Saints Peter & Paul Catholic Parish Parroquia Católica de San Pedro y San Pablo 720 N BAIRD ST GREEN BAY, WI 54302 Mass Times/Horario la Misa: Saturday 4:00pm Sunday 8:00am, 10:00am, 12:30pm Misa en Español Tuesday - Saturday 8:00am Confession/ Confesión SRA. DE SAN JUAN DE LOS LAGOS 1/2 hour prior to weekend masses First Fridays and Saturdays 7:30am 24 Hr. Perpetual Adoration: Code available with Red at office Chapel Scheduling, Tina @ 327-9231 Parish Office Hours/Horario de Oficina Parroquial M CLOSED, T-R 9:00-4:00 F CLOSED. Ministerio Hispano con cita. Parish Office: 435-7548 Faith Formation Office: 437-0651 Email: Fax: 432-1321 October 11 and 12, 2014 28th Sunday in Ordinary Time 11 y 12 de octubre 2014 28o Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario Remember, O most gracious Virgin Mary, that never was it known that anyone who fled to thy protection, implored thy help, or sought thine intercession was left unaided. Inspired by this confidence, I fly unto thee, O Virgin of virgins, my mother; to thee do I come, before thee I stand, sinful and sorrowful. O Mother of the Word Incarnate, despise not my petitions, but in thy mercy hear and answer me. Dear Family, I thought that this week you would enjoy a little information on what’s going on here at our church. Ss. Peter and Paul Parish is hosting the statue of Our Lady of San Juan de los Lagos (St. Juan of the Lakes) for the second year in a row! We are very excited and happy to host this miraculous statue here, and we encourage everyone to take advantage of the opportunity to visit the statue and pray with us, even for a few minutes. The Basilica of San Juan de los Lagos is the second most popular religious pilgrimage site in Mexico, with seven million visitors a year. The pilgrims are there to pay their respects to the Virgin; the statue of the Virgin is regarded as miraculous. During a religious feast day, you can hardly move in and around the church. The important feast days are February 2nd, most of May, the 15th of August, and the 8th of December, the feast days associated with Mary. The Virgin is generally referred to as the Virgin of San Juan de los Lagos, but is sometimes referred to by her native name, Cihuapilli, which means "Great Lady." The pilgrims come from all parts of Mexico. Organized groups will walk hundreds of miles to San Juan de los Lagos; large bicycle pilgrimages culminate in San Juan de los Lagos. But most modern pilgrims arrive by car or bus. Many pilgrims go the entire length of the church on their knees. History The statue of the Virgin dates from the early 1500s, and is believed to have been brought to the area by the early missionaries. The statue is made of sugar cane paste, light and easily molded. Statues of this kind were made in Michoacan, where this statue is believed to have been made. It is very small, only 38 cm (15 inches) tall. The first important miracle attributed to the Virgin dates to 1623. A family of acrobats came to town. Part of their act was to fly over a field of spear points, to impress the crowd. The seven year-old daughter slipped during their act, fell upon the spears, and immediately died. The local women brought the statue to the body, and prayed over it for four hours, until the child revived. This was not the first miracle attributed to the Virgin, and no one could count the miracles reported since then. The news of the miracle traveled far and wide, and the King of Spain granted permission for San Juan de Los Lagos to be officially established as a city. The original hermitage was primitive; the first real church dates from 1643. The second church was started in 1732, and finished in 1779, although the towers were not finished until later. There were a steady flow of gifts, which allowed the church to become more and more impressive. The church fell on hard times during the war of Mexican independence, which reduced the flow