Ste. Genevieve du Bois Parish 1575 N. Woodlawn Avenue St. Louis, Missouri 63122 Masses for the Lord’s Day Saturday: 5:00 pm (Vigil) Sunday: 7:30, 9:30 & 11:00 am Masses for Weekdays Mon–Fri: 6:30 am & 8:00 am Saturday: 8:00 am Masses for Holy Days 6:00 pm (vigil) 6:30 am and 8:00 am (Holy Day) Sacrament of Baptism Parents of infants to be baptized should call the Parish Office for arrangements of date of baptism and instruction. Sacrament of Penance Saturdays 4:00 to 4:45 pm and any time upon request. Bulletin Deadline Please submit articles before noon on Monday. Sacrament of Marriage Notify parish priest at least six months prior to anticipated date. Blessed Sacrament Adoration 1st Wed. 8:30 am – 11:00 pm; Other Wednesdays 8:30 am -7:00 pm Marian Devotions Tuesdays after the 6:30 and 8:00am Masses. Rosary on the first Saturday of the month. Sound Enhancement Receivers are available for those with hearing impairment. Ask an usher for assistance. Prayer Line Pat Lang 966-4033 Dozens of fellow parishioners praying for your SPECIAL INTENTIONS! OR you may also use the Petition Book in the back of church to solicit prayers for your intentions. October 12, 2014 Twenty-eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time MASS INTENTIONS SUNDAY, October 12 Twenty-Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time 7:30 a.m. Janet Honich 9:30 a.m. People of the Parish 11:00 a.m. Neil Gallagher MONDAY, October 13 Weekday 6:30 a.m. Daniel Pesold 8:00 a.m. Sal Sansone MINISTER’S SCHEDULES SERVERS SCHEDULE FOR WEEK DAYS MONDAY, OCTOBER 13th, through WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 15th 8:00 a.m. Nicole Hansen, Macy Nigh THURSDAY, OCTOBER 16th, through SATURDAY, OCTOBER 18th 8:00 a.m. Charlie Carse, Michael Martin TUESDAY, October 14 Weekday 6:30 a.m. John Owens 8:00 a.m. Hannah Hagan WEDNESDAY, October 15 St. Teresa of Jesus, Virgin and Doctor of the Church 6:30 a.m. Dolores (Dode) Romer 8:00 a.m. Thomas Wilkes THURSDAY, October 16 Weekday 6:30 a.m. No Intention 8:00 a.m. Dolores Allen FRIDAY, October 17 St. Ignatius of Antioch, Bishop and Martyr 6:30 a.m. Special Intention 8:00 a.m. Communion Service SATURDAY, October 18 St. Luke. Evangelist 8:00 a.m. Tom Kernell 5:00 p.m. Barb Greteman SUNDAY, October 19 Twenty-ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time 7:30 a.m. People of the Parish 9:30 a.m Elizabeth Galle & Lucy O’Brien 11:00 a.m Louis & Mary Riethmann READINGS FOR THE WEEK Monday: Gal 4:22-24, 26-27, 31 — 5:1; Ps 113:1b-5a, 6-7; Lk 11:29-32 Tuesday: Gal 5:1-6; Ps 119:41, 43-45, 47-48; Lk 11:37-41 Wednesday: Gal 5:18-25; Ps 1:1-4, 6; Lk 11:42-46 Thursday: Eph 1:1-10; Ps 98:1-6; Lk 11:47-54 Friday: Eph 1:11-14; Ps 33:1-2, 4-5, 12-13; Lk 12:1-7 Saturday: 2 Tm 4:10-17b; Ps 145:10-13, 17-18; Lk 10:1-9 Sunday: Is 45:1, 4-6; Ps 96:1, 3-5, 7-10; 1 Thes 1:1-5b; Mt 22:15-21 Sunday Worship October 18-19, 2014 SATURDAY: 5:00PM Readers: Kate Hagan, Katie Martin Eucharistic Ministers: Debbie Battocketti, Ray Battocletti, Patrick Glauber Dave Hagan Servers: Mia Sansone, Mairin Schweppe SUNDAY: 7:30AM Readers: Jerry O’Neil, Carolyn Stohr Eucharistic Ministers: Joan Beuckman +, Kathleen Geekie, Michael Geekie, Jenny O’Neil * Servers: Teddy Phelan, Anton Uriarte SUNDAY: 9:30AM Readers: Paul Michalski, Danielle Hurtt Eucharistic Ministers: Rebecca Dohrman, Rob Hurtt *, Jack Pohrer +, Dan Stephen, Sally Stephen Servers: Sam Andrews, Laura Eberle SUNDAY: 11:00 AM Readers: Jack Sturm, David Waldman ACTION What I began by reading I must finish by acting. —Henry David Thoreau REPENTANCE Of all human acts, repentance is most divine. —Thomas Carlyle Eucharistic Ministers: Robert Eilermann +, Mary Pat Glauber *, Paul Gund, Karen Hausfeld, Ann Wilkerson Servers: Colleen Murphy, Molly Simon PARISH INFORMATION TIME, TALENT AND TREASURE