S ’ L E G AN A lert October is Stewardship month! Stewardship is extremely important for Christian people because it gives us the opportunity to ask ourselves what is important in our lives. It also gives the opportunity to ask ourselves if belief in our Lord Jesus Christ and the belonging to St. Andrew’s Church family make a difference in who we are and how we react to life. By pledging to the parish and by supporting the ministries, we say clearly that we belong to this church family. October 12, 2014 FASO Concert SEASON BEGINS Nig e l P o t t s Co n c e r t O rg a n i s t p e rf o r ms to nigh t a t 7: 3 0 p m Today’s Stewardship Speaker: Mariada George All Saints Eucharist Service Saturday, Noon, November 1 Columbarium Chapel See inserted page. Stewardship Ingathering on All Saints’ Sunday. It is a principal feast day of the church and the day of our pledge ingathering. Please bring your pledge card to place on the alter or in the alms basin. E.Y.C. takes a Haunted House Tour on Saturday, October 18 6-10:30pm Eat dinner before. Wear black & we’ll Please sign your loved ones names in the “All Saints Remembrance book” (back counter) if you want them remembered in prayer, Sunday after All Saints Day, November 2. scare up some fun!! Newsworthy note: Father Pace’s sermons are online at fatherpace.blogspot.com SCHEDULE AT A GLANCE . . • • Parents Morning Out: Oct. 18 Saturday, 9 am - Noon $10 for the 1st child; $5 for each additional child Theme: Halloween Movie: Pooh’s Heffalump Movie Sign up at the nursery, email Christian Education Coordinator, Edee Aikman (eaikman@standrewsamarillo.org) or call the church office, 376.6316 ext 103. • • • • • • • ATTENTION ALTAR GUILD MEMBERS! Altar Guild Annual Meeting November 8, Saturday at 11am in St. Catherine’s Room, Lowndes Hall • S u nday, October 12, 7:30pm: FASO Concert* Thur sday, Oct. 16, 6:3 0-8pm– St. Bri g id’s Pray er S h a w l ( St. Gre gory-3rd Thur sda y each mo n t h only) S a t urday, October 18, 9:30am-1pm—WORKDAY on t h e ground s (l u nch provided)* S a t urday, October 18, 6-10:30pm –EYC eve n t* Monday, October 20, 1 1:30am—Bean s & Cornbread Luncheon, Civic Cent er* S u nday, October 26: Oktoberf e s t* S u nday, October 26, 11:45-3pm-EYC Fri g h t -A-Thon Friday, October 31, 6-7:30pm -TRUNK or TREAT* & Haun t ed Hou s e by S R EYC S a t urday, Nove mber 1, Al l Sai n t s Euchari s t S ervice noon i n Columbari u m Chapel S u nday, November 2: Al l Sai n t s Day* S t e w ard s h ip In g a t h eri n g Dayl i g h t S a vi n g s Tim e end s- “Fal l back one hour” * s e e det a i l s i n an nou ncem e nt bo x e s The second of three Remnant Trust Lectures based on theme The Declaration of Independence in Legacy Hall at West Texas A&M University: Thursday, October 16, 5:30 reception, 6:30 lecture by Dr. Wade Shaffer The last lecture is on Thursday, November 30, 5:30 reception, 6:30 lecture by Dr. Bryon Pearson and Dr. James Hallmark will join him. PACK-A-LUNCH MINISTRY St. Andrew’s is collecting prepackaged food items that can be put in a lunch bag & distributed to homeless individuals one time each month. EXAMPLES INCLUDE: (pop-top cans/packets) tuna or other protein items, Vienna sausages, beanie weenies, Beef Jerky (individually wrapped), applesauce, fruit cocktail, cheese crackers, peanut butter crackers, granola bars, power bars, cookies, bottled water & individually wrapped wet wipes. NO candy please! Deliver lunches on every 3rd Sunday. Packing lunches on Thursday, October 16 at 1:00pm in St. Catherine’s Room. Please sign up if you would like to help ( back counter). FUN! FOOD! FELLOWSHIP! WORK DAY! Saturday, October 18 Bring yard tools & energy at 9:30am (or come when you can). With enough support we should easily finish by noon. Lunch is provided! Thank you! —-Cindy Reid ANNUAL BEANS & CORNBREAD LUNCHEON Hosted by Amarillo Coalition for the Homeless at Civic Center—Monday, Oct. 20, 11:30am-1:00pm Funds raised by the luncheon are matched 100% by the Don & Sybil