of pilgrims and gifts; some of the caretakers were laid off. But with the end of the war, the pilgrims and gifts returned. In 1904 the Pope granted permission for the crowning of the Virgin. The church was elevated to a minor Basilica in 1947, and to a Cathedral in 1972. Pope John Paul was himself a pilgrim to San Juan de los Lagos in 1990. The statue of the virgin was restored by sculptors in 2005. Exvotos Exvotos are a form of votive offering, given in thanks for a blessing from God. In the Mexican tradition, they are a mix of folk art, story, and thanks. In many cases, the exvoto is part of a promise that they made to the Virgin; if they received what they were praying for, they had promised that they would travel to San Juan de los Lagos and leave an exvoto. Exvotos are often extremely specific, giving the details, names, and dates for which the person wishes to give thanks. In some cases, there will be a long story written out. They can be as simple as a hand written note, or as elaborate as a piece of folk art framed behind glass. In many cases, they involve a photocopy of a diploma or transcript, or even a report card, showing successful completion of a course of study. Some exvotos are not great stories of triumph; they talk of prison, alcoholism, or leaving an abusive family situation. But these people are giving thanks in a very public way, even if it means airing the family's dirty laundry in public. Some of the exvotos are awards. In one case, a musician took the gold record that he received and put it in the church. There are many sports trophies on the wall at San Juan de Los Lagos. People will take a prestigious award, which they could display in their home or office, and offer it to the Virgin. One professional soccer player left his jersey and a note giving thanks for his career. So, there you go! A short, quick history of Our Lady of San Juan de los Lagos. A schedule of the events can be found on the glass doors at the top of the stairs near the elevator. Please join the hundreds of your brothers and sisters who will be joining us this weekend in prayer. May our earthly loves and the granting of our petitions serve to bring glory to God through His mother, and may He smile upon us in our need. Love, Red 2 PARISH BUSINESS, INFORMATION AND ANNOUNCEMENTS Parish Calendar Liturgical Roles: October 18 &19 Lectors 4:00 PM 8:00 AM 10:00 AM Servers 4:00 PM 8:00 AM 10:00 AM Monday, October 13th No Mass Lou Anne Roskowski Sharon Van Ooyen Tina Pallini Tuesday, October 14th 8:00 AM Mass Al and Laverne De Bauche Volunteers Needed Andrew G. and Volunteer Needed Conal D. and Stoa Family (2) Wednesday, October 15th 8:00 AM Mass Lawrence Jadin 6:30 PM First Religious Educa!on Class 7:00PM Rosary in church Eucharis!c Ministers 4:00 PM 8:00 AM 10:00AM Greeters 4:00 PM 8:00AM 10:00AM Millie Georgia and Dan De Bauche Jack and Linda Stone Steve and Cindy Parent and Barb Van Den Busch Thursday, October 16th 8:00 AM Mass Orpha Vincent Friday, October 17th 8:00 AM Mass Relph Vanden Avond Millie and Pat and Gerrie Bowers Jack and Linda Stone Bob and Be!y Dembrowski Saturday, October 18th 8:00 AM Mass Norman Georgia 4:00 PM Mass Larry Van Ess Stewardship of Sharing Budget YTD $118,034 October 4-5, 2014 Collected YTD $110,618 Short ($7,416) Readings for the Week of October 12, 2014 Sunday: Is 25:6-10a/Phil 4:12-14, 19-20/Mt 22:1-14 or 22:1-10 Monday: Gal 4:22-24, 26-27, 31--5:1/Lk 11:29-32 Tuesday: Gal 5:1-6/Lk 11:37-41 Wednesday: Gal 5:18-25/Lk 11:42-46 Thursday: Eph 1:1-10/Lk 11:47-54 Friday: Eph 1:11-14/Lk 12:1-7 Saturday: 2 Tm 4:10-17b/Lk 10:1-9 Lecturas para la semana del 12 de octubre de 2014 Domingo: Is 25, 6-10/Flp 4, 12-14. 19-20/Mt 22, 1-14 o 22, 1-10 Lunes: Gal 4, 22-24. 26-27. 