Our Lady of Victory & St. John Vianney Parishes Ministering to the people of West Haven, Connecticut “Let us then pursue what leads to peace and to build up one another (Romans 14:19).” December 28, 2014– The Holy Family of Jesus, Mary and Joseph Office for the Parishes (Our Lady of Victory Rectory) Phone: 203-934-6357 or 203-934-6000 Fax: 203-932-3315 E-Mail: olovrectory@yahoo.com Website: www.olov.org Office of Religious Education Phone: 203-933-0044 E-Mail: olovore@sbcglobal.net Our Lady of Victory School 620 Jones Hill Road Phone: 203-932-6457 Fax: 203-932-6456 Website: http://olov.eduk12.net Beacon on the Hill Parish Social Ministry Center 634 Jones Hill Road Phone: 203-931-9989 Mass Schedule Weekend Masses Sat. 4:30PM (SJV); Sun.: 8:00AM (OLOV), 9:30AM (SJV), 11:00AM (OLOV) Weekday Masses 7:30AM Masses: Mon., Wed, & Fri. (OLOV) 7:30AM Masses: Tues. & Sat. (SJV) Our Lady of Victory Church (OLOV) 600 Jones Hill Road West Haven, Connecticut St. John Vianney Church (SJV) 300 Captain Thomas Boulevard West Haven, Connecticut PARISH STAFF Priest: Rev. Joseph R. Cronin, Pastor Deacons Deacon Dean Macchio Deacon Paul Sabo Pastoral Associate: Sister Ellen McNulty, O.P. Music Ministry: Weekly Mass Intentions SATURDAY, December 27– Saint John 7:30AM (SJV): Antonio Calosso Req. by Daughter, Barbara 4:30PM (SJV): Arthur & Helen & Chris Grannis, Ben & Frances LaMonica, Teodora Feola, Claude & Madelyn Lucia & Jeri LaMonica Req. by Benny & Barbara LaMonica SUNDAY, December 28—The Holy Family 8:00AM (OLOV): Audrey O’Connor Req. Marla Rapini 9:30AM (SJV): Harry Zylinski Req. by Wayne & Linda Humphrey Eduardo Perez, Director Jaclyn Chiarelli, Assistant Director 11:00AM (OLOV): Susan & Stanley Criscuolo, Joseph Criscuolo & Jean Curzi Req by Curzi Family Office Staff: 7:30AM (OLOV): Audrey O’Connor—Req. by a friend MONDAY, December 29—Octave of Christmas Ann Talevi, Business Manager Patty Boyne, Morning Office Manager Betty Pergolotti, Afternoon Manager Lucy Adante, Evening Manager TUESDAY, December 30—Octave of Christmas Maintenance: 7:30AM (OLOV): Ken McAllister Nick Corso, OLOV Custodian Ernie Conte, SJV Custodian Trustees: Frank Gentilesco & Connie Hubbard, OLOV Tim Ellis & Ann Talevi, SJV Religious Education Office LoriAnn Ruiz, Director of Religious Education Our Lady of Victory School Ardell Bartolotta, Principal Lucy Adante, Office Manager Cecelia Castillon, Receptionist Beacon on the Hill: Rose Ann Gulisano & Barbara Messina Co-Directors Anita Pagogna, Clothes Closet Mngr. Robert DeFonce & Mr. & Mrs. Greig Food Pantry Mngrs Barbara Messina & Marianne Hartnack, Diaper Bank Mngrs. Valerie Kilmartin & Claire Sullivan, Durable Medical Equipment 7:30AM (SJV): R. Donald McGaffigan Req. by Gloria Gianfrede WEDNESDAY, December 31—Octave of Christmas Req. by the Dittmaris Family 6:30PM (OLOV): The Parishioners of OLOV & SJV THURSDAY, January 1– Mary, the Mother of God 9:00AM (SJV) Parishioners of SJV & OLOV 12:10PM(OLOV) Michael Messina Req. by Wife & children FRIDAY, January 2— St. Basil the Great NO MASS SATURDAY, January 3–Most Holy Name of Jesus 7:30AM (SJV): Parishioners of OLOV & SJV 4:30PM (SJV): Carmel Widdell Req. by Marie Duffy SUNDAY, January 4—Epiphany of the Lord 8:00AM (OLOV): Alexine Nista Req by Linen Committee 9:30AM (SJV): Schaefer & Zito Families Req. by Joseph Schaefer 11:00AM (OLOV): Milton Mitchell Req by Richard & Kathleen Murphy OLOV Sanctuary Light Parishioners of Our Lady of Victory SJV Sanctuary Light Parishioners of St. john Vianney Fr. Joe’s Notes HOLY DAY MASS SCHEDULE My dear friends, The Solemnity of the Mother of God Merry Christmas to you all! I hope and pray that everyone had a wonderful and joyous holiday with family and friends. This weekend, we celebrate the Feast of the Holy Family as we continue to rejoice in the Christmas Season. This is the day when we remember that God’s own Son not only shared in our humanity, but in the bonds of family as well. God blesses the family as a