Parish Staff Your Offerings Rev. Msgr. Daniel E. Mosley, Pastor Collection — October 5, 2014 Sign up for Electronic Giving Needed Current Week each week Weekly Envelope $ 16,280 $16,500 Electronic Giving $ 550 Christmas $ End-of-Year $ Total $ 16,830 Rev. Msgr. John M. Unger, Part-Time Associate Deacon H. Matthew Witte, Permanent Deacon, CRE Mrs. Kathy Fleming, Coordinator of Religious Education Music Ministry Mr. Larry Bommarito Mr. Walter Kempf Office Staff Mrs. Paulette Kohlmeier, Parish Secretary Mrs. Barbara Heimburger, Parish Bookkeeper Contact Information Parish Phone: 314-966-3780 Parish Fax: 314-966-4687 Website: Email: School Staff Mr. Anthony Van Gessel, Principal Mrs. Mary Saranita, School Secretary Contact Information School Phone: 314-821-4245 School Fax: 314-822-4881 Website: Email: Welcome to Ste. Genevieve du Bois Parish Please complete and place in collection Name_________________________________________ Address_______________________________________ City_____________ State________ Zip_________ Phone________________________________________ Email________________________________________ New Parishioner Please check appropriate box: Change of Address New Phone Number at St. Liborius Social Ministries is developing a proposal and shortly may be looking for volunteers to make it a reality. If you are interested in learning more about what volunteer opportunities there may be, call the parish office and someone will call you with more information. Thank you for your wonderful support these past 28 years. In today’s Gospel we hear Jesus say: “Many are invited, but few are chosen.” To give thanks for all that God has given to you, have you considered answering the call to help serve the poor by joining the Society of St. Vincent de Paul? COLLECTION IN BRIDE’S ROOM FOR PRISON MINISTRY NEEDED: ADULT women’s clothing and accessories (shoes, purses, costume jewelry, etc.) in GOOD, CLEAN, READY-TO-USE condition for the “Let’s Start” women’s prison ministry, based out of St. Vincent de Paul Parish, for incarcerated women reentering society. Drop off in bride’s room at church. Contact Tina Dubuque with questions. PRAY FOR OUR SERVICE MEN & WOMEN If you have a name of a soldier or any person who is currently serving and you would like them to be remembered in prayer, please call the parish office at 966-3780: Sgt. Kevin Rempert; David Budlong, US Army; Lt. JG Kevin L. St. Cin, USCG; Spc. Jonathan Lennon, US Army; Ahron Arendes, Chief Petty Officer US Navy; Sgt 1st Class Michael Adkins, U.S Army; Warrant Officer Alicia G. Mejia Adkins, U.S. Army; Sgt. Christopher J. Hoemann, U.S. Army; Sgt. Daniel D. Hoemann, U.S. Marines; Capt. Patrick M. Cronin, USMC; 1st Lt Joseph B. Rieser, USMC; Jack Burnside, U. S. Army; Staff Sgt. John Weber, USMC; Maj. Dr. Larry Petz, U.S. Army; SSgt. Carlo M. Altadonna, US Air Force; Lt. JG Katelyn McCormick, Navy; Blake Rothschild, 2nd Lt., Air Force. STE. GENEVIEVE DU BOIS PARISH NEWS Lawrence A.Valli John Henry Hall Janet Honich Agnes Mary Lamb Dorothy Franklin John J. Burke Mary Moor Lucy Flavan White David L. Sahrmann Jr. Dr. Erwin M. Hindes John J. Lochner Sr. Edward P. Gund Donald M. Witte Sr. Robert Brasher Robert L. Lynch William J. Costello Elizabeth E. Keating Matthew Ryan Nancy Ann Costello October 12, 1970 October 12, 1973 October 12, 2007 October 13, 1997 October 13, 2002 October 14, 1974 October 15, 1971 October 15, 1998 October 15, 2002 October 16, 1973 October 16, 1986 October 16, 1997 October 16, 2003 October 18, 1974 October 18, 1985 October 18, 1987 October 18, 1991 October 18, 1996 October 18, 2002 Next Sunday the Knights of Columbus will conduct the annual Tootsie Roll Drive to benefit Cardinal Glennon’s Autism Clinic. Your generosity is appreciated. Below is a picture of the staff for Cardinal