St. Francis of Assisi Parish October 12, 2014 • 28th Sunday in Ordinary Time ...................................................................................... I From the Pastor’s Desk cannot say enough for the way in which we, as a parish community, celebrated last week’s Feast of St. Francis. On Friday morning, the 300+ children of our school, with their parents and their pets (of all shapes and sizes, some living and some stuffed, and some simply photographs) were blessed. That evening, many parishioners and friends gathered for a wonderful and prayerful celebraon of the Transitus of St. Francis, led by Bro. Mark, our friary Guardian. Many others brought all kinds, shapes, and sizes of pets to be blessed on the Church steps last Saturday a ernoon. Then came the prayerful and well-celebrated weekend feast liturgies. Topping the weekend was the incredible parish picnic at Su er’s Fort Park. The largest number ever—of all ages, gathered to enjoy great food, weather, games, and each other. It was a great three days, with many hands to make these days of celebra ons come alive! No one was obligated to be there for any of these ac vi es, either as a helper or as a par cipant. And yet, there you all were—good people aware of who we are as a community of faith, who share a commitment to and an awareness of God’s covenant with each of us to proclaim God’s presence and grace working in our lives. God entered into a covenant with the Israelites of the Old Testament, promising to lead them to new life if they listened and responded to those called to lead them to the Promised Land. It was not always an easy journey, but they were willing, and they reached their des na on together, as a community of faith in the God who called them as a people. Next weekend, we will have our annual parish Covenant of Sharing appeal. This appeal asks of us a willingness to WEEKEND MASSES Saturday Vigil 5:15pm Sunday 7:30am, 9:30am, Noon WEEKDAY MASSES (in St. Clare Chapel) 12:10pm listen, for God may be calling us to something new—or maybe to con nue in something we have been doing with and for our parish community. This week, let us consider how we can help one another in the journey of faith that we share in common. Let us ask ourselves, “How can I contribute something of my me and talent to our Sunday worship, our outreach to the poor and marginalized, our programs of evangeliza on to announce the Good News of God’s love to others, our social and communal gatherings that bring us together to celebrate who we are as a parish with one another and with our friends? How can I in some way assist in the care of our parish buildings and ground, and in the governance of the parish? I invite you to consider how you may give back to our parish community in gra tude for what others have provided for you and, more importantly, for what God has provided through his promise of love in his covenant with us. This year we are not focusing on financial support, but I would like to thank those of you who are giving regularly to St. Francis. And I would like to ask those of you who are not yet giving regularly to St. Francis, and are able, to consider joining with your sisters and brothers who give each week, or monthly—by signing up for personalized offering envelopes, or automa c bank withdrawal (direct deposit), or credit card withdrawal. You may use the form in this weekend’s bulle n, or use the card that will be provided next weeknd. We are all called to do our part—including the friars, who budget for and contribute to St. Francis each month. This weekend (or next), the annual parish report will be distributed a er all the Masses. The informa on in the report will give you a glimpse of the many ministries of our parish and the resources it takes to make these ministries happen— to make our parish an evangelizing community proclaiming God’s peace and love in the Franciscan Tradi on. Un l next week…May the Lord Give You Peace…kjl RECONCILIATION Saturdays 4:00-5:00pm or by appointment CHURCH HOURS M-Th 9:00am-3:00pm Fri 9:00am-1:30pm YĔĚė FĎēĆēĈĎĆđ SĚĕĕĔėę YĔĚ’ėĊ IēěĎęĊĉ Remembrance ‘Mums Regular Giving (Offertory) Order yours this weekend! (Includes direct deposit and online donaƟons) September 28 N $7,624 Year-to-date (7/1/2014-10/1/2014) Last year $ Change % Change ovember is a me to remember our