31--5, 1/Lc 11, 29-32 Martes: Gal 5, 1-6/Lc 11, 37-41 Miércoles: Gal 5, 18-25/Lc 11, 42-46 Jueves: Ef 1, 1-10/Lc 11, 47-54 Viernes: Ef 1, 11-14/Lc 12, 1-7 Sábado: 2 Tim 4, 9-17/Lc 10, 1-9 Join the parish family before every Mass as we pray the Rosary for World Peace. Únete a la familia de la parroquia antes de cada Misa como rezamos el Rosario por la Paz Mundial. 3 Sunday, October 19th 8:00 AM Mass Mike Vincent 10:00 AM Mass Mary and Pat Petasek and Family A"er 10AM Mass First Confirma!on Class 12:30 PM SSPP Divine Mercy Holy Hour Last Sunday of the Month 3:00-4:00pm in the Church Marian Movement of Priests Prayer Cenacle First Thursday of the Month 6:30pm in the MTC PARISH TEAM Fr. Anthony Cirignani, OFM Margo Thorsen Claire “Red” Patz Norma Chavez Michael Lee Carlos Hernandez Roger Bader Mike Mancheski Debbie Lemmen Parish Trustees Don Patz Steve Parent Pastoral Council / Finance Council Joseph Uhyrek Dan Miller Pastor Parish Office Manager Parish Secretary Ministerio Hispano RE Facilitator RE Facilitator Director of Music Maintenance Maintenance Trustee Treasurer Trustee Secretary P.C. Chairperson F.C. Chairperson Harvest Gi!s Sacred Space Reminder The church is a place of prayer both private and public and, most importantly, sacred. We would like to remind those who like to socialize and visit before or after mass that this is offensive to some people who are looking for some quiet time of prayer. Community is important as a part of a faith family, so we welcome you to converse in the Father Schuh and Fatima Halls, or outside if weather permits. Thank you for your gracious cooperation! St. Thomas More 2014 Annual Giving Campaign is now underway. Please consider a gift to this Appeal to help St. Thomas More Catholic School continue to be the wonderful school that Come support a new Catholic youth center and bak- it is. STM serves a diverse urban population providing a Cathoery! From Above youth center needs your help to lic education for children from early education through eighth celebrate and support towards their upcoming open- grade. The struggle to meet expenses and remain viable is a ing! There is an All You Can Eat Pasta Dinner at Riv- constant. All donations to this Appeal go directly to St. Thomas ers Bend Steak and Seafood located at 792 Riverview More School Third Source Funding. If you are an alumnus of Dr. Your choice of Alfredo, marinara or savory meat St. Francis Xavier Cathedral, St. Mary of the Angels, Ss. Peter and Paul, St. John the Evangelist, or St. Willebrord Schools, are sauce with penne, spaghetti or fettuccini noodles. a parent, grandparent, or someone who believes in or benefitted There will also be a salad and dessert bar. from a Catholic education, we encourage a donation and thank Adults: $15 you. Ages 13 and under: $10 Please send your support directly to: STM Annual Appeal, 650 Ages 4 and under: Free S. Irwin Ave., Green Bay, WI 54301 Family of 6 or more: $60 (immediate family only) *please make checks out to Call 920-468-7075 or e-mail fromaboveyouthSt. Thomas More School Annual Appeal for reservations or more inSTM thanks you for your generous support and asks God to formation. bless you and your family. PASTA DINNER!!! Congratulations to Steve Parent, our newly elected Par- Felicitaciones a Steve Parent, nuestro recién elegido Parish Secretary-Trustee. The results of the election held Oct. roquia Secretario Fiduciario. Los resultados de la elección 4th and 5th were 299 votes for Steve Parent with 8 various celebrada 04 de octubre y 5 fueron 299 votos para Steve write-in candidates. We will keep these names on file for Parent con 8 diferentes candidatos de escritura-en. Vamos the future. :) Thank you for all who participated in the a mantener estos nombres en el archivo para el futuro. :) nomination and election process and especially to Steve Gracias a todos los que participaron en el proceso de nomParent for accepting the responsibilities and time commitinación y elección y en especial a Steve Parent para ment for this important position. -Fr. Tony aceptar las responsabilidades y