Glennon Hospital Developmentally Disabled Clinic which is underwritten by the Knights of Columbus of Missouri with Tootsie Roll donations amounting to $630,000/year. Knights shown are part of the Knights of Columbus Honor Guard. You may have noticed patches of dead grass in the yard. This is because we had a weed (nutgrass) which the grounds keeper had to poison. It will be over-seeded with grass seed when they feel it is the appropriate time. Symbolon: The Catholic Faith Explained is a state-of-theart video series, led by Dr. Edward Sri and a team of dynamic teachers who provide a clear and comprehensive explanation of the Catholic faith. Filmed on location in Rome, the Holy Land, Calcutta and in the Augustine Institute studios in Denver, Symbolon journeys through the core teachings of the Catholic faith to open up the “big picture” in a way that will help you know, live and articulate the faith to others. Part I of this series will be offered at Ste. Genevieve du Bois parish, 1575 N. Woodlawn, Warson Woods, from 7:00-8:30pm on Wednesday evenings from September 24 to October 22. The meeting room is in the lower level of the rectory at the corner of Woodlawn and Medina. Topics this week: “The Holy Spirit & the Life of Grace” and Why Do I Need the Church?” World Mission Sunday October 19th is World Mission Sunday. We are invited to reach out and help build the Church in Mongolia, the world’s youngest Catholic Church, as well as local churches in mission territories of the world. In the most remote areas of the world through the work of these churches the poor receive practical help and experience God’s love and mercy. Please pray for the Missions each day. Please be generous in the collection for the Society for the Propagation of the Faith on Mission Sunday. PSR Mon., Oct. 13—PSR 7th Gr. Class meet Mon., Oct. 13—PSR 8th Gr. Confirmation class meet Mon., Oct. 20—PSR 7th Gr. Class meet Mon., Oct. 13—PSR 7th Gr. Class meet Mon., Oct. 13—PSR 8th Gr. Confirmation class meet Wed., Oct. 15—Eucharistic Adoration 8:30am–7:00pm Wed., Oct. 15—”Extreme Mercy II” 10-11am(PHMR) Wed., Oct. 15—PTO meet 7pm (PCCR) Thurs., Oct. 16—”Ready the Way of the Lord” 9:15—10:45am (PHMR) Mon., Oct. 20—PSR 7th Gr. Class meet Mon., Oct. 20—PSR 8th Gr. Confirmation Mon., Oct. 20—PSR 8th Gr. Confirmation class meet CHURCH MICE We teach children ages 3—6 about Jesus. We read stories, do crafts, sing songs and play games. We meet in the school kindergarten room during the 9:30am Mass. No registration necessary. STE. GENEVIEVE DU BOIS PARISH NEWS Deacons Say Thank You On behalf of the Diaconate Community of the Archdiocese I would like to express my sincere appreciation to you, the parishioners of Ste. Genevieve du Bois parish, for the generous contribution to the Deacon Formation Collection on the weekend of October 4-5. There are many wonderful men currently dedicating their time and energy to studying for the Permanent Diaconate. That road is long (five years) and at times quite tedious, yet they are committed to the process of discerning whether they are being called to a vocation as a deacon in service to the Lord. Your donation aids in alleviating some of the financial stress that comes from having to support such a substantive formation program. God planted the seed in the minds and hearts of these men. By your support you have now nurtured that seed. If you have not already given, please consider making a gift in the next few weeks. Thank you for your love and concern. Deacon Matt Witte St. Vincent de Paul Society will meet on Monday, October 20 at 4:00pm in the parish center conference room. These meetings are open to all parishioners and St. Vincent de Paul is always looking for new members. We would love to have your help. Please join us! EUCHARISTIC MINISTERS AND