source of life and hope. Familiar bonds are consecrated to become an image of love, and God is love. We should recall that our families should be a source of blessing for all, and honor that all vocations come from the home. We recognize the dignity of this institution and uphold the Holy Family as our model of love and devotion. We should strive to live as they did. The Church traditionally offers a blessing to families this day. One of the texts says: “We bless your name, O Lord, for sending your own incarnate Son to become part of a family, so that, as he lived his life, he would experience its worries and its joys. We ask, Lord, to protect and watch over this family, so that in the strength of your grace its members may enjoy prosperity, possess the priceless gift of your peace, and, as the Church alive in the home, bear witness in this world to your glory. We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen.” My prayer this day is that your family be blessed by God and be a source of strength and hope. Whether it’s a family by blood, by affinity, or by conscious choice, I hope that you know the grace that flows from the love of people who are there for you. May God always find a welcome dwelling in your heart and in your home. Joyfully yours in Christ, Fr. Joe Vigil Mass Wednesday, December 31st 6:30PM—OLOV Mass of the Day Thursday, January 1st 9:00AM—SJV 12:10PM—OLOV We have openings in our Mass book for the first three months of the year. If you would like to book a Mass in January, February, or March, call the rectory office—even if you have others. ? Ask Father ? Question: Father, does it count if you to watch Mass on television or streaming online? Answer: It’s amazing that we can ask this question! Once upon a time, the only way to attend Mass was to be at church. Now, you can see Masses on television or on the internet anytime and anywhere. Being able to see a liturgy is not the same as attending Mass. Catholics are obliged to attend Mass every Sunday and on holy days. We are to go to church and actively participate in the liturgy with our brothers and sisters in faith. Television doesn’t fulfill that obligation. Now having explained that, there is no obligation to attend Mass if you were sick. People who are too sick to go, whether from a passing virus or from long term health problems and cannot attend, are not culpable for any sin. Masses broadcast on television and internet are for their benefit. While they’re not required to go to church, many people still want to participate. Since we cannot get to every home for the liturgy, broadcast media allow us to include those who can’t be with us. It allows homebound people to share in the prayer life of the church. For them it is a lifeline to the Mass they love. Watching a televised Mass doesn’t meet the obligation to attend, but it meets our need as a church to care for the sick. Page 3 All parishioners of Our Lady of Victory and St. John Vianney Parishes are cordially invited to attend our annual EPIPHANY OPEN HOUSE SUNDAY, JANUARY 4, 2015 1:00-4:00PM OUR LADY OF VICTORY RECTORY This celebration will begin a year of festivities for the 50th anniversary of St. John Vianney Parish. ALL ARE WELCOME! EPIPHANY OPEN HOUSE Sunday, January 4th Our Lady of Victory Rectory NEW YORK BUS TRIP PLAN AHEAD Here are some of the events and activities planned for St. John Vianney Parish’s Jubilee Year! Mark your calendars! Wednesday, April 29th We will visit the Mother Cabrini Shrine, The Cloisters, Old St. Patrick’s Cathedral and have time to go to either Little Italy or China Town. JUBILEE MASS Sunday, August 2nd—4PM St. John Vianney Church ANNIVERSARY DINNER Sunday, September 20th Page 4 Parish Information Page Sacraments Ministry & Organizations Baptism Homebound Ministry Contact our parish office to arrange a baptism. Baptismal preparation class usually takes place the first Sunday of the month at OLOV, 12:15PM. Please call to schedule with us before