Our Lady of Victory & St. John Vianney Parishes Ministering to the people of West Haven, Connecticut “Let us then pursue what leads to peace and to build up one another (Romans 14:19).” October 12, 2014—Twenty-Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time Office for the Parishes (Our Lady of Victory Rectory) Phone: 203-934-6357 or 203-934-6000 Fax: 203-932-3315 E-Mail: olovrectory@yahoo.com Website: www.olov.org Office of Religious Education Phone: 203-933-0044 E-Mail: olovore@sbcglobal.net Our Lady of Victory School 620 Jones Hill Road Phone: 203-932-6457 Fax: 203-932-6456 Website: http://olov.eduk12.net Beacon on the Hill Parish Social Ministry Center 634 Jones Hill Road Phone: 203-931-9989 Mass Schedule Weekend Masses Sat. 4:30PM (SJV); Sun.: 8:00AM (OLOV), 9:30AM (SJV), 11:00AM (OLOV) Weekday Masses 7:30AM Masses: Mon., Wed, & Fri. (OLOV) 7:30AM Masses: Tues. & Sat. (SJV) Our Lady of Victory Church (OLOV) 600 Jones Hill Road West Haven, Connecticut St. John Vianney Church (SJV) 300 Captain Thomas Boulevard West Haven, Connecticut PARISH STAFF Priest: Rev. Joseph R. Cronin, Pastor Deacons Deacon Dean Macchio Deacon Paul Sabo Pastoral Associate: Sister Ellen McNulty, O.P. Music Ministry: Eduardo Perez, Director Jaclyn Chiarelli, Assistant Director Office Staff: Ann Talevi, Business Manager Patty Boyne, Morning Office Manager Betty Pergolotti, Afternoon Manager Lucy Adante, Evening Manager Maintenance: Nick Corso, OLOV Custodian Ernie Conte, SJV Custodian Trustees: Frank Gentilesco & Connie Hubbard, OLOV Tim Ellis & Ann Talevi, SJV Religious Education Office LoriAnn Ruiz, Director of Religious Education Our Lady of Victory School Ardell Bartolotta, Principal Lucy Adante, Office Manager Cecelia Castillon, Receptionist Beacon on the Hill: Rose Ann Gulisano, Director Anita Pagogna, Clothes Closet Mngr. Robert DeFonce & Mr. & Mrs. Greig Food Pantry Mngr.s Barbara Messina & Marianne Hartnack, Diaper Bank Mngrs. Valerie Kilmartin & Claire Sullivan, Durable Medical Equipment Weekly Mass Intentions SATURDAY, October 11– St. John XXIII, Pope 7:30AM (SJV): Enrico & Louisa Cervoni Req. by Mafalda 4:30PM (SJV): Alberto Feola & Teodora Romano Req. by Daughter, Emilia SUNDAY, October 12—Twenty-Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time 8:00AM (OLOV): Henry & Claire Dinenno Req. by Son, John 9:30AM (SJV): Nick & Jenny LaMonica, Laurie Moore & Abby Antonucci Req. by Annette Sorensen 11:00AM (OLOV): Louis Sasso Req by the Family MONDAY, October 13—Weekday 7:30AM (OLOV): Delores Cassidy Req. by Pat Mihalyak TUESDAY, October 14—Saint Callistus 7:30AM (SJV): Mr. & Mrs. Lewis Traester Req. by Anne Wrinn WEDNESDAY, October 15—St. Teresa of Jesus 7:30AM (OLOV): Vincente & Generosa Ramas Req. by Ed & Dolly Lawsin Ramas THURSDAY, October 16– St. Margaret Mary Alacoque NO MORNING MASS FRIDAY, October 17— St. Ignatius of Antioch 7:30AM (OLOV): Vincente & Generosa Ramas Req. by Ed & Dolly Lawsin Ramas SATURDAY, October 18– St. Luke 7:30AM (SJV): Anna Bruno Req. by Porto Funeral Home 4:30PM (SJV): Salvatore Nacca Req. by the Hospitality Committee SUNDAY, October 19—29th Sunday in Ordinary Time 8:00AM (OLOV): Ruth Chambers Req. by Debbie Nugent & Kim Casimiri 9:30AM (SJV): Wesley Gramling Req. by Dan & Ruth Carr 11:00AM (OLOV): Kaye Comperatore-Gould Req by Graig & George Gould OLOV Sanctuary Light Louis Sasso, Requested by Grandchildren SJV Sanctuary Light Salvatore Nacca, Requested by Hospitality Committee Fr. Joe’s Notes