READERS FOR WEEKDAY & WEEKEND MASSES If you know of any dates you will not be available during the months of November and/or December please let us know by Friday, October 24. You can either call 9663780 or email Thank you. We welcome into the parish family through Baptism Kennedy Kathryn Schroeder, daughter of Michael and Shelly Schroeder. I There is a promise of marriage between Danielle Dell’Orco, daughter of Michael and Tina (Coleman) Dell’Orco—AND—Kyle Whitcher, son of Merle and Kris (Lehman) Whitcher. RESPECT LIFE APOSTOLATE Nudge – n. a gentle push The RLA will have its Annual Memorial Mass at the Cathedral Basilica of St. Louis on Saturday, January 17th at 10am. Make plans to join us in prayer for an end to abortion! A letter written by Sean O’Malley (continued) The Church’s antidote to an individualism which threatens the respect for human dignity is community and solidarity. Are we moved by the suffering of those without shelter? Do we seek to alleviate the fear, confusion and panic that women facing unexpected pregnancies may be experiencing? Do our hearts ache for elderly patients in nursing homes who feel abandoned and unwanted, having no one to visit them? Our mission is to show each person the love of Christ. As uniquely created individuals, we each have unique gifts which we are called to use to share Christ’s love. We are continually given opportunities to do so in our interactions with the cashier at the grocery store, our spouses, children, friends and even the people we encounter in traffic. Each of these moments is valuable beyond our realization. We may never know how much a simple gesture of compassion may affect someone’s life. As the 2014 Respect Life Program begins, let us take a moment to reflect on the theme, “Each of Us is a Masterpiece of God’s Creation,” and how this truth affects both our understanding of ourselves and others and the way we live. Pastoral and educational resources of the program can be found at Although we set aside October to particularly pray for respect for all human life, let us never cease this urgent work. I’m grateful to the many parishes and schools nationwide which participate in the program during October, Respect Life Month, and throughout the year. Love and justice must motivate each of us to work for a transformation of our own hearts so that we can transform the world around us. This is the message of Pope Francis. May the Risen Lord put the Gospel of joy in our hearts so that we may bear witness to the greatest love story ever told. STE. GENEVIEVE DU BOIS SCHOOL NEWS Mon., Oct. 13—HOT: LUNCH: Cheese pizza, Salad, Dessert Tues., Oct. 14—All-School Mass at 8:00am Wed., Oct. 15—HOT LUNCH: Chicken sandwich, Mashed potatoes, corn, Dessert Wed., Oct. 15—PTO meet 7:00pm (PCCR) Thurs., Oct. 16—Vision and Hearing Screening Thurs., Oct. 16—Rosary recitation in church at 8:30am Book Fair Family Barbeque! Tuesday, October 28th from 4‐8pm Dine In or Carry Out $8/per plate Each Plate Includes: Pulled Pork or Pulled Chicken Sandwich, Corn, Green Beans & Dessert Tickets can be purchased from any Ste. Gen Student or from Paulette in the Parish Center. Sponsored by Ste. Gen PTO/ Catered by Winfield Smokehouse Catering SCHOOL NEWS: Kid’s Eye View Apples, Apples Everywhere What a busy week we had in Kindergarten! After our first field trip to Eckert’s for apple picking, we celebrated Johnny Appleseed by making applesauce, hats and learning about the different kinds of delicious apples. Yum! I was so excited to meet my 6th grade Buddy! We attended our first Guardian Angel mass and sang a song together in the front of church. Afterwards, we had donuts and juice in the cafeteria. We have been learning so much in Kindergarten. I can’t wait to learn even more! Katherine Brown Kindergarten SPORTS NEWS COMMUNITY