attending. Marriage Please, contact the rectory if you, a family member or a friend is unable to come to church. We have people to visit at home and our Eucharistic Ministers can bring Communion. Please, call us to make arrangements. Call the rectory to make arrangements to be married at either church. Participation in marriage preparation class is required. Call for more information. Knights of Columbus Our parishes have their own council, #14326, that meets the second Tuesday of every month in the hall at SJV at 7:30PM. Confessions The Sacrament of Reconciliation is available to Choir all every Saturday afternoon from 3:00-4:00PM at St. John Vianney Church. You may also call to Rehearsals are on Tuesdays, 7make an appointment if needed. 9PM for Adults. Children’s choir practices on Tuesday, at 5PM. Sacrament of the Sick Should anyone need Anointing of the Sick, call Father at the rectory to make an appointment. OLOV Smoke-free Bingo Games start Tuesdays at 7:30PM in the hall at OLOV. Doors open at 6:30PM. ———————————————————— Prayer Groups & Bible Study Bible Study NO BIBLE STUDY THIS WEEK. Class for January 6th – Job, Chapter 20 Zophar on the Fate of the Wicked All are welcome to join us! Rosary and Divine Mercy SJV: in the chapel Thursday afternoon at 1PM. OLOV: in the church at 5PM every weekday (except legal holidays) we recite the rosary. Social Group The social group meets on Mondays as scheduled. Cub Scouts One pack of Cub Scouts meets on Fridays in the hall at OLOV once a month. Call 203-933-0237 for dates and information. Another pack meets at St. John Vianney on Thursday evenings in the hall. Lord of Peace Prayer Group Our prayer group meets two Sundays per month at St. John Vianney. See Calendar for dates. All are welcome to join us! OLOV - CO-DA Solutions (Women’s 12 step Codependency Meeting) Learn to create healthy relationships. A women’s group of Co-dependence Anonymous meets Monday evenings from 7-8PM at SJV in the chapel. Collection December 21 - SJV Figures not available at the time we went to print. Figures not available at the time we went to print. Page 5 Please pray for: Judy Alexander, Kaye Alonso, Peter Alonso, Kelly Amour, Valeria Asprelli, Anthony & Catherine Augliera, Michael P. Augliera, Salvatore M. Augliera, Rev. Gene Barrett, Kathy Behringer, Josephine Boccanfuso, David & Nina Burke, Vanya Calandrucci, Lenore Campaniolo, Gina Cuccaro, Joe & Marie Cullen, Judy Cunningham, Eleanor D., Deana DeMaio, Louis R. DeMusis, Anthony R. DeNigris, Edward DeNigris, Samuel & Carolina DeNigris, Frank Jr. & Jack Dini, John Dymarcik, Stephanie Fischbach, Brenda Geoghan, Therese Gill, Steven Florio, Hunter Grove, Paul Hotchkiss, Edna Hall, Rachel Houston, Dolores Iuteri,Jaylynn, Rita Kapinos, Jackie Kearns, Tracey Kippur, Thomas Lague, Lorraine, William Magrino, Alfred Manuel, Michael McNamara, Mary Ellen McMillan, Norman & Lillian Mischloff, Kate Moriarty, Stephen Nemergut, Maureen Ochoa, Dawn Marie Palmisano, Ignazio (Iggy) Palmisano, Sophie Perkins, Walter Radziszewski, Anthony Sagnella, Marion Serphillips, Jack & Joan Shea, Patricia Sitro, Camille Speigler, Raymond & Audrey Sweeten, Anthony Terasi (son) Caritas Christi Center 295 Benham St., Hamden, CT 06514 Phone: 203-281-2569 Fax 203-407-8965 Book Study: Made for Love, Loved by God Eight Tuesdays from January 13 - March 3 10:00 am - Noon On Tuesday, January 13, Sr. Patricia Cigrand, ASCJ will present an eight-week book study of Made for Love, Loved by God. Author Fr. John Michael Cameron, OP, editor-in-chief of the popular monthly publication the “Magnificat” uses Scripture, literature, film, spiritual writings to open us to the mystery and magnificent of God’s special love and to draw us closer to that love. His insights clear away the misconceptions and obstacles that keep us from a closer relationship with the Divine. The donation for this program is $40 (includes the book). Film Study: God’s Not Dead On Wednesday, January 14 