FALCONER CENTRAL SCHOOL Home of the Golden Falcons Upcoming Events: October: 10: Conference Day (No School) 11: SAT Test @ Jamestown H.S. 13: Columbus Day (No School) 15: PSAT Test (Juniors) 16: Homecoming Parade @ 6 p.m. Bonfire following parade MS/HS Progress Reports Fenner Pictures 17: Homecoming Game @ 7 p.m. 18: Dance @ 8-11 p.m. 21: Board of Education Meeting @ Temple, 7:30 p.m. 22: Flu Shots @ Fenner, 2-5 p.m. 24: MS/HS Picture Retakes 25: ACT Test @ JCC 30: Temple Pictures November: 4: Board of Education Meeting @ MS/HS 7:30 p.m. 7: Elementary Schools 1/2 Day End of 1st Marking Period MS Play @ HS Aud 7:30 p.m. 8: SAT Testing @ Fredonia H.S. MS Play @ HS Aud 2:30 p.m. 10: Conference Day (No School) 11: Veterans’ Day (No School) District Newsletter THE FALCON October 2014 Welcome, New Faculty and Staff!! Mrs. Sonya Bingham Bus Driver II District Mrs. Holly Brainard AIS Teacher Temple Miss Michelle Buccola AIS Teacher Temple Mr. Michael Herdzik Bus Driver II District Mr. Gary Gilbert Principal Fenner Miss Andrea Matecki Teaching Assistant Middle/High School Mrs. Sandra Sharpe Kindergarten Teacher Temple Miss Joni Thomas Teaching Assistant Fenner Mrs. Alicia Brandi 2nd Grade Teacher Temple Mrs. Holly Hannon Principal Temple Mr. Brett Muscarella Special Education Teacher Middle/High School Mrs. Sarah Wagner Social Worker District THE FALCON Stephen M. Penhollow Superintendent Board of Education President Todd Beckerink Vice President Cathleen Kimball Members Gordon Buck Robert Carpenter Tom Frederes Jennifer Ribaudo Jamie Zaranek Administration & Supervision Superintendent Stephen Penhollow High School Principal Jeffrey Jordan Middle School Principal Terry English Fenner Elementary Principal Gary Gilbert Temple Elementary Principal Holly Hannon School Psychologist Ashly Warner Business Executive & Purchasing Agent Brent Agett Director of Special Education Julie Possai Director of Instruction & Staff Development Judith Roach Building & Grounds Supervisor Randy Ingrao Transportation Supervisor Scott Peterson Coordinator of District Data Judith Roach Falconer Central School 2 East Avenue North Falconer, NY 14733 (716)665-6624 FCS Superintendent’s Letter 2 As we have now entered into this new school year, we hope to build on the many successes we had across the District last year, while continuing to build toward our new challenges. This past summer has allowed us to prepare for and welcome our new administrative staff. We want to inform you of our administrative changes and also welcome our new Principals. Mr. Gary Gilbert has been appointed to the position of Harvey C. Fenner Elementary Principal. Mrs. Holly Hannon, who previously served as Paul B.D. Temple Reading Specialist, has been appointed to the position of Paul B.D. Temple Elementary Principal. Mrs. Judy Roach, who previously served as Paul B.D. Temple Elementary Principal, has moved to the position of Director of Instruction and Staff Development. Education continues to change throughout our state, and we have worked very hard this summer to prepare to meet these ever changing challenges in standards and assessments. There is a lot of work involved in adapting the Learning Standards, as well as all the lesson plans, units and resources that were previously used. This will continue to require professional development for our teachers and administrators as they work to provide a rigorous instructional program and meet these mandates. We will continue to build on the success we developed through the use of instructional strategies that were implemented to keep our students engaged in their learning. We will continue to develop lessons designed to provide higher level thinking skills and writing across the curriculum. The District will again use i-Ready as our Kindergarten–Grade 8 adaptive diagnostic tool for Reading and Mathematics that pinpoints student needs down to the sub-skill level, and ongoing progress monitoring shows whether students are on track to achieve end-of-year targets. Teacher-Led Instruction provides rigorous, ongrade-level instruction and practice with additional downloadable lessons to help meet individual student or small group needs. We will continue to use pre-assessment exams designed to help teachers have a better idea of what concepts students are familiar with and what areas will need additional focus. We have used previous instructional outcomes and data to allow us to make some significant reductions in our pre-assessment exams. The preassessment results will still serve as a guide and will also assist in directing instruction to help improve student learning. Progress will still be measured at interim points and also at the end of the year by post-assessment tests, as well as the annual State and Regents’ Assessments. If you have not been to the website lately, please take the time to view it. We have added directions for PowerAnnouncement, our automated parent notification system that Falconer Central School District has implemented. Parents are able to log in to the PowerSchool