NEWS Bishop Emeritus Robert Hermann will inaugurate two Rosary projects in October, month dedicated to the Rosary. On Tuesday, October 7, the Bishop will offer the 12:05 Mass at the Cathedral Basilica on Lindell Boulevard to initiate the “Save the family“ Rosary Crusade that he inspired. This project is dedicated to restoring the practice of the Family Rosary to bring about the return of fallen-away Catholics to the practice of their Faith. A brochure explaining the Crusade and its implementation has been created and quantities are available to all parishes that request it. As the family is the basis of society and a domestic church, as stated by the Second Vatican Council, Bishop Hermann believes that evangelization must begin in the family for the welfare of society. On Monday, October 13, Bishop Hermann will offer Holy Mass at 12:30pm to inaugurate the Shrine to Our Lady of the Rosary at its temporary site located at 7762 Richardson Road, Bonne Terre, MO. The Rosary will be recited at noon and a chili supper will follow the Mass. Desserts are welcomed, but are not required. All area Catholics are invited to attend. Please bring a folding chair for the outdoor Mass. The Shrine property search has been ongoing for 10 years and has culminated in the Bonne Terre site. For more information call Mary at 314-562-5927. ATTENTION 8TH GRADE BOYS: CBC is accepting appointments for the Junior Cadet Shadowing Program. Shadowing allows a young man the opportunity to experience a day at CBC, while meeting current CBC students and teachers. This program is by reservation only. Please contact Mrs. Melissa Ryan at 314-985-6095 or to reserve your day in CBC’s Junior Cadet Shadowing Program. Aquinas Institute of Theology’s 20th Annual Great Preacher Award! 2014 Recipient: Bishop Emeritus Robert J. Shaheen Thursday, October 23, 2014, 7:00pm The Cedars Banquet Hall, 939 Lebanon Dr., 63104 For more information or to register please call Stacey Kreig at 314-256-8858 or 53rd Annual Sausage Festival at St. John’s Gildehaus Parish Center, Villa Ridge on Sunday, October 26. Adults $14.00 — Children under 12 $5.00 — Pre-school children FREE. Continuous Family Style Serving from 10:30am to 6:00pm. Drive-through Carry-outs available $14.00. Located on Hwy V between Union, MO and Hwy 100. Follow the markers. Hello to all couples, priests & religious who have ever made a Worldwide Marriage Encounter weekend. A 2014 Enrichment will be presented just for you on Saturday, November 8 at Blessed Teresa of Calcutta, Fr. Rosy Rosebrough’s parish. Begins with Mass at 4:30pm and closing prayer at 9:00pm. Simple pot luck and presentation as well (bring a meat dish or appetizer to share). RSVP by November 1 to Sam & Liz Cohen at 636-2569055 or by email at No strings attached beyond a free-will donation toward expenses. Mercy Hospital will present An Afternoon Program for Mothers and Daughters and two Father/Son: Boys Into Men Programs. The Mother/Daughter Program will be held on Sun., Nov. 16th (for 10-12 year old girls) from 1:00—4:00pm. The older girl’s program will return in the Spring, 2015. The Father/Son: Boys Into Men Programs will be held on Sun., Nov. 9th (for 11-12 year olds) from1:00— 4:00pm and Sun., Oct. 19th (for 13-17 year olds) also from 1:00—4:00pm. All programs will be held in the VonGontard Conference Center at Mercy Hospital, 621 S. New Ballas Rd., Creve Coeur, 63141. The cost, which includes refreshments mid afternoon, is $45 per family. Registration must be done online at For questions or information please call 314-991-0327. NOW HIRING CAREGIVERS If you are a wonderful and caring person who wants to help the elderly in your community. Call us! 314-631-1989 A. BEHRENS 821-0247 Compliments of John & Ann Ryan BOPP CHAPEL FUNERAL DIRECTORS Family Owned Since 1902 10610 