deceased loved ones. Again this year, we are offering Remembrance Mums for $20.00. You designate the person(s) to be honored. The flowers will decorate the church throughout November. $155,613 144,825 10,788 7.5% Designated Donations You may order the flowers at the table located inside the front doors of the church a er all Masses this weekend and the following two weekends. More informa on available at the table. (Includes direct deposit and online donaƟons) Building Fund (includes ONE Campaign 25% share) Dona ons to date (7/1/2014-10/1/2014) $25,581 Last year 13,152 $ Change 12,429 % Change 94.5% Step Ministry Dona ons to date (7/1/2014-10/1/2014) Last year $ Change % Change Francis House (October 2014) COME BE A PART OF OUR SUCCESS! We need your participation! $10,107 9,169 938 10.2% MARDI GRAS GALA January 31, 2015 5:00 – 10:00pm Red Lyon Hotel Woodlake Conference Center $1,369 Y ou can contribute to the ongoing success of this important fund raiser in several ways: by a ending, sponsoring a table, contribu ng an auc on or raffle item, or making a dona on. Help us to spread the word to make this the most successful Mardi Gras Gala ever! Come join the fun and be a part of suppor ng our Parish. Proceeds benefit our Step Ministry, our outreach program to our homeless brothers and sisters, as well as other parish programs. Thank you for sharing so generously! PėĆĞĊė RĊĖĚĊĘęĘ Tickets: $55 per person un l December 1 Pray for Our Brothers and Sisters $60 per person a er December 1 Who Are Ill or in Pain Reserved seating: for tables of 10 (get your friends together and reserve a table for 10!) Skip Bacon MARDI GRAS GALA FEATURES: Who Have Been Called to Eternal Life Delicious dinner, live music, DJ, dancing, raffle, silent and live auc on. May they rest in peace Hot Auction and Rafϐle Items: Mass Intentions for this Week Oct. 12 Sun. 7:30am 9:30am Oct. 13 Mon. 12:10pm Oct. 15 Wed. 12:10pm Vaca on homes, trips, fine wines, sports and recrea on ac vi es, cultural ac vi es, theatre ckets, and some big surprises! Pro Benefa for benefactors Pro Populo for parishioners Leonard Kreizenbeck Rose Cunningham T WĊđĈĔĒĊ NĊĜ PĆėĎĘčĎĔēĊėĘ o request that your loved one be added to our prayer request list, please contact Galen Unruh, Director of Outreach (443-8084 x114 or GalenU@ s To request a Mass Inten on, please contact SJeanay Willis Bolden, Parish Secretary (443-8084 or SJeanayB@s Yolanda Peaks Rudy and Jenny Rodriguez and sons Anthony, Rudy Jr., and Vincent and daughter Janessa 2 Chiara Teruel YĔĚ’ėĊ IēěĎęĊĉ Beyond Assisi: Prayerful Places Young Adult Ministry (and faces) of Early Franciscan Life Thursday, October 14 7:00-8:30pm Parish Center Chapel Wednesday, October 22 7:00pm Brunsman Hall I f you are in your 20s or 30s and would like to share your faith journey with other young adults, then you are invited to check out the newly-formed St. Francis Young Adult Ministry group. There is no commitment—just a end the mee ngs and go from there. We hope you will plan to be there. If you would like more informa on please contact Patrice Clemons (YoungAdults@s or Galen (GalenU@s or 443-8084 x114). J oin Lisa and David Ellio as they share sites and stories of the earliest followers of St. Francis of Assisi. Where did these women and men live and work and pray? Where did they—and Francis—go for solitude and healing? We’ll be sharing images and words from our 2013 journey into lesserknown but vital places and lives of vision, inspira on, and profound perseverance. Guided by the acclaimed Franciscan Pilgrimage Programs, the journey offered an unusual depth of encounter with professed Franciscans and “ordinary saints,” lay men and women whose flames of love transformed Franciscan spirituality to this day. Light refreshments and beverages provided. This event is free of charge. For more informa on: franspiritdirec ons@ Sponsored by St. Francis Adult Faith Forma on. Restorative Justice: A Path to Dignity Thursday, October 30 7:00pm Brunsman Hall Annual Women’s Retreat “Retreat, Reϐlect, Renew” F Saturday, November 15 11:00am-4:45pm Brunsman Hall (10:30-11:00am registra on and hospitality) ranciscan Pathways of Jus ce is con nuing its series of evening forums on issues related to Catholic social teaching. Please join us on October 30 for a presenta on on restora ve jus ce. Hear how restora ve