Parent Portal and determine how they want to be contacted for General Announcement, Attendance Alerts, School Cancellation Messages and Lunch Balance Alerts as well as monitoring their children’s grades and attendance. We want the community to share in the school’s accomplishments and activities. You can find many pictures and news updates at our site. We continue to add highlights to the website each week. Please visit our website at www.falconerschools.org! We certainly have a lot of work to do, but we are a great District with great teachers and great support. Together, we will achieve great things. Stephen M. Penhollow, Superintendent spenhollow@falcon.wnyric.org October 2014 www.falconerschools.org THE FALCON High School JCC Credit Courses at FCS Annual Fruit Sale There are 75 students from Falconer Central School that are taking at least one JCC credit course this year. Five of these students are involved in the new online JCC independent study course in Psychology. Two of these students are taking the new Virtual Advanced Placement course in Music Theory, and Twenty-Four of these students are enrolled in our own AP Government and Economics class. Falconer After-Prom has started its annual Fruit Sale. It started September 10th and ends on October 25th. If anyone is interested in buying grapefruit or oranges see a Junior or Senior student. You may also place orders by calling Rosie Digirolamo at 665-6624 (press #1). 3 This all amounts to: 75 different students enrolled in college credited courses and 167 total individual college credit course enrollments including the AP courses. These students do not get credit granted to them until they pass the given exam with an http://www.questionswelcomed.com/ approved score. uploads/images/jcc%20logo.gif Spanish 2 Classes The 10th graders of Spanish 2 started this school year off with a challenge. Their challenge was to identify at least 20 Spanish speaking countries on a map and name their capitals. You can also try your mapping skills at: http://www.purposegames.com/game/spanish-speakingcountries-quiz Classes Utilize Schoology College Consortium Students in grades eighth through twelfth, in a variety of classes, are using the Online Learning Environment, Schoology. In these classes, Schoology allows the teacher to post assignments, messages, and assessments to students. Students are able to hand-in assignments, ask questions, have teacher facilitated discussions, and take assessments. Schoology models other Online Learning Environments that students may encounter as they continue their education after high school. It also allows classes the ability to be almost paperless. In early September, 16 many colleges from the Western New York region visited our Juniors and Seniors. Students visited with college representatives. Teachers gave words of encouragement on the types of questions that students should ask the college recruiters. https://www.schoology.com/images/schoology_thumbnail.png FCS October 2014 www.falconerschools.org THE FALCON Sports & Clubs Key-Builders Club The Key Club and Builders Club will be combining their efforts this year to raise funds for Chautauqua County Humane Society's annual "Walk4Paws" campaign. Some of the members may be coming around to ask for donations, but if you would like to donate, email Mrs. Cheney at lcheney@falcon.wnyric.org. You can also donate online. Key Club members also sold baked goods at this year's Falconer Rotary Chicken BBQ. Proceeds from the sale will help Key Club continue to do good works for their school and community. Falconer Marching Band Golden-Cougars Take The Field! The positivity and pressure of our varsity coaching staff have helped to recreate two athletic programs and become the glue to making a single sports family both on and off the field. Since summer practices, and going to a free football camp thanks to the efforts, support and team work of both athletic booster clubs, the team has merged together in more ways than simply on the field. The players have formed friendships, and rely on one another. With a season, already looking more successful than the past year for both schools, the merger has been proven to be one based on nothing but the efforts of the coaches to bring back the Falconer and Cassadaga boys’ varsity programs; showing that effort, dedication, and willingness to band together for a single purpose, any goal can be reached. The merger should be considered nothing less than a success. The Falconer Marching Band worked throughout the summer in order to prepare for the fall competition season and the home football game half time shows. They took 1st place at their first competition against other Western New York and Pennsylvania bands at the Jamestown Pageant of the Bands with the highest start up score in recent years. The band is now ranked in 2nd place in the state for small schools. The band won the NYS title in 2001 and 2002 and is working hard this year to finish as one of the top 3 bands in the state or better yet win the NYS