compromiso de tiempo paFall Sacrament of Anointing of the Sick Service: ra esta importante posición que usted. -P. Tony Saturday, October 18th after the 8am morning Mass and after the 4pm Mass and Sunday, October 19th after all Masses. ***Remember– this sacrament is offered to those 65 years or older and those dealing with a physical illness only. We would also like to extend the availability of this sacrament to our homebound. Please call the parish office and give the name and address and phone number of the household requesting Fr. Tony to visit. Many of our elderly do not venture out during the winter months. If you would like us to send you a weekly bulletin from December-April, please call Red at the office on Tuesday, Wed, or Thursday from 10 to 4pm only. Otoño Sacramento de la Unción de los Enfermos Servicio: Sábado, 18 de octubre después de la misa de la mañana 08 a.m. y después de la Misa de 16:00 Domingo, 19 de octubre después de todas las misas *** Recuerde: este sacramento se le ofrece a las personas de 65 años o más y los que tratan de sólo una enfermedad física. También nos gustaría ampliar la disponibilidad de este sacramento en nuestro salir de su casa. Por favor llame a la oficina de la parroquia y el nombre y la dirección y el teléfono de la casa solicitando el P. Tony que visNEW Community Shelter Meal itar. Muchos de nuestros ancianos no se aventuran a cabo Saints Peter & Paul Parish serves a meal the 3rd Saturday durante los meses de invierno. Si usted quisiera que le enof every month at the NEW COMMUNITY SHELTER for víe un boletín semanal a partir de diciembre a abril, por those in need. Volunteers are needed to prepare and serve favor llame a Red en la oficina el martes, miércoles o juemeals. ves de 10 a 16:00 únicamente. Call Caroline at 468-1177. 4 Para la Communidad Hispana Queridos padres y niños Recuerde, comenzamos las primeras clases para rel. ed próximo miércoles 15 de octubre. A todos nos reuniremos en la iglesia como el año pasado para la oración a las 6:30 pm. Las clases comienzan 19:00-20:00 todos los miércoles. Esta es la última semana para enrollement abierto para este año. Gracias y espero verlos a todos ustedes la próxima semana para la oración y clases. paz P. Tony Curso de Planificación Natural de la Familia ¿Alguna vez has pensado en lo que los métodos de control de natalidad realmente a tu cuerpo? Para su matrimonio? La Liga de Pareja a Pareja "ene las respuestas y más. Asis"r a un curso corto y aprender un método natural de planificación familiar que sea seguro, eficaz y moralmente aceptable. Para más información e inscripciones en línea: o llame Cindy S"llwell al 920-457-0332. Intenciones En La Misa: Si desea pedir por una Misa para una intención especial, puede ponerse en contacto con la Oficina de la Parroquia una semana antes. El estipendio para la Misa es $10.00. Registro de Educación Religiosa está abierto para la inscripción. Sólo se aceptarán las primeras 100 niños este año. Los formularios de inscripción se pueden encontrar en el mostrador cerca del ascensor. Después de llenarlos, puede dejarlos *con el cargo* a Sra. Margo o Srta. Red en la oficina parroquial los martes a viernes; 9am a 4pm. Esperamos a registrar todos los niños antes de la primera clase (de los miércoles por la noche; 6: 30-8pm) 15 de octubre. Los formularios de inscripción están disponibles en la oficina parroquial. Oportunidad de carrera: Una Oración por Mi Parroquia Los Caballeros de Colón está buscando un agente de campo para una oportunidad de empleo que representa su programa de seguros. Ofrecen un paquete de beneficios completo con esta posición de tiempo completo. Para calificar, una vez debe ser elegible para ser miembro de los Caballeros de Colón. Para obtener más información, póngase en contacto con Joseph M. Molosky, FICF, Agente General, en 715-330-5178 o Dios amoroso, te pedimos que envíes tu Espíritu Santo sobre