Harrington Foundation. St. Andrew’s has paid for 2 tables….sign up if you would like to attend (sheet on back counter) The speakers for the program will be previously homeless Amarillo residents; individuals that you, through your support of the luncheon, have helped. These previously homeless individuals have gone on to lead independent and productive lives. SAVE THE DATE FOR Oktoberfest—Sunday, October 26 Enjoy a “Brats N Beer” luncheon. Please bring sides, salads & desserts. Bread, meat & drinks are provided. Signup to help set up or clean up. Also at Oktoberfest: Olive Wood Religious Art & Bethlehem Handicrafts sale. The Hannoona family will be visiting St. Andrew’s on Sunday, October 26, during the Oktoberfest to offer beautiful carved items for sale. For centuries, Bethlehem’s Christians have supported their families by carving religious art from olive wood for visiting pilgrims. However, political conflict prevents their families from reaching Bethlehem and many Christians from selling their art in Jerusalem. Adding to this, the number of pilgrims who visit the holy sites decreases during times of political strife which negatively affects the economy in Bethlehem. The situation is not expected to improve any time soon. Your purchase will go to support the Hannoona family and other Christians living in Bethlehem and the Holy Land. SAVE THE DATE: Trunk or Treat & Haunted House Friday, October 31, 6:00-7:30pm Sign up your decorated car & help to pass out candy (back counter). Place candy donations in container in back. Bring the family for hot dogs & then go trick or treating in the parking lot.visit the Haunted House.join the fun!!! SR EYC Project Financial Report January 1, 2014– October 7, 2014 Annual Budgeted Pledge, Contribution & Plate Income Budgeted Pledge, Contribution & Plate Income YTD Actual Pledge, Contribution & Plate Income YTD UNDER BUDGET $881,662.00 $678,201.60 $668,794.49 $ 9,407.11 Intercessory Prayer Requests For the sick (current): Ann O’Hara, Rudy Pace, Gigi Viggani, James McCombie, Luca, Albert & Niva, Libby Hayes, Pam Ruth, Aaron Brown, Ed Nobles, and Baxter & Carol Adams. For special concerns (current): Mother Jo & O’Hara family, McCartt family, John Wells, Sydney Boyce, MJ Coats/ Viggani family, Claire Thompson, Linda Plude, Blan Quattlebaum, Debby Benton, Dougherty family, & Colquitt family. Health workers, individuals & nations dealing with Ebola virus; Rev. Andrew White, vicar of the city of Bagdad, Iraq (safety & protection); Sgt. Andrew Thomerissi (his release from Mexican prison). For the Church; especially for . . . Justin, the Archbishop of Canterbury; Katharine, our Presiding Bishop; Scott, our Bishop; for Jo Roberts Craig and Robert Pace, our priests, for Patsy Masterman, Chris Wrampelmeier, Todd Baxley, Pat Knight, Dede Schuler Ballou, our deacons; and especially for… Canterbury & The Cross in Lubbock & clergy: Pat Russell and for St. Christopher’s in Lubbock & clergy: Edson Way, Melissa Wafer-Cross, Doug Cashell. In Thanksgiving . . . St. Andrew’s clergy, staff, parishioners, community, family & friends, parish; students & teachers, all schools, especially St. Andrew’s School; the Columbarium Chapel; good stewards; baby Charlie Smith Masters, son of Emily & Will Masters & grandson of Cristy & Jack Miller; baby Orson Gangy, grandson of Nancy & Dan Novak. Those serving in the Armed Forces, especially… Grady, Tim, Austin, Gary, James, Phillip, Jenks White, John White, Ryan Boeka, Brandon Chase, Greyson Geer, Van Nielsen, Justin McGee, Levi Tarr, Dan Miller, Tim May, Mauriella DiTommaso, Steve Revelas, Joe Turk, Jerimy Massingill, Josh Crabtree, Jaxon Abdoo, Casey Bronaugh, Payton Lockman, Sam Russell, Stephen Beacham, James Scott, Larry Evans & Lt. Col. Scott DeJesse. For those who have died: Helen McCartt, David Gantz, Dennis Dougherty, Margaret Colquitt For the sick (long-term): Andy Kauffman, Steve, Jim, Lisa. Lyle, Kim, Kelly, Wendy, Billy Don, Seth Himlan, Heidi Long, Pamela Jones, Bill