Document 303193

12-14 September 2014
Eat Drink Discover Scotland
A RHASS event
Royal Highland and Agricultural Society of Scotland
Ingliston House
Royal Highland Centre
EH28 8NB
Tel 0131 335 6255
About Eat Drink Discover Scotland
Exhibitor Information
o Show Timetable including build up and break down
o Risk Assessments & Method Statements
o PAT Testing
o Food Hygiene & Trading Standards
o Alcohol
o Cleaning
o Security
o Children
o Dogs
o Wi-Fi
o Hall Management
o Fire Evacuation
o First Aid
Terms and Conditions
Business Seminar Programme
Additional Services
Official Contractors and Suppliers
Getting Here
Show Promotion & Marketing
Thank you for exhibiting at the inaugural Eat Drink Discover Scotland show. It’s Scotland’s
ultimate food and drink show – the only event on a national stage to showcase exclusively
produce made in Scotland.
What makes Eat, Drink, Discover Scotland different from other food events is the way we
are focusing on Scotland’s regional specialities. This approach will allow all areas of Scotland
to showcase their local delicacies and hidden gems, as well as promoting the wider tourism
The show will be largely structured by region, mixing food, drink and related businesses in
regional zones. By doing this we will be helping you tell a strong story about provenance,
heritage and quality.
The show zones are as follows:
Ayrshire, Arran and Argyll
Dumfries and Galloway
Dundee and Angus
Edinburgh and the Lothians
Greater Glasgow and the Clyde Valley
Highlands and Islands
Kingdom of Fife
Loch Lomond, Trossachs and Forth Valley
Scottish Borders
and a special zone for “Chocolate”
Feature Programme
The show has four demonstration theatres/stages:
Main stage – celebrity chef demonstrations
Master class – public have hands-on cooking experiences led by the celebrity chefs
Skills theatre – exhibitors lead or participate in demonstrations of their skills and
Talks and tastings – exhibitors host sampling sessions and talk about their products
or brands
For more information on our chefs, and the demo timetables when released, visit our
website at
Please read the following information carefully, and ensure your staff are familiar with its
Date Mon 8 Sept Tues 9 Sept Weds 10 Sept Thurs 11 Sept Fri 12 Sept Sat 13 Sept Notes Access for CONTRACTORS ONLY CONTRACTORS only -­‐ OPEN SPACE exhibitors by prior arrangement Shell Scheme & Open Space Exhibitors NB Chalets available from 13.00 All Exhibitors NB Market Stalls available from 13.00 Show Day 1 Show Day 2 Sun 14 Sept Show Day 3 Mon 15 Sept NB all exhibitor materials must be cleared from the Hall by 17.00 unless by prior arrangement Tues 16 Sept CONTRACTORS ONLY Hall Open 07.00 Show Open n/a Show Closes n/a Hall Closes 19.00 07.00 n/a n/a 19.00 07.00 n/a n/a 19.00 07.00 n/a n/a 21.00 06.00 Business Growth Seminars for Exhibitors 09.00 – 11.45 07.30 12.00 20.00 Friday Night Feast! 17.00 – 20.00 21.00 10.00 20.00 07.30 07.00 10.00 n/a 18.00 Exhibitor drinks reception 18.00 – 19.00 17.00 n/a 07.00 n/a n/a 17.00 20.00 19.00 4 RISK ASSESSMENT AND METHOD STATEMENT
ALL exhibitors are required to complete and submit a risk assessment and
method statement to the organisers covering the build, operation and
breakdown of their stand.
A risk assessment form is attached to this exhibitor manual. All risk assessments should be
submitted to the organisers by 22 August 2014. Any exhibitors not conforming to safety
standards will be required to take remedial action, or, in extreme cases, may be shut down
by the Society’s safety representatives. No refund on any costs will be given in this
Exhibitors with Open Space stands should also include a layout plan for your
space, also to be submitted by 22 August.
All electrical equipment on stands must carry a valid PAT test sticker, and certificates must
be available for inspection.
Exhibitors must accept full responsibility for complying with the requirements of
Environmental and Consumer Services, City of Edinburgh Council, Chesser House, 500
Gorgie Road, Edinburgh, EH11 3YJ (Tel 0131 529 3030) in respect of all foodstuffs and
drinks displayed, offered for sale or otherwise provided at their stand.
