We Believe That God’s Plan For Our Church Is That We Become . . . Excellence Experiencing Expounding Extending A Church of God and His family, October 9, 2014 His Word, the and Beacon in Dr. David W. Spencer His Kingdom. davids@fbcmilton.org Shining the Light of Christ for Over 150 Years “I LOVE MY CHURCH” First Baptist Church 6797 Caroline Street Milton, FL 32570 Office/Prayer Line FAX On the Web 850-623-3122 www.fbcmilton.org 850-626-0582 The Morning Worship service is recorded and broadcast on WEGS-91.7 FM at 12:00 p.m. every Sunday. SUNDAY - October 12, 2014 8:30a First Cup Opens 9:15a Sunday School 10:30a Morning Worship (Sanctuary) 11:30a First Cup Opens 4:45p Bible Drills 4th & 5th Grade (The Way) L.I.F.E. Leadership Training (Bamberg Chapel) 5:00p Student Choir (Choir Room) 5:30p First Cup Opens AWANA (Gym) Church Nursery Opens (Bldg. C) 6:00p Evening Worship (Sanctuary) MONDAY – October 13, 2014/Columbus Day 10:30a Senior Aerobics (Gym) 6:00p First Touch Outreach (FLC) WEDNESDAY – October 15, 2014 10:30a Senior Aerobics (Gym) 4:45p Wednesday Night Supper with Super Supper Club 5:15p First Cup Opens 5:30p Church Nursery Open WorshipQuest (Preschool Bldg. B and The Way) Adult Bible Studies (Bldg. E) Financial Peace (Bamberg Chapel) 5:45p Prayer Meeting (Sanctuary) Youth Activities (FLC) 6:00p NEXT Young Adult Bible Study (Upstairs, Bldg. B) 6:30p Celebrate Recovery (Prayer Room) 7:00p Stewardship Committee Mtg. (Bldg. E) Childcare for Celebration Choir (Bldg. C) 7:05p Celebration Choir & Orchestra Rehearsal THURSDAY – October 16, 2014 9:30a Ladies’ Bible Study (First Cup) 11:00a XYZ Luncheon/Randy & Kathy Jackson (FLC) 1:30p SRBA 107th Annual Session (Pine Level Baptist Church) FRIDAY – October 17, 2014 10:30a Senior Aerobics (Gym) SATURDAY – October 18, 2014 9:00a Choir Rehearsal Until Noon (Sanctuary) SUNDAY - October 19, 2014 8:30a First Cup Opens 9:15a Sunday School 10:30a Morning Worship (Sanctuary) 11:30a First Cup Opens 4:30p Intercessory Prayer Committee Mtg. (Bldg. E) 4:45p Bible Drills 4th & 5th Grade (The Way) L.I.F.E. Leadership Training (Bamberg Chapel) 5:00p Student Choir (Choir Room) 5:30p First Cup Opens AWANA (Gym) Church Nursery Opens (Bldg. C) 6:00p Evening Worship (Sanctuary) MONDAY – October 20, 2014 10:30a Senior Aerobics (Bamberg Chapel) WEDNESDAY – October 22, 2014 10:30a Senior Aerobics (Gym) 4:45p Wednesday Night Supper with Super Supper Club 5:15p First Cup Opens 5:30p Church Nursery Open WorshipQuest ((Preschool Bldg. B and The Way) Adult Bible Studies (Bldg. E) Financial Peace (Bamberg Chapel) 5:45p Prayer Meeting (Sanctuary) Youth Activities (FLC) 6:00p NEXT Young Adult Bible Study (Upstairs, Bldg. B) 6:30p Celebrate Recovery (Prayer Room) 7:00p Childcare for Celebration Choir (Bldg. C) 7:05p Celebration Choir & Orchestra Rehearsal THURSDAY – October 23, 2014 9:30a Ladies’ Bible Study (First Cup) 5:00p Fall Festival Until 6:30p (Paved Parking Lot) FRIDAY – October 24, 2014 10:30a Senior Aerobics (Bamberg Chapel) The 2014 edition of “I Love My Church” has come and gone. It was a wonderful day at FBC with good crowds, good music, a baptismal service, 4 new members, a great lunch, and fun time in the afternoon! I think you really do love your church! Thanks to Debbie Bassett and the Hospitality Team for an incredible job cooking and serving lunch. I don’t know how you do it. Thanks to our wonderful staff for planning and carrying out a fun program after lunch. Thank you for coming and bringing friends and relatives with you. We were hoping to have the new pictorial directories in time to hand out to you at the end. We held our breaths but they arrived on Thursday. I hope you enjoy them and learn the names of many more people in your church family. We are publishing the picture I took at the end of the service as a reminder of what a blessed day it was! DWS & Administrator’s Article Minister of Education Children’s Ministry Church Administrator Minister of Education and Outreach Director of Children’s Ministry bobl@fbcmilton.org gnichols@fbcmilton.org elaineg@fbcmilton.org Rev. Bob Lowe What a great day. Special thanks to all who made I Love My Church Sunday a great day! Thanks to Debbie, Randy and the hospitality committee for the hard work and usual delicious meal and