esta parroquia para que nos llene de amor. Haznos instrumentos de tu amor para todos los que encontramos en la casa, en el trabajo, en nuestro vecindario, y en nuestra comunidad parroquial. Obrar por medio de nosotros para que podamos llevare Tu verdada aquellos que están buscándote. Ayúdanos a crecer en gratitud para que podamos reconocerte y darte gracias por todas las cosas buenas que nos haz dado. Incúlcanos un profundo sentido de generosidad para que estamos dispuestos a compartir nuestros dones, nuestros talentos, nuestro tiempo y nuestra recursos económicos. Profundiza nuestro deseo de seguir Tu voluntad y de Hacerlo todo por Tu honor y gloria. Te lo pedimos por Jesucristo, Nuestro Señor y Salvador. Amen Bautizos Platicas Pre bautismal: El segundo martes de cada mes hay preparación para bautismo a las 5:30pm. Los requisitos: La cosa primera es que deben asistir las clases de preparación. Después de tener el comprobante de asistir, favor de pasar al la Oficina del Centro de Madre Teresa los miércoles o jueves para confirmar la fecha elegida. Traer el comprobante de plática, acta de nacimiento. Para información llamen al (920) 435 – 7548. antes. El estipendio para la Misa es $10.00. 5 (920) 498-8600 Libertas Treatment Center 1701 Dousman Street Green Bay, WI 54303-3282 CLIFF YOUNG Electrical Contractors LLC RESIDENTIAL, COMMERCIAL & INDUSTRIAL Ken Young - Owner 469-0111 Parish Member Alcohol/Drug Abuse Treatment for Teens & Adults JOSEPH H. PEOT Painting * Wallpapering Contracting 920-435-0455 ROLA-RENA JAUQUET Roller Skating Rink 731 Morris Ave., Green Bay, WI LUMBER CO., INC. 494-6152 Quality Building Material Mary and John Dollar 1613 Main St. 468-6651 Riverside Ballroom 920-432-5518 1560 Main Street, Green Bay, WI 54302 Ken Kristi & Kenny Tedford 435-2287 1751 University Ave., Green Bay, WI 920-965-0233 DEDE RIFE GRI, SRES - REALTOR® Dr. Nicole Gardner 1476 University Ave. Each office independently owned and operated Dan Malcore Parish Member 2270 Holmgren Way • Green Bay, WI 54304 (920) 593-4132 Office • (877) 202-8918 Toll Free (920) 593-4179 Fax • (920) 655-0359 Mobile • Religious Supply Established in 1963 1482 Main Street Green Bay, WI 54302 Phone 920-432-2758 800-242-2700 Fax 920-432-2759 Compliments Of RJ Jacques Inc. Complete Car Service • Towing Jeff Woelz - Owner 1372 East Mason At Baird Green Bay, WI 437-7656 701 North Baird Street Green Bay 432-5579 JEFF’S AUTOMOTIVE SERVICE JEFFERY J. 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Install It! Clean It! Repair It! 2674 N. Packerland Drive (920) 494-2709 ONE FREE CLEANING OF YOUR NEW CARPET PURCHASE WILLOW CREEK LANES Senior Citizen “Fun” Leagues Monday - Friday Daytime Children’s Birthday Packages Super Cosmic Friday & Saturday Nights 2020 Verlin 465-0966 BLINDAUER’S Sheet Metal – Roofing 1860 University Ave. Green Bay, WI Jim Manders, President Your trusted name in hardware since 1928! Heating, Air Conditioning Ventilation & Air Quality Control 1949 E. Mason St., Green Bay 1396 Plane Site Boulevard, De Pere 920-336-5551 920-432-4845 Santa Maria Nursing Home Kroll’s East Serving The Community For 30 Years Occupational, Physical & Speech Therapy Homelike Atmosphere • Dining Room • Chapel Mike Blindauer – Dean Englebert 1227 S. Broadway 437-1332 1658 Main Street WE CARE 432-5231 468-4422 Family Owned & Operated 430 S. Clay St. • 3 Blocks North Of St. Vincent Hospital Allouez Catholic Cemetery & Chapel Mausoleum Save thousands and give your family peace of mind by pre-planning. BORNEMANN Nursing Homes, Inc. Contact Dennis Thompson to place an ad today! or (800) 950-9952 x2470 2121 Riverside Drive (920)432-7585 FOR AD INFO CALL DENNIS THOMPSON 1-800-950-9952 WWW.4LPi.COM Skilled Nursing Facility 20 Bed CBRF South & 20 Bed CBRF North 226 Bornemann St. 920-468-8675 ST. PETER & PAUL, GREEN BAY, WI A 4C 01-0078 09-26-2011 16:06:29
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