water flow aspirator incorrect (if fitted) sample conentration Check piping. Readings sensitive to changes in flow Check for leaks. Replace all rubber or plastic pipes with stainless steel. Is water flowing from the aspirator tailpipe? Is there a regular continuous flow of bubbles in the glass chamber? Adjust water supply as necessary. The katharometer is not sensitive to changes in flow rate. The cause could be air leaks, ingress of water vapour or retention of gas on walls of sample pipe 6 SPARES The following is a list of spare parts for the principle items used on typical katharometer assemblies. Enquiries and orders for spares should be addressed to ABB. 6.1 The Katharometer Unit Item 006517000 006518000 006539960/J 006539960/K 006548001 Bulkhead coupling kit for 4 mm o.d. pipe 006525135 006548008 Connecting pipe (katharometer block to bulkhead coupling) 006517180 006517180 6.2 Drying Absorption Chamber Item 6.3 Part Number 006525 600 006548 003 Acrylic chamber (140 ml) 006525710 006525720 Refurbishment kit (including seals and gauze) 006525605 006548007 20 Gas Sample Pump Item Part Number Sample pump 230 V 50/60 Hz 002370003 Sample pump 115 V 50/60 Hz 002370004 Valve, spring and diaphragm kit 006540125 PRODUCTS & CUSTOMER SUPPORT Products Customer Support Automation Systems • for the following industries: – – – – – – Chemical & Pharmaceutical Food & Beverage Manufacturing Metals and Minerals Oil, Gas & Petrochemical Pulp and Paper We provide a comprehensive after sales service via a Worldwide Service Organization. Contact one of the following offices for details on your nearest Service and Repair Centre. United Kingdom ABB Limited Tel: +44 (0)1453 826661 Fax: +44 (0)1453 829671 Drives and Motors • • • • AC and DC Drives, AC and DC Machines, AC Motors to 1kV Drive Systems Force Measurement Servo Drives United States of America ABB Inc. Tel: +1 775 850 4800 Fax: +1 775 850 4808 Controllers & Recorders • • • • Single and Multi-loop Controllers Circular Chart , Strip Chart and Paperless Recorders Paperless Recorders Process Indicators Flexible Automation • Industrial Robots and Robot Systems Flow Measurement • • • • Electromagnetic Flowmeters Mass Flow Meters Turbine Flowmeters Flow Elements Marine Systems & Turbochargers • Electrical Systems • Marine Equipment • Offshore Retrofit and Refurbishment Process Analytics • Process Gas Analysis • Systems Integration Transmitters • • • • Pressure Temperature Level Interface Modules Valves, Actuators and Positioners • Control Valves • Actuators • Positioners Water, Gas & Industrial Analytics Instrumentation • pH, conductivity, and dissolved oxygen transmitters and sensors • ammonia, nitrate, phosphate, silica, sodium, chloride, fluoride, dissolved oxygen and hydrazine analyzers. • Zirconia oxygen analyzers, katharometers, hydrogen purity and purge-gas monitors, thermal conductivity. Client Warranty Prior to installation, the equipment referred to in this manual must be stored in a clean, dry environment, in accordance with the Company's published specification. Periodic checks must be made on the equipment's condition. In the event of a failure under warranty, the following documentation must be provided as substantiation: 1. A listing evidencing process operation and alarm logs at time of failure. 2. Copies of all storage, installation, operating and maintenance records relating to the alleged faulty unit. ABB has Sales & Customer Support expertise in over 100 countries worldwide The Company’s policy is one of continuous product improvement and the right is reserved to modify the information contained herein without notice. Printed in UK (06.04) IM/6517–6518 Issue 5 © ABB 2004 ABB Limited Oldends Lane, Stonehouse Gloucestershire, GL10 3TA UK Tel: +44 (0)1453 826661 Fax: +44 (0)1453 829671 ABB Inc. Analytical Instruments 9716 S. Virginia St., Ste. E Reno, Nevada 89521 USA Tel: +1 775 850 4800 Fax: +1 775 850 4808
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