to those who helped cook! Thanks to Mr. Technology, Bo and the youth who participated, Elaine for everything, Gary and the Sunday School Teachers, Kenneth for coordinating the photo booth, and to our greeters/ushers for being the welcoming, smiling folks they are. You really do make it easy to love my church! Sunday, October 26 Church Council Meeting 4:00 p.m. in the FLC Sunday, October 26 Church Business Meeting 7:00 p.m. Business Meeting. Agenda: Approval of Aug 10, 2014 Business Meeting Minutes Approval of Apr, May, Jun 2014 Report of the Ministries Review and Approval of Sep 2014 Financial Statement Purchase Tankless Water Heater for the FLC from Budget Investment ($2,800) Purchase Piano from Budget Investment ($6,700) 2015 Budget Schedule (Tentative) Nov 2 Stewardship Chair/ Administrator present budget to Deacons Nov 17 Stewardship Chair/ Administrator present budget to Trustees Nov 23-Dec 3 Advance copy of budget to Congregation Dec 3 Budget Discussion Dec 14 Budget vote Dr. Gary Nichols Elaine Gillis I Love My Church “Staff” Kudos to Elaine, Bo, Bob, and Kenneth for their incredible creativity you saw demonstrated in the gym décor and the after-lunch games. Thanks to you: 478 Studied God’s Word in Sunday School and 643 were in worship. Check the church’s Face Book page (www. facebook.com/pages/First-Baptist-Church -of-Milton-FL/168283473219741) to see a random photo sampling of the day’s activities. It’s that cupcake and candy time of year at First Baptist Fall Festival Thursday, October 23, 2014 eXtra Years of Zest XYZ lunch, October 16, will be a double header with Randy & Kathy Jackson telling about their missionary adventures and Dr. & Mrs. John (& Nancy) Sullivan. Dr. Sullivan recently announced his retirement as Executive Director of the Florida Baptist Convention. He is in town for the Santa Rosa Baptist Association’s Annual Meeting, so we invited them to join us for lunch. Please register for lunch by calling the church office, 623-3122, send an e-mail to beverly@fbcmilton.org, or sign up in your Sunday School classes. To be good stewards, Mighty Chef Debbie needs to know how many to prepare for. 5:00 p.m. p.m.--6:30 p.m. We need cupcakes & candy for the children Day Trippin’ Delta Safari November 6 A guided pontoon boat tour of 5 rivers of the Mobile Delta. See wildlife: birds, alligators, and XYZ’ers. Cost: $19, depart church 9:00 a.m.; Dutch treat lunch at one of the fine seafood restaurants on the causeway; tour Malbis Greek Orthodox Church; return to church around 5:00 p.m. The boat holds 42. Snacks may be taken on board. Please place your candy, individually wrapped, in the lower gallery of the sanctuary (if you haven’t brought your candy yet please bring it as soon as possible) Bring your cupcakes Thursday morning, October 23, by 10 a.m. to the Church Office. November 15 Russ & Richard in Concert FBC Robertsdale, Supper at Lamberts, Leave church at 3:30p and return by 9:30p Sow the Seed of the Gospel to the ends of the earth Name Change (FBC Mission Statement) XZY is coming. The Z Notes planning team will bring a report at the October 16 luncheon. Community activities To obtain information about senior adult activities at the Milton Community Center, go to www.facebook.com/ SeniorsinMilton. Happy October Birthdays to the following staff members: Congrats Congratulations to Cherry Magura, who leads First Milton’s Debbie Bassett October 6 senior aerobics, for being preGene Clark October 15 sented with a Gold Star by the Central Santa Rosa Ministerial Fellowship. The gold Star recog2014 Church Directories nizes her “living embodiment of ...have arrived. Those whose the biblical passage Mark 12:31.” pictures appear in the directory are eligible to receive a directory. Yours Cherry is noted for her work with senior citizens in our community. may be picked up in the church By being a part of Operation Christmas Child Boxes will be available for pick up this Wednesday evening Average cost to pack a box is $10-15 per box plus $7per box for shipping office or in the Sanctuary Lower Gallery following Sunday worship services. Time Change! Saturday night November 2 Linking arms with you in service and love, Gary SHOEBOX DEADLINE is Sunday, November 16, 2014 October Supper Menus Oct. 8th – Baked Ham, Green Beans, Hash Brown Casserole, Carrot Salad, Rolls, Salad Bar, Assorted Desserts Children’s Menu: Corn Dogs, Chips, Cookies Deacon Supper Delivery October Greeters Beverly Bassett Ann Callaway Oct. 15th – Chicken Spaghetti, English Peas, Honey-Butter Carrots, Rolls Salad Bar, Triple Chocolate Cake Children’s Menu: Ham/Turkey & Cheese Sandwiches, Chips, Cookies Larametta Harvell XYZ Oct, 16th – Roast Beef, Oven Roasted Potatoes, Green Beans, Fall Spinach Salad, Sweet Corn Chowder, Rolls Baked Apples, Bread Pudding with Vanilla Sauce Clayton Perry October 22nd – Breakfast at Suppertime! Glenda Weekley Carolyn Jones Sandra McFall Pat Walters October 29th – BBQ Pork Loin, Garlic & Cheese Mashed Potatoes with Crispy Onions, Steamed Broccoli, Baby Carrots, Salad Bar Dessert: Root Beer or Coke Floats, Homemade Cookies Children’s Menu: Grilled Cheese Sandwiches & Chips firsttouch u t r e a c Oct 29 Tracy Allen Jim Bates Lamar Faulkner Erwin Huerkamp Oct 15 Kevin Arrant Max Williams Richard Wingate Nov 5 Tom Garrett Dee Bell Ray Smith Oct 22 Kevin Balderson Bill Timlin Joe Moberly Joey Moberly Ernestine Williams o Oct 8 David Squires Kevin Arrant Richard Wingate Bill Timlin h Monday, October 13 at 6:00 p.m. in the Family Life Center. October Food Drive The Food Pantry team is preparing a Special Thanksgiving Box For EVERY family we serve Items Needed : Cake Mix Cake Frosting Candied Yams Mashed Potatoes Pie Filling Pie Crust Cranberry Sauce Stove Top Chicken Broth Stuffing Gravy Mix “In every way I’ve shown you that by laboring like this, it is necessary to help the weak and to keep in mind the words of the Lord Jesus, for He said, ‘It is more blessed to give than to receive.’” Acts 20:35 HCSV Dear Soul Warriors, Thank-you for helping me with my yard, steps and wheelchair ramp. Kitty Mitchell Dear Church Family, Thank you for your prayers, food and flowers during my mother’s funeral. I would also like to thank mine and my mother’s Sunday school classes (Fidelis and GIRL Time) for all the love, support and prayers. A special thank you to Brother Spencer for the wonderful Celebration on Life service for my mother. Joyce Campbell Dear Church Family, Charlotte and I would like to thank everyone for the prayers, visits and food. Clayton & Charlotte Perry Dear Church Family & Friends, I want to thank you all for your concern & support during and after my bilateral knee surgery. Your visits, calls, cards and especially your prayers, have been so comforting and encouraging. Please continue to remember me in your prayers as I go thru my out-patient therapy. (Thank you Joy SS Class for the visits, flowers and CHOCOLATE!) It is such a blessing to have a church family that truly does care! God bless you all! God bless you all! Mary Arnold `xÅÉÜ|tÄá Dear FBC Milton, 08-24-2014 The Kinney Family would like to thank you for your hospitality and kindness during the week of our stay at your facility. Our situation gets better and better each day and with your thoughts and prayers God will continue to be on our side. Thank You and God Bless Mary Kinney & Family Dear Church Family, Thank you so much for the flowers, cards, thoughts and prayers you have shown our family in this very sad time. We will miss our daughter, sister and aunt but find comfort knowing she is in God’s hands now. The family of Debbie Downs FBC Milton WMU, Dear Friends: Now that school is about to start up again, we recall all the blessings our friends, like yourself, have provided this summer. Needless to say, because of your support, our children have been able to have a normal summer. Thank you so much for your generous contribution of Campbell soup labels that we will use toward much needed items for the children & campus. Your support will soon be impacting our boys and girls in the most wonderful ways. All the Children, staff, and trustees join me in saying thanks. Sincerely, Tania Wilson, MS Director of Regional Ministries To My Church Friends, I would like to give many thanks to those that have sent meals, cards, flowers & calls during my down time after my foot surgery. I have had to wear a cast and be in a wheelchair for 5 weeks so far and have 1 1/2 weeks to go. I don’t even get to get out of the house unless someone takes me. I don’t