from 6:30 - 9:00 pm at the Caritas Christi Center, Sr. Patricia Cigrand, ASCJ and Sr. Lany Jo Smith, ASCJ, will screen and lead a discussion of the film God’s Not Dead. College freshman Josh Wheaton locks horns with his atheist professor when he refuses to sign a paper affirming that “God Is Dead.” The professor gives him a portion of three classes to try and convince his fellow students that God exists. Can this freshman match wits with this learned professor? The answer to this and the subplots make this an interesting and inspiring movie. The donation for this program is $8 (includes snack). To register please call 203-281-2569. www.caritaschristicenter.org CHILDREN’S CHOIR The Children’s Choir is seeking new members to join them for the Lent and Easter seasons. Rehearsals will begin on Tuesday, January 6, 2015 at 5:00PM in the church. Rehearsals are approximately 1 hour. Please contact Mr. Perez if interested at (203) 934-6357 or simply show up on January 6th. BOX TOPS FOR EDUCATION PROGRAM We are so grateful to all of you who are submitting the Box Tops for Education. They are getting to us. Please keep supporting us in this endeavor. Clipping box tops is an easy way for you to help our school earn money. Box tops are each worth 10¢ and they quickly add up to reach cash for our school. This school year our earnings goal is $1,200.00. To help our school, just look for pink box tops on products, clip them and drop them off in the collection basket. Mark the envelope “OLOV School box tops” and they will get to us. Thank You! Visit our webpage at: ww.olov.org LITERACY VOLUNTEERS NEEDED WEEKLY READINGS If you can READ, you can HELP! Literacy Volunteers needs volunteers to help adults increase their reading and English speaking skills. If you are interested in being a literacy tutor, please go to www.lvagnh.org to fill out an application. Monday: 1 Jn 2:3-11; Ps 96:1-3, 5b-6; Lk 2:22-35 Tuesday: 1 Jn 2:12-17; Ps 96:7-10; Lk 2:36-40 Wednesday: 1 Jn 2:18-21; Ps 96:1-2, 11-13; Jn 1:1-18 Thursday: Nm 6:22-27; Ps 67:2-3, 5, 6, 8; Gal 4:4-7; Lk 2:16-21 Friday: 1 Jn 2:22-28; Ps 98:1-4; Jn 1:19-28 Tutors are needed to work in Greater New Haven, Meriden, Wallingford and the Valley. Saturday: 1 Jn 2:29 — 3:6; Ps 98:1, 3cd-6; Jn 1:29-34 The next training for new tutors starts in January, 2015. Sunday: Is 60:1-6; Ps 72:1-2, 7 -8, 10-13; Eph 3:2-3a, 5-6; Mt 2:112 Page 7 NATIONAL CATHOLIC SCHOOLS WEEK Sunday, January 25 to Saturday, January 31, 2015 National Catholic Schools Week is the annual celebration of Catholic education in the United States. It starts the last Sunday in January and runs all week, which in 2015 is January 25 - 31. Schools typically observe National Catholic Schools Week with Masses, open house and other activities for students and families. Through these events, schools focus on the value Catholic education provides to young people and its contributions to our church, our communities and our nation. Our Lady of Victory School will begin its celebration with Mass at 8:00AM on Sunday, January 25th, where several seventh grade students will read their essays sharing how happy and proud they are of their school. Mass is followed by an Open House from 9:00-12:30pm and then awards will be presented to our Science Fair Winners. The students enjoy various activities throughout the week such as: Career Day when friends and relatives come into school to speak to the students about their careers. The students enjoy a free ziti and ice cream lunch followed by Bingo. On School Spirit day students will come to school wearing the school colors of blue and gold. Grade 8 students will perform skits based on the books of Dr. Seuss to the lower grade students. All students will have free home-baked cookies. ST. JOHN VIANNEY CHURCH COOKBOOK As part of our 50th Anniversary, we will be publishing a cookbook. Now is the time to share your favorite recipes with your family and friends. We will be collecting recipes