ly repair? Will this thing ever be useful to me again, or will it simply sit around gathering dust? Monday is the day when I write my letter Am I making a choice for selfish reasons or am I for the bulletin. We have to do composition that making a choice based on what is the best thing to evening to send it off to the printer on Tuesday. do. Those are questions to ask. Monday is also laundry day. I run between writing I thought all that over, and realized it’s and moving along the loads most of good to reflect on our decision making the morning. It’s part of my weekly process from time to time. We always routine. As I was transferring my load want to be able to reason through isof blacks to the drier, I had to laugh. sues when we face problems. Why not Wedged in the gap between the washer use the trivial moments to help. That’s and drier, I found a lone black sock. I when I heard the buzzer on the drier. had lost it back in August. I had kept It was time to get up and move the its mate for a month hoping to find the next load along. My waxing philomissing one. I finally gave up a week sophical had to stop, and I needed to ago and threw out the single sock. get back to work. That’s when I knew Now that it was gone, I discovered its we can labor over making choices, but we have to match. Isn’t that typical! But it got me thinking. live with the ones we have made and make the I thought about how often we lose hope best of it. So I chuckled as I folded the clothes. and give up on things. I had wanted to find the Let’s hope I don’t lose any socks in this batch of missing sock, but eventually gave up the idea as a laundry! waste of time. I knew the lost one had to be some Hopefully yours in Christ, Fr. Joe where in this house, but I was unable to discover its location. So why keep it? That’s why I threw away the lone one. We may just give up when something goes wrong. It’s easy to ask “Why do this?” But there are times we shouldn’t lose heart. Question: Father, why do we celebrate the feast Sometimes, we need to hold on to things a bit day for Our Lady of Victory on the day of Our Lalonger. Not everything should be discarded. dy of the Rosary? I also wondered why we hold on to things Answer: The answer is simple; they’re the same! past their usefulness. What good is a single sock? Our Lady of Victory is Our Lady of the Rosary. In Why do we keep things like that hanging around? 1571, Pope Pius V asked believers to pray the roIt isn’t like they were new, and they would be sary as European forces battled Ottoman Turks in thread bear soon enough. When something isn’t a a naval battle west of the Gulf of Corinth. The precious heirloom and can be easily replaced, why battle was fought on October 7th of that year. Afbother treating it like it were sacred. It’s just a ter five hours, the Europeans were able to defeat thing; a thing that clutters our bureaus and our the Ottomans at the Battle of Lepanto. Ottoman lives. There are times to let things go. We don’t forces were never able to then move onward to have to hold onto everything. Sometimes it’s easiconquer lands in Italy and were pressed back from er to start anew than deal with the hassles of rethe Holy Roman Empire. The victory was attributbuilding what is long past being useful. Not eveed to the prayers to the Blessed Mother. Pope Pius rything should be kept. instituted a feast called Our Lady of Victory to be celebrated in the Vatican States and Holy Roman As I sat at my