Document 319142

Sunday, October 12, 2014
Twenty-Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time
First Reading: The city of Jerusalem is built on Mount Zion. Here, in this city, we are called to
celebrate, to feast, to share a great banquet. This city is our home.
Second Reading: There are times of hunger and times of plenty. In either situation, we work for
Christ. In this letter, Paul gives new meaning to our everyday life.
Gospel: Christ our Lord and brother invites us to the banquet, the Lamb’s high feast. Here, he gives us
strength in his Spirit. On our journey home, God sustains us with the gift of finest wheat.
17th Annual Villa Madonna Academy PTAO Craft Show— Will be held on Saturday, October 8th
from 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. The event will take place in the Villa Madonna Academy Gymnasium at
2500 Amsterdam Road, Villa Hills, KY. Admission is $3.00 for adults (ages 17 and under free).
Thomas More College will hold a free Estate Planning Seminar on Thursday, October 30th at 4:00 in
Steigerwald Hall, located inside the Saints Center. Topics discussed will include wills, powers of
attorney, trusts, taxes, insurance and more. The presenters will be Jim Dressman, Managing Partner at
DBL Law, and Paul Sartori, Managing Principal at Legacy Financial Advisors. This one hour session
will include time for Q&A, and the presenters will also be available after the seminar for individual
questions. The seminar is being offered at no cost, but online registration is required:
Weekend Retreat for Adults in Their 20s & 30s—Are you in your twenties or thirties? Looking
to deepen your faith & create lasting connections? Join us for a Charis Seekers’ Retreat weekend of
reflection on Friday, November 14, 7:30 PM thru Sunday, November 16, 12 NOON. Listen to peers
share how they find God in their lives, in relationships, and in work. Have conversations in small
groups, enjoy some quiet time, or connect with old friends or meet new ones. $40/person. Sponsored
by The Sisters of Notre Dame of Covington, KY. For more information, visit or call Sister Ruth Lubbers at (859) 392-8118. Registration deadline is
November 8, 2014
Swing'n Seniors of St Thomas is planning a Christmas show at Music Hall on December 11. "Happy
Holidays with the Mighty Wurlitzer and the Cincinnati ballet at 10:30 a.m. Lunch at National
Exemplar in Mariemont, view the Shillitos Elves, if available and a Spirit of Christmas tour where you
will see nativity scenes from around the world, a Dickens Village and a live nativity scene. Cost $84
per person; Deposit of $25 due ASAP to hold reservation, balance due November 1. Call Shirley
Murray 859-441-8567
The Sisters of Notre Dame are currently seeking a part time LPN, 3rd shift 16 hours per week, to care
for their retired sisters in their long term care unit located in Covington, KY. If interested in working
in this loving home environment, please mail resume to Sisters of Notre Dame, 1601 Dixie Highway,
Covington, Ky. 41011, Attn: HR Department, or email: For more
information regarding this position, please visit our website at
St. John the Baptist Church
Parish Bulletin
1307 Johns Hill Road, Wilder, KY 41076
Phone/fax 859-781-2117
Saturday: 4:00 PM
Sunday: 9:00 AM and 11:00 AM
Holy Rosary prayed 20 minutes before the 9:00 am Mass each Sunday
Sacrament of Baptism by appointment only; call Rectory for information
Sacrament of Penance before each Mass and by appointment
Sacrament of Matrimony—preparation must begin 6 months before the date of marriage;
call the Rectory for details
Pastor: Father Gregory E. Osburg, Tribunal Office 392-1500
Parish Office 781-2117
Maintenance Committee Chair: Steve Wolf, 803-3682
Prayer Network Chair: Betty Wehmeyer 441-3617
Music Director: Father Gregory E. Osburg, 781-2117
Musicians: Jon Guth and JoAnn Kleier
Parish Secretary: Dolores Riedeman, 781-2117
Parish Office hours are Monday, Wednesday & Friday from 9-2
Today: Twenty-Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Dates: October 11& 12 2014
Year: A
Sunday’s Readings:
Is 25:6-10
Next Week’s Readings: Is 45:1, 4-6
Phil 4:12-14, 19-20
1 Thes 1:1-5
Mt 22:1-14
Mt 22:15-21
Cemetery Visitations for Sunday, October 12 are St. Mary in Alexandria at noon and St. Joseph, Cold
Spring at 2:00 p.m.
A St. Vincent de Paul donation truck is in the parking lot at St. Joseph, Cold Springs to collect donations
this weekend.
The Parish Office will open at 12:30 on Wednesday, October 15.