Queries regarding food safety and hygiene issues can be directed to the EHO who is happy
to advise exhibitors on individual queries:
Guidance provided by the Council is attached as an appendix, and is also available on our
Likewise all relevant Trading Standards legislation should be adhered to. Exhibitors should
be aware that environmental health and trading standards officers may be present at the
The site does not have a licence to sell alcohol – exhibitors wishing to do so must ensure
they have their own licences in place. The organisers will require evidence of this before
trading commences.
The exhibition hall, including stand floors, will be cleaned each day. If you do
not wish your stand to be cleaned, please tape your area off or leave clear
signage to that effect.
Overnight security will be in place in the Highland Hall on Thursday 11th, Friday 12th,
Saturday 13th and Sunday 14th September. However stand holders should be aware that
valuables are left on your stand at your own risk.
Be vigilant at all times, particularly during build up and break down.
Exhibitors should note that children (15 or under) are not permitted in the Hall during build
up and break down periods.
Dogs (with the exception of assistance dogs) are not permitted in the Hall at any time.
Wireless internet is available in the Hall to exhibitors, free of charge. The password will be
notified to you on arrival for set up.
Please note that as with all wireless services, connectivity can fluctuate at busy times.
On arrival for set-up, please notify the duty Hall Manager, who will be found at the Exhibitor
Helpdesk in the Highland Hall foyer.
The Helpdesk will be manned throughout the build up, show open and break down phases
of the Show, and will assist you in the event of any queries onsite.
A note of Fire Evacuation procedures will be handed to you on your stand. Please ensure
you and your staff are aware of the procedures.
Qualified First Aid personnel provided by the British Red Cross will be on duty in the hall
throughout the Show Open period.
Payment of Stand Fees
Payment of stand fees must be paid within 28 days of receipt of invoice, and prior to the
show starting, whichever is sooner. Exhibitors with stand fees remaining unpaid will be
denied access to the show.
Cancellation by the Exhibitor
Where an exhibitor cancels a space booked for any reason, written notification must be
sent to the Event Coordinator. On or after the 1st of August there will be no refund.
Cancellation of additional services e.g. power, refrigeration, must be notified in writing to
the relevant contractor and will be subject to that contractor’s own terms and conditions.
Cancellation by the Organiser
If the event is cancelled as a result of any circumstance out with the Society’s reasonable
control, the Society will make a full refund of all paid stand rentals and additional staff
Staff Passes
Every member of staff working on your stand will need a pass to access the show each day.
The number of passes allocated to your stand has been calculated on the basis of the size of
stand booked. Your staff passes will be emailed to you by Friday, 5th September.
Exhibitors will be able to attend a range of FREE business seminars,
workshops and one-to-one sessions, specially designed for food and drink
businesses. Topics will be wide-ranging and led by industry experts.
The seminar programme will take place on Friday, 12th September from 9.00 am.
Make sure you make time to attend these valuable and informative sessions.
Market Overview, presented by Scotland Food & Drink Insights Team
Building a Business
Building a Brand
Securing Finance
Being part of a Supply Chain
Buyer Briefing – supplying the Multiples
Buyer Briefing – supplying the independent sector
Buyer Briefing – supplying the food service sector
Booking information and timings will be advised separately.
There will also be a marketplace of suppliers who may be useful to you as your business
A quiet space has been set aside for you to enjoy a break from the hubbub of the
We’d also like to invite you to join us for a drink on Saturday night as the show
closes at 6pm.
A range of additional services will be available to support exhibitors at the show:
Parking is free for visitors and exhibitors alike. Vehicles for unloading will be directed to the
Highland Hall by stewards and should be unloaded and then moved to the car park
Water and Drainage
Mains water and drainage is available within the Highland Hall and MUST be booked well in
advance. Mains water is £117 + VAT and waste is £117 + VAT. Stand organisers should bear
in mind that they may need to build a platform floor to conceal pipes and connections.
Drainage availability is subject to positioning within the Hall.
Display and storage fridges and freezers are available to hire from our official contractors.
Sinks & Hand wash Units
These are available to hire from our recommended contractors.
Shell scheme stands come with a basic provision for electrics. Any other electrical
requirements should be booked through our official contractors.
Show guide and Exhibitor Listings
All exhibitors at the show will receive a basic listing in the Exhibitor Guide on the Eat,
Drink, Discover Scotland website and in the Show guide, an A5 publication issued free to
visitors at the event. The show guide will be packed with articles, recipes and other features
in addition to the exhibitor listing. A basic listing includes short description and contact
details but exhibitors can upgrade to a display listing which includes colour photograph for
enhanced visibility. There are also opportunities to advertise in the show guide.