desk, I laughed at myself. Empire annually on the anniversary of the battle. Why was I getting philosophical over socks? But In 1573, Pope Gregory XIII changed the title to sometimes it is better to ask the big questions over the Feast of Our Lady of the Rosary and made it things that aren’t that important! There are alfeast for the Universal Church. So, depending on ways questions of life and death, so it is good to where your ancestors originated, they called it difhave smaller things to occupy our minds and ferent things. Italians, Spaniards, Czechs, Slavs, guide our thoughts when important issues come and Germans tend to call the day Our Lady of Victo us. I decided that there are times you have to tory. Other ethnic groups tend to refer to the day let things go and times you have to hold on to by the now official title Our Lady of the Rosary. them. How do we judge that? Well, the value of Whatever you call the day doesn’t matter. It’s all something can be weighed against how useful it is. the same thing! Can something be replaced, or is it better to simpMy dear friends, ? Ask Father ? Page 3 Parish Information Page Sacraments Ministry & Organizations Baptism Homebound Ministry Contact our parish office to arrange a baptism. Baptismal preparation class usually takes place the first Sunday of the month at OLOV, 12:15PM. Please call to schedule with us before attending. Marriage Please, contact the rectory if you, a family member or a friend is unable to come to church. We have people to visit at home and our Eucharistic Ministers can bring Communion. Please, call us to make arrangements. Call the rectory to make arrangements to be married at either church. Participation in marriage preparation class is required. Call for more information. Knights of Columbus Our parishes have their own council, #14326, that meets the second Tuesday of every month in the hall at SJV at 7:30PM. Confessions The Sacrament of Reconciliation is available to Choir all every Saturday afternoon from 3:00-4:00PM at St. John Vianney Church. You may also call to Rehearsals are on Tuesdays, 7make an appointment if needed. 9PM for Adults. Children’s choir practices on Tuesday, at 5PM. Sacrament of the Sick Should anyone need Anointing of the Sick, call Father at the rectory to make an appointment. OLOV Smoke-free Bingo Play starts Tuesdays at 7:30PM in the hall at OLOV. Doors open at 6:30PM. ———————————————————— Prayer Groups & Bible Study Social Group Bible Study The social group meets on Mondays as scheduled. Cub Scouts Bible Study – Tuesday, October 14th Job, Chapter 8—Bildad’s Ancient One pack of Cub Scouts meets on Parable of Two Plants Fridays in the hall at OLOV once a Rosary and Divine Mercy month. Call 203-933-0237 for dates and information. Another SJV: in the chapel Thursday afternoon at 1PM. pack meets at St. John Vianney on OLOV: in the church at 5PM every weekday Thursday evenings in the hall. (except legal holidays) we recite the rosary. CO-DA Solutions Lord of Peace Prayer Group (Women’s 12 step Codependency Meeting) Our prayer group meets two Sundays per month. Learn to create healthy relationships. A women’s At St. John Vianney. See Calendar for dates. All group of Co-dependence Anonymous meets Monare welcome! To join us! day evenings from 7-8PM at SJV in the chapel. OLOV - Collections: October 5, 2014 - SJV Weekly Offering: $8,441.38 School Collection: $ 967.20 Weekly Offering: $2,191.95 Monthly: $1,295.25 Page 4 BOOK FAIR! OLOV School