over the next few months. Please submit a sheet that contains the following information: Recipe for St. John Vianney’s 50th Anniversary Cookbook Category: Recipe Title: Ingredients: Directions: Comments: Submitted by: Telephone # to contact, if any questions: Please either drop recipe off at rectory, drop in collection basket at either church or mail to OLOV 600 Jones Hill Road, West Haven. Page 8 SJV “Church Merch” Available Go online to www.cafepress.com/sjvolov You can shop for apparel with the SJV logo Tee Jersey Hoodie Onesy Baseball hats—adjustable baseball hats in maroon with white logo are available for purchase. Stop by the “Church Merch” table at ‘Coffee And’ in the hall at SJV. SJV Christmas Ornaments on sale! Designed by Ernie Conte and made in Connecticut by Woodbury Pewter, they make a lovely gift. $10.00 each or $18.00 for two! Available at the rectory office or the parish hall for ‘Coffee And’. ST. JOHN VIANNEY - MEMORIAL BRICK WALKWAY For our 50th Anniversary, we’re selling personalized bricks. They’re 4” x 8” and may have up to three lines of text (a max of 18 characters per line). The first brick is $100, $90 for the second, and $80 for the third or more purchased. Make checks to St. John Vianney. Fill out the form, attach payment, and drop it in the collection basket or at the rectory. All forms and any questions go to Patty Boyne at (203) 934-6357 or email olovrectory@yahoo.com Print what you want engraved on the brick. One letter per box. Leave a space between each word. Give us your contact information should we have questions. Name: ______________________________________________________________ Phone: _____________________________ +++ —-OPTIONAL ART MAY BE ADDED —- +++ For $10 extra per brick, you may add an image to the brick. If so, you have only 15 characters of text per line each of the three lines. There are five options listed below. Check one options if you chose. ___ 1) Celtic Cross ____ 2) Latin Cross ___ 3) Knights of Columbus Logo ___ 4) American flag ___ 5) Rose Page 9 SUN MON 28 29 NO CCD NO CCD 5PM OLOV Rosary CO-DA Solutions-SJV 7-8PM 4 CCD-OLOV 9:45-10:45 Epiphany Party Baptismal Prep Class 11 CCD-OLOV 9:45-10:45 DECEMBER/JANUARY WED THURS TUES 30 NO CCD OLOV Choir Children 5PM Adult 7PM 5 6 CO-DA Solutions-SJV 7-8PM 12 CCD OLOV 4-5PM, 5:156:15, 6:307:30 Social Group 2-4PM OLOV 5PM OLOV Rosary Home & School Association Mtg 6:30-OLOV CO-DA Solutions-SJV 7-8PM CCD-OLOV 4-5PM 2PM Bible Study SJV 5PM OLOV Rosary 1PM SJV Rosary & Divine Mercy 9 Cub Scouts OLOV 7:00pm Liturgy Committee Meeting— Beacon 7PM Parish Social Justice Meeting— Beacon 7PM 14 15 16 5PM OLOV Rosary 1PM SJV Rosary & Divine Mercy 5PM OLOV Rosary OLOV BINGO 7:30pm 13 CCD- OLOV 4-5PM 2PM Bible Study SJV 5PM OLOV Rosary OLOV Choir Children 5PM Adult 7PM 6-8:30pm Biblical School-SJV St. Joseph Room 5PM OLOV Rosary 10 5PM OLOV Rosary OLOV Choir Children 5PM Adult 7PM 5PM OLOV Rosary 17 9:3011:30AM Diaper Bank Blood Pressure Stewardship Mtg. 6:30PM SJV OLOV BINGO 7:30pm K of C Mtg.-7:30 SJV 20 NO CCD NO CCD NO CCD Martin Luther King Jr. 2PM Bible Study SJV Blood pressure 8 5PM OLOV Rosary 19 5PM OLOV Rosary 7 Office closed Office Closes at 4:00PM 6-8:30pm Biblical School-SJV St. Joseph Room 18 Coffee and… Office closes at 4:00PM 3 SAT 9:3011:30AM Diaper Bank 5PM OLOV Rosary OLOV BINGO 7:30pm Office closes at 4:00PM 5PM OLOV Rosary 2 NEW YEARS DAY 2PM Bible Study SJV Offices closes at 4:00PM CCD OLOV 4-5PM, 5:156:15, 6:307:30 1 31 FRI 5PM OLOV Rosary OLOV Choir Children 5PM Adult 7PM 21 Martin Luther King Prayer Service 5PM OLOV Rosary 6-8:30pm Biblical School-SJV St. Joseph Room OLOV BINGO 7:30pm Page 10 22 1PM SJV Rosary & Divine Mercy 5PM OLOV Rosary 23 Science Fair in the hall 5PM OLOV Rosary 24 Science Fair in hall ZARNOWSKI POWER EQUIPMENT SALES & SERVICE Toro • Husqvarna • Echo Shindaiwa • Billy Goat • Fradan 301 Savin Avenue, West Haven PROTECTING SENIORS NATIONWIDE PUSH (203) 933-1181 TALK 24/7 HELP Visa • Mc • Amex • Discover Burns & Kelly Insurance ................... ................... Waterfront Homeowners All Types of Insurance Don Burns & Brian Kelly 1362 New Haven Ave., Milford PETALS & SCENTS FLORIST “We Deliver” ... 