jus ce emphasizes vic m assistance and rehabilita on and treatment programs that are effec ve alterna ves to long and dispropor onate sentencing and high rates of incarcera on. “Through silence, music, prayer, reflection handouts and sharing, we will experience different types of prayer, and reflect on which ways we are being called to a more personal, intimate and loving relationship with God.” Rich Fowler of the Diocese of Sacramento will explore how this approach can reduce crime, improve educa on, provide healing for vic ms, and transform the lives of the offenders. Speakers will also discuss the Loaves and Fishes jail visita on program, as well as Proposi on 47, which the California Conference of Bishops has unanimously endorsed, sta ng: C hris ne Jurisich is an experienced retreat facilitator who understands the importance and challenge of integra ng faith and prayer into the present moment. She worked for 10 years facilita ng retreats for the na onal spiritual growth ministry, Ministry of Mothers Sharing. Working closely with the Sisters of St. Benedict in Minnesota to develop a na onal retreat series, she became inspired by Benedic ne spirituality. Eight years ago, she created a retreat series, “Retreat, Reflect, Renew,” which became the inspira on for her book of the same tle. She now facilitates retreats on the book’s concepts at Mercy Center Auburn. “We will not tolerate the crime and violence that threatens the lives and dignity of our brothers and sisters, and we will not give up on those who have lost their way. We seek both jusƟce and mercy. Working together, we believe our faith calls each of us to protect public safety, promote the common good, and restore community.” In response to the Bishops’ call, you have the opportunity to join fellow parishioners any Wednesday evening, phoning voters in support of Prop. 47. If you can assist, or would like more informa on, please call Galen (443-8084 x114) or email Betsy Reifsnider ( Look for flyers with registra on forms, or go to our website to register, and join us for an a ernoon of retreat, reflec on and renewal—with Chris ne, and with the many wonderful women of our parish. Be sure to bring a friend! 3 OĚė CĔěĊēĆēę Ĕċ SčĆėĎēČ 2014: CĔĒĒĎęĒĊēę WĊĊĐĊēĉ F or the past several years, on one weekend in the Fall, we have invited you to par cipate in the life of our parish, to make a commitment to suppor ng what we all cherish: our parish community. This year’s Commitment Weekend will be on October 18/19. The informa on below will be on the card that you will be asked to fill out. Your par cipa on in parish ministries, and your financial support, make possible all that we do and are at St. Francis. Thank you! Name(s): ______________________________________ Address: ___________________________________________ Phone: c ( ) __________ h ( ) ___________ w ( ) __________ Email: _________________________________ SERVICE 1. Parish Ministries: I/ we plan to ĈĔēęĎēĚĊ serving in parish ministry (indicate below the ministries in which you currently serve). Please ĈĔēęĆĈę ĒĊ/ ĚĘ about serving in the following ministries: Liturgy Sacramental Prep Faith Formation For Those in Need Altar Linens (wash/iron) Eucharistic Bread Bakers Eucharistic Ministers Lectors Music Ministry Sacred Movement (dance) Adult Confirmation CIC/ RCIA Companion CIC Infant Baptism RCIA Adult Faith Formation Children’s Classes Library Nursery Youth Ministry (Teens) Ministries of Care Church Tour Docent Leadership Bereavement Ministry Sound and Light Ministries of Welcome 50+ Ministry LGBT Ministry Peace and Justice Communion Visitation Young Adults Ushers/ Greeters Sunday Hospitality Funeral Planning Welcome Team Healing Prayer (e-mail) Parish Council Breakfast Ministry Family Service (FOAM) Loaves and Fishes Team Step Ministry Buildings & Grounds Church Cleaning Ministry Gardening Ministry Other Outreach 2. Expertise/ skills I will share: ___________________________________________________________________________ 3. Special Events (Retreats,Welcome Brunches, Receptions, Parish Picnic, Mardi Gras Gala, etc.) I will help with: Planning Publicity Photography/videography Set up/ clean up Potluck (bringi a dish to share) Welcoming FINANCIAL SUPPORT 1. What I/ we will give this year to St. Francis: $ __________/ week OR $ __________/ month 2. How I/ we will