is hosting our fall Scholastic Book Fair on Sunday, October 19th in the hall after all the Masses. See you there! THANK YOU!!! OLOV SCHOOL BOX TOPS FOR EDUCATION PROGRAM This year Our Lady of Victory School will again be participating in the Box Tops for Education program. Clipping box tops is an easy way for you to help our school earn money. Box tops are each worth 10¢ and they quickly add up to reach cash for our school. This school year our earnings goal is $1,200.00. To help our school, just look for pink box tops on products, clip them and drop them off in the collection basket. Mark the envelope “OLOV School box tops” and they will get to us. Thank You! Our Lady of Victory School is most grateful to an anonymous donor who gave $10,000 for the purchase of new computers to help revamp the new media room. We are incredibly grateful for his generous support of our community. The room is beautiful, and the new computers are all up and running at this time. With our library and computer facilities now merged in a single media room, we have state of the art resources for our students and a flexible space to meet the needs of today’s children. All of our students thank you for your very kind support! God bless you for your kindness! OUR LADY OF VICTORY SCHOOL ANNUAL WALK-A-THON WEEKLY READINGS Monday, October 13: Gal 4:22-24,26-27,31-5:1, Lk 11:29-32 Tuesday, October 14: Gal 5:1-6, Lk 11:37-41 Wednesday, October 15: Gal 5:18-25, Lk 11:42-46 Thursday, October 16: Eph 1:1-10, Lk 11:47-54 Friday, October 17: Eph 1:11-14, Lk 12:1-7 Saturday, October 18: 2Tm 4:10-17b, Lk 10:1-9 Sunday, October 19: Is 45:1,4-6 1 Thes 1:1-5b, Mt 22:15-21 On Tuesday, October 7th the school children attended Mass and then walked down to the old church site (the current home of Seacrest Retirement Center) and recited the Rosary in honor of our Blessed Mother. Due to your generosity our Walk-a-thon was a big success! The faculty, staff and students thank you so very much for your continued support. May God bless you all as you have blessed us. Page 5 Please pray for: See our newly re-designed webpage at: ww.olov.org DIAPER DRIVE October 18 & 19 Next weekend is our parish diaper drive. Please, remember to add diapers to your shopping list this week. Also, we ask that you cut coupons for diapers from ads and fliers and drop off next week as well. Thank you! Many families need our help! HELP US STOCK UP OUR DIAPER BANK. KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS RECRUITMENT WEEKEND THIS WEEKEND!!! All men of the Parish are invited to consider membership in the Knights of Columbus, the world’s largest Catholic service organization. Founded in 1882 by Fr. Michael McGivney in New Haven this fraternal organization has remained true to its founding principles of unity, charity, fraternity and patriotism. The K of C generously support the Church in a multitude of ways. Stop by the information table next weekend in the foyer or contact John McCarthy at (203) 605-4024 with any questions. Judy Alexander, Jason Adams, Kaye Alonso, Peter Alonso, Brady Antaya, Valeria Asprelli, Anthony & Catherine Augliera, Michael P. Augliera, Salvatore M. Augliera, Kathleen Behringer, Josephine Boccanfuso, Gary Bonci, Billy Bruneau, David Burke, Vanya Calerucci, Lenore Campaniolo, Mary Ann Capardi, Michael Carter, Michael Cote, Robert G. Cretella, Gina Cuccaro, Joe & Marie Cullen, Judy Cunningham, Bob Curran, Ray Curran, Eleanor D., Kayla D., Deana DeMaio, Barbara