15 Mile Radius 203-389-2228 27 Wagner Place FREE Rose or $2 OFF WEST HAVEN 301-0409 $19.95*/Mo. + 1 FREE MONTH ANIMAL CLINIC 959 Campbell Ave. Call 934-3528 for Appt. M - F 9 - 6, Sat. 9 - 2, Sun 11 -1 Ralph L Padilla, D.V.M. 24 HR. EMERGENCY SERVICE DOMENIC’S APIZZA Pizza — Subs To Go • Calzones 18 Ocean Ave., West Haven Baybrook Shopping Center $1.00 OFF PIZZA – W/ Ad Not Good W/ Other Specials BEECHER & BENNETT 932-5353 TAYLOR FUNERAL HOME TOLL FREE: 1-877-801-8608 410 Campbell Avenue, West Haven, CT 933-8180 People who know you People you can rely on ... Today and tomorrow CONRAD D. HENNING CARMEN M. LUPOLI Serving Families of all Faiths Since 1894 Paluch Partners - a simple way for you to partner with service providers who support your parish through their sponsorship of the parish bulletin. Easily access your parish’s latest bulletin and all the sponsors who advertise. Their contribution allows parish bulletin communication to be free of charge for your parish. Support them by taking advantage of the services they provide. ➢ No Long-Term Contracts ➢ Price Guarantee ➢ A+ Rating with BBB *First Three Months Saint Margaret Sunday Missal al ompanion n o s r Pe rC Your Praye through 2030 Designed to be Dairy Queen Readings • Reflections • Prayers 1363 New Haven Av., Milford In Stock & Ready to Order Today. CALL OR ORDER ONLINE. Ice Cream Cakes Made Daily $39.95 Open Year Round 800-566-6150 • www.wlpmusic.com 877-6506 Try Our Blizzard of the month Advertising Sales DO YOU HAVE SALES EXPERIENCE AND ENJOY CALLING ON LOCAL BUSINESSES? WE MAY HAVE AN IDEAL POSITION FOR YOU. $55K to $60K earning potential www.PALUCHPARTNERS.com WEST HAVEN FUNERAL HOME, INC. 203-934-7921 BECOME AN ADVERTISING SALESPERSON FOR J.S. PALUCH COMPANY, NATIONAL PUBLISHER OF CHURCH BULLETINS. • Excellent Commission Compensation Program • Medical Benefits, 401K, Life & Disability Insurance Available If interested, call Bob Bober 1.800.524.0263 x209 or email resume to boberr@jspaluch.com Pre-Plan and Pre-Pay www.jspaluch.com Your Pre-Arrangements reflect your wishes and the cost of your selections. Pre-Plan so that someone you love EMMETT’S AUTO SERVICE 203-934-7251 does not have to guess what choices to make. COMPLETE AUTO BODY & SERVICE F RED ’ S A UTO SERVICE, LLC Do this today, not tomorrow. 24 HOUR TOWING General Repairs & Service Do this together, not alone. Towing 184 CAMPBELL AVENUE Nello J. Pinzi 511595 Our Lady of Victory Church (B) Celia L. Pinzi www.jspaluch.com 934-3100 Fax 934-7401 244 Platt Ave. West Haven, CT FRED WILLIAMS For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-524-0263 JIMMIES NESTOR RADZISZEWSKI RESTAURANT MARYWEICHERT REALTORS A Name to Know A Name to Trust PORTO FUNERAL HOME 5 Rock St. West Haven, Savin Rock 203-934-3212 ® REGIONAL PROPERTIES 795-2389 WINKLE BUS CO. OF WEST HAVEN, CT School & Charter Bus. Service 815 Derby - Milford Rd., Orange 203-795-3112 203-878-6912 — 203-934-9243 830 Jones Hill Road/West Haven 934-5000 Offering assistance with Pre-Planning BEFORE and Pre-Financing Burials ~ Cremation AFTER Family Owned & Operated • Deal Directly with the Owner Directors: Our friendly staff will handle all the details. AnneMarie Porto DeLucia 234 Foxon Road Clement L. DeLucia East Haven, CT Albert M. 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Deposit of only $100 per person will reserve your cabin. Space is limited. Thanks and God Bless, Brian or Sally, coordinators 860.399.1785 an Official Travel Agency of AOS-USA Keenan Funeral Home 238 Elm Street • Est. 1898 • West Haven • 933-1217 511595 Our Lady of Victory Church (A) www.jspaluch.com For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-524-0263
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