Merriam, Walton Moore, Richard High, Shaun Brogan, Debbie Jackson, Jim Thompson, Mary Holman, Pam Schuster, Donald Soya, Nancy Eagan, Randy Tupin, Gentry Lee, Diana Gerk, Amy King, Margaret Richiter, Ann Jenkins, Steve Nelson, Gerald Rogers, Richard Smith, Gil Farren, Maxey Dodson, Joe Astuto, Buck Carter, Bruce Campbell, Katherine O’Brien, Linda Hare, Ann Rinehart, Paulette King, Leah Talbot, Don Frank, Jerry Terry, David Swaim, David Brown, Christina Aquiliera, Margaret Cizon, Doneice Hayes, Neva Garrett, Jan Noffsker, Lisa Brent Stephenson, Charles Wilson, Dick Brennan, Don Turner and Betty Fickle. For special concerns (long-term): Ann O’Hara, Patsy Masterman, Pat Knight, Jacob, Ellen Steinrucken, Randy Schuster, Steve & Martha Field, Jeff Davis, Brad Yates, Courtney Mulvanney, Juana Ree Forrester, Tammye, Jason, Charles & Pat Lewis, Linda Adams, Burke-Tinsley families, Don Marsh, Louie Womble, Jamie Schmidt, Doug Cashell, Molly Frank, Buddy & Mikala Stephens, Sam & Missy Darden, Mark Reed, Cyn Kerbs, Jennifer Hinkle, Wilson family, Louis Capell & family. Taize Community Program. . . Beginning this month and continuing every 2nd Friday, 6-7 pm…. A meditative prayer service. All are welcome! Childcare is available by the Parents Night Out program here from 6-10pm (please call to sign up your child at 376.6316 or email: eaikman@standrewsamarillo.org). Spread the word to anyone who would enjoy a quiet time to meditate in community. November 14: Polk Street Methodist December 12: St. Andrew’s 1601 S. Georgia, Amarillo, TX 79102 Phone: 806-376-6316 www.standrewsamarillo.org Facebook: www.facebook.com/ standrewsamarillo Regular Services on Sunday 8:00 am Holy Eucharist I (nave) 9:30-10:15 am Sunday School (Lowndes Hall) 10:30am Children’s Church (Children’s Chapel of Lowndes Hall) 10:30 am Holy Eucharist II (nave) Breakfast is served on Sunday Mornings between 8:45-9:45am by the Breakfast Ministry Crew. 5:30 pm Wednesday Eucharist/Holy Unction, Rite II, Children’s Chapel (Childcare) Sunday School Classes 9:30-10:15am Lowndes Hall Centering Prayer -MONDAYS, 6:00-7:00pm Children’s Chapel Noon Bible Study–TUESDAYS- St. Catherine Daughters of the King (DOK) -2nd Wednesdays,10:00am DOK Evening chapter– 3rd Tuesdays, 6:30pm St. Gregory (contact Deborah Rolland 335.5030) St. Brigid’s Prayer Shawl Ministry—3rd Thursdays, 6:308pm St. Gregory (meet once a month now) EfM (2 classes) —Mondays & Thursdays, 6:30-9:00pm, St. David Black belt Bible Study-FRIDAYS 10:00am -St. Gregory Men’s Group-Friday noon -St. Gregory. Bring a sack lunch & friend. NOTE: The office keeps a “Maintenance Log” of reported things around the church campus and grounds that need repairing or brought to the attention of the Junior Warden. Call, email or stop by the office to report. Office #376.6316 kroach@standrewsamarillo.org Make it your ministry to “report it not ignore it”! Dedications for Altar Flowers To dedicate flowers to a loved ones on their birthday or wedding anniversary or for a loved one’s anniversary of death or birthday: place their name in the Altar Flower Notebook, fill out Altar Flower Envelopes (Envelopes are on back counter or in Flower Notebook) and insert money & place in alms basin. Promise Project (summer camp) Office (Lowndes Hall) Contact: Todd Baxley or Milly Martinez (316.6005) (Children & youth) Nursery for infants-5 years old Follow the Good Shepherd: (level 1)ages 3-6 Exploring Our Church: ages 1st-3rd grade Mustard Seed :4th & 5th grades– St. Elizabeth Rite-13: 6th-8th grades in St. Clare J2A: 9th & 10th in EYC room YAC -Young Adults in Church:11th &12th, St. Benedict (Adults): Rector’s Bible Study– St. Catherine Underground Christians– St. Gregory Vestry meet every 4th Tuesday, 6:00pm Finance Committee meet on 3rd Tuesday, 6:00pm Properties Committee meet on 2nd Tuesday, 6:00pm Christian Education Committee meet on 2nd Tuesdays,6:30pm ERROR: undefined OFFENDING COMMAND: ‘~ STACK:
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