DeMayo, Anthony R. DeNigris, Samuel & Carolina DeNigris, Frank Jr. & Jack Dini, Robert D. DiVerniero, Mark D’Onofrio, Marie Duffy, John Dymarcik, Mary Errato, John Farina, Therese Gill, Alex Gregory, Hunter Grove, Paul Hotchkiss, Rachel Radziszewski Houston, Edna Hall, Harrison Iamartino, Dolores Iuteri, Frank Jaworski, Frank Joyce, Jim Kurlander, Rita Kapinos, Eva Grace Kelly, Tracey Kippur, Thomas Lague, Laurrain, Maurice Lapre, Helen Leavitt, Louise MacLennan, William Magrino Jr., Tina Markantonakis, Anthony Mastriano, Jimmy Maxwell, Mary Ellen McMillan, Michael McNamara, Angela Meloni, John G. Messina, Norman & Lillian Misheloff, Ralph Monaco, Kate Moriarty, Nancy McKeown, Maureen Ochoa, Dawn Marie Palmisano, Ignazio (Iggy) Palmisano, Lorita Patchell, Louise Porto, Walter Radziszewski, Ana Rambilus, Peggy Reiss, Peter Rossi, Alison Rydzewski, Anthony Sagnella, Danielle Santoro, Ann Sault, Marian Serphillips, Jack & Joan Shea, Camille Speigler, Jim Stearns, David Swanson, Raymond & Audrey Sweeten, Margaret Tango, Anthony Terrasi (son), Caroline Thibideau, Barbara Tonucci, Juana Torres, Mike Vanucci, Thomas Venditto, Dick Wicker, baby Jack York, Youssef, Donna Zamlonski Page 6 ST. JOHN VIANNEY - MEMORIAL BRICK WALKWAY In honor of our 50th Anniversary, we are selling personalized bricks for a walkway. The bricks are 4” x 8” and may have up to three lines engraved (a maximum of 18 characters per line). The cost for the first brick is $100, $90 for the second, and $80 for the third or more bricks purchased. Checks are made out to St. John Vianney. Fill out the order form, attach payment, and drop it in the collection basket in an envelope “Anniversary Brick”. You may also drop it off at the rectory. All forms and or any questions go to Patty Boyne at (203) 934-6357 or email: olovrectory @yahoo.com. Print what you want engraved on the brick. One letter per box. Leave a space between each word. Give us your contact information should we have questions. Name: _______________________________________________________________ Phone: _____________________________ +++ —-OPTIONAL ART MAY BE ADDED —- +++ For $10 extra per brick, you may add an image to the brick. If so, you have only 15 characters of text per line each of the three lines. There are five options listed below. Check one options if you chose. ___ 1) Celtic Cross ____ 2) Latin Cross ___ 3) Knights of Columbus Logo ___ 4) American flag ___ 5) Rose SJV Christmas Ornaments We have two Christmas ornaments for the 50th Anniversary of St. John Vianney Parish.: 1) the original chapel and 2) the St. John statue and current church building behind. One for $10 or Two for $18 Baseball Hats – a limited number of adjustable baseball hats in maroon with white logo are available for purchase at the rectory or at upcoming parish events. On sale at the rectory office! Cost of the hat is $10.00! Page 7 Memorial Book and Crosses YALE-NEW HAVEN HOSPITAL PROJECT ELDERCARE CLINIC During November, memorials of our beloved dead will be displayed in both churches: at OLOV, a Book WEST HAVEN SENIOR CITIZENS of Remembrance by the Holy Family Shrine and at SJV, a MeProject Eldercare Clinic morial Banner. These will bear At Surfside Apartments the names of all our parishioners 200 Oak Street who have died through the past 1st Floor, Unit 3 year. You may add names to the book at OLOV, West Haven, CT 06516 and you may submit crosses for the Memorial Every Thursday Banner at SJV. Felt crosses are to be made from 9:30a.m.