give this year to St. Francis: I/we will CONTINUE my/our current method of donation. I/we would like to receive OFFERING ENVELOPES. I/we would like to sign up for DIRECT DEPOSIT: Transfer $ __________ from my checking account When Weekly (Fridays) 5th day of the month 20th day of the month Bank Name___________________ Bank Transit #____________________ Bank Account #____________________ Signature: ___________________________________ (required for automatic payment) I/we would like to sign up for recurring CREDIT CARD donations: Charge $__________ to my: Visa MasterCard Discover Card How often: [ ] Weekly [ ] Monthly Card #_________________________________Expiration Date ___/___ CSV # (3-digit # on the back of your card): ______ Signature: __________________________________________________ (required for automatic payment) (All financial information is strictly confidential and for parish use only.) OĚė CĔěĊēĆēę Ĕċ SčĆėĎēČ 2014: LĔěĎēČ GĔĉ, LĔěĎēČ EĆĈč OęčĊė O ur Covenant of Sharing is a way of living out the Va can 2 invita on offered to each one of us to think about, name, and share the gi s God has given us. Covenant of Thank You! Sharing hank you to everyone who brought food to share, T loaned your pop-up tents, provided trucks for moving tables, donated prizes for games, and pitched in with set up, clean up, games and other ac vies—and to those of you who gave monetary dona ons. Each of you helped to make our Parish Fes val and Picnic a truly fes ve community event! We couldn’t have done it without you! We share one bap smal dignity—every person is holy, every act of love is holy, and every service a gracefilled act when done in love—here in our church buildings, and beyond. Each service, each ac on, is part of the one apostolate. As Jesus sent the apostles, so we send and support one another in service. A special thank you to the picnic planning team: Anny Beeson, who stepped up to lead the team for the first me, Fran Anderson, Traci Bean, Tami GuƟerrez, John and Margaret Healey, Richard Hernandez, and Galen Unruh—and to those groups and individuals who took responsibility for ac vi es: our Jr. High group for face-pain ng, our Teens for designing the popular St. Francis T-Shirts and dona ng two as “passport” prizes; Library Coordinator Pat Pavone for the book sale; Sandy for her balloon crea ons; Felipe Valverde and the usher team for bingo; Bro. Mark for Franciscan Jeopardy; our Welcome Team for welcoming everyone; Samara Palko for organizing the e-waste drive; Starbucks (26th and J) for dona ng the coffee, and Irene Turner for obtaining “passport” prizes— gi cer ficates from Mel’s, McGee’s Old Time Photo, Talini’s Nursery, Leatherby’s, and the Catholic Bookstore. God calls us to put our love into ac on. Because we have been loved, we are impelled to pass that on. This is a right and a duty—and a privilege. In our homes, our work, our families, our parish, we are light to the world, leaven in the world, building the reign of God. Each ministry, whether a one- me or an ongoing commitment, is essen al. As you visit the sick, as you serve breakfast or coffee or Communion—you love, you build the reign of God, you make visible the face of God. Thank you for par cipa ng this year in our Covenant of Sharing. Next weekend, you will have the opportunity to indicate how you would like to serve at St. Francis this year. Whatever gi s and level of commitment you are able to share—there is something for you to do! We invite you to learn more about our ministries by going to our website and checking out our Parish Guide. Or talk to members of our Parish Council, other volunteers, or our parish staff, about ways to par cipate. A NĊĜ OĕęĎĔē DĚėĎēČ CĔĒĒĚēĎĔē B ishop Soto has approved Fr. Ken’s request, on a trial basis, to offer mustum at Communion me for those unable to consume alcohol. This will be a new prac ce in the Diocese of Sacramento. Mustum is grape juice that contains no addi ves, and in which the fermenta on process has been suspended. It is available from only two sources in the United States. We will begin offering mustum on the weekend of October 25 and 26. If you wish to receive the Blood of Christ in the form of mustum, please let Fr. Ken know. Because it is being offered on a trial basis, we need to keep count of how many people ask for this op on, and we also