title back!!! FCS 4 Honor Society Helping Honorable Causes Falconer Honor Society already has had a great start to their 2014-2015 year. Students are choosing to get involved in their school and community. Six students recently volunteered their time and also donated to the “Out of the Darkness” suicide prevention walk, held at Tracey Plaza. Pictured left to right are Morgan S, Kaylei R, Erin R, Isabella B, Carrie B, and Emma B. There is no limit to the potential of this group of seniors! October 2014 www.falconerschools.org THE FALCON Middle School New 8TH Grade Module Book Fair q Common Core is implemented in Falconer’s Eighth Grade English Classes. This new curriculum is set up with modules. The modules are divided into many units. A way that Eighth Grade English Teacher, Miss Main, is incorporating the new guidelines to her classroom is through the book Inside Out and Back Again by Thanhha Lai. She will be connecting http://www.litstack.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/12/ the book to the first lai-thanhha-inside-out-and-back-again.jpg lesson of unit one that engages students through the Fall of Saigon. Q The Middle/High School Scholastic Book Fair was held in the Media Center, September 1824. The fair featured many popular books and provided a great opportunity for students to get excited about reading. The fair benefits our school library with a percentage of sales used to buy new books. People have generously donated to Scholastic's One for Books program. This provides the double benefit of allowing our library to make a purchase with whatever money is collected as well as Scholastic will also donate the number of books matching our donation amount to a school in need of reading materials. Student Council Q Student Council representatives are looking forward to an outstanding year of making a difference in our community and school. Council Reps held a campaign speech rally on October 6, complete with patriotic music from some of our High School Band members. Reps will be choosing class themes and designing our class t-shirts, and all interested students will have a chance to create a class design. Each class will vote on their favorite submission. At the end of the October, they will holding an annual pumpkin decorating contest. If you have pumpkins you can donate, please email the advisor, Ms. Plumb, at mplumb@falcon.wnyric.org. They will also hold a community service project this Fall, raking leaves for those who need help in the community near the school. If you know of someone that can benefit from this service, please email Ms. Plumb. Finally, the Middle School will hold an October fundraiser, selling SaveAround coupon books worth $7,500 in savings, for only $20 each. This fundraiser will help pay for student activities, programs and field trips. FCS 5 October 2014 The Seuss Odyssey On September 23, Middle school students auditioned for a chance to be in the Falcon Productions Fall Middle School Comedy Play “The Seuss Odyssey”. This Don Zolidis play is the Dr. Seuss version of the Greek drama the Odyssey. Directed by Mrs. April Binkley and Miss Jennifer Fisher, the show will be presented in the High School Auditorium on November 7 at 7:30 pm and November 8 at 2:30 pm. f SUPPORT DRAMA AT FCS! www.falconerschools.org THE FALCON Fenner P.T.O. Sponsored October 7 was a day to remember when the Harlem Wizards returned to the Falconer School District. This year was the last year for Tojo, a veteran Wizards member, after 50 years of service. The Falcon Team included three high school students plus the veteran staff players from last year. All around it was a great evening. http://olentangyrotaryclub.org/wp-content/uploads/2014/01/Main-Logo-Low-Res-web.jpg Raising Monarchs Library Card Sign Up On September 15th, the Fenner A.I.S. teachers held an assembly celebrating Library Card Sign Up month. They explained the importance of owning a library card and also read the book Library Lil by Suzanne Williams. The A.I.S. teachers challenged all students and staff to get a "smart" card of their own. Between September 16th and September 30th, students and staff that brought their library card to school, received a small prize. Classes that had 100% participation received a special surprise party. To learn more about Library Card Sign Up Month, visit www.falconerschools.org/elementary. FCS Harlem Wizards Playground Installed The students in Ms. Bloomquist's fifth grade have been raising monarch caterpillars. They had 23 caterpillars at the beginning of school. Monarchs eat milkweed, and the students have watched them eat and eat until they turned into chrysalises. Many of the monarchs have already changed into butterflies. The class was 6 lucky enough to see a couple of butterflies emerge from their chrysalises. This year, the class tagged the butterflies and sent the information to "Monarch Watch". If anyone finds a butterfly during its migration to Mexico, the class will hear back from the organization and find out how far the butterflies flew. Students