—3:00p.m. a square 6" x 6" with 2" wide bars and the name 24/7 on call coverage to remember written on that cross. Please, return completed crosses to the church or rectory by Sunday, October 26th. The parishes of Our Lady of Victory and St. John Vianney invite you to a celebration of an ALL SOULS MEMORIAL MASS Do you need general medical care because you… don’t have a family doctor Have difficulty finding transportation Sunday, November 2nd at 7PM The Eldercare Clinic is conveniently located at At St. John Vianney Church Surfside Apartments. If you are age 60 or older we can help you. We remember all of our beloved dead, especially those who’ve died this past year. Complete primary care All are invited to join in praying for our Long-term relationship with staff who speliving and deceased loved ones. cialize in providing care to older adults A reception will be held following in the hall. Labs drawn at clinic LUMINARIES Coordination of care with your M.D. specialist Ease in scheduling your appointment For more information or to schedule an appointment, please call 203 789-3275. The Knights of Columbus will be selling luminaries after Masses the weekends of October 19th and 26th. Luminary bags will be set up and lit outside St. John Vianney Church illuminating the walkway in an inspirational display for the 7PM Mass on November 2nd. The cost is $5.00 per bag which can be memorialized for your beloved deceased family or friends. Page 8 SAVE THE DATE R_ligious E^. Stu^_nts Our Lady of Victory School Christmas Boutique Pl_[s_ r_m_m\_r to \ring in your ^oll[r \ills for th_ Di[p_r Driv_ [n^ giv_ th_m to your R_ligion T_[]h_r. (Coupons [lso w_l]om_!) Th_ t_[]h_rs [n^ Mrs. Ruiz will pur]h[s_ th_ ^i[p_rs [n^ wip_s [n^ ]ontri\ut_ th_m on your \_h[lf. Sat., Nov. 22 And Sun., Nov. 23 More info to come! Th[nk you! OUR LORD OF PEACE CHARISMATIC PRAYER GROUP NEW TIME AND PLACE Embrace the Grace A MANDATORY RETREAT REUNION FOR 10TH GRADE CONFIRMATION CANDIDATES WHEN: WHERE: Saturday October 18, 2014 3:30pm – 8:00pm (or later) St. John Vianney Church, Hall, and the beach R_ligious E^u][tion Includes Mass, dinner, retreat, penance service A flyer was mailed. Call Mrs. Ruiz with any questions At (203) 933-0044. This event is Mandatory. Our Lord of Peace Charismatic Prayer Group is now meeting two Sundays per month at St. John Vianney Rectory. The prayer group starts at 2.P.M. at St. John Vianney Church with a period of silent adoration in front of The Blessed Sacrament which lasts until 2.30 P.M. This is followed by a period of praise, worship, scripture sharing, thanksgiving and petition which takes place in the Rectory. All are welcome. Please call (203) 9378136 for additional information. The group will be meeting on October 12 and October 26, and on November 9 and November 23. Well, our Religious Ed. classes are off to a great start! Thank you, parents, for dropping off and picking up on time, for supervising homework, practicing prayers, and supporting your children! Thank you too for supporting the Diaper Drive. We are so grateful to our Parish Catechists…these are the faith-filled men, women and teens who teach the children each week. You are all such a BLESSING to our Parishes! God Bless You! Page 9 SUNDAY MONDAY TUESDAY 12 NO CCD 13 2PM Lord of Peace Prayer Group-SJV 5PM OLOV Rosary NO CCD 7PM RCIA Inquiry Session-OLOV Rectory CO-DA Solutions-SJV 7-8PM Office Closed 19 Coffee and… CCD-OLOV 9:45-10:45 Book Fair