need to know so that we can prepare enough for all those who wish to receive in this way. The Blessed Sacrament in the form of mustum will be offered in one cup next to the minister serving the low-gluten hosts at the foot of the pillar just inside the K St. transept. As with the minister offering the low-gluten hosts, this minister can be iden fied by a nametag, “Mustum.” A volunteer ar st (Picnic Face Pain ng) It is also important for all Catholics to understand “that the Catholic faith teaches that Christ, whole and en re, and the true Sacrament, is received even under only one species” (General InstrucƟon of the Roman Missal 282; cf Catechism of the Catholic Church, 1390). Volunteer cooks (Picnic BBQ) 5 OēČĔĎēČ: Ađđ AėĊ WĊđĈĔĒĊ MĔėĊ IēċĔėĒĆęĎĔē Children’s Liturgy of the Word (CLOW) Sundays during the Liturgy of the Word at our 9:30am Mass, children K-4th grade are escorted from the church to the Parish Center Chapel by an adult catechist for CLOW. No registra on required. Parents may accompany their children. White Mass Saturday, October 18 A special Mass for doctors, nurses and other care-givers will be celebrated at 5:00pm at the Cathedral. Bishop Myron Co a will celebrate. Special prayers for health care workers and a solemn blessing will be given. All those in the medical profession are urged to a end. Doctors are encouraged to wear their white lab coats. More info: Diocesan Office of Worship (733-0221). Church Tours 4th Sundays a er Noon Mass. Contemplative Prayer Mondays, 6:00pm in the Parish Center Chapel. Tuesdays a er 12:10pm Mass in St. Clare Chapel. Marriage and the Mystery of God November 4, 13, and 20: The Diocese of Sacramento is offering a three-class series that will explore the depths of marriage as God designed it, unlock the profound nature of marriage as a Sacrament, and provide prac cal ways for marriages not just to survive but flourish. Taught by John Hamlon, MA, from 6:30 – 8:30pm in Sacramento. $25 for the series. For more info on loca ons and to register, go to www. Gospel Series Sundays, 11:00-11:45am in the Parish Center. Reflec on and medita on on the gospel. Sponsored by the Peace & Jusce Commi ee. More info: Mary Myrick (536-9753). Healing Prayer Healing Prayer ministers are available to pray for you or your loved ones through God’s goodness and grace in simple prayer. Email your prayer pe ons to healingprayer@s, or call the parish office (443-8084). Jesuit High School Open House Sunday October 19: 12:00-3:00pm. To register: High School Youth Ministry High School Youth Ministry meets the 1st and 3rd Thursdays of the month from 6:00-8:00pm in the Parish Center. Light dinner provided. Don’t forget to bring a friend! Fall at San Damiano Retreat October 24-26: “Interfaith Spirituality Retreat: An Experiment in Theory and Prac ce,” with Fr. Thomas P. Bonacci, CP. November 21-23: Grief Retreat with Fr. Padraig Greene Give yourself (or a loved one) the holiday gi of a weekend away with your grief in the presence of people who understand, as you cherish the memories through prayer, wri ng, reflec on, music and ritual. For more informa on or to register: www.sandamiano. org or (925) 837-9141. San Damiano Retreat is a ministry of our Franciscan Friars. Hospitality Sundays a er 9:30am Mass join us for coffee and donuts in Brunsman Hall. Library Hours Thursdays, Noon-2:00pm and 1st and 3rd Sundays, 8:30-11:30am in the Parish Center. Little Lambs (Nursery) Program Sundays: Child care (staffed by an adult and teen helpers) for children ages 1-3 during 9:30 am Mass in the room opposite the cafeteria on the first floor of St. Francis Elementary School on the Sundays when Faith Forma on classes are in session. Registra on is on-site. WĊĊĐđĞ RĊĆĉĎēČĘ Monday: Gal 4:22-24, 26-27, 31 — 5:1; Ps 113:1b-5a, 6-7; Lk 11:29-32 Tuesday: Gal 5:1-6; Ps 119:41, 43-45, 47-48; Lk 11:37-41 Wednesday: Gal 5:18-25; Ps 1:1-4, 6; Lk 11:42-46 Thursday: Eph 1:1-10; Ps 98:1-6; Lk 11:47-54 Friday: Eph 1:11-14; Ps 33:1-2, 4-5, 12-13; Lk 12:1-7 Saturday: 2 Tm 4:10-17b; Ps 145:10-13, 17-18; Lk 10:1-9 Sunday: Is 45:1, 4-6; Ps 96:1, 3-5, 7-10; 1 Thes 1:1-5b; Mt 22:15-21 Prayer Service Mondays: Led by our school children at 8:10am in the church (when school is in session). All are welcome! Taizé Prayer Wednesdays: 6:00-7:00pm, in the church. T’ai Chi Chih Saturdays: 9:05am in St. Clare Chapel or, weather permi ng, in the park across from the church. Wednesdays, 6:00pm in the church (during Taizé Prayer). Hearing Devices Available Thomas Merton Circle Meets bi-monthly. Refreshments provided. More info: John (482-6976). 