Exhibitors will be contacted by our Show guide publishers Geerings Print Ltd. Please note
no other publisher is authorised to contact you on our behalf.
Mains Water and Drainage
Orders for mains water and drainage connections to a point on the stand should be made
on the application form.
All onsite plumbing (eg connecting the mains water and drainage to your own equipment on
the stand) must be carried out by our official contractors, J & C Cowe, 1a Craig’s Avenue,
Edinburgh, EH12 8HP. Contact them on 0131 334 9370 for prices.
Electrical Supply
All onsite electrical work must be carried out by our official contractors, Pratt Bros
(Edinburgh) Ltd, East Gate, Royal Highland Centre, Ingliston, Edinburgh EH28
8NF. Electrical bookings should be made direct with Pratt’s as soon as possible. Tel: 0131
333 3665. Shell scheme stands come with a twin socket and spotlight included, and a
price list for all other work is available in the downloads section of our website.
The official contractor for Display (on-stand) and Storage (off-stand) fridge and freezer units
can be booked through: Display Refrigeration Hire Ltd, IMD Marketing, 1 Sandilands
Crescent, Motherwell, ML1 3AX Tel: 01698252613
On-stand display refrigeration is also available from:
Lowe Refrigeration, Unit J, Knockmore Industrial Estate, Lisburn, Co Antrim, Northern
Ireland, Tel: 01283 820717.
City Refrigeration Rentals Ltd, Tel: 0800 833371.
Handwash Units*
Self-contained units (not requiring mains water connections) can be arranged from:
John Brown Caterhire, 0845 606 1125
The Mobile Sink Company Ltd, 0121 747 1179
*Remember to allow enough power supply for these units!
10 Gas – LPG
The use of LPG may only be permitted by prior arrangement with the
organisers and under strictly controlled conditions. Exhibitors wishing to
use LPG must have permission from the organisers and include details in
their risk assessment documentation.
Any appliances using gas must be accompanied by Gas Safe certificates issued by an
engineer/business that is registered with Gas Safe to do the following:
1. Work with LPG operated appliances
2. Work on Non-Domestic appliances
3. Work on catering equipment
Furniture Hire
Trestle tables and chairs are available to hire from the organisers. Other furniture and
other stand extras are available from our shell scheme providers, GES. Order forms are in
the downloads section of our website.
Other contractors
Need a supplier for a service not listed? Let us know and we may be able to suggest
The Royal Highland Centre is easily found off the A8, adjacent to Edinburgh
We encourage visitors to come by public transport, with regular bus routes servicing the
A8 and the airport.
The new tram stops at Edinburgh Airport and Ingliston Park and Ride are approx. 15 mins
walk away.
If you prefer to come by car, the Centre is easily accessible by the motorway network (M8,
M9), and there will be free parking at Eat, Drink, Discover Scotland, EH28 8NB.
Exhibitors should follow the AA signs for car parking. If you have materials or stock to
unload, follow the directions of the stewards. Your vehicle should then be unloaded and
removed to the car park as soon as possible.
Discounted rates may be available at the nearby Holiday Inn Express and at the Hilton
Edinburgh Airport (depending on time of booking).
When booking, call the hotel reception directly and state that you are an exhibitor at Eat,
Drink, Discover Scotland.
Other nearby hotels include the Travelodge Edinburgh Airport, the Ibis Edinburgh Park,
Premier Inn at Newbridge or Norton House Hotel & Spa.
Radio campaign on Forth 1 and Classic FM Scotland
Posters on all Scotrail inter-urban trains throughout Scotland
Extensive direct mail campaign via Tesco “Clubcard” to over 10,000 selected
Promotion through – 700,000 database of consumers
Campaign & Competition in Scottish Field
Promotions in over 30 Scottish local and regional newspapers
2 for1 ticket offer in Daily Mail
Digital campaign on websites such as,, the and the National Trust for Scotland
Targeted marketing to businesses around Gyle/Gogarburn/Edinburgh Park to
promote “Friday Night Feast”
Extensive social media campaign including “the search for Scotland’s best kept
secret ingredient” spearheaded by celebrity chef Mark Greenaway on Facebook,
Twitter etc and promotion
Extensive media relations campaign to support the above activity
Exhibitors are also encouraged to promote the show to their customer databases with
special discount codes – please circulate this to all your customers!
We hope the contents of this document answer any remaining questions you might
have. If not, please do not hesitate to contact the organisers at:
0131 335 6255