after Masses Blood Pressure Diaper Drive 26 CCDOLOV 9:45-10:45 2PM Lord of Peace Prayer Group-SJV 2 ALL SOULS DAY CCDOLOV 9:45-10:45 Baptism Prep ClassOLOV after 11:00 Mass Memorial Mass—SJV 7PM 20 2PM Social Group 5PM OLOV Rosary CCD-OLOV 4-5PM, 5:15-6:15, 6:30-7:30 7PM RCIA Inquiry SessionOLOV Rectory CO-DA Solutions-SJV 7-8PM 6:30 Parent Night at the Book Fair 27 5PM OLOV Rosary CCD-OLOV 4-5PM, 5:15-6:15, 6:30-7:30 7PM RCIA Inquiry SessionOLOV Rectory CO-DA Solutions-SJV 7-8PM 3 2PM Social Group 5PM OLOV Rosary CCD-OLOV 4-5PM, 5:15-6:15, 6:30-7:30 7PM RCIA Inquiry SessionOLOV Rectory CO-DA Solutions-SJV 7-8PM OCTOBER WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY 14 2PM Bible StudySJV 5PM OLOV Rosary OLOV Choir Children 5PM Adult 7PM 7PM BSG—Beacon 7-8:30PM Bereavement Support Group-Beacon 7:30PM K of C-SJV OLOV BINGO 7:30pm NO CCD 15 16 17 2PM Bible StudySJV 5PM OLOV Rosary OLOV Choir Children 5PM Adult 7PM 7PM BSG—Beacon 7-8:30PM Bereavement Support Group-Beacon OLOV BINGO 7:30pm 5PM OLOV Rosary 21 28 2PM Bible StudySJV 5PM OLOV Rosary OLOV Choir Children 5PM Adult 7PM 7PM BSG—Beacon 7-8:30PM Bereavement Support Group-Beacon OLOV BINGO 7:30pm 4 2PM Bible StudySJV 5PM OLOV Rosary OLOV Choir Children 5PM Adult 7PM 7PM BSG—Beacon 7-8:30PM Bereavement Support Group-Beacon OLOV BINGO 7:30pm K of C Officers Meeting –SJV 7:30PM 5PM OLOV Rosary 7PM Adult Confirmation –Rectory 6-8:30pm Biblical School-SJV St. Joseph Room 1PM SJV Rosary & Divine Mercy 5PM OLOV Rosary 6:30PM Stewardship Meeting-SJV 22 23 1PM SJV Rosary & Divine Mercy 7PM Adult Confirmation –Rectory 6-8:30pm Biblical School-SJV St. Joseph Room 5PM OLOV Rosary 22 30 5PM OLOV Rosary 7PM Adult Confirmation –Rectory 6-8:30pm Biblical School-SJV St. Joseph Room 1PM SJV Rosary & Divine Mercy 5PM OLOV Rosary 6 5:30PM Wellness Team Mtg.-Beacon 7PM Liturgy MtgBeacon 7PM Adult Confirmation –Rectory 6-8:30pm Biblical School-SJV St. Joseph Room Page 10 DIAPER BANK 9:3011:30AM 10th Grade Confirmation Retreat-SJV 3:30-8:00pm Diaper Drive 24 1:00pm U.N. Day School Prayer Service 5PM OLOV Rosary 25 6:30p.m. OLOV School Trick or Trunk 5 5PM OLOV Rosary 5PM OLOV Rosary SATURDAY 18 1PM SJV Rosary & Divine Mercy 5PM OLOV Rosary 7PM Parish Social Justice Mtg-Beacon 31 HALLOWEEN 5PM OLOV Rosary 7 5PM OLOV Rosary 1 All Saints Day Diaper Bank 9:3011:30am 8 ZARNOWSKI POWER EQUIPMENT SALES & SERVICE Toro • Husqvarna • Echo Shindaiwa • Billy Goat • Fradan 301 Savin Avenue, West Haven (203) 933-1181 PROTECTING SENIORS NATIONWIDE PUSH TALK 24/7 HELP Visa • Mc • Amex • Discover Burns & Kelly Insurance ................... ................... Waterfront Homeowners All Types of Insurance Don Burns & Brian Kelly 1362 New Haven Ave., Milford PETALS & SCENTS FLORIST “We Deliver” ... 15 Mile Radius 203-389-2228 27 Wagner Place FREE Rose or $2 OFF WEST HAVEN 301-0409 ANIMAL CLINIC 959 Campbell Ave. Call 934-3528 for Appt. $19.95*/Mo. + 1 FREE MONTH M - F 9 - 6, Sat. 9 - 2, Sun 11 -1 Ralph L Padilla, D.V.M. 24 HR. EMERGENCY SERVICE DOMENIC’S APIZZA Pizza — Subs To Go • Calzones 18 Ocean Ave., West Haven Baybrook Shopping Center $1.00 OFF PIZZA – W/ Ad Not Good W/ Other Specials BEECHER & BENNETT ➢ No Long-Term Contracts ➢ Price Guarantee ➢ A+ Rating with BBB 932-5353 TAYLOR FUNERAL HOME TOLL FREE: 1-877-801-8608 410 Campbell Avenue, West Haven, CT 933-8180 People who know you People you can rely on ... Today and tomorrow CONRAD D. HENNING CARMEN M. LUPOLI Serving Families of all Faiths Since 