Saturday, October 11
Sunday, October 12
(Twenty-Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time)
(Twenty-Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time)
Monday, October 13
Tuesday, October 14
(St. Callistus I)
Wednesday, October 15
(St. Teresa of Jesus)
Thursday, October 16 (Sts. Hedwig & Margaret Mary Alacoque)
Saturday, October 18 (Twenty-Ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time)
Sunday, October 19
(Twenty- Ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time)
4:00 PM Our Parishioners
9:00 AM
John Studer
11:00 AM Berard & Moussas Families
8:00 AM
Our Parishioners
8:00 AM
Our Parishioners
8:00 AM
Our Parishioners
8:00 AM
Our Parishioners
4:00 PM
Robert Higdon
9:00 AM
Marilyn Wischer
11:00 AM
Our Parishioners
Liturgical Ministers Schedule for this Week and next Week
Saturday, October 11
4:00 p.m.
Usher: Ray Heck
Sunday, October 12
9:00 a.m.
Greeter: Cathy Gregory
Lector: Sabina Wood
EMHC: Valerie Jones
Art Kremer
Server: Andrew Wehmeyer
Saturday, October 18
4:00 p.m.
Sunday, October 19
9:00 a.m.
Greeter: Bev Appel
Lector: Paul Stratman
Steve Wolf
Paul Stratman
Usher: Ken Barth
Sunday, October 12
11:00 a.m.
Mike Garnick
Sunday, October 19
11:00 a.m.
Jim Klump
Mary Gearding
Mark Gearding
Jim Klump
Last’s Week Collection—Sunday Offering: loose: $215.00, envelopes: $773.00. Total $988.00
Thank you for your generosity.
Second Collection next Weekend —Will be for the 2014 World Mission Sunday Appeal for the
Society for the Propagation of the Faith a Pontifical Mission Society. Envelopes will be in the pews
for this.
Sick of the Parish—Please keep in your prayers all members of the parish who are ill or homebound.
Call Father Osburg or the parish office at 781-2117 to let him know that you are ill and would like a
pastoral visit and to receive Holy Communion.
The Month of October is designated as Respect Life Month. The theme for this year is “Each one of
us is a Masterpiece of God’s creation”. This is time for our Catholic community to pray for the
sanctity of life. Today we celebrate Respect Life Sunday.
The Many Faces of Pro-Life Ad—Bishop Roger Foys and the Pro-Life Office invite
individuals and families to participate in the Many Faces of Pro-Life Ad in January 2015. This ad
commemorates the 42nd Anniversary of the Roe v. Wade ruling to legalize abortion. Our focus is
getting as many people to sign their name to the ad to show unity in our dioceses for the Sanctity of
Life. A suggested donation is $2 per name/$10 per family. Donations are appreciated to help defray
the cost the ad, but not required. The parish is in need of volunteers to collect signatures before or
after Masses. If we have no volunteers, then we will place the sign-up sheets on the back heat register
and one downstairs by the elevator lift. Envelopes for this purpose will also be in the back of church
and can be placed in the collection basket. Please call or email the parish office if you can help.
Project Rachel—A confidential Catholic Outreach to women and men who have had an
abortion experience. Rachel mourns her children: she refused to be consoled because her children are
no more. Thus says the Lord; “cease from your cries of mourning. Wipe the tears from your eyes…
There is hope for your future.” Trust in the tender mercy of God. Call 859-392-1547 or email all contact is confidential.
Come, Remember, Respond —Is what the Hungry and Homeless Committee hopes the community
will do on Tuesday October 14 at Newport Middle School at 9th and Columbia, Newport. The
Remember is a memorial services which begins at 6:00 pm. Names of deceased homeless men and
women are read along with music and prayer. After the memorial service there will be food, music and
games. The event is free and all are welcome! If you are interested in volunteering or donating to the
event please contact Vicky, Catholic Charities at 581-8974 or
“Mary’s Listening Heart” —A Reflection on Mary given by Msgr. William Cleves on Sunday,
October 19 at 7:00 PM in St Therese Church. Admission is Free.
Dave Ramsey’s Financial Peace University Class— St. John's will be hosting Dave Ramsey's
Financial Peace University class. This is a powerful program that has assisted millions with getting
control of their finances or helping folks to the next level. The classes will be held for 8 weeks on
Saturdays from 1:00-2:30 and will begin on October 25th.The program cost is $99.00 per family. For
more information or to reserve your seat, please call Frank Littrell at 859-802-7000.
Bishop Brossart High School Emerald Gala 2014 “Party Like a Pirate”—Mark your calendar for
Friday, November 21 to attend the BBHS Emerald Gala at Bishop Brossart High School. The fun
begins at 8 pm and continues until 12 am. To make reservations please call 635-0129 or you can
register online at Each student has received a number of tickets to sell so if
you are interested in purchasing a $10.00 raffle ticket please contact parishioner Mary Wehmeyer at