6 Personal hearing devices are available to assist those attending liturgies at St. Francis. If you would like to use one, please ask an usher for assistance. PĆėĎĘč IēċĔėĒĆęĎĔē St. Francis Parish Center Ofϐices: 1066 26th Street, Sacramento, CA 95816 • Phone: 916.443.8084 Fax: 916.443.7356 • Website: • Ofϐice Hours: MON-FRI, 9AM-5PM St. Francis Elementary School: 2500 K Street, Sacramento, CA 95816 • Phone: 916.442.5494 Website: • Ofϐice Hours: MON–THUR, 8AM–4PM and FRI, 8AM-2PM (during the School Year) Pastor Associate Pastor Principal Pastoral Associate Director of Liturgy Director of Faith Formation Director of Outreach Administrative Associate Plant Manager Ofϐice Assistant Parish Secretary Bookkeeper Communion Visitation Ministry Coordinator Infant Baptism Coordinator Library Coordinator Membership Coordinator Parish Council Chair Wedding Coordinator Young Adults Ministry Coordinator Youth Ministry Coordinator In Residence at the Friary: Ken Laverone OFM Sebas an Sandoval, OFM Ivan Hrga Peggy Chambers, OMC Deborah Jones Skip Bacon Galen Unruh Fran Anderson Joe Prassa Pamela Caballero SJeanay Willis Bolden Jacquie Embs Peggy Briggs Carol Spinella Pat Pavone Christelle Cobian Michelle Hernandez-Flores Mary Brown Patrice Clemons Traci Bean Kjlofm@s x115 Sebas anS@s x111 Principal@s 916-442-5494 PeggyC@s x103 DeborahJ@s x110 SkipB@s x112 GalenU@s x114 x102 JoeP@s x107 PamelaC@s x105 SJeanayB@s JEmbs@s x104 SFCommunion Visita InfantBap sm@s x302 Library@s Membership@s x101 ParishCouncil@s Wedding@s x113 YoungAdults@s Ray Bucher, OFM • Ken Laverone, OFM • Sebas an Sandoval, OFM Mark Schroeder, OFM • John Summers, OFM RĊČĎĘęĊė ĆĘ Ć MĊĒćĊė Ĕċ OĚė PĆėĎĘč • UĕĉĆęĊ CĔēęĆĈę IēċĔėĒĆęĎĔē NĆĒĊ 1: NĆĒĊ 2: (Last Name, First Name) (Last Name, First Name) AĉĉėĊĘĘ: (Street Address) HĔĒĊ PčĔēĊ: ( CĊđđ PčĔēĊ: ( (City, State) WĔėĐ PčĔēĊ: ( ) [ ] 7:30 ) E-MĆĎđ: ) MĆĘĘ ĞĔĚ ĆęęĊēĉ: [ ] 5:15 (Zip Code) CčĎđĉėĊē’Ę NĆĒĊĘ [ ] 9:30 M/F DĆęĊ Ĕċ BĎėęč [ ] Noon PđĊĆĘĊ place this form in the collec on basket or • Mail it: 1066 26th St., Sacramento CA 95816 • Fax it: 916-443-7356 or • Register online: www.s Please use this form to let us know if your informa on has changed. Thanks! GėĆĉĊ G ILBERT CPA. COM HARRY A. NAUMAN & SON L AN D PARK F U N E RAL C HAPE L Income Tax: Personal, Business, Estates & Trusts 452-6157 Thomas M. Gilbert, MBA, CPA Edward E. Straine, CPA 4041 FREEPORT BLVD., SACRAMENTO Pre-Need Arrangement Plans Available Lic. #FD366 Tel: 916.646.6464 LOWER YOUR MORTGAGE PAYMENT TODAY! 916-453-7533 CALL NOW! BRE# 01399278 NMLS# 5097 Kristy Dwyer 916-761-8585 • $100 OFF Services UPTON AIR INC. Laura Jensen Siddique Financial and Insurance Services CA Ins. Lic. # 0781962 Air Conditioning • Heating Licensed Agent 3325 J Street, Sacramento, CA 95816 Tel. 916 457-6747 Fax 916 457-2506 Se habla Español Residential • Commercial 916-721-0262 New York Life Insurance Company CA Lic #448329 Mercy McMahon Terrace Assisted Living At It’s Best 3865 J Street Sacramento 916-733-6510 RCFE #340312763 E S PA Ñ O L ALG —Since 1923— ITALIAN Banquets Available Wheelchairs Body Braces Compression Socks Bath Safety Incontinence Supplies & More 1500 W. 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NELSON Owner - Pharmacist (916) 442-5891 FAX (916) 442-4432 PROTECTING SENIORS NATIONWIDE PUSH TALK ........... 24/7 HELP Mexican Food ........... $19.95*/Mo. + 1 FREE MONTH After Church Enjoy our Breakfast, Lunch or Dinner ➢ No Long-Term Contracts ➢ Price Guarantee ➢ A+ Rating with BBB Open 7 Days a Week TOLL FREE: 1-877-801-8608 2416 K Street Sacramento *First Three Months (916) 443-6919 Come Sail Away on a 7-night Catholic Exotic Cruise. Prices begin at $1045 per couple which includes all port fees and taxes. Daily Mass and Rosary offered. Deposit of only $100 per person will reserve your cabin. Space is limited. Thanks and God Bless, Brian or Sally, coordinators 860.399.1785 238350 St Francis of Assisi Church an Official Travel Agency of AOS-USA For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-231-0805
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