Studying Rocks & Minerals q The students in Mrs. Garrison and Mrs. Pawlak's classes have been studying rocks and minerals. The students learned how to look at the different properties of the rocks and minerals to help classify them into groups. October 2014 EmmaLeeann, Nicolas, Emily, Ethan www.falconerschools.org THE FALCON Temple Temple’s New Welcome The Spectacle at Temple This school year, the PTO gifted Temple with 2 new welcome signs. Temple proudly displayed their signs in the flower beds outside the front of the school as a great way to welcome back the students and the staff at the beginning of the new school year. Temple’s new AIS Teacher, Holly Brainard has created an inspiring new display in the hall at Temple. She titled it “Make a Spectacle of Yourself” and began taking pictures of various staff members at Temple. She even took a picture of Superintendent, Steve Penhollow, in the spectacles reading a book. Temple Fundraises for After Prom Temple’s Reading Encouragement Mrs. Conlan’s class is holding a Smencil sale to benefit the After Prom. Students in Temple Elementary will be able to go to her class room from 3:00-3:15 to purchase their Smencils for $1.00. Julian is really excited to sell these scented pencils! http://www.ilovefundraising.com/catalog/images/images_big/ Smencils_Pencil_PTO_Fundraising.jpg Temple’s display case welcomed back students with encouraging words about reading. This display inspired Julian, a student from Mrs. Conlan’s class, to become the “Popcorn” man. Julian makes popcorn for the faculty and staff to enjoy every morning, he even delivers it. Growing Gardens at Temple The students in Mrs. Long’s UPK class went outside to investigate the mysterious things growing in the garden they planted. It is a round and green object that is attached to a vine. Some students say it is a pumpkin, while others say it’s a watermelon. The class will continue investigating and watch it grow to see what it will turn into. FCS 7 Temple’s Math Night Temple is hosting a parent night on October 21st. This night will be focused just on Math. Times for the workshops on the 21st are as follows: Kindergarten: 3:30 p.m.— 4:15 p.m. Second Grade: 4:30 p.m.— 5:15 p.m. First Grade: 5:30 p.m.— 6:15 p.m. AIS: 6:30 p.m.— 7:15 p.m. October 2014 www.falconerschools.org THE FALCON Mission Statement The Board of Education, collective staff, and community of the Falconer School District are committed to preparing our children to be productive members of society, through continuous evaluation and improvement, this partnership will a quality educational environment for students to meet the graduation requirements. Alma Mater Falconer High School here’s to you best in the land. ‘Neath the old gold and blue, we will proudly take our stand in classroom study, field, or track with you dear as our guide, no honor ever shall you lack. We’ll win your pride. Back Cover 8 Falconer Cheerleaders Cheer on the V.F.D. Tammy Yager, Falconer firefighters, and several Falconer High School Varsity Football Cheerleaders visited H.C. Fenner Elementary on Safety Day. Ms. Yager talked with the students about fire safety and fire prevention. A key component of the presentation was to have students see and hear what the firemen look and sound like when they enter a building or home. Firefighter Jason Lynn and daughters. Ms. Yager stressed the importance of fresh batteries in home smoke detectors. Working Smoke Alarms Save Lives; Test Yours Every Month! Several of the varsity football cheerleaders attended, the presentation and performed various cheers affiliated with fire safety and fire prevention. Order Your Falconaire Yearbook Simply click on the link shown here to place your order. You will be given the option to pay for the order in full or set up installment payments. Don’t delay...the current price of $55 will only be available until December 1. Newsletter Produced by... Falconer Ranks Fifth Early in September the employees of the school district battled in the county wide YMCA Battle of the Businesses. Falconer showed some improvement from the year before, taking 5th place overall and not to far behind the top three. They also managed two first place finishes in the 800 Medley Relay and the Expresso Bike Relay. The team also finished second in the 2-Mile Run and Dodgeball, and the Women’s Golf and Table Tennis finished third. Attention Falconer Central School Alumni Justin Gould and Elizabeth Hanson Desktop Publishing Students Instructed by Miss. Fisher Educational Technology Specialist FCS New this year, we will be displaying FCS alumni information in the Middle/High School Lobby. It is our hope that past graduates will share their accomplishments, activities, and other happenings since their graduation from FCS. If you would like to submit information for display, visit our website, www.falconerschools.org, to access the fillable form or contact Julie Zahm at jzahm@falcon.wnyric.org. October 2014 www.falconerschools.org
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