know what the Dr. has in store for the next step. We’ll know more on the 24th. Many of you that sent me birthday greetings on Facebook probably didn't know I’ve been out for awhile, but I want you to know it brightened my day. By the way Brother David, you are a blessing!!!!! Jody Connatser FBC Family, Thank you for all the calls & cards during the passing of George. The meal prepared for us before the funeral was wonderful. Thanks for the beautiful peace lily, too. We love you and appreciate your kindness. The Jordan Family To the members and angels of Milton FBC, Thank you all very much for the donation toward my purchase of a handicap van. It has provided me with the last bit of independence available to me as I struggle with the symptoms of MS. Sincerely, Andrea Miller Please welcome these new members to our church family and fellowship: By Letter: Dwayne Davis Melanie Davis Debra Long Donna Long Michael Borntrager Joanna Borntrager 8-24 8-24 8-31 8-31 10-5 10-5 Baptisms: Clint Morrow Jocelyn Morrow Natalie Morrow Janet Gordon Lilyanne Barnes Lola Wilson 9-14 9-14 9-14 10-5 10-5 10-5 Candidate for Baptism: Shon Carithers 9-14 Profession of Faith: Kitty Wilson Darkias Berry 9-7 10-5 Rededication: Jonathan Spencer 9-28 By Statement: Christopher Nichols 10-5 Wednesday Night Supper In HONOR of: Debbie and Randy Bassett Given by: Doris Kingry Max Williams Danny Worrell Jacob Jordan In HONOR of: Adrian Wingate Given by: Robert and Theresa Smith In HONOR of: John Guidy Given by: Robert and Theresa Smith In HONOR of: Linda Riley Given by: Doris Kingry Men’s Ministry In HONOR of: Peggy Turman Given by: Doris Kingry In HONOR of: Mary Hollingsworth Given by: Doris Kingry In HONOR of: Sissy and Lamar Faulkner Given by: Doris Kingry 08-31-2014 Men’s Ministry In MEMORY of: Scott Ralston Given by: Steve and Sharon Kator Benevolence In Memory of: Debbie Downs Given by: Ed and Brenda Nixon In Memory of: Debbie Downs Given by: Melinda McCreless 09-07-2014 Sight and Sound In MEMORY of: Jim McDaniel Given by: Mel Burklow In MEMORY of: Jim McDaniel Given by: Herbert and Gynelle Lundy Benevolence In Memory of: Irene Barnes Given by: Herbert and Gynelle Lundy Food Pantry In Memory of: Irene Barnes Given by: Aleta Millham MAF In Memory of: Jimmie Willhoit Given by: Herbert and Gynelle Lundy 09-14-2014 State Missions In HONOR of: Mildred and Bubba Fisher Given by: Charles and Lucille Ward In MEMORY of: Randy Brown Given by: Charles and Lucille Ward Children’s Ministry In HONOR of: Adrian Wingate Given by: Clyde Gracey Joash In MEMORY of: Peggy Campbell Given by: Lamar and Sissy Faulkner 09-28-2014 Student Ministry In MEMORY of: Ed Peacher Given by: John and Alice Guidy In MEMORY of: Ed Peacher Given by: Steve and Jackie Belgau In MEMORY of: Ed Peacher Given by: Bob and Margaret Fowlkes In MEMORY of: Ed Peacher Given by: Meale and Denise Sharitz In MEMORY of: Ed Peacher Given by: Lillian Pleasant In MEMORY of: Ed Peacher Given by: Pam and Nancy Tresia In MEMORY of: Ed Peacher Given by: Mark and Martha Fricks In MEMORY of: Ed Peacher Given by: David and Laine Sheppard In MEMORY of: Ed Peacher Given by: Paul and Glenda Fitzgerald In MEMORY of: Ed Peacher Given by: Michael Ledet In MEMORY of: Ed Peacher Given by: Daniel Hogan In MEMORY of: Ed Peacher Given by: Clyde Gracey In MEMORY of: Ed Peacher Given by: Lamar and Sissy Faulkner In MEMORY of: Ed Peacher Given by: James W. Hudson In MEMORY of: Ed Peacher Given by: Mel and Faye Burklow In MEMORY of: Ed Peacher Given by: Melinda McCreless In MEMORY of: Ed Peacher Given by: Gene, Shawn, and Easton Cook In MEMORY of: Debbie Downs Given by: Donna and Debbie Long In MEMORY of: Debbie Downs Given by: Mike and Agnes Long October Cart Drivers Summer Mission Team In HONOR of: Ernestine Williams Given by: Doris Kingry Food Pantry Oct 12 08:45 & 10:00 Oct 19 08:45 & 10:00 Oct 26 08:45 & 10:00 09-14-2014 continued In MEMORY of: Leon Hinote Given by: Robert and Theresa Smith In MEMORY of: Bill Birdsong Given by: Robert and Theresa Smith Food Pantry In MEMORY of: Ed Peacher Given by: Robert Hocker In MEMORY of: Rhoten and Jimmie Willhoit Given by: Robert Hocker Trantham Fund In MEMORY of: Ed Peacher Given by: Fisher-Brown-Fischer Class
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