1894 *First Three Months Dairy Queen Saint Margaret Sunday Missal 1363 New Haven Av., Milford Ice Cream Cakes Made Daily l mpanion a n o s Per r Co Your Praye through 2030 Designed to be Open Year Round 877-6506 Try Our Blizzard of the month Readings • Reflections • Prayers In Stock & Ready to Order Today. CALL OR ORDER ONLINE. $39.95 800-566-6150 • www.wlpmusic.com WEST HAVEN FUNERAL HOME, INC. 203-934-7921 Pre-Plan and Pre-Pay Your Pre-Arrangements reflect your wishes and the cost of your selections. Pre-Plan so that someone you love EMMETT’S AUTO SERVICE 203-934-7251 does not have to guess what choices to make. COMPLETE AUTO BODY & SERVICE F RED ’ S A UTO SERVICE, LLC Do this today, not tomorrow. 24 HOUR TOWING General Repairs & Service Do this together, not alone. Towing 184 CAMPBELL AVENUE Nello J. Pinzi 511595 Our Lady of Victory Church (B) Celia L. Pinzi www.jspaluch.com 934-3100 Fax 934-7401 244 Platt Ave. West Haven, CT FRED WILLIAMS For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-524-0263 JIMMIES NESTOR RADZISZEWSKI RESTAURANT MARYWEICHERT REALTORS A Name to Know A Name to Trust PORTO FUNERAL HOME 5 Rock St. West Haven, Savin Rock 203-934-3212 ® REGIONAL PROPERTIES 795-2389 WINKLE BUS CO. OF WEST HAVEN, CT School & Charter Bus. Service 815 Derby - Milford Rd., Orange 203-795-3112 203-878-6912 — 203-934-9243 830 Jones Hill Road/West Haven 934-5000 Offering assistance with Pre-Planning BEFORE and Pre-Financing Burials ~ Cremation AFTER Family Owned & Operated • Deal Directly with the Owner Directors: Our friendly staff will handle all the details. AnneMarie Porto DeLucia 234 Foxon Road Clement L. DeLucia East Haven, CT Albert M. DeLucia (203) 467-3000 Lifetime Guarantee in Writing on Paint, Body, Parts! 465 Derby Ave. (Rt. 34) West Haven www.NewEnglandCollision.com 203.389.6400 for Immediate Assistance 24 Hours HANDYMAN OYSTER RIVER PETROLEUM New and Repair Work Carpentry • Sheetrock • Tile Plumbing • Masonry • Stone Work Painting • Roofing • Yard Work Residential & Commercial Heating Oil • 24 Hr. Burner Svc. Tri-Axle Dump Truck Svc. Edward Granfield 932-2717 ORLANDO RODRIGUES 203-795-0088 Paluch Partners - a simple way for you to partner with service providers who support your parish through their sponsorship of the parish bulletin. Easily access your parish’s latest bulletin and all the sponsors who advertise. Their contribution allows parish bulletin communication to be free of charge for your parish. Support them by taking advantage of the services they provide. www.PALUCHPARTNERS.com E. Michael Heffernan, LLC ATTORNEY AT LAW 32 Years as a Probate Judge Let His Experience Work for You Fine Wines • Liquors Probate • Wills • Powers of Attorney Living Wills • Workers’ Compensation 295 Main Street • West Haven, CT 06516 • heffernanlaw@sbcglobal.net phone 203.932.3621 Beer • Kegs • Lottery 934-0101 904 Ocean Ave. West Haven fax 203.932.3624 Come Sail Away on a 7-night Catholic Exotic Cruise. Prices begin at $1045 per couple which includes all port fees and taxes. Daily Mass and Rosary offered. Deposit of only $100 per person will reserve your cabin. Space is limited. Thanks and God Bless, Brian or Sally, coordinators 860.399.1785 an Official Travel Agency of AOS-USA Keenan Funeral Home 238 Elm Street • Est. 1898 • West Haven • 933-1217 511595 Our Lady of Victory Church (A) www.jspaluch.com For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-524-0263
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