Manchester Rd. 965-7680 314-821-2615 Plumbing Repairs • Bath Remodeling Sewer Cleaning 314-993-8000 HEATING • COOLING Leading Agents - Selling Your Neighborhood Joan Schnoebelen & Megan Schnoebelen Rowe 314-569-1177 ext 430 or 431 Ste. Genevieve du Bois parishioners JAMES W. RHEA, D.D.S. MICHAEL J. DOHERTY, D.D.S. ~ Complete Plumbing Service ~ 314-544-3800 / A Firm Commitment to Each Client Daniel J. McAuliffe Joseph D. McAuliffe Professional and Confidential Services Provided for Accounting, Tax, Financial Forensics, Fraud, Valuations and CFO Services (314) 822-4856 314-726-2090 Assisting Elder Clients to Remain Independent at Home Denise Huber & Eileen Hedrick, Co-Founders Since 1951 Repairs - Remodeling Sewer Service HAPPY PRO HANDYMAN 636-225-0992 Plumbing • Electrical • Drywall • Painting Tile • Flooring • General Handyman Work (314) 965-4350 FAMILY DENTISTRY New Patients Welcome (314) 961-3221 8824 Litzsinger Road Friendly, Fast and Guaranteed! ASK FOR PARISHIONER DISCOUNT 636-529-8200 Now Hiring! Fully Insured • Free Estimates St. Clement Parishioner 966-8206 34 North Gore Individual, Child, Family, and Marriage Counseling 9200 Watson Rd., G-101, St. Louis, MO 63126 CPA, CFE, CVA, MAFF, CMAP Andres Roofing 314-961-4800 Licensed - Insured - Bonded Steve Cordia STL Co Lic #5276 314-781-6241 John J. Placht, Diane Martin 314.822.3741 James Carlton Personal Counseling and Psychiatry THE MCAULIFFE LAW FIRM, LLP 314-965-3200 Private Upscale Catering Heating & Cooling Service Since 1904 CORDIA PLUMBING, INC. J.E. REDINGTON CO. SALES & SERVICE Allen and Sally Serfas, Parishioners George A. Behrens, Owner “Your Hometown Plumber Since 1929” Contracting Inc. - ASPHALT PAVING COMMERCIAL — INDUSTRIAL Do You Feel a Calling to Help Seniors in Need? Appliance Service, Inc. LERITZ PRUNING TRIMMING REMOVAL St. Agnes Home Mike Fontana “Home Away From Home” Assisted Living with a Continuum of Care Carmelite Sister, D.C.J. Over 75 years of Service Certified Arborist on Staff Fully Insured 965-4745 314-725-6159 MENTION THIS AD FOR A DISCOUNT 10341 Manchester @ Woodlawn 314-965-7616 Tim Graham Financial Advisor Dierbergs Warson Woods Center 9957 Manchester Rd Warson Woods, MO 63122 314-961-3841 11135 Manchester Road (Manchester at Geyer) Physical Therapy • Hand Therapy • Massage Therapy Ann Kammien, PT, CHT 314-822-4400 Rick’s Come Sail Away on a 7-night Catholic Exotic Cruise starting as low as $1045 per couple. Daily Mass and Rosary offered. Deposit of only $100 per person will reserve your cabin. Space is limited. Thanks and God Bless, an Official Travel Agency Brian or Sally, coordinators 860.399.1785 of AOS-USA Hardware Complete Home and Garden Center 11767 Manchester Road 314-966-6611 Baalmann Family Parishioners – FIELDER – ELECTRICAL SERVICES, INC. LICENSED • BONDED • INSURED 100, 200 & 400 AMP Service Upgrades • Remodeling • Room Additions • Basements • Kitchens Bathrooms • Code Violations • Knob & Tube Upgrades • Stand By Generator Systems $20.00 Off Any Electrical Work of $100 or more 314-966-3388 ✂ Please Cut Out This “Thank You Ad” Save on heating and air conditioning ZIPF-AIR INC. Kirkwood — 314.821.1200 and Present It The Next Time You Patronize One of Our Advertisers TREE & LAWN CARE EXPERTS SINCE 1880 $20 OFF Tree Pruning/Removal (314) 961-5440 ne Thin Dime Thank you for advertising in our church bulletin. I am patronizing your business because of it! Accessibility Improvements by Bemes Home Medical Installed by Off-Duty Firefighters Bath Safety • Lifts • Ramps Free Estimates: 636.343.1100 Providing quality and compassionate service to St. Louis families 740 North Mason Road Creve Coeur, Missouri 63141 248000 St Genevieve Du Bois Church 314.434.3933 Call or email to schedule a Private Tour. 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